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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  March 15, 2024 12:36am-1:35am PDT

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and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania [ cheers and applause thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. good night, everybody. thank you! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- paul rudd. star of "girls5eva," comedian and writer paula pell. an all-new "closer look.
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featuring the 8g band with aric improta ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. we hope you're doing well tonight. now if you don't mind, i'm going to get to the news president biden has signaled that he will sign a bipartisan bill into law that would force tiktok's chinese parent company to sell the social media platform all right, you're having a hard enough time with the gen-z vote, what else are you going to do? cancel "euphoria"? [ light laughter ] "those kids are going to be too old! [ light laughter ] by the time they do a new season, they're going to be too old. [ laughter ] after the house passed a bill that would force the sale of tiktok, white house press secretary karine jean-pierre called on the senate to, quote, "take swift action" on the legislation. okay, but have you been seen the senate some of these guys are just getting around to regulating the telegraph. [ laughter ] "i don't like the tapping sound!
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[ laughter ] when asked yesterday about former president trump's sudden support for tiktok, republican congressman dan crenshaw said, quote, "he's getting bad advice from somebody. hey, don't sell him short, he's getting bad advice from everybody. [ light laughter ] president biden announced $3.3 billion in funding for infrastructure projects in wisconsin yesterday and said, quote, "we're filling in the cracks in the sidewalk." with what, gold? [ laughter ] "that's right, folks we're pouring liquid gold into the sidewalks, no joke we're going to fix those potholes with a mixture of diamonds and cashews from the mini bar." [ laughter ] according to a new ranking, boston is the best city to go to for st. patrick's day -- i'm sorry, that should say from. the best city to go from [ laughter ] a new report estimates that americans are expected to spend more than $7.2 billion on st patrick's day, and that's with insurance. [ laughter ]
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former president trump referred to himself in a truth social post this week as, quote, "honest don. and at this point i've got to believe even he's being sarcastic. [ laughter ] "check out honest don over here." nobody who's honest puts "honest" in front of their name. if there's a place called "honest don's" in your hometown, it's either a used car dealership or a pawnshop [ laughter ] maybe a pizza place, but not the good one when asked in a new interview about his meeting with former president trump last week, elon musk said trump came by while he was having breakfast at a friend's house well, that does make sense he probably got there by smelling bacon and floating cartoon-style through the window [ laughter ] at a hearing this week, the superintendent of the new orleans police department said that there is a rodent infestation in evidence rooms and added, quote, "the rats are eating our marijuana they're all high." but good news, they put out some traps.
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[ laughter ] actor nicholas cage said in a new interview that he probably did not get paid for his role in the 1996 film "leaving las vegas. he also get didn't paid for "national treasure" because he didn't know it was a movie [ laughter ] "you guys were filming that? oh, man! that means you're a prop!" in honor of national pi day, pizza hut offered customers a free large one-topping pizza with the purchase of a large pie. and if you eat both pizzas, you'll have to go to the bathroom 3.14 times. [ light laughter ] that joke wasn't really about math [ laughter ] and finally, starbucks has unveiled its st. patrick's day-themed frappuccino, which features a matcha creme base mixed with caramel syrup and topped with whipped cream and caramel sugar crunch look for it on your local sidewalk monday morning.
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[ laughter ] and that was the monologue, everybody! we are off and running [ cheers and applause we have got a great show for you tonight with two of our all-time favorites. he is ant-man. you also know him from "this is 40," "anchorman," and so many more he stars in the new film "ghostbusters: frozen empire," which is in theaters next weekend. paul rudd is back on the show, everybody. [ cheers and applause and she is an emmy-winning "snl" writer whom you've seen on "ap bio," "sisters," and she's back in the third season of "girls5eva" now on netflix so many of my friends call her the funniest person ever they're all right. paula pell is joining us [ cheers and applause a paul and a paula, we finally did it before we get to all that, donald trump appeared in a florida courtroom today for a hearing where his lawyers argued that the case against him for stealing classified documents should be thrown out, even after a key witness came forward and revealed shocking new details about the suspicious behavior he saw at mar-a-lago. for more on this, it's time for "a closer look."
