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tv   NBC News Daily  NBC  March 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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i'm ellison barber, kate and zinhle are off today. "nbc news daily" starts right now. ♪♪ today, friday, march 15th,
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2024, breaking news. decision day, a judge rules fulton county district attorney fani willis can continue prosecuting donald trump, but there's one major caveat. how it could impact the case. trial of destruction, a string of deadly tornadoes ripped across the midwest, entire neighborhoods there reduced to rubble and the severe weather is not over yet. where it's headed next. and sell shock, a dramatic legal settlement that could upend the real estate business as we know it. why you could win big if you plan to sell your home. and just a number, are all of your friends around the same age? we'll tell you why you may want to consider mixing it up and how you can get started. beginning this hour with breaking news, and the major implications for former president donald trump's criminal case in the state of georgia. judge scott mcafee has delivered an ultimatum. he ruled the case can only continue if fulton county district attorney fani willis
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and her team step aside, or the man she appointed to head the case, special prosecutor nathan wade leave. this whole controversy began back in january, when one of trump's codefendants accused willis of hiring wade after they'd begun a romantic relationship. they accused willis of benefiting financially from the appointment, as they went on trips and vacations together. this set off a series of questions over conflict of interest. former president trump has pleaded not guilty in the georgia case, he and more than a dozen other people were charged with racketeering for alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election results in the state. leading us off this hour is legal analyst danny cevallos, and blayne alexander, outside of the courthouse in atlanta. blayne, let's start with you, while judge mcafee wrote willis and wade's relationship did not bring about a, quote, actual conflict, he did have some serious criticisms of both prosecutors. so, walk us through exactly what this ruling says.
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>> reporter: oh, he absolutely did not let her off the hook. so, as the main point of this, is that the indictment is not getting thrown out. that's what the defense has been asking for, he's not going to go that far. so, in the sense that it is a partial win for fani willis because she gets to keep prosecuting the case, but it's also a partial win for the defense, because nathan wade has to leave this case in order for it to continue. now, let's kind of go through some of these things, as i was reading this response from the judge, ellison, one of the things that really stood out to me was his tone. he does not hesitate in taking fani willis to task in what he says amounts to bad choices. there's nothing that's going to disqualify her, but it just doesn't really look good. so, i want to read from you one portion of that ruling today from the judge, where he says, the court finds the allegations and evidence legally insufficient to support a finding of an actual conflict of interest, however, the appearance of impropriety remains, that's what led him to
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essentially issue that ultimatum, either she step aside or nathan wade has to do so. what is the d.a. going to do, and when is she going to do it? conventional wisdom would say fire nathan wade. she has the right to appeal. we've been hearing from defense attorneys who signal that an pay peel for them is also not off the table, ellison. >> danny, who benefits the most from this ruling? and in terms of the timeline, surely this is going to delay it a significant amount. >> blayne did a great job to break it down. the prosecution wins, they get rid of nathan wade but athals lose because this is not a glowing endorsement of the lead prosecutor's conduct by judge mcafee. the defense technically wins their motion, but more than that they've really damaged the reputation of the d.a.'s office and they've caused considerable delay of two to three months on a motion that nobody saw coming at any time even in late 2023. so, they have achieved some
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objectives but i think if you were to ask the defense how they're feeling today, they'd say they mostly lost the motion, but there's something for everybody in judge mcafee's ruling. >> blayne, have we heard reaction yet from the prosecution, fani willis, mr. wade, or the co-defendants? >> nothing from fani willis, but i do want to read from ashley merchant, the defense attorney, the person who set this entire thing into motion. let me read for you what she says. while we believe the court should have -- forgive the sirens behind me, i hope you can hear me. relieve the court entirely, this is an indication that everything put forth by the defense was true, accurate and relevant to the issues surrounding our client's right to a fair trial. i asked her, are you guys guys planning to appeal or not, she said that depends on what fani willis does next. >> you did an expert job, blayne
