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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  February 3, 2024 11:02pm-11:36pm PST

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we want to get right to meteorologist with the hour by hour timeline, was it looking like? >> watching the rain fill in tonight, the big headline tomorrow and the longer-lasting impact if will be the potential damaging wind gust, forecast have taken those wind speeds higher, we'll have look at those areas coming up, flood watches in effect from the bay area and if there is the potential for not just thunderstorms, but severe thunderstorms in the forecast tomorrow, which can enhance when and localized flooding impact on top of that. you can see on the radar view, moderate to steady rain around the bay area, even though the area of low pressure, the core of the storm still in the process of strengthening offshore. this will lead to flood watches through 10:00 a.m. monday, you heard of the beginning of the newscast evacuations taking place along the guadalupe river, this is near elma avenue, northern cross, thousand oaks park, by tomorrow morning, mid to late
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morning cresting at 11.6 feet, that is the current forecast for localized flooding. also the san lorenzo river rising to flood stage around the same time, midmorning tomorrow at 19.7 feet at impact, and paradise park in the santa cruz mountains. these wind speeds, guests over 50 to 60 miles per hour, and the first of its kind hurricane force wind warning for the big sur coast, we have not seen that before in california, wind gust in the central coast could be 75 to 90 miles per hour tomorrow. coming up we'll take a closer look at the peak wind speeds and rain rates hour by hour in the microclimate forecast coming up in 10 minutes. >> thanks very much, what a wild forecast. santa clara county is making automated phone calls warning people, we got one of those calls and later this evening, the city of san jose declared a local emergency ahead of the brunt of the storm. >> the mayor himself spent the last few hours warning neighbors of potential
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flooding, marianne boswell went door-to-door with the mayor and his joining us live in san jose, marianne. >> reporter: the mayor visited neighbors here in this area, he knocked on their doors, he talked to them, he told him not to worry but he did want to alert them because they live near the guadalupe river that there is a strong possibility they could see flooding in their homes as soon as 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. >> hi, >> reporter: tonight, mayor matt meehan went door-to-door with two police officers telling nearby homeowners about the risk of flooding, and to be prepared to evacuate if necessary. the residents seemed surprised to see the mayor at their doorstep. most say they do plan to stay at home tonight and monitor the situation. the mayor says it's important people are aware of the risk. >> we're now expecting more
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rain in the santa cruz mountains then we were this morning. which means that we may see flooding in some areas. along the guadalupe bay, so the city of san jose, given this news and this update from the national weather service, has issued a proclamation of local emergency, which allows us to now evacuate our waterways, we will be out here, we are out here now all of the guadalupe river making sure our homeless neighbors understand the danger, and that they have places to go. >> reporter: san jose police officers also mobilized tonight to alert unhoused people living along the guadalupe river that there is a mandatory evacuation order there. people who need a safe place to spend the night can go to the roosevelt center in san jose. and again, here in this neighborhood, it is not a mandatory evacuation. they were just going gort to alert people about the risk and give them time to prepare should they need to evacuate.
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this is a very fluid situation, and the mayor encouraged all the people he visited tonight to sign up for alert s.e.c., so you can get up-to-the-minute updates about what's going on. reporting live in san jose, nbc bay area news. >> all right, is not just the city one south bay water agency is ready to take action overnight. >> our crews are definitely prepared, they're going to be out and about at 4:00 a.m., trying to make sure we are clearing any and all obstructions in the creeks. our eoc will be opening and fully staffed at 4:00 a.m. as well. in the north bay sonoma county swift water rescue team spent the last few days running drills, leaders essay in addition they are expecting a lot of runoff. that means low-lying areas will flood, including some roads, so the county is trying a new tactic to protect people and first responders. for the first time it is preemptively closing roads. >> we identified five roads, we
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have probably the most request to rescue drivers. and we're closing them starting at 7:00 p.m. on sunday night, they will be closed until at least 7:00 on monday morning. >> and those partial road closures on your screen include slusser road, star road, trenton healdsburg road, mark west station road and green valley road. spewing by me right now a live look and sentences go, the transamerica pyramid, here, the city is expecting to get a significant amount of rain during this storm as well. preparing for flooding, wind damage, and power outage. tom jensen continues our team coverage from san francisco, tom. >> reporter: we're just starting to see the front entrance, this is now the heaviest rain and strongest wins we've felt so far today, in san francisco.
