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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  March 14, 2024 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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the up to date bloom. >> everybody on social media nose, the super bloom, wildflowers and native plants organization requiring -- recording with the reports, with joe spano, and we just have to call the number that is up on your screen right there, still to be seen if we will have a spectacular super bloom this year but some spots in the bay area art -- party watch, state parks, sugarloaf ridge state park included.>> i think there's a good chance. >> can we just call the number. just ask jeff. forget the number. >> i have to have my weekend. this is going to be the third year of good soaking rain, getting down into the soil, which really helps the super blooms to happen. >> some of the ones on milpitas
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get there. >> the forecast year, when tomorrow morning, it is gone tomorrow night, [ cheers and applause ♪ >> tariq: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests - kacey musgraves, deion sanders, and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1940 >> tariq: and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: come on. that's a hot thank you very much. thank you very much, everyone. and welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." you're here. [ cheers and applause thank you for watching at home well, guys, everyone is still talking about this yesterday the house passed a a bill that could ban tiktok and now it's headed to the senate yeah right now, parents watching their kids' tiktoks from spring break are like, "please ban it so they can get a job one day. [ laughter ] please ban this. right now. please." but china is now calling on the u.s. to stop unreasonably suppressing the social media app. china was like, "who do you think you are, us? meanwhile, former treasury secretary, steve mnuchin, said that he's putting together an investor group to buy tiktok
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he actually had a lot to say on the issue. first mnuchin said, "we're very serious about mnaking this happen, for mnany years social mnedia has been getting out of control. then he said, "we need to mneet in the mniddle if we raise enough mnoney, it will be a truly mnomnentous occasion for amnericans. i can't do it. [ laughter ] i can't say it [ cheers and applause ♪ he said it better. he said it better than i did, yeah some more political news in a new interview, former president trump complained about how he's been treated compared to other presidents check out what he said >> and i was always told that andrew jackson as a president was treated the absolute worst and i heard abraham lincoln was second i said, there's no -- i don't care, andrew jackson or anybody else, nobody has -- when you think of the fake things, nobody's been treated like trump, in terms of badly [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "nobody's been treated like trump, in terms of badly. and trump should be treated in
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terms of goodly. yeah, he said no president's been treated worse, yeah even john wilkes booth is like, "hold on, i got to -- yeah [ laughter ] come on, bud, come on. get this senator bernie sanders just unveiled the new bill to establish a four-day workweek. [ cheers and applause ♪ if he did this eight years ago, he'd be finishing up his second term as president. [ laughter ] some news from overseas. russia is now holding their presidential election. russians had two options on the ballot, "vladimir putin" or "disappear." [ laughter ] and -- you guys see this? north korea released images of kim jong un testing out a new tank check this out hm [ laughter ] aww!
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yeah, he saw his shadow, which means six more weeks of dictatorship [ laughter and applause well, some business news best buy has recalled nearly 300,000 air fryers after receiving complaints that they overheated, melted, or caught on fire. overheated, melted, and caught on fire. those are actually the options on the new tesla [ laughter ] well, last night, netflix released the reunion episode of "love is blind," and - [ cheers and applause i know, i know one of the most dramatic scenes was a big confrontation between jess and jimmy now, if you missed it, don't worry. because, here to re-enact that scene with actual lines from the show are the roots' own, tariq and questlove. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> tariq: thanks jimmy tonight, i'll be playing the role of jess, a 29-year-old executive assistant, who is confronting jimmy about being accused of leaving a date early. >> questlove: and i'll be playing jimmy, a 28-year-old
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software salesman from north carlonia who is getting confronted by jess for accusing her of leaving a date early. >> jimmy: whenever you're ready. ♪ >> tariq: we were on that date for an hour and a half, and i said, "listen, at this point, it feels forced. like, what provoked you and made you say, like, horrible things about me? >> questlove: during our last date, you left the date early. like, i'm sorry if that's throwing shade - >> tariq: did you not want me to leave the date early? >> questlove: no no, no, i wanted you to -- >> guys, guys, guys. [ cheers and applause ♪ i'm -- i'm actually jimmy, and that's not exactly the way i said it. you mind >> questlove: sure, take it. [ cheers and applause
