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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 20, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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♪♪ good morning. thank you so much for joining us on this saturday, may 20th. we're taking a live look outside. foggy skies over sfo on this saturday, may 20th. we appreciate your starting your weekend with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel joins us with a quick look at your microclimate forecast. i think i said it's may 20th twice, which shows just how awake i am right now. >> it's a bit of a slow start. >> it is. >> i think it's all because of that fog we're seeing out there. the may gray definitely feeling strong this morning out in san francisco. i'm not sure if you can notice it there, but i noticed the palm trees are also swaying. a breezy start to this morning, as well. if you're along the coastline in parts of san francisco, down into half moon bay, you might be seeing some drizzle out there. it is starting to impact areas of the east bay shoreline, as well.
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temperatures a little milder in the mid 50s. 56 in san jose. we're also seeing a cloudy start down in the south bay, and we will be slowing to warm up today as we go into the lunchtime hour and highs in the 70s in most parts of the bay area. definitely a microclimate forecast where we'll stay cooler at the coast and see that sunshine inland. i'll track all of this and tell you about a brief warmup. some 80s are returning on the board in a few days. back to you. >> we like the sound of that. cinthia, thanks. president biden is in japan this morning meeting with key allies again today in the g7 summit. this as troubles with the debt ceiling loom back here in the u.s. it's an issue that could weaken the president's position with world leaders. meanwhile, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy arrived today in japan to join in talks with leaders of the world's most powerful democracies. zelenskyy met with heads of state on the sidelines of the group of seven summit. his personal appearance is meant to rally international support for ukraine as it prepares for a
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major push to take back territory seized by russia in a war that started in february of last year. zelenskyy's visit comes just hours afterthe u.s. agreed to allow ukrainian pilots to train on american made f-16 fighter jets. president biden at the summit says he hopes leaders will be able to lead a global coalition, counter china's power, and bolster support for ukraine against a ukraine ininvasion. >> we're addressing a range of issues, climate change, food security, gender inquality, economic resilient, digital connectivity, and global security. we're tracking these challenges together, and i think we're beginning to make some important progress. but if we don't move to do more to strengthen infrastructure in lower and middle income countries, if we don't do more to help nations deliver
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opportunities and prosperity for their people, our impact is going to be limited. >> the g7 leaders also agreed to a large number of new sanctions against russia. back here locally, a standoff between an armed man and a san francisco police department ended in gunshots. the suspect shot by police has died. we first brought this to you as breaking news during our 6:00 newscast last night. it all unfolded on bosworth street in the glen park neighborhood. "today in the bay's" thom jensen has the story. >> reporter: there were some tense moments for people living on this part of bosworth street, as they knew police were negotiating with an alleged armed prowler inside a home here. after hours of talking to that suspect, they say there was a sudden burst of gunfire. [ gunshots ] >> reporter: an nbc photo journalist was on the scene monitoring negotiations when shots fired. they heard three shots echo
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throughout the neighborhood before 6:00. >> i thought it was like five. >> reporter: 2:30, police responded to a report of a prowler inside a home across the down the street from mcfarland's house. an sfpd negotiator was there within minutes, and mcfarland said patrol cars kept rolling in, and officers taped off two city blocks with crime scene tape. >> it escalated with all the vehicles and the teams and ambulances. >> reporter: sfpd public information officer says the lone male adult suspect refused to comply with orders to drop the gun and leave the home. >> officers had been negotiating with the suspect for 3 1/2 hours. >> reporter: officer rueca said he couldn't give any more details but said after the long negotiating period, at least one officer fired. he said life-saving medical aid was attempted. >> the suspect was transported to the hospital. he was declared deceased at the hospital. >> reporter: police say they'll
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have more details for neighbors when they hold a town hall on the shooting sometime within the next ten days. thom jensen, "today in the bay." the owner of a san francisco restaurant that's now under fire for hosting a supposed anti-trans dinner now says they made a mistake. last week, an undercover reporter with "the chronicle" went to an event put on by the san francisco republican party at american bites restaurant in north beach. the reporter called it a secretive anti-trans dinner and listed many instances of transphobic content they witnessed. the article was published thursday, and since then, the restaurant owners say they have been fielding mostly angry calls. the restaurant posted an apology shortly thereafter, and owners are now promising to be more diligent moving forward. >> wish we had known this was the subject. we would have never agreed, you know, to have that event in our place. >> are you saying that you support trans rights?
