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tv   Today  NBC  March 20, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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i'll send any updates on x as well to get it to you as quickly as possible. the travel time is likely to grow, but so far the dumbarton bridge may be where you go. the "today" show is coming up next on television. we continue "today in the bay" on roku and other platforms. new shocking data showing a major increase in police pursuits in vallejo. we're crunching the numbers. plus, a live interview on the key issues set to drive voters to the polls in november. join us for our 7:00 a.m. newscast. it's coming up next at >> thanks for joining us this morning for "today in the bay." we hope we kept you informed. good wednesday morning. the battle ove good wednesday morning. the battle over the border intensifying. >> indeed. it is also sparking a legal fight. it is march 20th.
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this is "today". breaking overnight, confusion at the border. a controversial texas law allowing undocumented migrants to be arrested, blocked by an appeals court after the supreme court refused to step in. a key hearing set for today to help sort it all out. we're live along the border with the very latest. campaign clash. president biden and donald trump picking up more primary wins overnight with several trump-backed candidates in key swing states also celebrating victories. >> bless president trump for all he did for me. >> this morning what those results could signal for the 2024 race. in the spotlight, all eyes on the federal reserve, set to announce a major decision on interest rates today as the flight against inflation hits a rough patch.
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straight ahead, what it all means for you and your wallet. royal drama. an investigation now underway after a staffer at the hospital where princess kate had surgery allegedly tried to access her private medical records. what the palace is saying this morning and the new questions now being raised about other photos of the royal family. we're live in london. the right stuff. nasa launching an exciting new mission to find the next generation of astronauts. >> if you have what it takes, we want you up here. >> this morning what you need to apply for a job that could take you to the moon, maybe even mars. those stories, plus giant jackpots. with no winner overnight, mega millions and powerball soar to a combined $1.6 billion. just ahead, the new scramble for tickets behind tonight's next drawing. and game on. >> and it's all colorado state! march madness tipping off
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overnight. >> the spin banks it down. >> we'll take you inside the action and the cinderella stories already underway, today, wednesday, march 20th, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning to you. welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning. thanks for joining us. laura jarrett joining us while hoda and savannah join spring break with their families. this is the year you are going to get into march madness. >> this is the year. you will help me with my brackets. you taught me so much already. i need to focus on tomorrow, right? >> yes. play-in games last night. the big action kicks off tomorrow.
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let's get right to our top story on this wednesday morning. a flurry activity in the border showdown. and local officials can arrest those suspected of entering that state illegally. overnight, a federal appeals court issued an order halting that law's enforcement. nbc's morgan chesky is along the border in eagle pass, texas with the very latest. morgan, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, craig. good morning. right now local authorities across texas really find themselves in uncharted waters here. they watched the supreme court not block sb-24 from going into court. hours later, the lower court reinstated the pause for now. this could open the door for racial profiling. and local authorities tell us they fear this new law could stretch even lean departments even further. this morning, whiplash on the
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border. the state of texas again barred from enforcing a controversial immigration policy. local officers can arrest migrants suspected of illegally crossing the border. texas claimed victory when the supreme court refused to block the law and kicked the case back to the appeals court. but in a twist overnight, that court put it on told for now. >> our country is going downhill very fast, very rapidly. millions of people going across the border. >> it has become a major issue on the campaign trail, as the state, which has dealt with a record influx of migrants has tried to push harsh measures. it would allow local and state police to allow anyone suspected of being in texas illegally. >> any time you apply consequence to a violation of law, you see the number of border crossings drop exponentially. >> the biden administration
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arguing the texas law interferes over the border. the white house saying yesterday after the supreme court's decision, sb-4 will not only make communities in texas less safe, it will also burden law enforcement. in del rio, texas, along the rio grande, sheriff frank martinez is grappling with how he would put this new law into practice. do you have any clear guidance on to enact sb-4? >> we do not. >> reporter: the sheriff says illegal crossings have dipped this year. he believes the enforcement of sb-4 will put a strain on his already lean department. >> right now we're not equipped to handle that. >> reporter: now with the latest overnight decision, the confusion on the ground sure to continue. and amid all this legal back and forth, the country of mexico weighing in yesterday saying it will not accept deportations from the state of texas in addition to those they already received from the federal government.
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the fifth u.s. court of appeals say it fast tracked oral arguments on this case to just a few hours from you. >> okay. morgan, thank you. turning now to the presidential race. president biden and former president donald trump already the presumptive nominees, adding to their delegate hauls, sweeping five state primaries overnight. it was also a big night for trump-backed candidates as the former president facing growing scrutiny on and off the campaign trail. nbc's garrett haake has that story for us this morning. >> reporter: the biggest story came from ohio where that key senate race has a trump loyalist as the nominee. for trump himself that victory capped another day of political controversy and a growing crash crunch as his legal obligations to the tune of half a billion dollars come due overnight a victory for former president trump in a closely watched senate race in ohio. mr. trump's preferred candidate
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winning tuesday's primary. president travel today the swing state, which is central to the gop goal of flipping the senate this trump for all he did for me. >> reporter: after the former president travelled to the swing state, which is central to the gop goal of flipping the senate this year. yesterday trump himself cast his primary ballot in florida with his life melania and lashing out at the judge and attorney general over the $464 million civil fraud judgment now threatening his real estate empire >> we have a great company but they want to take it all away. >> mr. trump has just five days to come up with the cash to post bond or risk having his assets seized by the state. his lawyers said monday he was unable to secure a bond after approaching some 30 lenders. mr. trump on social media saying he, quote, would be forced to sell assets.
