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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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attractive room into his business early this morning. >> they were just on a shopping spree pretty much it looked like, grabbing what they could. stuff in their bags. >> reporter: police spotted the backs and began chasing them onto the freeway. >> was the officers reached the point where i 80 merges with traffic coming from i 580, they saw the suspect vehicle make a u-turn and they realize the suspect was going to start coming or start driving against traffic. our officer canceled the pursuit and interests of public safety and shutdown his equipment and exited the freeway. >> reporter: the truck collided head-on with two cars killing an innocent driver and injuring another motorist. the suspects were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. >> you can't take that back, cigarettes, money, damage, that
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can be fixed. that can be fixed. >> reporter: the store owner says he is heart broken that it ends that person lost their life. all over some cigarettes. other el cerrito business owners are angry. >> my opinion, you do the crime, you do the time and stop being so lenient with these ridiculous laws that the public past. >> this is the sixth time he has been hit since he opened 10 years ago. >> it seems to be getting worse every time and this could be the nail in the coffin depending on the cost. this might not be able to come back from this. >> that the store is damaged and boarded up tonight, it is still open for business. the owners of and he will be able to rebound. in el cerrito, i am jody hernandez, nbc bay area news. the man accused of murdering his wife and mother in law was back in court this morning. 40 your old appeared this
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afternoon. he reported them missing saying the left for california after an argument. detectives found conflicting information during their investigation. he is now charged with two counts of murder with a special circumstance enhancement, even though the two bodies of the victims have never been found. it is in classrooms everywhere, students point other cell phones in class. now they have cell phones storage bins and classrooms. >> teachers here want to emphasize this is not a formal school policy, whether an understanding between them and the students that putting their cell phones away is best for everyone. >> reporter: asked most kids and they tell you it is an absolute must.
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that ever present cell phone. >> i believe we do have an addiction. >> reporter: now teachers are hoping to change that mindset in class. classes without come with what teachers are calling storage bins like this one. students can place their cell phones in there while in class or they can place them in their backpacks. >> this is in no way a band, this is in no way trying to take student phones, this is just trying to send an expectation across all six period that when they step into a classroom they are ready to learn. >> reporter: students will attend a rally to go over what is expected. this will hit the round running next fall. >> maybe this will help with interpersonal relationships, maybe it will have some conversations they would not have had otherwise.
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maybe they will see their grades go up and feel more confident in their ability academically. >> reporter: parents were notified of the changes of the last few days. >> yeah, do your schoolwork. >> i don't think that taken away the cell phone will help us. >> reporter: we got permission from her guardian to talk to her. she started a per -- >> many students need their cell phone for other reasons. >> reporter: right now posters are up all over campus with stats and warnings about the continuous cell phone use. teachers say it is an effort to help students realize the dangers of never taking a cell phone break. nbc bay area news . cannabis owners are's frustrated over crime. this is rules throughout the
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streets. take a look at a robbery. you can see burglars load stolen goods into a black suv. patrol cars arrived but offices don't stop that these as a getaway. the san francisco police department did not chase them because her current policies. cannabis business officers say they are being targeted and that is taking a poll. >> some are getting close to closing. we have already seem to dispensaries closer doors. that is two out of 16 and a lot are struggling. >> they are discussing whether to ramp up security. that would bring down the age for buying cannabis to 18. the supreme court said texas will be allowed to for the new immigration law for
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now. that log is local police the power to arrest migrants who legally cross this on the border. the high court rejected an emergency request from the biden administration to put that law on hold. the law also empowers state judges to order people to be deported. the white house says the measure tramples to oversee immigration issues. texas governor greg abbott says the law is necessary to protect texas from what it calls and invasion. the court also noted the law could also be blocked at a later date as it is still going through his appeals process. today is primary day in five states and while president biden and trump have both clench their nominations, today's primerica play a big role in the future of each campaign. alice barr has details from washington. >> reporter: as voters head to the polls in five primary states today, the question is not who will win the republican and democratic presidential contest, but rather what these voters care about. >> i did not want to vote for trump so i voted against him. >> immigration is out of
