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tv   Today  NBC  February 10, 2024 5:30am-7:01am PST

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good morning. thanks for starting your weekend with us. president biden's allys are fight being back after the questions about the resident's memory. >> it is february 10th.
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this is "today." damage control after the handling of classified documents. the report giving ammunition to republicans looking to cast him as unfit while the vice president is condemning the report as a hit job. >> the way that the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated. >> how it would effect the 2024 campaign. new offensive. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. orders a ground invasion of the southern city of rafah while more than 1,000 civilians tried to escape the violence. we'll have a live report from the region. fiery crash. >> lost both engines.
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emergency landing. >> a small plane with five people on board slams into the busy florida highway killing two. stop the car. >> a police officer fires at the driver of the stolen car after she rammed into him as he tried to get her to stop. how the dangerous confrontation came to an end. all that plus super excited. >> football fans pouring into las vegas ready to see the chiefs clash with the 49ers tomorrow. will the chiefs bring home another ring? will usher break out surprises? perhaps the biggest question of all will taylor make it home from tokyo on time? swifties tracking her travel. today, saturday, february 10th, 2024. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter
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alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. thank you for joining us. you know they have the santa tracker that your kids are glued to the tv? we need a taylor tracker. >> i'm tracking usher. i'm ready for the halftime show. >> i'm tracking the niners and chiefs. we'll get to that in a moment. we are breaking out the guac and chips. 36 hours to go until kickoff until super bowl lviii in las vegas. this could be the most watched game ever. we will have all of it just ahead. how about the weather, guys? no rain on the calendar. they say we are still in the middle of winter, but it is feeling spring-like more many in the northeast and the east
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coast. 59 here in new york. 65 in d.c. 74 in raleigh. angie will tell us how long it will last coming up. we begin with the top story. president biden and the white house trying to turn the tables over the report over the memory and age of the president and calling the assertions inappropriate and out of line. we have aaron gilchrist traveling with the president this morning. he is in wilmington, delaware. aaron, good morning. >> reporter: peter, good morning. president biden spending the weekend here at his home while we expect his surrogates will do damage control and fanning out and characterizing the special counsel as an opportunist. robert hur's focus on the president's age and memory. this was the prosecutors deciding against any charges, but willfully taking and keeping government documents. special counsel hur pointed out the age of the president at 81
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and he has significant memory lapses. the white house counsel's office blasted the report as politically motivated and said the news media took the bait. republicans pounced calling the president unfit for office. one wrote the attorney general asking he be removed from the office. they point out the report as inappropriate. vice president kamala harris defending her boss. listen. >> the way the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated. >> reporter: the president says his memory is fine. the investigation is done and case closed. the white house announcing he will create a task force to look at how classified material is handled in the presidential
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transitions. peter. >> aaron gilchrist traveling with the president today. we want to bring in simone towns. nice to see you on a saturday morning. i appreciate you waking up with us. this is not a legal indictment, but it can be viewed as a political one here. it really gets to the heart of what americans' concerns are about the president. 70% of americans and the nbc poll say they have concerns about his age and mental acuity. how does the white house go on offense? >> good to see you both. happy saturday. the heart of the report was there were no criminal charges to be filed because there was not crime to be found. on those grounds, that's great for the president and white house and the president's
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re-election campaign. had the president not gone out thursday night after that report surfaced, and defended himself, and then opened the door for his vice president and others to vigorously defend him, he would be in hotter waters. folks know the president is old and it is something that frankly a sustained campaign has been run against him and conservative media circles for a while. it is baked in on the president's side that he is old and that is why it is showing up in the polling. i like to say when the president was a senior, donald trump was a freshman. there is not a sustained campaign. democrats did not choose when donald trump first came on to brand him as crazy or senile or too old to do the job. they said he was a threat to the public and unfit. >> i know your sense is they have to let joe be joe here.
