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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 29, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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>> they contributed to the country's history and the war effort and the social life, but they also was dealt with lots of discrimination. >> coming up tonight at 5:30, we will get an in-depth look at the city. >> you can watch us whenever you would like on roku or other streaming platforms. crime is definitely out of control in the city of oakland. at 6:00, oakland's next police chief, whoever it is, will have their hands full. we have a no show creating a bit of controversy. president biden and former president trump heading to the border this morning. we're live in texas to explain why the immigration issue is becoming so significant in the race for the white house.
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warnings in the sierra out this morning. the dangerous conditions and what to keep in mind if you are heading there. this is "today in the bay." this is thursday morning. good thursday morning to you. i am marcus washington. >> i am laura garcia. this incoming storm, when will it hit? >> we will start out with spotty showers. it won't initially start out with a bang, and it will gradually start to impact us. we are starting to see more impacts as we go towards the end of the weekend. we are expecting spotty rain and breezy winds at times and also wind in the forecast with cooler temperatures for tomorrow into the rest of the weekend. for the sierra, as we mentioned, there's a blizzard warning in effect from today through sunday. travel will be very difficult if not impossible during the time the storm really starts to hit. we will see very cold temperatures.
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some of the rain now moving further to the north and working its way into the bay area. as we look hour by hour, spotty rain from 9:00 to 10:00. some of the heavier rain making its way from north to south, and now we are looking at the bay bridge. yeah, the bay bridge toll plaza, it's loosely packed. there was a typical build through richmond. there's a little mist in the air there, and on the lens as well. there's a new crash just reported just south of the walnut creek interchange. we will check on that once chp arrives. the rest of the bay looks standard, but we have the crash in the santa cruz mountains around the summit. 6:02 right now.
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happening tonight, oakland with a public forum, but the mayor is opting out. ginger conejero saab is joining us. is the mayor saying why she's not participating? >> reporter: yes, she is, laura. she's giving several reasons why she won't be there, and how people are reacting is a different story. here's a letter she sent to the police commission where she clearly states hosting a forum is detrimental, it's an unnecessary risk for candidates and their current employers, and it might force oakland into a premature bidding war. potential candidates are withdrawing their names when presented with a public forum. her decision eliciting reactions all around.
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>> sometimes i don't understand why she's doing what she's doing. i am looking forward to a chief that will come in and do something because crime is definitely out of control in the city of oakland. >> i understand why she's doing it, and it seems a little late given the reason why she didn't want to participate, because the candidates are now outed. everyone knows who the candidates are. >> reporter: speaking of those candidates, the police commission released their short list on tuesday evening, and that includes new york's assistant deputy, luis molina, and floyd mitchell, and cincinnati assistant chief, lisa davis, and abdul pridjen. the public can submit questions. the mayor did reiterate her
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commitment to finding exceptional candidates, and she's looking forward to that final list from the commission in march. we will see how early we can get that list to mayor thao and how this moves forward. >> thank you, ginger. also happening today the accused shooter in the deadly half moon bay shooting set to be arraigned this morning. last january police arrested the 66-year-old after law enforcement officials say they gunned down his former co-workers at two mushroom farms where he once worked. he informerly confessed to the crimes in a jailhouse interview. the arraignment is scheduled for 10:30 this morning. now to decision 2024. a primary issue in the presidential election will be the border. today both former president donald trump and joe biden will be in texas trying to convince
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the voters they have the answers for the problems. jay gray has that story in brownsville. >> reporter: good morning, marcus. president biden will visit brownsville here, while former president trump will be up the rio grande in eagle pass. this part of texas clearly is a crossroads, literally between mexico and the u.s. now many say politically between a win or loss come november. this rusted 12-foot metal fence stretches for miles and in some areas augmented with winding razor wire. >> to add that extra level of barrier to prevent people from coming in. that's what this mission is. >> reporter: if that is the mission, it's clearly far from accomplished here. thousands continue to cross the rio grande illegally, at times tens of thousands crowding legal crossings trying to force their way into the u.s. for the second time since being elected, president biden travels
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to the region today. he will meet with border patrol agents and local leaders in brownsville, texas, looking to ramp up pressure on congressional republicans to consider a bipartisan border security measure. he will have some company. >> i was planning to go thursday, but what i didn't know is my good friend apparently is going. >> reporter: former president trump also making a stop along the border today, about 300 miles away in eagle pass. overnight releasing this campaign video on social media, tying what he calls president biden's open border policies to the recent death of the nursing student in georgia. >> a biden migrant has been charged with brutally attacking her, beating her, kidnapping her and murdering her. >> reporter: there are a couple things the two men seem to agree on. both say there's clearly a crisis along the border and that the other party is responsible for those problems.