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that could include trump tower and 40 wall street, golf courses and resorts around the world, even his private plane meanwhile, the former president is facing a swift backlash for his comments about jewish people who vote for democrats, now digging in his heels. >> i think the democrats have been very, very opposed to jewish people. that's true. >> reporter: the firestorm began when trump was asked about chuck schumer. mr. trump saying democrats are being swayed by protests over president biden's policy on gaza, adding, any jewish person that votes for democrats hates their religion they hate everything about israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because israel will be destroyed >> schumer firing back tuesday >> the former president's comments were utterly disgusting and a textbook example of the kind of anti-semitism facing jews. >> reporter: meantime, the former president's legal team filed a supreme court brief in his federal election interference case, arguing he should be granted absolute
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immunity for any official actsw it, every future president would be incapacitated. oral arguments in that case scheduled for april 25th. >> all right, garret, thanks s he undertook as president, adding, the president cannot function if cased with prosecution in office and without it every future president would be incapacitated. oral arguments in that case are scheduled for april 25th laura, i will see you there. >> garrett, thanks so much. meanwhile, all eyes on the federal reserve today, set to announce a key decision on interest rates with the fight against inflation proving to be a bit stickier than expected let's bring in nbc's business correspondent, brian cheung. brian, good morning to you so the fed, of course, held rates steady for months now. at the beginning of the year, a lot of experts suspect that at some point this year, those rates would come down. is today that day? >> the short answer is no. it is not going to be today. we will read the tea leaves to see when that would happen the federal reserve expected to hold interest rates between 5.5% on the short end of things. either way, that shows mortgage rates and credit cards rates are
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not likely to come down any time soon the reason the fed will not cut today is because they want to see further progress on inflation. there has been progress, but they want to see further signs that the price increases we are seeing at the store will get better before they provide for juice into the economy in the form of a rate cut. >> if they lowered the rates, inflation would skyrocket. where does inflation stand right now relatively speaking? >> inflation right now is reading at 3.2%. that's how much higher prices were in february of this year compared to february of last year that's a vast improvement from the 9% inflation rate we had seen in the summer of 2022 but the fed's target is somewhere closer to 2% that's why they want to see progress towards that, because we have been bobbling around 3% for the last nine months or so until we see things like, for example, ticket prices for sporting events or concerts go down, clothing prices, but the bigger things are really rent and gasoline as well, right? rent is also high right now, and gasoline has topped 20 cents that is compared to a month ago. that's a challenge for the fed which doesn't really have
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control over gasoline prices that's something they will be watching as well. what does th then mean for the average american and their wallet? >> borrowing costs remain high because of the federal reserve's rate >> quickly, if as predicted they leave rates unchanged today, what does that then mean for the average american and their wallets? >> yeah. borrowing costs remain high because of the federal reserve's rate hikes over time things like mortgage rates and auto loans, those are all indirectly tied to what the federal reserve does to pay down debt that's one positive side of higher rates lastly, also think before you loan because those rates are really high. >> might be time to get into one of those high-yield savings accounts >> exactly exactly. maybe try to save that way. >> we're like financing investing over here. >> i like to end on a silver lining brian cheung, always a pleasure. thanks, bud. tensions escalating between the u.s. and israel over the months' long war in gaza as heavy fighting continues to rage there. the israeli military once again targeting gaza's largest hospital they say is being used by hamas to carry
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out, quote, terrorist activity raf sanchez joins us from tel aviv with more good morning, raf. >> reporter: good morning. disagreements over israeli plans to attack the city of rafah are driving a wedge into u.s.-israeli relations right now. president biden making it clear he opposes any new offensive in gaza prime minister benjamin netanyahu sounding defiant this morning growing fear in rafah as israel refuses to back down on plans for a major offensive, despite warnings from the white house. netanyahu saying he told president biden a ground assault is the only way to destroy hamas units hiding in the southern gaza city. >> we have an argument with the americans about the need to
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enter rafah, he saysng to convi israel to take on hamas with smaller targeted raids but the u.s. is increasingly alarmed for what will they do for more than a million palestinian civilians sheltering there. >> obviously, he has his own point of view, but he agreed he would send a team to washington. >> reporter: the u.s. hoping to convince israel to take on hamas with smaller, targeted raids but another problem underground. rafah is home to hamas smuggling tunnels, used to bring in these. we went with israeli forces into tunnels in khan yunis and asked about their plans. how can you fight there without causing casualties to civilians? u.s. diplomacy coming too late this is what's left of their home after an israeli strike he says his parents and three siblings were killed it is now up to him to look after his little sister, an orphan trying to make his way
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through this cruel war and secretary of state antony blinken back in the middle east today. his trip starting in saudi arabia he arrives as canada announces it is cutting off arm sales to israel that is something causing a lot of anger over here human rights watch is urging the united states to do the same, but that is the step that president biden indicated so far at least he is not prepared to take laura? >> raf sanchez is in tel aviv for us thank you. boeing once again in the headlines and on the defensive after the head of the faa told nbc's lester holt in an exclusive interview last night that he believes the planemaker is more focused on production than safety. and it comes amid recent issues with boeing jets including, of course, that blow-out on an alaska airlines flight tom costello here in the studio. those comments are pretty strong from the head of the faa. >> really strong they put the onus to change the
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surprised when he visited the primary 777 production line. he culture there. and to fix what is going on there. the faa concedes it will not be easy michael whitaker said he was surprised when he visited the 737 production line outside of seattle. he expected that safety would be the topic most top of mind the boeing executives would discuss since he's the head of the faa instead, he says, even with all the headlines about quality control problems at boeing, safety was not the first thing on boeing's agenda take a listen. >> it was all about production so he's really confirmed that the focus of the company has been on production there is nothing wrong with production, but it has to follow safety safety and quality have to be the foundation of all the actors in the aerospace system. >> boeing says, in part, we are taking significant action to strengthen safety at boeing. lester asked the faa chief about the recent united airlines incidents. whitaker said they are looking to see if there is any pattern and that he also talked to united ceo scott kirby over the week end he added they are all concerned
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about what's happening lately. >> let's go back to boeing for a moment here. what are the next steps for the plane maker? >> they have got to change the culture. everybody recognizes that. from the ntsb to the faa and boeing itself, but whitaker says it is not going to be easy it is like turning a freight train. it is going to take some time. he also wants to make sure that the culture includes one in which you can speak up as an employee if you see something, say something. they should not be harassed or intimidated if they do speak up. by the way, whitaker sai he's convinced right now planes leaving boeing are safe. >> okay. tom costello, good to have you here in the flesh. >> good to be here. >> see you, tom. to college basketball now, march madness officially tipping off last night with a couple games in the first four rounds in the first game, it was the wagner seahawks from staten island taking on the how regard buy son. the seahawks led this one almost the whole way, but the buy son made a late comeback and had a
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chance to tie it in the final seconds, but they came up short. >> wagner wins it 71-68 they move on to play the top-seeded north carolina tar heels tomorrow. >> they like the tar heels it was colorado state with a blow-out win against virginia. the rams will go on to win it easily the ten seed moves on to face the seven seed texas squad tomorrow i know you have almost got your bracket finished. >> i know. but carolina i think might take it all the way >> okay. >> i know that's controversial to say to you, but - >> she's talking about north carolina, not south. >> turning over to the weather now. this i do know mr. roker, what you got? >> first full day of spring. >> that's right. >> it doesn't feel like it right off the bat. you can see lake effect snow showers. we have light snow moving through northern new england, southern as well showers and thunderstorms later
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today from boston to philadelphia then heavy wet snow for parts of maine. some parts of maine could be looking upwards of eight inches of snow. look out west. we have a couple storm systems coming in. this snow slides into the northern rockies with light snow today. a new storm organizes over the southern plains. tomorrow light to moderate snow from montana to colorado we move into friday, steady snow in the upper mid-west. heavy rain and storms. gulf coast into the southeast. and then saturday a real mess all along the i-95 corridor with heavy wet snow moving into new england. heavy snow from the montana area all the way into new england as we move into saturday. and look at what's happening along the gulf and out into texas and into southern florida, upwards of five inches of rain and heavy rain along the i95 corridor up into boston. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. l forecast in the next 30 seconds. which everyone will love.
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well. almost everyone. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ sorry, frank. ♪♪ made for dipping. lay's wavy. stay golden. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. happy first full day of spring. it's going to feel very spring-like as the nice weather we've had continues today and tomorrow. but then on friday more clouds come in. we'll also have some scattered showers and rain will linger in the forecast through the weekend, as well as early next week, with our highs in the upper 50s and low 60s. for san francisco, we may see more waves of rain throughout the weekend, through at least
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and that is your latest weather. guys >> thank you, mr. roker. coming up, new drama surrounding princess kate. the hospital where she had the surgery now reportedly investigating an illegal attempt to access her private medical records. we will have the very latest overnight in a live report from buckingham palace. >> also, ever dreamed of traveling to space well guess what, folks nasa, nasa is recruiting we'll take you inside the hunt for the next generation of astronauts and what it takes to apply.
