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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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so that other women know they are not alone, so they see what they can be in the future.
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the message from one leading voice in the industry encouraging more women to pursue a similar career. new developments in the middle east as the u.s. pushes for a cease-fire, and we are in washington with a white house proposal lifting hopes overnight for an end to the war in gaza. details on the incoming wave of cameras and how they believe it can actually help turn the tide. this is "today in the bay." good morning to you on this thursday. i am marcus washington let's stretch and get into the day. i am laura garcia. let's start out with the forecast with meteorologist, kari hall. >> we are starting out with a few clouds and mild temperatures, but it will be another beautiful day. let's take a look at where we are starting. it's 55 in oakland. 53 in walnut creek. and in san francisco, as you are heading out the door it's 54 degrees. here's a look at our highs for
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this afternoon, heading for 68 degrees in dublin, and mid-60s for search. for the north bay we will see temperatures up to about 68 degrees. we will have more of the same numbers we have had recently, but it will get slightly cooler tomorrow as we get more clouds and eventually some rain. i will have a look at the timeline and what to expect as we go into the weekend in a couple months. mike, you already are tracking a crash on i-80. >> yeah, we just got word that all lanes are cleared after half an hour of work here. here's highway 12 and travis boulevard, and it's newspaper fairfield, and to give you a look, across the bay bridge, a nice easy flow of traffic from the bay into the city.
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san mateo bridge, this is when things are calm, and even then there looks like a lot of traffic but it's because you can see so far along the section. nice and easy flow throughout the bay. the rest of the bay, of course, that traffic control still in niles canyon. back to you. for the second year in a row the san francisco sheriff's office is looking for women to consider a path in law enforcement. >> ginger conejero saab is live in san francisco, and this is not open to the public but the public will be impacted on how san francisco is reaching those goals. are they close to where they want to be? >> reporter: there's still quite a work to be done in order to reach the numbers, marcus and laura. they are holding their annual
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women's leadership conference today and it's working on a pledge that it made several years ago. the office is looking to increase the number of women deputies by 2030. there are currently 96 females, which accounts for 13.3% of the staff, and the goal is to double that in six years. there are 624 males with 200 vacancies. the recent sheriff recently spoke to "today in the bay." the research she spoke about suggests female officers useless force and they are named in
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fewer complaints -- >> it's imptanthat we have more females in our departments, so victims of the heinous crimes see somebody that looks like them and they can come and share their stories. >> reporter: 21 distinguished women from different law enforcement agencies across the bay area are taking center stage to inspire the next generation of women in law enforcement. representation is key and that's what today's leadership conference is also about. back to you. >> i had a really good conversation with her. you are right, ginger. you can watch that full
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interview on the nbc bay area app, on streaming platforms and also let's bring in brie jackson from nbc with the latest this morning. >> good morning, marcus. the secretary of state spoke to a saudi arabian spokesperson. this is video of blinken arriving in saudi arabia yesterday. the resolution is a big move as the u.s. vetoed three previous u.n. security deals, and blinken believes this deal is possible. the deal entails of six-week
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cease-fire, and qatar would be mediating this, and the secretary of state is in cairo today visiting with foreign ministers and a top palestinian official and will be in israel tomorrow. marcus? >> a lot of moving parts here. brie, thank you. san francisco is taking the first steps in launching a new level of crime fighting. the city has technology that is expected to be online within three months. eventually san francisco police will have access to 400 cameras at 100 intersections, and the chief believes it will add a new punch when it comes to tackling crime. >> i think some of what we are
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doing with the camera technology in the city is going to put us in a good place, because many cities around us have that technology. >> the devices should help combat retail and car thefts along with other types of crime. with the recent passing of proposition e san francisco police will add more and have more ability to conduct surveillance and follow-up on any suspicious activity. san francisco police are doubling the reward for cracking down on a double murder eight years ago. the 27-year-old female and 51-year-old male were shot to death in the mission district, they were victims and homeless living in a wooden box on a
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sidewalk when somebody shot them. police released this sketch of the suspect. anybody with information, please call the police department. we are starting out with low clouds, and temperatures a little milder. as we look ahead to what to expect, this will be the last warm and dry day. the rain chances coming back tomorrow with cooler temperatures continuing off and on through next week. so we talk about the timeline of the rain. once again, it's dry today, and then we will start to see rain approaching the north bay, and the early afternoon hours for tomorrow, and then going into the evening with heavier rain picking up for the north bay, move into san francisco and more parts of the bay area late tomorrow evening. it's just going to be off and on as we go throughout the weekend with temperatures today still headed for the low 70s. we will talk about the changes
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and the weekend forecast. mike, it seems like your job is getting a lot harder now. >> yeah, a big change here. sorry, folks, but yesterday one of the best in the bay shot up from 3.99. it's u.s. gas on washington avenue, and meanwhile it's better in the south bay, 4.19 at sunnyvale's world, and then san rafael, it's 4.49. we will zoom out to the altamont pass, and speeds improve and as you get towards the right side of the screen, you are at the limit and even coming down vasco or after you join with 580 westbound.
