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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> is special because my son can't defend himself. because he is innocent minded. but, that is why i'm doing this is because i am defending him. and i am his voice. >> she said a the defects of autism and even read a children's book into languages such as and can be more understanding and accepting of a child on the spectrum. but now she says she is confident it might be a good read for some adults as well. >> fun story. let's take a look at our weather where the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. taking a live leg now at san jose, you can see the winds whipping these palm trees around. you can see the wind also make in this line of trees sway. let's bring in our chief meteorologist. when can we expect to see these wins end. >> we will have some gust and then they will be tapering off red it is first is out there,
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especially if you're up any of the high elevations. up above 3000 b today we did get up into the 70 mile-per- hour range. down around where a lot of us live anywhere from 30 to about 45 miles per hour at berkeley 35 , san jose at 33. wind advisory for north bay, east bay southbay, on and off here, 20 to 55 mile-per-hour. let me show you more on that when forecast. 1130 tonight so primary coming- out of the north and east lower elevations. coastal mountains east bay, north bay still up to about 50. we hang on to that right here tomorrow morning. and so without wind even into tomorrow morning we could have some more downed trees and power outages. i have more looked at the forecast all the way through tomorrow. and of course your weekend coming up in about 50 minutes. to stay updated on your weather measure to download our free app. scan the qr code on
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the left side of your screen it will take you right to our radar on our weather page. the demonstration that called on president biden to have a cease-fire on the war brought traffic to a standstill during the morning rush hour just before the president was to speak before the summit. 78 people were originally facing charges. dozens of people packed in the hallway of the courthouse today before the hearing asking the judge to throw out their cases. after learning the case would be dismissed, the lawyer representing the bay bridge and 78 as they are called, said it was a victory for those exercising their right to protest. >> we think this is the a good resolution to concern the focus to what is happening in gaza and get out of the courtroom and get back to try to do influence this government and
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this country as of the genocide. >> the protesters agreed to do five hours of community service. the group also pay for the $400 total in restitution. san francisco is facing a new lawsuit. is that the tenderloin is having drug involvement. a group of neighborhoods is behind legal action. >> the conditions are at the center of a new lawsuit. two hotels and several residents are suing the city saying that leaders have done very little to address the long- running drug and homelessness issues. we spoke with a lawyer about the allegations. >> the city has for years treated the tenderloin as the containment zone for activities and associated harms with that and conditions have gotten much worse in recent years. maybe in part due to the federal crisis. the current state of the
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tenderloin is for my clients and people who work in the neighborhood, the sidewalks and public spaces are unsanitary, unsafe and inaccessible. to make today this is what it looked like near one of the hotels that fired a suit. they want a judge to force the city to tell you action. we spoke with amir today about some of the steps the city is already taking. >> one of the things i'm really proud of is what we have been able to do to a certain extent deal with the challenges and the daytime, especially with parts of the tenderloin. we are seeing some improvements. >> they redirected resources. >> we were able to redirect resources and working with the drug enforcement agency in the u.s. attorney's office they've been able to step in and be a significant source in addition to the california highway patrol. a lot of our focus is on the tenderloin community and at
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night. >> reporter: they have reduced the number of tenants. the this was not the only action . separately a measure was on behalf of the uc law of san francisco. requiring the city to make reasonable efforts to eliminate homeless encampments. the city attorney's office said in regard to the lawsuit filed today in part, they will review the complaint and that the city is making progress disrupting dark marcus while complying with the preliminary injunction issued in the coalition on homelessness. adding it is clear that increase litigation over homelessness is not improving conditions on our streets. the courts are not equipped to police every interaction between outreach workers and on housed individuals. in san francisco, christie smith, everything bay area news. is going to take a little longer to see if she will face
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every copper last-minute group delivered more than 123,000 signatures supporting the petition. in the last few minutes we heard from the registrar budget for the county used a random sampling method approved by the state account the signatures. the results were insufficient to see if it had enough valid signatures. the registers office will now count all signatures manually. just over 73,000 signatures are needed for the recall to head to the ballot. it has been more than a week since super tuesday and there are thousands of ballots to be counted. we are continuing to follow the race. that is california's district 16 on the peninsula. former san jose mayor lease with 21% of the vote. this is a very close race for second place to see who will run against him in november. the last update the assembly member is no ahead of the supervisor by just 63 boats.
