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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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investigators say the man who led officers on a chase is dead. neighbors say it sounded like a rolling gunbattle right after midnight. >> i heard about 20+ gunshots in the intervals. with a couple minutes or one minute in between and it kind of extended from one location and kept moving. >> two of the sheriff's patrol cars had heavy front end damage. we are told four deputies were injured one was shot in the leg to had hand injuries and a for suffered head injuries and is a said to be in critical condition at a local hospital. according to investigators this started after amy -- a 911 caller reported a man with a gun in the area. officers responded and shooting started from the suspect car.
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>> we are trying to determine if those shots came from the suspect, the deputy or possibly both. police say investigating officers and documenting and collecting evidence. it left many in the neighborhood shaken up. >> i was afraid they were looking for someone. there would be a possibility that person could try to -- >> i teach in this neighborhood. i was like what is going on? i am really happy to see you're having a press conference. >> this is an issue being investigated by santa rosa pretty -- police. in santa rosa, sergio keene,,
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nbc bay area news. in the sierra the worst of the blizzard is now over and after being closed most of the weekend i-80 is back open. maximum chain controls are still in place. the snow is still coming down. trucks were still being held back, there was a very slow going day. some areas still trying to dig out seven feet of snow. ski resorts hoping to be able to reopen tomorrow, some of them got too much of a good thing and here at home we see blue skies after a weekend of rain. patches of blue as well. live look outside right now, sunlight at this era -- hour. let's get to our meteorologist jeff ranieri, what an incredible weekend! >> it was historic. for so many areas it's well
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over a decade since we have seen anything that got close to this. i want to make -- take a look at the snowfall and give you a perspective. this is a look at the snow pile that was on the ground this time last week. as we hit last thursday and friday that snow really started to add up. we had anywhere from two to about four feet. we also saw an additional 2 to 5 feet of snow. some areas seeing snow stack up. snow piles up to nine feet here through parts of the sierra and that's where those roadways were closed. that's why everything was shut down. that brings our snowpack through the sierra to 104% of normal.
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let me show you more details as we had in throughout the sierra and those snow totals. sugar bowl picked up 10.5 feet of snow, kirkwood five feet, heavily also with five so depending on where you were through the sierra. additional snowfall through higher elevations. we are actually looking at dry weather and sunshine building back into the forecast as we hit this wednesday and thursday. back here in the bay area we are looking at spotty showers in the north bay. there is a little bit of moisture and that is what our radar picks up but overall the next storm system is out here offshore. i have up dated timing and totals in a few moments. >> thank you and to stay updated download our free nbc bay area, the qr code on the
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left side of the screen will take you right to our radar just put your phone's camera at that code to get to the weather page. we are now just hours away from super tuesday and california's primary election day these final hours mean a flurry of last-minute activities by the people in charge of counting the votes. the registrars. nbc bay area's honda -- robert handa joins us. he tells us how the countdown is progressing. >> reporter: workers are scrambling at times at the register of voters parking lot on broker drive as drivers roll in with completed pallets turned in from the 104 vote centers set up throughout the south bay. and there were sporadic streams of voters driving into that same lot to drop off their
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ballots. there were also voters who walked into the office to hand in their ballot directly but for all the activity the office acknowledges the turnout could and should be more. >> we need people to get out and vote. we are projecting 30 to 45%. >> any reason why the numbers are low? >> i think people wait until the last minute. >> reporter: the registrar says that 18 to 34-year-old category is a lagging. >> this is a good opportunity for them to come out. >> reporter: do you sense any apathy among young voters? >> i think. we are trying to figure out our role in in society. >> reporter: voter lynn thomas said even as a lifelong democrat she says many of her friends are waiting until tomorrow.