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>> listen. you left that date early that did happen. >> an hour and a half into it, not -- not ten minutes >> um -- i maybe gave you 45 minutes but it felt like ten minutes to me >> uh -- someone please get the receipts, please >> jimmy: there you go, very nice [ cheers and applause ♪ good job, everybody. thanks, guys jimmy -- [ cheers and applause jimmy presnell, questlove, tariq. jimmy, thank you very much for being here >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah [ cheers and applause >> this is the greatest. >> jimmy: what are you saying. >> i've got something to say, jimmy. >> jimmy: what's that? >> this is the greatest hour and a half of my life! >> jimmy: no, that's - [ cheers and applause get out of here. no, it's not hour and a half? i -- i don't think that guy knows how time works but it's - [ laughter ] guys, listen to this i read that someone stole an entire shipment of pittsburgh penguins bobbleheads that were supposed to be given away at tonight's game
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[ light laughter ] i don't know who's more disappointed though. the fans, or the guy who stole the giant box that was full of bobbleheads. it's like, "supposed to be xboxes!" right now, the number one suspect is a guy going, "i didn't do anything." [ laughter and applause and finally, guys, a lot is happening in the news right now. and sometimes i find the best way to explain the news is with music. i'll show you what i mean. it's time for "news radio. ♪ news radio. news radio news radio hey ♪ >> jimmy: first up, the house passed a bill to ban tiktok in the united states. so, now influencers are looking at their videos like - ♪ all that work and what did it get me? ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: congress says china is using the app to spy on us, but most users are like -- ♪ i don't care ♪ >> jimmy: anyway, congress will eventually send the bill to president biden and say -- ♪ sign your nam sign your name ♪
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>> jimmy: up next, boeing is in hot water because their planes are like - ♪ i used to fly now i just fall down ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, their doors and wheels are like -- ♪ bye bye bye ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: people on the ground are running from falling debris like - ♪ move bitc get out the way ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: if boeing doesn't fix things soon, everyone's going to be like - ♪ come on ride the trai and ride it ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: next up, a lot of conspiracy theories are floating around about kate middleton she hasn't been seen in a while and people are like -- ♪ where are you ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the royal family posted a picture of kate with her kids the other day like -- ♪ look at this photograph ♪ >> jimmy: but it was clearly fake, so now everyone's like - ♪ what's going on ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: meanwhile, the writers of "the crown" are like, we better get to - ♪ work work work work work ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, it's spring break and st. patrick's day is this weekend, so you know what that means
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♪ shots shots shots shots shots shots shots ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: but remember to drink responsibly, okay? if you get too drunk, you might call up your ex like - ♪ sometimes all i think about is you ♪ >> jimmy: or you call up your boss like -- ♪ bitch i sai what i said ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: then you'll wake up - then you'll wake up in the morning like - ♪ last night we let the liquor talk ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: anyway, have fun out there, and remember to drink plenty of -- ♪ water ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: and finally, donald trump and joe biden have officially clinched the nominations for president. some people are like - ♪ do you get deja vu? ♪ >> jimmy: while the rest of the country is just like - ♪ oh no oh no oh no no no no ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: we have a great show her new album, "deeper well" is out at midnight tonight. kacey musgraves is here to talk and perform! plus, his new book, "elevate
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and dominate," is available now, coach prime, deion sanders is joining us. stick around, we'll be right back with more, "tonight show" everybody. come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ >> apparently, we broke the law in -- in iceland so - >> jimmy: what -- what happened >> well, we got a speeding ticket [ laughter ] i never saw anything take our photo. you can see us in the van. can you zoom in a little [ laughter and applause ♪ >> jimmy: are you kidding me for moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
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(marci) so, how long have you lived here? (opponent)tuffs over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. guys, it is time for us to post a joke to our "tonight show" socials. but we need your help. that's right it's time for "tonight shocials." ♪ tonight shocial tonight shocials, yeah ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: there you go "tonight shocials. this is how it works i'm going to show you five different jokes and you're all going to vote thumbs up or thumbs down if we should post it you all have voting clickers at your seats you see them there there you go, perfect. now, you can vote for all of them you can vote for none of them. whatever you want.
