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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PST

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>> right now at 6:00 a busy saturday in the south bay after flames erupt from a san jose home. that fire possibly fuelled from propane tank and chemicals inside that building, all of it sending a plume of smoke less than a mile of san jose's busiest shopping centers. "nbc news" starts now : i'm gia vang. >> we are at the scene, and i understand you spoke to firefighters and neighbors about this. >> i did, and the neighbors
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certainly had quite a scare today. you can see here that the smoke is still billowing out. you can also see the latter truck trying to douse out the flames in this fire that started in the garage that is behind this duplex here on daniel away. the fire started shortly after 3:00 this afternoon, and neighbors say they saw flames shooting out of the garage, and they also heard several booms. firefighters confirmed that there were propane tanks inside the garage that exploded. now, they also say there were a lot of chemicals in the garage related to the installation of carpet. wanda hollande lives across the street, and she was worried a fire might spread to her home. >> it was flames going everywhere, so i was trying to get some other people that came on the sidewalk, and i was trying to direct them, no, we can't go over there, because we
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don't know if the house is going to explode or not. >> reporter: because of those chemicals, neighbors were told to shelter in place by staying in their homes and closing their doors and windows. the spoke also slowed traffic on nearby interstate 880 just before the road becomes highway 17. the exact cause of the fire is under investigation, and i'm happy to report tonight that no one was injured. there was about 50 firefighters that responded to this and just a few minutes ago, the hazardous materials team arrived, and what they are doing is they are taking samples of the runoff water because it may contain chemicals so they're sampling that just to make sure it is safe. reporting live in san jose, marianne favro, "nbc news." a look across the bay area, a sunny saturday, but whoa, you could see some dark clouds beyond san francisco.
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meteorologist rob mayeda here, and we are in for a repeat of last week. how are things looking? >> well, we got a little bit of rain. we won't be seeing any flood advisory or blizzard warnings in the sierras, but it will be a change with san jose, cloudy skies and a lot of the lots of clouds hanging over downtown san francisco, although, the radar, our storm ranger mobile doppler radar not picking up rain yet, things will be change within the next 24 hours. first up will be the wind during the day tomorrow. conditions kind of like what we have outside, mostly cloudy skies, and by 6:00 this time tomorrow, raindrops from the north bay through the entire bay area between 6:00 and midnight tomorrow and we'll focus on the wind in the frontal boundary, by the afternoon, the wind speeds will be 15 to 30 miles per hour so more wind and rain to wrap up the weekend, but after that, one more rain chance into tuesday and a big reversal in temperatures. if you've been waiting for mid to upper 70s for highs, we got you covered there too.
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the timing on the warm-up and some dry wind at times as we head to the middle part of next week coming up in the forecast in a few minutes. >> sounds good, rob. to stay updated to the latest weather, load the the nbc app and scan that qr code on the screen, and it will take you right to our radar on the weather page. an hour's long in contra costa county ended peacefully starting at 1:30 on lancaster circle and bay point. the suspect shot someone inside the home. paramedics rushed that person to the hospital. they called the s.w.a.t. team and put the neighborhood on lockdown while negotiating with the suspect. after nine hours, deputies arrested the suspect, and the lockdown was lifted around 3:30. chp and asking for your help on a call on this deadly crash in the mission street crossing
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in san francisco. the officers got there and thought the car was abandoned. it wasn't. they discovered a driver behind the wheel dead. anyone with information about that crash is asked to call the chp,the women's peace organization code pink organized this march across the golden gate bridge in honor of international women's day, which was yesterday. there were two main messages here. demonstrators say they want to see immediate cease-fire and end to aid in israel. >> they're predicting the experts that in the next five or six months if the bombing continues, there's going to be tens of thousands of people dying of starvation alone not to mention just the bombs, so it's just horrendous. i never thought i could see this level of violence committed by my country, who is very complicit.
