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tv   NBC Bay Area News Tonight  NBC  March 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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i'm raj mathai. next on nbc bay area news tonight, would you believe one vote, one of the most high profile and expensive races in the state is down to a single vote, and they're still counting. this is to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. also, license plate readers are coming to san francisco.
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the city says they'll help fight crime. but do they really work? we're talking to a local police chief. he's had them in his city for more than ten years. plus, the nationwide measles outbreak is now here in the bay area. the warning and about location about a possible exposure. and happy birthday to the mayor. ♪♪ >> willie brown turns 90. >> yeah, there he goes. >> we go one-on-one with the iconic san francisco politician. >> good evening. this is nbc bay area news tonight. i'm raj mathai. we are following several developing stories of note here. we start with that crash at a bus stop in san francisco. we were informed a short while ago the infant who was severely injured has died. we've got confirmation from multiple sources within san francisco police and government. this means the entire family of four has died.
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the family was hit by an suv while waiting for a bus at west portal bus stop on saturday. diego cardoso de oliveira, a brazilian national who worked at apple, he passed away. his wife matilde pinto, his 1-year-old son joaquin, and now their 3-month-old baby boy. people have been bringing flowers and candles to the site all week. 78-year-old mary lau is accused of involuntary manslaughter, accused of losing control of her white suv and hitting that family. we also have election news. the results are. in california voters have passed prop 1. this is a measure that requires counties to spend money on housing and drug treatment programs. it's a close vote. this evening, the associated press has called the race. prop 1 projected to pass. look at this, 50.2% yes, 49.8% no. separated by about 29,000 votes.
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the measure needed a simple majority to pass. so what does prop 1 do? it gives the state greater control over a 2004 voter-approved tax on millionaires, the money to be used for mental health services. counties are now required to spend 2/3 of that money on housing and programs for homeless people with mental health issues or drug problems. it also allows the state to borrow $6 billion to build thousands of new housing units and treatment beds. governor newsom a big supporter of prop 1. well, this story seems like a typo, but it is not. the high profile congressional race in san mateo and santa clara counties. one vote separates two candidates in the race to replace anna eshoo-in congress. election officials are still counting the ballots, but here are the latest results from just a couple of hours ago. sam liccardo led all candidates and will advance to the november general election. but all eyes are on who is going to finish in second place and therefore face liccardo.
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remember, the top two of these three advance. liccardo is already advancing. so is it going to be evan low or joe simitian? at last count, evan low has a one-vote lead over simitian. there are fewer than 2,000 ballots left to be counted. now those remaining ballots are called contested ballots. that means when a voter turned it in, they either didn't sign it, or the signature did not match the one on record. elections officers are waiting for those voters to respond. >> so what we are doing is reaching out to those voters by mail to insure that they can reach out and to verify their signatures with us so their votes can be counted. they can come in to the office or also mail or fax the verification forms. >> voters with contested ballots have until april 2nd to verify their votes that means we likely won't have official results until then. there is also a real possibility of a recount. in order for that to happen, a
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candidate or their supporters would have to call for it and pay for it. another headline that we are watching, a hidden camera inside of a bathroom of a local starbucks. police are trying to determine if there are more victims and more cameras. they have made an arrest. we're told the camera was found by a maintenance worker at the starbucks on coleman avenue near the airport. the hidden camera was pointing towards the toilet. investigators say it recorded at least 91 people on january 30th. the victims range in age from 4 years old to 85. >> that's just horrible. like this is a community. everybody comes here, you know. and to have people looking at you, that's insane. >> last week, police arrested this man, 35-year-old louie juarez jr. they say they also seized 20 firearms and several microcameras from his home, including one hidden inside a
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tiny soccer ball, a toy soccer ball. in a statement, starbucks calls it a deeply disturbing incident and says they are fully cooperating with law enforcement. also tonight, san francisco's rolling out a new tool to help crack down on city. that includes in the inner sunset, where the mayor, d.a., and police chief laid out their plan today. they say they want to have all the cameras up and running in the next three months. >> over 70% of crime of all vehicles. we have not had the ability to do what starting today we will have the ability to do, and that is track those vehicles when they're used in crime, give our officers the advantage so we, we can catch people if they commit crimes in the city. and we hope this is going to be a deterrent. >> joining us now is the police chief of piedmont, jeremy bauers. nice to have you on the program. i get it here. piedmont is a smaller city, a
