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tv   Today  NBC  March 5, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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up just a bit. upper 50s with a scattered thunderstorm chance. heading into the city, we have a crash on the bay bridge near treasure island. crews are on scene. no major injuries. the toll plaza is starting to back up a little more. i think they've slowed down the metering lights. plan for that. that does it for us this morning on "today in the bay." don't forget to get out there and vote today. >> that's right. we leave you with a live look at the registrar's office where you can go see the voting process and how they count all tse good tuesday morning. the biggest day yet in the 2024 race for president. >> yeah. people in 16 states ready to cast their votes. it is march the 5th, and this is "today." super tuesday showdown super tuesday showdown donald trump looking to seal the deal after scoring a major legal victory from the supreme court. >> you cannot take somebody out
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of a race because an opponent would like to have it that way. >> nikki haley fighting to stay in the race. >> leave the negativity and the baggage behind. >> while president biden hopes to rally support from all parts of his own party the stakes higher than ever with the general election just eight months away. we'll break it all down. breaking overnight, raging inferno. a massive fire and multiple explosions at an industrial plant near detroit debris found up to a mile away nearby residents urged to stay indoors. we'll have the very latest. live from the scene. on trial jury selection set to begin in the high-profile case against a school shooter's father, just one month after his mother's first of its kind conviction here we snow again the next winter storm taking aim out west after that massive blizzard that's paralyzed parts of california. >> we were like, eh, it's snow we've got this.
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and then snow ma geden >> while up and down the east coast, tens of millions bracing for heavy rain your full forecast just ahead. all that, plus on the mend princess kate seen in public for the first time in months what the palace is now saying about her recovery from surgery and when she could resume her royal duties. announ and emotional good-bye eagles star jason kelce announces his retirement with a touching tear-filled love letter to football. >> it took a lot of hard work and determination getting here >> the city of philadelphia -- >> consider it a great blessing to play in the most passionate sports town in america. >> and his wife. >> i still remember the moment she walked through the door. >> his heart felt messages earning praise from fans everywhere and what his future could hold, today, march 5th,
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2024. >> reporter: from nbc news, this is "today," with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. well, good morning good to see you.alking about the philly fans and his wife it is a tuesday morning. wow, that speech by jason kelce, didn't it just grab you? >> he had me at hello. >> he sure did. >> and then he starts talking about the philly mans and what a tough town it s but it's a privilege. then he starts talking about his wife i mean, come on. >> it was all the things. >> i'm going to say it, jason kelce is the best kelce. >> there you go. >> all right we will hear from jason in a bit. let's start this morning with the biggest day yet on the primary calendar nearly a third of the united states taking part in super tuesday. across 16 states and america samoa. >> donald trump on the ballot in all 15 republican contests he won his supreme court battle yesterday on a ballot issue. his lone rival nikki haley is
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looking to prove she has enough support to stay in the race. >> we'll break it all down with garrett haake. he covers the trump campaign for us hey, garrett, good morning >> reporter: hey, hoda good morning donald trump notched another victory overnight. in the north dakota caucuses but his big win yesterday came from the supreme court which ruled he could stay on ballots from coast to coast. today he hopes his voters who deliver him another win on what could be the decisive day of the republican presidential primary. this morning, the road to the white house stretching from coast to coast as republican voters in 15 states from alaska to alabama cast their primary ballots. gop front runner, donald trump, who swept the first seven states of the primary is widely expected to pick up the lion's share of the more than 800 delegates at stake today. >> haley, she's not a problem. i think she's very negative for the party, but she's not a problem in terms of winning because we're winning by a lot.
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>> it's great to be here in ft. worth. >> reporter: while nikki haley fresh off her campaign over the weekend in washington, d.c. taking aim at trump in texas. arguing since his first term he's been a drag on the party as a whole, with losses at the state and federal levels. >> at some point maybe we should say the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump. >> reporter: today's super tuesday contest comes on the heels of a unanimous supreme court ruling monday in mr. trump's favor, ordering his name be included on primary ballots in colorado and other states. where courts or officials had tried to bar him for allegedly engaging in insurrection on january 6th. >> you cannot take somebody out of a race because an opponent would like to have it that way. >> reporter: mr. trump praising the ruling and arguing he's been politically targeted by the biden department of justice. >> they're nonsense cases and everybody sees it. >> reporter: the biden campaign responding calling mr. trump's statement, quote, unhinged, confused ramblings focused only
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on himself. but the focus tonight will be on the republicans. trump holding a party here in florida and nikki haley heading back to south carolina, her home state with no events scheduled, adding to the growing speculation that the end of her campaign could be near. savannah. >> all right, garrett. thank you. >> let's turn to kristin welker, moderator of "meet the press" and nbc national political correspondent steve kornacki, who has memorized primary and caucus rules for all 16 states and 1 territory. it all boils down to a very hard road for nikki haley after tonight. >> yeah. two big problems for haley. let's just call up what's at stake today. in yellow, these are all the states voting today. the problem for haley is she hasn't won states yet. she won the district of columbia, but that's very different. you look at these states and you see two things. number one, you see demographics. a lot of these states are conservative, southern states. they don't have electorates that have been friendly to her so far. the other big problem for her is the rules. we have seen before where she has 43% in new hampshire, 40% in
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south carolina. she's been able to collect some delegates. take a look at the biggest state on the map today, california. the rules, closed primary, no independents, no democrats. those have been haley's bread and butter in this primary. also winner take all. if trump gets a simple primary, in california, all 169 zel gats, haley getting 40% does nothing for her. there are all sorts of states on the map that are like this. unless she's winning states, and winning them outright, she's going to fall way behind. >> so let's talk about that in many ways many people are expecting the general election to begin in earnest as a practical matter tonight. and how is it shaping up? >> great question, savannah. one of the big questions we're watching for is the 40% or so that nikki haley has been getting. can trump get that? the answer is no. his campaign acknowledges about 25% off the table. but what happens to that other 15%? independent moderate voters? can he win those in a general election? or does that represent a real
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vulnerability for him? anecdotally i was at a haley event last week talking to her supporters, what if she doesn't win the nomination, will you vote for trump? the answer is yes. those are the voters he needs to win swing states like michigan, north carolina. >> so it is really a slice of this haley vote that either trump or biden has to get if they want to get over that 50% and win the election. this isn't exactly a rematch of 2020. the candidates are the same, the dynamics are not, steve. >> the polling, savannah, is looking very different than it did four years ago. if you remember four years ago, in a major poll, joe biden never once trailed donald trump. just in the past several days, four major national polls all put donald trump ahead of joe biden. between 2 to 4 points. our own nbc poll put trump ahead by five. a few weeks ago. the biggest issue for trump is this. "the new york times" poll asked voters if you voted for trump in 2020, are you still with it?
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97% said yes. if you voted for biden in 2020, are you still with him? look at the slippage. only 85% of biden's 2020 coalition is with him. so there's the slippage. that's why donald trump now never led biden in a single poll now consistently leads bay couple points. >> he has to bring back the faithful there in the next nine months or so. all right. we shall see how it all shakes out tonight. kristen and steve, it will be a late one. nbc news will have complete coverage of the super tuesday results. we start at 5:00 p.m. eastern on nbc news now. lester and i will see you tonight, 10:00 eastern right here on nbc. of course, you can find live updates throughout the day on hoda? >> savannah, thank you. turning now to the breaking news near detroit overnight. a massive fire, multiple explosions at an industrial site, sending debris flying as far as a mile away. nbc's adrienne broaddus has made her way to that scene. what's the latest there? >> reporter: hoda, good morning. some terrifying moments. and we learned a 19-year-old was killed.
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this after the chief of the fire department says containers of all sizes like this were flying through the air. now, investigators are trying to determine what started the explosion. overnight, massive explosions lighting up the sky in michigan. causing a massive factory fire at an industrial site about 25 miles outside detroit. >> we have multiple explosions. we have a lot of debris in the air. >> reporter: authorities say the blaze erupted at a plant, which distributes baked products and other items in michigan's clinton township. debris projected into the air, traveling as far as a mile away as canisters became projectiles, residents were asked to avoid the area, stay inside and close windows. >> i want any standing around, video taping in the cars or anywhere near this cleared out immediately. >> reporter: neighbors describe hearing a loud bang which sounded like fireworks shaking the ground.
