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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 19, 2024 1:34am-2:04am PDT

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yours with clearblue menopause stage indicator... that tracks your fsh hormone levels... combining them with your cycle data. what's your menopause stage? looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> seth: i wanna thank my guests james mcavoy, rachel dratch. [ cheers and applause i wanna thank morgan rose and the 8g band over there thank you for watching we love you, everybody happy new year [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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♪ right now at 11:00 sadness in san francisco, a growing memorial to remember a family killed after a driver plowed into them over the weekend. good evening, i'm raj mathai. friends confirm the three people killed are a mother father and toddler. a fourth person, a three-month- old survived. nbc's pete cerrato's reports.
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in an emotional evening with hundreds of people gathering together including the mayor for a vigil to mourn the loss of three people killed when a driver crashed into them at a bus stop. >> i think these sorts of tragedies bring us together and remind us how precious life is. >> friends of the thick dems were also in attendance but declined interviews. they did confirm the crash involved in a family of four. the brazilian consulate confirmed one of the adult victims is a brazilian national named diego. they were not release any other details. >> stuff flew into the air. >> reporter: -- recalling the
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tragic scene she witnessed. she is here tonight to support her community that is reeling from the tragedy. >> just experiencing and seeing people's facial expressions and emotions, because i have been feeling numb and lost. >> the driver is in custody at a hospital and faces three counts of vehicular manslaughter, -- and additional violations. district supervisor calls the incident devastating and says she will push for more reinforcements to keep residents safe. >> we need a stoplight. >> reporter: police are still investigating the cause of the
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crash over the weekend and it is still an open investigation. if you have any information contact s fpd. in san francisco, pete cerrato's, nbc bay area news. the nightmare continues for united airlines. this is a live look at sfo where another united flight had a mechanical problem. it is the eighth mechanical problem involving an sfo flight in two weeks. the flight was about to take off for japan. the plane had mechanical issues and returned to the gate for five hours and then took off for japan around 5:00 p.m. this was one of the many problems we have documented for united starting about two weeks ago when that tire fell off of a flight during takeoff from sfo crashing down onto parked cars below. today, the ceo, scott kirby, issued a statement saying the incidents are unrelated.
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kirby writes in part "safety is our highest priority and is at the center of everything we do, unfortunately in the past few weeks our airline has experienced a number of incidents that are reminders of the importance of safety. " he went on to say they are working on procedures while the faa investigates these mishaps. also this evening enjoy that sun while you can. more rain on the way later this week. we have been tracking storms almost nonstop this winter. that's bring in our chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri, on this last full day of winter. >> we still get spring weather into tomorrow but eventually rainfall and with that rainfall on the way i did want to first get in here how we are doing so far for the rainfall season and look at these numbers coming in excellent, santa rosa, 32.8 seven inches, that's a surplus of 4.73.
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for santa rosa we are already reached what we should have reach for the entire rain season. also 2.78 in san jose. a deficit in oakland and concorde with 2 to 3 inches, but that is not that bad. the reservoir numbers. 70% capacity, lake sonoma. 100% capacity moran water, 92%, lexington. 84%, east bay mud. not only good on the waterfront, but look at the snowpack. 150% northern sierra, central sierra 99 and of course that is important because the snowpack provides a third of the states water supply. storms will linger into sunday, friday through sunday, with totals that could hit one inch also snow topping one fee. more details and timing. a lot happening with the giants. an emotional roller coaster for the fans.
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the day started with shocking news about run out and now the big news about a start picture coming to san francisco. here's what is happening. blake snell agreed to a two years -- to your contract and a source confirmed that news to nbc sports bay area. black snell comes over from the rays and the padres. now is -- black snell and opening day is march 28th. this softens the blow after the race parted ways with black snell. she is just part of that ballpark, the longtime public address announcer, part of the fabric of the bay area. she was unceremoniously met with the giant thing that cannot come to terms on a new contract.
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she spent 24 years behind that microphone and was there when the ballpark opened their in 2000. in a statement she says "representation matters and it is my great hope that my time in the booth has inspired little girls, young woman and people of color to pursue those dreams even if those dreams seem impossible because impossible dreams can come true." the giants posted this thank you message on social media. she still represents the giants by the way as a community volunteer, activist and mentor. no word yet on who will replace her. trace jackson davis on the front end of the feeds tonight! >> did you watch the warriors? it looked and sounded different. that was jenny cabin are on the call for nbc sports. this is part of an all woman crew celebrating women's empowerment. nbc's joslyn moran reports from chase center.