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alexander, an danny cevallos, thank you both. deadly storms in the midwest. nine tornadoes were reported in several states including ohio. authorities say at least three people died when the storm swept through a mobile home park there, and they're worried that number could go up as they continue digging and searching through all of that rubble. meteorologist bill karins is following where this storm is headed, but we start with nbc news correspondent jesse kirsch, in another hard-hit area in indiana. jesse, walk us through what you're seeing and hearing from people who live there. >> reporter: yeah, so take a look behind us here, crews out here starting to tear down what's left behind me, and you can see there are power lines in the area, of course that's always of concern, there's also scattered tree debris, other items that have been blown around, and there are buildings, homes and businesses that have been ravaged by the storm system that moved through the area. no reports of people who were
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either killed or found missing, or were missing in this community but there are certainly people who went through harrowing experiences, we spoke with a woman who says her almost 80-year-old mother was in her home, when the storm passed overhead. here's what she shared with us. >> i am just devastated, and i think how in the world could things happen so fast? but we've got to trust god. because he's in control, no matter what. >> reporter: thankfully her mother survived this incident, but this time speaking with them about what went on here, you can imagine with so many people with what they went through with their homes and businesses, completely obliterated at this point, ellison. >> bill, this system, where is it headed next and what about that big snowstorm out west? >> the tornado threat has diminished late last night and by the way we now have over a dozen confirmed tornadoes
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because of the surveys that the national weather service has been doing from last night's damage. we have concerns out there now, we have two huge thunderstorm watches, one that covers from san antonio del rio all the way to houston, and another one from new orleans all the way to the panhandle of florida. we just had a confirmed tornado about 11 miles to the west of bay st. louis and the waveland areas, here's the thunderstorm tracker here, a warning for bay st. louis, and it looks like that tornado has dissipated. we'll have to wait and see if that caused any damage. new orleans, you're in the clear. and now we're starting to see some of these thunderstorms also, you know, as they move off the coast, the large hail could even be a problem, too, further to the west, areas around san antonio, severe thunderstorm warning on the southeast side of town, large hail is possible with this heading up here just south of interstate 10. other concerns that we have, we mentioned the snow, some areas did pick up that three to four feet of snow in colorado. it ended in the denver area earlier today but we're still going to see knew types of
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stuff, santa fe, southern portions of the san juan mountains, telluride, on and off snow throughout the weekend and heading into sunday. if we get any additional severe storms this weekend, watch out, southern portions of texas, and unfortunately more heavy rain is likely in the same areas that are getting those nasty thunderstorms in louisiana, and mississippi right now. ellison. >> bill karins, jesse kirsch, thank you both. today the united states announced it will send $25 million in humanitarian aid to haiti as unrest grips the country. a nightly curfew in haiti has been extended through sunday but many are trying to escape the gang violence in their capital city. here's nbc news correspondent gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: a catastrophe is unfolding in haiti, each day people running for their lives, the gang violence in port-au-prince now trapping americans caught in the cross fires, hundreds of stranded u.s. citizens registering with the state department. >> we just want to go home. >> reporter: missionary jill dolan and her family are stuck
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at a makeshift hotel near the country's shuttered airport. she's struggling to get back to florida in time for her daughter's wedding. she's ducking for cover. >> we did hear gunfire outside of the gate and it was very scary, and we all went running and we turned off the lights, hid in our room nol it went away. >> reporter: the dominican republic is -- haitian migrants at guantanamo bay, like it's done before. the anyone can border town, haitians briefly allowed to cross into this closed off market, but if they went too far illegally, we saw bus after bus deporting them. this widow, mother of six, told us she was desperate for food. we don't have work, we don't have a president, we have nothing, she says. the u.n. just announcing it's launching an air bridge, essentially a humanitarian