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>> after the march, demonstrators rallied at the welcome center plaza. the event remained peaceful and did not disrupt traffic. keep your pets out of lake merrick as the city of oakland is telling people as red discoloration has been observed there. you can see it in that shot. the color of the lake is raising concerns of another harmful algae bloom or red tide and the preliminary water quality tests shows traces of algae related to the reid tide but the he feels are lower than in 2022. this is what it looked line in august 2022, from the lake to parts of the bay pulling toxins and killing everything from fish to clams. to a live look at the nation's capitol today. today, president biden signed a major funding package into law. it was to be signed before last night's midnight deadline averting a shutdown. this includes more than there
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are 12 for community problems in san francisco. projects awarded funds include several programs that serve the unhoused and a variety of affordable housing projects. the glad foundation getting a million dollars to update its facilities. zuckerberg hospital getting money for the medical center. international women's day was yesterday but celebrated in san francisco's union square, a big turnout to get your hands on the 80,000 tulips to honor the day and the spring season. we explain how this event is a bright spot for the square that has faced a number of challenges over the years. >> reporter: union square was transformed today with a bright and colorful display. 80,000 tulips were brought in for tulip day. >> tulips are my flavor flower, so they automatically bring me
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joy. >> reporter: coming from san francisco from woodland to pick out a bouquet in honor of women's international day. >> last year we came, there was so many people we gave up. we went to the store and got tulips. this year, we planned it better. it's absolutely stunning. what a great beautiful thing to do. >> the flower bulbs are from the netherlands and the flowers are grown in the u.s. in greenhouses. >> reporter: the u.s. imports 120 million dollars of dutch flower bulbs every year, and the event bloomed out of a relationship from san francisco and the netherlands, which has a consulate in the city. organizers say last year about 35,000 people came out, and they're expecting even more here today. >> this is where we come to celebrate life's greatest moments, and this shows it. this is a tradition now, tulip day. we're trying to get as many people through the garden today so they can joy that spring has sprung in union square. >> reporter: there is the ceo of
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the union square alliance. the area has seen a number of retail closures, but she says there's more to know. >> actually, over 30 stores have moved invest 91l the last two years. there's a lot of growth and expansion. we're having a restaurant boom and bar boom, so this is a place to enjoy things f. you love a store, and you hear perhaps it's closing, that's your signal to come on down. >> reporter: this event is a kickoff to union scare bloom with the floral display to support businesses. in san francisco, christy smith, "nbc news." 10,000 pounds, that is how much trash volunteers killed from the south bay waterways today. the san jose mayor posted this video on social media this afternoon. he said more than 300 volunteers came out, pitched in. they focused on the guadalajara
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river, a lot maeda and other communities. that is five tons. they like that. hey, still ahead, san francisco's running out of room for stray animals. why they're asking people to stop surrounding their pets. plus, the new policy rolling out in a bay area city trying to prevent popular gas mileages from catching fire. right now, we're seeing cloudy skies around the bay area. tomorrow, we'll see increasing nd and increasingwi
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. stop surrendering animals to animal control, that is the message after reaching capacity. the majority of the dogs in the cheryl are there because of legal problems, things like cruelty investigation, hoarding and something happening to a dog's owner, all reasons dogs end up in the shelter leaving very little room for other animals. they will assess the situation on monday, but they cannot take any dogs. they are urging anyone that can adopt an animal to do so. stepping up safety in east bay homes. the red sox in alameda were installing free smoke alarms designed to last 10 years. it's part of the a program called sound the alarm. the volunteers taught the home owners about what to do if