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♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ good morning. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories. >> a possible violent altercation on a late night
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b.a.r.t. train. details are few, but police say a passenger at the embarcadero station reported being stabbed with some sort of weapon on a blue line train. police are calling it a punk chr wound in the leg. they don't consider it serious. officers later checked the train but came up empty. they're now reviewing surveillance video. a possible measles exposure is being investigated at a restaurant in san leandro. alameda county health officials are saying that it happened at sons of liberty ale house on march 9th between 4:45 and 7:30 in the evening. if you visited that restaurant, they want to hear from you, especially people who have not been vaccinated, or who have children that were at the restaurant who are not vaccinated against measles. this all comes as measles cases are dramatically on the rise, not only here in the u.s. but globally. it is the first full day of spring. kari has a look at our forecast. >> we have beautiful sunshine and sunrise this morning.
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temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s as you get ready to head out the door. take a look at our highs for later today. we're back in the upper 60s and low 70s. it will be very much like yesterday, headed for 66 degrees for a high in novato and 71 in san jose, 68 today in livermore, and then tomorrow it's also about the same, still pretty nice. but this weekend is when things will change. we'll see rain coming back in our forecast on friday, scattered showers on saturday, with upper 50s. and we'll see the clouds linger and the cool weather continue through at least the middle of next week. san francisco will see those rain chances continue through at least tuesday. our full forecast on nbcbayarea .c
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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♪♪ ah, back at 7:30 with one of our biggest plaza concerts ever. that's ricky martin, of course, shaking his bonbon for thousands of fans. >> is that what he's doing? >> shaking his bonbon. this is back in 1999, by the way. still to this day, one of our biggest concerts. flash forward to 2024, he is playing in a star studded new performance that drops today, so we will talk about that and a bit more when he joins us in a few minutes. meanwhile, peter alexander, thank you for coming back. >> good to be here. if things work out, craig will be shaking his bonbon before the day is over today. >> that's not happening. >> that's in our 5th hour this morning.
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we start with a new controversy tied to the princess of wales. nbc's molly hunter is at buckingham palace with the details. molly, good morning. >> reporter: hey, guys, good morning from a sunny buckingham palace this morning. the headlines aren't stopping this morning. a very serious allegation that there was a security breach at the hospital where kate was back in january. we have reached out to the london clinic multiple times and have not heard back with comment. an investigation launched. this morning another day of headlines about kate, the princess of wales and a serious allegation, breaking the news that the staff at the london clinic allegedly tried to access her medical records from her january operation. a uk privacy watchdog confirming to nbc news it received a breach report and now investigating it. kensington palace saying this is a matter for the london clinic.
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>> this is quite the serious breach, even if it is someone who is just feeling a little bit nosey. they should not have been able to access her records. she made it clear how much she wants to keep her privacy. this would be very alarming. >> reporter: meanwhile, prince william mentioning kate. but the scrutiny continues as photo agencies review past handout photos from the royal family. the geti photo agency and "reuters" calling into question numerous digital inconsistencies in this photo taken by kate in 2022. while the publication of that tmz video showing kate and william walking out of a shop this weekend provided reassurance for many, it gave rise to yet another cycle of wild conspiracy theories. >> i don't know, y'all. this is honestly getting really, really weird. what do we think? >> it's kate, okay? it is kate.
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>> this is getting weirdly suspicious. this feels like right out of a tv show. >> reporter: a windsor neighbor and professional cricket player kevin peterson posting, the conspiracy theories around kate are absolutely absurd. we see w and k most days, andet without any new pictures, even grainy ones, there's questions swirling. >> when the palace goes silent, it leaves a vacuum for people to speculate. at this point, the only way out for the royal family is full transparency. people need to see kate middleton and understand that they are getting the truth from the royal family. >> reporter: meanwhile, we saw king charles drive by buckingham palace twice yesterday, carry out official duties even as he undergoes cancer treatment, subscribing to his mother's mantra, you have to be seen to be believed. the man that shot that video at the farm shop told the paper this is a video clearly showing
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her and william. it's a very long statement. we have systems in place to monitor management of patient information and in the case of any breach all discipline terry steps will be taken. there's no place at our hospital to breach any patients's privacy. the health minister was on a media round this >> thank you so much >> you want her to come out and say, guys, i am good
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the controversy continues.a is applications for next astronaut class, love and support for bruce willis as his family and friends mark the beloved's stars birthday tom costello is back with us here to shine a light on nasa's search for new astronauts, tom >> that's right. nasa is now taking applications for the next astronaut class but do you have the x factor we'll tell you what it is when we come back apron. i'm honored. lookin' good, danny. we've got subs to make though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us wednesday, march 27th for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance. ok, dave! let's be more than our allergies. zeize the day with zyrtec. [customer service rep] discover customer service, this is maya. jennifer: oh, hi maya.
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before taking camzyos, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including current or planned pregnancy. today with camzyos, i don't lose my breath as often. my symptoms have improved, helping me go from expecting less to experiencing more. my name is mike. and this is my camzyos moment. call your cardiologist today and see if a camzyos moment may be in your future too. (geri) i smoked, and i have copd. my children are really worried.
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my tip is, send your kids a text. it may be the last time that you do. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. (♪♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪) we are back now at 7:39 with "in depth today" and a story for the ultimate job hunter. >> that's right. if you've got the right stuff,r. the space agency now recruiting its next class of astronauts, and it is expected to be flooded with applications. >> nasa wants to see your resume. the space agency now recruiting its next class of astronauts, and it is expected to be flooded with applications. >> we don't expect anything less, right? tom costello is joining us
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again. to say this is a selective process is a major understatement. >> wait until you see this selective doesn't even begin to describe the process nasa wants the best and the brightest to travel to the space station, to the moon, even to mars the astronaut application deadline is fast approaching if you can't get enough of the apollo moon landings or spacex launches today -- >> and liftoff >> reporter: -- if you dream of stars and speed and all things space -- >> that was one heck of a ride thank you. >> reporter: -- nasa has a job for you. >> so you want to be an astronaut? if you have what it takes, we want you up here. >> reporter: yep, nasa is looking for full-time professional astronauts. applications due april 2nd. >> to train and to fly for all human kind.