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> seth: feels like there's nothing new we could possibly learn about joe biden and donald trump, given that they've both been running for president against each other for what feels like 3,000 years in fact, this is true, early renderings of the first continental congress showed them yelling at each other. [ laughter ] "remember to put absolute immunity in there! "hey, folks, check it out, i just froze some sugar milk and it's great [ light laughter ] put sugar milk on a cone, i'm not kidding around." [ light laughter ] but we actually have learned one new thing about donald trump that we didn't know when he was president. the guy [ bleep ] loves court. he's always there. [ laughter ] even when it's not required to be there just scowling at the defense table. [ laughter ] storming out of the courtroom. and holding impromptu press conferences while he's penned in by barricades like a balloon before the start of the macy's thanksgiving day parade. [ laughter ] why does he hold on to the bars like that? he looks like a 7-year-old watching his older siblings about to ride a roller coaster "they're treating me very
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unfairly, they're saying i'm not tall enough to ride. [ laughter ] you're not supposed to love being in court this much the only person i can think of who spent this much time in court is judge judy, and look how mad she is [ light laughter ] difference between trump and judge judy all the money he pretends to have, she got. judge judy got that money. i'm starting to think trump likes it because it's the one place he can go where everyone's forced to talk to him. court is basically his "cheers." he's going to have to rope george wentd and john ratzenberger into a criminal conspiracy just so he can sit next to them "oh, you know what johnny, the reason lady justice has that blindfold there is because they're walking her into a surprise party." "that's so true. [ laughter ] that's so true, that's a passable cliff impression. [ light laughter ] and yet again today, trump showed up to a hearing in florida, even though he didn't actually have to be there. this time his lawyers were trying yet again to get his classified documents case thrown out. >> donald trump is inside a florida courtroom today as his lawyers are arguing to dismiss
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the entire mar-a-lago classified documents case >> his lawyers are pushing for charges to be dismissed in the case where he's accused of illegally holding classified documents. >> the trial was initially scheduled for may. prosecutors now want july. but if trump wins his delay, which has been a winning strategy so far, the trial might not start until after the election >> trump's lawyers say he had the authority to designate those classified documents as his personal papers. >> the argument his lawyers are going to be making is, he was president, he took documents out of the white house that's because he wanted to say they are his >> seth: but they're not his they were marked classified. if it's marked classified, then it can't be your personal property the only people who mark their personal property classified are teenagers who definitely want someone to read their diary. "hey, derek, i'm leaving my diary here, my diary marked classified, so don't read it, derek. [ light laughter ] but if you do read it, you should skip to page 4. [ laughter ] because you're in it, and i
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think you'll find it very interesting. by the way, even if it wasn't marked classified, it still wouldn't be your personal property you took it from work. i can't take [ bleep ] home from work and tell my wife it's my personal property, for two reasons. one, it belongs to nbc and two, because i've been told repeatedly that there is no room in our home for my andy samberg mummy statue that says "my doink fell off." [ laughter ] and then making matters worse, i called the smithsonian they also don't want it! [ laughter ] are you upset? [ laughter ] trump thinks he can unilaterally decide that he owns any piece of government property he wants government property paid for by american citizens. for example, one of the witnesses in the case, an employee at mar-a-lago, who was previously unnamed in the indictment, just gave a blockbuster interview to cnn where he revealed that trump moved boxes of classified documents out of mar-a-lago while the fbi was trying to get them back. >> a former mar-a-lago employee is now publicly describing how he helped to move materials
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related to the classified documents case brian butler says he was a mar-a-lago employee for 20 years and handled car service for the former president butler told cnn he helped trump codefendant walt nauta load several boxes onto trump's plane at the west palm beach airport on june 3rd of 2022. that was the same time the fbi was searching a storage area at mar-a-lago for classified documents. >> so, you know, we're there to assist with luggage, anything that needs to go to the plane. we got to the airport. i ended up loading all the luggage i had, and he had a bunch of boxes >> you noticed that he had boxes? >> oh, yeah, they were the boxes that were in the indictment. we were just taking them out of the escalade, piling them up i remember they were all stacked on top of each other and then we're lifting them up to the pilots. >> seth: okay, first of all, why were they lifting them up to the pilot? the only i'm i've ever seen anyone lifting anything up to the pilot is when it's a movie in a small plane in south america and they're handing over bales of cocaine.