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of course, it's likely no coincidence that the visits come less than a week before the super tuesday primaries, marcus. that's here in texas and, of course, across the country. >> a lot of work leading up to super tuesday. jay gray in brownsville,texas, this morning. thank you. >> yeah. new at 6:00, rescuers are calling one man's survival story nothing short of a miracle after he was stranded two days along a central coast cliff side. teens on tuesday found his car 400 feet down the cliff. his car plunged off the road on a sunday night after he said he swerved to avoid deer. he was ejected through the sunroof as his car crashed to the ground. his car could not be seen from the road. first responders say he only got their attention by waving a
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flag. then a special moment happened when they retrieved him. >> there was an obvious rush of emotion, and he was overcome with emotion when i let him know his family was on the cliff and he could look up and see them. >> the victim and his family lived nearby in pacific grove. other than cuts and bruises, he's still shaken but otherwise okay. i want to give you a live at palisades tahoe ski resort. soon enough snow measured by the feet expected to start falling in the sierra. the chp is advising travel to the sierra is highly discouraged over the next few days due to extremely dangerous blizzard conditions. cinthia pimentel is breaking down the likely impact. >> we could be setting records in the sierra as the models show feet of snow coming down, and so
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follow me as we travel up i-80. looking at about 30,000 feet in the community of alta, and that's right after colfax, we are looking at one to two feet of snow. if we double the elevation to 6,000 feet, we are looking at jaw-dropping amounts, six to nine feet are possible around donner pass. while it may be tempting to see all of the snow, it's best to stay away. that could save your life. travel could be impossible with gusting winds and whiteout conditions and bone chilling temperatures. we will be here to monitor the latest. let's go to mike and see where we can see cheaper gas prices this morning. as a reference, the east bay hayward's 3.73 on hesperian boulevard. today it's the best in the state. that's in the south bay, and
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it's 3.85, that's higher than yesterday. in marin county, lowest price there is 3.99. still under 4 bucks. these are all coming in from you on there's some sprinkles so watch out for that in the north bay and east bay. highway 17 does still have two crashes between redwood estates and the summit. back to you. >> looks like we are getting waffled. lights, camera and action. the big movie set to film right here. a warning this morning about video door bells. we will tell you all about it coming up. let's look at the futures this morning. looks like it's going to be a decent day. got pretty good news on
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inflation. alameda county fair is months away but we now have some of the big musical performances expected to happen there. the headliner announced just this weekhen we return. w
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. we are now at 6:14. let's get a look at our day planner for morgan hill.
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if you are about to step out the door here or anywhere, don't forget the umbrella. even though it's not raining a lot right now, we will see spotty showers picking up from 11:00 to 1:00. more heavy and widespread rain expected into the evening. watching out for this and more waves of rain throughout the weekend. we'll talk about that coming up in a few minutes. we see mist on some of the cameras, but not the one here in berkeley. the commute direction heading towards the bay bridge. we will show you the distribution because we have sensor colors changing to the slower drives, coming up. happy february 29th to you. something you get to say only every four years. investor oprah winfrey is leaving the weight watchers board. she is also using a drug like
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ozempic to maintain her weight. doorbells, consumer reports say they are sold under a variety of brands but look the same. this is under the brand name of eken, and tuck is another one. people are able to peer into their cameras and past recordings. there's also talk about the security of electric cars made in china. interesting rumblings out of washington that there could be regulations for cars, and the concern is software, could it spire on americans and could it lead to a restriction on electric cars made in china.
