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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 530  NBC  June 5, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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to give evidence in a case against the publisher of daily mirror. he is one of about 100 people including share and george michael but allege that the newspaper group, the overarching group, attained information about them through phone hacking. the publisher is denying those claims. don't forget you can stream our newscast symptoms he plus and sumo. roger joins us now which what is coming up next. >> a lot of stories. another blow to downtown san francisco. two big hotels are calling it quits in the city. the impact this might have moving forward. for a second date, a plane filled with migrant plant in sacramento. our political analyst discusses who is behind and how much immigration issues matters to voters. encouraging news about a cancer vaccine details of the ability to reduce the risk of a deadly skin cancer from
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spreading. the news at 5:30 starts now. thanks for joining us, i am janelle wang. a woman and two kids found dead inside of an apartment. we just learned that it is a mother and her two children. here is what we know so far. at 1:00 this afternoon, just a few hours, police arrived at this conflict on inglewood common following a call. this is just south of lake elizabeth right off of paseo padre. inside they found the woman and two kids. relatives telling us it is a mom and her two children. detectives are piecing together what happened. investigators are asking anyone who lives in the area right near lake elizabeth for any type of help. they're looking for video that may assist them.
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we will bring you the latest information we get into our newsroom. we told you about 20 and document of migrants who were flown to an onyx actively dropped off at an airport. this is the second time it is happened in four days. they did not have much except for the clothes on their backs. now they're being help by sacramento charity groups. a similar flight arrived on friday with 16 undocumented migrant. they were told to get on the plane so they could be taken to jobs in america. governor newsom is calling this cruel and illegal stunt. and hinted at florida's governor may be involved. joining is not to talk about this issue is our political analyst, larry gersten. migrants sent to d.c., martha's vineyard and now california twice in a matter of days. california officials suspect florida, the governor's, specifically. >> reporter: he is a good candidate. he ordered some migrants from texas to go to martha's
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vineyard. we then, we think, did the same thing in last couple days. it seems to have his handprint. he has made this a cornerstone of his presidential campaign. the problem for desantis, a funny problem is that the number of people who they thought would be streaming and has gone down. you know about title 42. that was keeping people out. now, it looks like it is gone from 10,000 to about 4000 a day. a dramatic drop. you have to wonder to what extent you have an issue. desantis thinks he does. >> how much is immigration an issue to america? has this been a concern that is overstated by the candidates? >> reporter: it may well be the case. we had a check on a survey done by which you think is most important?
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look where immigration is, down to 11. jobs, healthcare, the economy and national security, one, two, three. 11th is where immigration stands. a caveat, we know that republicans are more concerned about it than democrats. there were about twice as often concerned than democrats. overall, as a national issue, it may not have the residence, especially considering what is happening these days at the border. >> if immigration is not the national concern, what does that say about the up coming election? campaign? strategies? >> reporter: it says something about our political system. when you are running in the primary, what you do? you go ahead and try to get as many boats as you can. the folks who vote in the primary way to the right and way to the left. desantis is doing the right thing in terms of courting those republicans. if he gets the nomination, he has to move toward the center. same thing for the democrats on
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their issues the civil rights. right now, desantis, he has himself in an interesting situation. yes, it is big issue for him and his campaign in the primary. the question is -- will it stick as we go to the general election? >> larry, tonic so much. skin cancer vaccine could still be on the market. melanoma is responsible for the skin cancer deaths and the american cancer society says cases are on the rise. drug companies, moderna and merck say they developed a vaccine for melanoma. it works in combination with immunotherapy drug, which stimulates the immune system to attack tumors. both companies publish the results of a trial. it shows 80% of patients who got the vaccine were cancer free about 18 months later. that is about 20% more than when patients got immunotherapy . the drug could be available
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soon. homeowners are facing more hurdles as wildfire season begins. insurance company's are making clear they're not accepting new policies because of california's wildfire risk. state farm made the announcement a week ago and now allstate confirming it is doing the same. what does this mean? there'll be no change to existing policyholders but it will be tough, very tough for those looking for new coverage. an insider said these changes do not happen overnight. the damage from wildfires has forced insurance companies to rethink and lobby for raising existing premiums with the worst yet to come. >> 17, we have the northbay fires. 2018 we have the thomas fire. and then we have the campfire up in paradise. the hits kept coming over last few years. steadily, many of the brand- name insurers have stopped selling new policies.