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>> absolutely. absolutely. i mean, i'm from the city, you know. we love friends, gay, lgbt community, everyone. you know, i mean, that's what is beautiful about san francisco, is inclusion. >> yelp has temporarily blocked reviews for american bites as it monitors the fallout. we reached out to the local sf gop chapter but have not yet heard back. now to a warning about artificial intelligence and what's next for silicon valley. only on nbc bay area, we speak with the co-founder of apple, steve wozniak. "today in the bay's" stephanie magallon shares why the tech pioneer says he is steering clear of a.i. >> reporter: from social media to the next technological revolution, inventor and co-founder of apple, steve wozniak, says we need to be cautious as a.i. defines the future of the silicon valvalley >> i see it'll amplify a lot of untruths we have today with the
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social web especially, the internet. >> reporter: wozniak was a keynote speaker for the scholarship gala. >> i avoid google, avoid facebook very deeply. don't even put them on my computers, not even chrome on the computer, because it'll track everything you type. >> reporter: wozniak questions whether twitter will survive after elon musk's takeover and criticizes the recent supreme court decision that once again shields internet companies from lawsuits over content posted by users. >> we have to put regulation on the companies and not allow them to just sit by idling when crimes are being done, you know? i have a lawsuit of my own. >> reporter: students and leaders fascinated as they glimpse into one of the world's greatest minds. >> i thought it was interesting, how he was talking about the future of innovation and giving some caution to chat gpt. >> having a.i. is good because it is going to make a lot of things automated. i feel that we need it. >> reporter: as for what's next.
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>> the big companies are the ones that are going to be in charge of defining it and not innovative, creative people that thought deeply, studied and practiced for ages. >> reporter: stephanie magallon for "today in the bay." vice president kamala harris is back in california. she landed yesterday in los angeles and visited a non-profit organization for maternal health. on monday, she'll be here in the be bay area. the vice president is visiting appliedaterls in sonyvale to talk about condtors. the white house poured $2 billion into making more couctors in the u.s. meanwhile, applied materials is planning to build what is being called a next generation research and development center. happening today, san francisco is celebrating the life and work of harvey milk. there will be a block party to remember the first openly gay politician in the city. he was an advocate for equal rights and the lgbtq community.
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he was shot and killed by a political opponent after serving just 10 1/2 months on the san francisco board of supervisors. today's block party starts at 2:00 this afternoon in jane warner plaza. that's at the intersection of market, castro and 17th streets. this photo was tweeted of road closures which will impact muni. market and church is an alternate route. we're going to turn now to a live look. this is at the san jose convention center south hall, where it is going to be all smiles as the biggest dental clinic comes to town. the south hall of the convention center is hosting an event called silicon valley healthy smiles. it began about an hour ago. it is completely free. we have video of the group setting up 100 treatment seats yesterday. today and tomorrow, the clinic is planning to give free dental care to some 1,500 people. it's not just dental cleanings.
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the volunteer dentists and dental assistants will provide fillings, root canals, extractions and dentures. it's to help people who don't otherwise have access to this care. >> there are so many people in our community that just don't have access to dental care for one reason or another. they can't get this thing done. they have pain. they have infection. many people, it affects their social life. it affects their ability to get a job. >> again, the event is free. it is sponsored by the santa clara dental foundation. shy of 7:11. coming up, an event on the peninsula with the goal of keeping people active, no matter their age. plus, a world war ii veteran robbed not once but twice on the peninsula. the surprising way the community responded after seeing our story.
