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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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what was happening was
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systemic. the issues range from moldy sleeping areas to widespread abuse. >> in the parliament dublin the sexual abuse has been going on for a long time. >> the prison's warden was convict did prior. other guards were also charged. eight of the survivors joined in a class action lawsuit filed last year against the bureau of prisons. emily schapiro says she feels there is still a culture of retaliation against anyone who speaks out. >> they are dealing with this on a daily basis and it is so dangerous to the got because of strip searches, because of getting punished. >> in their statement they say they are working to make positive cultural changes and said due to recent developments
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it was necessary to make administrative changes at the top. in dublin, tom jensen, nbc bay area news. >> did you enjoy the sunny weather this weekend? it is cloudy. a couple spurts of rain this morning. >> reporter: right now current storm ranger up toward santa rosa a few showers developing also a little as well over st. helena down to about youngsville. all in all any rain fill will add to our rain season with these impressive numbers, 32.6 inches in santa rosa so far this rain even and that is a surplus of 5.53 so with that number right there we are
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guaranteed at least a 100% and/or better in santa rosa, the rest of the bay area also doing good. coming up we talk more about those rain totals we can expect overnight plus some dry windy weather moving in and we will show you when they get here and how strong those gusts will be in about 15 minutes. all right, thank you jeff. if you'd like to stay update make sure and download our recap and use the camera on your phone to scan the qr code on the left side of your screen. protesting at uc berkeley, jewish students and supporters demanding the school act against advice semitism. hundreds of people marched across campus urging the school to provide more safety and security for jewish students. last month pro-palestinian students disrupted a private event that had to be abruptly canceled because of security concerns. for the past month jewish students say they have been
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blocked and harassed at the entrance to campus. pro-palestinian activists a they are not blocking the gate but making a statement instead. >> our target with this gait is not to have any conversation with zionists, is to pressure our university to divest the genocide of our people. >> one professor told us he staged a sit in four days in his office sleeping and working as a protest to what he sees as the lack of action from the university to make jewish students feel safe. another major chain making changes to how it does business in oakland and it is because of safety concerns. taco bell now closing its dining rooms at two of its locations. nbc bay area selena jones has more. dining rooms are closed at two oakland locations >> i think it's kind of sad. i mean people who actually want to sit down and dine can't because they are in risk of maybe getting her car broken into.
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>> reporter: wolf the 35th avenue and higgins borough locations are now changed and do not allow walk-ins. the closures leave customers without cars and a curious position. >> [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: walking through the drive-through in hopes of getting food. in a statement taco bell says the franchise owner is working on safety. councilmember represents the laurel district where one of the restaurant is located and is working to address an increase in crime the area has seen. >> i want to see every business , small medium large really be able to thrive so we are working very cohesively with
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opd to see how we can increase opd presence in the area. >> she is also at -- advocating for -- >> we have award-winning restaurants within one block of the taco bell so i see this is a sign that there is a lot more competition. >> reporter: last year raisin canes closed its dining room too. denny's on hagan border serve their last meal in january and in and out only oakland location is closing their doors at the end of march. it is a trend customers hope will stop before more businesses leave. >> i am afraid this area will start shutting down altogether. >> reporter: in oakland, velena jones. the project is called
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homeward bound and former mayor gavin newsom started it in 2006. city workers help connect unhoused people with family and friends outside the area and then by that person a ticket to reunite them with their family. the city stays in touch with the people in the program. now the supervisor of the program proposed expanding. right now it is only offered to current or formally unhoused people but he wants to change that. >> we are slightly expanding. that is something that has not been done in the past. >> reporter: county leaders will re-examine the proposed amendments next week. okay, it is on, the presidential general election appears to be well underway. president biden informer president trump held dueling rallies in a swing state of georgia. mr. biden unveiled ways to lower costs for families and launch -- while the former
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president presta had to lock up the gop nomination. nbc's alice bar is tracking it all from washington, d.c. >> reporter: president biden on a battleground blitz today on the road to new hampshire fresh off unveiling his election-year budget proposal that includes tax breaks for families, new money for housing and lower healthcare costs. earlier telling local leaders and the national league of cities it's time for a new cycle of hope. >> pride in your hometown, pride in making a comeback, pride in america, pride in knowing we can get things done when we work together. >> reporter: that amid an already contentious re-election campaign with both the president and the president rallying in georgia this weekend ahead of tomorrow's primary with mr. trump mocking his successors lifelong stutter and slamming his record. >> everything joe biden touches turns to -- >> reporter: in a cnbc