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social media posts showing images of huge plumes of fire and smoke billowing from the site. clinton township police releasing a statement saying quote, upon arrival officers observed exploding materials flying in all directions from the building. police also writing on facebook, please, please, please stay inside. building where that explosion started. it's been reduced to rubble. the chief says the air quality is okay. >> adrienne broaddus for us there in clinton township, michigan. thank you. jury selection begins today at the manslaughter trial of the father of a convicted school shooter in michigan. and, of course, it comes less than a month after the man's wife, the student's mother, was found guilty of the same
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charges. nbc's stephanie gosk is here with that story. steph, good morning. >> hey, savannah, good morning. this will be yet another closely watched trial as jurors weigh how much they should hold a father responsible for a crime his son committed. this morning, a month after that guilty verdict gripped the country -- >> we find the defendant guilty of involuntary manslaughter. >> reporter: james crumbley starts trial with jury selection for his role in a mass school shooting carried out by his on ethan. his wife general than was the first parent in the u.s. held criminaledly responsible for a school shooting carried out by their child. both charged with four counts, one count for each student killed. prosecutors say ethan used a semiautomatic handgun allegedly bought by his dad as a gift days before the shooting. they also argued jennifer was negligent and ignored the warnings. crumbley's parents were called to the high school the morning of the shooting over concerns
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about a drawing he made of a gun and a message, the thoughts won't stop. help me. >> she did not give him the help that he wanted. >> reporter: but jennifer crumbley's defense team said her husband james was responsible for the storage and safety of the gun. >> i just didn't feel comfortable being in charge of that. it was more his thing. so i let him handle that. i didn't feel comfortable putting the lock thing on it. >> reporter: experts say james' attorneys likely watched jennifer's trial closely to adjust their strategy. the jury foreperson telling savannah on "today," that jennifer's testimony and evidence was pivotal for jurors. >> jennifer didn't separate her son from the gun enough to save those lives that day. >> reporter: craig schilling's son, justin, was among the four killed. >> he's always on my heart. your hopes have to stay high.
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in the end, you want that accountability. you want the -- you want the right verdict. >> that jury selection begins this morning in the same courtroom with the same judge as his wife's trial. james crumbley pleaded not guilty to the charges, guys. >> we'll be watching. stephanie, thank you. all right. 7:13. more to get to with craig here. weather is a huge story. >> for so much of the country. hoda, is a van narks good morning. good morning to you as well. snow once again falling in california's sierra nevada mountains adding to a post of problems from the multi-day blizzard that has crippled the region. we will get to dylan's forecast in just a moment. but first, nbc's steve patterson once again in front of a huge amount of snow. this time from the buried town of truckee. steve, good morning to you. >> reporter: craig, this current system no more near expected to be as bad as what we saw over the weekend, but there are 10 foot piles of snow here in people's communities. so any amount of snow on top of that, no matter how small, could be a big headache.
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this morning, the race is on to dig out vehicles and homes from a weekend blizzard before snow from a new storm starts piling up again. >> we had grass coming up in our yard on thursday. and now our windows are all buried in our house so -- >> reporter: this is the aftermath of an intense multi-day storm that unleased an assault on the mountain west, dumping 5 to 10 feet of snow across the region. >> it was full-on. it was definitely some pretty intense periods of white-out conditions. >> reporter: the major thorough fair interstate 80 finally reopening after disrupting traffic and commerce for five days. >> it's been a real mess. >> if you live in it, then you're used to it. if you're not, i would just say don't come up here if you don't have to. >> reporter: because of heavy snow and winds that reached 190 miles per hour at the highest peaks, officials and locals still urging caution on the roads. >> we have just been taking it slow, you know, going 25, 30 miles an hour. >> reporter: the storm
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effectively ending the season's snow drought, bringing california's snow pack level up to 104% from normal, up 32% at the start of this calendar year. lake tahoe's famous ski resorts opening back up carefully. with conditions still stretchy up top and deep powder everywhere. >> today we're going to go ski some tree lines and hopefully avoid the avalanches. >> reporter: as this system pushes south, people coming here to enjoy the snow are getting a warning from officials about avalanche danger. you do not want to be here if you don't know what you're doing in the back country. craig? >> good advice, steve. get inside. steve patterson for us there in california. steve, thank you. well, dylan, you have a lot on your plate out west. >> yeah. a lot of that snow continuing to fall out across central and northern california this time, just north of where that 10 feet of snow fell, but you can see this plume of moisture. off the pacific, so we have that stream of water that will just bring rain across the coast and then eventually more snow, perhaps 1 to 2 feet
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of snow in the higher elevations. now on the other coast, on the east coast, we have a couple of storm systems that are going to make their way into the northeast. this one moving through the mid-atlantic right now. we'll see rain fill in across new york city, through pennsylvania, also up into parts of southern new england. then we have another storm system that will make its way in wednesday and thursday. so when all is said and done, we could see 3 to 4 inches of rain possible on the east coast. that could lead to some flooding because the ground is really totally saturated from this weekend's storm. that's a look at the weather across the country. we will get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds.
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starting out in the 50s for most of the bay area. take a look at the cloud cover in san francisco. wind speeds are calm, but we are monitoring a spotty chance for showers. we'll see the chance for showers in areas north of the golden gate bridge, through the early afternoon, and as we head toward wednesday we'll get a better chance of some widespread thunderstorm activity. don't forget to go out and vote. and that's your latest forecast. and that's your latest forecast. >> thank you, dylan. coming up, princess kate seen in public for the first time since christmas she continues to recover from surgery. nbc's molly hunter has the latest from buckingham palace. hi, molly. >> reporter: that's right, a little reassurance and solace for royal fans this morning. we will show you the first pictures of kate, the princess
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of wales, coming up. >> molly, thanks plus, jason kelce overcome with emotion during the final speech of his nfl career, announcing his retirement with a poignant tribute to football and his wife and family. his touching message and what could be next for the beloved star but, first, this is "today" on nbc. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives."
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with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. still ahead, we will celebrate hoda's new children's book, "hope is a rainbow". >> we will do it in the most beautiful and colorful way, kids sharing their messages of hope. but, first, these messages. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds. he's thinking squirrels.
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(♪♪) tired of yada yada like exploding bills? hey, i'm done with this yada yada! i'll get the paperwork. don't take yada yada from your wireless provider. at metro there's no contracts, no exploding bills and nada yada yada. (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good. (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there. the key to being rich is knowing what counts.
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nature's bounty hair growth. clinically shown to help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... (♪♪) there's two things a young man wanna be - a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's outta style. i got back to my roots... we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great-grandfather, my aunt even rode horses. when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪♪)
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this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get. (♪♪) (♪♪) ♪ cause you're free ♪ ♪ to do what you want to do ♪ (♪♪) ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ do what you want to do ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ do what you want to do ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪♪
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i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. good morning. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm laura garcia. moving you forward this morning with our top stories and the arrival of super tuesday. polls open now and here in the bay area and across california. santa clara county's registrar predicting a light turnout. 15% of voters have turned in
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their ballots. voter turnout is expected to max out at far less than 50%. a san pablo man accused of murdering his wife and mother-in-law is being arraigned even though their bodies have not been found. police arrested phuc vo. police first sensed something suspicious when officers in december spotted him driving his wife's car, which they say was later discovered in oakland. police arrested him based on evidence they say officers found inside the home. new reports of hundreds of tech layoffs across the bay area, and according to "the mercury news," kaiser, sony, marvell semiconductor, all announcing cuts since the start of the year. the paper reports that the pace of layoffs is lower than the same time last year. separately, bio tech company
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plans to cut jobs. meteorologist vianey arana has a look at what we can expect. >> we do have some cloud cover. daytime highs in the upper 50s, low 60s. here is what it looks like in san francisco. we have a spotty rain chance as a weaker low pressure system moves through. aside from that, the majority of rain will stay to the north and we can expect to see daytime highs in the 60s through wednesday and thuday. we'll rs democacrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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we're back at 7:30 let it be unveiled, the official posters for the 2024 olympic games. yes, that unveiling happened yesterday at a museum in paris the two posters for the olympic and paralympic games compliment each other to form one double poster
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and illustrate iconic places in paris, of course, the eiffel tower. the arc de triomphe. >> it's beautiful. >> i can't wait. are you guys counting the days >> yes. >> how many days are there >> 143. >> yes, 143, yes. >> i was just thinking that. okay, good wow. >> of course, all the action is on nbc and peacock 143 days ago, do you know when that wasober 14th. >> we're like math wizards. >> i know. we just memorize the calendar. it's just a thing we do for fun. in the meantime, we're starting with a major health update. >> princess kate has been spotted for the first time since christmas as she continues to recover from abdominal surgery. her absence has been fuelling a lot of speculation and rumors. >> reporter: hey, guys. good morning. first time in more than two months, we have gotten a glimpse of kate, the princess of wales, and from what we can see in these photos, she's looking well take a look.