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corridor in the sky to bring over humanitarian aid from the dominican republic across the border into haiti. we also met juan, who says he's from miami, he recently visited family in haiti, a gang overtook his bus leaving him with no passport and no way out. >> they took all my stuff, my documents, my bags, my phones, my money i had in my pockets. >> reporter: this is the edge of chaos. a humanitarian crisis at yet another border. gabe gutierrez, nbc news. it is time for today's cnbc money minute. a popular adult website is no longer available in one u.s. state and an iconic magazine is ending its print edition. kate rooney joins us with more. >> residents in texas will no longer be able to access porn hub. texas joins six other states in blocking access to the site, in response to state laws it
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requires verifying users' haj, and it applies to other sites. sports illustrated could be out of print in a matter of months according to "new york times" leadership team told employees the may issue would be its last, although the owner authentic brands has said it's looking for a way to keep the 70-year-old magazine in print. and the taylor swift takeover has now reached disney plus. taylor swift's era's tour is there now. for the streaming rights disney plus users worldwide will be able to watch 3 1/2 hours of that concert, but also includes five bonus songs that were not included in the theatrical or digital version. >> i'm going to watch it because based on the ticket prices that is the only option. i did not see it in person. i will check that out. kate rooney, thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, that right there,
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now's the time,... ...ask your doctor about skyrizi,... ...the number one... ...dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help you save. voters are heading to the polls across russia for a three-day presidential election, vladimir putin is all but certain to win a historic fifth term with the kremlin keeping a close eye on turnout to measure
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public support for the president, nbc news chief international correspondent keir simmons spent the day at a polling station in moscow. >> president putin asking russia for six more years, he's already been its leader for 24. changing the constitution, so he can run again. nbc news was at this central moscow polling station, when it opened, 90-year-old lived through stalin. today she voted for putin. >> i really trust him, she told us, i trust only him. we live well, says svetlana, i's voted for putin. international election monitors, who come from 106 russia says including china, but independent western observers are not welcome. for the first time in a russian presidential election there's electronic voting. >> did you vote electronically. >> yeah. >> do you trust that? >> reporter: yes, of course, she says.
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president putin, undoubtedly still popular here, but young russians are less enthusiastic. 32-year-old julia who didn't want to give us her last name told us she won't vote, laughing, it's clear who's going to win. this is the first national election since russia's invasion of ukraine. people in the ukrainian territory occupied by russia are voting under marshall law, a russian bear is the star of a putin election video, don't put him in chains, it says, the kremlin ensuring putin is effectively unopposed, all the other candidates russia's so-called special military operation, even the wives of russian servicemen playing flowers for their loved ones to come home have been threatened with arrest in recent weeks, while putin's strongest opponent, alexei navalny died in prison and was buried last month. this week his wife yulia called on the west not to recognize the
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election, while one of navalny's top aides in lithuania says he was beaten by a hammer this week. in a video with a broken arm, he vowed, we will not surrender. keir simmons. two small aircraft lost engine power midflight last two weeks, all those on board are expected to be okay and it's partly thanks to rocket powered parachutes. steven romo explains. >> reports of a plane crash at 250 -- road. >> reporter: this is what first responders saw when they arrived at the scene of a small plane crash in northern california last week. a single-engine sr-22 aircraft split in two. and partially upside down. >> three occupants are currently code 4 on the ground. >> reporter: on board the pilot, his partner, and their 2-year-old daughter, who suffered only minor cuts and scratches, according to the
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mendocino county sheriff's office. >> oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god. whoa. >> reporter: and in washington state -- >> is anybody else seeing this? holy [ bleep ]. >> reporter: this sr-22 crashing in a busy bellevue neighborhood. >> we heard like a loud bang so we thought it was like dwusht gunshots or something. we got scared. >> reporter: neighbors saw two men climb out with no apparent injuries. >> i'm not surprised at all. >> reporter: former ntsb investigator point to the type of aircraft's built-in parachute system or caps for short. >> rather than just having the airplane crash they reach up, they pull a t handle, it activates a solid rocket booster, which pulls the parachute out, and in eight seconds you're safely swinging underneath the parachute. it's really quite revolutionary. >> once they're used is this a survival rate involving one of those parachutes, is it pretty high? >> it's very high.