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i want you to have fun and we're going to see the results live and then i'll post whichever one gets the most likes from all of us. sound good [ cheers and applause tonight's show -- tonight shocials [ laughter ] okay the first post is, "clown cars are the original uber pools. [ light laughter ] [ groan got an actual audible groan there. [ laughter ] don't make any noise when you're voting, just press the clicker. [ laughter ] everyone, "eww." you don't talk into it, just press the thing. [ laughter ] all right. the votes are in i think i know the results of this one [ laughter ] let's see them yeah, very good. all right, look. [ sad bass notes ] [ laughter ] i think "shocials" really throws people for a loop and that's why we're already -- already we're in a weird space >> tariq: yeah, yeah you're coming hot with that. >> jimmy: yeah i think we should change the name, maybe. >> tariq: to what, though? >> jimmy: uh -- social -- "social we-dia."
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[ laughter ] 'cause we -- 'cause we are -- we are -- we are choosing the social -- "social we-dia," instead of social media. >> tariq: i like that, wedia >> jimmy: social we-dia. w, e, dash, d, i, a. [ laughter ] >> tariq: i like that. >> jimmy: nah, that was terrible can we vote on that? >> tariq: yeah, let's vote [ laughter ] >> jimmy: let's vote -- can we type that in >> tariq: okay, it's a no for me [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no, don't talk into it, don't talk into it. just press it. let's see -- all right, let's see. can we change the name of this bit to "social we-dia? thumbs up or thumbs down [ laughter ] yeah, people are laughing. >> tariq: i don't know, man. >> jimmy: but i don't know if they're laughing at me or with me [ laughter ] let's see the results here [ drumroll ] [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: we're not calling it "social we-dia." [ laughter ] absolutely not i know everyone voted.
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i know it's a democracy, everyone's vote counts. what would the song sound like if it was called "social we-dia?" ♪ social we-dia social we-dia ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: all right. >> tariq: now that you did the theme, i don't like it anymore >> jimmy: he don't like it -- no, exactly. [ laughter ] all right, so, right now this bit is called "social we-dia." [ laughter ] but it could change next week. all right, here we go. this next joke is, "i love ignoring a group chat then responding with a 'haha' to let people know i'm alive. [ laughter ] that's me. "that was a week ago, man. that was a week ago. "yeah, i thought that was a funny joke from a week ago oops." all right, let's see the results on this one. i'm feeling good [ drumroll ] oh, yeah, i'm feeling real good [ cheers and applause ♪ i'm feeling good i'm feeling real good. all right. this next one says, "if you've never had a spoonful of peanut butter standing alone in the kitchen, you're either allergic or lying."
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[ laughter ] ♪ that's pretty good i haven't done it in a while but i have done it ♪ maybe i saw it in a commercial or something >> tariq: i'll bet you never had a spoonful of mayonnaise standing alone in the kitchen at night [ audience groans >> jimmy: i don't even have mayonnaise in my house >> tariq: that's what we should vote on. we should vote on banning mayonnaise >> jimmy: just ban it. no, people love it >> tariq: yeah, no vote. >> jimmy: yeah, just ban it. let's see the results of this peanut butter one. i feel good about this one too [ drumroll ] [ cheers and applause all right, good. not bad. ♪ not bad. respectable. next up said, "i bet lemons are like, 'wait, how did we get dragged into this whole 'this car sucks' thing?" [ laughter ] i mean, it's clever. i see people nodding not necessarily laughing they're just going like -- [ laughter ] i see where they were going with that. >> tariq: yeah, they get it. they get it. >> jimmy: if there was a medium thumb, that would have got a a full medium thumb. >> tariq: right.
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>> jimmy: i'm going to say this is probably like a 50/50 split let's see the results on this one. [ drumroll ] >> tariq: no >> jimmy: no, no, no [ sad tuba ] >> tariq: yeah >> jimmy: all right. they're honest >> tariq: i think that one was a lemon. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: that's it. that is why it's called "social we-dia." that's why "social we-dia," uh-oh [ light laughter ] and here's the last one here this one says, "i've never wrestled an alligator but i have tried to fold a pizza box and put it in the trash can. [ laughter ] ♪ that's pretty good >> tariq: right. >> jimmy: that's -- yeah i keep trying it, too. after all these years. i go -- i try to snap it over my leg >> tariq: it's a bit of a tussle, right? >> jimmy: it just don't work, yeah all right. let's see the results on this one. [ drumroll ] that's it, that's the winner [ dinging [ cheers and applause ♪ wow, wow a come-from-behind win you guys that is it right there that is what we're going to post "i never wrestled an alligator, but i have tried to fold a a pizza box and put it in the
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trash can. i will post it during the break. if you see it online, give it a repost we'll be right back with kacey musgraves, everybody "social we-dia." [ cheers and applause ♪ >> you're great at everything you do but it's time for you to step up to the plate and take it to the next level [ light laughter ] i need you to run for office [ cheers and applause i need you to be the president of the united states of america!