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this morning, new photos of the prin says of wales, the first images we have seen of her in more than two months are grainy, taken at a distance. and appear to show kate sitting in the front seat of a car driven by her mother the palace declining to comment, the photo agency says they were snapped near windsor kcastle where a royal spokesperson says she was recovering since her surgery on january we last saw the princess on christmas a few weeks after they announced she underwent planned abdominal surgery at a london hospital at the time, the palace said the surgery was successful but declined to say why she needed the operation in the first place, only saying it was non-cancerous. two weeks later, the palace said kate returned home to recuperate and would pick up her royal duties after easter. but in the age of social media and fierce attention on the glamorous wales family, speculation has been growing, reaching a fever pitch last week
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when prince williams missed a memorial service for his god father citing personal matters >> the lack of information, the lack of the full picture of what's going on with kate and her health of course has led people to speculate and to try to come up with answers, to try reiterating that kensington palace made it clear in january the time lines of the princess' recovery and will only be providing significant updates. meanwhile, prince william was back out and about in to put the jigsaw puzzle together >> reporter: a palace spokesperson telling nbc news the princess was doing well and reiterating that kensington palace made it clear in january the time lines of the princess' recovery and will only be providing significant updates. meanwhile, prince william was back out and about in wales last friday, visiting wrexham where he shared a drink with actor and team co-owner rob mcelhenney, also receiving flowers for his wife and the royal fans here trying their luck, shouting questions. >> william, how's catherine? >> reporter: but for these fans and royal watchers the world over, the new photos may offer a little reassurance
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>> a lot of people wondering about these health issues with the royal family what's going on with the upcoming schedule? does that give us any clues? >> reporter: yeah. savannah, i think the upcoming schedule at least in the next couple months promises to be a little bit more exciting we actually saw king charles drive back and forth for some official meetings today. we are seeing a lot of prince william. and the palace says queen camilla is taking a well-deserved break this week. but we are hearing talk about a possible trip to australia for king charles, health depending, of course, later this year savannah >> molly, thank you very much. all right. still ahead, the first over-the-counter birth control pill heading to a pharmacy near you. we'll tackle the questions and concerns that a lot of women are voicing. first, though, those really popular drugs for weight loss are now changing the game when it comes to fitness. emilie ikeda has been looking into that for us. >> hey, there, good morning. whether it's wegovy or ozempic, the rise of weight ross drugs is ushering in a new era of health and fitness.
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unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at ♪ we're back, 7:38 in-depth todayed this morning a kroes look at the sweeping impact of popular drugs for weight loss. >> we told you how they're shaking up the diet and food industries now they are reshaping the world of fitness. >> emilie ikeda here with that story. hey, e. >> hey, guys good morning to you. think about as many as tens of
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millions of people may be taking weight loss drugs in the next several years. according to goldman sachs and that soaring popularity of gyms hoping people want to shed pounds adjusting their strategies as weight loss drugs soar in popularity and make shedding pounds easier than ever. >> i have worked out three to five times a week since being op a sweat to assure they're not left behind in this new age of health and wellness. >> we're now trying to this medication. >> reporter: america's gyms are working up a sweat to assure they're not left behind in this new age of health and wellness >> we're now trying to figure out how can we assist people in getting the best possible results. >> reporter: e-quick knox is among the fitness clubs leaning in, launching curated training plans for those on weight loss drugs. >> people need to maintain a really good exercise regimen. and a nutrition regimen on top of it. >> reporter: exponential fitness chain required a medical clinics, while lifetime is piloting an on site clinic with doctors that can prescribe
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weight loss drugs to eligible members. some trainers say they're losing clients to weight loss drugs, many believe gyms stand to benefit. planet fitness calling the drugs a tail wind for our industry >> 40 pounds ago, this girl was not going into a pilates class. >> and some patients find new confidence to work out >> it is super important to build your muscles. >> reporter: and look to stave off muscle loss, a potential side effect to these medications. doctors say they should stay in touch with a health care team to monitor side effects, practice strength training and avoid exercising on an empty stomach what's at stake for those who do not do any strength training on these kinds of drugs >> if you don't move your body, and you don't do some resistance activity, you're at risk for losing more of the muscle mass as we age and we lose that muscle mass that we're going to have more troubles and more issues over time.
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>> dr. angela fitch says nausea is a common initial side effect of the drugs and that new patients should take exercise slow at first. >> i felt i had a little bit of nausea and within a week after taking it, probably my second shot, i felt a lot better. i started my workout routine again. >> apart from strength training, experts say the key is good nutrition with protein, the building block of muscle for those seeing significant weight loss, doctors suggest protein supplements low in sugar and foods like lean meats and vegetables there's no silver bullet for weight loss. it's all about the that well-rounded approach. >> it's fascinating to see how many things these weight loss drugs are affecting. >> the sweeping impact absolutely. >> all right all right. let's get a check of the weather from double d over here. >> everyone has a nickname now. >> we've got a double couple of storms that are going to move in here we have this area of low pressure bringing the rain into mid atlantic and northeast right now. this is going to make its way up into new england as we continue through the day. then we have this cold front that's going to approach as we
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go into tomorrow it is also producing some of the stronger storms, heavy rain down along the gulf coast that area of low pressure will ride along that front and bring more heavy rain through the car lies tomorrow up through the mid atlantic by tomorrow afternoon into the evening. the second round of rain, the wednesday/thursday rain, will be heavier than today's rain. so combine these two storms with the rain that we had last week, with the continuing rain lasting into thursday on the backside of the storm, and we could see several inches of rain up and down the east coast. also down into the southeast where we could see a couple inches of rain but perhaps up to three to four inches possible, especially through rhode island into southeastern massachusetts and and we're going to see a very weak round of rain in the next couple of hours, mainly to areas north of the golden gate bridge. you can see it's going to be cloudy, 50 degrees in san jose and in through san francisco, similar conditions, so we'll get
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some peeks of sunshine rolling through. here is a closer look at that system to our north. this is bringing a wintery mix to the sierra. a look at your and that's your latest forecast. >> all right. >> thank you, dylan. >> i just thought we were doing initials now. >> sg works. >> see >> double d, not so much. >> all right we got a can't miss morning boost coming your way. and then a deeply personal, really emotional retirement speech from jason kelce touching hearts everywhere. his powerful messages on family, friendship and football coming up right after this. ♪ did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ (♪♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪♪) (♪♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur.
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most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. ♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. ♪ music plays [my house by beyoncé] ♪ nexgard® plus. (director) cut! (tony) broke the internet again. (beyoncé) woah, it's coming in really fast. (tony) yeah, it's verizon 5g, the network is crazy powerful. i bet you can't break that. (beyoncé) bet i can. (tony) wait what? (newscaster) beyoncé breaks the internet, but can she break verizon? (beyoncé) broken? (tony) not even close. no. (beyoncé) i'm running for beyoncé of the united states. can you hear me now? (tony) no break-y. (beyoncé) ya'll ready for rocket b? (tony) still works. (beyoncé) someone get me down. [street noise] [text message] whole team is here!