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>> they don't trust the voting boxes cannot be tampered with. i think the closer you wait until the voting date the more you can be sure and bring it right into the registration office then you will feel better about your vote being counted. >> as you can see even on the next to the last day there is still time to find your vote counts and even if someone doesn't have a ballot they could print up on a remote accessible ballot off the registrars website. follow the instructions and then drop it off or fax it in by the end of election day. in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. >> on the eve of super tuesday senate candidate adam schiff made stops to talk to business owners. he is currently polling as a top democrat in the race. he toward businesses in the castro district this morning
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and spoke to business owners in downtown san jose joined by mayor matt may have -- matt mehan. >> also in that race southern california congresswoman katie porter. she told the crowd she expects this to be a very close race. open congresswoman barbara lee spent the day campaigning in southern california and made a stop this morning at her alma mater, san fernando high school, before stopping by a nearby vote center. a reminder, there are two senate races on the ballot tomorrow. the first will decide who will take over the remainder of dianne feinstein's term the second race will decide the full six-year term which begins in january. the supreme court ruled
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that states cannot kick former president trump off of their ballots. the decision comes as more than a dozen states gear up for super tuesday and while former president trump is leading in every poll, nikki haley is coming off a win in the district of columbia. nbc's alice bartlett on capitol hill with details. >> in a decision that has huge implications for the upcoming election, the u.s. supreme court unanimously ruled that states cannot remove former president trump from their ballots the former president celebrating the move. >> you cannot take someone out of the race. voters can take someone out of the race very quickly, but a court should not do that. >> the justice overruling a colorado supreme court decision that from the former president should be disqualified on grounds that he engaged in insurrection for his actions after the january 6th capital attack. the u.s. supreme court ruling applies to all states
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negating similar challenges in maine and illinois and it comes a day before super tuesday when voters in colorado, maine and more than a dozen other states will head to the polls. >> i don't like the idea of people of the government saying someone can't run. >> next month the high court evidence in a separate case over trumps claims that he is immune from prosecution for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election because he says he was acting as president. the supreme court's timing could push the federal election interference case against mr. trump until late summer or even after election day in november. >> when the court in these indirect days -- raises showing that it is tilting the playing field support of the former president. >> former president trump will dominate in super tuesday matchups. >> it is time for a new
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generational leader. >> the democratic side president biden also expecting a super tuesday sweep. haley did just not her first primary victory here in washington, d.c. making her the first woman ever to win a republican presidential primary . she is hoping for a fundraising boost that will help her stay in the race. in washington, alice barr, nbc news. strachan moved to build more temporary housing for people on the streets, san jose leaders announced a new proposal today, the reason leaders say there needs to be more interim housing. and one woman has been running the center for employee training in san jose for decades , often the only woman in the room, even more often the only latina. now she is retiring and we are shining a light on her work. strachan we are tracking
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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it really is a night and day difference between fighting for your life versus actually working towards goals. >> san jose city leaders had the city has decreased it's on house -- on house population by about 11% and hundreds more interim housing units are on the way. this evening we are elevating women's history month we begin with spotlighting a book which is helping empower young black women. "i am, i can, i will," is a
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guided journal hoping to spark self-discovery and also has mantras and stories from present black women that include harriet tubman, venus williams and more. the book is split into three questions -- sections. we talked to dr. cynthia jacobs carter, one of the co-writers of the book. >> it is good to see some positive stories especially about women and girls who aspired to do something different in their lives to go from point a to point to. that's why i thought it was important in this day and time to give some positive aspects that young people could read about and hopefully this will spark some inspiration in them. >> dr. carter says young men should read the book as well. she says the message of women empowerment is universal.