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>> reporter: tonight is a big deal seven women at the microphone calling tonight's game and doing the pre-and post game shows. we talked to them about the message this hopes -- they hope that this sense. if you ask them they will tell you it has not been an easy road to get there. being a woman in the sports broadcast industry comes with its own set of challenges but tonight it was all about the women at chase center. >> there is a sense of triumph. there are so many hurdles. >> reporter: espn analyst china robertson and a's analyst jenny cabin are were calling the game. several other women helped cohost. >> i think it is exciting that women are having their opportunity in journalism. >> reporter: tonight's broadcast came during women's
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history month and at a critical moment in the season as the warriors make a run for the playoffs. >> the players don't care. if you know the game, you know the game so we want to show we know this game and love it more than anyone. >> i want to be all the time. i don't want to throw a pat on the head and i feel like i am in a good supported area with a lot of women around me. >> is a lot of work to do when it comes to equity and equality for women and their you're talking about equal pay for healthcare of anything i hope today shines a light on the value of women. >> reporter: shining a light on today but also paving a way for future generations. at chase center, joslyn moran, nbc bay area news. there was no drop off in talent, they did great. we will have more on sports coming up later in this
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newscast. also tonight a show of support from san jose firefighters were a boy with autism is at the center of an unusual lassi. the crew from station three surprise the child role with a visit this evening after our story about zeke and his family last week. zeke is nonverbal and has a severe form of autism. his family is being sued by an x neighbor the lawsuit is asking for a neighbor to declare the child a nuisance. >> i'm thankful and grateful for the support. it was awesome that they came by and my child loved it. >> that is the child's mom. the
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family now only returns to visit the grandparents home and has since been hit with a lawsuit which also says there were frequent loud parties at that home with amplified music. the neighbor's lawyer told us the complaint speaks for itself. child's mom has now filed a counter suit claiming their family has suffered emotional distress and is asking from harassment to stop. tonight leaders in antioch are taking steps to rebuild trust between the police and the public. this comes following a racist text message scandal and allegations of abuse. the note police oversight commission met for the first time in the group is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds that were sworn in last month. group is similar to other police commissions serving as a governing board to create ability for the police department. >> this will help in our effort by bridging the gap between the police department and city hall but more importantly we are building relationships with the citizens.
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>> the commission was created after federal investigators uncovered dozens of racist text messages sent between antioch police officers and the federal indictments of several officers at the center of that scandal. a disturbing story in the south bay, a young bay was shot -- the young dog was shot in the head. he survived and the people who did it got away. tonight police are asking for help. nbc's marianne favro has the details. >> reporter: a bullet went through this german shepherd's muzzle, traveled through her jaw and hit her paw. one of her toes had to be amputated. >> how could somebody shoot a dog that is very defenseless. >> san jose police say the shooting happened january 11th or the dogs home near mckee. a resource start.
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with few leads police are now asking for the communities help tracking down the people responsible. >> they did discover there were two unidentified suspects responsible for this heartless shooting. one of the suspects is described as a hispanic adult male in his 20s, thin build and at the time was wearing a yellow leather jacket and jeans and unfortunately we do not have a clear description of our second suspect. >> reporter: marley was less than one year old when she was shot and her jaw injuries were so severe she needed specialized surgery at uc davis school of veterinary medicine. animal care services received $20,000 in donations to help pay for the procedure. >> the community stepped up and overwhelmed us. >> reporter: this is what marley looks like now after recovering with her foster family. >> she is such a happy dog, very sweet and by looking her and seeing her you would never think the trauma she's been through.