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interview he said this about entitlements including social security and medicare. >> there is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements and in terms of cutting. >> the white house was quick to respond that president biden will protect those programs as he addresses a key concern for members of his own party, his handling of the israel hamas war telling msnbc's correspondent that while he would never abandon israel's defense an invasion of rafah would be a redline. >> you can i have 30,000 more palestinians dead. >> reporter: in a new ad the biden campaign targeting another vulnerability, the president's age. >> look, i'm not a young guy, that's no secret, but here's the deal, i understand how to get things done for the american people. >> point key voting block this election cycle is young voters. tonight the biden harris campaign announce the endorsement of 15 youth voter groups along with launching a new student for biden and harris
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that aims to mobilize young voters to get to the polls. in washington, alice bar, nbc news. >> thank you alice. embattled senator were arranged -- was arraigned in a courtroom today related to an ongoing bribery case. prosecutors charged senator bob menendez and his wife both with felonies. the two new counts means the sender now faces a total of 18 federal charges. the federal and two co- defendants have pled guilty -- not guilty to all charges. his attorney says his client looks forward to being vindicated. measles cases on the rise and the most recent case may have exposed hundreds of the virus were to tell you about that and pg&e, high rates are causing some worries against ev drivers the reason some experts warn about switching your electric car just yet.
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local weather on nbc bay area is sponsored by mancini's sleep world.
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concern about the re- emergence of the measles virus. outbreaks reported in several states including northern california. nbc bay area news's robert handa tells us how medical agencies are sounding the alarm about this very contagious virus. >> reporter: families we talked to at the san jose park were mostly surprised to hear about measles resurfaced in and many were concerned to learn that hundreds of people are now being contacted by uc davis medical center with a warning that they may have been exposed to measles at a sacramental hospital. most we spoke to said they are worried about their young children and the extremely contagious virus. >> my first thing is keeping him safe, though. >> reporter: did you ever think about measles before? >> i thought about it but not in terms of thinking he could get it. >> reporter: this dr. heads up gardner health services in san jose which handles 42,000 patients.
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she said the medical community is trying to spread the word that measles is once again showing up around the u.s. >> this was bound to happen. we started out in florida and moving to california and it will spread and measles is a very serious condition. and the only way to prevent this is by making people aware that they need to be vaccinated. >> reporter: many people they say they believe the covid pandemic triggered a new wave of accusation -- wave of vaccination opponents. >> it is kind of a general movement against institutions. >> the vaccines are -- it depends. covid, no. maybe measles. >> reporter: the santa clara county public health department is all for increasing awareness and encouraging vaccinations but emphasized there are currently no reported measles cases in the county, but they are helping an investigation
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into an out of county person was hospitalized here. in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. and not just here, a third case of measles confirmed in chicago, to link to a migrant shelter in the third involves a student enrolled in chicago health -- chicago public schools. officials say that can spread quickly. teams from the public health department were at the shelter screening residents for symptoms and administering vaccines. all right, the rate hikes are adding pain as a plug for people who drive electric vehicles. last week they approved another rate hike. this one is expected to raise the average bill by about five dollars per month on top of a 13% increase that happened in january. there is also a third hike in the works. electronic vehicle customer say they noticed a jump in their bills.
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i spoke with a local climate change policy think tank about the issue and they told us that ev customers should not get spooked and told us that ev's are still considerably cheaper to fill the gas counterparts. >> driving down the road and looking at a gas station sign thing six dollars per gallon as well as perception of like gas is expensive so yeah pg&e's rates have gone up, but again there is that gas price roller coaster of -- >> reporter: they say pg&e -- jeff ranieri joins me now, the weekend was spectacular. tell me more. will we get more of that? >> reporter: well, once we get over the rain chance there will be more sunshine on the way and i know everybody is ready for warmer temperatures and that son. -- sun. storm ranger and doppler radar and our storm system just off to the north and it is a cold front here that's really based way off to the north so we will get the chance of rain, but right now it doesn't look like
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a superstrong storm, we will take you to storm ranger are doppler radar and some of that activity developing through the north bay, light showers right here from santa rosa to rohnert park all from st. helena down to yountville. we will continue to see this develop as we move through the next couple of hours and by 7:00 it still really is all about the northbay on that chance of some rain fall for us becomes more widespread here at 11:00 for the northbay. then we'll see the bulk of this really does point moving through the overnight hours. there's not too much left for the morning commute at 7:00 in the morning, so at least we get that rainfall and then we are not starting here super, super wet for that morning commute i think that will help you get out the door on your tuesday morning, but as we roll for the afternoon we will start to get sunshine returning and just a slight chance we could get a spotty shower kicking up. rainfall totals with this because it moves in and out quickly not very high, only trace amounts to about a quarter inch right through tomorrow morning.