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♪ ♪ coffee? ah! yes! thank you! ♪i'm hearing different ways for me to screen for colon cancer.♪ ♪it's time to use my voice,♪ ♪i've got a choice, more than one answer.♪ ♪i sat down with my doc.♪ we had a talk. ♪knew just what to say.♪ ♪i asked for cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer
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that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ ♪ we are back. we're back with carson we're also back with that emotional announcement from the nfl. >> that's right. after months of speculation, eagle's star center jason kelce made it official, revealing he is stepping away from the game he loves >> nbc's kaylee hartung joins us with kelce's touching speech and reaction this morning. >> good morning, guys. jason kelly was in tearing before he began reading his statement. it was a retirement speech unlike any other he thanked everyone at every level and, of course, his beloved family kelce will go down in nfl history as one of the greatest centers to ever play the game. his impact on the eagles franchise, the city of
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philadelphia and the nfl immeasurable with an emotional farewell, jason kelce's 13-nfl career comes to an end. >> this all brings us here to today, where i announce that i'm retiring >> the 36-year-old making his announcement with his family in attendance brother travis, wiping away tears during the heartfelt speech >> there is no chance i would be here without the bond travis and i share. it is only too poetic i found my career being fulfilled in the city of brotherly love >> an unlikely hero in philadelphia the eagles drafted kelce in 2011 as the 191st selection but with dogged determination he would help guide the franchise to their first-ever super bowl title in 2018. >> the long drought is over. >> his rocky showing at their victory parade cementing him as
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a philly icon. then five years later, the star center's fame reached new heights as brothers faced off against each other for the first time in super bowl history, the game dubbed the kelce bowl. >> i won't forgive the chiefs and the conflicted feeling of immense heartbreak i had the amt of pride i had that my brother had climbed the mountain top once again. >> that matchup putting a spotlight on the kelce family with mom donna at the helm. >> i won't forget my mother becoming mom of the nfl. >> the announcement coming aft selfishly. eagle's season ended in disappointing fashion. kelce turned to the ultimate cheerleader for his brother into the playoffs >> there's his brother >> reporter: his antics going viral. celebrating alongside taylor swift. after the chief's super bowl win last month as he closes the chapter on his
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nfl career with accolades piled high, kelce's family the center of his world >> i have enjoyed my best years of my year with kailey by my side she has given me three beautiful girls and a life that increasingly brings me more fulfillment off the field than it does on >> thank you, philadelphia, from the bottom of my heart >> jason acknowledges he doesn't know what the future will hold but i think we all agree there is no question he is comfortable in front of the camera we know he has spoken to sports networks about the possibility of going the analyst route he's also mentioned he's opening at coaching at the pro or high school level and of course, eagle's head coach nick sirianni has also said there will always be a place for jason in philadelphia, guys >> i got an idea, guys. >> what is your idea >> 5th hour of "the today show". >> yes >> don't say this too loudly. >> why not it could happen. >> i'm available. >> yeah, with jason, yeah. >> yeah, jason. >> that's amazing.
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>> oh! >> mayor of philadelphia >> mayor of philly. >> anything he wants, really >> the way he talks so lovingly about his family, you know, he's such a gladiator, such a big dude but the way he weeps about his brother and his mom and his dad, they're still there. it's so powerful >> i want to show my kids that look at this beautiful bond, celebrating the joy of your brother's victory even when you're sad >> and his wife seems like a rock star. putting up with his antics >> has to be >> he also said right when she walked in the room he knew he talked about their love in such a beautiful way every woman in the room was like, oh, my god. >> run for president super tuesday. >> we'd love to have you as a colleague. come on! >> right y'all ready? >> a boost >> i got one for you as any parent knows, cutting a toddler's hair can be a really tough hill to climb usually because the youngster is nervous or crying or something like that but the with boy you're about to see, the problem was a serious
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case of the giggles. [ laughter ]. >> don't move your head. >> that's funny. >> hard to cut his hair he's laughing so much. >> that's hilarious. two problems one, the little guy wouldn't sit still. and secondly, the barber was laughing so the clippers were not steady. appointment apparently is still going on as we speak i love it. >> that's good >> i feel like i know what that kid is going to look like when he's 40. that face will be the same. >> so cute >> hoda, thank you coming up, what we can all learn from kids about the joy in the simple things and finding hope in the face of challenges it is all to celebrate our friend hoda's new children's book that we have here "hope is a rainbow." i'm not even going to wait for the movie to come out. i will read it but, first, a quick check of your local news and weather. ♪
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not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. name an ingredient you can see in... ...this kind bar to win. almonds.. i see almonds right there! yep, almonds! it's almost like the universe was talking to you. ohh! [man laughing] here's your prize. nice! ingredients you can see and pronounce. what's up, auntie? did you get the basketball shoes i need for tryouts this weekend? oh, dude. i'm not going to be able to make it to dick's this week. you can just click on dicks dot... co-o-o-om! ahh! oh, welcome to let me guess. you need to get the gear to save the day? wow, they're beautiful.
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let me guess. you need to get the gear to save the day? hmm that's great. you're great! i'm here to save you. i'm good. cool. i think we should see other people. you know if you could just let your hair down. a little bit down! no no no no no. no no no! you're so far away, can't hear ya! the home with dunkin' is where you want to be. want more from your vitamins? get more with nature's bounty. from the first ever triple action sleep supplement, to daily digestive support, to more wellness solutions every day. get more with nature's bounty. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. ultomiris is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody positive. it is lasting control over your gmg symptoms.
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and, ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with 8 weeks of freedom between infusions. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious, life-threatening meningococcal and other types of infections. if not vaccinated, you must receive meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris and if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive 2 weeks of antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is here. ask your doctor about managing your generalized myasthenia gravis with ultomiris. [car traversing over uneven ground.] generalized myasthenia gravis [silence in the vehicle.] [car traversing over rocky ground, babbling creek in the background.] [minimalist piano enters, plays throughout.] (dad) we got our subaru forester wilderness
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[heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] [heavy sound of water stops abruptly.] to discover all of the places that make us feel something more. [heavy sound of water from waterfall re-enters.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. good morning to you. it is 7:56. i'm laura garcia. here is a look at what's happening now. i'm bob redell in the santa clara registrar voters' office where you can see a lot of mail-in ballots are getting ready to be counted. it is election day. if you haven't turned in your ballot yet, your voting place will be open between 7:00 this morning and 8:00 tonight. if you have a mail-in ballot, that must be postmarked or dropped off at a ballot box by today. let's get a look at that
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forecast for this tuesday morning. vianey is in for kari. >> it's fairly calm, even though we are monitoring a chance for spotty showers. it's about 52 degrees in san jose, a live look in downtown. we're going to stay pretty much dry for the south bay, but if you live in san francisco or areas north of the golden gate bridge, we will see some of the skies start to bring a chance for spotty showers, mainly to the north bay. you can see it right here on satellite radar. also, some parts of the sierra still under a winter weather advisory, as some light rain showers, mixed with a wintery mix, starts to move in overnight into tomorrow. our best rain chance for widespread through the south bay will move in late tonight into wednesday. in addition to that, because of the instability, there's a good chance that we could see scattered thunderstorm chances. but thursday and friday things dry out and temperatures bump up into the upper 60s. >> looks good. we'll have another local nsew what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband...