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frankly, i think some would say in the recent days where joe be joe, there had been other mistakes. flubs, if you will, even in those remarks on thursday night, the president confused the presidents of mexico and egypt. is joe being joe helping joe or hurting? >> i think it can only help joe biden. people used to say joe biden was the gaffe king. now it has turned into has he lost a step and is he too old? he is out there fighting and looking like uncle joe, as folks know, that is what the american public wants to see and part of the reason they voted for him last time. the president has to put himself in spaces and places in the campaign where that can come out where he is unscripted with the people and speaking plainly and showing the best thing to do to
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combat if one has lost a step or if you can do the job is go out and show people, but folks have to see it. >> symone, for so long, we he heard the president and allies talk about the justice department with career prosecutors just trying to do their job. now you have the vice president saying the report is politically motivated. that has been the issue of the former president. that is donald trump's line about the prosecutions over the past year or so. has the average voter make sense of that? >> i think it is important that the white house and campaign speak as plainly as possible to the facts. i think it is really important it was the vice president that first went out as the cabinet and allies of the president. she is a twice elected attorney
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general of california. she is second to the united states department of justice. she can speak as a prosecutor of what prosecutors should and should not be doing. as as long as they stay in that vain, it is safe territory. i don't think that is what the white house has done here. >> symone sanders-townsend, thank you. >> good to see you. >> you can catch her saturday and sunday mornings starting at 8:00 a.m. on msnbc. the senate is working through the weekend on a foreign aid package for israel and ukraine. if it passes, it may not get traction in the house. the debate coming at a crucial time with the israeli military launching a new assault in southern gaza after the president offers fierce criticism. matt bradley is in tel aviv with more on that. matt, good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, guys. we don't know when israel's ground offensive in rafah will begin. it could be any moment now. prime minister netanyahu has ordered the army to draft a plan for a civilian evacuation of rafah which is between the gaza strip and egypt. most of the 1.4 million people thought to be in rafah have been displaced. some several times over. they really don't have anywhere else to go. that is why the united nations and other aid agencies that any owe kurgs could lead to disaster. this is all over rare disagreement with israel. biden said the offensive in gaza strip which killed 20,000 people, according to the ministry of health, is over the top. we have heard about disagreements with netanyahu and
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biden for the past several months. we will watch over the next several weeks to see if the comments really represent a real rupture between american and israeli policy. guys. >> matt, thank you for that. this morning, investigators are trying to figure out what caused a deadly plane crash on the florida highway. joe is here with that. >> good morning. this was the horrific scene on friday. a small plane forced to make an emergency landing on i-75 near naples after losing both engines. the final moments on board could be heard as the pilot radioed in to air traffic control. >> lost both engines. emergency landing. >> emergency landing. >> we're clear to land. we're not going to make the runway. we lost engines. >> the people have taken off from columbus, ohio, and a few miles away from the naples
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airport. they erupted into the massive fire ball on the ground. two people on the ground were killed and three people were able to escape from the crash. the ntsb is investigating the cause of the crash. joe, thank you for that. >> we are seeing police body cam footage from ohio this morning. this happened when columbus police were chasing after a stolen car. >> stop the car! stop the car! >> you can see and hear it there. the car slammed into the officer and flipping him on to the hood and he fired at driver. the driver sped away from the scene, but taken into custody a few minutes later when she crashed into two vehicles head on. the 32-year-old woman, the driver, was taken to the hospital in serious condition. the drivers of the other two vehicles were treated at the scene for minor injuries.
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the officer struck by the car was hospitalized. that officer is in stable condition. earthquakes rattled southern california and hawaii on friday. here is what some students saw on the live video lecture from their instructor. >> that's an earthquake, my friends. >> she stayed calm. that teacher lives near malibu, california with the 4.6 quake was centered. 5.7 magnitude struck just south of the big island of hawaii. shaking could be felt 200 miles away in honolulu. no significant damages were reported. >> the acting teacher did not need to act. i would say the countdown is on, but in las vegas, this is on for more than a week with super bowl lviii a day away. fans rolling in before the kansas city chiefs clash with the 49ers.
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we have kaylee hartung with us. the energy has to be insane. >> reporter: it is insane, peter. the frompractices are in the bo. all that is left is the football game that is the most watched ever. like you were saying, it has been a scene. we felt the energy building and now it feels electric. walking up and down the strip, pick the party or entertainer you want to see and the chances are you will run into the biggest stars in sports or entertainment or royalty. the first takeover of sin city. with one day to go until kickoff? it is living up to the hype. >> i hope to meet taylor swift. >> reporter: as the team meets their eye on the prize.
