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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  March 20, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to tracy morgan, leslie bibb, chef jose andres, adrianne lenker once again [ cheers and applause and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennysylvania. thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight everybody. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- kurt russell and wyatt russell creator of "the sopranos," writer david chase
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an all-new "closer look. featuring the 8g band with morgan rose. ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers, this is "late night. we hope you're all doing well tonight. now if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news in a new interview, texas senator ted cruz said that president biden has done, quote, "what no president of either party has ever done and ignored the rule of law. huh. wonder if trump heard that from court. [ laughter ] one more sketch of this guy, and we can make an animated series in his remarks after his presidential immunity hearing yesterday, former president trump claimed that if he was in office there would be no war in ukraine or israel. really you couldn't even keep america from attacking itself. trump also said that there would be, quote, "bedlam" in the country if he's prosecuted oh, i'm sure he's right.
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parade floats blocking traffic a massive champagne shortage you wouldn't be able to walk a block without a stranger kissing you. also, he said there would be bedlam i'm not sure you can use that word and claim the other guy is too old. not a lot of teens using "bedlam. new jersey senator robert menendez spoke on the senate floor yesterday and defended himself against accusations of bribery he said he refuses to step down unless someone's willing to make it worth his while [ laughter ] boeing ceo david calhoun reportedly held a staff-wide meeting yesterday after the faa grounded dozens of its 737 max 9 planes he said, if you need to talk, his door is always blown open. [ laughter ] the food brand oscar mayer is hiring 12 full-time drivers for its wienermobile, which is still less embarrassing than driving this wienermobile. [ laughter ]
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"forbes" magazine announced this week the unhealthiest states in the country, and west virginia ranks first. i'm not surprised. it even looks like something virginia needs to have removed [ light laughter ] this is very -- see, i got -- i was like going to be bad at tv for a second because like i'm going to show you how i point, but watch what happens with my pencil yeah see? i remembered before i [ bleep ] up, i remembered [ laughter ] meta announced yesterday it will begin removing age-inappropriate content from teenagers' facebook feeds. so if you see a teenager on facebook, you're being catfished. "just saw your last picture, totally bedlam." [ laughter ]
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in a new interview, actor kevin hart said that he's in a group chat with action movie stars, including harrison ford, tom cruise, and jackie chan. i'll bet i can guess all their group chat personalities kevin hart makes all the jokes tom cruise is the guy who uses way too many exclamation points. jackie chan puts a "ha ha" on everything and harrison ford is not on that chat [ laughter ] "grrrr!" and finally, the brewer of miller lite announced yesterday it's launching new beer-flavored mints. and if that goes well, they might even start offering beer-flavored beer and that was the monologue, everybody! we're off and running. [ cheers and applause we've got a great show for you tonight. they are two fantastically talented actors. they also happen to be father and son. they star in "monarch: legacy of monsters" streaming now on apple tv+.
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kurt russell and wyatt russell [ cheers ] they're going to be here together and 25 years ago today, one of the greatest television series of all-time, "the sopranos," premiered. i'm so excited the creator and writer, david chase, the legendary david chase, will be joining us. [ cheers ] but, before we get to all that - a lawyer for donald trump argued in a federal appeals court yesterday that trump should be granted absolute immunity for any crimes he committed as president. but the three-judge panel that heard the case did not seem to buy it also, yet another republican hearing on hunter biden descended into chaos when hunter himself showed up. for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: i know this is ancient history, but there was a time when republicans used to pretend that their big problem with barack obama and the democratic party was so-called "government overreach. they used to claim that they believed in limited government and that the democrats were the ones acting like dictators >> i think we need to return to constitutional government.
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i think they shredded the constitution >> this is like the whims of a dictatorship where the elite leaders decide what parts of laws they like, what parts of laws they don't like, what they themselves will be subjected to. >> is it time the president just already do this already? torch the constitution >> i will give president obama and the senate democrats credit. they believe in principles of big government they believe in this relentless assault on our constitutional rights >> i feel very strongly about our constitution i'm proud of it, i love it, and i want to go through the constitution that's what we want to do. i mean, we want to bring the constitution back. >> seth: what do you mean, bring it back? where do you think it was? on a gap year? "we've got to bring the constitution back, it's been in england for the semester hanging out with the magna carta, and if we let it stay any longer, it's going to do that irritating thing where it starts calling elevators lifts and apartments flats. instead of 'we, the people,' it's going to say 'we, the blokes.'