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle
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endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ♪ it's 8:00 on "today. coming up, the super tuesday showdown donald trump looking to seal the deal after that major supreme court victory. >> they're nonsense cases, and everybody sees them. >> nikki haley vowing to fight on. >> maybe we should say the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump [ cheers and applause ]. >> we're live with the very
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latest ♪ plus, high hopes we're celebrating the release of my new children's book "hope is a rainbow. okay let me ask you a question. what do you hope for >> graduating because i want to do my best. >> i hope that all my family love me. >> i hope for my family and the world to be happy. >> through an inspiring conversation on hope with some remarkable kids. and spice it up. a look at the spice girls' audition tapes ♪ i'll tell you what i want, what i really, really want ♪ >> another freaky friday in the works. [ screams >> and who is winning? >> you are advancing from celebrity jeopardy. >> a celebrity player beats real "jeopardy" champions it's all in an action-packed
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edition of "popstart." today, march 5th, 2024 >> from athens, georgia. on a mother-daughter trip from bloomington, illinois. >> from cleveland, ohio. >> celebrating my 10th birthday. >> visiting from north carolina. >> on spring break from williamsburg, pennsylvania >> josh's 19th birthday. >> from ethan hall in columbia, south carolina to "the today show." represented, mr. craig melvin, south carolina in the house as well as some awesome other awe sp folks we welcome you guys in it's a tuesday, a rainy one. i got to tell you, i admire people who come out in the rain. >> yes. >> they don't have to and they do so we're happy you're here we got a very busy morning >> awesome. let's get right to our news at 8:00, everyone. voters in 16 states head to the polls today to cast their super
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tuesday ballots. republican front-runner, donald trump getting an extra boost from yesterday's supreme court victory. nbc's garrett haake joins us from florida with the latest hey, garrett good morning >> reporter: hey, hoda, good morning. donald trump notched another win overnight in north dakota. in those caucuses. but it was the supreme court who gave him the biggest victory yesterday. clearing the path for his name to appear on ballots from coast to coast today, trump hopes it's republican voters that could deliver him a win on what could be the most decisive day of the republican primary so far. trump and rival nikki haley will face off in 15 states from coast to coast, maine to california, with more than 800 delegates at stake. the two candidates trading attacks last night. >> haley, she's not a problem. i think she's very negative for the party, but she's not a problem in terms of winning because we're winning by a lot. >> at some point maybe we should say the reason that america keeps losing is because of donald trump
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>> reporter: with that unanimous supreme court ruling yesterday clearing the way for donald trump's name to appear on primary ballots across the country, his campaign believes now he could sweep tonight's contest. so looking ahead to tonight, trump has a party, he hopes a victory party planned at mar-a-lago behind me tonight while nikki haley is traveling back to her home state of north south carolina where she has no public events planned or announced. all of that just increasing speculation that the end of her campaign could be near hoda >> all right garrett haake we'll get some answers tonight. thank you. let's stay with nbc for tonight's super tuesday results. coverage starts at 5:00 p.m. eastern. on nbc news now. make sure you join savannah and lester at 10:00 p.m. eastern here on nbc with live updates throughout the day on now to a tragedy overnight in nashville where a small plane crashed near a highway and all five people on board were killed officials say the pilot reported engine trouble and was cleared for an emergency airport landing
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but he said he wouldn't make it and crashed on to a grassy median where the plane then burst into flames. it did not hit any other cars or buildings. there was no early information on the victims or where that plane originated road crews worked overnight to reopen highway lanes in time for the morning rush. over-the-counter birth control pills for the first time ever. going by the brand name o pill, it is expected on store shelves at cvs, walgreens and more by the end of this month. it was first approved by the fda last july. it is taken daily. o pill's availability is being hailed as a landmark moment. but it doesn't come without some questions. so for answers, we bring in dr. natalie azar. dr. natalie, first of all, pills different from the pills that have required the prescription for years now >> yeah. and so as you said, also in the
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intro, just to point out to everybody, this is a hormonal contraception that has been around for over 50 years it was just recently approved for over the counter use it's projes trin only, synthetic versio version. generally speaking with think it's typically associated with less side effects than those containsest row general. >> are there side effects? is this essentially the same as the other birth control in materials of side effects and safety >> so when taken correctly, it's thought to be extraordinarily safe some of the side effects can include some irregular bleeding, headaches, dizziness and nausea. i always think it's important to point out that there's probably about two or three kinds of women who maybe should not take this those are women who might have a current or past history of breast cancer or any unexplained vaginal bleeding if you read the label correctly and women do read the label
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correctly it's thought to be as i said extraordinarily safe. >> price is always an important point. go other that. and also, are there age restrictions do you have to be 18, 21 >> so there are no age restrictions currently the pricing is set as follows, one month supply, 19.99. three-month supply, 49.99. we spend a lot of time talking about the cost of medicines like ozempic that are $1,000. so it sounds like this is much more affordable and it certainly is i want to point out because of the affordable care act, contraception needs to be covered, is mandated to be courted by insurance companies a lot of women might still say, listen, a $20 co-pay is too much for me i'm going to seek out the counsel of a healthcare provider by the way, just because this is over the counter doesn't mean you can't have a conversation with your healthcare provider about it to see if you're a good candidate. but given obviously we have talked about dobbs decision and others, this really is a milestone for the women in america, yes >> thank you, dr. natalie. >> thank you all right, guys, the vintage
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diner booth where tony soprano left his fans in the dark made a big score on ebay last night so unknown bidder paid more than $82,000 for the boost from the holsten's ice cream in jersey. moments later, that scene cut to black, leeing fans to debate whether tony got whacked the table top jukebox that tony dropped a quarter into, though, was not part of the sale that was apparently just a film problem. 82k. >> hope they clean the blood off the booth there. >> if it happened. >> if that's what happened coming up, lipdsy lohan, jamie lee curtis, are they perhaps ready to get freaky again? what one of the stars just revealed about a sequel to their beloved film. all right. but first an inspiring conversation with some very remarkable kids all adults need to see this, too and we are celebrating hoda's new children's book "hope is a rainbow. we'll be right back.
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♪♪ treating schizophrenia without a daily pill may seem impossible... but what if there was a path to treatment just twice a year? ♪♪ it's time for invega hafyera®. ♪♪ the only long-acting injection that helps continuously control schizophrenia symptoms for up to six months with one dose. before starting, you must be adequately treated with a similar shorter-term injection for at least four months. invega hafyera® is not for everyone. elderly dementia patients
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have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor if you have uncontrollable muscle movements, as these can become permanent. or if you have a high fever, stiff muscles and confusion... other risks include increased cholesterol, weight gain, heart rate and high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death. these are not all the serious side effects. invega hafyera®. imagine what's ahead when you leave schizophrenia pills behind. ♪♪ i'm so glad i remembered uber eats has office supplies. but i feel like i'm forgetting something else. oh! shoe's untied! ♪♪ nope. ♪♪ ♪♪ at metro get a new iphone 12 with 5g. take amazing pictures, and share instantly. you don't take yada yada in life. don't take yada yada from your wireless provider. get a new iphone 12 with 5g for only $99.99. only at metro. frizz. dryness. breakage. new dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask
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with peptide complex. fortifies hair bonds at a molecular level. helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute. keep living. we'll keep repairing. look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ pop-tarts! ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ (singing) ♪ i feel good ♪ ♪ duh na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ♪ i knew that i would ♪ ♪ na na nuh na nuh na nuh ♪ ooo, yum. hey! ♪ bum bum bum bum bum ♪ i feel good.
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♪ don't mind us. we're back at 8:11 we were just reading a brand-new book this is a special morning here in studio 1a. >> it's shining even more brightly in here this morning because hoda is releasing her new children's book. it is just beautiful it is called "hope is a rainbow". >> thank you, sg i did a book inspired by my daughter haley this one goes out to my daughter, hope the goal was to bring a little magic into all of our lives, so i turned some really cute test subjects to hear about their hopes and dreams. ♪ >> when i was thinking about having a second child, i dreamt about her and i prayed for her and i hoped for her. i could feel her like she was almost palpable before she was there the name hope was a layup. prayers and wishes and hopes are things that are meant to be.
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i was like, that's her name. and she's lived up to that name. and hope delights in rainbows. and whenever i say, what do you want to be when you grow up, oh, a rainbow. it is the beautiful colors it appears before you. it is magical. and that is the image that personifies her. that's when it hit me, "hope is a rainbow. inspired by my own hope, i wanted to hear from other kids on what they hope for and where they find hope when they need it most so with the help of some incredible students at an elementary school in the bronx, i set up my very own hope station. >> hi! have a seat. is this our hope table okay let me ask you a question. what do you hope for >> graduating because i really want to do my best. >> i hope that all my family love me. >> i hope for my family and the world to be happy. >> so on the days when you are not feeling very hopeful, how do you find hope?