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there's been a handful of fatalities or injuries that occurred even after deploying the parachute. >> there have been 128 saveds, and 263 survivors with this system. but the parachute is no replacement for good pilot training. >> you know, you still need piloting skills to make emergency landings, there's so many other aspects, but on those few select accidents, in which a parachute comes in handy, this particular airplane has a very good success story. good success story. >> reporter: steven romo, nbc ♪(limu emu and doug.)♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ...of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. uh-huh. uh-huh. mm-hmm. sure, i can hold.
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brave the cold. grab kleenex. before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur.
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can't afford your medication? astrazeneca may be able to help. ask your doctor about breztri. good afternoon. this is "the fast forward." i'm chris chmura. we are beginning this noon with a big change at a south bay school district. the board of trustees voted to terminate the superintendent's contract. yesterday, the board voted against the proposal to shut down a middle school. we reached out. she declined to comment. we are tracking this story. more in our afternoon newscast. a years' long manhunt is over. ginger conejero saab joins us from san francisco where police say they arrested a man wanted in multiple cities. >> reporter: sfpd has been
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looking for him for quite some time now. that search is now over. we are learning this morning that sfpd arrested him a couple weeks ago for a homicide dating back to 2022 and another homicide in 2023. both of those incidents happening on the same street. you are looking at video from the crime scene in 2023 when sfpd officers responded to a shooting on the unit block of turk street. officers arrived and found a man suffering from a gunshot wound. the victim was brought to the hospital but later succumbed to life-threatening injuries. not far from that scene in 2023 was another crime scene that officers believe also involved moore. this with us happened eight months prior in october of 2022 when officers who were responding to a shot spotter activation on market street found a man suffering from gunshot wounds also on the unit
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block of turk street. that man later succumbed to injuries as well. moore was identified as a suspect in both incidents. on february 29 this year, he was arrested by officers in san francisco. he was taken into custody for an outstanding homicide arrest warrant along with an active and outstanding warrant out of pittsburg. he is facing multiple counts. he was found with a firearm during his arrest. even with an arrest made, sfpd is calling this an open and active investigation. if you have information on this -- on either homicide, you are asked to call sfpd's tip line. in san francisco, ginger conejero saab, nbc bay area news. >> thanks. here are other stories. pushback over plans for a historic park. nima omeni is back in court. a man shot another person in fremont earlier this month. the driver was taken to the
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hospital and died. they arrested him at his home wednesday. booked into the jail on several charges, including murder. in a few hours, the man accused of stopping a tech exec in san francisco is due back in court. he killed bob lee about a year ago. court documents corn tend a dispute about his sister motivated the stabbing. today's hearing is focused on the defense's desire to move it out of san francisco. community members are pushing back against uc berkeley's plans to develop people's park. they will rally and march tonight. the university wants to build student and affordable housing. opponents are urging them to use alternative sites. a court rules the environmental impact report was inadequate. they will hear anticipate appeal next month. after enduring a long, wet winter, we earned a warm weekend. good news and a toasty forecast. >> we have dealt with the really
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gusty wind over the last couple of days. once we start going into this lunchtime hour and into the afternoon and the rest of the weekend, those wind speeds are going to die down. the wind will exit. the sunshine will stay. 75 in east san jose. 70s will continue into the east bay and the tri-valley. 72 in danville today. the 70s continue along the peninsula. 72 in redwood city. you need sunglasses and eventually the short-sleeved shirts. 72 in san francisco. comfortable 70s from wine country out towards the coast. >> that looks great. thanks very much. the oakland roots and soccer teams will play at the coliseum. not until the 2025/2025 season. both the men's and women's soccer teams got the green light
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to play their season home matches in the oakland coliseum. that is going to do it for "the fast forward." "the fast forward." i wil for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year, for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste.