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>> some tips from that insider, choose an agent who is well- versed in your different options. make your home as risk adverse as possible. particularly the wildfire. a lot of lot eyes on apple hq. apple unveiling his new thing. scott budman joins us with the newest items, including a new br has that for 3500 bucks that we will explain what makes it special according to apple. we have fog on the ast co
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it is flashy and new but do we really need it? apple's first new piece of hardware in 10 years was unveiled today. and you wear. as bring in scott budman. first
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of all, tell me the price tag. i always like to start bear. >> reporter: that is the big thing. $3500 to start with. that is not for a piece of apple hardware. >> this is a vr headset? >> reporter: exactly. it has some barriers because we have not been all that used to it yet. and it has a high price. apple calls it vision pro, a virtual and augmented reality has set this one wants to immerse you in movies, in meetings and even some brand- new apps. apple calls it vision pro, a mixed reality had set and even before it hits the market next year, the prototype drew a huge response from the crowd inside this the jobs theater. upstairs, another crowd gathered around tim cook, when he should up to me developers.
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apple says it's newest piece of hardware aims to be an immersive experience, bring you inside your favorite movie, vacation or work meeting. >> at the end of the day, it is one of the most impresses pieces of technology i have seen. you just take this and give great technology to developers. >> reporter: will people get excited enough to part with $3500 that it cost to buy one? tech watchers say, don't worry, that is likely only the opening price. >> they have reached the first hurdle. they have put it into a product. in tech, everything comes down in price. >> reporter: a new device, a new set of apps and a new way to use technology. all coming soon as apple helps to disrupt the tech world once again. >> first thing is first, we still have not adopted the oculus stuff why does apple think that we will go out and
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buy this? >> reporter: they been working on this for about a decade. this is something they have wanted to do next. i think it would have been ideal for them if the meta verse got hot instead of ice cold. apple is doing things in his own world. it wants its own apps to come up in front of you. it wants you to be able to see movies in a more immersive way, some 3-d video. disney is on board. there is some game companies on board. the question is, do you need to put on a headset when you can do so many of those with a device you already holding in your hand? >> right now, what i be wrong to say the first set of apple, vision pro, is intended for developers as opposed to you and i did >> it is a chance to tell all these developers, we've got a new piece of hardware. that is likely what they will do. it is heartening back to the i-
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phone and the first apple app store. the amazing creativity, not to mention wealth generation from that. they hope to do that here with this immersive headset >> mark zuckerberg looking like, i am done with oculus or is is rebooting it? >> reporter: i think the gauntlet has been thrown down. i think apple has justly frog meta. two major hotels are giving up on san francisco. the owner of park 55 and hilton union square will stop making payments on their loans. it is the latest round of bad news as the city continues to struggle with open air drug markets, homelessness and crime sergio quintana is in san francisco with the details. we make san francisco hilton union square is the biggest hotel with 1921 rooms and takes up an entire city block. the operators say it is the biggest hotel west of las vegas. not far away, the park 55 has over 1000 rooms. the chairman and 50 -- sizzle
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walk away from a loan under three quarters of $1 billion. he is quoted in a prepared statement that reads in part, we believe san francisco's path to recovery remains clouded and elongated by major challenges both old and new. among the concerns listed by the chairman of park resort and hotel is a weaker expected return of conventions to san francisco or the next four years. he says issues like street conditions, record high vacancies and overall slow pandemic recovery when compared with other cities are all factors in this decision to leave san francisco. the barrick counsel says this been an issue for the city. >> this is part of the devaluation of san francisco in our mind, whether it is hotels. >> reporter: they tried to blend the growing reports of retailers leaving town. it is partially due to a trend toward shopping online. the city's reckoned vacant rate
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-- it is beyond their control. the perception of crime, drug use and homelessness is something they are continue to combat. many visitors say the streets are a shock. >> i do not know you have -- i did know about it, the homelessness is such a big problem here. >> reporter: does make you feel unsafe? >> a little bit. >> reporter: a tourist told us they were surprised to see open drug use and the large number people expressing mental health issues in the street . many said they were returned at the city had improved. we reach out to members of the board of supervisors and the head of the travel association but both were not available for comment. jeff osorio says there are signs of a possible recovery if city leaders can change perceptions about the safety of the city. >> there are those rainbows on the horizon as you think that a.i. and biotech. you think about some of the new industries.