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>> every day wednesday my dad don't work. >> your dad doesn't work on wednesdays is that your favorite day of the week you hope for lots of wednesdays. wow, that's cool >> it wasn't long before something struck me. what these kids hope for is actually for the benefit of others what do you hope for go. >> i hope for my mom to be happy. >> what would make your mom happy? >> help her. >> helping her would make her happy. yeah, that's a great hope. >> i hope for me to help out my sister when she needs it >> i want to help out my parents because i want to make sure that they don't have to do all the hard work. >> and then i turn the hope table around on them. >> now, would you give me some advice if i'm looking for hope, where could could i find hope? >> so if you think about it in your mind, you can become it >> so if you think about something, you can become it >> uh-huh. >> so if i think happy thoughts, i could be happy
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>> uh-huh. >> if i think funny thoughts, i could be funny >> uh-huh. >> i told you you were smart. >> when i was stuck on a question when i was like smaller, i pushed myself and try to get some ideas how to solve it or i asked for help. >> either push myself or ask for help >> yeah, whenever you need it. >> that's so smart that's the answer to everything. okay i have a question. some days when you feel like you don't have hope, you know, when it is like a rainy day or something, where do you find hope >> you mean wish >> yeah. where do you find it how do you find it >> it is a rainy day and it come from the sun, the rainbow. >> you're right. so after the rain comes the sun and then a rainbow >> yes. >> high five for the rainbow here's the news, the storm does end. and when it does, and if everything is just right, the
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rainbow pops up. so it is like know that your storm is going to end. and when it does, there is something beautiful on the other side "hope is a rainbow"! >> yes yes, it is. >> what a beautiful, beautiful book >> nice words. >> i have to say -- >> those kids are amazing, right? >> it's great for kids i think it is like a meditation for grown-ups, too it is just really beautiful about hope, where you find hope, where to look for hope. >> thank you. >> cheers all around. >> can we talk about the fantastic illustrations as well. the words are great. don't get me wrong >> chloe dominic is an amazing illustrator. thank you, craig that is so sweet i want to say thank you. for every parent who has a kid that's struggling, this is a good book for them, too. thank you. >> what does hope think? >> hope likes it i think she likes "good night moon" a little better. >> what does haley think now it's hope's book hailey got the first one >> oh, gosh. >> it is really so beautiful we should mention you can get
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your copy at >> we're honored to share this special day with you and we're all thinking about some different ways that we could celebrate. >> and when we think about you, we think about music because we know how much you love music we thought what better way to celebrate your book at this moment than with a special performance from the grammy-winning brooklyn youth chorus take it away ♪ somewhere over the rainbow ♪ way up high ♪ ♪ there's a land that i heard oe once in a lullaby ♪
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♪ somewhere over the rainbow ♪ ♪ skies are blue ♪ ♪ are blue ♪ ♪ and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true ♪ ♪ they come true ♪ ♪ some day i'll wish upon a sta ♪ and wake up where the clouds are far behind me ♪ way ♪ where troubles melt like lemo drops way above the chimney m tops ♪ ♪ that's where you'll find me ♪ ♪ somewhere over the rainbow ♪ ♪ bluebirds fly ♪ ♪ they fly ♪ ♪ birds fly over the rainbow ♪
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♪ why, man, oh why can't -- ♪ why, oh, why, can't i ♪ ♪ why can't i ♪ [ applause ] >> all right >> go brooklyn >> absolutely. >> i can't believe how good you are. i'm like, i can't compose myself that was so beautiful. >> wow >> thank you, wow. >> no wonder why you all won a grammy. >> that was amazing. what a gorgeous arrangement of a beautiful song on a beautiful day for a beautiful book. >> thank you. >> and the most beautiful person, hoda "hope is a rainbow," congratulations. out now. >> thank you can i go see them? i want to say hi. sorry, i have to >> gonna rain somewhere. it's going to be sunny somewhere. let's take a look at what's going on weather-wise.
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we are going to see a chance of some stronger storms down along the gulf coast the cold front will move east. it is rainy here in the northeast, but you wouldn't know it we also have some snow out west, another storm system bringing 1 to 2 feet snow possible across >> you heard dylan mention the highest elevations will see snow. that's what we're seeing here for parts of the sierra. we'll see an increase in rain cover heading into wednesday with scattered thunderstorms being a possibility. things dry out quite nicely for thursday and friday. we also see a boost in forecast. >> looks like we might get some rainbows down south. because it's raining >> yeah.
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>> just to be fun. >> what a beautiful moment that was. it was so beautiful. craig walked right in front of your camera shot there. >> yeah. you ruined it. america was looking at hoda's face >> he was getting tissues for hoda >> story of my life. sorry. information. you will all be on "the voice" some day. spice girls today, time to spice up this throwback in honor of the 30th anniversary since the very first auditions. yesterday they theirshared this online. >> you guys were incredible. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want to be my lover, you have got to give snoes
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♪ taking is to easy, that's the way it is ♪ >> they are so young. >> i was thinking that, too. >> there is another version of it. >> friendships last forever, that is for sure. lindsay lohan revealing a sequel is in the works for this 2003 film. >> look at me. >> i know. we seem to be inside each other. >> i'm old >> i beg your pardon >> oh, i'm like the crypt keeper. >> okay, that's enough >> ah! >> i love that stopping by andy cohen's radio show to share the details. take a listen to what she had to say. >> any time line >> i won't say that yet. i don't want to say too much but it's coming. >> but you feel like this is going to happen? >> yeah. that's great we're both excited >> oh, that's great. >> i'm going to speak for jamie. >> well, you heard it there. movie momma coming back. jamie lee curtis said to return for the "freaky friday" sequel.
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next up, "jeopardy." who doesn't love a littl celebrity "jeopardy". especially the "snl" version they did >> back again, bruce reynolds with a commanding lead at $14. >> hey, check out the podium look at this >> mr. reynolds has apparently . it's a funny name. >> god, he's so changed his name to toured ferguson >> yeah, that's right. it's a funny name. >> god, he's so funny. one of my favorite sketches. >> me, too. >> last night's episode of the real deal actor proved a hollywood star can make it with the trivia pros. the comedian known -- won celebrity jeopardy back in 2022. now take a look at how he fared on last night's tournament of champion episodes with regular noncelebrity contestants >> ike is in second place. was he thinking about ovid oh, that's correct
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he wagered $13,801 and now has the lead with $28,601. and you are advancing to the semifinals >> how about that? i'm assuming that's his family they look shocked. wow! can't believe my boy did it. that was amazing that's smart moving on to the semifinals, congratulations to ike that will be awesome we'll be watching that. next up, alicia keys revealed that her 9-year-old son hit up one of the chart-topping friends in her contacts. >> somehow asked me if i have billie eilish's contact. yeah, she's a friend to me he said i want to talk to her. >> hi. my name is genesis, and i hope to be friends. i really like your music i'm alicia keys' son so -- yeah >> i'm alicia keys' son so -- >> yeah. better do the right thing. >> billie eilish responded to
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his friend request let's see what she says. >> genesis, it's billie. i'm ready to be your friend any day. you tell me when >> my name is finneus. i would like to be your friend. >> genesis got a two-for-one. i'm billie eilish's brother, so. t going to happen and it did finally, national snack day. we celebrated yesterday's important holiday by revealing our favorite treats. i didn't realize this was a contest. yeah the results are in "today show" viewers spoke and spoke in droves. a reminder, these are the choices. savannah and her doritos hoda -- those are delicious. the scoops with the onion dip. classic popcorn for craig. i went with beef jerky, a terrible choice. 3% of the vote dylan, you got it. ruffles with onion dip that's a big winner. that is who we are as a country, right there. >> yeah. >> there is your winner.
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>> yeah. come to my house for any holiday. that will be - >> 37% of the vote. >> scoops have really -- >> they're a game changer. i will add that to the mix. >> that's good. >> all right way to go, america. >> who is not chewing? can they read this >> carson. >> got you guys. still ahead, the legendary annette benning is here. she is up for an oscar on sunday. there she is starring in a new bing-worthy series looking forward to a conversation with the great annette benning and coming after good morning. it is 8:26. i'm marcus washington. breaking news this morning. we're getting word of a social media outage on facebook, instagram and threads. some feeds are not refreshing and some users are not getting
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access. parent company meta did post on social media that it's addressing the problem. no word on when the outage will be fixed. let's talk about the forecast with meteorologist vianey arana. >> it's been pretty nice outside other than the cloud cover. things are going to remain fairly calm with a spotty chance. this afternoon we have cloudy conditions and daytime highs in the 50s. in the south bay you're probably going to see less rain than folks even up through san francisco. through 2:00, a high of about 63 degrees today with peeks of sunshine. more rain chances heading into the overnight. >> thank you. we'll have another local news update in 30
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business.