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lot different than san francisco or san jose in terms of demographics, budget and population. but you a supporter of license plate readers. tell us why. >> you know, raj, first of all, good to see you. and we are proponents of the alpr license engaged in the program since 2013 when our program first launched. and what we have found is that it has proven to be a force multiplier for our agency. and whether you're a small agency like us and we're surrounded by our partners in oakland, or whether you're a bigger city, the reality is most police stations in this country are resource restricted in terms of the number of officers that they have out there doing that important work. so to be able to leverage a technology tool like license plate reader, again, to be a force multiplier, to help, to look for the needles in the haystack in terms of the people who are throughout committing crimes has certainly been fruitful and a good investment for our communities. >> just remind us, in layman's
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terms here, how does it work? you see a suspect go by on a license plate reader, and then you send out an officer to go follow up? >> yeah, so that's in essence what it is. the license plate readers are tied in to state databases that track wanted vehicles? it's called the stolen vehicle system. so when a vehicle is in that system because it's involved in a crime or stolen or is driving around with stolen plates on it, that information here in piedmont, the way we use the license plate technology is that information comes immediately into our dispatch center live time. our dispatchers then confirm that information, because we want to make sure that we're acting on accurate information and an accurate read of that information. after the dispatcher confirms that information, that information, and this is a seamless thing that happens here in piedmont, informs the officers of the location, the direction of travel, and again, some unique features of the car. it had the roof rack, if it had the decal, something like that.
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so as soon as the vehicles that come into the city that are wanted, we're driving our police patrol resources to those areas where those wanted vehicles are at to take those individuals into custody, hold them accountable, and also prevent other crime from happening. >> you bring up resource, and that's interesting. for example, sfpd is grossly understaffed. how would they see it and then send out an officer if they don't have a staff member to do that? >> you know, and that's a great question. we're fortunate here in piedmont -- again, we're a small department. we're not resource rich either. but we do have a call volume that allows us to drive our police resources when available to those. each agency is going have to engage in a strategic roll-out and jute euthanization of this technology that is appropriate for them. in some organizations and some cities, they're not going to necessarily be able to be as pro use it in terms of how they effect crime. but they may be. you may have some cities that
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stand up teams available response to license reader response. in other cities, they may do something different. but to your point, again, that's the point of the technology, though, is to, again, aid in how resource restricted we are as law enforcement agencies across this country, and to be able to really leverage this technology to be a force multiplier. >> this is very good insight. chief jeremy bowers from piedmont, we appreciate your time. >> take care. let's move on. this is a big day for one of the most influential and powerful people in bay area history. former san francisco mayor willie brown is celebrating his 90th birthday. most people have one or two birthday parties. for the mayor, nine parties. this month, including a big one at city hall today, which means nine new outfits from wilks bashford. no kidding. friends and colleagues from every phase of his life are in town to celebrate this iconic
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leader. 20 years after leaving this office, willie brown is in this office. >> i got the one that overlooks the bay and the ferry building records waterfront on the embarcadero. he's fit, energetic, and as stylish as ever. brown is now 90 years old and still one of the most powerful people in san francisco politics. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> reporter: it's been one party after another. last week at chief sullivan's in north beach. ♪♪ and today his official birthday party at city hall hosted by the current mayor, who got her start in politics by interning for mayor brown. >> when i was working with him, he never smiled, he never laughed because he was mayor. and when i became mayor, i said now i understand. [ laughter ] >> i'm frankly amazed. i have no clue what i ever did
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to generate that much attention and that many activities. >> reporter: as the state assembly speaker and then mayor of san francisco, willie brown was brash and smooth at the same time. he could shake down his opponents and electrify his supporters. he made you proud of san francisco. what is the single defining moment you ever political career right now? >> every time i see or hear about anybody that started with me still doing good work. >> kamala harris' political career started with me. newsom's political career started with me. there are just so many people holding public office, judgeships and things of that nature. that really pleases me more than anything else in my career.