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you still think about the tech many here in san francisco. there are opportunities to build that backup. there is more open space for companies that could not have been here before. >> reporter: he also says both hotels will continue operating but will have to do so with different owners. >> that was sergio quintana reporting from san francisco. i remember the part of the five hotel, that was my senior prom. >> i was in tampa cisco last week and i know we keep reporting about it but when you see how many places have closed. >> storefront after storefront. >> it is really sad. to what we have with our weather? >> some cold temperatures at it is not just a few storms tomorrow. there's a couple chances coming in the forecast. as we get you a look right now, i did want to take a look at the rain season so far. since her on the topic of rain and every single city is running a surplus, these are just a few.
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santa rosa up over eight inches. we had 41.83 inches so far. oakland, 12 plus inch surplus. in a running two inches above average in san jose. the rain chance we have come our way through tomorrow, it looks nothing like the winter storms and early spring. certainly, a little something coming our way. a system we started talking about last week. it is just to the south of us. this is what is pulling up a bit of humidity. but also the thunderstorm chances. i'm rarely in the next two days with that system. the past half hour we have seen 69 lightning strikes over the syria to the north. a few right there off the coast we get you a closer look at the bay area. there is some activity offshore that can ease into the pacific. there is no thunderstorm right now. just a mid-level moisture. what we look at is a spotty chance tonight there about 5:00 a.m. as we hit 8:00 in the morning, i do see some stuff bubbling up
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over marin, napa, sonoma county's down to san francisco. it is that activity where we get a storm develop that will be heavy isolated downpours with a chance of gusty winds. maybe even some small hail. as we hit midday tomorrow, we will have a break of sunshine. i do see some more moisture moving our way through tomorrow afternoon. the models are not doing a good job of picking up storms tomorrow. i do anticipate some of the bubbling up here as we roll through the afternoon forecast again tomorrow. rainfall totals, trace amounts to about 2/10 of an inch. again, that hit and miss act committee. the higher totals would be right here to the north, over the syria. about a half to three quarters of an inch. temperatures, because of the system to the south, we will start off milder work in the morning. we about 58 here in the tri- valley. san francisco, 55 and right here for the north bay we will
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be at 53. highs for tomorrow stay on the cool side. it will be hard to heat up a whole lot because of the cool air that is moving in. that will leave us with 72 in san jose. east bay, 74 in pleasanton. 68 in oakland. the peninsula, lots of 50s and 60s from san mateo to half moon bay. san francisco, 59 in the outer sunset and six in the mission. and 70 here in napa. we keep chance of storms into wednesday. dry thursday through saturday. a few more chances coming on sunday and monday. another system off to the south. numbers will be in the 70s for the next seven days after the weekend, it is quite a cooldown. >> that is interesting with all the rain in the forecast. >> could get a little bumpy over the next couple days. >> thanks, jeff. a fame professor and activists west is now running
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for president. reason he is throwing his hat in the ring.