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[laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. here's morikawa in a tough spot. because breathing should be beautiful, off the comcast business van. look out! where did the ball go? oh, wait there it is. back in to play! and that's in! what an impossible shot! it's the bottom of the hour, we have breaking news on "nbc news daily," nathan wade, the special prosecutor in the georgia election interference case has just resigned, it comes after the judge overseeing the case ruled that either he or
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district attorney fani willis needed to step down in order for the case to move forward. nbc news correspondent blayne alexander joins us once again from atlanta, blayne, you broke this news to us, you just got that resignation letter from nathan wade as well as the response from d.a. fani willis, what does it say? is this resignation from wade immediate? >> reporter: this is effective immediately and d.a. fani willis has accepted it immediately. we just obtained not only nathan wade's resignation letter but fani willis's response. he said. although the court found the defendants failed to meet their burden of proving a conflict of interest wade goes on to say i am offering my resignation in the interest of democracy, in dedication to the american public, and to move this case forward as quickly as possible. that is the key, ellison, since
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we broke the news early this morning the big question has been what's going to happen next, and namely, what is fani willis going to do and when is she going to do it? that was the thing that was holding up this prosecution, once nathan wade is removed from the equation she is free to move forward in the prosecution of this case. she accepted his resignation as well today, i want to read you a little bit of what she said. she basically is thanking him for his professionalism, and dignity he's shown over the last 865 days, the amount of time he spent on this case, and then she goes on to underscore the number of threats that have been received, she says, by nathan wade, by members of his family during his course on this case, she also says i'll remind everyone you are brave enough to stipstep forward and take on the prosecution, nathan wade is removed from the case, a number of questions as to whether or not defense attorneys will appeal this news but a major step in the case. >> blayne alexander with
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breaking news there in atlanta, georgia, thank you. a new legal settlement could dramatically change how homes are bought and sold. a national association of realtors has agreed to settle a series of lawsuits over commissions. those are payments agents seat from a sale. as part of a settlement standard commissions could be slashed. now, full disclosure on this, my brother-in-law is the vice president for political advocacy for the national association of retailers, but we have none other than nbc news's business and data correspondent brian cheung with us, he's following all of this, and can explain it. brian, what's going on here? >> this is a big deal for the housing market. how it works, long story short we are trying to figure out how this will change the home buying process but commissions alone can add thousands of dollars to the price of a home and the national association of realtors, also known as nar represents 1.5 million agents nationwide, a series of lawsuits from home sellers claim the rules force them to pay excessive fees. main points of the settlement,
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versus the n.a.r. would pay $418 million in damages to home sellers over about four years and it would allow buyers and sellers to negotiate fees and compensation with agents up front, which would essentially eliminate the 6% sales commission common in many home sales, at n.a.r. they deny any wrongdoing, and they released a statement saying n.a.r. has worked hard for years to resolve the mitigation, american consumers. it has always been our goal to preserve consumer choice and protect our members to the greatest extent possible. the settlement, achieves both of those goals. it still needs to approve the settlement but if it does get approved the changes go into effect sometime in july and we may not know specific details until then, but the potential impacts on the real estate industry will be huge, home prices could drop if home sellers pass along the savings from any lower commissions, thousands of dollars, but it could add a step for first home sellers opting to negotiate the fee.