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disaster strikes. >> this year, we're very excited, because we have more reporters, and the numbers almost doubled in the installation, so that is showing we are making a positive effect on the communities we serve. >> red sox says they have installed about two million smoke detectors since the program started 10 years ago and that has saved hundreds of lives. it is a move that could save lives, as well. firefighters say guyses with lithium-ion devices are on the rise. soy are releasing new rules for hover boards, and skate boards. you have to plug t hem in a wall, so no extension cords or power strips into the wall. you have to use a charging cord by the manufacturer and a reminder not to use damaged or cracked batteries a big poach of kids of colors to get them interested in the career of
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medical field. this is in kaiser permanente and the organization black when in white coast. the goal is to give minority youth that might not have otherwise considered a medical career a hands-on experience. they were invited to take workshops, listen to speakers and speak to counselers. >> in america, the number of black men going into medicine has been going down since the 1970s,ings so we fleet the students to give opportunities to go to doctors that look like them and that kids in the same neighborhoods with the same barriers can do it, and they can do. >> this was founded in 2013 and regularly partners with medical schools, middle and high schools and physicians to provide inspiration and mentorship. well, get ready to reset your clocks as we're springing forward. we'll jump ahead tomorrow morning, so the mornings may be dark longer but the afternoon and evenings might be lighter. all right, so some people are
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tired of the time change literally. the change can disrupt our sleep cycle as you know, and data shows after a time change, there is a spike in car crashes and heart attacks. in 2022, the senate passed a bill to make daylight saving time permanent. the house said they had bigger priorities and they never took up the bill. rob, amount that aside, what's it going to be like tomorrow when we have the extra hour of evening sun? >> yes, it will be nice the clouds aren't in the way. next weekend we'll get to enjoy it. tomorrow evening, we're going to have rain and as opposed to the dry start, and as we look at cloudy skies right now around san jose, 59 degrees, but you don't need your umbrella at least for this evening, and you probably don't need it for tomorrow morning or at least most of the day tomorrow. we'll give you the timing on when the rain arrives coming up. 54 in walnut creek and lots of clouds and misty skies around
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the coastal hilltops at 54 around san francisco. now in terms of high temperatures, not as warm as the spring-like friday where we were up to 70 around san jose, close to average for highs this time of the year, which coincidentally should be low to mid-60s so keep that in mind later on in the 7-day forecast when those mid to upper 70s arrive later next week. for tomorrow morning, we start in the upper 40s and low 50s so not too chilly. by around lunchtime and moving forward into the afternoon is when the wind is going to pick up, so first the wind and then eventually that rain is going to drop from the northbound north bay so by 6:00 tomorrow, not much rain showing up and 11:00 tomorrow night, the rain starts to move down the peninsula but notice the top totals, north bay with half an inches of rain in sonoma county and south of san francisco, so it's this weather system here cold enough that it will write a little more snow to
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the sierras, and eventually the rain chances as we head ward tomorrow evening, which will brock the sunset viewing in the bay area and 10:00, as well, through midnight with rain moving from the south bay and followed up by one more chance of rain monday night into tuesday, and the peak of it should be right before sunrise on tuesday. 3:00 a.m. from east to south and we have a high pressure system kind of dropping into southeastern california. that can give us to north and offshore wind at time, and the timing looks to be about wednesday and thursday, so if you're in the higher elevations of the north bay or dashboard diablo range and the preview of the 7-day forecast, 70s in reach by next thursday and friday and moving forward towards next weekend.
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could be looking at mid to upper 70s, temperatures positive bring 10 to 15 degrees above average for next weekend, so something to look forward to in the 7-day forecast, as the rain returns. and some wind tomorrow afternoon. that rain mostly in the evening and an overnight event for sunday night, another one into tuesday morning, and threaten the skies clear with temperatures spring-like next weekend. >> not bad. still ahead, josh brolin is still ahead, josh brolin is back at "30 rock" a previ everyoewne's hyped that wendy's made the official hamburger of march madness a buck. ♪ sandstorm by darude ♪ yeahhh! wooooo! but tyler and toby are on another level. - get it for a buck. - get it for a buck. (both) dave's single, dave's single get hyped with fresh, never frozen beef on wendy's dave's single for a buck. only in the app.