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[ laughter ] also, can we go back to look at what ted cruz looked like in that clip? i mean, wow. i know i've changed a lot in the past eight years, but ted cruz looks like a completely different person he used to actually look like a guy who went to harvard and princeton. now he looks like a guy who flunked out of the university of phoenix online he's the only guy who looks like the beard grew him all jokes aside, ted cruz's beard sucks, but it's still a million times better than anything i've ever grown on my face of course, everything is different now that i got my first tattoo yesterday courtesy of dua lipa. [ cheers ] yesterday, tattoo! tomorrow, beard! friday, motorcycle next monday, our new segment, "what are you closer looking at, ass[ bleep ]?" [ grunting ] i think that's how you do it, right? rrr-rrr! oh, i can't wait to find out [ laughter ] anyway the point is, republicans used to pretend they cared about the constitution then the second trump emerged,
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they abandoned all of that in favor of a president who routinely said stuff like this >> i have the absolute right to declare a national emergency i have an absolute right to call national security. i do have an absolute right to pardon myself. i have the ultimate authority. when somebody's the president of the united states, the authority is total, and that's the way it's got to be >> total, your authority is total? >> total, it's total article 2 allows me to do whatever i want. then i have an article 2, where i have the right to do whatever i want >> seth: first of all, that's definitely not what it says. the founding fathers used very sedate, dignified language like, "the executive power shall be vested in a president of the united states of america." trump talks about presidential powers like they're mountain dew flavors. "i have 'total authority,' 'ultimate immunity,' and most importantly, i have 'wild berry blast.'" "i have an article 2" is such a new york way of saying it. he sounds like a new york city cabbie fighting over a fare in the middle of fifth avenue "hey, i had my blinker on to
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pick him up! "well, i got an article 2 that says i don't care! by the way, i'm not saying democratic presidents have never overstepped their constitutional authority. they have. they're just not as audacious or overt about it i mean, compare trump saying he has ultimate authority to do whatever he wants to the current president, who doesn't even seem to think he has the authority to finish a sentence when the moderator cuts him off >> the biden plan, which is obamacare -- >> thank you, mr. vice president, thank you. >> it's a crime and it's not one that, in fact -- >> thank you, mr. vice president >> beyond the cost of inflation from this point on - >> thank you, mr. vice president >> seth: just once i'd love trump to stop himself mid-sentence like that "the other day a general came up to me, big guy, strong guy, tears running down -- ah, never mind that didn't happen." so it should be no surprise that the guy who, during his presidency, claimed he had ultimate authority is now arguing in court that he has absolute immunity from criminal
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prosecution. >> the former president is claiming immunity, saying that he should not face charges for anything he may have done leading up to the january 6th attack on the capitol because he was president. >> the trump legal team arguing the former president should have absolute immunity from prosecution because he was acting within his official presidential duties. >> i feel that as a president, you have to have immunity. very simple. so, i think most people understand it, and we feel very confident that eventually, hopefully at this level, but eventually, we win a president has to have immunity and the other thing is, i did nothing wrong, we did nothing wrong. >> seth: who's we? trump loves to drag everyone else into his mess this is why it's still crazy that people are loyal to trump a guy whose entire philosophy can be summed up with, "only i can fix it, only we can [ bleep ] it up. and when you think about it, i have immunity, so really, only you can [ bleep ] it up. best of luck in jail!" also, i like that trump throws in at the end, "i did nothing wrong" as an afterthought now.