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declaring chinese-made cars a security threat would benefit american autoworkers that are very concerned about low-priced chinese cars hitting the american market. that's the kind of work president biden has been hoping to woo over. a ban would benefit washington and the president. apple made news this week when it decided to end its own efforts to make a car. the most recent product, the apple vision pro, has been on the market for a month now. and joanna stern appeared on cnbc wearing the goggles. she called it a face computer. she said she liked it at first, and she said, well, i certainly can keep my hands off of it. so as we were discussing earlier, they just need the killer app, the reason you are
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going to buy the thing and not put it in a drawer. >> yeah, like all those other -- >> yeah, like all the other devices. >> yeah, i have a drawer. we should get them out sometime. ipod mini. >> do you still have the glasses? >> no, i sent those back. that would be a fun one, too. >> i wanted to try those out. old school. thanks, scott. new at 6:00, forget galaxies far, far away. a new star wars film will be filming here. it will be the first film in the "star wars" franchise to be shot entirely in california. production will be centered around marin county, san francisco and alameda county. the film is expected to be released sometime in 2026. one of the bay area's most
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loved rap artist is set to return this summer to the biggest county fair. ♪ ♪ >> you know who that is. alameda's own e-40 will be the headliner at the fair thursday, june 20th. the vallejo-born musician has a street named e-40 way. and hunter hayes will also be performing. there are plans to reveal more of the concert lineup over the next two months. you have time to get ready -- >> and get in shape so you can eat all the corn dogs and -- >> the good old days. >> funnel cakes. happening today, the south bay's newest miniature golf
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course celebrates its grand opening. >> if you were joining us last week, bob redell gave us a pretty memorable look inside the new urban putt in downtown josé. the setup reflects everything san josé. it includes a mock-up of the winchester mystery house, and a tribute to the san josé sharks. the doors open at 4:00 p.m. >> and they close and then open and then close -- no -- >> yeah, exactly. >> we were talking about finding things to do indoors this weekend because we are going to see off and on rain. that's starting today, and we are seeing showers up in the north bay and coastline. san francisco looks damp as the cars are driving to work, and not yet making it to san josé. we are seeing a little break in the clouds in dublin. temperatures milder in the low
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50s. as the cold front comes in, it will be cold over the next few days and we will see times of rain. this has been a pretty significant storm system that has been powering through the pacific northwest and making its way into the north bay with light rain. we will be tracking that. as we look at this hour by hour in the forecast, it's not going to start out fast and heavy. we will see a band of rainfall that could be heavy going into late morning and into the early afternoon. approaching san francisco at about 2:00, and then sweeping through the rest of the bay area with some gusting winds and rain. then a break with spotty activity throughout the day tomorrow. we're expecting the heavier rain to arrive on saturday. it will be off and on throughout the day. even seeing some of our bay area hills like mount hamilton, parts of the north bay mountains capped with light snow. let's go over what to expect here. as we get this storm system coming in, it will last off and
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on through sunday. some of the wind gusts may pick up 25 to 50 miles per hour. in our valleys, like napa valley and sonoma valley and into the east bay valleys, tri-valley, we will see rainfall totals at one to two inches of rainfall. along the coast and in our hills, we could see rainfall totals of four to five inches. also seeing the snow levels coming down to elevations at about one to 2,000 feet. that's pretty low. the sierra getting a huge amount of snow with all of this cold air, we are expecting several feet of snow in the sierra. if we look ahead to see when we are going to warm up here, the cold blast remains over the bay area. we are taking this all the way out to march 10th, so if you are looking for spring-like temperatures, it may be a while. we may see the snow on the hills lasting a whil the rain will
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ease up on little on sunday afternoon. another storm system arrives late tuesday into wednesday as we get the next wave of rain and sierra snow. a very active storm pattern here over the next several days. keep the umbrella close by along with the coats and sweaters. this is summit road from northbound 17. a crash first reported southbound 17 around los gatos farms and the turnoff there on the north bay side adding to the backup coming from the santa cruz side. it's really jammed. the first crash is there, and this crash is in the fast lane. it's closer to the southbound traffic and that will impact folks heading out of the south bay which is moving smoothly. the rest of the day is
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predictable. back to you. >> thank you. up next, a project under way to protect communities from rising sea levels and how you can you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile.