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nothing like what we're going to see in a few hours in the city, but people have already been preparing, here, for the heavier rain and the really strong winds that are ahead. measurable rain didn't start falling in san francisco until late in the evening. but cruz had already prepared one of the cities most flood prone neighborhoods in the mission district for the heaviest rainfall still ahead. a lot of water expecting to come rushing through here. >> reporter: fulton street between 17th and 18th were the city has installed walls of barriers to hold back surging street water from flooding homes and businesses. >> make it so the water doesn't get higher than this. immigration for cisco public utility workers walk beats around the clock during the stormy weather to make sure storm drains are clear and the water blockades are working. >> make sure the water is not impeding inside the garage is as much as i can. >> reporter: people that live here say the various have been crucial to protecting their
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homes since they started using them four years ago. >> without it, we had water up to half the fence is underwater. >> reporter: the wind likely much stronger than what the city faced just a few days ago. with wind gusts turning umbrellas inside out and in some cases uprooting trees, pg&e says this time, customers across the state will be affected, so the utility is following the storm's progression with satellite images and weather forecasting computers. >> to understand where the storm is going to hit the hardest, and then we're bringing cruz from the less impacted areas into the hard- hit areas so that we can make repairs more efficiently. >> reporter: pg&e has stockpiled equipment at the areas expected to get hit hardest and will move assets as needed. san francisco department of public works is reminding people to secure lawn furniture and other things in your yards that can blow around. also to call 311 if you see flooded streets or clogged storm drains, they're also reminding people not to walk or
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drive in the floodwaters and stay away from downed power lines. five in san francisco, thom jensen, bay area news. >> great advice, san francisco is also warning people to stay clear of golden gate park, falling trees and branches on the main concerns because of the high winds! tomorrow, we had a fatality just last year. the outdoor gardens are going to be closed tomorrow, and the san francisco half marathon was rerouted to avoid going through the park. the race is now entirely along the great highway, for anyone willing to brave that wind out there, and it will be strong tomorrow. mother nature comes out in force, some of the bay area like to get a front row seat, this was the seat at san francisco's ocean beach today. people checking out the big surf, catching some waves before the rain came down and the wind really picked up. the high surf advisory takes effect along the coast early tomorrow morning. part of the road is now closed because of this damage, part of the road washed out,
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crews closed it today, it's not clear if it was due to rain today or storms earlier this week , but closed from crossroad in livermore to the alameda county line, and not clear when it's going to reopen. let's take one more look tonight at our nbc area storm ranger, scanning right now on san bruno mountain, and you can see the radar on the right showing where the rain is coming down right now, and the yellow is the heavier, the green means it's coming down. >> right on top of san francisco and east of san jose, now our app give you access to that radar and makes it easy to track the rainier neighborhood if you haven't already, scan the qr code right there on your screen to download it. along with the radar, we'll send you weather alerts and early warning when the rain is coming your way. >> we are back in less than 90 seconds, the u.s. attacks dozens of targets in the middle east after the deaths of three u.s. soldiers. the risk of flooding is so
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high people south of the bay area are ready to evacuate, why they say leaders could be doing more to help. storm ranger shows you rain on the increase around the bay area, and wind speeds will be on the increase in the sunday forecast, the latest on high
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. they're calling them bruises and strikes, american and british forces launching air strikes from aboard the uss eisenhower, positioned in the red sea. they targeted iran backed rebels in yemen, specifically sites where they store weapons, missile launchers, and radar. they say the goal was to disrupt the abilities to attack
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ships in the red sea. a senior administration official told nbc news today's attacks are unrelated to strikes yesterday. those air strikes targeted several locations in iraq and syria. iraqi officials say at least 16 people were killed including civilians. strikes friday were in retaliation for a drone attack by iran backed militants. three american soldiers died in the incident of the u.s. base in jordan. back home people are expressing mixed reactions to the strikes. in south carolina where president biden overwhelmingly won the state democratic primary today, voters had a range of responses. >> they were targeted, which is better than a blanket type of strike. >> it's if you do, if you don't, we can't ignore what we did by killing some of our service people, but then the last thing we need to do is stir that area up and make it worse. >> we're attacking them and we're giving them cause to
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attack back. >> lawmakers are weighing in, some see the strikes as the start of a well-planned campaign, others are bashing the biden administration for conducting the air strikes without congressional approval. families in parts of monterey county or enter evacuation warnings as the storm moves in. those warnings went into effect from the carmel river and the area near salinas this afternoon. homeowners began filling sandbags earlier today hoping to keep water out of their homes, but neighbors say debris in the creek causes the flooding, and the county needs to do something about it. >> it's been 14 years since they cleaned it, and the only cleaned half of it, because they said it was a different apartment. >> the county says it's cleared the parts of the creek it can, but much of the creek prop crosses private property or isn't in his jurisdiction. meantime there are several sandbag locations throughout the county, and crews are on standby to clear roads and respond to rescues as needed. the storm is affecting this weekend's pebble beach pro-am, earlier tonight officials