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keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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♪ oh, i lose control ♪ we are back. >> hi!
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>> 8:30 tuesday morning, rockefeller plaza. >> wow. >> how about gold stars for all of you >> yes >> stuck around. >> where are you going >> i don't know. >> undeterred by the rain. everyone is using an umbrella. >> we need a hope rainbow right now. >> yeah. it's about that time you go low. there we are. >> you guys, look who is cozy >> we have the rain so the rainbow can't be far behind. >> i'll go high. you go low there we are. >> don't go too high, i'm short. >> you guys, look who is cozy inside and always fabulous, annette benning. she's nominated for an oscar this weekend she's here today because she's on to her next big role. it is a great new series i'm happy to say it is on peacock. and it's really, really good we will hear all about it. >> we look forward to that >> also, adrianna brach has a list of new bestsellers, get you ready for spring including comfy flats and a versatile dress. good for layering. >> i got a good one. i know that's exciting but this is exciting, too. one of the oldest and most iconic steak houses in brooklyn
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in new york. peter bruger we're talking about the day i got to spend there, taking a peek behind the curtain. that's the ageing room i got a lesson in how to cook the perfect steak. you don't want to miss this and make this steak at home. that's not me cutting it i got a treat for you guys, too. that's coming up. >> could not be more excited about that by the way, guys, we have a parade of stars coming up in the 3rd hour plus, we have maria shriver. >> dyly dyly, what's up with this weather >> you know how you describe this weather -- >> what? >> it stinks it stinks bad. it's pouring rain. it's getting harder and that's how today will go. it will rain all day we also have a chance of stronger storms along the south coast. that's this afternoon especially we also have snow out west through the higher elevations. now as we go into tomorrow, we are going to lose that first storm system and bring in another one. it will rain again
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heavy rain down through georgia and the carolinas. that will move up into the northeast. we could see about three to four inches of rain with these two storm systems in the next two days we do have some spotty chances, but for the most part we're going to see trace amounts of rain. here's a live look at san francisco. take a look at the cloudy conditions that will remain for most of your tuesday. we have temperatures in the upper 50s, low 60s with peeks of sunshine at times. daytime highs will be at 63 degrees by 2:00. in gilroy expect and that's your latest fore cast carson, you are such a gentleman. >> can i say thank you to everybody who is out here soaking wet. "hope is a rainbow" book out here y'all are awesome. thank you so much. appreciate it.
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>> we need that rainbow. guys, coming up next, the one and only annette benning to a role that brought her back to tv for the first time in 20 years. but, first, this is "today" on nbc. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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♪ >> volvemos a las 8:35. el 11 de beloved hollywood star annette benning has captivated audiences for nearly four decades, earning five oscar nominations along the way. well, her latest just this year for her performance. marathon swimmer diana nyad. now she is starring in a limited series on peacock called "apples never fall." she plays the matriarch of a seemingly picture perfect family, but everything changes with the arrival of a mysterious stranger take a look. >> can you imagine all those
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years, four kids, three meals a day plus snacks. plus, they're athletes they eat about three servings apiece it was endless the shopping and the cutting and the chopping and the serving and the cleaning >> no one ever offered to help you? >> well -- >> we did dishes. >> i distinctly remember dishes. >> that's right, brookie you took your one dish and placed it in the sink. >> annette benning, good morning. >> hey. >> i have to say this has a high bingability factor i watched the first episode last night. if i didn't have a 4:00 in the morning alarm, i would have watched all of them. did you see that right away when you saw the script, like this is one of those stories that pulls you in >> yeah. i love that about it it is very juicy and it is a family story about -- you know, there is a certain dark side to it. but it's also kind of one of those -- just like in that clip, what woman can't relate to that? >> yes. >> wash your dishes. oh, you put them in the sink that doesn't count. >> get them across the finish line. that's what i'm always telling my kids.
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>> there is a lot of humor in it, too. it's juicy and a mystery it was just a joy to do. >> it centers around your character who is the matriarch of the family and has this mysterious disappearance and i'm getting the feeling like it is going to be everyone potentially is a suspect or there are at least everyone's got some secrets did i read that right? >> you read it right by the way, like every family, every family has secrets when you think about it and your kids are little but guess what there are things you are not telling them now that one day maybe you will tell them. >> yeah. >> there are four adult kids in this story, and i have four kids i came from four kids. >> yes. >> so this is something we do, even within loving, open families there are certain things that don't get shared. >> i'm glad you brought it up because i was like, you have major mom vibe like you glide into that roll. of course, you are a mom of four you are a mom in this role of four. i didn't know you came from a family of four what kind of mom would you say you are? your kids are grown now.
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right? but are you like the mom we see in this role >> there is certain things that are like -- my mother is 95. i always aspired to be like my mom. i still do i wasn't a perfect mom i think i did pretty damn good, especially for working and everything but i always, always wanted to be a mom, from when i was a little kid like my mother wouldn't have more kids. maybe that was part of it. so i was the kid in the neighborhood that was always baby-sitting and hanging out with the little ones you know, it is just in my dna. >> what does your mom do that i you love love i think i saw in the teaser, you went hi mom. >> i did. >> that is so awesome. i would say i want to copy a lot of what my mom did like what did she do that you were like, she did that right. i wish i could do that. >> one of the things both of my parents did, they weren't neurotic about it. they made their choices. they had a certain healthy detachment
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i remember when i went away to college, there was like no drama. i think i got in the honda with my friend, all my stuff fit in the drama and we drove to san francisco to san diego >> hoda and i talk about this all the time we feel like we are getting it wrong. we hover too much and we don't know why my mom was like, well, good luck with your s.a.t. >> no, i never took the sat. i was the youngest, so things got lost in the shuffle. but i went to community college, which i loved, so it worked out. >> it all worked out sunday night, the oscars. >> yes. >> tell me about your oscar night. you have been there before you have been nominated. it must be so exciting but also nerve racking. what is that right for you >> it is exciting and nerve racking. it's funny you just asked me this so one time when i was nominated i was extremely pregnant i was just about to give birth and i know how many years ago it was because that's my almost 24-year-old. so i remember that night and
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just the baby was moving so much because of the adrenaline that was coursing through my system my husband got a big a -- my husband, warren beatty, got a big award that night so that's when that i'm remembering. when i was first nominated it was 34 years ago it was so different then it was much more low key there isn't quite as much hype as there is now. and you know what, and i preferred it then because there were moments to actually be with the other nominees and relate to them i mean, it is always special and it's always an honor because when you look who you are standing next to and you feel like, oh, wow, this is really special. >> i mean, we're here because i love the new series on peacock but if people have not seen it, "nyad," they really should >> thank you. >> here you are playing two highly-driven competitive women back-to-back in these roles. >> but they're really different. >> totally different totally different. are you competitive?
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on the scale, are you a 10 or nyad or like 1, elmo >> i have a competitive thing with me. like if i'm hiking and somebody is trying to race past me, i'm a little bit like, okay, i will pick this up a little bit. i do have that. >> then it's on, yeah. >> no one is as competitive as diana nayad. >> i would say you are correct i just maybe a month ago i got a picture from diana and bonnie who are both in the movie, both the characters in the movie. and they play tennis now, obsessively play tennis. and they sent me the picture of them winning the tennis trophy of the over 70s or whatever it is in their tennis club. >> by the way, you can say you are a tennis champion, >> i am -- i had one -- i had one tournament when i was in junior high with joan osbourne, who is still a friend of mine. >> wow >> she was like the really good one. we signed up for the tournament. one couple didn't show we had a bye then we were in the finals and we lost. so we got a trophy
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>> tennis champion, you have a trophy that's all i heard about the story. tell diana and bonnie about that you'll see them on the court thank you so much. good luck sunday >> i will be rooting for you. >> thanks. you can catch apple's "never fall" on peacock march 14th. >> can we be real friends with friend adrianna brach is here with new staples to enhance your spring style, includi hng
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections.