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good thursday morning. right now at 6:26, turning to our climate in crisis. happening tonight, caltrans is hosting an informational meeting on a project aimed at reducing flooding and tackling sea level rise in marin county.
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it's focusing on the manzanita park and ride that runs through mill valley, marin city and sausalito. this area is frequently hit by king tides and projected sea level rise is projected to be higher by mid century. you can email the project team on addressing what you see on your screen. we can also put -- we are going to put up a link to this information on our website if you want to find it. caltrans is funding and is still in the works, and the eligible project is for federal aid. the environmental report will come out this winter with plans to further develop this by the summer of 2007. can you find the link to the meeting and learn more about the climate in crisis. visit our website,
6:28 am and click on the climate in crisis tab. >> thanks, kari. a lot more for you ahead, including the search for the next oakland police chief. how you can make your voice ooard as s
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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right now at 6::30, bracing for a blizzard. we are tracking the incoming storm and the rain in the bay area will soon lead to dangerous conditions in the sierra.
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we are timing it all out for you this morning with our live team coverage. chris, i get the hardest questions from my own wife. >> uber has its answer for parents concerning the new service rolling out today. we asked uber executives questions all parents will want to know. this is "today in the bay." a very good thursday morning to you. thank you so much for starting your day with us. i am laura garcia. i am marcus washington. let's get to team coverage on the dangerous conditions this storm is bringing. bob redell has more on those conditions. >> but let's check in with meteorologist, kari hall. she's taking a look at the timeline. >> we will start out with rain picking up today as we go into the late morning and late
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afternoon. we are looking at today's spotty rain and breezy winds at times. we are going to see the wind picking up even more tomorrow with off and on rain and some cooler temperatures that will last throughout the weekend. for the sierra, we are expecting a blizzard warning going up at 10:00 this morning, and continue through sunday morning as we see the brunt of the storm moving through later on. once again, tracking it where we will initially start out with light showers and then increasingly wet weather throughout the weekend. we will add up the impact where on saturday we are expecting heavier rain. rain rolling from the north to south from the north bay into the afternoon, and we will see it impacting the evening commute for the south bay. now, let's turn to today in the bay's bob redell, and you are live on 580, and some places racing out of town to places like tahoe for all of the snow.