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>> reporter: more than 12,000 people are expected to apply fo masters degree in a stem field, science, computer just 10 spots. the job requirements, you must be a u.s. citizen, have a masters degree in a stem field, science, computer science, mathematics, have a thousand in able to pass a rigorous fitness test. >> let's give them a big round of applause. >> reporter: nasa's latest class of astronauts just graduated after two years of training, including marcos, a fighter pilot who grew up in puerto rico. >> we're all extremely excited you can feel the emotions. you can sense the emotions. >> reporter: at the johnson space center in houston, we were invited into a mockup of the space capsule that will one day carry those astronauts into lunar orbit. four astronauts will sit in here instead of three and it uses solar power rather
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than battery power new astronaut nicole can't wait. what is it like to be on this astronaut class that could walk on the moon. >> exciting is an understatement it is a fantastic time. >> reporter: beyond the professional resume, nasa is also looking for something else in new astronauts. >> i'd say that team work is probably the number one competency that we are looking for in folks that will be successful coming into this role that includes being a leader as a part of that team, but also being a follower as part of that team >> reporter: starting pay, $152,000 and you have got to be willing to travel. >> i feel like this is -- >> long distance. >> this would be a good reality show, right? like who wants to be an astronaut. historically this has been selective as well. >> 360 astronauts, that's all we've ever had, right, starting back in the 1950s. 299 of them were men 61 women but today the classes are closer
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to 50/50 and there are nasa astronauts who are involved, but it is still a pretty select group and a small alumni group. >> we will spend some time the next hour talking to the women up in your story there, the selection manager for nasa. those in management. but it is still a pretty select group and a small alumni group. >> we will spend some time the next hour talking to the women up in your story there, the selection manager for nasa we will dig into this more. >> yeah. victor glover is a rock star and a stud, so it will be a lot of fun. >> tom, thank you. appreciate. mr. roker, how about a check of the weather >> craig has that on his business card. >> what? >> star stud >> you're on a roll today. >> i had a little too much sleep last night. >> clearly. >> again, first full day of spring, and it feels like it is wintertime out there so here's what's happening tomorrow arctic low pressure will dive to the south. this jet stream will block any warm air from moving north
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to look at these temperatures. it will be colder than average into next week minneapolis today 32 degrees that's 11 degrees below average. st. louis 54 detroit 11 degrees colder at 37. for tomorrow, the windchill is going to feel like 5 in the morning. d.c. it will feel like 36. cleveland, you will feel like 13 degrees. the high for the day in cleveland 34 that's much cooler than average. boston only 39 washington, d.c. 50 degrees. look into the weekend, low 30s in minneapolis mid-30s in chicago by sunday, you are up into the mid-40s. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. today our first full day of spring, and it will feel like it. it's going to be nice. highs in the low 70s for the south bay and interior east bay, and for the thursday forecast we're also up to about 70 degrees. but then friday is when things change. we'll start to see temperatures
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dropping, scattered showers moving in. off and on clouds throughout the weekend into early next week and that's your latest weather. guys >> chilly weekend, you're telling me. >> yes. >> up next, lottery fever heating up still no mega millions winner overnight. and the next powerball drawing hours away more than $1.6 billion combined. up for grabs emily takes us inside the excitement, an we'll get to your morning boost right after this are you sure you can afford this? let me see... alright. that's a big purchase! relax! i got pre-qualified and shopped by my monthly budget so i know it's a good decision. unlike jenny's new piercing... [gasps] get pre-qualified. shop within your budget.
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carmax. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
7:48 am
♪ meow, meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ ♪ meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ [ background cats singing ] ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ meow, meow, meow. ♪ ♪ the only one cats ask for by name. ♪ the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. [dog whimpers] [thinking] why always the couch? does he need to go to puppy school? get his little puppy diploma? how much have i been spending on this little guy?
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when your questions about life turn into questions about money... there's erica. the virtual financial assistant to help you spend, save, and plan smarter. only from bank of america. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. numbers move you. but some can stop you in your tracks. like the tens of thousands of people who were diagnosed with certain hpv-related cancers. for most people, hpv clears on its own. but for those who don't clear the virus, it can cause certain cancers. gardasil 9 is a vaccine given to adults through age 45 that can help protect against certain diseases caused by hpv. including cervical, vaginal, vulvar, anal, and certain head and neck cancers such as throat and back of mouth cancers, and genital warts. gardasil 9 doesn't protect everyone and does not treat cancer
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or hpv infection. your doctor may recommend screening for certain hpv-related cancers. women still need routine cervical cancer screenings. you shouldn't get gardasil 9 if you've had an allergic reaction to the vaccine, its ingredients, or are allergic to yeast. tell your doctor if you have a weakened immune system, are pregnant, or plan to be. the most common side effects include injection site reactions, headache, fever, nausea, dizziness, tiredness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and sore throat. fainting can also happen. help protect what counts. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gardasil 9. >> buenos días a todos daley. also back with lotto fever. >> good morning, everybody no mega millions winner overnight. that's the good news the jackpot now approaching $1
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billion. tonight's jackpot could land you $700 million emilie ikeda on pause of taylor swift duties >> reporter: good morning. luck is in the air here at this quick stop because just a few years ago, someone won $200 million jackpot prize. that ticket sold at this store but the buzz, you can feel the buzz and excitement, the energy here take a look at these numbers $687 million on the line tonight, the powerball $977 million fast approaching the mega millions after no one won last night's drawing, that billion-dollar mark something that happened only five times before in mega millions history, the largest prize ever scored just last august let's say you win both, you win both lotteries, well, in the spirit of easter, you could probably get a billion or something chocolate bars and some dentist appointments as well we talked about so many different ways that you could spend your winnings if you do win. how about how actual winners have spent their money from the lottery before some people have taken their families on vacations.
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others have quit their jobs, entering an early retirement one person is reported to have spent the money building a water park and not everyone is keeping all the money to themselves. some people split their winnings one man is actually set to have shared half of his winnings with a very good friend because of a promise they made to each other 30 years before, and they shook on it and said they would share the lottery if either of them ever won. i will test my luck here i will do a quick pick ticket for tonight's powerball and we'll see how we do. guys you will know if i don't show up to work or the studio later this week or next. you will know what happened. >> yes way to power through the alarm in the background. nice work. if a place had a winning lottery ticket before, does that mean the place is hot or the odds of it happening again. >> like a slot machine, does it pay out all of a sudden? >> no. i think you have to find one of
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those shops that has never sold a big ticket >> i want to build a water park. >> all right. >> that's one thing you haven't done. >> now, craig, you have the boost. >> we will try to do hoda proud here this was an emotional moment between a proud father and his son. it happened just after a graduation ceremony at the virginia military institute. so you can see the dad there it's a man who becomes overcome by emotion removes his glasses to wipe the tears from his eyes. his son giving his father a big hug. and he said it's just the second time he's ever seen his dad cry. the graduate said he was interested in military service from the age of 8. that's when he enrolled in the young marines, and now he has been commissioned into the army, sworn in as a second lieutenant. >> wow.
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>> very touching, craig. very i'm proud of you moment. >> yes, yeah. >> nothing like a father's cry. >> good for you. good one. coming up on "popstart," beyoncé like you have never see her. d is for doing more to protect your kidneys. kerendia is for adults with ckd in type 2 diabetes and is a once—daily tablet that is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia also slows the progression of kidney damage and reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause high potassium levels in your blood. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and ask before taking potassium supplements or salt substitutes containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low blood sodium. kidney damage from ckd in type 2 diabetes is not reversible.
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don't wait to ask your doctor if kerendia is right for you. [maxine] the palm royale, the most exclusive [maxine] club in the world, was where i belonged. i don't like you, maxine. ♪♪ [linda] do you know anything about rich people? [norma] shake me another martini and then let's play doctor. ♪♪ [robert] you don't have to have money. the blackmail is right here. [linda] you're in over your head, and you don't even know it. [maxine] ahh! [splash] [maxine] i am never in over my head. [gunshot] it would be disrespectful to my hairdresser. touché. palm royale only on apple tv+ ♪♪ you are such a good listener, thomas. it makes me feel so special. if you don't mind, if you... this makes me feel really special too because you know, discover is giving me cash back on debit. not just credit. discover gives cash back on debit to everyone. everybody? introducing discover cashback debit. ohh... (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good.
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also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. (oldest girl) someday, i'll be the first female president. flonase all good. of the universe. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds. he's thinking squirrels. good wednesday morning. it is 7:56 right now. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. >> reporter: a health warning from alameda county health officials this morning from a restaurant in san leandro, the sons of liberty ale house where they say on march 9th there may
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have been measles exposures. they want to hear from anybody who was at the restaurant on march 9th between 4:45 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. they're especially concerned about people with weakened immune systems, children and pregnant women. it is the first full day of spring. let's enjoy it with meteorologist kari hall. >> and it will feel like spring again for this afternoon. the nice and warmer than normal temperatures will continue. we're waking up to sunshine and it's a cool start, but we are going to see highs for some of our inland valleys like san jose and livermore, all the way up to santa rosa in the low 70s today. we'll see more of the same weather tomorrow, but things change on friday with more clouds, scattered showers, and temperatures start to drop. so we'll go from highs in the low 70s to saturday's high temperature of 59 degrees. and there may be a brief break in the rain activity, but we're looking at chances of rain extending into next week.