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this is women's history month a moment to shine a spotlight on some of those who shaped the bay area's past present and future and we want to introduce you to someone who is no stranger to trailblazing at a time when latinas were not at the table this woman pulled up a chair. she is announcing her retirement after running a center for employment training. nbc's bay area damian trujillo introduces us. but in they are learning to become future electricians. to the students the center for employment training is as crucial now as it was during the great recession when out of work americans set out to learn new trades in homes -- hopes of becoming employable again. >> we are going above and beyond our scope of training. >> for the last quarter century miss mrs. sapiené has led this agency. many call her a trailblazer and many still call her for advice because she was president and
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ceo at a time when there were very few women with that title, let alone latina women. >> it was challenging. i am a very respectful person in terms of allowing people to talk and participate in dialogue. i had to learn to interrupt or i would never say a word. >> she was at the table dominated by men and she would not be intimidated. she credits her friendship and mentorship from the late cesar chavez for giving her the tools to fight for others. >> he prepared like no one i know. every time we had an anniversary, he was here and early in the morning he would call me and find out who's on stage, who's in the audience. >> reporter: today cet had 11 satellite centers across the country with training in medical careers, child care and the trades. the programs have transformed lives including those of farmworkers looking for a path out of the fields and into better careers. >> helping farmworkers and
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other underprivileged people to gain skills is something we strive every day to me. >> now after 55 years at cet, hermelinda sapien is handing over the reins. >> it is time for someone else to come in and bring in new ideas, innovative ways of improving cet and really creating a new vision. >> but the champion of silicon valley latina leaders said she will not go far. she will still be around fighting for others and the causes she describes as much bigger than herself. damon trujillo, nbc bay area news. >> jeff ranieri joining us now talking about the weather we have had and what we have on the way. >> a little bit of rain coming our way certainly nothing like what we had this past weekend. we will start with a look at how we are doing we have been
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able to get into a surplus across the bay area. a six inch surplus in santa rosa over three inches in san francisco and up over three inches in san jose, so awesome news on that front as we look right now it's dorm ranger doppler radar and we have a few spotty showers towards the north bay just off shore we see moisture in the middle with oh seth picking up but as far as the system itself still a couple hundred meyer -- miles out. this storm will move down the coastline and really not expected to fully move into california. as we roll through tonight we get a few spotty showers appear into the north bay and for tomorrow morning on that commute if you areas of showers over
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the north bay, san francisco and right near the bay at 7:00 in the morning and then as we roll through the afternoon really only a slight chance we could get a pop up shower. cloud cover is also hanging on but the will be some sun coming in the days ahead so hold on, we will get that seven-day forecast in here for you but overall as we roll through tomorrow's forecast only trace amounts to about a quarter of an inch. really continuing to get revised the storm system say offshore and it will limit the amount of rainfall we will see as we had tomorrow. morning temperatures to start with cloud cover returning and we will be back down to the 40s, 48 for the south bay to the east bay, 46 and for the north bay at 47. daytime high through tomorrow staying in the 50s and 60s will put us 258 in santa rosa, 62 in martinez, low to mid 60s from livermore to san jose, half moon bay, 58.
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i know a lot of you want to see more sunshine, want to get a break in here and some dry weather and we are seeing that especially by thursday and friday's forecast. it looks like an area of high pressure will move in and check it out here on the seven-day forecast, san francisco, dry weather, any estate coming in on friday and we get in on a few more spotty showers and a little cloud cover on sunday but overall nothing too strong when it comes to storm systems and i think that friday forecast is coming just in time . it will be nice to get in on that son even up to 67 throughout the inland valleys. we take a closer look at the systems we will be seeing over the next couple of days we will have more looks at that coming up at five: 30 tonight. jeff, thank you. jeff, thank you. well
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? with democrat katie porter. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost
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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. apple is taking center stage in the ai frenzy. the company says it created the best consumer laptop for ai. a new version of the macbook air laptop and they use a new thing called an m3 chip which allows the computer to run applications with advanced ai features. they first announce the m3 chip in october but this is the first time it is mentioned the chips connection to ai. tech analysts say this means that apple is stuck in -- stepping up ai. apple faces $2
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billion antitrust fine after music streaming app spotify filed a complaint. here's the issue if you subscribe to spotify through the apple app store apple charges a 30% commission that forces spotify to race of scription prices while apple music its competitor is to avoid the fees. customers get a better deal on spotify's website, but apple does not want to share that information with customers. apple says it is providing spotify with millions of customers and that it's fees are reasonable but they say apple is abusing its position and that is part of that you crackdown on anti-competitive practices intact. a recall for a popular trader when peter dickson led my platoon into combat a recall for a popular trader joe's frozen stack
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. next generation veteran fund let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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check your freezers. trader joe's is recalling its esteemed chicken soup dumplings. they say it could contain plastic from a permanent marker. customers can return the dumplings to any trader joe's to get a full refund and don't forget to watch our newscast 24 seven on roku and other streaming platforms.
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raj mathai joins us now with what is coming up at 5:30. parents anti-semitism is rampant at berkeley unified. they filed a federal claim against the school district and we spoke with parents and the district about what they say is happening. also closer to a peace agreement between israel and hamas, the request by president harris to get humanitarian aid into the region and it is official former president trump cannot be kept off the ballot! the supreme court announced their decision today and we talked about the impact in the election. the news at 5:30 starts right now thank you for joining us on terry mcsweeney. >> and i'm raj mathai. berkeley unified school district is facing a civil rights complaint alleging it ignored severe and persistent harassment of jewish students. this also includes teachers.


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