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>> reporter: yeah, people that live in places like truckee, kari, are telling people to not go there, to stay put. as you can been mentioning, you are expecting several feet of snow in the sierras, and there are whiteout conditions, and the chp put a between out, and it reads travel in the sierras is highly discouraged over the next few days, as travel will be extremely dangerous with blizzard conditions and whiteout conditions. sidney mattson was loading her skis into her car, and inspite of the warnings is seriously thinking about heading east. >> i am keeping an eye on
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twitter and everything online to make sure no road closures will happen. >> didn't want to drive in it, and we thought the roads would be too icy, and decided against it. >> it's like no other skiing experience. it's like meditative. it's like your best meal you can think of. >> reporter: pg&e said it has prepositioned equipment to deal with the expect the outages in the foothills and sierra nevada during the storm. reporting along 580 here in livermore, bob redell for today in the bay. >> before the next storm approaches, download the bay area app. point your phone's camera at the
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code to get the weather page. the city of oakland will do a deep dive to the new lineup of candidates seeking to be the police chief. the four candidates, louis molina, who helps lead public safety in new york city, and floyd mitchell, lisa davis, and pridgen. mayor sheng thao will not attend. it starts at 6:30. new this morning uber is launching its service for teenagers allowing minors as young as 13 to book and receive a ride without their parents. before you think about hitting the brakes there, uber wants you to know that this is not your parents' uber. >> it's because it has more safety mechanisms built in. kris sanchez has more on what
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parents and uber is saying about it now. >> all parents need help with pick up and drop off from time to time, and starting today uber will be an option for your teen. it has safety measures we have already, plus additional features for the teen accounts that cannot be deactivated by anybody. we asked a parent, a teacher and uber exec to weigh in. >> i don't like it. i don't think it's okay for my girls to go. if they are stopped too long, i'll freak out. >> i don't think the safety of the children here is being considered at all. >> when parents ask me should you put a 14 or 15-year-old in a car by themselves with a stranger, and i say yes because of all the safety features built
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in the program. >> that uber vp has a 14-year-old daughter, and so he's getting questions from parents there as well. only the highest rated and most experienced drivers are allowed to accept the teen requests. uber does not annual background checks on all drivers. teenagers will get a pin they need to provide to the driver to make sure they are getting into the car. there will be an audio recording of all rides in case there's a problem. it's encrypted for the teen's privacy, but in the event anybody needs to make a report they have that audio has proof. california is the last state to launch the teen rollout, but the app has been running in u.s. cities across the nation since 2023, and so more than a year now. uber vp says there has not been
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a problem at this point. >> i wonder how much it has been used? >> they don't usually share their metrics with us. the teenagers can rate their ride and the drivers can rate the teen, and the teens are rating higher. >> they share those metrics. >> yeah, and i think about when i was a kid, you know, it might be a better option than sending your kid on public transportation, where there's more people or they have to transfer buses or in the subway or things like that. >> sometimes you are stuck, and you have friends and family but you are stuck. >> yeah. being pulled in all different directions. >> thanks, kris. let's take a look outside for you this morning. a view of san francisco.
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meteorologist, kari hall, is tracking that incoming rain we are expecting today. not just here, but we are watching the sierra. >> yeah, you are probably looking for things to do around the bay area, starting out with the sharks game tonight. temperatures will be in the 50s and rain off and on as you are heading into the sap center. these are the kinds of temperatures we will see throughout the weekend. looking at the san josé lunar new year's celebration. this will also have indoor activities, so that's good news for you. if you want to enjoy the weekend and not be locked inside, we will see temperatures in the upper 50s and then cooling down as we go into late saturday evening. you can also check out vineyards in the north bay. in sonoma valley, we will see highs in the upper 40s on saturday. it will be chilly out there.
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looking at low 50s on sunday. if you think you can escape the rain by heading to l.a., well, it's going to be raining there too as well as cold temperatures in the upper 50s on friday and saturday. mike, you are watching the roads and some of the crashes out there? >> yeah, we have seen it on our camera in richmond where it's starting to show a bigger backup. in contra costa county, and alameda county, outside of the caldicot tunnel, there's a crash and a backup forming because the commute builds on westbound 24 and out of orinda. southbound, vasco will slow you down because of the typical morning commute. like yesterday, one lane will be blocked until 3:00 p.m., starting at 9:00 a.m. back to you. >> thanks, mike. a new minimum wage hike law
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for fast-food workers now turning up the heat on governor newsom. it involves recent revelations involving a popular food chain. the new findings that have some calling for a state investigation. both donald trump and president biden will be at the border today. what they are arguing about and where they will be, coming up. we have all heard about leap day birthdays. ahead for you we have a story of love. a member of our today in the bay family who today as a rare chance to celebrate a special leap he once made with his
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor
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is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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it's 6:43. we are taking a look at our day planner for santa rosa. we are starting out with light showers and a mostly cloudy day and temperatures staying in the 50s. it will be a chilly one, and the rain at times ramping up with gusty winds into the evening. we will watch waves of rain into the forecast over the weekend, and we will talk about the impact of all that coming up in a few minutes. santa rosa and the golden gate bridge moving smoothly. things are continuing to change throughout the day. right now we will show you where the slower parts are, especially in the santa cruz mountains where there's a change in one of the crashes. president biden will head to the southern border today where he may announce tough
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restrictions on asylum. >> scott mcgrew. >> donald trump will make his own trip 300 miles away from the president. president biden in a strong position politically. it was trump who opposed a bipartisan border security bill that would have added new powerful restrictions to the border. you bet president biden is going to remind everybody of that today. we have been reporting for quite sometime. the white house is thinking about new restrictions on the border on its own without congress's help. for instance, prohibiting those that cross illegally from claiming asylum. the courts have struck that idea down before, when trump tried to do it, actually. president biden will meet with the border patrol whose board backed the plan trump opposed. president biden will be there.