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cool temperatures in san francisco with sunny skies today, but then we'll see the clouds rolling in starting tomorrow, and rain for the weekend. >> we certainly will enjoy morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van.
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into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, border battle. that controversial texas law
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allowing local officials to arrest undocumented migrants now blocked by an appeals court. the growing confusion on the ground as critics of the law are sounding the alarm. we're live with the latest. then, desperate search. nashville authorities ramping up efforts to find that missing college student for nearly two weeks now. >> this is not going away. we keep going until we have absolutely nothing. >> reporter: the new video that shows him moments before his disappearance. plus, coco's mission. we're sitting down for a special conversation with tennis superstar coco gauff. >> i don't think anyone knew the extent of how i was getting and how fast everything was happening. >> her rise to success dominates on the court and the new way she is paying it forward. and star power. sydney sweeney in studio to talk about her meteoric rise, her surprising new film role. and ricky martin joins us to
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mark 25 years since that iconic performance on our plaza. >> for my 13th birthday. >> visiting from florida. >> beaver dam, wisconsin. >> birmingham, alabama. >> and oklahoma. ♪♪ >> today is my 18th birthday! >> kicking offspring from spring, texas. >> sending love to my sisters in canada. >> from mexico. we love you grandma!
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>> from illinois, celebrating our 50th anniversary. >> at "the today show". >> and a very happy anniversary to you. 50 years, that deserves a celebration. look at all those smiling faces on a wednesday morning. hello to them and hello to you as well watching from home. we've got our saturday "today" team here, laura, peter -- >> we're all here. >> i love it. savannah and hoda enjoying spring break with their families. they will be back next week. >> we have march madness coming to brooklyn, so i will stick around for the weekend. >> yes, northwestern, baby. go cats. this will be here tomorrow on "today." you have likely seen alluring offers on social media, for $7 become a work-from-home
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millionaire. there has to be a catch here. vicky nguyen looked into it and she will share her investigation right here tomorrow on "today". >> right now let's get to your news at 8:00. an appeals court overnight blocking that controversial law that allows local officials to arrest undocumented migrants. that coming hours after the supreme court had allowed the law to move forward. nbc's morgan chesky is at the border in eagle pass, texas with the latest on this escalating legal battle. morgan, good morning to you. >> reporter: yeah, craig. right now those departments close to the border are entering unchartered territory. they heard texas governor craig abbott call that positive progress. hours later, they watched as they decided to reinstate that pause on the controversial immigration law, at least for now. now as they await to see its fate, they are grappling on how exactly they would put it into practice. sb-4 was signed into law by the
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governor in december. it empowered local law enforcement, police with the ability to arrest migrants suspected of crossing illegally and gives judges the ability to deport them back to their countries of origin. critics say this could open the door to racial profiling. local law enforcement says they're not quite sure how they would put it into practice because many of their departments are stretched incredibly thin. the fate now lies in the fifth district court of appeals. they say they have fast-tracked oral arguments on this case for just a few hours from now later this morning. >> morgan chesky for us along the border. thank you. now to nashville and the increasingly desperate search for riley strain. a 22-year-old college student missing for two weeks now. more volunteers are joining the effort as new video emerged showing the statement moments before he disappeared. kathy park is in nashville where his parents remain hopeful. kathy, good morning. >> reporter: laura, good morning
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to you. two weeks ago, riley strain was no traces of anything to follow up on. >> reporter: nashville authorities and volunteers planning to ramp up search efforts this week with a particular focus on the river, where riley was last seen. and the same area where two volunteers had riley's bank card, the first major break in days. >> i don't know how he found it. i we can -- i would like to say it was dumb luck. it was just sitting there. >> reporter: as the mystery deepens, the latest video shows a 22-year-old college student
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the night he disappeared. >> how are you doing, sir? good. >> reporter: officials say riley did not appear distressed in the brief exchange with the police officer. that occurred after riley was escorted out of luke brian's bar around 9:30 p.m. other security video showed riley stumbling in downtown nashville, even falling at one point. 11 days later, police saying there is no signs of foul play or evidence of a crime at all. >> one of the concerns was that he was -- you know, riley was being chased. he was being followed. we have seen no evidence of that. >> reporter: riley's family and friends not giving up their fight to find him. >> we're looking for you. we want to take you home for graduation. >> reporter: this mother pleading for help to find their son. >> he's my best friend. he's everything.
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>> reporter: the united cajun a day of firsts as the 2024 season god under way. this morning's game, this morning's game already happened between the los angeles dodgers and the san diego padres taking navy will be taking place in seoul, south korea. this is the first mlb regular season baseball game ever played in that country. it also marked the regular season debut of japanese sensation shohei ohtani in a dodgers uni. the dodgers was the home team for today's game with the dodgers to i shall ifly playing host tomorrow. work could start as early as next month to raise what's known as the holy grail of ship
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wrecks "the san josé," a spanish treasure ship was sunk more than 300 years ago. it is thought to contain a record amount of gold, silver and emeralds worth an estimated, get this, $17 billion in today's money. the wreck was located back in 2015 numerous countries have laid claim to it. but for now, they're putting all of that aside so the treasure and perhaps even the ship itself can be hoisted to the surface for the whole world to marvel at. >> that's pretty cool. >> lots of pots and pans down there, looks like. 44 years after robin williams brought popeye to the stage, and looks like hollywood is ready to do it again. carson has the details in "popstart". and look who is here, sydney sweeney is in 1a we are going to talk about her meteoric rise, life in the spotlight and her big new role and how it is a departure from anything we have ever seen from her before but, first, these messages
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anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. uh-huh. uh-huh. mm-hmm. sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪(liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.)♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters march 22. (vo) you don't just eat cheerios for you. you do it for them. heart-healthy cheerios. [cough] honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque
8:11 am
above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! hey... it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. cerave, with three essential ceramides, helps restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and we can feel it long after. cerave moisturizers. (ethan) i remember seeing the menthol cigarette ads talking about how they were fresh and soothing. here's my tip. smoking any type of cigarette can cause a stroke. and there's nothing soothing about that. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. (♪♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪) i see how far our legacy can go. hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down.
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a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. my hair was thinning all around my hairline. my dermatologist recommended nutrafol. it's 100 % drug—free and clinically tested. my hair is longer, thicker. nutrafol is life—changing for me. get growing at (oven ding audio mnemonic) tyson boneless buffalo bites and hot wings have that tasty kick of flavor... they're perfect for any get-together ...if there are any left when your guests arrive. tyson any'tizers® chicken. more kicks of flavor. more smiling snackers. more to love. tyson. what if you could go from this to this. with just one step tresemmé silk serum. time for the ultimate humidity test. weightlessly smooth hair
8:13 am
your turn. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. ♪♪ grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. ♪♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit the idea... is to um... where am i going? whoa! did usher forget how to skate? alright. okay.