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in the south bay, nothing major, 101, everything through the south county smooth come into the silicon valley. back to you. >> thank you. in meta's new threads app, now taking a page from the online dating app. another social media site, reddit, ready to go public, and possibly new relief for student loans. loans.
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good thursday morning. the time is 5:13. as you are heading out no oakland, it starts out in the low 50s and mostly cloudy. we will see more sunshine in the afternoon as we head for the 60s. another pleasant day. the last dry day before the rain comes in and we will talk about that timeline, coming up. and then in fremont, southbound 880, no major issues on this part of the east bay and south bay transition. we have something in the north bay, coming up. good morning and happy thursday to you. there's a lot to get to. deep breaths. bloomberg reporting the department of justice could sue
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apple as soon as today over the way apple blocks competitors from access hardware and software on its iphone. apple has not commented but its share prices has been under pressure lately. reddit, it debuts on the nasdaq pricing at $34 a share. this will raise more than $500 million for the company and puts the company's overall value at more than 6 billion, and it's the first ipo of a social company since 2019. reddit is like an old-fashioned bulletin board with all kinds of topics. i would encourage you to try the site if you haven't. we will talk more about the reddit debut at the bottom of the hour. the bay area's brain chip
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implant. >> it just became intuitive for me to start imagining the cursor moving, and basically it was like using the force, and i could get it to move wherever i wanted, just stair somewhere on the screen and it would move where i wanted to, which was such a wild experience. >> you feel like a wizard. >> yeah, right? >> a swiss company was able to help a paralyzed man walk just through thought. a lot of business coming out of the white house this morning. the biden administration will announce new student loan relief today for public service workers, about 74,000 californians qualify according
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to the figures. the program had been around but poorly implemented and not a lot of people approved. the white house said it fixed that. we expect the white house to make changes and turn its focus towards the cost of houses today with proposed rules that would make the process cheaper and encourage cities to allow building. don't have a lot of details on that one as well. yesterday, president biden was in arizona, and looking at intel building a new plant in chandler. they call it alaska access, where you get one flight of free wi-fi a month. you pay them $60 a year and they let you know about the sale a day before anybody else. >> are you guaranteed to get the
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sale price? >> if you log on and book it. >> could work. >> if you travel a lot. meta is offering what it calls a better way to customize your threads feed. it's called algo tune. you can swipe right on post you like and swipe left on the posts you don't like. right now the feature is only available to a few users. another feather in the cap for elton john, and, really, could his cap hold any more feathers? >> probably not, but he will take it. he and long-time song writing partner actually received an honor last night in washington, d.c., celebrating achievement and excellence in popular music. the celebration included an all-star invitation only concert. elton credits his success to a
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variety of music, and a slew of hits along with "yellow brick road." >> life doesn't get better than this for us. >> we know that concert included star performances by garth brooks, annie lennox and metallica. it will air on television. >> those singers are so different than elton john. >> pretty amazing. good weather we are having today. >> yeah, enjoy it because the weekend will not look like this. we are going to see a lot of changes coming our way. we are starting this morning in the upper 40s and low 50s as you head out the door. let's get a look at novato and what to look forward to today.