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back in kansas city, chiefs kingdom firing up with a pep rally overnight. those who have voyage to vegas. the 49ers faithful. the ticket is the hottest in history. the price is $9,000. luxury suites costing $2.5 million. >> you are getting lobster and steak and sushi. it is over the top. >> that's what vegas does best. >> reporter: even travis kelce says prices have him in a different kind of red. >> i'm not doing anything different other than counting how much money i'm spending on this super bowl for family and friends. >> reporter: as big stars and a crowd of 300,000 descend on vegas, a high operation security
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detail is under way. customs and border patrol agents say the city is ready for it. >> as we look at the stadium here, here is the airport. there is the strip. can you imagine a more dynamic situation to find youryourself ? >> no, we have to handle these large-scale events. >> reporter: a security playbook built to tackle any threat to the super bowl. guys, at this hour, an ocean away, taylor swift is wrapping up the eras tour in tokyo. she will be headed this way. we expect her to land some time tonight. laura, i'm with you. my countdown clock is locked on usher. >> who is he bringing out? you know he has something good. >> reporter: absolutely. everybody is guessing. i want justin bieber. i think lil wayne or ludacris is
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the word on the street. >> what if it is beyonce? >> taylor and beyonce? kaylee, thank you. >> she is having a blast. good time to be in las vegas. time to check the forecast. you don't need jackets in the northeast. this is the gorgeous spring weekend. >> break out the shorts and t-shirts. we have a warm forecast for the next couple days. we have been dealing with these record warm temperatures across the midwest. now the east gets in on the action. 59 degrees today in new york. that is 20 degrees above where we should be this time of year. pittsburgh hits 62. we are running way warm into tomorrow. not quite as toasty for this time of year, but into the low 50s in it philadelphia. charlotte is in upper 60s. before we turn to the next winter storm, that will bring
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temperatures back to reality in ne good saturday morning at 5:48. chilly out there again. 37 in santa rosa. it 38 concord, 36 danville. 43 down in san jose. start of the lunar new year celebrations in san francisco. talk about the rest of the events going on. not only with the lunar new year but with the super bowl sunday forecast. all that coming up at 7:00 a.m. and that's the look at the forecast. guys, the big game? the forecast looks good for that. >> indoors. >> well, for the tailgating. >> i get it. >> angie, thank you. still to come, emilie is
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back on the beat. >> we know anything surrounding taylor means big business. this super bowl is not exception. coming up, the companies cashing in on the
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we are back this saturday morning with the "weekly download." >> among the major headlines, the united states retaliates overseas. >> the u.s. military launched a precision drone strike in baghdad killing three. among them a commander of the iranian-backed militia group accused of killing three service members in the attack in jordan two weeks ago. >> the ceos of some of the largest pharmaceutical companies
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testified at the senate hearing over the high cost of prescription drugs. >> i acknowledge the prices are higher in the united states, not for all drugs, but many. you get access in the united states faster and more than anywhere in the world. >> six people from one family are presumed dead outside of philadelphia. >> i can't begin to tell or estimate how long it will take to do that work. it is an unsafe scene. >> authorities received a call that an 11-year-old had been shot. officers encountered a hail of gunfire at the scene and the shooter retreated into the home and the house was set on fire. two police officers were shot, but not seriously wounded. >> ethan crumbley was found guilty on all four counts of
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involuntary manslaughter. one for each student her son, ethan crumbley, killed in oxford, michigan. >> jennifer didn't separate her son from the gun enough to save those lives that day. >> and buckingham palace announced king charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer and undergone treatment while princess kate is going through her treatment. >> i like to express support for catherine and my father. ♪ i should have been a cowboy ♪♪ >> toby keith passed away at the age of 62 after the battle with
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stomach cancer. he had 42 top ten country hits. ♪♪ ♪ >> finally this video is going viral this week. the staff at the vet clinic gathering to help distract nervous patients when they come in for treatment. >> i feel that could work on so many levels. distract anyone for anything. >> it feels like the dance i do with my kids at the pediatrician's office. >> does it work? >> no. >> i think peter's got it down. >> we have to invite him. still to come, super bowl i 01. everything you need to know. we have a viewer's guide whether you are tuning in for football or the fun. and the barefoot contessa,
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good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday, february 10th. i'm kira klapper. a man under arrest for stealing a small airplane from a bay area airport. the question now is, why he did it. a 50-year-old man from florida stole the single-engine plane
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from the palo alto airporterer this week landing it on a beach in half moon bay and leaving. he was arrest add short time later. pilots who keep their aircraft at that airport tell us they were shocked to hear about that crime. >> any concerns about the security here at palo alto airport? >> no. not concerned about that or frankly any airport. >> why is that? >> well, i guess for airports like these that aren't kind of a major airport, the people that are here are mainly pilots and relatively trustworthy. >> the city of palo alto and county agencies are investigating. we are told the faa and ntsb are not involved because the plane didn't crash. all right. turn now to the all-important weekend forecast. cinthia pimentel is here. hey, cinthia. >> good morning, everyone. waking up to another chilly day around the bay area. 30s on the board. 37 santa rosa and concord and
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livermore. a few 30s and 40s down here in the south bay. 49 degrees right now in san mateo. dealing with areas of patchy fog. mainly up there towards the north bay. once again petaluma, santa rosa. areas around half moon bay and down here through san jose and morgan hill, limiting visibility a little bit. heading out next couple of minutes are careful. turn on the low beams. aside from what's going on in the skies, closer to the surface we have a coastal flood advisory until 1:00 this afternoon. nuisance flooding associated with high tide. give yourself extra space and extra travel time. also a huge day in san francisco. the lunar new year celebration kicks off at 12:30 and continues all day long with a parade. look at that. keeping skies clear. no rain in the forecast for the lunar new year or out tworz vegas talking about super bowl sunday. a couple dry days ahead. walk you through that and talk about when the rain does return
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in that extended seven-day forecast. back to you kira. >> cinthia, see you as 7:00. also coming up at 7:00 on todd in the bay, the 49er faithful are ready for tomorrow. we'll take you to sin city where the team has all things game-day ahead. that, plus all of your top stories coming up at 7:00. meantime, enjoy the "today" show, and we'll give you a live look at allegiant stadium in las vegas. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections.