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[ light laughter ] the first rule of air travel is, "when the pilot does the luggage, it's a crime. [ light laughter ] oh, unless it's spirit at spirit the pilot does everything because there's no other employees. [ laughter ] they pick you up at your house, they drive you to the airport, they check you in, they scan you at security, give you a cavity search, they make you a vodka tonic at the airport bar, announce the boarding groups, scan your ticket, make the safety announcements, serve you pretzels, wrestle you to the floor when you've had one too many bloody marys and fight with the guy next to you because he decided to wear sandals on the plane like a [ bleep ] psycho. [ laughter ] give you a hot towel, land the plane, and then jump out and wave the plane in while it taxis on the runway. [ laughter ] but trump didn't just steal the documents for his own personal pleasure he also shared those secrets with members of his club, including an australian billionaire named anthony pratt. >> there was a member, anthony pratt, who -- he was coming - he flew in the night before. >> he's an australian billionaire? >> he finishes his meeting with the former president, gets in
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the car. and his chief of staff says, "how did the meeting go? pratt without saying just says, he told me and it would be, you know, u.s. military, you know, classified information of what he told him about russian submarines and u.s submarines he went straight to the point. he told me that the u.s. subs and with the russian subs, and you know, something that would -- more than likely, in my mind, be classified. >> so it was clear to you that he was basically seeking access to - >> oh, absolutely. absolutely here's a guy that's just buying access it's -- it's very -- easy to see. >> seth: an australian billionaire got top secret information about u.s. and russian submarines thankfully, the good news is he couldn't share any of the information because it's impossible to say the word "submarine" in an australian accent no one would understand him if he tried "oh, i can tell you where where the suhbmreens are, crikey." [ laughter ] where the what are ahmarayns. [ laughter ] wahsahsahs
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[ laughter ] seriously, this should be a massive scandal. that's the literal definition of buying access. a billionaire gave trump money to be a member of his club and in return, trump gave that billionaire sensitive national security secrets it's insane. i mean, who else was trump selling access to? spies, lobbyists anyone trumps talks to so basically anyone except eric. "father, could i also know where the submarines are?" "they're in the water hazard just off the 7th tee put on your snorkel mask and go look for them. it's so sad. it's so sad, he's going to be out there for hours. [ laughter ] i just like to watch his little tube just go around. [ laughter ] this is just a textbook case of corruption and self-enrichment trump sold secrets for money that's how simple it is. it's both shocking and also not surprising at all, because trump would sell anything for money. he already has crappy shoes, digital trading cards, pieces of his mugshot suit if he's willing to sell chintzy [ bleep ] like that for money, of course he'd sell actual national security secrets. i'm surprised he hasn't already started selling the public yet in an infomercial. "do you like reading
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do you like submarines do you wish you could read about the locations of our nation's submarines well, now you can. with my series of classified commemorative trump coins. [ laughter ] each coin is engraved with the exact coordinates of one of our nation's covert naval vessels. [ light laughter ] call now and the entire set of classified coins can be yours for just $99.99 or as many rubles as you have [ laughter ] and if you act now, you'll get a free trump beer koozie emblazoned with a detailed map of the white house situation room [ laughter ] so don't wait, call now at 1-800-1055821724693505 those are the nuclear launch codes. [ laughter ] don't tell anyone, shh!" [ laughter ] this should be a massive scandal. it's trump in a nutshell he thinks he owns everything and will do anything to enrich himself. he'll sell secrets to anyone this time it was a guy named anthony. next it will be a guy named jimmy, john, or mike, anyone who likes --
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>> subs. [ laughter and applause >> seth: this has been "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ♪ we'll be right back with paul rudd, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's "closer looks," be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube. well, rest assured, company's in great hands. marci, hit the vid'. (both lukes) homes-dot-com. we've done your home work. (luke) now, that is worth celebrating! (brad) i love it. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (vo) ding dong! (luke vo) homes-dot-com. here at papa johns, we know our stuff! so try our garlic epic stuffed crust pizza. made with our iconic garlic sauce flavor,
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even when i'm with my friends, i feel alone. i feel like a failure every day. these are the stories of kids struggling with mental health. anxiety affects nearly a third of them. that's why the nfl is working to give kids the tools to be stronger and more resilient. millions of kids feel alone. we can show them they aren't. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> seth: give it up for the fantastic 8g band, everybody [ cheers and applause all this week we've had a grammy-nominated musician and multi-talented artist sitting in with us. he's a founding member of the band night verses, whose latest single "glitching prisms" features brandon boyd from incubus. be sure to look for the new album, which drops this friday aric improta is here thank you for another great week, aric >> thank you, seth [ cheers and applause >> seth: our first guest tonight is a very funny actor who you know from movies like "this is 40," "anchorman," and the "ant-man" franchise. he stars in the new movie "ghostbusters: frozen empire"
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which premieres exclusively in theaters and i-max on march 22nd let's take a look. ♪ [ screaming ♪ >> gross >> it's the hell's kitchen sewer dragon ♪ >> hold on to your ass ♪ >> phoebe spengler, you stay inside this car. >> i have a ghost to bust. ♪ >> all right, that was cool. >> gary, come on >> no, i know, i'm sorry it's just the way she said it, it sounded cool. ♪ >> seth: please welcome back to the show our good friend paul rudd! [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ >> seth: welcome back. >> thank you [ cheers and applause >> seth: i'm so happy you're here >> oh, thanks. i'm happy to be here >> seth: and you got to -- in the clip you're driving the ecto-1 >> i know. >> seth: that's a classic car. >> i know. >> seth: even jay leno doesn't have the ecto-1. [ light laughter ] >> eat your heart out, jay yeah, he's got every car in the world, but he doesn't have that. >> seth: no. do you actually -- i mean, did you actually practically drive it >> i did >> seth: wow >> yeah, not on that street. >> seth: yeah. >> i wish. but i pulled it into the firehouse. i drove it for about ten feet. [ laughter ] but technically, i drove it. >> seth: how much -- is it one of those things where when you even drive it for ten feet, like a crew guy talks to you for like a full hour about how to do it >> yes, yes. [ laughter ] and i did it a few times and, like, every once in a while -- yeah, in movies and stuff you have to drive. and then they'll say, like, "if you want, you can get out of the car, we'll have somebody get in and they'll back it up."