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welcome back. we have a live look at capitol hill in washington, d.c., where debt ceiling talks are back on. yesterday, republicans walked out of negotiations, calling the white house unreasonable. but the pause didn't last long. gop and white house leaders held a 90-minute meeting last night. republicans say it was a candid discussion about a realistic path forward. there still is no agreement, but negotiators say they are confident a deal will be made before the june 1st deadline. we have a followup to a
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story about a world war ii veteran whose laptop was stolen not once but twice. we've reported last week that 91-year-old roger fray was at a redwood city bus stop when he was mugged. thieves took his new laptop, which he had just bought to replace a laptop stolen from his home. fray said when he went to buy a new laptop, the geek squad gifted him a new computer after seeing our story. they helped him set it up. fray says he is thankful but still wants better security at bus stops. fray, by the way, was awarded the bronze medal for his bravery during world war ii. we thank him for his service. happening today in half moon bay, an event billed as a public summit for farm workers. democratic party leaders will join farm worker groups discussing access to housing, health care and even clean water access. this all follows the deadly shootings of farm workers at two
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half moon bay farms in january, which led to uncovering impoverished living conditions for those laborers. the forum will take place at the boys and girls club on kelly avenue in half moon bay. it starts at 1:00 this afternoon. turning back to the weather, as the weather warms up, more people will heading to the water. that could mean time on a boat. to keep people safe, the coast guard is kicking off national safe boating week with a water fair. it's happening in just a few hours at the coast guard station golden gate in south sausalito. it'll have tours and boating safety lessons. new this morning, oakland will be opening its first ronald mcdonald house today. the nonprofit organization provides services to kids who are immunocompromised. the new house is on west street, directly across the street from ucsf children's hospital. the grand opening begins at
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10:00 this morning with a community block party. oakland mayor will be in attendance. health leaders on the peninsula want to help you stay active. the soul stroll is in san mateo. it's a fundraiser put on by the bay area health advisory council. in addition to one, three and five-mile walk and runs, the event helps to eliminate health disparities across generations. it starts at 8:00 this morning at san mateo high school. one of the organizers tells us it's a way to help bring awareness to the community. >> the health of the community is really the foundation for whatever it is you want to do in your life. we need each other. it is going to take a village to save a village. this is a way for you to do that, to connect with members of the global village, of the bigger village, to really have access to information. that's information you can bring
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back to your family and friends. >> the theme this year is movement is resistance. they say that means the resistance of health disparity reinforces movement, helps improve general health. if you're looking to get out and do something today, our mie inoye has you covered. >> despite it being the fourth most populous country in the entire world, i had trouble pointing it out, indonesia. i'll point to this map in san francisco. it's the indonesian bazaar being held on the marketplace, bringing together vendors and performers to celebrate indonesian food and culture as part of the aapi heritage month. let's move from one archipelago country to another. from indonesia's fair to greek festival just off howie 13th, the grounds of the greek orthodox ascension.