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>> reporter: in san jose, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> we are back in 60 seconds, up the next if you filled up your gas tank lately you probably notice the price of gas is on the rise again, so what is behind this latest spike? also thieves targeting the area right near the airport in oakland and what the city is doing to crack down on the crime. and sun for now but the rain on
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cracking down on speeders in san francisco. tomorrow the sf mta will discuss a plan to mount 30 new speed cameras on some of the most dangerous streets in the city. this stems from new laws that governor newsom signed into law last year. among the busy area slated to get cameras in san francisco include the embarcadero near peer 19 and mission street in soma. eight of the 11 supervisor districts will at least get it -- to cameras. oakland crime. leaders working together called the hagan burger corridor which leads to the oakland airport. more than 10 million people travel in and out of this quarter each year. the increased crime we have documented have read -- led to
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a couple restaurants shutting down like denny's and in-n-out burger. today city leaders and business owners said they have been collaborating on several initiatives and they are seeing signs the partnership is working. >> that action has been increased patrol, not just opd but chp and alameda sheriffs. we have seen violations being written for some of the simpler infractions, speeding and i think that is giving everyone the proof that they need to start to trust that this is going to continue. >> this is just the beginning. we will continue to do more. >> other initiatives being worked on? safety ambassadors and additional security cameras. well it's hard to ignore gas prices have been steadily rising over the past few weeks. aaa says the average cost per gallon in california is nearly five dollars but in the bay area it is always higher, san francisco at $5.06, san jose at
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$4.91. nbc's damien frew jell-o looks at what is causing this. >> reporter: it can be a shock, almost $100 to fill his jeep and today he took it in stride. >> prices going up. >> reporter: aaa says prices are only slightly higher than this time last year but in many areas like at the san jose chevron it is already above five dollars per gallon. >> i don't know, it is maybe too high still. i am hoping that it will go down. >> reporter: is interactive map on the aaa website lets you scroll from county to county to compare prices. gas ready, a market research app said gas prices are higher because states are transfer -- transferring into -- a
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california energy commission has a new watchdog commission that looks into possible price gouging at the pump however, gas buddy does not say there is any gouging taking place, just the california market adopting to the increase and demand and the use of cleaner gas. let's bring in jeff ranieri. let's talk about whether now. >> reporter: how about more sunshine tomorrow? you will want to enjoy that because we do eventually have more rainfall out here in the event which will give you more timing on but as far as tomorrow goes an area of high pressure will keep a stride on the warmer side only speedbump will be fogged for the morning. more details in that microclimate forecast and here it is, 7:00 in the morning any chance of fog throughout the bay area near the coastline maybe some drizzle but this should really all clear back to
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the noon hour through the afternoon for more about sunshine. morning temperatures will begin back in the 40s for much of the bay area and this will put us down to 47 in the south bay. the one spot with low 50s would be right here in san francisco, but once again look out for that fog and even chance of drizzle as you travel over the bridges into the city. now temperatures will warm back up, look at these numbers in the south bay. this is perfect weather with relatively light winds. 72 and hand jose, 75, gilroy. 73, concord. 65 in oakland. ocean breeze through the peninsula. not quite as warm but still a nice day. san francisco, 62 in the mission and 58 in the arena.
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up towards the north bay you get away from the ocean and bay breeze, low 70s, santa rosa, nevada and back into napa. how about the rain? the next chance comes in on friday and we see additional chances on saturday and also on monday. on friday a quarter to a half inch and we look for that closer to half inch for the north bay maybe for higher elevations in the east bay. saturday quarter to three quarters of an inch and then on sundays forecast we'd see things kind of taper off with trace amounts to a quarter of an inch. sierra snow will stack up especially friday night into very early sunday so we are looking at maybe 1 to 3 feet for some of the highest elevations. on the seven-day forecast, spring it officially arrives as we head toward tomorrow, 8:06 p.m. and we are dry thursday and rain chances return friday, saturday and sunday and right now the way things look things
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are spread out over three days so i don't believe we will have any flooding issues and look at that drop, 75 to 61 on saturday. >> thank you. up and asked apple facing a new lawsuit over air tax. and we have jimmy.
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the rock stars of the technology world, many of them are in san jose this week and other stars such as george lucas and trevor noah. they are all here for santa clara-based chip maker nvidia,
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hosting its annual conference in person and so far techies are responding by the thousands packing the center and hotels and restaurants. they are here for the nvidia ceo introducing the company's new ai technology. >> the industry is being transformed, not just ours because the computer industry, the computer is the single most important instrument of society today, fundamental transformations in computing effect every industry. >> nvidia's generated a straggly -- staggering trillion dollars in stock market value this year. apple is facing a lawsuit over the safety of its air tag tracking device. three dozen people filed suits alleging apple was warned of the risks of air tax and argue the company should be held responsible when it's tracking devices are using for
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misconduct such as stocking. last week a federal judge ruled three of those plaintiffs made sufficient claims while dismissing the rest. apple argues that its air tag is have industry for safety measures
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what's happening we can't seem to figure this team out the warriors look great over the weekend beating the lakers
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in l.a. and then tonight a dud against the knicks at chase center. this was the women's empowerment broadcast, not just the women in front of the camera but also all women behind the scenes. they are talented. as for the game the warriors never got on track. chris paul two chase jackson but the warriors trailed 27-19. fourth quarter new york myles mick ride with a dagger, career- high 29 point, nixon went -- win . we mentioned earlier in this newscast things are changing at lightning speed for the giants they just sent a message to the dodgers and the rest of baseball they want to win now. here he comes, the prize free agent pitcher, blake snell, not going to the yankees, not going to the do


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