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even trump can't bring himself to waste too much time arguing he's innocent. "i have complete and total authority, almost like a king or emperor. i can do whatever i want, no matter however illegal or immoral it may be. also, i did nothing wrong. [ laughter ] now, trump was actually present in the courtroom for this hearing yesterday, although he didn't testify, which is probably a good thing. judging from his remarks after the hearing, his testimony would have made no [ bleep ] sense whatsoever >> if you didn't have immunity, as an example, joe biden with the prosecutor we're not going to give you $1 billion unless you get rid of the prosecutor that's after -- that's after the company or his son or whoever it is they're after. but he wanted that prosecutor gone, and he's on tape saying it or you could say the horrible job he's done at the border where our country is being destroyed. president obama with the drone strikes, which were very bad they were mistakes, terrible mistakes the investigation of the election, which was a rigged
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election, everybody knows it and just if you just look at -- they didn't use state legislators, they didn't, uh -- they went to the fbi and you look at fbi and twitter -- the twitter files with the fbi, and the stuffing of the ballot boxes, all on tape stuffing of ballot boxes, all on tape government tape. >> seth: you know who i feel bad for? the court stenographer if trump's court appearances are anything like his public appearances, then trying to write down everything he says in realtime must be literally impossible five minutes into his testimony, the stenographer's typewriter would just burst into flames can you imagine the judge having those remarks read aloud "can the clerk read that back? "ooh -- i'd rather not." "please read it back." "all right, your honor the defendant said, 'we did nothing wrong, i have an article 2 that lets me do whatever i want, just like obama and the drone strikes, and biden and the prosecutor with the one billion, and you told him you're fired, and the boxes stuffed with ballots, just like toilets are stuffed, because you can't flush them, you know, what goes with a toilet, a sink and a shower, but we don't talk about
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that because windmills are causing bird cancer. just look at the border, bird border birds flying over the border. hunter, hunter, hunter, where's hunter, i did nothing wrong, i have immunity from -- just like i have immunity from covid, because i injected maple syrup into my lungs, witch hunt.'" but the federal appeals court judges, who heard trump's immunity claims yesterday, were clearly not buying it. at one point, a judge asked trump's lawyer if presidential immunity would mean that a president could order s.e.a.l. team 6 to murder a political rival. and trump's lawyer actually said, "basically, yes. >> could a president order s.e.a.l. team 6 to assassinate a political rival? that's an official act, an order to s.e.a.l. team 6 >> he would have to be and would speedily be, you know, impeached and convicted before the criminal prosecution - >> i asked you a yes-or-no question could a president who ordered s.e.a.l. team 6 to assassinate a political rival who was not impeached? could he be subject to criminal prosecution? >> if he were impeached and convicted first. >> seth: that's right,
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donald trump's lawyer actually stated in court that unless he's impeached and convicted by two-thirds of the senate, a president cannot be criminally prosecuted for ordering the murder of a political opponent and i'm sorry, but i just don't believe that republicans in the senate would vote to convict trump, even if trump did murder someone. they would all issue solemn statements like, "this has been a difficult day for our country," but then a week later, ted cruz would be on fox news saying stuff like, "sure, donald trump killed someone, but what about hunter biden's [ bleep ] pics if looks can kill, then hunter biden is the real murderer!" also, for the love of god, don't give trump any ideas he's already promised to get revenge on his opponents and to act like a dictator on day one if he wins if he realizes he can order s.e.a.l. team 6 to go after his enemies, then you can say good-bye to democrats, journalists, talk show hosts, teleprompters, toilets, and birds. "this is s.e.a.l. team 6, we have eyes on the eagle." "this is the president you have the green light bring it back in a body bag. or better yet, a bucket. [ laughter ] "mm, that's good eagle!"