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greek dancing, groups of singers and lots of cooking and eating. i've heard it's not just pretty good, it's hellus good. it's an east bay joke. didn't get it? let's move to the peninsula. though cattle stick park is gone, today, the area is alive with growing together day. featuring local artist vendors, guided walks, food trucks, live music and the main event is a community-covered mural. we cover the start of your day every day on "today in the bay." >> we appreciate you for it, mike. thanks. time now to check in with cinthia pimentel for a look at our microclimate forecast. not very lovely behind us. >> yeah, some stubborn fog will hang with us. i don't blame the people at home that are just snuggling up, drinking some coffee. you might need it for the next couple of hours. like i said, it will be stubborn
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to mix out. we're taking a live look over walnut creek, where we are starting to see some of that clearing out in the east bay. this is all due in part to a low pressure system that's hanging on around the coast of alaska. you see it right there, it is bringing us that cloud cover. it is also going to pick up those winds. if you notice that, especially out along the coast right now, definitely impacting our saturday morning plans. if you have any plans to head to the beach today, along san francisco, even into parts of bodega bay, you might need the winter jacket. i know we're in the middle of may, but those are the conditions we'll be met with as we go into saturday. 3:30, we're hanging out to the stubborn fog, while some parts of the north bay, around napa, heading to wine country, even into the inland valleys in the east bay and south bay, we'll start to see the clearing skies as the afternoon goes on. start with a similar pattern as we go into the day on sunday. our winds picking up, as well. look by your lunchtime hour in san francisco. i know there's the giants game going on today, so bring a
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jacket to keep you nice and warm. we're seeing winds from 20 to 25 miles an hour around half moon bay. 30 mile an hour winds in san francisco, even stretching into concord and into the county. the contra costa country fair begins today. sunshine, we're looking at mid 70s by 3:00, 4:00. still might want to check on those seats before your kids get on to make sure they're not too hot for them. as far as our daytime highs go, we're looking at 70s around the bay area inland. look at tomorrow, however. if you like the warmth, we're seeing the return of those 80s, although they will be very brief in parts of santa rosa, fairfield, even down here in san jose. as far as a long-range outlook, we're not tracking many changes around the bay area. we are looking at a cloudy start for bay to breakers tomorrow. 8:00 a.m. race. we'll cheer you on from here,
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and we'll make it to the sun and clouds after the race is done and you're hanging out in san francisco. i'll leave you with the seven-day forecast right here. notice, we are starting to go on a cooling trend after we go into tomorrow and monday. low 80s. we'll cool down into the 60s. look at that. >> i don't know. i like the warmth. all right. it is what it is. >> it is. more news next .
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welcome back. a small community in the east bay is celebrating one of the
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greatest film stars of all time who happened to make movies right here in the bay area. "today in the bay's" bob redell joins us from the niles district in fremont with a look at charlie chapman day. >> reporter: hey, kira. maybe not many people know this, but charlie chaplain used to make movies here in fremont at thstudio was next door to where we're at. it's no longer here. he made the films 100 years ago. the reason it was being made here, niles canyon, it looks like the wild west. they made a lot of westerns here. they had the canyon. they had a dirt road. they had a railroad. they had water. this was a big, for a short time, a film industry hub. right here in the niles s&a silent film museum, the old edison theater, they'll be celebrating charlie chaplin day
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this weekend. charlie chaplin will be here. see this guy right here? that guy right there. jason allen from canada, good morning. >> good morning. >> reporter: good to see you. we were talking about this earlier, familiar with the history of charlie chaplin. why didn't he stick around? >> he was a big star at the time. he was a young guy. he wanted to be where the action was. rather than hang around a country town, he wanted to be where the action was. >> reporter: this weekend, they will be showing some of the famous films. one was filmed here. you can see scenes of him in niles canyon. unfortunately, the studio next door is gone, but you'll be walking the streets this weekend as charlie chaplin. >> that's right, yeah. >> reporter: do you have staying power? even though he is no longer around and none of us were around when he was around? >> yeah. >> reporter: why is it? >> i think he is super relevant still. world issues, people's a
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attitudes, everything like that, they had them then and have them now. he's still relevant. if he was an up-and-coming now, he'd still be a big star. >> reporter: even without the silence? >> it'd be a different medium. knowing what i know of -- >> reporter: he'd be able to adapt? >> she'd be a tiktok star. >> reporter: the first thing is charlie chaplin and tiktok. >> yeah. >> reporter: what will you be doing this weekend? >> reasonable fax simile as charlie. i'll be roaming the streets, going to the shops and also on the train ride. >> reporter: i mean, you look like him even without the -- >> i have gray hair, as well. >> reporter: charlie chaplin