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control. >> reporter: it made a big impact and i want to support trump. >> i voted for donald trump. >> reporter: he is lashing out over the $464 million civil fraud judgment against him for his company's business practices. he is struggling to find the money and has until monday before the new york attorney general can move to start seizing his assets. at the same time, the former president taken heat for his latest highly controversial comments. >> any jewish person the votes of for democrats hates their religion, they hate everything about israel. >> reporter: as many jewish leaders push back. >> to say you hate israel or your religion because you have one view over another is sick and hateful. it is unadulterated anti-
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semitism. >> reporter: president biden containing today in arizona where voters were at the pole and in nevada drawing a sharp contrast with president trump. >> i've never heard a president say the things he says. the differences he needs them. >> reporter: a new effort to engage latino voters. >> while polls show many americans prefer former president trump over president biden on immigration, democrats in arizona are trying to reframe the issue pointing to that bipartisan border bill that the former president opposed an house republicans block. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. from the oval office, investors say that he was involved in his attempt to overthrow the election. and the attack on the capital. two years ago they subpoenaed
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him but he would use to turn them over. he was sentenced to 4 months in jail which she began today. >> there has been a 20% increase in children diagnosed with autism since 2006. that is the year they passed the autism c.a.r.e.s. act. now services to banish because that bill set to expire. families were on capitol hill today calling for them to reauthorize the act. the bill led to research that transformed the comprehension and diagnosis of autism. there is more to be done and not just for kids. >> it would be nicer to have more programs that cares did. what did they do into adulthood? they're all in the workforce now, can we get them more resources?
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>> congress reauthorize the act in 2014 and 2019, renewing the bill would lead to more than $2 billion in funding to advance autism research. services and training for healthcare professionals. measles continuing to make a comeback, the warning from the cdc and what parents are being urged to do. a man is trying to bring some smiles in the south bay and he is using materials from illegal dump sites to do it. our bay area proud segment is next. i am chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. spring officially writes tonight and manager felt like it tonight with alof thisl
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measles is making a comeback. despite it being declared eliminated decades ago. there has been two cases across 17 states so far this year. including california. most are links to international travel. the cdc is urging doctors and parents to vaccinate their kids
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against measles. measles was limited in the u.s. in 2000. the bay area is home to many talented artists. we found an artist in san jose who stoll is not the only unique thing about him. >> to be sure, there is a lot jerry clark does share with other arches. he uses what he finds in his environment. it is that environment that makes his choice to pursue art so interesting. >> reporter: is visibility was important, he could do a whole lot better than the spot he chooses to set up his outdoor art installation. then again, he is far from your typical arches. driving along san jose's avenue, most people only get a fleeting glance of the creations that he has poured his heart
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and soul into. >> it is an experience, you're getting too expensive a real quick as you go by it. if you turn around and you wanted to get picture of it, good on you. this would be a centurion. >> reporter: his creations are life-size suits of armor based on a game called warhammer. the materials are pieces of foam force from dime-size. >> you find some paint and then you know, get going. it is a lot of zip ties, man. a lot of zip ties. >> reporter: they are not only impressive to see, their functional as well. most days jerred puts on one of his space marine outfits and steps out onto the sidewalk on a bridge over the railroad tracks. what this location lacks invisibility it makes up in convenience. for the five past few years his home has been underneath the
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same bridge. jerred is homeless, yes, but my more my choice the necessity. >> i did not want people to feel sorry for me, i love my life. i like what i'm doing. why would i have it any other way, i was able to chase my dream. for make that dream is to focus on his art and almost nothing else. jerred says a one point sure, he thought about making money with his warhammer suits. but things changed over time. the longer he stood out on the roadway, the more smiles he brought two people driving or even stopping by. >> thank you, man, god bless. >> reporter: the more he realized that was payment enough. >> when i started building them i did not know, i mean, wanted to get a couple of smiles and some cheering or whatever. good job, man. but after a while it became more about like, you guys might
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need this. >> man, you're awesome. >> god bless, that is amazing, i just wanted to be a positive force. >> i have a confession to make, i think myself like a lot of others, when we see a lot of homeless encampments and people on the street we tend to group everyone as quote unquote the homeless and treat them all as one group. meeting jerred and spending time with him reminded me that every single person out there has a different story. his is obviously very different than most. it was just a good reminder for me that when you see people to realize that their situation is unique, that person is unique. sometimes it is just wild stuff. >> he could really go into set creation or something. they looked like transformers. it is pretty cool to put all that together. >> that is what i said, there transformers. he said no, not transformers. warhammer.