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business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. ♪ [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: our first guest is a a seven-time grammy-winning artist whose new album, "deeper well," is officially out at midnight tonight [ cheers and applause everyone, please welcome, kacey musgraves! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: have a seat. are you so excited it's almost out. >> it's crazy. it's almost here >> jimmy: "deeper well" is out at midnight tonight. [ cheers and applause i want to get into the album i want to talk about everything by the way, i love this color vinyl too. look at this [ cheers ] >> thank you and my little sister too, she shot the cover >> jimmy: no way >> yes isn't that cool? >> jimmy: it is very cool. i love this. >> and all the photos. yeah >> jimmy: i love all the ducks
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>> yes [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: we have to talk about this, because last month you added another grammy to your shelf. [ cheers and applause seven grammys? >> yeah, what? >> jimmy: i mean, you're amazing. >> who's counting? who's counting >> jimmy: yeah, who's counting, yeah i am you won best country performance by a duo with zach bryan - >> yes >> jimmy: -- for "i remember everything." >> yes >> jimmy: how -- how is that guy? >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: how is he? >> incredible. >> jimmy: yeah >> like, i'm such a fan. and it was so -- >> jimmy: me too >> yeah. >> jimmy: he's got a cool story. >> so -- yeah. >> jimmy: yeah and you guys sound great together >> thank you >> jimmy: hopefully we hear more of that you know, you're the first artist to win a grammy in the top four categories in country >> that's what they said >> jimmy: yeah [ cheers and applause >> i'm like, "how is that possible?" >> jimmy: that's you, bud. >> i don't -- i didn't know that that was a thing. >> jimmy: you're kacey musgraves. yeah, you're - >> no. stop, stop, stop >> jimmy: no, that's who you are. >> stop, stop, stop. >> jimmy: and tonight -- "deeper well" is out at midnight tonight, we just said i got to say this 'cause maybe the audience saw me, i was smelling the album [ light laughter ] because you did something very cool you made -- the -- what's scented in here? the album? >> so, the sleeves - >> jimmy: the sleeve
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>> the sleeve is scented i didn't even know that that was a thing. [ cheers and applause yeah, it smells like -- it smells like cow [ bleep ] and grass. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no, i -- >> i wanted a real visceral, you know - >> jimmy: i smelled the other side i smelled the other side >> yeah. it smells like duck poop no, we wanted to bring a 3d experience but no - >> jimmy: it -- it smells great. >> it smell -- yeah. >> jimmy: it smells fresh. it smells like the outdoors. >> it honestly does smell so good i did a collab with boy smells i basically turned the song, "deeper well," into a scent, which was a really fun collaboration. it's like, you know, think -- imagining, like, how does it -- how would a song smell >> jimmy: yeah >> and so, we did that and -- and we kind of infused it into this paper, which is crazy. i'm like, "i hope it smells good in, you know, five years. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, who knows, yeah. when you -- when you had this finally come out, is it -- is it -- are you happy it's like finally out? you're like, "these are all my thoughts, and i worked so hard on this album? >> yeah, i think, you know, releasing a creative project -- i don't know if you feel this way, but it's just -- it's such a process of letting go. and, you know, these songs are written from a very intimate, personal place and then, you know, you release them, and they kind of become
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everyone else's. and they, you know, attach their own meanings and stuff to it too so, it's like bittersweet in a a way, because i feel like once you release it, it's kind of not yours anymore, it's -- it's others'. but i think the whole point is - >> jimmy: yeah, it's the fans -- yeah, 'cause you'd be like -- they're like, "this song reminds me of my grandma. and you're like, "i wrote it about laundry. [ laughter ] yeah >> exactly >> jimmy: yeah, of course, it's about your grand -- exactly, yeah >> no, but it's -- and it's like summer camp, you know, making a record. you're with your friends, and you're hanging out for like -- >> jimmy: yeah >> -- you know, this was like a year and a half or so in the making >> jimmy: you were here. you did a lot of recording at electric lady -- >> yes >> jimmy: -- here in new york city? >> which, you love that studio, right? >> jimmy: it's my fave it's the roots it's everyone's fave we love that studio. >> yeah, there's some really amazing mojo in that -- in that building you feel it when you walk in i mean - >> jimmy: you do, right? >> -- it's no wonder >> jimmy: i love lee >> yes >> jimmy: lee is the best. >> lee's a legend. a freaking legend. but yeah, i was always on the lookout for the ghosts i never saw any, but - [ light laughter ] no, apparently >> jimmy: you never saw jimi hendrix anywhere? >> i never saw him come out. >> jimmy: i hung out with him a couple nights. >> oh, yeah? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah [ laughter ] >> well, i want what you were having [ laughter ] yeah >> jimmy: you filmed your music video for the first single in