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ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. ♪♪ we're back with "today bestsellers." and adrianna brach rounded up some top picks for the season. go ahead and scan that q rrk code. you know how to do that. let's get into spring. >> i'm so ready. the first one we have is this really cute cardigan. actually, we have a photo of my
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mom modeling it in florida. this is really cool. it is under $40. you always need a cardigan for spring. feel how thick it is. it is a substantial piece. all year long. >> and it hits the right place on your waist, too. >> it does it comes in a bunch of sizes and colors >> i want this dress immediately. >> this has your name all over it, hoda. >> it is. >> we have an exclusive discount, 20% for our viewers. scan the qr code right now this comes in a wide range of sizes up to 5xl. it is the perfect dress for spring you can really wear it with anything you can throw it on alone. it is nice and breezy. it is great for travel, too. you can throw it other a bathing suit, too. >> and it doesn't look like it wrinkles it is one of the things you can throw in your suitcase and go. super easy, super affordable. >> i love it you are getting ready for summer with us. >> we're so ready for travel, for spring i'm going on a kriez in a few weeks. this is going in my suitcase it's a best-selling bathing suit
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it's a two-piece suit that gives you enough coverage but still comfortable enough to where you don't feel like you're too covered up do you know what i mean? it has the flouncy top we have models wearing them. >> wait. you are going on a cruise? >> i am. my husband's 40th. it will be exciting. >> are the kids going? >> ella is coming with us. >> this is not my department i think sg would dig this. >> i brought it back for spring because bows are everywhere right now. and accessories are such an easy way to zhuszh up any outfit. no matter what season it is. we love this because it is a six pack for $9.99 what i like about the bow trend, anyone can wear it i'm actually wearing it right now. >> cute as can be. >> i like looking for a small bow, something that's a little silky, a little subtle you don't need to make a whole statement with it. >> let's get into these slides. elevate your flats with a pair of mules they're back
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these are super affordable, under 40 >> they're cute. >> cute sizes, colors. this is something you will just wear all spring long you can wear it with everything you already own. this is like an upgrade for your closet. >> $36.99. and lastly, the cutest little earrings. >> these are so hot. everybody on the shop today team has these, myself included. i'm wearing them right now >> how many piercings? >> i have three. but i'm wearing the earrings right now. they hug your ear lobe they're super small. i like them because you don't have the post that's digging in the back of your neck. so cool. >> cute. >> they have 30,000 reviews. our readers like these >> $13.95. i can't believe the price points on this. thank you so much. get these items. you can scan the qr code of course, today does earn a commission on the purchases through our links. and for this segment is paid for by amazon. still ahead, carson's idea of heaven surrounded by neat at the legendary peter luger's. t, first, this is "todbuay
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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we are back with carson's today food series. chef, this morning you are taking us inside a new york institution. >> i absolutely am. peter luger steak houses is one of the most iconic places on earth. maybe i'm overdoing it a little bit. it's fantastic, serving loyal customers since 1887. i had a chance to go exclusively behind the scenes there to take a look at all the ♪ >> guys, i'm in brooklyn, world famous peter luger's steak house. this place is so great, not only are the steaks rich, but it is rich in family history we will learn all about it come on in ♪ peter luger's steak house has been a fixture here for over a century. >> how are we doing over here? >> reporter: it's like walking into a time portal >> i've been coming here for over 50 years. >> reporter: and for the regulars it feels like family >> how many times?
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>> 188 >> reporter: saul foreman bought it after world war ii. today three generations of his family still run the legendary steak house, including his granddaughter jody >> when i think of peter luger, walking around the steak vatican. it's like holy territory >> i think the whole family is dedicated to keeping it traditional like it was because that's what served us well, and that's what our customers want. >> reporter: for saul's daughter amy, his granddaughter jody and great grandsons david and daniel, peter luger is more than a steak house. it's part of a family legacy >> and your mom marcia also a big part of running this business. >> yes. >> one of the things she did would go to the meat market, tradition that you would carry on. >> right i still do it now. >> what is this instrument that you have it now? >> you grand it. what comes into the business here is only what you select everybody knows they can get a good steak here. >> pick me out a nice piece of meat today. >> you better stay for lunch. >> i'm going to. >> all right this one and this one. >> reporter: women have been a
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huge, huge, part of the success of this, going back to your grandmother. >> my grandmother learned the real art of buying meat from a retired grader from the retired usda >> what is the classic pewter luger experience >> the most popular appetizers sliced tomato and on johns served with the sauce and sizzling bacon. >> what is your most popular seller >> the most popular cut is the porter house later on maybe we'll take you down stairs to our holy of holy's the dry ageing room. >> don't tease me with a good time, jody >> hey >> hello. >> how are you, buddy? >> this is beautiful >> who do you wait on? celebrities, politicians, famous athletes, people in the neighborhood >> you name it, we have it. >> dish. give me something. give me a little story. >> i'll turn the cameras off if i have to. isn't there something about john gotti jr. we can talk about, no? >> no. >> no. >> there he is how are you doing, buddy
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>> this is the bacon ♪ >> that's delicious. my gosh. what a beautiful thing to mess with other waiters, danny, have you ever taken the medium rare one and switched with it a well-done one? >> it's illegal. >> that's it here we are. >> wow >> hey >> there it is >> this is -- >> you make this >> oh, yeah. >> have a seat. >> how long have you been here >> oh, since 9:00 today. >> i knew you were going to say that. >> i would like to go to the holy of holy's now. >> let's check it out. >> amy's grandson david gay me a tour of the ageing room. wow. look at this the lu-g-er secret to their succulent steak. >> have cameras ever been down here. >> very rarely. >> get it rarely, it's a steak joke very medium rarely are there cameras down here. where's the beef i think we found it. saul's great grandson daniel
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brought me back to luger's kitchen to learn how it was done. >> oh my god look at this place beautiful. >> big old 40 ounce porter house. >> yep. >> and we're going to throw it right on top of here. >> straight on. >> how hot is this action? >> these get up to 1,000 degrees. >> no seasoning. no sauteing. >> you're going to season just salt just trying to form a crust really most of that salt will fall off when you flip it >> then what, push it in. >> push it in and let it go. >> how chaotic is this whole area >> eight broilers. >> 1,000 degrees each. >> like an episode of the fair here. >> you don't leave the kitchen if the steak ain't sizzling. >> sizzling. look at that beauty. ♪ right in the butter. best steak ever. >> you cooked it >> yeah. >> doggie bag for the rest of this. >> dint want you to miss out harry come out from peter luger
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he has been there since 1943 he has seen it all there no, not that long. but harry -- >> long enough >> this is the delicious porter house steak here harry will sesh it for you all. >> i love steak at 9:00 a.m. >> typically when you bring the steak, a hair under to you, the plate comes to hot it will keep cooking the meat maybe another three to five degrees to bring it up just a little bit >> the juices. >> what's going on, wow. >> people are cooking it almost on their plate other than it comes out. it is ready to go. >> did you learn anything at the steak house that you applied to your own grilling now. >> it's difficult to replicate this at home because of the high heat of the ovens. but they cook with generations of tender loving care, peter luger. we appreciate them letting us in being in the ageing ro good morning.
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it is 8:56. i'm marcus washington. a san pablo man accused of murdering his wife and mother-in-law is set to be arraigned today even though their bodies have never been found. the man first reported the two women missing allegedly telling investigators that the two drove to southern california following a family argument. officers in december. spotted him driving his wife's car. the hearing is supposed to get the hearing is supposed to get m.der way about 1 p.
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8:59 am
"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
9:00 am
♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," emotional good-bye. >> this all brings us here to today, where i announce that i am retiring. >> a tearful jason kelce looks back on the highs of 13 seasons in the nfl. we are live with his message to the fans and those who helped him along the way. plus, princess kate stt


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