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either way, buyers and sellers would have more negotiating power and the bottom line here is there's a lot to be figured out. this could dramatically change the way people sell their homes. >> a huge story, it's not my beat. i called it the national association of retailers. realtors, we are so glad to have you here. >> we understand. >> brian chunk, we appreciate it. in chicago health officials are dealing with a measles outbreak. the city reported ten cases in just one week, eight infections were found at a city shelter for migrants. joining us now is medical contributor dr. john torres. measles are highly contagious. how concerned should people in chicago be about this outbreak potentially spreading? >> ellison, this is a highly contagious virus and it's a virus we consider the most contagious one we can catch, and you're in a pandemic, we always contributed this as being the most infectious one and then looked at covid in comparison, now, as far as in chicago, the concern there is how far is it going to spread? >> we know it's spreading in
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other areas as well. there's 45 cases in 17 different states and jurisdictions, even more this week, the concern is this spreads very quickly and we need to make sure we get it under control before it spreads more. >> dr. torres, what are the symptoms of measles, and how long do they actually take to appear? >> the symptoms of measles start off like they do any kind of flu you might get, covid, anything else like that, but then they progress fairly rapidly. it takes seven to 14 days for the symptoms to start showing up, could take up to 21 days, that's a long incubation period. the barking cough, bloodshot eyes, a runny nose and then it turns into a rash that's basically what we call a rash that's throughout the body, they can get these spots, white spots inside their mouth and unfortunately in some cases it can progress to a fatal illness.
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it could be very dangerous. >> so what is the advice for someone who might think they are sick with measles? how soon should you make a phone call to your doctor? >> that's the important thing, ellison, make the phone call fwo to your doctor, don't go into the doctor's office right away if you think you have measles. they need to take extra precautions, this is highly contagious, the virus gets in the air and can stay in the air for up to two hours, if you start getting this, there are blood tests to determine it, if you start getting the rash or other symptoms they can determine it by looking at that. but it's important that you get this diagnosed early. if it's within 72 hours there are things we can do to help make it better and shorter and protect you from getting worse on that, beyond 72 hours are a few measures as well, but staying healthy is the important part. >> dr. torres, most people that usually get vaccinated for the measles, as kids, if not probably before they go to university or college, but is there a time when an adult
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should say, okay, let me double check and make sure this is still effective. how long is the vaccine actually protecting us, and when or should someone consider getting revaccinated? >> so the vaccine is recommended when a baby turns 12 months old and then again when they get to the four to six year point, it's a two-dose series. if crow haven't gotten both doses think about getting that second dose now to give you full protection. if you haven't gotten vaccinated at all, start the process right now. because this virus can, for most people, it's something that they can recover from, from one to three, out of a thousand people, it could prove fatal for children, you want to make sure you get covered for this. if you were fully vaccinated as a child, it's a lifelong vaccination, it's a lifelong immunity from it, so you don't need to worry at this point unless you do get exposed to it and talk to your doctor about some things you might need toot at that point. for most of us, we're protected. >> dr. john torres, thank you so much. >> you bet. >> this weekend, millions across the country will be celebrating
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st. patrick's day in the city of boston, no exception. one of the people leading the celebrations there is longtime voice of the boston celtics. mike gorman. it is his farewell season with the team. our own mar harry smith headed up to the fwarnd to speak with mike as he gets ready to make his final call. >> really -- nice pass. drowned with nine. >> there's a guy i know, a friend of mine, been doing the same job for 43 years. >> off the bounce, pull-up three. got it. >> it's rarely dull, and sometimes downright exciting. >> so cool. >> reporter: mike gor man is the tv play-by-play man for the boston celtics, he grew up a couple of bus stops from the garden. >> 12 rks 13, 14 years old. >> sneaking up. >> never paid in my life.
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>> into bird, larry, a runner. got it. ball game's over, boston wins. >> reporter: his style inspired by former celtic player and coach -- >> i'm mike gor man. >> they worked together for 39 seasons. gorman brought a pile of notes. hein zen dumped them in the trash. we're going to talk about what we see, not what's on some piece of paper. >> after college gorman served as a naval aviator, flying over the atlantic, searching for soviet submarines he dreamt of a career in sports broadcasting, with no experience, he had no shot. >> huge point in my life. >> every radio and tv station said no way, his last hope, maybe boston sports giant gill santos would give him some advice in the way, though, a
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chain link fence and an unimpressed security guard. until -- >> i sat in the backseat. a baseball cap. heebs that's what in front of -- >> i said v-44. >> the security guard has been in the navy too. >> i got this guy here, ex-military, trying to get in the business. can you help him out and talk to him for a while. you can, sure, okay. >> soon, gorman was selling ads and doing sports casts in rhode island. >> if that guy hadn't never seen the baseball cap, never know you. >> gorman's people, if you aren't guessed, come from the old side, march 17th, mike will be the honoree at the big st. patrick's day and dinner. >> john f. kennedy, same thing. finds that out. they arrest you. >> reporter: on st. patrick's day his mind will be on his great grandmother.