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iceland? >> yes >> jimmy: and it's gorgeous, by the way. it's for "deeper well. i want to actually show a little bit of it right here, look at this video ♪ i found a deeper well ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: i mean, it's gorgeous [ cheers and applause that's like a movie, right there. that's beautiful >> right it's like a mini movie have you ever been - >> jimmy: beautifully shot >> have you ever been there? >> jimmy: i've never been to iceland. no i'm dying to go. >> it's like another planet. >> jimmy: it really is, right? >> it's amazing. i mean, it's like "dune," the movie, "dune." was like - >> jimmy: yes. >> -- very green it's -- it's that. >> jimmy: it's "dune." there's -- >> it's kind of got those -- it's kind of sci-fi, but it's really earthy. it's amazing >> jimmy: yeah, but you told me it's very windy there. >> okay, so we like -- we picked - [ light laughter ] no, we picked literally the worst possible week to go. i was so excited it was on my bucket list i was like, "oh, my god. and it couldn't have -- it was like, high wind advisories i almost got blown off that cliff. >> jimmy: oh, my god [ laughter ] >> like, i was almost -- like this video will be my death announcement because -- [ laughter ] -- it was a sheer drop down to the -- down to the ocean >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> we were like -- i mean, it was treacherous. >> jimmy: yeah
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>> and even the locals were like, "this is some scary [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they go -- they go, "this is not normal. >> yeah. it was wild. >> jimmy: yeah, you actually sent us a little behind-the-scenes video of what that beautiful video looked like here's what was really happening. watch this [ wind gusting ] [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: come on. are you kidding me >> scary it was scary >> jimmy: are you kidding me come on. >> no, it was -- >> jimmy: that's really windy. >> no, really, grown men, like, gigantic grown men were like - >> jimmy: falling down >> praying >> jimmy: did you do any touristy things while you were there? >> yeah, you know, you guys have heard of the blue lagoon, right? >> jimmy: blue lagoon, yeah. >> you see the pictures. it's so serene >> jimmy: yes. >> you're like -- people are floating >> jimmy: yes. >> it looks like a nirvana, like, experience >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. >> i'm like, "let's do that. >> jimmy: yes. >> so, we venture out there, and no honestly - [ laughter ] >> jimmy: didn't happen either >> it was sort of like an instagram versus reality situation. [ laughter ] we get there, and it's like hurricane-force winds. i'm surprised they didn't close down the thing there was only a few locals there, and then us and we were, like, getting body slammed by waves
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and it was like -- >> jimmy: wait, there's waves? i thought it was a serene cave or something >> well, no, it's like a pool, it's supposed to be, like, a a very placid -- >> jimmy: like a steam cave or something, it's called >> they have steam cave. i never found -- i just wanted to find the steam cave i couldn't - >> jimmy: you didn't find the -- >> no. [ light laughter ] okay, so - >> jimmy: let's take a look at your experience in this steam cave ♪ [ wind gusting ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god [ screams >> jimmy: kacey. [ laughter ] >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: it's like a wave pool ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: where is the steam cave >> does anyone know -- and they give you a free drink -- you get a free beer when you're there. and i was like, at all costs, just protecting the free beer. >> jimmy: just protect the beer >> yeah. >> jimmy: protect the beer, at all costs, yeah. >> but it was -- it was really fun. it was a wild -- i'll never forget that experience >> jimmy: did you see the northern lights? >> jimmy >> jimmy: i'm just saying, there's things to do - >> iceland, like, it delivered, but it also didn't at the same time all i wanted to see was the
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northern lights. like, bucket list, like top -- >> jimmy: it looks fake to me. >> it looks fake it looks like a screen saver or something, right >> jimmy: yes, it does >> yeah, so, all week the weather was just like -- it was just terrible. and it was like, you know how they have the predictions, like the aurora predictions >> yeah. >> so, on the last night it was the best possible conditions so, we're like, "maybe we'll get to see it. well, my sweet -- one of my sweet managers, bobby, he's backstage. he's such a champ. he's like -- he went into dad mode he's like, "i know you want to see the northern lights, kid." [ laughter ] and we were all so, so tired from this, like, rigorous shooting he's like, "if you want to go see the northern lights, i'll take you we've got the rental van it looks like the clearest spot's going to be about two and a half hours from here, but we can do it." i was like, "i mean, yolo, bobby. like, we only win once." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah yolo, bobby. so, we're like, we're driving, we're driving. i mean, there's not a soul out there. it's pitch black we're just going, going, going hour passes by two hours. we're like, "are you seeing them?" you're like, "wait, is that -- >> jimmy: yeah, "when do they start? now? >> we saw, like, a faint -