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(♪♪) [thud] (♪♪) i meant to do this. (♪♪) i'm starting to think this was a bad idea. what! we could find a better gift on etsy's new gift mode. oh! can i see that? ♪ happy birthday... ♪ it's a people cake! don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, new on etsy. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise]
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>> why didn't you warn me about him? >> some lessons you got to learn for yourself >> i'm never going to find love. >> never say never. >> no thank you. >> get out >> we are back here with sydney sweeney, fresh off her recent hosting gig on snl. >> yes of course she is one of hollywood's brightest stars right now. an emmy nominated actress known for her roles in "euphoria" and "anyone but you". >> she is going in a different direction, playing a devout nun whose ideal life is shattered by sinister secrets and a spiritual crisis take a look. to leave.
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>> we have to leave. >> sydney sweeney, good morning we got the screeners, my heart rate was up watching this. what okay within the first five minutes, we got the screeners, my heart rate was up watching this. what attracted you to this project? it is so different than anything you have done before. >> that's what i love about it it is a challenging character. it is an interesting story i love the horror genre. it's exciting. >> it is it is exciting and to be clear, it's quite dark. >> yeah. >> this is not a film for the faint of heart >> no. >> we don't want to give away too much, but it's worth watching just for the ending you push the boundaries on this thing. you push them pretty far how do you think audiences are going to receive it and how do you hope they will receive it? >> i think that there is going to be a mixed reaction i like that. i like when movies or endings create a discussion, a debate. i think that it's going to be a wild ride for some people.
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>> yeah. i'd say so i mean, it is also -- it's quite the commentary on everything from faith to god to the devil i mean, it's -- you go after some pretty -- >> pretty deep. >> we like to push the limits. we wanted to go to some places. >> and for people that haven't seen it, obviously, it is coming out friday, but there is a long extended scene at the end. and you don't rehearse that. you just do it fresh. >> we did it fresh so the last scene of the movie was one take and you guys see the first take that we did. >> why why no rehearsals? why no retakes >> i just don't like to plan things out i love being able to feel things organically. and for the character, she was going through so much anger, pain, freedom, fear. and when we were blocking the cameras and our director was like, do you want to rehearse it i was like, let's just see what happens. and then that's what happened. >> it paid off in a big way. now, the movie is dark, but you had some fun with your grandmas.
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you brought them to the red carpet, and they're in the film. and they got to come visit me >> they are. i flew them to italy there they are and they got to come visit me onset. i made them as extras as nuns. i brought them to the premier. >> i read you got into horrors with your dad. you guys used to watch them together let's talk about your age for a moment you have been a superhero. now, you have done horror before you have a new horror film out now. of all the genres you have tackled before, is there -- by the way, your comedy chops on snl. is there one genre that you prefer more than the others, or do you like them all equal >> i like them all they all challenge me in different ways that's what's fun about acting. >> you said something interesting lately as a mom of a young girl, it really got my attention. you were talking about people
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objectifying you as a young actress. people speak about me in any way i want because they believe i signed my life away. i'm not on a human level anymore because i'm an actor how do you feel with that and all the pressure >> kind of just have to take it day by day and keep being myself >> do you feel it is an unfair amount of scrutiny >> i think that it's just -- of course it is not natural i'm just trying to figure out how to deal with all of it. >> yeah. what do people get wrong about sydney sweeney >> oh, my gosh i'm such a home body. >> really? you don't like leaving the house? >> i love hanging out with my dog. i eat candy all the time i'm pretty chill. >> you are just like us. you are just like us. >> yeah. >> what's next what haven't you done yet thatno
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>> there is so much out there, fantasy, sci-fi. >> that's literally the only genre you haven't done. >> thank you, guys. >> by the way, the new movie is called "immaculate." it hits theaters on friday. >> thank you so much over to mr. roker. >> we are looking at a fire risk around virginia because it's been really dry, breezy there today. plenty of sunshine through the central plains up into the northern plains. strong storms developing down through texas. good wednesday morning. i'm kari hall. the mild weather continues today and tomorrow with highs near 70 degrees. on friday, the temperatures start to drop. we'll see more clouds coming in, scattered showers and off and on rain through the weekend with a high on saturday of 59 degrees. we'll see the rain chances next week while san francisco may see more of that activity. we are looking
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best time of the morning. >> yes. >> all right just going crazy over here in the "popstart" news room oh, my gosh. phones ringing, all sorts of stuff going on i have narrowed it down. we will start with beyoncé the queen b is looking rodeo ready, sharing the image online yesterday and opening up the inspiration for the new record she writes this album has been over five years in the making. it was born out of an experience i had years ago where i did not feel welcome it was very clear i wasn't because of that experience, i did a deeper dive into the history of country music and studied our rich musical archive. she promised a new surprise collaborations are coming and declared, this ain't a country album. this is a beyoncé album "cowboy carter" drops next thursday. bruce willis celebrated his 69th birthday. his family has been by his side
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sharing sweet tributes online. his wife posting this snap on simply adore him. he's a true gentleman with so much love to share. that's what i social saying, just like you, we simply adore him he's a true gentleman with so much love to give and share. that's what i see, his true core i can tell you it's so pure and ever so good rumor, his elest daughter writing with a throwback pic here, you ar the funniest, silly, talented and magical pop pa demi moore posted this nice picture with the words, happy birthday, b.w. we love you and so grateful for you. of course, we all wish bruce nothing but a big, happy belated as well. next up, yesterday in holiday, dr. dre getting hi hollywood walk of fame star. showing some support including eminem >> dr. dre, my brother from another mother, rocking the sands on the beech we would soon discover
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blood brothers on a mission. house with no furniture, studio in the back with a little bit of food in the kitchen. there would be no snoop without bre, and together we created magic in the studio, and our collaborations have left a mark in the world of music. our partnership has been legendary. >> there you go. he went on by the way, dre was on last night and said eminem's new record is coming out this year this was like big news for the musical community as well. congratulations to dr. dre of course, well-deserved. this is set 100 years before the phantom menace >> someone is killing jedi it doesn't make sense.
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>> what happened >> i sensed a darkness >> this isn't about good or bad. this is about power and who is allowed to use it. >> what is that? >> i mean, i know they're pulling a lot from the star wars universe to make these things, but they're doing a good job of it there is a lot of content. they're good it starts streaming june 4th on disney+. do we have time for more >> yes. >> the blue angels, phone's ringing. this is one right here a documentary on famous aviators we're told j.j. abrams and "top gun"'s glen powell go behind the scenes from the blue angel selection process through their entire eight-month show season. >> when you are flying 12 inches apart, everybody's lives are in
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each other's hands. >> it is an eye opener for how inherently dangerous this job is >> every once in a while, the jets just kind of freeze and the world around you seems to spin >> to make 6 jets fly as one, that's the magic >> i just pinch myself we got a chance to be apart of it. >> i will watch it on imax streaming prime video. >> i flew with the blue angels a few years ago. watching it is a sight to behold quickly, popeye is back. variety revealing a new project is in the works 100 years after the iconic character launched with the comics. no casting just yet, but the next sailor man has not big
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shoes to fill. ♪ ♪♪ >> al ♪ nows ♪ ♪ >> al knows every word to that robin williams 1980, a big hit musical. who played popeye today? i thought about this i will give you two offerings. one? >> ryan gosling. >> i thought about ryan, too how about tom hardy? or how about our friend john cena >> john cena, yes. good morning. alameda county health leaders are warning about a possible
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measles exposure at a restaurant in san lan dro. it would have happened on march 9th at sons of liberty ale house and the health department wants to hear from you. if you visited at that time, especially people who have not been vaccinated or have children who are unvaccinated. now, they say the cases of measles, they are trending in the u.s. and are on the rise with people opting out of vaccinations. how's walnut creek looking? >> great. it's sunny, a little cool, but it will warm up and be another nice day. our temperatures there heading for the upper 60s and low 70s for much of the east bay. low 70s for the south bay and we'll see 60s up and down the peninsula into san francisco and 66 today in navato. after the mild weather, we'll have one more day tomorrow, but there will be a few clouds arrive for the weekend.