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it's like, "i can back up a car. i know how to do it. i do have a license. [ light laughter ] and so, you know, a few times, i was -- yeah, kind of tooling around on it it's pretty cool >> seth: now i obviously have done a great less amount of acting than you. but i -- a few times i've had to drive, and i will say i find driving when i'm acting impossible because the whole time i can't -- i'm like, "how do you do it? i'm just like -- >> yeah. [ laughter ] well, also, what's really strange is that when you're driving, you have to stop at a certain point because the camera's usually set and so you really have to hit a mark with your car you know, it's not like when you're standing, and you look and on the ground there's some tape mark or something and you can see where you're supposed to land when you're driving, you don't really have that so sometimes they'll put sandbags on the ground so the tires will hit it. and -- and it's such pressure. >> seth: yeah. >> but -- this story goes nowhere. >> seth: i do -- [ laughter ] it's going somewhere for me, because i just want to say, i find it very emasculating to be bad at driving in front of a lot
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of guys -- i left side feel like every guy on the crew is better at driving than me so when i drive i always feel like they're like, "not how i would do it. [ laughter ] >> yeah, there really is pressure it is nerve-racking. >> seth: by the way, my wife would happily put sandbags in our driveway she would -- to prove a point. she'd be like, "and then when you hit those, you can stop. [ light laughter ] >> do you have -- sometimes -- i remember when i was a kid -- hold on, another story that's going to go nowhere. >> seth: oh, good. [ laughter ] >> my dad had, like, kind of nailed two-by-fours -- not nailed -- into the ground, into the garage, so that when you pulled in, you knew exactly where the car would stop >> seth: i can do you one worse. >> okay. >> seth: my father-in-law did that and when i asked my wife when, she said, "when i met you. [ laughter ] and i want to know -- i was 35 [ laughter ] he was like, "these kids." they don't respect driveways you also -- these -- we talked about the ecto-1
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these are the, what, the photon packs? am i saying that right >> proton. >> seth: proton packs. right. photon's pretty good, though >> photon is pretty good [ laughter ] yeah >> seth: can you go back and adr it or is it too late >> there's very little difference between an "h" and an "r." >> seth: yeah, almost none are -- but these are practically very heavy >> yeah. >> seth: not fun to wear >> no, not really. i mean, fun because it's like, cool, i'm wearing a photon pack. but -- [ laughter ] but -- but -- but after a while you're like, "god! and then so, you know, people would -- thankfully the guys on the crew would come out and put these kind of stands up that had wood on it, much like the two-by-four my dad nailed into the ground in the garage, that we could stand and rest -- rest them. so it looks ridiculous sometimes all of us standing around resting our packs [ light laughter ] as we're kind of like leaning on this thing but -- >> seth: people are walking by being like, "they're not real ghostbusters." [ light laughter ] >> yeah. but they are heavy and, you know, they -- they're impressive to really look at you know, they do look like should do something.