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we're like, "is that -- is that -- no that's not - is that them?" >> jimmy: is that the sun? the sun rising >> yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] so, we're like, "should we just go just a little further just a little further. and so, we went a little further. and we were like, i think -- i think maybe that's them. i think that's them. >> jimmy: i think that's good enough for you >> sure. like, we saw a little. and i was like, "all right, i'll take it." so, we just were like, "all right, it's late we've got an early call time in the morning. so, we're speeding back. we're speeding back to the hotel. and just taking our little northern lights experience and just, you know, trying to be satisfied enough with that >> jimmy: yeah >> about two weeks later, bobby gets something in the mail and apparently, we broke the law in -- in iceland so - >> jimmy: what -- what happened >> well, we got a speeding ticket [ laughter ] >> jimmy: by mail? >> by mail and it was a printed-out piece of paper and it was only -- it was $10. so, it's kind of -- it was worth it, obviously. but what's funny about it, is they included a photo. i never saw anything take our photo. but if you want to show them >> jimmy: this is -- >> you can see -- you can see us in the van. can you zoom in a little [ laughter and applause
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♪ >> jimmy: are you kidding me >> okay. look at -- look at bobby's face look at bobby. >> come down here. look at bobby. he is like - >> jimmy: he's like, "those northern lights were fantastic. >> yeah. and we always make fun of him because he sighs so loudly he's like -- [ heavy sigh ] sorry, bobby >> jimmy: that's fantastic but anyway, he's sighing in this picture, and i'm just like -- i'm along for the ride >> jimmy: $10 speeding ticket. yeah, why not go for it? >> yeah. anyway >> jimmy: big news, you just announced that your "deeper well" world tour is kicking off. a world tour [ cheers and applause we get to see you -- >> yes >> jimmy: -- on tour it's going to be great >> it's gonna be fun >> jimmy: april 28th -- april 28th it kicks off in dublin, ireland? >> yes >> jimmy: dublin is a fun place. >> oh, my god, i -- i love dublin i love ireland so much the irish people are so fun. you know, and they -- they love country music and songwriters over there i think there's like, you know, kind of a kindred spirit between traditional celtic folk music -- >> jimmy: yeah >> -- and, kind of, bluegrass, and folk, and country. and so, we always have an
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amazing time there so, i'm so excited to kick it off in this beautiful little theater there. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> so -- >> jimmy: "deeper well" world tour >> yeah. [ cheers and applause in honor of your tour kicking off in ireland and st. patrick's day coming up, i thought we'd maybe toast with a couple - >> oh -- oh, a wee little pint [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: -- with a couple guinnesses >> is this real? >> jimmy: this is real >> this is real. are you going to chug it >> jimmy: no >> okay. >> jimmy: just a sip for good luck >> cheers. >> jimmy: kacey musgraves, everybody. [ cheers and applause congrats good luck. break a leg, break a leg congratulations. kacey musgraves. "deeper well" is out at midnight tonight and she performs for us later. we'll be right back with deion sanders. [ cheers and applause ♪ hold on! you're still purchasing your lenses from your optometrist? what are you doing? come on! walk with me to the glory that is 1-800
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is an nfl legend and the head coach of the university of colorado football team. his new book "elevate and dominate" is available now please welcome coach prime, deion sanders! [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: coach prime! welcome back to the show, coach! >> you're my man >> jimmy: i love you, man. >> you know i -- i really wanted to do that one day. i really did
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>> jimmy: you did want to host >> i wanted to, like, sit there. i wanted to -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you wanted "the tonight show" -- >> i don't know about "tonight show." but i wanted to be that guy. >> jimmy: no, but you're this guy. >> yeah, but - [ laughter ] i wish like one day we could just trade >> jimmy: the university of colorado would be so upset [ laughter ] they would be so bummed if i showed up to practice like, "hey, guys, let's watch a movie. you guys seen 'rudy?'" [ laughter ] "let's watch 'rudy.' i don't know what i would do you're having a pretty great year, by the way can i just tell you what's happening with you you were named "sports illustrated's" sportsperson of the year >> amen. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: 2023 was colorado's first sold-out football season in almost 30 years [ cheers and applause colorado home games generated over $113 million for the city of boulder >> wow, wow. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: this year marked a a 20% increase in college applications, including a 50% increase from african american students