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now, you might think a party that's supposedly interested in, quote, "bringing the constitution back," might use its power in congress to investigate a former president who claims he literally has the power to murder his political opponents. but instead, house republicans held yet another pointless hearing today on hunter biden, who is notably not, and has never been, a public official, or candidate for president hunter actually showed up to the hearing to confront republicans and offer to testify and predictably, it went completely off the rails >> my first question is, who bribed hunter biden to be here today? that's my first question second question, you are the epitome of white privilege, coming into the oversight committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed what are you afraid of you have no balls to come up here and - >> mr. chairman, point of inquiry. >> mr. chairman -- >> the lady is recognized -- >> if the gentlelady wants to hear from hunter biden, we can hear from him right now, mr. chairman >> do you know what, time is expired. chair recognizes ms. greene from georgia for five minutes >> thank you, mr. chairman
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>> where's he going? >> excuse me, hunter apparently you're afraid of my words. >> whoa! >> seth: it's especially rich to hear a republican say hunter biden doesn't have balls when, at a previous hearing, they showed a picture of his balls. [ laughter ] hunter has offered to testify at an open hearing, in public, with cameras, but republicans have said they only want to interview him behind closed doors. and you might be wondering why hunter biden won't just do the closed-door interview? well, congresswoman jasmine crockett has this theory >> let me tell you why nobody wants to talk to y'all behind closed doors, because y'all lie. >> seth: there you go. let us all hear directly from him rather than secondhand through nut-bag members of congress so hunter shows up and instead of asking him all the questions they want to ask, they just shouted juvenile insults at him and then when marjorie taylor greene started to talk, he just walked out. i bet when that happened everyone else was like, "you can do that? when she talks, we can just leave? the split screen of trump claiming absolute immunity and
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republicans staging a circus over hunter biden captures perfectly the absurdity of what the party has become they'd rather spend time hurling insults at someone who isn't even a public official than holding accountable a president who claims he has unlimited authority and immunity to do whatever he wants, even if it's a crime. i'd tell republicans to stand up to trump, but as we've all learned by now, they - >> have no balls >> this has been "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause we'll be right back with kurt russell and wyatt russell, everybody! ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube. so ii needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow.
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and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band right over there, everybody sitting in with us again tonight, he's the drummer of grammy-nominated band sevendust who celebrate three decades together this year
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the band released their 14th studio album "truth killer" last july and will hit the road on "machine killer tour" with static-x in february follow him on instagram @morgansevend, morgan rose is here [ cheers and applause thanks for being with us, morgan >> thank you, seth, thank you. >> seth: our first two guests tonight are two talented actors and family members who star in the hit apple tv plus series "monarch: legacy of monsters." the final episode of the season is available to stream this friday, january 12th let's take a look. ♪ >> get me bill randa go get me bill randa >> i can't he's dead. >> we're in a monarch medical facility you disappeared during "operation hourglass" in 1962. 20 years ago >> seth: please welcome to the show kurt russell and wyatt russell, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ >> seth: welcome back, gentlemen. >> hey, good to be here in person >> seth: yeah, i've only spoken to you on zoom, wyatt, it's great to have you in studio. and kurt, it's been awhile since you were here. >> i know. >> seth: you're a man of your word last time you were here, we were talking about your vineyard and your wine, and you promised to bring me some wine and you did [ light laughter ] >> well, you guys figured that out. [ talking over each other [ cheers and applause >> seth: so we're going to have some >> ready to go >> seth: well, first, cheers to you guys happy new year >> cheers. hey, it's great to see you >> seth: thank you, thank you. >> this is gogi wine, but is this la mer? >> seth: this is la mer, yeah, explain the name >> la mer is named after meredith hagner. >> wyatt russell's wife. >> seth: your incredible >> seth: your lovely wife, incredibly talented and funny actress. >> smarter, funnier, every adjective you could use. >> mother of our seventh grandchild