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philosophy professor, historian and political activist, cornel west says he is running for president >> in these bleak times, i have decided to run for truth and
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justice, which takes the form of running for president of the united state. >> he announced his third-party bid for president in a twitter post today. the former harbor, princeton and yale professor is known for his activism, public commentary and writing. he pledged to fight to end poverty and mass incarceration. west will run as a candidate for the people's party, which is founded by a bernie sanders staffer during the 2016 presidential election. britain's royal family is growing. buckingham pounds announcing that princess eugene has given birth to a baby boy. she is the niece of king charles. she is the youngest daughter of prince andrew and sarah ferguson. the baby was born last tuesday. his name is ernest george ronnie bruce bank. baby ernest is now 13th in line to the british throne. it is crunch time, the
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when i was his age, we had to be inside to watch live sports. but with xfinity, we get the fastest mobile service and can stream down the street or around the block! hey, can you be leless sister, more car? all right, let's get this over with. swititch to xfininity mobile and geget the bestst price fofor 2 lines s of unlimiti. justst $30 a linine per mon. i should g get paid more for t this. you get t paid when n you wi. from xfifinity. homeme of t the 10g netetwork.
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cyberattacks on n public infrastrucucture threaten t the institututions wewe all rely y on. when thesese organizatations run on googlgle cloud, theyey're defendnded by the ee aiai-powered s security thatat protects s all of gogoogle. hi, i'm totodd. i'm a a veteran ofof 23 year. i servrved three o overseas to. i lolove to giveve back toto the commumunity. i i offer whatat i can whwhen i can.. i started d noticing my memorory was slipipping. i saw w a prevagenen commercl and d i did someme research h . i i started tataking prevavn ababout three e years ago.. i fefeel clearerer in my thoho, my memorory has imprproved and gegenerally jujust morere on point.t. prprevagen. atat stores evevee without t a prescripiption.
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the stanford softball team was up against the wall today. they need a win to stay alive in the college world series. >> they played oklahoma squad who had won if the games in a row coming into this game. that is unfair. it went to an extra inning. that is pretty cool thanks to some clutch pitching. a two run double from oklahoma
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made the sooners go into the final. they advance while stanford goes home. they got sent packing. stanford can take heart from a strong showing in their first woman's college world series appearance since 2004. oklahoma looking to win their third straight title more encouraging news for the 49ers about the rookie phenom brock purdy. he is recovering from elbow surgery going better than expected, at least that is what the miners are saying. we have heard some rubbings from gm john lynch. today, they report that he is throwing without pain and has, quote, passed every test the 49ers have thrown at them. if purdy continues to grow strength in his arm, he will be certain to be the starter week one for the 49ers. a phenom who just turned pro exceeded expect haitians. even took her by surprise. wrote zhang just won the ncaa chairmanship two weeks ago for the second year of a row.
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she's the first woman to do that. and then this past weekend she went pro making her lpga tour pros debut in the new jersey at the america open. it went great. we went to a plant and then saying ended up winning the whole thing. she is the first l pga player to win her pro debut in 72 years. i just started following her. i am her biggest fan now. easy to think about that. i am a kid and i'm doing well. i win my first tournament. >> she said i am hoping to learn what the pros and then she wins the whole thing. congratulations, rose. >> she has to still move out of her dorm. it is wonderful. a total truth very table. are following a disturbing crime scene in the east bay. our team is live in fremont. three bodies, including two children, found in an apartment complex. we are learning about the relationships of the victims.
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>> they just look tired and hungry. i think they were happy because they felt that they maybe had reached a kind of semi final destination. more migrants getting dropped off, flown in to northern california unexpectedly. we are live in sacramento where the situation continues to ignite a political fight nationwide. some early june showers were talking the latest on your microclimate forecast. the news at 6:00 starts now. thanks are enough on this money. i am sergio quintana. is he and i am jessica aguirre . a woman and two children have been found dead at an apartment complex. we are going to fremont. what do we know so far? >> reporter: police have
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released very little information but we know that the woman and children were found at one of the units at this apartment complex around 1:00 this afternoon. we did speak to family members who were telling us that it is a mother and children. the children are believed to be 1 and 7 years old. they have been living here for about four months. this is information that police have not confirmed. this is what we are hearing from family members. police tell us they found the bodies around 1:00 this afternoon after they responded to a problem call. according to police, that means that someone from inside the home called asking for help could not explain why. police say it is a delicate investigation. and they are expected to give us an update within the next hour. in san jose, stephanie maranon, nbc bay area news. >> we will keep you posted as the night develops. k


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