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>> as president i will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in american history to remove joe biden's illegals and murderers, because that's when many of them are. >> speaking of trump, his lawyers filed paperwork with the new york court asking it to reduce the amount of money he needs to set aside while appealing, and the court said no, pay the full thing. the judge did pause the restriction handed down by the court that prohibited the trump's from running their own business in new york. it's a pause only has trump appeals the case. they still have to set aside the
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$400 plus million, plus $100 $100,000 in interest per day. this is not the only fine trump owes. there's also the e. jean carroll verdict as well. in the meantime, in washington, a welcome surprise. both the republicans and democrats agreed to a resolution to keep the government funded and open. agriculture, that's going to affect food stamps. that's done. both sides of the capitol, the house and the senate, have to vote on the continuing resolution first. defense, homeland security, foreign aid among the things they have not figured out yet, and they will have two weeks to do it if they pass the cr today. there's bound to be blowback on
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speaker johnson who promised his party he would never agree to another continuing resolution. washington simply ran out of time again. the deadline was -- and technically, marcus, until they pass the cr, the deadline is tomorrow. >> thanks, scott. new at 6:00 for you, governor gavin newsom under the microscope about a new law set to take place in april, when minimum wage for fast-food workers will grow to $20. that law will exempt change that bake or sell their own bread, and that includes panera president, and that is run by a millionaire franchisee. he donated $64,000 to newsom's
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re-election campaign. some lawmakers are calling for an investigation. community leaders will celebrate the grand opening of a new welcome center on international boulevard near 82nd avenue. the nonprofit works to improve living conditions in east oakland and the center will provide resources for housing and jobs. kevin jenkins will be among those attending. on this leap day, some getting a chance to celebrate something special. >> if you were born 32 years ago, this is your eighth birthday, right? we want to wish a happy birthday to our photographer here. he and his wife took the leap and got married along with so-called other leapers at san
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francisco city hall. and sean penn was there filming "milk", and he stopped by and took pictures with couples. happy 4th anniversary, scott and amy. >> does that mean you have to buy an anniversary gift only every four years? >> one part of the couple would say cool, and the other would say i don't think so. i would be the one to say cool, let's do that. >> we will check with him in the morning. >> exactly. we are talk bg about the sun trying to peak through right now and the rain on its way. >> yeah, and as we get started this morning, it looks good as we are getting started in san josé, a few clouds overhead. there are breaks in the clouds allowing sunshine to come through. as we take a look at the bay bridge from our emeryville camera, you can see the low clouds settling over san
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francisco. the mist and drizzle we are seeing along the coastline and as you are traveling across the golden gate bridge. we are seeing damp roads, and the bulk of the storm system is well to the north of us. we are going to start out with light showers even though we are expecting this to be a powerful storm. this will start out with light rain and then it will be coming in waves over the next couple of days. there will be breaks here and there with spotty showers before noon today. then we see the activity really starting to pick up for the north bay around noon to 1:00, moving into san francisco around 2:00 to 3:00. sweeping across the bay area with rain and high winds, and then we will see a bit of a break. then on and off rain throughout the day tomorrow, at any point it could be raining. we see the intensity picking up on saturday, and that's when we are expecting the heaviest of the rainfall that will continue throughout the day. let's wrap up all what we are expecting over the next few days. the storm begins today and