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>> seth: seven grandchild? >> soon to be eighth [ cheers and applause >> seth: you're about to have eight. congratulations, i know you're about to have your second. >> yeah, life's about to change big-time >> seth: real quick. how -- obviously you've seen your father as a grandparent with other -- your siblings' grandkids -- their children how is he as a grandparent >> he's a -- he's awesome because he can do all of the hard sort of lessons that sometimes i don't want to have to do, but luckily he doesn't hide any of who he is to who my son is so there was like -- we were going on a street when i was living in vancouver shooting "monarch." buddy wants to test going on the street my dad goes, "no, no, no!" to, no buddy lost it, he was crying oh, it was a good lesson comes back, what does gogi say buddy? "no, no, no. [ light laughter ] yes, you got it. thanks, pop. >> seth: so is gogi both the name of the wine and your grandparent name >> yes, see, i grew up as gogo >> seth: okay. >> my middle name was bogo, i
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couldn't pronounce it when i was a little kid - >> seth: so everybody called you gogo >> and then one day when i was very early on with goldie, my dad, who called me go, said, "hey, gogo." and we both turned around. she looked, "how did you know my nickname?" she grew up as gogo. >> seth: no way. >> my nickname, gogo, turned into, via my sister's, a lot of different versions of gogo >> seth: yeah. >> goginchiki, and gogi. gogi was sort of what i became to all the grandkids and my family - >> seth: it's really funny at a very young age you had a perfect grandfather name [ laughter ] you've grown into gogo very well [ light laughter ] when you meet a 4-year-old called gogo, you're like "what's this kid getting up to?" >> so it's gogo and gogi >> seth: okay. >> we're -- to all the grandkids. >> now what is it like watching wyatt as a father? how is that transformation >> that's a problem. [ laughter ] >> seth: i mean, obviously his kids don't know streets are bad. >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> on it >> i got to say, they're great
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parents. no i thought he was going to say he was a great grandparent because he was hands-off [ light laughter ] no, it's fun to watch, it really is, with all of our kids holly and kate's kids and uncle boston comes over to everybody's house. you know, we're very fortunate >> seth: obviously, wyatt looks up to you because he also has his own -- >> oh, yeah. >> seth: it's not wine this is lake hour. >> lake hour this is a vodka cocktail in a can. yes. honeysuckle. honeysuckle ginger >> it is born here in new york >> seth: alright >> ooh ooh, we're moving right along here >> seth: i assume you start with the wine, then you move to the drink in a can [ light laughter ] >> the guy in the clip needed a lake hour. >> here you go >> two fisted here >> good seeing you cheers [ talking over each other >> seth: good to see you guys. >> hey [ cheers and applause happy new year >> delicious nice, light, and refreshing. >> seth: i was very jealous when we spoke because your 3-year-old's name is buddy prine.
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>> yeah. >> seth: which is a fantastic name >> thank you >> seth: his birthday, december 26th i sympathize with him, december 28th >> oh, really? >> seth: so i know the feeling although 26 seems even worse does he appreciate - >> so -- so it was -- it was -- we do christmas -- 25th, you know, we wake up, we do the - it's nuts, disaster most of the day, great most of the day goes to sleep, wake up buddy, buddy, it's your birthday got to get excited and he's three and he goes, "ugh, not now." [ laughter ] you're like, you got it, that's the right answer [ light laughter ] you're learning well no one wants to celebrate your birthday >> seth: i have a 3-year-old who actually has an understanding of excess, it's pretty great. >> yes, exactly. >> seth: he's like, enough is enough >> enough is enough. >> seth: a very cool thing for him is that his dad and his grandfather are in a television show together. we're going to talk about that next we'll be right back with kurt and wyatt after this
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[ cheers and applause ♪
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>> okay. >> now come on got to avoid the lights. now this way, this way come on, keep moving >> seth: we're back with kurt and wyatt russell. another clip from "monarch." [ cheers and applause so - when people who haven't watched the show might not know from the clip, you play the same character at different parts of your life in the show. so you actually didn't get to shoot any scenes together? >> no. >> we shot one, but it was not used [ light laughter ] >> seth: no chemistry? [ light laughter ] they just don't seem like they like each other. [ laughter ] and did you -- was it pitched to you guys as, hey, will you -- obviously this makes sense, you look enough alike that it would make sense to be two people in different times? >> yeah, we have the same agent. he called me and was like, "hey, this is an idea. run it across the cast director said - you know, had this great idea. and so we sort of thought, i don't know, maybe -- yeah, maybe it could be? could be the worst idea of all-time too [ light laughter ] as we went down the rabbit hole, you know, we started thinking it might be a good idea