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>> seth: yeah. >> they really do. things spin and light up, and there are wires, and it's heavy. and so it's like, clearly this isn't just a prop, this -- this has to work in some way. this has to catch something. >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] it doesn't have to be a ghost, but it should -- >> just something, yeah. >> seth: like a mole >> yeah a mole [ light laughter ] or like kill some bugs or something in the corner. >> seth: you -- we've talked about this with the last one of these. but amazing that you get to work with comedy legends. >> yeah. >> seth: and you know, when you're with somebody like dan aykroyd, and obviously there's a million things to ask, do you feel like you're good when you're with comedy heroes of knowing how to ask and -- >> boy it's -- it takes awhile, i think. because i really am such a huge fan. i still can't believe -- because they're all in this, and bill murray's there and dan aykroyd's there and i was working with steve martin and martin short >> seth: right, "only murders," yeah >> yeah and so it's like this last year or two i've worked with -- i mean, the mount rushmore >> seth: yeah, it really is. >> and it does take awhile, i think, to just kind of
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eventually work up enough nerve to say, "hey, remember when you were in 'blues brothers'?" [ laughter ] i feel like the chris farley sketch >> seth: yeah. >> "oh, that was awesome." >> seth: right >> yeah, but i do. and i have now gotten to a point -- well, certainly it's fine like with dan, i did ask him about "ghostbusters. or -- "ghostbusters. >> seth: "blues brothers." >> yeah, "blues brothers." and -- and belushi and like, "what was it like when you guys were starting?" and "i heard you guys bought a bar. how did -- and that's where you would have the after after parties? how did that happen and what was that like? and it's honestly like -- it is such a fun job, first of all, just to be able to do this but to then drive the ecto-1 or talk to dan aykroyd and say, "what was it like when you and belushi bought that bar? >> seth: yeah. >> or like talk to bill murray or steve martin or martin short. it really is, for somebody like me, who's just such a huge
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fan -- it's -- it's the greatest thing in the world i hope i never get used to it. >> seth: it -- i've been lucky enough to have a few of those moments as well. and the other thing is, there's no organic way to ask. you can't, like, fake and be like, "oh, that just reminds me, what was 'blues brothers' like?" [ laughter ] >> that's true you really gotta -- you wait and then you jump in you're so good at this, seth, and you interview so many people i mean, have you -- over the years, do you feel like you can now be in situations and it's easier for you to engage in any conversation with a legend >> seth: i think -- yes, because i think ultimately you just have to authentically say, "i always wanted to ask you this." you know, and just -- as opposed to like trying to find some backdoor in of like, "that reminds me." you know, just be like, "i'm just gonna ask you because i want to know and i don't know how much longer this party's going to go. >> right >> seth: and that's the most fun part and i think most of them want to tell the stories >> i think you're right. i think they do. do you get nervous, though do you ever -- are you ever nervous meeting anybody? >> seth: yes
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>> or knowing you're going to have to have a conversation? >> seth: the hardest one is when letterman was here because you know the thing he wants the least is for you to be like, "i'm a huge fan. >> yeah. >> seth: like he would run away. >> right >> seth: and so it's just like, just be normal like, having to tell yourself the whole time, just be normal >> yeah, and -- and he's so -- he's very nice and - >> seth: yes >> and a great guy, but it is very - >> seth: yeah, those are the ones where it's just like -- yeah i think i've been lucky enough, and at this point, you know, via "snl," you as well, like, if you -- you know, you meet steve and marty enough, you kind of realize like they're just -- they mostly just want to do bits >> they're awesome, yeah >> seth: and they don't -- they don't hold themselves on a pedestal like if they are on pedestal, it's your mistake for putting them there because they want to just, like, want to do jokes and -- >> yeah. >> seth: make fun of each other. >> oh, it's so fun to see them also interact with each other, and just the put-downs >> seth: yeah it's relentless. [ light laughter ] >> relentless. >> seth: marty short so is mean to steve [ laughter ] and i think it's steve's favorite thing in the world. [ light laughter ] >> on "only murders in the building," one time steve made a comment about a stand-in,
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needing a stand-in and martin short just said, "well, sadly, steve, edgar winter is no longer with us." [ laughter ] >> seth: the best. it's like you feel like he's always got one ready, and he's just hoping someone will set it up >> and every time, every time they say something, it's the funniest thing you could say >> seth: yeah. and that's the thing where you're just like, "i think today i'm just going to be audience, i'm not going to try to compete. >> that's exactly right, yeah. it's the difference between somebody who's like, okay at sports and a professional athlete. [ light laughter ] >> seth: yeah. well, i'm very happy for you that you're getting to work with all of them, and thank you for coming here and sharing. you're going to stick around paul rudd, everybody [ cheers and applause "ghostbusters: frozen empire" is in theaters and i-max march 22nd we'll be right back with paula pell [ cheers and applause ♪ when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: our next guest is an emmy award-winning writer known for her work on "saturday night live" as well as an actress you've seen on "a.p. bio," "sisters," and "girls5eva. the third season is now streaming on netflix let's take a look. >> attention, queers of the ozarks her royal thickness is going to be at the musical tonight. groupies, welcome. just call me ho spice. but don't write it down because it looks like hospice. [ laughter ] ah >> come on, do you think you're going to be swimming in it in beaumont as seen on the motion picture "footloose"?