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>> thanks, kari. we'll have another update in 30 minutes. see you back here then.
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it's time to get away and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in. with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place...
8:30 am do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. do you know what caused the fire
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i am not here about the fire i'm here about the money i need it all back or i'm dead >> tonight, on "chicago fire." e on the ♪ oh, we're back we're back 8:30 wednesday morning ready to see this crowd out here on the plaza how are you doing? you good all right. you know who else it is great to see on the plaza ladies and gentlemen, there is ricky martin. >> whoa! >> ricky martin, no stranger to the plaza. of course, he put on a record-setting concert in this exact spot 25 years ago. >> it was electric i am going to tell you. >> people still talk about it. >> oh, i was here, and it was unbelievable i mean, he put on a show i mean, we have never seen anything like it. >> he is in a fantastic new
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show, by the way it drops today, highly anticipated. we're going to talk to ricky martin in just a few moments. >> yeah, really fun. and then adrianna brach will walk us through the best things to shop for during amazon's great spring sale. >> i walked out to the plaza the crowd went absolutely crazy. i thought, that's kind of nice, and ricky is behind me >> oh, yeah. >> also ahead, you look at an exclusive interview with tennis star coco gauff as one of the americans to win the u.s. open sam brock caught up with coco and her remarkable goals on and off the court. >> can't wait for that conversation. also, we will learn more about nasa's push to get more astronauts when a real astronaut shows up on the plaza here. >> mr. roker, how about a check of the forecast? >> starting off with friday, big storm in the southeast, snow and cold great lakes back into the plains rain developing northern
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california to the pacific northwest. saturday the west is still looking very wintery, not very spring-like. sunshine to the golf, wet snow in new england sunday, sunday things clear out along the eastern third of the country. good wednesday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's going to be another nice day. a repeat of yesterday's weather and we'll see it continue into tomorrow as well. then on friday, that's when the clouds come back and we'll also have slightly cooler temperatures. scattered rain mainly during the afternoon into the evening then looking at saturday's forecast with some off and on rain. there may be a brief break for some of our interior valleys on sunday but officially a teenager.
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what is your name?one, the only ricky martin >> sherlyn, but people call me lynn >> all right happy birthday. >> when we come back, we're going to catch up with the one, the only ricky martin about his starring role in the highly anticipated new series we'll also talk about his we'll also talk about his special place in "todashow" y
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ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. ♪♪ come on ♪ come on ♪ ♪ upside inside out ♪ ♪ living the vida loca ♪ ♪ push and pull you down ♪ ♪ her lips are devil red ♪ ♪ and the skin is a color mocha ♪ ♪ she will wear you out ♪ ♪ she's living the vida loca. >> that, of course, grammy winner ricky martin performing his smash hit on our plaza 25
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years ago. it was and remains a record-setting concert thousands of fans filling every nook and cranny of rockefeller center before we get into this fantastic new show, looking at that footage, ricky, what do you remember about that day? >> it was crazy in a good way. i can't complain it was beautiful look at that it was 25 years ago. i feel like it was yesterday but so much has happened i'm just thankful for life, man. life has been beautiful. i can't complain. >> you still got those moves you had on the plaza >> yeah, of course >> still got them. >> i just finished a really nice tour and i performed the song, obviously, and everybody had a great time everyone has a great time. you press play and everyone has a good time. >> it took us six years, but it is good we finally got you back here you're back on the small screen showing off your acting chops. it is a new comedy on apple tv plus let's take a look. >> where is the food in the
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mansion? >> you know anything about rich peopleperson. >> well, then you would know you don't keep anything in the house because your days are filled with lunches and >> i am a rich person. >> well, then you would know you don't keep anything in the house because your days are filled with lunches and brunches and your nights are filled with galas and we always watch our weight. >> let's talk about this cast. we're talking kristen wiig, laura dern, carol burnett. i mean, how much fun did you have just working with that group? >> amazing when they sent me the script, it was an amazing script. i see who's attached to it and they start dropping names, and i'm like, i'm in come on. it is the most amazing way to walk into the world of comedy. they held my hand and they taught me so much. i'm thankful to be able to work with them. kristen wiig, we know her. she's amazing. she's a powerhouse laura dern and carol burnett.
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>> let's talk about carol burnett for a minute because she said something about you she said, quote, he's always listening intently he always looks you in the eyes. there is a softness and sweetness about him in the character and in real life i love doing scenes with him comedy queen carol burnett singing your praises. >> coming from her, my goodness. you know what? she's very loving and warm of course, i was really nervous before i started working with her. she was just asking about my family, and she was very beautiful and loving and down to earth. she was telling me stories about her career and secrets, you know, to her longevity and i feel like one of the luckiest persons to be able to work with her. and we had many scenes, many scenes and many dark scenes where i was very sad because in the first couple of episodes she's in a coma and i miss her
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and i need her but then when she's not saying a word in the scene, she makes you comedy. it was just amazing. >> the series itself set in 1969. laugh because she's the queen of comedy it was just amazing. >> the series itself set in 1969 kristen wiig trying to become a part of this exclusive club, become a part of high society. without giving away too much, your character, robert, how does he fit into this story >> i know everybody in this club i know everyone's secret, and i bring everyone together. i want to protect everybody. but i -- i -- i'm the caretaker of norma de la cruz. i make sure no one comes to abuse her or use her it is a wonderful character where i am very strong, but at the same time, i have a lot of secrets, and i am -- i live with a lot of shame, and i live with a lot of self-hate, to be honest so the comedy is very powerful,
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but the darkness behind everything is a wonderful part of the story. >> you play robert, a gay man in 1969 where you can't really -- >> that's crazy. >> you can't be open about being gay in 1969. have we come far enough since then >> i think -- i mean, i look at great celebrities that are a part of the, you know, lgbtq community, and it is amazing where they are at the moment i was very insecure about sharing my -- my -- the way i love with the world 25 years ago when i was in front of your studios. now it's different now people can talk about it still there is a lot of things that need to be worked on. we're fighting for our hearts not to be taken away from us can you believe i'm saying this, and it's 2024? but little by little, we're taking solid steps and we're doing our best. >> yeah. you have got four kids now, four >> that's right. >> i understand that the two
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oldest, the twins are two of your biggest critics, perhaps. >> i know. they're very honest. no filter. >> have they seen the series >> one of them was watching it with me last night and last night he was reading the critics, and he goes, dad, things are good. things are looking really good. >> okay. >> i'm very happy. they came with me to the premier. and i just love them because they're real they're honest, and i bring them with me everywhere so they are exposed to my world, and they know the ins and outs of this world at a very short age. >> that realness and that honesty, i think they probably get it. >> that's right. >> so good to have you. >> thank you. >> don't wait six years to come back. >> no, man i'm working like crazy and i'm loving it. >> it took him six years, but he's going to come back next hour in the 3rd hour and we will spent some time talking about your show which premiers today on apple tv plus
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we should mention that two of ricky's costars will be stopping by tomorrow on "today. laura jarrett, over to you. >> what a treat. up next, adrianna brach is here, ready to dive into the best deals on day one of amazon's big spring sale. spring sale. but, first, this is "today" on ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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we are back with a very special edition of "today best-sellers." we gave you a preview last week, but now adrianna brach is here, our shop today editorial director with the best offers in fashion, beauty, tech and home scan that qr code to shop everything you see here today. so nice to see you let's start with the viral jump suit. >> first of all, i have to say this sale is the first time they're ever doing a big spring sale it runs to the 25th. my favorite part about it is you don't even need to be a prime member to get in on these deals.