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today in the race for the white house, resident biden is a michigan where he is facing backlash over his handling of the war. former president trump was in a florida courtroom as his lawyers and prosecutors argue over charges and has classified documents case. alice barr has the details from washington, d.c. >> reporter: a busy day for president biden on the campaign trail in michigan to former president trump in the courtroom in florida seeking to have the classified documents case against him thrown out. >> i took them very legally and it was not hiding them. >> reporter: he can transform them into personal papers. smith underscoring that mr. trump is not above the law. just hours after arguments concluded the trouble recorded
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drudge denied the motions for dismissal but left open the possibility that she could side with him in the future. president biden campaigning in michigan without meeting with members of the states large arab american population who voiced outrage over his handling of the israel hamas war. >> if you want to bet on brushing off this movement, good luck in november. >> reporter: it comes as a senate top democrat and highest ranking jewish official chuck schumer made ways by calling for new elections in israel casting danielle hugh doesn't obstacle. while grappling with foreign affairs, the biden demonstration focusing on the domestic issue of reproductive rights. vice president visiting them in a set of healthcare center that
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provides abortions and other care. >> right now in our country we are facing a very serious health crisis. >> she is the first sitting vice president to make such an appearance signaling biden campaigns hopes to reproductive freedom will drive voters to the polls. the trump document hearing comes after a special counsel testified on capitol hill over his decision not to charge present barden of his handling of classified materials. present biden classified materials. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. still ahead, rowboat taxis. somatic bringing hope to hundreds of students, the nonprofit that began as an idea. our bay area proud segment is next.
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and that wind whipping around today likely aggravating your ologies
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rowboat taxis are cruising through the streets of los angeles. it is expanding its services to downtown los angeles and santa monica. riser free right now but it will start charging soon. the driverless rights have been available in san francisco and finished for the past few years. the extension comes after seeing regulators approve the move two weeks ago. saw giving hope to young people in a community where they often see little of that, that is one of the east bay nonprofit has been doing for 20 years. >> i've been following the success of this for about a decade now. i tell you, they are one of the best origin stories i've ever heard. it begins in the winter of 2015 when a high school soccer team traveled to a heavily favored match. they walked away impressed with
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this workmanship of the richmond players and the kindness of the fans. one danville player went to the coach and offered to donate equipment to the program if they needed some. the coach said no, what those kids need was hope. that is what he gave them. >> reporter: when we first met him a decade ago, he was already a successful real estate developer. what he might not have known at the time though was the journey he was on to help students in the city of richmond would end up becoming an even more important part of his life. >> it is one of my greatest legacy, other than my family and the second most important after that. it is incredibly gratifying and humbling, it perfectly when i started it i had no idea what i was doing. >> reporter:'s goal was maybe half of the 15 players on the richmond high soccer team would it least apply to college. it has turned into so much more. colleges real is working with
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all three richmond high school and two middle schools. at any one time there is close to 500 students involved. if their track record is any indication, 100% of them will graduate high school and more than 90% will be accepted to a four-year college. this is done through guidance and tutoring but most importantly through a caring and hard-working staff. many of them who are now graduates of the program themselves who successfully unlock the untapped potential that already exists in the students. >> i think our secret sauce is we are a very high touch organization and we are very efficient. we don't have a big staff, we don't have a lot of overhead, we are on campus in front of and with the students. five days a week, our team members, our directors, often times are there 12 hours a day,
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they are available 24 hours a day. if a student has a problem or just need to talk to someone. >> reporter: it is a program that certainly changes individual lives, but one that is shown the ability to do even more. >> our mission has been to change the college going culture in the city of richmond . i think we have achieved that. in a pretty big way and we will continue to do so and hopefully our efforts ultimately do help change richmond for the better and create more educational and employment opportunities for those students and their families. >> that is a very big claim to change the whole culture of a community. when you look at the numbers, they are graduating about 150 a year. 1500 have gone through the program. many of whom are returning it at that scale you can see how that kind of generates its own