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announced that fans and volunteers will not be allowed in tomorrow because of the weather. they will still be golfing but the cyprus club will also be closed, there's a chance the final round is pushed to monday, and if that happens officials have to reassess who can watch and be involved then, but for now, pga is erring on the side of caution, there's also a chance the tournament will be cut short to just 54 holes. >> rob mayeda here, the most busy man this weekend. >> that's probably where they'll see some of the strongest winds, anywhere from 60 to 75 miles per hour down the coast, locally we're looking at 40 to 60-mile-per- hour winds sitting up as early as tomorrow morning. so think of power impacts, tree impacts, good time to set aside some batteries, flashlight, keep your phone charged, you may be needing it tomorrow. wind speeds are starting to pick up out of the southeast and san jose, turning breezy, but not gusty and windy like it will be by tomorrow morning, 50
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right now in san jose, the wind direction out of the east strengthening low pressure to the west, 47 degrees in dublin, and as we continue on around the east bay, 49 degrees, seeing the easterly wind direction into san francisco, 48 east wind at 16. we've got the wind in place right now, tomorrow morning, heavy rain, steadier heavier rain then we're seeing right now, we begin the day with temperatures in the 50s but look at clear lake, cold air for the morning, by mid day, mid to upper 50s, gusty wind all day long, highs near 60 in san jose, upper 50s around san francisco, to oakland. as we look at these wind speeds, notice how these wind speeds really start to accelerate for tomorrow morning, moving forward from 8:00 a.m. until midafternoon, still in that range of 40 to 60-mile-per- hour wind gust. that is why when we're talking about the potential of damaging wind gust this is going to be lasting a considerable amount of time. saturated soil, likely power impacts ongoing through the
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day. by this time tomorrow night, notice the wind direction begins to change, wind speed should drop as we head into monday morning, the rain is going to continue to stay pretty heavy at times through early afternoon, you see it spreading from south to north, the the low-pressure sender with this storm is aiming toward california. that's the reason we have these strong winds deepening low- pressure next to us, as it pulls up for the pacific northwest, there's of the atmospheric river boost, the two combined together offshore tonight will make for some very active weather heading into tomorrow morning. as you wake up tomorrow morning, these periods of heavy rain at times, the chance of embedded under starters will see the chance of that, increasing around midday, you can see the individual cells that may briefly turn severe at times, we'll have to watch that because thunderstorms could enhance the flooding and wind damage issues locally. by sunday night, we begin to see the more intense weatherhead to the east, right now it does look like peak rain totals should be in the santa crews mountains, although high
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rain totals also likely to fall in the north bay mountains. by monday we should begin to see the worst of the weather lift off to the north and into southern california, still showers ongoing into monday, a slight chance of thunderstorms, but not like the weather we're going to see tomorrow, specifically it's the high- impact wind that is the big story for tomorrow around the bay area, which i believe is going to lead to some power issues and trees coming down across the region. stormy sunday, wins back for monday, tuesday, wednesday we should catch a break, and more rain in the forecast thursday into next weekend, but not the caliber of the storm we're dealing with tomorrow. easily the strongest since last march and in terms of regional wind damage could be greater than that in terms of high- impact, we'll have to watch that closely as we go through the day tomorrow. >> we can't get some over some of the numbers for the wind gusts. >> we have not seen that before ever. first of its kind.
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>> wow. steph curry scoring a season-high in atlanta, but was it enough to lead the warriors to
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family...
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and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. welcome back, i'm anthony florez, a season-high 60 points by stefan curry is not enough to rescue the warriors on the road in atlanta. the second of back-to-back games we picking up late in the fourth, warriors up one, curry hits the dribble, he scored 22 points in the quarter, but with under 10 seconds to go in regulation, dante murray hits the bucket to tie the game, now curry had a shot to win it, but it doesn't fall, so we had to overtime. the warriors run out of gas in the ot, with the exception of curry, he had eight points in the extra session, but the hawks go on to win it, 141-134, the warriors have lost 11
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straight overtime games on the road, despite a great effort by stefan curry. >> you feel so bad for him, and for our guys. they're battling, obviously we're shorthanded, back to back, and i thought we really competed like crazy, the whole game. and just couldn't get over the hump. but staff was sublime. >> now took his football, let the circus begin, the 49ers are heading to vegas tomorrow, the team is expected to arrive shortly after 6:00 p.m. today the niners held a walk- through at their headquarters in santa clara. it was closed to the media, this is video i shot on friday. the focus is getting the game plan in place before leaving for vegas. no doubt that means trying to find a way to contain chiefs quarterback patrick mahomes.