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>> that explains why there's zero interest on bumper. wait, there's -- there's a lady. but she's moving fast. oh, she's on a plane it's a damn boob desert! >> seth: please welcome back to the show the best in the biz, our very good friend paula pell, everybody! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ >> seth: welcome baaaack, dear paula. >> does this thing flush [ laughter ] does this camper toilet flush? [ laughter ] okay now i'll an lady because my mom's watching hi, mom! okay >> seth: paula, i am so happy to have you here. i was also so delighted to see this in the "new york times" today.
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"a comic scene stealer six decades in making. this is an article about you, paula, and how you have been one of the funniest people in the business for a very long time. [ cheers and applause and now everyone knows the word is out. your secret is out >> well, i'm a recovering catholic, so any good thing that happens i'm like, "well, here we go." guess i'm getting my diagnosis [ laughter ] >> seth: the "girls5eva," you had a premiere, you guys sung at the plaza hotel. >> oh my god, we had so much fun. you know, usually premieres are very fun, but they're very much like, everyone gets really dressed up and then everyone kind of sits and watches something, and it either does well or doesn't go well. and we got to sing outside in front of the plaza and it was really, really fun. it didn't go well. no, it went great. it went great. >> seth: your character gloria is - this season, it's about second chances. sort of mirrors your own life a little bit >> yes, it's really -- art is imitating life it's lile, i, you know, i was an actor my whole youth, then i did many years at "snl" as a writer, and then i got gray and put --
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put my little character actress hat on, and i started acting again. so it's been thrilling because i just turned 60 so i am -- [ cheers and applause and i'm no longer menstruating [ laughter ] [ cheers and appuse >> seth: i told you. i told you, we were -- >> so i can wear outfits like this >> seth: paul and i were talking about it backstage and i said, "i bet she's not." he was like -- [ laughter ] >> she seems a lot less bitchy >> i owe you 20 bucks, seth. [ laughter ] >> she used to be very mercurial. >> seth: so you -- you worked with a lot of actors over the years. i've met a lot of the people via "snl." but even pre-"snl," you worked with some up-and-coming stars. >> yes, because i grew up in orlando at -- well, after college i went back to orlando so i worked at nickelodeon and disney and i always played an adult
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that wasn't the funny part that would go, "thomas, turn off that radio! [ laughter ] and then the kids would all do funny sketches and things. little kenan thompson. little tiny -- and i was like, "that kid's going to be on 'snl.' >> seth: yeah. >> little did i know >> seth: yeah. you also did a little bit of work with a young ryan gosling >> i did [ cheers ] i didn't even realize that at the time i just -- he played my son >> seth: it would have been creepy if you had. if you'd walked in and you're like, "i know you. >> "i know what's going to happen to you. [ laughter ] >> seth: but this is a scene - the sketch is -- it's a lassie parody >> yes >> seth: where the dog barks too much >> yes, and my friend steve pernick is in it and we -- someone, i think it was steve, sent it to me a couple of years ago, and he was like, "hey, get a load of this." and i completely did not realize who my son was in this >> seth: we're going to show the clip you're going to see paula, and then you're going to see what is definitely ryan gosling. take a look. >> the story of a very special dog. ♪
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[ barking and the most annoying. [ barking >> lassie, go away [ barking >> yes, lassie someone's trapped in the well again? okay, thank you. >> seth: amazing early costarring role. [ cheers and applause >> ugh >> seth: you also -- >> he was a hunk then. [ laughter ] >> seth: you also did some early commercial work. paul, did you ever do like bad local commercial stuff >> oh, yeah, yeah. >> seth: okay. >> and bad national stuff. [ laughter ] >> seth: you were so bad in the local stuff -- >> they were like we need -- we need - everyone needs to see this >> thanks, seth, for jumping right to bad have you ever also done bad things yes. i did -- i did - >> seth: you're great. in the commercial we're about to show, i want to stress, you're not bad, you're fantastic. >> no, it's okay >> seth: you're really good. you're going to get a big laugh when i show it >> okay. >> seth: it's a lotto commercial >> it's a -- yes bingo scratch-offs i did a lot of bingo scratch-off commercials. i was agnes and her organ. and i did it in florida, arizona, and kansas -- kansas city, think?