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>> if you could go back and change something, a misstep that you made, what would you do? what would you change? >> i would have been a candidate for governor in '97. >> why didn't you do it? >> have i always thought you really ought to finish everything you were elected to. before you step up. but you really ought to be so pleased that somebody trusted you with their franchise. you really ought to pay homage to that and stay with it. >> could you be mayor now and succeed, with all the rules and regulations? >> i doubt it. i'm not sure i would want to be mayor. i don't think i've moved on with the times. so no, i don't think i could be
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mayor. >> what's something you'd want to tell everyone in san francisco, whoever is listening and watching, as you approach your ninth birthday? >> well, live the good life. stay away from stress. that adversely affects you more than anything else whatsoever. and do you stay away from stress? you give rather than receive it. >> are we going to be here at your 100th birthday as well? >> i anticipate being here, because i think by then i'll be able to pay all the bills that i owe. it will take that long. [ laughter ] >> mr. mayor, we will see you at 100. and his wardrobe expenses are legendary. hats off to mayor brown, who walks to his office there on the embarcadero every day and still
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meets his buddies for lunch at various san francisco restaurants, almost every day. up next, a warning about measles in the bay area. what you need to know as more outbreaks are detected across the state and country. and how much money do you make? and what you now need to live comfortably on your own. do you make that much? you're watching nbc bay ar news toneaig
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the nationwide measles outbreak has made to it the bay area. there is at least one case in the east bay. alameda county health leaders are now warning people who dined at a specific restaurant in san leandro that they may have been exposed. here is what we know. the warnings for anyone who was at the sons of liberty ale house in san leandro on march 9th from 4:45 to 7:00 p.m. officials say someone who ate at this restaurant in that time frame is now showing symptoms of the measles. they believe that person got the virus while traveling recently overseas. nbc's lena jones spoke to a doctor at kaiser about what you need to know about this highly contagious disease. >> measles probably is the most infectious, you know, virus that we know of. for unvaccinated or nonimmune individuals, if you were to expose them to measles, nine out of ten would come down with measles. similarly, if another statistic
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for how infectious this is, the average person who contracts measles will spread it to 18 people who are unprotected. and on the opposite side of that, if you're vaccinated, it's 97% when you have both vaccines that are in the normal immigration schedule. so 97% effective protection. >> why do you think we're starting to see more cases of measles? and do you think this is going to continue, because maybe people aren't getting vaccinated? >> yeah, i do think it will probably continue to see some spread of cases and spread unfortunately at least for the next few months. there are these outbreaks globally in a lot of popular travel areas, particularly europe and some in southeast asia. so in those areas where people are traveling to and coming back, they may not develop symptoms until they've returned, right. a lot of times after exposure,
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the earliest you would develop symptoms is seven days after. so sometimes those individuals who are protected are coming back and then spreading measles. we're prepared both at kaiser permanente and other medical facilities for those types of situations, but we prefer to avoid them if we can, hence the push for vaccination. all right. let's move on now. here is another sobering reminder of how hard it is to make it in the bay. in order to live here comfortably, a single person needs to make well over $100,000 a year. that's according to a recent analysis from financial advising company called smart asset. here are the numbers. it's based on the 50/30/20 budget. that means you're spending 50% of your budget on necessary bills like housing and utilities. you spend another 30% on everything else, and put 20% into your savings and investments. no surprise here, the report puts the bay area, our cities at the top of the list. san jose is the second costliest
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place to live in the country, nearly 137,000 bucks a year is what you need to make to live comfortably. san francisco not far behind, 120,000 bucks a year. oakland at 119,000. the cheapest big city for a single person to live comfortably is houston at $75,000 a year. all right. here is something to make you smile. you ready for the madness? st. mary's basketball team is on its way. today a grand sendoff on campus in moraga. our nbc sky ranger was overhead. the players loading up the team bus to head off to the ncaa tournament. st. mary's taking on grand canyon this friday in spokane, washington. make sure to fill out your brackets. march madness begins on thursday. let's take a live look outside right now into san francisco. beautiful sunset. jeff is going to join us with our forecast. things are going turn wet in a couple odays. couple odays. we'vf e
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everyone's hyped that wendy's made the official hamburger of march madness a buck. ♪ sandstorm by darude ♪ yeahhh! wooooo! but tyler and toby are on another level. - get it for a buck. - get it for a buck. (both) dave's single, dave's single get hyped with fresh, never frozen beef on wendy's dave's single for a buck. only in the app.