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we will have a mix of sun and clouds with our temperatures here, gradually warming up. we are at 60 degrees and headed north of the 60s. san josé, a beautiful 71 with sunshine and also comfortable in brentwood with temperatures there in the upper 60s later today. we are going to start to see a few more clouds. you can see the swirl of the clouds and the moisture headed our way, and driving the storm system is the jet stream, the flow of the upper level winds that brings storms our way. we will see the jet stream changing the flow and bringing the storms directly into the bay area for at least a few days, and also helping to usher in cooler temperatures. as we go into the weekend, we are going to see rainfall totals for the areas along the coastline. what you are seeing in red, that's one to two inches of rainfall, and some of the inland
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valleys may have decent rainfall, and livermore and antioch and santa rosa, expecting half to three quarters of an inch of rain. for the sierra, look at the snowfall totals. just this weekend a foot to possibly closer to two feet as you look at kingvale. then there could be additional rainfall next week that could continue to add up on our 100% of normal snowpack, so it does look great into at least the end of the month. then we are going to see off and on showers here in the bay area, and possibly even a chance of thunderstorms on saturday. we are going to be watching that. i think it will taper off on sunday morning and give us a break for sunday afternoon. make your plans for later on sunday because that's probably going to be the only opportunity to get outside worry free of any rain. mike, you mentioned a crash
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in the north bay? >> yeah, it popped up during scott's report. the golden gate bridge does show a smooth flow of traffic, and the deck is able to see the traffic slowing. a little slowing coming from here, so maybe a crew clearing. in petaluma, didn't realize it was off the freeway. 101 is smooth coming through petaluma. this crash is off of bodega avenue, and the report says car into cow field, and sounds like no injuries, not even cows, but we will follow that. highway 4, not showing slowing, and same thing for 37 through the northbound. a crash north of 101, and south of there, look at that, a nice and easy drive coming through the south bay. only a little slowing, of course, at the altamont pass. back to you. >> thank you, mike. coming up next on "today in the bay," "nbc bay area responds." >> thousands of people had
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trouble with air traffic lately, and we found a path to complain where the airlines a
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if you have flown recently and have a beef with the airline, uncle sam could be able to help. >> chris chmura shows us how to open a federal case and how it can pay off.
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>> before you start, collect your thoughts and documents. write up a condensed timeline of event and then add a narrative that explains where the airline dropped the ball, how it impacted you and what you expect now. writing down your saga is important, because the dot only takes complaints by writing, either by mail or online. there's a small box to explain the situation limited to 3,000 characters, and finally submit. what happens next? government reps will investigate and it requires airlines to acknowledge consumer complaints within 30 days of receiving them. you can also let our responds team know, although by law they are not required to respond to
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us. shares of reddit start trading in a matter of hours, and scott mcgrew will break down whether all the type will be worth it for investors. a hidden camera found in a starbucks bathroom here in the south bay. the man taken into custody as a result.
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this record something graphic and includes multiple
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juvenile victims fully exposed. >> right now at 5:30, a shocking discovery in a south bay coffee shop. growing fears that the same thing has happened in other locations. a big tech ipo, we will tell you everything you need to know about the reddit debut. plus -- looking live outside. are your weekend plans in place? meteorologist, kari hall, is breaking down whether the first big weekend of spring will really turn out where you should head outdoor, or maybe head inside with an umbrella, again. this is "today in the bay." excited for spring, but winter is hanging on a little bit. thank you for joining us. i am laura garcia. i am marcus washington. let's catch up with what is happening with the weather today. meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking what to expect.
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i am excited about tomorrow, but -- >> yeah, we call this the battle of the air masses, and we are going to see big changes over the next few days. we are going from sunny and comfortable today to more clouds tomorrow with afternoon showers and cooler temperatures. it's going to feel like winter this weekend with chilly temperatures and off and on showers, and even a chance of thunderstorms. we're going to enjoy today with a lot of our valleys in parts of the east bay, the north bay headed for the upper 60s. the south bay, still some low 70s there and we will talk about the 50s and 60s for our weekend forecast. mike, it's time for changes now at the bay bridge. >> yeah, time for changes at the bay bridge, meaning it times for them to change the status of the metering lights. you take a full look and see good spacing, and no slowing approaching the plaza itself.