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momentum and then spreads. amazing how one group can have this kind of impact on the entire culture. >> i love that, the math adds up. even if it is a couple of students. it is bringing a community one step closer. >> i have been following this for many years but when you hear the students stories. you never would think they would end up in college through this program it gave them that colleges real, i can do this. >> it just takes that one person to believe in you. we all have someone we need look back when you were younger who have a person to help you. >> thank you for bringing us that story. i know you have another story you will bring us tomorrow. >> everybody wants this win out of here, it is really, there usually isn't anything good. we get that fire danger which has been elevated. thankfully not extreme because
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we've had so much rain in february. nonetheless not only wind here but through northern california all the way through southern california. wind advisory here 311 a.m. tomorrow. if you're heading out tonight we're still seen for example here in walnut creek since sustained winds at 13, gusts up to 40. it will stay clear and a little bit lesser here through 9:00 and 10:00. we will be dipping down into the 50s. let's get this wind out of here but i want to show you the weather pattern so you can understand how things will be playing out for us. really through tonight and tomorrow, the pattern stays the same. we have high pressure to the north, low pressure to the south, it is really dragging this wind right across northern california. once we hit late tomorrow night and really through this weekend, both of these weather systems are going to start to move ahead high pressure goes to the north, low pressure to the east that moves it out of our zone. we are going to stay with some
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warm weather this weekend and really little in the way of wind and lots of sunshine. saturday and sunday it is shaping up as excellently. let's show you that wind forecast as we rolled through tonight still looking at gusts of 20 to 50 especially in the mountains coming out of the northeast. we hang onto that through tomorrow morning. make it up to 50 miles per hour in napa. 32 in san francisco and 38 in oakland. as we roll through tomorrow afternoon, a lot of that went subsides. this will be good to see that gone. as we had to tomorrow's morning forecast, it would be blustery out here. a mix of 40 and 50. 45 in the tri-valley. san francisco at 51 and 48 for the east bay. temperatures for tomorrow because it is the drive north easterly wind, it will warm us up. without when coming by the afternoon, it will make it a really nice time around 2:00 and 4:00. we will be at 74 in santa rosa. 72 palo alto and 72 in san
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francisco. to the weekend we will stay with weather just like this. check out the 10-day forecast. monday 75, tuesday 74 and there we go down into the 60s for next wednesday. eventually that will help to lead to some rain chances. it doesn't look like a big storm system that we may get into some more rain as we had into maybe march 23rd which will be not this weekend but the following weekend. we will keep our eyes on that otherwise i know everybody is focused on saturday and sunday. we've had a few weekends where the rain is totally dry. we've had more looks at this coming up at 5:30. i am already thinking of three things i can do outside this weekend. coming up, wouldn't you like a shorter will work week? like a shorter will work week? that is at senatorwh
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thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer
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as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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saw a rocket name starship disintegrative while coming back to earth but the company says overall it was a successful mission. say six launched from texas. you can see the liftoff was successful. as is it was the furthest and fastest the starship has ever flown. it was supposed to splashdown and the indian ocean but broke up during the entry. the faa is investing. in spite of the setback it is going at a phenomenal day for the valuable data a game is an imagine being able to work four days a week instead of five
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without making less money. that is what vermont senator bernie sanders is present. today he introduced a bill of capitol hill called the 32 hour a week act. it will protect workers pay and benefits. sanders says economy has radically changed since the 40 hour workweek was established in 1940. opponents of the measure argue that the four-day workweek would harm small businesses, restaurants and trays and could eventually lead to layoffs if you cannot keep up with demands. check the date, three
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you might me know if you look at the calendar, the annual celebration of pie or 3.14. >> what you might not know is that the holidays are right here in the bay area. he was a visitors who worked at the exploratorium and he is credited with founding the first pie day celebration at the museum. back in 1988.
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today the exploratory and celebrated its 86 elevation they had lectures and games, it was all about the number pie. they also celebrated by singing happy birthday to albert einstein and and since it was also steph curry's birthday today, they sang happy birthday to him. visitors also got a free slice of pie. whatever you want to call it. >> he didn't know if you did the calculations. it ends up and blah, blah, blah. >> don't forget, we have our broadcast on roku. what do we have coming? fighting to keep their school open, school leaders are considering moving a middle school in san jose. the reason they feel like it is the only option. and parents and students are fighting back.


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