7:23 pm
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and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. welcome back. and take a look at this. something that we've never seen before in tahoe. this is a 30 to 40-foot deep crack in the snow. 30 to 40 feet. it recently appeared on the east side of the mountain at the sierra at tahoe resort. the resort believes that it formed during a windstorm earlier this month. it appears to open up into an icy cavern below. something that normally happens with glaciers. sierra tahoe says it's since
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filled in that huge crack, and the area is back open to skiers. it almost looks like the grand canyon there when you see cavern. >> huge. >> it's safe but incredible to see. >> we had the wind over 100 miles per hour. it blew all of that snow, creating that big mound there that left that crack in the middle. our weather back here across the bay area. one more day of some dry weather before rainfall gets here. beautiful sunset tonight. let's get you more details right now on that microclimate forecast. and here it is. tomorrow morning, we'll start it off dry with a chance of a little bit of patchy fog and temperatures in the 40s. overall some calm winds for us. then as we move through the day, numbers begin to cool off. we still have a few 70s, especially down in the south bay. also concord at 70. and 60s for the north bay right down the coastline. rainfall chances will get back here friday, saturday, and sunday from the storm. overall, rain totals a quarter to 1.25 inches. sierra snow 1 to 2 feet.
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an early preview of the timeline here as we head through friday 1:00 p.m. rain returns north bay to the coast. and then it would move down to the south bay by 6:00 p.m. on friday. overall totals a quarter to half inch on friday. saturday numbers going down a little bit. but still a quarter to a half inch. and then on sunday, just trace amounts to a quarter of an inch. so not expecting any flooding from this rainfall over that three-day period. we dry it out monday and tuesday. maybe a little bit more rain by next wednesday. raj? >> thank you, jeff. as we wrap up, mario lopez just getting started with "access hollywood." >> well, it seems like everyone you talk to has got an opinion on what's going on with princess kate. on tonight's "access," we'll look at the most recent theories, that this video is not kate at all. and break down some of the evidence that may help you decide for yourself what's real and what's not. and then we've got shakira getting very painful about her painful split, singing one more time about her ex-gerard on the new album, holding nothing back
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on whether she thinks she'll find love again. plus, a wild continuation of a cold case true crime story we've been following as this woman actually interviews the man she suspects murdered her father, all just moments away on "access hollywood." back to you. >> mao, thank you. and after mario, coming up in prime time here on nbc, it's chicago night. chicago med at 8:00 followed by chicago fire, and then chicago pd. and then our 11:00 news live and local. that's going to do it for us here at 7:00. for everyon here nebc
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tonight on access holds -- >> apparently seeing is not believing for some. "access" breaks down the many contradictory conspiracy theory clues, and is all this focus on kate just a royal distraction? >> kate is being scapegoated. >> i have to pick up the pieces of myself. >> a still-vulnerable shakira gets more candid than ever about her split. is this the final time she'll


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