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the arrows show where the sensors changed, for highway 4 on the right, and at the top of the 13 out of vallejo. the south bay -- oh, we may have a new crash where there's a little slowing in san josé as well. we will talk that about coming up. >> all right, mike. customers at a coffee shop are in shock after a man hid a small camera in a public bathroom. bob redell is outside the san josé police department. i was surprised to learn, dozens of people were recorded from the small camera without even knowing it. >> reporter: yeah, the san josé police department said the hidden camera that was inside the starbucks on home in taylor in san josé was found january
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30th of this year. the victims range from 4 to 45 years old. the maintenance worker fixing the sink found a camera towards the toilet and that's when the employees called police. >> i think it's horrible. like, this is like a community and everybody comes here, you know, and just to have people looking at you, that's insane. >> when you see a smoke detector in a bathroom, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. why is there a coat hook on the back, and why does it looks like something that's victorian style and it's on the back of a bathroom stall. >> that was a security experts, sean errands, on what to look for in a public bathroom. louis juarez was arrested and
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they seized firearms and other small cameras. this is a deeply disturbing incident and we are grateful for the quick and thorough response from the san josé police department in apprehending the suspect. we cannot overstate the importance of providing a safe place for our employees and customers. we will fully continue to cooperate with the police department on this matter. police are asking you to reach out if you believe you may have been captured on the camera, and they know it was definitely rolling on january 30th at the starbucks on coleman and taylor. >> wow. makes you frightened to go into a public rest room. thank you for the latest, bob. reddit is ready to make its
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debut on the stock market this morning. >> yeah, scott mcgrew has been following reddit for a long time. >> i think you could find a few analyst to say reddit should have waited even a little longer. reddit, which is an old-fashioned bulletin board, did a deal with google that allows google to scrape the site to teach its ai, but that's a one-time deal. and there's the cofounder, and he's already a successful venture capitalist. his wife works, too. he's worried to serena williams.
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and the head of open ai will cash in as well, thanks to an investment in reddit, and he should come out with $400 million, depending on prices. reddit is built on the back of users, much like ebay is about what they sell. >> it's a place where each community thrives where they are giving tools to grow, and people just have a sense of -- people just have a sense of duty to each other. >> it has been a while since we had a big tech ipo, so the ipo already has taken place with the distribution of stock to insiders, and we expect it to start trading today, but not
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necessarily at the start of the trading day. >> reddit, you have talked about it for years around here. so interesting to see the ipo taking place. thank you. this is a tragic story. authorities say the infant severely injured when a vehicle slammed into a bus stop has died. the other three members of the same family all died the day the accident happened on saturday. they were waiting for a bus near the west portal muni stations. the father was a brazilian national that worked at apple. the other victims was his wife and their son, joaquin.
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no word on if the driver will be criminally charged. not much changed in the dead hit of the two candidates, three votes separate evan low and joe simitian. the positions have flip flopped from the last count, whoever claims the second spot will face-off against sam liccardo this fall. the remaining ballots are all considered contested ballots, meaning there are problems with the way they were turned in, most commonly tied to the signature. election offices are waiting for those voters to respond. >> we are reaching out to the voters by mail to clarify their intentions so their votes can be
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counted. >> it means don't expect an official vote until then, and there could be a recount, that could be requested by the candidate or their supporters. proposition 1 is the only state-wide measure, and in a close vote it's expected to pass with the margin only around 30,000 votes. it's 5:38 on your thursday morning. taking a peek outside looking across the golden gate bridge this morning. kari has a look at the forecast this morning. we have had a nice introduction to spring. >> yes, we have, but it's wrapping up soon. maybe going to the sharks game tonight, it starts at 7:30, 66 degrees. a nice evening. but it will be cool as you are heading out of the sap center later tonight, it will be in the
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upper 50s. tomorrow that will be our high temperature. if you are going to the warriors game tomorrow evening, you will need umbrellas. we are going to see off and on showers, and they will have the viewings of the march madness out there, if you are doing that today, tomorrow or throughout the weekend, we are going to see a chance of rain. also a chance of rain for the barbie truck tour happening, in walnut creek on saturday from 10:00 to 7:00 p.m., and looks like it will be kind of soggy out there, and you will not have the perfect barbie land weather, unfortunately. we will see showers for all of the egg hunts and the free easter carnival we are going to be seeing, and there could be raindrops on those easter eggs. mike, you are following a crash? >> yeah, it's off of 101 on williams, and the slowing there is typical for this time on 101.