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>> seth: you maybe saw this as a young man. >> oh, my mind might just get -- ready to be blown. >> busy philipps freaked out when i showed her the photo of me doing it. she goes, "i watched that! my whole chi --" like, she remembers it >> seth: all right, so here's paula in her kansas city lotto commercial ♪ ♪ oh there was a farmer who had a do and bingo was his name oh ♪ >> that's really annoying, isn't it ♪ b-i-n-g-o ♪ but what better way to introduce new kansas lottery bingo than through the miracle of song? ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> do you remember it? >> no, we didn't have a tv [ laughter ] >> i was hoping you'd say you lost your virginity to it. [ laughter ] >> seth: it's a very short commercial, paula. >> yes, it is short. >> by the way, if you want to go back to losing my virginity, it wasn't a marathon. [ laughter ] >> listen.
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you're amped up on that night, you're amped up, you're ready. >> seth: your dad -- i remember my dad said, "it's gonna -- look, don't worry, it might take the time of one scratcher. [ laughter ] you would like to get back in the game >> yes >> seth: the commercial game >> i would like to get back in the commercial game. because i have figured out a way to go completely gray and still keep the quality of my hair. >> seth: yes, it's beautiful >> and i'd love to be like the spokesperson for silver hair in these very sexy commercials. >> seth: you want to take it over there okay, great. >> yeah, let me give you a little of it, if anyone's watching from a hair company oh, i think i have a little prop oh, here we go >> seth: okay, good. >> hi. i'm narrowly-known tv and film star paula pell. when i'm walking through the streets of manhattan, i usually hear two things. "wow, that's a big head of hair." and "wow, that's a big ass." [ laughter ] that's because i always use tops and bottoms. [ laughter ]
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hair and butt volumizer. [ laughter ] >> shake it, baby. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> seth: and thank you for taking the time, you know, ahead of time to really work on that label. [ laughter ] you also, um, an accomplished theater actor. >> i mean, i would say - mildly but i've done a lot of theater before i did "snl," and i love it, and it's my favorite thing going to broadway, it's just my great bucket list dream to -- to someday be on broadway before i die. >> seth: and you -- you maybe are working on some new stuff? >> i am. i tried to call lin-manuel miranda and i did it via siri. so i got lenny mendel's verandas [ laughter ] and i had to buy a veranda which was very expensive they're very - >> seth: that's the rule at
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lenny mendel's verandas is if you call, you've got to buy one. >> you've got to buy one so this is -- i haven't developed a lot of it yet, but it's about a 60-year-old woman that leaves her husband and goes to broadway to try to, you know -- comes to new york. no place to live and just tries to make it on broadway >> seth: okay. >> so i'll give you a little piece of it that i've written so far. should i stand >> seth: yeah. >> okay. [ light laughter ] [ laughter ] >> seth: i -- i actually -- i -- i talked to paul he would like to be framed for this [ laughter ] >> yeah. [ cheers and applause that's how you get a guy to stand up [ laughter ] ♪ i don't kno what i'm smellin i love this gritty city ♪ ♪ the secrets tha it's telling a rat crawled on my titty ♪
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[ laughter ] ♪ all i nee are the stars above an a little pluck and someone to love ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ and a littl bit of pizzazz and a little bit of panazz panazz is cocaine ♪ [ laughter ] >> thank you [ cheers and applause >> seth: you guys, we'll be right back with more from paul and paula! [ cheers and applause ♪ (oldest girl) someday, i'll be the first female president. of the universe. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: welcome back to "late night. we're here with paula and paul you guys have been on this show together before. >> mm-hmm. >> seth: worked together "hudson valley ballers." >> yep >> seth: "this is 40." >> "snl. >> seth: "snl. you've written things for paul over the years >> mm-hmm, i've loved it he was just one of those hosts that killed every single sketch. >> seth: a very game, a very game host. [ cheers and applause >> paula -- paula, i mean, paula is a genius. and i think anyone that knows her, you can tell, like, she's incredible so it's the greatest thing in the world. >> seth: you wrote a country song for wiig and paul, where they just -- >> yes >> seth: it was entire song about a fedex package tracking number >> yes, james anderson and i wrote a sketch about just the numbers they're singing, and it's kind of like an ode to