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hollywood is just 24 hours away. street closure and preparations underway in los angeles for the 96th academy awards and you have to make room for the iconic red carpet also. a east bay grandmother could bring home oscars tomorrow. that was the moment. those grandmothers found out their story was nominated along with their grandson. treatment /tpráepl -- the taiwanese grandmothers that lived together and their best friends. the documentary is up for short films tomorrow. in just about two hours, you can catch a whole new episode of "saturday night live" here in the nbc bay area. >> josh brolin with a new box
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office hit, "dune" and we have a preview. >> josh brolin's many film roles may not exactly scream comedy. >> anything's possible. sorry, i'm just excited to be here. >> reporter: but brolin's friends know his comedic chops, and he'll share them with everyone for the third time as the "snl" host. >> it's a great challenge. i want the challenge. i want to make minced meat out of myself, and if i survive, i'm cool. >> reporter: in his last visit, he etched a spot in snl war. >> you have cancer. >> are you serious. >> reporter: it was the first ever edition of the "californians" a sketch that had been waiting for just the right host. >> because of me and me being from california, it's a perfect time to pitch it to lauren, and it was huge. it turned out to be amazing. >> reporter: amazing describes
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the reaction of brolin's latest film "dune part two" with a resurgence in movie going. >> the reason i got into it, it's a new /tphaoefp. "barbie" and oppenheimer" did it, and that seals the deal. >> he returns as the host. >> i heard it was her, and i said yes immediately. >> a genious marketing strategy. >> bye. >> i just met her for the first time. she's so sweet, incredibly sweet, and i heard she can sing. >> reporting live for nbc news. >> indeed she can, and she's funny. brolin hosted in 2008 and the musical guest was up and coming adele. >> she did well. >> watch "snl" at 8:30 and an orscore at 11:30. >> stuff currie not on the court
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tonight, but we're getting a better idea when he can return. better idea when he can return. an updapsoriasis all over.
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. welcome back. the giants and the as going at it in arizona today, and it was a strange game. >> very strange game. very frustrating for the giants until the seventh inning with the as trailing 1-0. walden going to get hit with a pitch with the bases loaded and fitzgerald going to score. not a surplus of highlights from today's game, okay. the giants scored five runs in the one inning, and only one hit from wade mechanicler and great pitching by the brand-new pitcher. and the giants win it 5-1. now, we have an update on the injury that has steph currie out of action tonight. this is how it happened. he rolled his ankle late in the fourth quarter with the bulls adding more sting to the team's
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loss, and they confirmed he suffered a sprained ankle but no serious damage to the joint. he will be re-evaluated on tuesday and more on the highlights at 11:00. >> that's good news. a reminder that the oakland more than is around the corner, and the proceeds go to eat, learn, play, the foundation founded by warriors star steph currie, and this includes the kids fun run next saturday the day before the marathon, and terry, you can still sign up by going to oakland marathon's web site. >> if i could run is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible.
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-a family of owned pizzeria is helping bring representation to l.a.'s deaf community. >> they serve asian inspired that poll and the style pizza and looks good, too. it's best known for the advocacy using hiring mindful practising by hiring deaf people. >> we want to show people they can succeed if you give them a chance. >> that is the daughter of one of the owners interpreting sign language for her mom. the kitchen is completely deaf friendly. everyone communicates using american sign language and all orders come in online. the owners say many of their customers don't even know that the staff in the kitchen can't hear. >> what a great idea, very inspiring. okay, we have manny here.
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>> it's not bad. a little chilly but you don't knee the umbrella tonight and once you have the umbrella ready for tomorrow evening, hang on to it. it will be breezy at times with winds three to five miles per hour and tomorrow night in the evening, the raindrops from the north bay and clear out briefly on monday and tuesday morning, something we haven't seen after the storms has moved out, an extended period of warmer weather thursday all the way to next weekend with mid to upper 70s. >> how is it on wednesday? >> gusty for some of the hills and north bay will be l oo chris chmura: you're watching an nbc bay area news special. tonight, nbc bay area "responds." female: you have to ask for so >> you are watching to opean nb special. tonight, nbc bay area responds. >> you have to ask for someone to open the case, just for toothpaste. i said, you are kiddin


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