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continues off and on into sunday. at times the winds will gust 25 to 50 miles per hour. the highest wind gusts will be along the coastline, and in some of our hills and mountains. some of our valleys, like santa clara valley, the tri-valley and parts of the north bay valleys, we could see one to two inches of rainfall in total. along the coastline and the hills, we are looking at four to five inches of rainfall. by the end of the weekend, we could see the hills and mountains capped with snow with it coming down in elevation 1,000 to 2,000 feet. in the sierra, we are talking about massive amounts of snowfall that could reach eight feet. we are looking at quite a bit of widespread activity that could go into the weekend. it tapers off on sunday with a brief break, and then another storm system approaching tuesday into wednesday, and it stays cold the entire time. we are not looking at a warm-up here. we are seeing low elevation snow coming down as we go into
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saturday. look at the morning temperatures in the 30s into early next week. we are going to be tracking all of this and the impacts as we go day by day. mike, you have more southbound slowing? >> the north bay rates, the last few days we are seeing more volume slowing. 85 kicking in the last few minutes. really slow are the sensors northbound coming into the area. the crash over by redwood estates is on the shoulder, so it's still there but less of a distraction. the northbound side is tough in the summit area where there's another crash near that los gatos farms off-ramp. angry voters taking the next step in their effort to recall two members of the embattled sunol school board. two of the three trustees tried to ban the gay flag from being
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flown on the school campus. the next step is a special election order that should happen within the next two weeks. a vote will likely be held sometime this summer. up next, a look at the top stories including oakland moving closer to finding its next police chief. how you can make your voice heard in the city's search, and when peter dickson led my platoon into combat heard in the city's search, and the no-show causing a
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done.
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next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. welcome back. we are moving you forward with a look at our top stories here on "today in the bay," including oakland diving deeper with the finalists seeking to become the city's next police chief. >> police commissioners are holding a public forum. the four candidates are louis molina, and former lubbock, texas, chief, floyd mitchell. and lisa davis and abdul pridgen. mayor sheng thao is not
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participating. it will take place at city hall at 6:30 tonight. also the man accused of shooting that was back in january of last year. the gunman gunned down seven of his co-workers where he worked. he confessed during a jailhouse interview. today's arraignment is scheduled for 10:30 this morning. uber today rolls out its new app for teen drivers. it's not your parents' uber. it will allow parents to track them in real time. all are subject to uber's background checks. teens will get a pin which they have to provide to the driver to
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ensure they are getting into the right car. uber drivers can choose to opt out. the sierra bracing for what may be the largest snowstorm so far this season. chp advising people not to travel there through the weekend with the dangerous blizzard conditions. the storm is expected to bring as much as ten feet of new snow and produce whiteout conditions. >> yeah, don't even bother going because it will be so dangerous and you won't be able to see anything. here in the bay area we are expecting off and on waves of rain. the breaks may last for a few hours here and there, but at times when it's raining especially tomorrow evening into saturday, we expect it to be heavy with high winds. we will track those impacts. highway 24 jammed up approaching wilder road outside the caldicot tunnel, but is affecting your drive so much
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that it keeps traffic from getting to the bay bridge. the rest of the east bay is looking standard. the "today" show is just ahead, but we will continue "today in the bay" on roku and other streaming platforms. you can see it online or on our smartphone app. >> i was going to say enjoy the dry weather while you can -- >> yeah, right now. >> get out there and then get back in. >> keep that umbrella handy. hi, everybody. good thursday morning. we're following breaking news from the middle east. >> yeah a story unfolding as we come on the air. good morning, it's february the 29th, this is "today." deadly violence. dozens killed, hundreds more hurt during a confrontation over


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