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ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. ♪♪ no eating on the production line. some of us stuff our mouths and some stuff the tray. >> we are back on a saturday morning, february 10th, 2024.
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there is no eating on the production line, peter. we he got to have fun a few weeks ago at the chocolate factory in brooklyn ahead of valentine's day. that is only four days away. that is the public service announcement. >> we will have more coming up in the next half hour of the shenanigans. >> the rule was if you touch it, you eat it. i was just strictly following the rules. they did not weigh us on the way out. we begin this half hour with the serious story. a manhunt under way in tennessee for a suspect who shot two sheriff's deputies. one fatally during the traffic stop. the 42-year-old suspect kenneth dehart is considered armed and dangerous. he refused to exit his suv when pulled over on thursday. the second officer injured returned fire, but the suspect
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drove away from the scene. the military has identified the five u.s. marines killed in a helicopter crash in san diego earlier this week. the youngest was 21 years old. the oldest 28. included a lance corporal. they were flying from nevada to the home base in california on the routine training mission. it is not clear what caused the crash which occurred as a winter storm brought days of heavy rain and snow to the san diego area. switching gears. if you live in florida, you may want to double check your lottery tickets. a $36 million mega millions ticket is set to expire this sunday at midnight. the unclaimed pick quick was sold on august 5th at the publix supermarket in jacksonville. officials say the jackpot must be claimed at a lottery district office. more now this morning on the
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little game called the super bowl. super bowl lviii and one fan helping bring in a legion of new fans. we're talking about taylor swift. with the game a day away, the swifty effect is across the country. we have emilie ikeda with more. >> call it super bowl lviii, taylor's version as the most watched sporting event gets love from the pop star. taylor swift and small businesses are cashing in. as taylor swift's record-breaking tour propels her fame to new heights, just about anything she touches experiences an economic boom. the nfl is no exception. >> the rumors, apparently, are true. >> reporter: the league scoring the highest regular season viewership among women on record with the help of swifties.
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tuning in for a glimpse of the pop star cheering on travis kelce. >> everyone loves a love story. has this been a gold rush for kansas city? >> yes, it is an economic taylor swift boom. >> reporter: and others are look looking at the frenzy. >> i have more on order from tomorrow. >> reporter: from baked goods to headbands and sweatshirts. sales soared thanks to the so-called swift effect. >> we have the chiefs and now we have taylor. >> reporter: not long after this jacket designed by kristen jusczyk propelled her to another level. >> it brought me to tears. >> reporter: gratitude bonding over the collision of worlds. spotlighted in the super bowl
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commercial for cetaphil. >> i never enjoyed watching football games until taylor swift showed up. >> it is the city and family and talking to dads. they are excited to have daughters watching football. >> reporter: taylor swift and travis kelce's romance generated $330 million for the chiefs and nfl. that is before the super bowl is factored in. by the way, this is what i'll be wearing. karma. >> i heard the teams are wearing that. >> this is no big surprise. >> it is a tear away. emilie, thank you. angie is checking the forecast for us right now. >> guys, good morning. this saturday, waking up soggy across the portion of the country. we have the ohio valley down to texas dealing with rain and unfortunately some strong storms
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are on the table for later today. we have parts of texas to louisiana that could see large hail and strong winds and maybe an isolated tornado. this is going to be a late in the afternoon hours and evening hours after dark. tomorrow, 8 million people at risk for the same scenario. winds and hail and tornadoes on the docket for new orleans which will happen in the afternoon hours. the flooding concerns will be there as it system works east. this is the deal. it will bring snow for parts of the northeast. that doesn't happen until we get into monday. we have to get through a couple of days of the severe storms and soggy conditions along the southeast and the gulf coast before we see the system intensify and lift to the north. we see the mid-atlantic and tennessee valley with a wintry mix across the ohio valley. the snow is in the picture for folks across the northeast. how much will it be? good saturday morning. 6:06.
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a look what's going on outside. chilly again. 37 in walnut creek. the valley upper 30s this morning. low 40s down here in san jose and over into oakland 44 degrees and watch out for patchy fog. not too bad. also talk about this. coastal flood advisory until 1:00 this afternoon. those high tides coming in, in between 10:00 and 12:00. be aflky localized folks in the southeast need super bowl plans indoors with that rain. >> angie, thank you. full breakdown of who to watch for tomorrow night from watch for tomorrow night from the match ups to the music and when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed.