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first stop right off the boat. >> she said that's your nana, just taking care of people, that's what she likes to do. >> it's such an irish story it must be blarney, but come parade time, nana will be there too. >> that's what i'll be thinking of as i walk the parade route as the grand marshall, she'll be beside me. she deserves it. >> reporter: gorman is a legend in boston, and respected across the country, he was inducted into the basketball hall of fame a couple surms ago, this, though, is his final season, and everybody knows. >> i feel like every time i go to a game i'm at my own weight. people come by and say, good luck. >> difficult shot. got it. at the buzzer. >> reporter: decades of games. highlights galore. but what will gorman miss most? >> i'm not going to miss the games. i'm not going to miss the players. i'm going to miss jimmy and
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jackie, the two guys who run security here. actually, it's every usher i know in the building. fans have been wonderful. that's been a nicest thing, it's always the people. people are what's important. >> harry smith, thank you. coming up, are all of your friends about the same age? why you may want to strike up some new friendships with people outside of your generation. but before we go to break, you've got to see this. it is the world's heaviest blue berry. it's from a farm in australia and weighs a whopping 20.4 grams. guinness world records confirms it outseated the previous record of 16 grams, the farmers say they have the record breaking be
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in today's mental health check we're talking about the benefits of intergenerational friendships, a survey done by aarp found that 37% of adults have a close friend at least 15 years older, or younger than they are. experts say fostering friendship across generations can help people feel valued as well as combat loneliness. joining me now is danielle beyer jackson, a friendship coach and educator at bumble for friends.
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danielle, talk to us about this, what are some of the benefits of being friends with someone from a completely different generation? >> yeah, well first, there are those quantifiable things, and then some things we just kind of can't measure, but definitely contribute to our overall sense of happiness and well-being. people who have younger friends report that it is energizing to them, one study that put people together in a living community found the elderly people who are participating in this intergenerational community had more physical strength, had more cognitive function, so there's definitely physical benefits, but a lot of people report a sense of optimism, and they're sharing, and learning that's going on both ways, so it definitely has a lot of benefits. >> so, 45% of people in these quote/unquote age gap friendships, lasted a decade or longer, that is it about these relationships that make them seem to stick? >> you know what i think it is, is honestly it offers a sense of
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perspective, and a sense of community for both groups, those who have people ages 15 -- who have an age gap of 15 years, both higher, or lower, it offers more texture to our overall friendship landscape and many say it kind of takes them out of the comparison game you experience with those in your same age bracket. it can be refreshing in that way as well. >> can you tell us more how to build and nurture friendships across different generations. >> you know one barrier i've seen to this, is the assumptions that we hold of certain groups, specifically with regard to their interests, and abilities. so, we assume that we know what they can do, and what they like, but approaching certain conversations, showing more universal interests like, what are you reading, how do you spend your weekends? that's something that transcends age and helps you to identify some common denominators. >> so this aarp survey that i tried to mention earlier, but butchered in the process, it
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also found that boomers, and -- gen -- than millennials. >> that's interesting, i'll tell you there's a report out of the stanford center of longevity. we are at a time of really great unprecedented age diversity. i know it feels like we don't have a lot of these friendships, we don't maybe see models of them and examples of them everywhere but they're actually all around. if we open our eyes to the opportunity. i think about millennials and what's going on right now soes logically, they have children they're raising, clocking hours at work, they might have aging parents so that group has less leisure time than other groups and this could be why they're not out and about and socially interacting. these intergenerational relationships are available to all of us and also beneficial to all of us. >> quickly, before we go, how can people go about trying to form these sorts of relationships? >> the first thing i advise people to do is look at the spaces that you occupy.