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>> we did. we'd had opportunity to play a father and son before. nothing really struck our fancy. and you know just because we're all - in our family, a lot of us are in the same business we just kind of go down our own paths. but, yet i think everybody in the family would all like to work with each other, some time or another this was a different kind of opportunity, to be able to play the same person. it's also very challenging because you're not playing father and son, you're playing the same person. i found myself going down to wyatt's set watching him and i realized, yeah, this is interesting. i stopped watching wyatt and i started just watching the actor, i said this guy's good, man. [ light laughter ] >> thanks, dad [ light laughter ] [ talking over each other >> yeah, yeah. bet your dad called you tiger. he said, yeah, i got - i got to see what he's doing here and kind of continue it on many, many, many years later >> it was cool, because like - we've been asked a lot, what did you learn about your dad or what did you -- well, i didn't really learn anything about my dad. because all i ever knew was my
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dad. and he's a truth teller, he tells me the truth, it's really boring but it's the way life is and it's amazing to me because i never had to second-guess things and all i ever remember is he was doing "tombstone" and there was a room, a hotel room - i was there for probably three weeks, maybe >> were you nine years old >> seven there was a couch, and he put me to sleep on the couch, it was like 3:00 a.m. and they'd gotten done with a long day of shooting he goes smoking cigarettes at the table, starts writing. and he was like writing for a couple of hours, and he'd go to sleep. wake up, and i was like, i guess that's what you do when you work, smoke cigarettes and write. [ light laughter ] and so all i ever knew was the passion and energy that he brought to it. and seeing other people get to see that at this now at his age, which is a very youthful 47. [ light laughter ] that like, it was just really cool for me to see, like, people go, oh, wow, holy -- kurt russell really is the real deal that was cool for me >> seth: that's really awesome
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one of the nice things about this - sometimes press is hard for actors because you didn't shoot together, this is the nice part. you get to go out and hang out >> this is the most time we've had to spend with each other since he was playing hockey in vancouver. even before he went -- long before he went into college. >> seth: you were both kurt russell the actor and a hockey dad at the same time, which is a real job. >> i was a good hockey dad i was a very bad baseball dad. i was a good hockey dad because i didn't know that game. i love the game. and my only wish and hope for him was that he wouldn't become a goaltender >> seth: yeah. >> i think it was the third time he stepped on the ice. he was 4 or 5. the coach looked up and "he wants to put the pads on." i said, "no. [ light laughter ] just let him skate out, have some fun." >> can't lose if you don't get scored on. [ light laughter ] >> next thing i know, the rest of the team's down there, he's standing in goaltender keeping that puck out of the net so he was born to -- >> my dad never missed a game. >> seth: that's fantastic. >> yeah, it was awesome. >> seth: i would miss so many. [ laughter ] i hope they get into sports just
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so i could miss them >> goldie made every one, too. i'll tell you what >> seth: god love her. another thing about a show like this, obviously it's sci-fi. you have a lot of special effects. you do the work as actors. you must feel good about what you do and then you must have felt so good when you actually saw the finished product cause again, you don't get to have the benefit of the final effects until you see it it must have been so exciting. >> it was very exciting and also very - just affirming because in my head, i was always going, well, if i suck the monsters are going to be sick, the monsters are going to be awesome. and that's the backstop. and then as you start watching, you're like i hope the monsters are good because i wasn't that good in that scene [ light laughter ] watching with a critical eye but apple was never going to let it be anything but great so i always have a lot of fun. >> it's fun. it is fun to see the outcome of it, especially now, what is it, friday the last one's on and it's -- eight, nine, and 10 are bang-up finish on this thing. and it's got a great - >> great ending. >> great ending, it really does. [ talking over each other >> seth: i can't wait to see it. thank you guys for being here. what a joy to have you together.