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we are back with our countdown to super bowl lviii. this morning, we are getting ready for everything on the field and off the field. there are off the field activities we should focus on. we turn to nbc sports ahmed fareed. >> good to see you. >> this is a match up in the making. the last two times the teams played in the super bowl, it did not go well for the 49ers. >> both teams are mirror images from back then. patrick mahomes and the chiefs are high flying. the defense is carrying them. the 49ers have the defense, but christian mccaffrey is the best player for them. >> and you say they are the same, but we have brock purdy
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and patrick mahomes. one seemingly gets all of the respect. the other one has been nicknamed mr. irrelevant. people look where he went in the draft. what is the difference? how do they stack up? >> we start with patrick mahomes. we will see him in the ads. first round pick. he could win his third super bowl here by the age of 28. we are getting into tom brady territory. he is already becoming one of the all-time greats. you said it. mr. irrelevant. draft pick 262. the literal last pick of the draft. we never see the players amount to that much or a significant role in the nfl. he could win a super bowl. he is a guy who is an all-time great versus the last pick of the nfl draft. >> and a guy named travis kelce. people may talk about it. >> taylor's boyfriend. >> joe and laura? >> for us who may not be as focused on the content of the actual game, but some of the commercials and halftime show
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and, of course, we would be be remiss to the to talk about the breaking news. her concert may be wrapping up. >> bowing going on. >> she's on stage. >> we have chloe melas here. will she make it on time? >> if she wants to go to the super bowl, she can. she has been to 12 games. her and travis are going strong. she is on stage right now in tokyo. the show wraps up within the hour. she can hop on her private plane. tokyo is 17 hours ahead. even japan's embassy came out and said if taylor wants to make it to the super bowl, she will with time to spare. so much time that she can grab dinner and hang out with mama kelce and make her way up to the box. >> we got that out of the way. >> let's talk about the halftime show, yeah, usher. everyone is excited about it. what can we expect?
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>> first of all, he has big shoes to fill. rihanna's halftime show was the most watched of all time. she didn't bring out any surprise guests. usher hinted that he will have surprise performers. could it be ludacris? he actually is getting 15 minutes this year when normally you get about 13. jay-z is giving him extra time for those musical guests. he dropped a new album on friday. look, there's so much positive buzz about usher. he said this is a bucket-list moment for me. we are excited to see him take the stage. i am excited to see other artists. we will see reba sing the
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"national anthem." >> thank you, chloe melas. still to come, we have more super bowl coverage. a different kind of ruff play. a different kind of ruff play. we will take you to hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. no two bodies are the same. some pads, never got that message.
6:16 am
but, always flexfoam did! it protects against different flows for up to zero leaks. and it flexes to fit all bodies, for up to zero feel. feel it yourself with always flexfoam. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones ♪cinnadust♪ i'm so glad we did this. ♪ (vo) cinnamon toast crunch. blasted with cinnadust.
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we are back with "popstart." >> so much popping. we have pink and her youngest fan. the pop star kicked off the australian leg of her tour on saturday. she was forced to pause the show when a fan went into labor in the pits. >> alex is being born. we shouldn't be looking. that's exciting. i don't know what to say. we have to sing now. good luck. it's going to be great.
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>> don't look. >> it's going to be great. >> the baby was not born at the show. mom was wheeled out by medics in time. this is not the first time this has happened at a pink concert. last summer, a woman in boston went into labor at the start of the show. clearly when babies hear pink's music, they're like, let's get this party started. you don't need to go to the hospital to be induced. go to the pink show. >> the baby was named violet. first, we have babies, then puppies. it is not just the super bowl taking place tomorrow, but another tradition, the puppy bowl. we have a sneak peek of the ruff and tumble action. >> we have seen a lot of things in the 20 years of puppy bowl, but this is definitely a first. >> the puppies have taken over, steve. >> the puppy bowl is celebrating its 20th year. it is not just cute. they encourage pet adoption.
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the bowl is the biggest featuring 131 puppies from 73 shelters and rescues across the country. all of the puppy bowl action kicks off at 2:00 p.m. on animal planet. and ina garten is sharing her plans for valentine's day. ina wrote that she and jeffrey believe in sharing the love so they invite friends so share the holiday. they plan to keep dinner simple because the holiday is in the middle of the week. it will be fig and cheese to start and then vanilla rum panna cota. >> that filet is delicious. make that filet.
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come on over and i will make you this filet. it is so good. you cannot mess it up. >> and the panna cot isn't that correct. >> i don't make that. >> the three of us are knocking. >> we're here. still to come on saturday morning, the big surprise one morning, the big surprise one teacher had for this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up.
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with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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still to come, laura and i still to come, laura and i have fun ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes
6:24 am
and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ eggs make all our family moments better. especially when they're eggland's best. taste so fresh and amazing. deliciously superior nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe,
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ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! y'all wayfair is the talk of the neighborhood, c'mon! we wanted a recliner. but it had to be chic. so we wayfair'd it. wayfair for the win. hey neighbor looking fancy. fancy? nah. we wayfair'd it and saved a ton. wayfair does it again. it's beautiful i didn't know you wayfair'd. oh girl we wayfair, tile, faucet... the works. guess the wayfair word is out! ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ i've always been prone to hair thinning. i'm genetically predisposed. i just gave birth. i was under a lot of stress. i started taking nutrafol. we test our formulations with the highest rigor of clinical trials and we're the number one dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement. i noticed it becoming... stronger and thicker. nutrafol has taken me back to the hair i was meant to have.