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let's get started with this viral jump suit that went viral. they loved it so much. they said it is so comfortable. it is so cozy. it really is a one and done piece. you can layer it, dress it up with a blazer and heels. either way, this is 61% off right now. it is $19.99. such a no brainer. great for travel. it comes in over 30 different colors up to size 3xl. this is like add it to your cart right now. >> done! serums. craig m serums craig melvin loves a serum. >> bliss beauty is having a ton of their skin care right now on sale up to 48% off. >> wow. >> this is really great because you can get anything from a retinol, which is great for antiaging. that's the gold standard ingredient that dermatologists love your skin needs brightening, go for the vitamin c. this will help lighten, brighten
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your skin, the dark spots, too also if you need hydration, they have a hylaronic acid. >> foundation is so hard you have to get the color just right or it goes bad fast. >> it is so hard if you have fine lines and wrinkles, too, it can get dicey. but laura geller specializes in makeup for mature skin when they create these formulas, they blend easy. it's got this like swirl so you get that light coverage you can build it up. i use it every day over a tinted moisturizer. >> you use this one every day. >> i'm the color light also really cool, comes in the travel size, too how cute is this >> what a fun brush. >> and it has a built-in brush in there this is up to 48% off right now all the different shades. >> okay. talk me through this one.
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>> this one i think craig will steal after the segment because if you guys didn't get in on this during the holidays, you need this. >> why do we need the compression. >> it is like your personal blackout curtains. it is a massager for your eyes. it has compression, vibration, massage. it has a blue tooth setting if you felt like plugging in your audiobooks, music, meditation. this is so cool. it is 25% off. >> great for travel. >> great for travel. >> okay. it's heavy. >> it is a little heavy, but once you put it on it is nice and comfy. >> i love a this is so cool. it is 25% off. >> great for travel. >> great for travel. >> okay. it's heavy. >> it is a little heavy, but once you put it on it is nice and comfy. >> i love a good set of knives. >> when is the last time you got a new set of knives?
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>> like 10 years ago i'm always trying to get them sharpened. >> you need this deal. it is 39.99 for this 15-piece set. it comes with a chef's knife and pairing knives, kitchen sheers, 6 little knives for eating -- >> steak knives? >> yes it comes with a block that has a built-in sharpener so if it is time to replace them, this is a deal to get in on. >> good reminder, okay what do we have here >> this is, you're not going to believe this, a lighter. you don't need any fuel. what's really cool about this -- >> i'm not going to set the studio on fire. >> we're not allowed to turn this on. when it comes out, it runs current through the light. that's what will get the flame -- a little bit of a flame. and you don't have to worry about matches or messes. this is also really good for camping. >> and it doesn't look like the regular stick lighter. it actually looks pretty. >> exactly this is nice this is on sale for $6.99. >> to purchase these items, scan our qr code or head to coming up next, our exclusive interview with american tennis phenom coco gauff on her dominance on the court, her journey to the top and how she's paying it forward.
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sam brock will share their conversation conversation but, fst, this is "today" onir ♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin.
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with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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welcome back boy, have we been looking forward to this. coco gauff is one of the most recognizable sports figures on the planet known for her grace and composure off of it. >> now the phenom who just turned 20 last week, by the way, is teaming up with the usta to reach and inspire young athletes all over the country. >> sam brock sat down with coco he joins us now. >> guys, good morning. if you are looking forward to this, imagine how i felt in this interview. these courts here hold a special place for coco gauff so special the coordinates here are actually on her shoe to remind her where it all started because coco's parents and grandparents played in this park
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they were civil rights pioneers. when they decided to donate $3 million in grants to refurbish courts like these in honor of coco, she figured what better place to start than right here before she was thriving on tennis' biggest stages, coco gauff, the 2023 u.s. open winner, was an aspiring tennis player, always on these courts with her dad. >> just every day, every morning 8:00 a.m., just me and him and just drilling. >> the family moving to del re beach when she was only 8 to test the waters and see where tennis might take the young athlete. >> i don't know anyone knew the extent of how good i was getting. >> we knew she would be a good tennis player. she was working really hard. >> now one of the sports biggest names. >> i am a product of the strong
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community and village it took t >> as she unveils a newly refurbished court, part get me where i am now. >> coco is back, trading ground strokes with future stars and this giant kid. >> oh, you're not bad. >> as she unveils a newly refurbished court, part of the $3 million legacy initiative honoring gauff. >> you picked this court first >> yes. >> why here? and what kind of difference can that make in the lives of all these kids >> first here is the court that made the impact and the community that put so much into me. >> and giving back is nothing new for coco she has been doing it her whole life from reading to children to announcing little league games the ballpark next door dedicated to her grandparents who integrated the first little league team. that might help explain why coco's past is so important to her present. >> this is more than a shoe. this is my story. >> these are the coordinates from these courts? >> yes. >> when did you decide to do
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that and why >> i wanted to be a piece of me because i'm not only a tennis player i have a family. i have a life outside of tennis. >> but she has plenty of focus for tennis, too. famously upsetting venus williams in 2019 at wimbledon as a 15-year-old, 7 years after getting a signed ball from the legendary player a few years later becoming the youngest american to win the u.s. open since serena williams. >> who inspired you? >> serena and venus, yeah. and then my dad, of course i saw myself in serena and venus, so it made me believe that i could, you know, do something. >> now she has big dreams of more grand slam titles and olympic glory, too after a positive covid test robbed her of a chance to compete in tokyo, coco is the first american to qualify for the 2024 olympics in paris, her favorite city.
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>> i particularly want to do it this year and win a medal. that's one of my dreams that i wanted to do as a tennis player. >> at this point, who would bet a humble hero who can also doll out tough love, demanding five against her? a humble hero who can also dole out tough love, demanding five push-ups the bar is high for someone who cares so deeply. >> sounds like you would love to have one of these kids in ten years challenge you at the u.s. open. >> i would love that hopefully i wouldn't lose. but i would love it. and i guess if i did make that happen, it would be my cue to maybe leave the game >> her father told me there was a gap missing, guys, in tennis between arthur ash and the williams sisters but the williams sisters showed the world what's possible. and the greatest gift coco could give to other families is to show them and their kids what's possible. >> ironically, uncle al has the coordinates to "the today show" in his loafers. >> i do. actually they are tattooed at
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the bottom of my foot. >> appreciate it, buddy. we are back after a quick check of your local news and good morning. 8:56. vallejo police are revealing their first analysis of vehicle pursuits. the rate amounted to a 131% increase since 2018. since 2020, pursuits are up 33%. police say the spike may be tied to the license plate reader technology and so-called side shows. about two in ten of those pursuits end in a crash. contra costa county celebrating the opening of a new pedestrian bridge. and no one won the jackpot in last night's
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