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billy -- >> seth: yeah. >> not billie jean king. it's ode to billy joe, i think is it. nobody cares >> seth: and paul -- >> ode to billy joel [ laughter ] >> seth: that's what -- that's what billy joel's new song is called >> "ode to billy joel. >> "ode to billy joel. >> seth: so paul, last time you were here, you were very honest and i appreciated that you were talking about how it was the end of a long run of "ant-man" press and you were kind of out of stories >> yeah. >> seth: and so we provided you the opportunity to just make one up and um, well, i was wondering if the two of you would like to take this opportunity, right now, to make up a story that didn't happen. >> oh, sure. >> sure. >> seth: great >> and then you'll just cut that part out so people think it was a real story >> seth: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> okay, cool. [ laughter ] >> seth: you guys recently took a trip together? >> that's exactly -- that's true, yeah, yeah we were on norwegian cruise lines and we actually went through the panama canal >> seth: wow [ laughter ] >> it was so funny, because we knew we were going to -- well, we knew we were going to have sex. and we got - [ laughter and applause we got norovirus we got norovirus [ laughter ] >> seth: oh my god >> and it's like - >> we really -- we really picked the worst time to go it was like at the height of
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norovirus. >> seth: yeah. >> oh, it was so bad and we both are married. and it's like, we're not going to end up doing this and then we got norovirus and we're like, whew, we didn't have to do it [ laughter ] >> yeah. barely even saw each other on the ship >> i mean, i held his hair back when he was, you know. >> seth: oh, that's very nice. do you remember -- i know it sometimes is like an -- do you remember who got it first? because i think there's always that, then it's the blame game of who gave who the noro >> i always have a mild amount of norovirus i think you probably do too, right? [ laughter ] >> we kind of keep it -- yeah, always a little bit. i think i got -- >> it's called being in show business [ light laughter ] you're always a little nervous you're always pre-diarrhea a little bit [ laughter ] >> by the way, not so much pre [ laughter ] >> that's why he's on another couch. he's separate. >> seth: this wasn't -- this wasn't when the canal -- >> they're not just going to come out on commercial break and check my hair. >> seth: this wasn't when the canal was blocked, right like, you were able to, like, make safe passage through? >> we did, we were performing on the boat >> seth: oh, you were doing sort of one of the dinner shows
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>> yep, we were doing one of the shows, and we were doing "hamilton. [ laughter ] >> which is -- yeah. >> seth: just the two of you or more people >> no, no, it was just the two of us. >> it was just the two of us [ laughter ] >> which -- which by the way - she said -- paula told me, she said, "this is -- look, i know lin-manuel veranda." [ laughter ] >> seth: oh. and you probably heard her - >> i said, "i don't think that's how it's pronounced. and she said, "no, i have his email. i got a great discount on a veranda from him." so we had -- so she said, "i've got the rights, we're fine." and so it was the two of us. >> seth: wow >> just the -- >> seth: now, i would imagine if i was on a cruise ship and i went to see a production of "hamilton," i'd be deeply disappointed if it was - [ laughter ] -- two white people. don't get me wrong [ laughter ] >> with norovirus. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah, so it's even a little bit worse than that >> by the way, we were terrible. i mean, we were violently ill. >> we -- we basically sang with our asses in the air [ laughter ] we sang facing away from the audience with our asses in the
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air. >> let me just tell you, no one wanted to be in the room where that happened. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> seth: and that -- i mean, talk about -- man oh man, talk about a talk show story. you guys, that's paula pell, that's paul rudd [ cheers and applause >> that is a take a lap moment >> seth: "girls5eva" is streaming on netflix we'll be right back with more "late night. [ cheers and applause ♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ok, someone just did laundry...
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♪ >> announcer: come join the audience at "late night" live in studio 8g. for tickets, head over to follow us @latenightseth on all social media platforms subscribe to late night seth on youtube. find us online at and subscribe to the "late night podcast," featuring "a closer look," guest interviews, and more available wherever you listen to podcasts ♪
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chipotle's chicken al pastor is back. and it's fire on every level. fresh chicken hot off the grill, mixed with morita peppers, a splash of pineapple and fresh lime. it's where fire meets flavor. chipotle's chicken al pastor, the wait is over. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: i want to thank my guests paul rudd and paula pell. she brought headshots. she brought headshots. i want to thank the -- aric improta over there, the 8g band [ cheers and applause go to youtube, check out an all-new "corrections" we just posted thanks for watching everybody. we love you. [ cheers and applause ♪


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