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i am back to me. start your hair growth journey at rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain.
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i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. good morning. thanks for joining us on this saturday february 10th. i'm kira klapper. an iconic shop along highway 101 is forced to close after nearly 40 years in business. we're talking about the garlic shop in gilroy. the popular landmark given just days to pack up and move out. it just off northbound 101 where the freeway meets state route 25. the busiest intersection of the highways in the area. the owners tell us the santa clara vta acquired their property under eminent domain. basically overtaking it to build a new intersection. >> been here 39 years. alex is 62. i'm 63. we're planning to retire in a few years and now have to basically start all over again.
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>> an iconic structure, that has wonderful spices. on the other hand, traffic on 101 is escalated so much. >> the brothers say they are moving to their sister winery, rapizinni, down the street, until they find a new permanent location. we're going to turn now to the forecast. cinthia pimentel is here with a look at the microclimate forecast. hey, cinthia. >> good morning, kira and everyone. looking out towards the golden gate bridge. mostly clear this morning. light winds towards the city. down in san jose deal wig areas of patchy following. you can kind of see low hovering clouds reaching the surface here through downtown. it is chilly out there. 42 in san jose. 37, though, in danville and up towards the north bay also with 30s and 40s. 44 right now in napa. gradually see more sunshine as the day goes on and keep the weekend fairly dry and mostly sunny as we go and look at events around the bay area. lunar new year in san jose at
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san tan roh row. mike see mike inouye there. beautiful temperatures in the 60s. overnight a nice day. look around at temperatures throughout the bay area upper 50s and some 60s not only today also tomorrow. however, tomorrow a few high clouds rolling around for any afternoon bark queue plans and getting ready for gate. coming up at 7:00 i'll walk you through the rest of the events going on around the bay and see temperatures and conditions ahead of super bowl lviii. back to you. reports of shots fired on campus's uc-berkeley students. students running from the scene. the latest on the suspect and what happened overnight. that, plus all top stories at 7:00. hope you join us. meantime, back to the "today" show.
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good morning. fighting back. president biden's aides doing damage control after the special counsel's handing of classified documents raises questions about the memory.
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the president's the allies are rushing to his defense. how it could impact the 2024 campaign. super weekend. fans are gearing up for the big game one day away as the chiefs prepare to battle the 49ers in vegas. will taylor make it back from tokyo? why are companies targeting ads to a new audience? we are live in las vegas. reporting for chocolate duty. with valentine's day around the corner, we look at the chocolate factory to see how they prep. >> would you give us an "a." >> we start with a "b." >> "i love lucy" has nothing on us. today, february 10th, 2024.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with peter alexander and laura jarrett. live from studio 1a on rockefeller plaza. good morning. thank you for starting your day with us. four days until valentine's day. make sure you get your act together. >> very smart. i'm sure allison will remind you. president biden and the white house trying to turn the tables after that special counsel report that raised questions about the president's memory calling the assertions inappropriate and innaccurate ad out of line. aaron gilchrist is in wilmington traveling with the president. aaron, good morning. >> reporter: laura, good morning. president biden spending the weekend here at his home while we expect his surrogates to do the damage control fanning out and characteriing the special
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counsel as an opportunist. hur focusing on the age an and memory of the president. the special counsel warned against charges. the special counsel went to some lengths to point out the president's age, 81, and say he has significant memory lapses. the white house counsel's office blasted report as politically motivated and said the media took the bait. the republicans pounced all the president unfit for office. one congresswoman wrote the attorney general demanding he remove the president from office. the president's allies said this is inaccurate and inappropriate. vice president kamala harris defended her boss. listen. >> the way the president's demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly
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politically motivated. >> reporter: for his part, the president says his memory is fine. the investigation is done and case closed. the white house announcing he will create a task force for classified material for the presidential transitions. back to you. >> thank you, aaron. to the horrific scene on the highway in florida on friday with the small plane forced to make an emergency landing near naples. the plane had five people on board which had taken off from columbus, ohio. it was a few miles from the naples airport when it crashed. you see the fire ball on the ground. sadly, two people were killed and three people on the plane were able to escape. the ntsb is investigating what caused the plane to lose both engines. prince harry off the trip to london to visit his father king
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charles. his attorney says that mirror group newspaper agreed to pay all legal costs and substantial damages beginning with the payment for $500,000. the settlement avoids new trials related to 115 other articles that harry says were the product of hacking. to super bowl lviii with kickoff in less than 36 hours, the 49ers and chiefs are ready to leave it on the field tomorrow. we have kaylee hartung in las vegas all week. kaylee, you ready? >> reporter: i'm ready for it as taylor swift likes to say. guys, this just in. thanks to concert goers in tokyo, it appears that taylor swift's show has come to an end. we have seen the toe toe. her appearing to bow with her dancers. next stop is vegas. i have to say 300,000 people