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exactly, he says there is a whole culture that is grown up around that game. he is deep in the lower of it. >> he is certainly talented. a beautiful day out today. >> so nice, spring officially arriving tonight. the suns rays right on the equator. also from here on out we will see increasing daylight, that is going to be spectacular as we had through the next couple months. moving outside if you're stuck in the office all day long, come to your tv, this is for you. look at that blue sky going on, excellent visibility out here. city 9 degrees emily when the breeze kicked up this afternoon it wasn't overly strong and it just made a perfect outside. whence other the. maybe it is not san jose but heading to the grocery store,
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no jacket needed. if you're going out around 8:00, 10:00, we will dip down into the 50s pretty quickly and you need a light jacket. up towards napa we had some 70s today. it will get much colder here 9:00, 53 and even some upper 40s around 11:00 this evening. now through tomorrow we are still getting some dry weather. we will keep it pretty nice in the forecast. seeing a little bit of far care as we roll through the morning. really beyond that it is is next system we are seeing double up in this pacific. i will get you all the details, don't worry about it, to get you through the storm system coming up in about a minute and a half. tomorrow's forecast it is a chance of a little bit of patchy fog around six and 7:00. we will see that clear back, the thing that would be different about tomorrow is we will get some high clouds across midday and early afternoon. eventually called coverage will increase a little bit around
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four and five and 6:00 with the storm system developing in the pacific. no rain, it will be dry tomorrow. we will be in the 40s and the peninsula, south bay in the 50s. and the east bay, 47. look at these temperatures for tomorrow, still expecting some 70s. especially in the south bay. the only one in san jose. we have a few more 70s back towards concorde and danville. closer to the bay that breeze will keep us cooler, oakland 65. not quite 70s for the peninsula. up to san francisco, 57 here in the marina. and for the north bay 59 point bay. so rain chances it is still on the way for us, i see that rain returning by friday. another chance on saturday. and then we hang onto a few chances as we head into sunday.
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overall i think on friday we are good for a quarter to half inch. most of the bay is expecting about a half inch. totals a little bit up on friday. some of the heaviest rain will get her on the saturdays forecast. a half to 1 inch. on sunday total start to taper off, only about a quarter of an inch. the sierra snow will stack up. most of these totals you will see her coming on saturday about 18 inches kingsville. 21 in kirkwood. on the seven-day forecast here it is, dry weather next two days. and we should dried out next monday and tuesday. look at that temperature dropped from 71 on wednesday to 59 on saturday. look at this changing pattern coming up tonight at 5:30. i hope you two did not put your jackets away. >> no, we have them handy. >> thanks. coming up, a
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nearly 2 years after the overturning of roe v wade come medication abortions have now become more common. the abortion drug has been the most common method for ending early pregnancies in the united states. the institute found that in 2023, 63% of all abortions in the u.s. were done via medication. up 10% since 2020. the group says states bordering those with complete bands on abortions have shown the sharpest increase in medical abortions. next week the supreme court will hear arguments of the case that could decide whether it will remain easily accessible. investors are reacting to and a measuring investment
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treasures a dip this morning before rising after the company's ceo answering investors questions. they're holding announced new artificial investment chips as well as a new ai software platform. the company says it is estimates that it will spend more than $250 billion a year for that of gray.
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a new beginning for an iconic paris landmark. the city rebuilt the fire at the notre dame cathedral. it burned most of the cathedral including the spire. the present said he would rebuild it within five years. there have been some pandemic delays.
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here's the newly constructed spire which includes a golden rooster and a cross on top made to look like the original. it also contains relics inside which is believed to be jesus's crown of thorns. it will open by the end of 2024 after the paris games. don't forget you can watch our news 24/7 on our app. despite some perceptions, crime continues to decline across the country. new numbers just released by the fbi and how it shows the continuous trend. >> mixed news trying to make it in the bay, what realtors are
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saying about the bay area housing market. the new said 5:30 starts right now, thanks so much for joining us, i am 14. tonight we have a better idea of where they will likely be installed. they are discussing the process for picking 33 different locations for those cameras. there is an urgent need to get these cameras up asap. >> reporter: for the rivero family, speeding cars have turned a stoner their home into a dangerous outing. >> my husband had to jump in front of us to stop a car from hitting us. >> they constantly worry about their daughter says they've


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