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[ cheers and applause >> hey, man, thank - >> seth: thank you, guys that's kurt russell, wyatt russell. season finale of "monarch" this friday january 12th on apple tv plus "night swim. fantastic. in theaters now, stick around. we'll be right back with david chase. [ cheers and applause ♪ ugh. nothing works on this acne. hi! who.? i'm a licensed dermatology provider from curology. oh. just get a closer look. yup, acne and some dark spots. but, if you answer a few questions, i'll take a look at your skin and prescribe you a personalized cream. oh! i knew my phone was listening to me. curology. skincare with a face. start today at (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to tango with tails on tails on tails? try lobster lover's dream
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1:15 am
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>> seth: we are here with david chase, everybody the emmy and peabody-winning writer and creator of "the sopranos" which premiered 25 years ago today it is streaming on max david, it is such a pleasure to speak to you again >> yeah. >> seth: i would imagine a lot of people are asking you this, 25 years to the day it premiered. did you have any sense that you were going to make a show that people would still be talking about this much a quarter century later? >> no, of course not >> seth: yeah. >> not at all. >> seth: did you have any confidence in it at any point in the process? [ laughter ] >> well, yeah. five years out >> seth: five years in, yeah what about premiere day? at the time, i feel, you know -- hbo was a thing. we knew it was prestige television i don't think we'd quite seen anything like "the sopranos. did hbo think they had a hit on their hands? >> well, i got a call -- you know, it was -- okay, it was going to happen on january 10th. and i got a call from a woman whose name i wish i could remember who said, "listen, we have two kinds of parties here
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at hbo a normal party, a series debuts. cast, crew, and family nice restaurant. i said, "oh, that sounds good. she said, "then there's another kind of party. at a better restaurant at a big screening room. and a whole other thing. and i thought, holy [ bleep ]. and that's what happened >> seth: wow, so they upgraded you to the big premiere? >> they upgraded me to the big premiere >> seth: that's very exciting. the reviews early on, everybody almost to a publication loved it "hollywood reporter," "david chase rises to the challenge with incredibly absorbing scripts and the help of remarkable cast." "newsday." "it's a great show, the best new series of the year, it's so dare i say it, original it catches you off guard. "the orlando sentinel" stands alone. >> right that's right >> seth: you remembered this >> i do remember this, uh-huh. >> seth: yeah. >> of course i remember. >> seth: a gangster's midlife crisis is a weak, unpalatable premise for a series [ laughter ] "the sopranos" makes you an offer you can refuse [ laughter ]
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>> right and one other journalist said that they found that guy in a barrel in miami bay. [ laughter ] >> seth: dude, you know, i -- i've watched the show from beginning to end multiple times now and it becomes so much - through the series, so much more fun to watch everyone. because you learn who the characters are and their peccadillos and the way they talk. did they become more fun to write for, the longer it went? were there characters that you were delighted to know you had a scene with so-and-so >> oh, yeah, definitely. >> seth: did you have a favorite person to write for? >> i guess i would say junior. >> seth: yeah, junior was great. >> junior was just -- i don't know it was -- well, first of all - olivia was everybody's -- every writer's favorite. >> seth: yes, tony's mom >> and then after she was gone, it became junior i mean, everybody was great. >> seth: yes >> but junior had something going for him. and -- well, and paulie. you know >> seth: and the thing about it
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is the show is obviously very serious. people were very invested in what happened to the characters. the fates of everybody but it was so funny as well. did you feel you were writing a drama? did you feel you were writing a comedy or did it just switch based on the scene and the character? >> well, i remember being at college up in the bronx. and going to somebody's funeral. and on the way i passed another italian funeral going on and there was these women on their knees going, oh, oh, in front of the coffin, oh my god and i knew that those were paid mourners and i thought, this is horrible and funny. [ laughter ] so i thought, that's what i want to do. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] well, you accomplished it. yet we talked about how the confidence came in season five you did not, even with the critical praise, you did not think it would receive a second season >> no. i didn't you know, because -- because a show that survives on, you
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know -- on tv, it's a tiny, tiny bull's-eye in the middle of a target, you know and -- edie falco said to me - also, we were done with the whole show before it aired that's not the way it usually works on network tv. you're working on it while it's on the air so edie said to me, "so what happens now? and i said, "well, not much. i think we've done it, we had a really good time, it was great." she said, "why?" i said, "just -- it's just not going to happen. it doesn't ever happen, really." and she said -- she said, "we had so much fun. and i said, "well, that's -- they don't want you to have fun, that's not the purpose that's the problem." [ laughter ] >> seth: you would make a terrible cheerleader [ laughter ] >> i tried out in high school. >> seth: you tried out in high school [ laughter ] they said, "you know, we got a job on the paid mourner team." [ laughter ] >> that's right. but they didn't pay enough >> seth: they didn't pay enough. but you also -- it's interesting because -- you know, again, i think a lot of the people in the