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i will track this crash on williams, but it should not be a major issue. and then santa clara, this is where kari was talking about where the sharks are playing. traffic will be busier there. lots of folks like to dine and then root for the sharks. and then continuing right here with the one-way traffic. a little slowing at the dublin interchange, and a little here for 84 heading into sunol. nothing major out of the altamont pass. a little build for highway 4. same thing over there for highway 37. the bay bridge and toll plaza not showing a lot of build until the last two minutes here where they must have activated the metering lights. i will check on that, but for
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right now it's status quo. >> thanks, mike. the highest player paid in baseball history, being labeled a victim of a massive theft. ♪ ♪ >> from the jungle to the recording academy, we will break down the new induction to the grammy hall of fame. >> i am going to tease my hair like that. a quick note, the 7:00 a.m. streaming newscast is changing time slots, can you now get it at 8:00 a.m., and you can see it online at, or
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good thursday morning. it's 5:44. let's check out our day planner for san ramon. we are starting out with a few clouds here and there with temperatures in the low 50s. it will warm up and be a pleasant and comfortable afternoon. there will be a few more clouds in the mix. we are getting ready for weekend rain. we will talk about the timeline of that and what is ahead, coming up. a smooth ride through palo alto. the headlights heading north in
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palo alto. the headlights, no problem until you get to the embarcadero road off-ramp. looks like there could be a crash there. we will follow-up with the sensors and see if there's slowing. thank you, kari and mike. the presidential campaigns are filing their monthly financial reports and they could not be anymore different. >> yeah, there's one candidate way ahead of the other with their campaign war chest. >> good morning to you. the president and the democrats have far more money than the trump campaign, and probably just as importantly, president biden does not have a lot of debt. the campaigns have to keep an open book on the money coming in and out, and there are all kinds of ways to measure. biden with 71 million, and trump with 34 million, and the democrats pull further ahead when you add in the party money. the democrats at 155 million, and the republicans at 42
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million. the republican party laid off of dozens of long-time workers as trump's daughter-in-law, lara trump, took over as the chair. he reaches out to small donors to ask for money that funds his legal fees, and that's not money go into the campaign coffers. and then blinken will meet with a top palestinian official as he pushes for a pause in fighting between israel and hamas in the gaza strip. secretary blinken will visit israel tomorrow. blinken says the united states will propose a peace proposal in the united nations to bring a cease-fire in gaza, and the u.s. and the restf the world very
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worried about starvation in gaza and the u.n. says it may turn into a full famine. another strange development in the attempt to impeach president biden. another person that republicans relied on in the past is giving them trouble, and he testified he could not find any information on biden in ukraine. >> the impeachment proceedings that bring us now is predicated on false information spread by the kremlin. >> you will remember another key accuser was charged with the fbi with lying to them and then rearrested after the judge in the case felt he was a slight risk. a former business partner of hunter biden testified that then-vice president was involved in hunter's business selling the
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brand of biden. the white house will make a number of announcements today starting with student loans and ways to reduce the costs of buying a home. we will talk more about that in half an hour. >> sounds good. the l.a. dodgers at this hour playing in south korea, and there's a story that starts with a federal investigation into a multi-million-dollar illegal betting scheme, and it shows ohtani's name being linked to the ringleader, and then his long-time interpreter was embezzling millions from shohei
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ohtani to pay off gambling debts. they have now turned all the information over to authorities. one legal expert believes the interpreter could face criminal charges. >> it's alleged there were weird prau pry tease that could hurt the interpreter, and it's murky was we don't know what is alleged to have been done by the translator or a third party or shohei ohtani. >> the dodgers did not comment and the attorney for the alleged bookmaker says his client never met with shohei ohtani. inductees, the recordings include singles and full-length
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albums. it happens two months from now in los angeles. happening today, san francisco celebrating the birth of a landmark hotel. >> this is the 120th anniversary of the historic western st. francis in union square. it opened two years before the great earthquake of 1906. while it withstood the shaking, it underwent a major rebuild following the quake. it will include the grand opening of a new hotel museum. >> if you are unfamiliar with the hotel, maybe you remember our own janelle wang and i repelled down the western st. francis back in september to bring awareness about brain an