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>> i think keeping him in the pocket as best you can is one of the big things. because he loves to improvise and do all that stuff, and then full on effort, kyle called it, defensive line stamina is the key to the game. >> the 49ers leave for las vegas sunday night, now the fun actually begins monday with opening night, when the team meets the global media. in the third round of the pebble beach program, it was cold and soggy, but windham clock was red-hot, the was open champion shot a course record 12 under par, he had a one- stroke lead heading into the final round, tournament officials say they're watching the weather, the final round might be moved to monday or the tournament could be called tournament could be called after this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter.
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porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low,
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and i approve this message. the bay area is getting ready to cheer in the super bowl, but first another needs your attention. >> he's a chihuahua mix, the sacramento spca, he's competing in the volleyball on animal planet ahead of the super bowl next weekend, he has advanced to the final round of most popular puppies, but he's down in the polls right now, 40% compared to his competitor, fred, who is a 60%. vote for him on all your devices. >> let's rn this thing tu
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists.
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he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. and now the cnn trump town hall live from columbia, south carolina. hello, everyone. hello, hello, hello, and welcome to south carolina. we are your hosts tonight. i'm charles barkley. >> and i am gayle king. and we're the cohosts of a real cnn show that combines our two names, king charles. >> yeah. i thought it should be gay bar. but then i was told that that was terrible. >> yes. tonight, the people of south carolina will ask former president trump questions about important issues affecting their lives.
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>> and i'll ask myself questions like can you bet on a town hall. you sure can on fanduel. >> now, please welcome the former president of the united states. >> he's been around the court more than me, and i was in the nba. president donald trump. >> thank you, thank you. thank you very much to the few of you who are applauding. i love being here in the great state of south carolina. frankly one of the top two carolinas. south carolina, the first state to secede from the union, and not the last, i think. going to see a lot of that when i win. 50 states is way too many. i think we could get it back down to 12 or 13 again. >> what the hell are you talking about, man? that's the dumbest thing i've heard, and i work with shaq. >> our first question tonight comes from an auto worker at the assembly plant for volvo. >> volvo, which is also the
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medical term for hoo-ha. >> president trump, i voted for you in 2016 and 2020. >> wow, you fell for it twice. >> what makes you think you can defeat joe biden this time? >> well, i think i'm doing even better this time in terms of hispanic. i like to say i put the panic in hispanic. people are sick of having an alleged criminal like joe biden in the white house. they want a convicted criminal. someone they can trust to get the crimes done right. >> somehow that's what i wanted to hear. thank you. >> you keep doing you, homey. >> yeah. next we have a single mom who's currently unemployed. >> wow. guys are going to be lining up after that description. president trump, if elected, what would you do to stop taylor swift from infiltrating the super bowl and stealing the election? >> you know, thank you. that's actually one of the smartest and most researched questions i think possibly ever. you know, we all know that biden has brainwashed tay-tay.
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they're using her in something calling cyops, started with the great korean rapper cy. he's a dear friend. he tolded me he needed a new style. i said what about gangham. now they have tay-tay pretending to date tray day. he's 6'5", worth 50 million max. he can't even get taylor tickets near the field. he's got her way up in a little box. so sad. >> i'm sorry. how exactly will taylor swift being at the super bowl make biden win the election? >> let me finish. the clues are all there if you look at the midnights track list. the ravens colors were lavender, but they were caught in the haze by the maroon team. paul rudd who's from where,
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kansas city. the next four songs contain exactly 49 letters plus e-r-s, 49ers. the individual -- it will be karma for sweet nothing, aka, biden's brain, that the mastermind behind it all will of course be barack hussein obama. that all adds up to, bing, bing, bing, bong, another stolen election, taylor's version. >> my god. i was skeptical at first, but now it all makes sense. >> our next question comes from someone who says he really, really likes president trump times a million. south carolina senator, tim scott. >> hey, donald, it's me. your best friend, tim scott. i flew all the way to new hampshire to endorse you. remember? >> vaguely. >> i don't have a question. i have a statement. i would like to say you are the bestest most handsomest presidential candidate i've ever seen.
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i look at you and think, is that hot lincoln? >> that's a little much even for me. tim scott, everybody. he's a lot like scott toilet paper. there's not much there, you can see right through it, but it's better than nothing. >> okay. our next question comes from someone who describes herself as a concerned south carolina voter. >> yes. hello. [ applause ] my question is why won't you debate nikki haley? >> oh, my god. it's her. the woman who was in charge of security on january 6th. it's nancy pelosi. >> for the 100th time, that is not nancy pelosi. it is nikki haley. >> are you doing okay, donald? you might need a mental competency test. >> i took the test and i aced it. perfect score. they said i'm 100% mental.
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