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show had worked before it's what they became known for. you did have a career in television, so you'd been through this before. you'd worked on shows that succeeded like "the rockford files," "northern exposure." but you also had ideas of shows before "the sopranos" of shows that did not succeed, including a superman-inspired show >> yes, that's true. >> seth: what was the name of your superman show >> the superman-inspired show was called "ultimo." >> seth: "ultimo." >> it was about an italian american kid whose father was a scientist at the houston space lab. his father took him to work on a saturday and the kid ate some little moon rocks and it never came out in his stool. and he got these superpowers [ laughter ] and then -- then he had to start hiring publicity people, legal people had a whole tuesday morning staff meeting because in the pilot, he was being sued because
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he took a big boulder off a mountain and smashed some terrorists in a cabin. and that caused vibration which caused a ski lift to fall down and a lot of people were seriously injured. so he was being sued by all those people >> seth: and how did the -- how did the network receive this script >> the way they received all of them [ laughter ] >> seth: you did not -- going into "the sopranos" you preferred film as a medium to television i think you started -- or it was certainly one of the shows that started this shift to far more cinematic television was that one of the things you set out to do? >> yes it was yeah >> seth: and was hbo amenable to this was that something you had to explain to them? >> no, i did not hbo was -- i said it before. hbo was like -- i was all set to do another development deal at fox and to be the executive producer of "millennium. you remember that show >> seth: yeah, i remember that show >> and i just -- and i went to a
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meeting over there then i had another meeting around the corner at hbo and i said to hbo, "well, can i direct a pilot because if i can, then i'll do it." and they said yes. so that other one, which was a contract-signing meeting, never happened >> seth: wow that's amazing how that very small -- always have two meetings on the same day, that's real [ laughter ] we've had cast members -- i've read interviews, i've had cast members here who talked about how actual members of the mob had reached out to them during the filming of the show, after the filming of the show, because they wanted to, you know, just talk to people who were on "the sopranos." i think that was probably a show that was interesting to them did members of the actual mafia ever try to contact you? >> no. [ laughter ] although -- i -- i have to be careful here, wait [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, i have to be. make sure it's only one shot >> yeah. yeah
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i -- i have -- i think he's gone now. i had a cousin by marriage who was married to an older cousin of mine, a woman and i never went there for obvious reasons. and right toward the end, maybe fifth or sixth season, my wife and i had dinner with those two. and we had a night in clifton, new jersey two minutes from where i grew up and we had a nice dinner and he and i said, you know what, let's forget all this bull [ bleep ], let's you and i have lunch. we made a lunch date for next thursday -- two thursdays from now. starting on wednesday i started thinking, i don't know about this [ laughter ] i don't know about this. i don't think this is a good idea and by thursday i was pretty much agitated. and i was -- almost had my hand on the phone and the phone rings. i answer the phone it's him he says, "david, i've been thinking i don't think we should do this." [ laughter ] so that was, you know. >> seth: probably for the best
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>> that was definitely for the best because he had already asked me for springsteen tickets. >> seth: yeah. >> and -- you know [ laughter ] >> seth: there you -- you don't need people -- if he's really in the mafia, he can get his own springsteen tickets. >> well, you would think so. but -- i mean, it was that and some other stuff >> seth: yeah. >> it had already started. >> seth: yeah. it's hard enough having a cousin by marriage, you don't need them also in the mob. >> right, but that cousin is the guy that told me and terry winter about a guy from newark who shot his wife in the beehive hair-do. >> seth: oh, really? >> that's where that came from, from that cousin >> seth: see, that's why he couldn't keep talking to you >> exactly >> seth: eventually he'd be like, hey, these are a lot of you stories. hbo put together a quick clip package of "the sopranos" on its 25th anniversary, let's take a look >> i'd like to propose a toast to my family. someday soon, you're going to have families of your own. if you're lucky, you'll remember the little moments that were good ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: is it strange to watch a clip package >> seems very violent to me. >> seth: it's a very violent show if you haven't seen it, it's a very violent show. [ laughter ] what an honor to have you here congratulations. >> thank you [ cheers and applause >> seth: david chase "the sopranos" streaming on max. we'll be right back with more "late night. [ cheers and applause ♪ (coi leray & metro boomin, “enjoy yourself”) new axe black vanilla? yum! ♪ he like when i get dressed, ♪ ♪ i live life with no stress, ♪ ♪ he said that's my best flex. ♪ ♪ i hopped on a big plane, said i'm doing big things, ♪ ♪ gonna bring out the champagne...yeah. ♪ ♪ baby i'm cool, yeah, you know what to do, ♪
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1:34 am
[ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: i want to thank my guests kurt russell, wyatt russell, david chase everybody! thanks again for being


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