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have been here and flooded in shades of red. this is the first time that vegas has hosted the super bowl. it is living up to the hype. by my calculation, the 49ers faithful are outweighing the chiefs fans. maybe it is old hat for them. there's so much fun to take advantage of here and maybe you are one of the 60,000 lucky ones that are going inside the stadium. that is the capacity of allegiant stadium. then the high rollers. 146 of the luxury suites. imagine the vegas steakhouse, but watching the big game. these spreads will put any of the home super bowl parties to shame with the two-pound lobster and waygu steak. if you are watching the game at home, what you won't see is the security measures that are in
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place. i got to ride with customs agents to get the bird's-eye view. this is a dynamic security situation. they had experience with big events in vegas, but nothing like the scope of the super bowl. 300,000 people coming to town. i think for a lot of us, we like for the day after super bowl to be a national holiday. there is a school district in kentucky who agrees. they are giving kids super bowl monday off. how about that? >> yeah. that's wild. >> another reason we all want to visit paris. >> reporter: don't we? i was at paris last night on the strip last night. >> a bunch of paris cities. that's the news. >> paris is a city of love. a teacher at a catholic school
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in minnesota asked the priest to make the announcement at this morning mass last thursday. >> we are going to celebrate miss courtney's wedding here right now. >> they were like, oh? the couple said i do and the rest of the school community. after a kiss, they were introduced as mr. and mrs. weir. they walked back down the aisle and the school hallways with the students and teachers cheering them on complete with the silver pom-poms. >> beautiful. coming up next, this one's for the ladies. the new target audience for many of the super bowl commercial tomorrs ow(avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td.
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so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ the citi custom cash® card a different kind of card that automatically adjusts to your spending earn 5% cash back on your top eligible spend category
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up to $500 spent each billing cycle learn more at ( ♪♪ ) i love your nervous smile. i love that you always sing the wrong words, how you see the best in people, and knowing what melts you. ( ♪♪ ) uh, honey... hi. the irresistibly smooth chocolate of lindor. made to melt the one you love this valentine's. ♪♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. always dry scoop before you run. the hot dog diet got me shredded! the world is full of "health experts"... it's time we listen to science.
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one a day is formulated with b vitamins to help convert food into fuel. science that matters. it's important for young homeowners to let go of the things turning them into their parents. -my instruction manuals. -do you even have -that juicer anymore? -no, i don't. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. he doesn't even have the juicer. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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we are back on your saturday morning with the countdown to super bowl lviii. for many people, it is not just the game, but the commercials as well. >> i remember the highly anticipated ads will cater to women and the female fan base is larger with taylor swift. >> we have vicky nguyen with more. >> bud. >> wise. >> er. >> reporter: the ad can attract as much attention from fans as game. >> that's not what your girlfriend said. >> reporter: this year, new fans are watching. >> what are you seeing that is different? >> vicky, one fan is changing the nfl early materially in tay swift. we are seeing the real battle royale coming for the female audience for the first time.
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>> reporter: women and girls make up 46% of the nfl fan base and thanks to the swift effect, the number of teen girls watching increased 8%. swifties will tune in to see the superstar in the stands supporting her boyfriend, travis kelce. her fans are the target audience for companies like this makeup set to make the super bowl debut this year. >> you are summoned. >> it is joining e.l.f. which turns to the super bowl after airing the first ever commercial during the big game last year. >> what was the return on your investment in the super bowl ad? >> we had not only roaring positivity from our fans, but we saw massive surge in sales. >> reporter: some brands tapping
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into gen zs icons. and pepsi teaming up with ice spice. barbie's kate mckinnon with a kitty co star. the ad runs for $7 million. >> what makes a super bowl ad special? >> brands are putting a lot of money behind this. they want the spots to have longevity. >> reporter: come super bowl sunday, it may be men on the field, but for fans watching at home, brands are betting the future is female. for "today," vicky nguyen, nbc news, new york. >> just put jennifer coolidge in all the ads. angie has one more check of the forecast. >> i don't know if you heard, but there is a big game happening. we go to las vegas for the super bowl on sunday. the forecast looks great.
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i know peter mentioned it is indoors, but if you are tailgating and out on the strip, it is gorgeous. sunny and cool and temperatures in the low 50s. no one is complaining with that forecast. a different story this morning across texas and stretching up to the ohio valley. we have storms happening and snow will ramp up across the rockies. we have 8 million people in the winter alerts because of that. they stretch from the rockies down to texas. we will see the potential for some bumpy weather over the next day or so. really seeing the snow ramping up across the rockies and into tomorrow. midday, we see things tapering off. it could be difficult for travel. we have 6 to 8 inches expected. in the northeast, we get in on the action early next week with snow on the way for folks along good saturday morning. 6:45. a look outside from our cameras in san jose noticing a little patchy fog drifting around. 42 degrees.