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aneurisms. >> i am used to the inside of the hotel. >> yeah. >> you were, like, i got this covered. >> congratulations to the hotel. >> a lot of history there. okay. let's talk about the forecast. we have been so excited it's spring. >> yes. >> and we are going to go back to winter this weekend, ready or not. we are starting out with a not-so-bad morning. it's fairly mild and in the low to mid-50s as you head out the door. it's partly to mostly cloudy. our high temperature in cupertino reaching 70 degrees. 71 in morgan hill. these numbers are not as warm as we were in the beginning of the week when we were seeing upper 70s, but it is still pretty comfortable, especially considering what we have in the next seven days. can you see that at the bottom of the screen checking out the
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7-day forecast. we are up to 69 in walnut creek today, as well as 69 in hayward. also upper 60s for palo alto and daly city looking at a high of 61 degrees, and low 60s in san francisco. for the north bay we are back to the upper 60s, very much like yesterday. tomorrow is when we start to see this approaching storm system moving in. that is not only going to bring in a chance of rain but much cooler temperatures. the jet stream, the flow of the upper level winds will drive the system our way and that will bring about more changes we are not only seeing here but across a big chunk of the country that had a taste of spring. we are going back to winter across the west as we will see colder air coming down as well as the return of rain and some upper elevation snow. we start to see that rain coming in tomorrow afternoon, continuing into the evening, and just getting heavier for the north bay especially and then moving into the rest of the bay area late tomorrow evening with
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more ways going throughout the weekend. we are looking at pretty decent rainfall totals here. most of us getting about half to possibly three quarters of an inch of rain for the east bay down to the south bay. then look at the coastline into parts of the north bay. we are looking at more than an inch of rainfall. most of the rain coming between late saturday into early sunday, and then a brief break for sunday afternoon. it also looks like we get a break from the rain on monday and tuesday with another system moving in and cold temperatures through the middle of next week. mike, you mentioned a crash in palo alto. >> we will follow-up on that, kari. we took a live look about university, right about there on 101. just south of there is where the crash is reported, south 101 at the embarcadero off-ramp. no slowing is showing up, and it's simply an incident on the
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chp blotter. i think they may have cleared it from the roadway after it was called in. we see a little slowing out of hayward, and no surprises there. we have no issues for niles canyon. it gets slower as the traffic control plays a part, but the tri-valley looks great. back to you. >> thanks, mike. the white house is announcing a new round of student debt forgiveness amounting to $6 billion. this will cover about 80,000 borrowers, all of them public service workers. that program started back in 2007 to help people cancel their student debt after ten years of on-time payments. another 380 service workers may become eligible within two years despite the supreme court blocking the forgiveness debt earlier this year. earlier this year. police were able to track ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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welcome back. it's 5:58 right now. if you have blown recently and
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have a beef with an airline, uncle sam could be able to help. >> chris chmura shows us how to open a federal case and how it can pay off. >> let's look at how it works when you gripe to the government. before you start, collect your thoughts and documents. write up a condensed timeline of events and then add a narrative that explains where the airline dropped the ball, how it impacted you and what you expect now. writing down your saga is important, because the dot only takes airline complaints in writing, either by mail by letter to this address, or online. the online form is pretty simple. your name, airline, travel dates and so on. there's a small box to explain the situation, limited to 3,000 characters. finally, submit. what happens next? government reps will investigate and ask the airline for its take. the dot requires airlines to acknowledge consumer complaints within 30 days of receiving
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them, and let our responds team know because the airlines are not required by law to respond to us. a quick reminder for you this morning, nbc bay area is streaming 24/7. you can watch us on roku and other streaming platforms. quickly approaching 6:00. new developments overnight in the middle east as the u.s. pushes for a cease-fire in gaza. we're live in washington with a white house proposal lifting hopes for an end to the war. shots fires on an east bay freeway, and in this case a bb gun. a look at the damage and how officers tracked down the suspect. plus -- >> so that other women know that they are not alone, so they can see what they can be in the future. >> blazing a path for women in law enforcement. the message from one leading voice in the industry, encouraging more women to pursue a similar career.


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