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temperatures as we start off will be back down into the 40s with 49 here for the peninsula, south bay at 47, san francisco, you spin northbay have you coming in right here in the 40s as well. daytime highs as we move through tomorrow looking like this across my forecast, down here to the south bay coming in with 60, 64 in san jose right over to cupertino, 62. 62, vallejo and low 60s, pleasanton. the peninsula, 59, daly city, redwood city, 61. san francisco, 58 through the marino and 60 in the mission and for the northbay low 60s, santa rosa, sonoma and napa. so, beyond this i really wanted to jump ahead toward the weather pattern by the mid and end of the week. it can be certainly dynamic witty weather systems will be setting up and why we have this area of high pressure, dry weather and sunshine, this very low pressure will develop to the intermountain west and that is important because the way be set up air and weather flows
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from high-pressure to low- pressure so it will create this vacuum affects pulling air from high-pressure to low-pressure and that's good to give us some gusty winds right here across northern california. wednesday night into thursday. i can show that went better here on a futurecast. wednesday morning isn't too bad we will start to see gusting rent but by wednesday night though, 20 to about 40, highest gas in the santa cruz mountains by the evening and then through thursday very dry northeasterly wins up to 50 in the mountains. 20 to about 45 elsewhere and we hang onto this winter thursday night and then eventually through friday we will start to see that wind taper off. thankfully we had some of the stories recently -- storms recently which will help out with fire danger. sunshine on righty saturday and sunday, -- friday, saturday and
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sunday. 75 on friday. low to mid 70s this weekend and next monday, 77. i know everyone is ready to go. >> i see a lot of sunshine on that screen and it looks good. hank you. all right teens are phone free and happy? surprising discovery from a new report
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feeling good and at '17 say about not having their phones
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with them according to a new report from the pew research center. those numbers, parents and advocates grow more concerned about the consequences of social media on the mental health of kids and teens. dozens of states including california sued mehta accusing them apart -- of harming children. the price of bit coin is soaring to a record high above $72,000. british regulators gave the green light for what's called the crypto exchange traded fund or etf. this follows a similar move by american regulators. they say the demand for bit coin is growing in part because it is seen as an asset like stocks, bonds and that makes it attractive to people who want to diversify their portfolio. a mixed bag on wall street the dow jones rose slightly both the dow jones and the s&p
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as well as the nasdaq took modesty dips and investors brace for february's consumer price index report due out tomorrow. those numbers will play a role in the fed meet later this month to discuss more changes.
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the oscars offered us some big moments. especially a big night for one movie, oppenheimer the movie about the making of the atomic bomb that broke records. critics called it a clear frontrunner. that is killian murphy who got the best actor award. it was not a big night it turned out. the second time in a row that she wins out of ward and she's the youngest person to win two times in a row.
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don't forget you can watch our newscast 24 seven on roku and other streaming platforms. six. >> i'm just can. >> here is what we are working on for 5:00. another emergency and this time an international flight headed for sfo. we have the video and the details. >> also said six aqua bashing facebook? trumps harsh words for facebook and its founder. and the votes are still being counted after the primary. our political analyst larry griffin is here to explain what's going on. the news at 530 starts now. thank you for joining us. i'm janelle wang. >> and i'm raj mathai. now mechanical issues on a flight headed from australia to san francisco. is the sixth united flight in
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the past two weeks to encounter problems. next we have nbc bay area owes sergio quintana. >> reporter: just seconds after the flight took to the air video biplane spotter new york aviation got clear images of fluid spewing from the plane. it looks as if it is coming from the rear right landing gear. the crew of the bowling 777 300 jet continued over the ocean before turning around. video for my passenger shows the crew dumping fuel before landing. the plane landed safely back at the airport in sydney and no one was injured. united airlines have been dealing with a series of issues with its flights over the last couple of weeks but this incident in sydney is now the third involving a technical issue with one of its planes in just the last few days. last thursday a wheel fell off a rear landing gear just as a united 777 200 took off from some disco headed to japan.


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