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[ cheers and applause and there's even a class offered about you on campus, and you help teach it. >> i teach it. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: primetime public performance and leadership you are professor prime. >> professor prime >> jimmy: professor prime. [ cheers and applause i mean, come on. >> you should see me i mean, i'm sitting there up there like, "class?" >> jimmy: yes. >> "open your binders. >> jimmy: yeah, "open your binders," yeah [ light laughter ] >> i love it >> jimmy: does any of this surprise you >> i expect greatness, man i expect to dominate i mean, we got our butts kicked on the field two games the other several that we lost, we were -- it was one-possession games so, we reloaded. and we revamped. and we got some stuff that i can work with now. and i cannot wait till this season, i cannot wait. >> jimmy: really, you know it? [ cheers and applause you know it. >> i know it i know it. i -- i can feel it and i'm happy and i'm excited about the fan base, about the student body, about the team, the coaches, the staff from colorado, boulder. >> jimmy: you love them. >> abso -- oh my god, i don't have a bad day like every day is a great day.
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i'm coaching my kids, darn it. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: you actually -- you're kids are there? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah shedeur? >> shedeur's a quarterback shilo's the safety and junior's doing all the social media he's around here somewhere filming. >> jimmy: yeah, i saw him earlier around, yeah but shedeur, the rumor is that he might be the first draft pick >> well, he should [ laughter ] [ cheers ] why would they be rumors >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah he should. >> he should >> jimmy: are you going to get emotional? because -- this is -- is this the last year -- >> this is our last hurrah, man. like, we're coming down the home stretch >> jimmy: your kids aren't going to be there. >> i've coached them ever since they've been babies. so, it's going to be a great year, but it's going to be a a tough year emotionally because you know, this is it >> jimmy: yeah, you're a dad, you love your kids >> yeah. but i got to send them off so they can make a lot of money and they can come and take care of dad [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: i got to say, i love the book >> thank you >> jimmy: "elevate and dominate" is the book. i loved it i thought it was so fun. >> thank you >> jimmy: and you even say in the book, too, just -- you can read it out of order if you want to. just pick a chapter that's
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going on in your brain, in your mind and if you want some uplifting, great advice it feels like i'm having a a conversation with you. >> that's good the audio's off the chain. kirk franklin did the music. >> jimmy: kirk franklin did the music? >> he was behind it all -- >> jimmy: who does that in an audiobook? >> the audio makes you feel like you - >> jimmy: kirk franklin -- >> -- you getting ready to graduate college, you're going to church, and you're getting married. >> jimmy: at the same time >> and you're hitting the lottery at the same time [ laughter ] like that's what the music does for you. >> jimmy: it does. but i flagged this because the first chapter, the first thing you say, "why coach prime should be your coach!" you go, the first line is -- "hey, baby, it's coach prime." [ laughter and applause >> like, like -- >> jimmy: dude, that's it. i go, i'm having a conversation with you >> we wrote it the way i talk. that's the way i talk. so, the audio is like the way i talk like, i'm really talking to you through this book. and that's the way i articulate myself >> jimmy: i thought it'd be fun because i know you do great pump-up speeches and make people feel good >> this is going to be good. >> jimmy: and that's what this book - >> you've got something up your sleeve i can tell
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i know you >> jimmy: no, so this is what i thought. i thought we'd maybe show you a couple of people that might need a little pump-up. >> okay. >> jimmy: and give them some good advice. >> i got you >> jimmy: this first one, he just announced his retirement from the nfl, and i just thought maybe you could give - [ cheers and applause jason kelce. what kind of speech would you give jason >> give me some somber music >> jimmy: somber, somber >> yeah. jason. ♪ you've come to the end of the road, baby guess what you don't have to train no more you don't have to eat right anymore. you can just let all that go [ laughter ] and i want you to be as controversial as you ever wanted to be on your podcast i love you i appreciate you but baby, it's time for you to really be you. >> jimmy: yeah [ cheers and applause love that dude all right, how about this?