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44 in oakland. 37 dublin with beautiful skies and calm out there towards san francisco, too, at 45 degrees. we have to talk about coastal flood advisories because of high tides. with us until 1:00 this afternoon. just localized flooding there. otherwise, keep the weekend dry. especially for super bowl sunday talk about a weather whiplash. spring today and winter back by monday. >> i'll take it. >> angie, thank you. still ahead, i didn't know it was me. that's okay. our favorite story of the day. laura and i get a lesson in chocolate from the world
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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back on a saturday morning with all of the talk of the super bowl, you might have forgotten that valentine's day is four days away. >> the sweet holiday is known for love and flowers and chocolate and so much chocolate. >> so much chocolate. hundreds of millions of pounds of the treat are sold. laura and i got to see how some of that gets from the factory to your home. the smell is unmistakable. the taste a familiar favorite. this old army depot in brooklyn is home to candy land. these 40,000 square feet of factory headquarters for the chocolates. you may recognize mr. chocolate as he is called from the hit show "nailed it" on netflix. >> the judge that knows the
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fudge. >> his team has been busy prepping for valentine's day since christmas. gearing up for their super bowl. it's a race to the finish and a heavy lift with five tons of chocolate mixed to make sweets for your sweetheart. including 5,000 strawberries and six times as many chocolate hearts and 180,000 bon bons. >> thank you. i'm excited for you to be here. i hope you're hungry. let's make a lot of chocolate. >> like a modern day wonk world, chocolate is full of pipes around us. >> you have chocolate behind you and in front of you. you have chocolate everywhere. >> in a rainbow of colors, our canvas of white chocolate decorated for today. >> you aring doing good. >> you could sell this one? >> are you good at those hearts?
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>> just like that, laura and i were chocolatiers. sort of. then the real test. the conveyor belt. >> an "a" or an "a plus." >> lucky for us, the test was not graded. laura and i looking like lucy and ethel. >> i can't. >> no eating on the production line. some of us stuff our mouths and some of us stuff the tray. do you want a garbage can? >> our next competition is wrapping hearts with foil and love. >> do you think we would get hired here? >> are you kidding me? we donated a lot of chocolate. >> that one has a dent. you don't want that one. >> no. >> all that crumbld foil is
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hearts we missed. >> i nailed the technique. >> our visit sealed with strawberies properly dipped. >> when you twist, i twist. >> and a sweet souvenir to go. >> one, two, three. chocolate! >> can we just say thank you so much to him and his team? they were so nice to host us for the day. peter ate a lot. i laughed a lot. >> who is lucy and who is ethel? >> i feel if they hired you, all of the paycheck would go to the chocolate. >> chocolate covered cheerios. >> it was such a nice visit. i'm still eating. by the way, can i take a moment to congratulate laura jarrett? laura is celebrated in the words of emma alexander, my 8-year-old
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third grader, the person i most admire. laura was in d.c. for the supreme court arguments over the alexander house with a surprise dinner visit. laura was interviewed by emma in our bean bag room. congratulations to you. >> the chairs in that room are comfortable. she got me talking so easily. >> very excited. a big laura fan. >> we'll be righback. t i'm kareem abdul-jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor. instead, i tried to let it pass. if you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light-headedness, you should talk to your doctor. afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times. when it comes to your health, this is no time to wait. (kids) get him! (lucky) this st. paddy's day, me clovers turn milk green,
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but one big splash and i've left the scene! (kid) oh no! he's disappeared! (lucky) i love me lucky charms, they're magically delicious! for moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. dad, we got this. we got this.
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we got this. we got this. life is for living. we got this. let's partner for all of it. edward jones oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! (vo) hi, we're visible, ringing in 2024 with our new year's resolution to save you money on wireless. actually, make that a two-years resolution. get one line with unlimited 5g data on verizon's network, now just $20 a month for 24 months, with no annual contracts. that's 20 for 24, in 2024. yep, we're pretty proud of that. your goal to go to the gym more... you're on your own. but a two-years resolution to save on wireless? we've got you. one-year resolutions are so 2023. sometimes the choice is just visible. switch and save. (♪♪) your ancestry is so much more than names and dates.
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(♪♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now. a story that made your name mean something. a story you're still writing. so discover your heritage. preserve your traditions. represent all that makes you, you. (♪♪) hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you.
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that's going to do it for u good morning. i'm kira klapper. coming up next on "today in the bay," reports of shots fired on the uc-berkeley campus. what students saw. plus the latest on the suspect. and the 49er faithful are ready for super bowl lviii. taking you to sin city where our team has all things game day.
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plus, sunny and dry for lunar new year celebrations, and super bowl watch parties. cinthia pimentel has our weekend microclimate forecast coming up next at 7:00. behold my jack wraps. 100% all-white meat grilled or crispy chicken, with lettuce, cheese and sauces, in a warm tortilla for $3.29.
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and they're under 400 calories. so if your goal this year was to save money and eat healthy-ish, we got you.
7:00 am
oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪


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