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and is there a lot of age diversity there? you might include going to the library more, or joining programs at places like ymca, i know i joined mine and i'm participating in pool aerobics and i'm meeting people who are older but there's a sense of shared community and laughter, and support and sometimes that's all that's about. >> i love that, danielle beyer jackson, thanks for joining us, we appreciate it. stay with us, because there is more news ahead, you are watching "nbc news daily" this friday, we're going to be right back. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough,
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and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. (♪♪) brave the cold. grab kleenex. when migraine strikes, do you question the tradeoffs of treating? ubrelvy is another option. it works fast to eliminate migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. ♪3, 4♪ most common si♪e effects were nausea and sleepiness. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ breathing claritin clear is like... (♪♪)
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is he? confidently walking 8 long haired dogs and living as if he doesn't have allergies? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms, like nasal congestion. the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away
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if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ this is "the fast forward." i'm chris chmura. a major freeway shutdown this weekend will cause confusion and delays. here is what you need to know. cal trans is closing southbound 680 tonight at 9:00. it will stay closed until early monday morning. cal trans says it will replace a portion of the deteriorated roadway with new pavement. this full weekend closure will allow them to accomplish the same amount of work they would get done during 40 nighttime closures. smash and grab robberies are
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on the rise. that's the warning from oakland's police department. robberies that target drivers in their car are up 32% from a year ago. many thieves break the passenger side window and steal whatever they can. one man tells us he saw it downtown a couple weeks ago. >> you hear a couple honks and someone go to the window, crack did open while at a stop sign. literally, someone pulling up, right behind them cracks the window, grabs the backpack and they are out. >> terrifying. opd is investigating this trend. it reminds you to store any items in your trunk and call 911 if you feel you are being followed. for the first time in weeks, i'm not here to warn you a wet weekend is ahead. get excited for sunshine and warm weather. >> this is the driest and sunniest forecast that we have had all year long. san francisco, if it's comfortable there, you know it's comfortable anywhere else around the bay area. aside from the morning wind we
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had to deal with, in for a nice comfortable afternoon and a comfortable weekend as we get ready for the st. patrick's day parade saturday and the official day on sunday. we will begin spring on tuesday with nice and comfortable mild temperatures there in the 60s. our inland valleys will stay in the 70s over the next couple of days. after getting rid of the morning winds, we will be in for a comfortable weekend. spring officially begins on tuesday. temperatures nice and comfortable there, too.
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let's save some people some money. pat transferred 600 bucks online. that money wound up in the wrong account. pat notified the transfer company. they wouldn't help him. pat contacted our team. we reached out to the company which put $600 back in pat's
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account. next, there's carlos. the new engine he bought, brand-new engine, he says it was making odd noises. the store and the manufacturer kept pointing fingers at one another. he called telemundo 48 for some horsepower. the team got involved. the companies agreed to pay $4,040 to repair his engine. let's dust off the tote board. we have returned more than almost $8 million. we debuted in 2016. if you have a consumer complaint, let us know about it. snap the qr code on your screen right now to fill out our consumer complaint form online. attach photos and videos and documents so we can make the case for you to get your money back as quickly as we can. that's going to do it for
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this edition "the fast forward." see you with more news at 4:30. t when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. imagine if you could get ahead of your ibs-c by treating it with linzess. then you could start proactively managing
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learn how abbvie and ironwood i'm andrea canning, and this iold soul, a beautiful i know he's my son, but he was the kindest person i've ever met in my life. he was definitely god's gift to me. andrea canning: a beloved teenage boy who disappeared.


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