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this is caitlin clark. [ cheers and applause she just became college basketball's all-time leader in points scored. >> take me up a little bit i need you to take me up a a little bit caitlin. ♪ baby girl, let me tell you something. we coming down the home stretch. this is going to be your last dance. and guess what i need you to finish strong. i don't care what they say about the wnba but i -- i know what you're capable of i want you to go out there and lead like you never led before i want you to go dominate like you never dominated before and unapologetically, girl, i want you to be you >> jimmy: yes! [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: he's making his return to wrestlemania [ cheers and applause in three weeks what will you say to our pal dwayne johnson to get him fired up >> oh, take it down. rock, i love you and i appreciate you ♪
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you're a great actor you're a great inspirer. you're great at everything you do but it's time for you to step up to the plate and take it to the next level [ light laughter ] i need you to run for office [ cheers and applause ♪ i need you to be the president of the united states of america! ♪ [ cheers and applause >> yeah! >> jimmy: last one >> last one. >> jimmy: last one, last one, last one right here. finally. a lot of people think his team will win a national championship next season how would you coach prime, pump up coach prime [ cheers and laughter look at this >> look at you, man. [ laughter ] ♪ don't let your appearance cause no interference in what's about to happen. [ cheers and applause you are him.
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you are all that i don't care what nobody say, baby you go be you! ♪ you go do it [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: coach prime! deion sanders, everybody his new book, "elevate and dominate," is available now. we'll be right back with a a performance from kacey musgraves, stick around! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ i am, i cried ♪ [ laughing ] ♪ i am, said i ♪ ♪ and i am lost and i can't ♪ punch buggy red. ♪ even say why ♪
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♪ ♪ even something as small as an appl it's simple an somehow complex ♪ ♪ sweet and divin the perfect design can i speak to the architect ♪ ♪ and there's a canyo that cuts through the desert did it get there because of a flood ♪ ♪ was it devised or were you surprised when you saw how grand it was ♪ ♪ was it thought ou at all or just paint on a wall ♪ ♪ is there anything that you regret ♪ ♪ i don't understan are there blueprints or plan can i speak to the architect ♪ ♪ sometimes i loo
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in the mirro and wish i could make a request ♪ ♪ could i pray it awa am i shapable clay or is this as good as it gets ♪ ♪ one day you're on top of the mountai so high that you'l never come down ♪ ♪ then the wind at your bac carries ember and as that burns your whol house to the ground ♪ ♪ is it thought out at all or just paint on a wall ♪ ♪ is there anything that you regret ♪ ♪ i don't understan are there blueprints or plan can i speak to the architect ♪ ♪
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♪ i thought that i wa too broken and maybe too hard to love ♪ ♪ i was in a weird plac then i saw the right fac and the stars and th planets lined up ♪ ♪ does it happen by chanc is it all happenstance do we have any say in this mess ♪ ♪ is it too lat to make some more spac can i speak to the architect ♪ ♪ this life that we mak is it random or fate can i speak to the architect ♪ ♪ is there an architect ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: come on, now
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come on! that is how you do it. thank you so much. >> thank you >> jimmy: that is how you do it kacey musgraves! [ cheers and applause "deeper well" is out now -- it's out we'll be right back, everybody come on! [ cheers and applause ♪ mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars,
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and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day! it's totally up to you. only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box! here's morikawa in a tough spot. only for a limited time. off the comcast business van. look out! where did the ball go? oh, wait there it is. back in to play! and that's in! what an impossible shot! ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to deion sanders, kacey musgraves, once again come on. [ cheers and applause
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fantastic. and the roots, right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania [ cheers and applause thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. good night, everybody. thank you! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- paul rudd. star of "girls5eva," comedian and writer paula pell.
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