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day. it goes through sunday here. again, we're at the niles silent museum in the historic district of fremont. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> bob, very cool. thanks so much for bringing us that. 7:27. we have more on "today in the bay. "coming up, overlooked no more. meet the woman who is making sure senior citizens in the aapi community are the center of a
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good morning. it is saturday, may 20th. 7:30. as we take a live look outside at south beach harbor, right outside of oracle park. cloudy skies. a chilly game last night. thankfully, the giants won. sorry if you're dvr-ing the game. another game is set for today. thank you so much for starting your saturday morning with us. i'm kira klapper. cinthia pimentel joins us with a peek at the microclimate forecast. you're saying jackets will be needed, but there is going to be a warmup. >> yeah, there is a warmup on the way. you might be even getting rid of the jackets, especially if you're making your way into the inland valleys. good morning from the bay bridge toll plaza. look at that cloud cover hanging around. we're seeing the flag waving, so it is breezy also. if you live by the coastline, you're being impacted by the reduced visibility in san francisco, half moon bay, and it's starting to impact the east bay shoreline, as well. oakland and even parts of santa
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rosa, too. as far as the south county goes, good morning to you in gilroy. we're seeing the cloud cover. temperatures a little mild and slow to warm up, even as we go on into the lunchtime hour. warming up and also a situation i need to tell you about is what's going on in lake tahoe with the snow melt and the flood watch in effect for the next couple days. i'll tell you about that in a little bit. back to you. >> cinthia, thanks. president biden is in japan today meeting with key allies again at the g7 summit. this as troubles with the debt ceiling loom here back in the u.s. it's being called an issue that could weaken the president's position with world leaders. meanwhile, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy arrived today in japan to join in talks with the leaders of the world's most powerful democracies. his appearance is meant to rally international support for ukraine as it prepares for a major push to take back territory seized by russia in the war that started in february of last year. zelenskyy's visit comes just hours after the u.s. agreed to
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allow ukrainian pilots to train on american-made f-16 fighter jets. president biden, meanwhile, says he hopes leaders will be able to lead a global coalition, counter china's growing power and bolster support for ukraine against russia. >> during the g7 meeting, we're addressing a range of issues. climate change, food security, gender inequality, economic resilience, digital conductivity, and global security. we're tracking these challenges together, and i think we're beginning to make some important progress. but if we don't move to do more to strengthen infrastructure in low and middle income countries, if we don't do more to help nations deliver opportunities and prosperity for their people, our impact is going to be limited. >> the g7 leaders also agreed to a large number of new sanctions against russia.
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back here locally, there was a standoff between an armed man and the san francisco police department. it ended in gunshots, and that suspect has died. we brought this as breaking news during the 6:00 newscast last night. it all happened on bosworth street. in broad daylight, police responded to a report of a prowler inside a home. officers taped off blocks with crime scene tape. he repeatedly didn't comply with orders to drop the gun and leave the home. after several hours, one officer fired at the suspect. as mentioned, he later died at the hospital. one neighbor tells us she's witnessed a massive police response in the neighborhood where they've lived for several years. >> there's just so many catalytic converter thefts, so many vans, vehicles stolen.
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our truck has been hot wired to steal, but they haven't been able to start it a couple times. i mean, everyone has a story on this block. >> police say they will have more information for neighbors when they hold a town hall meeting on the shooting sometime within the next ten days. a racist road rage incident caught on camera. the chp says its investigators tracked down a driver after video of him was posted online. >> [ bleep ]! [ bleep ], [ bleep ]! >> oh, my gosh! >> that's the video that sparked the investigation. it happened tuesday on 880 near hagen burger in oakland near the coliseum. the driver yells the n-word at other drivers before trying to ram them, only to crash himself into the wall. >> [ bleep ]. >> the chp arrested this man, 61-year-old tracy blackwell,
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yesterday. this is an older picture included on the megan's law database. that means blackwell is a registered sex offender. he is due in court next week on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and hate crime enhancement. a driver is being hailed a hero for stopping a would-be thief at a oakland gas station. it was caught on camera. audrey has more on what happened. >> it happened at the gas station near the airport. this is a high crime area. you're looking at the driver of a tow truck stopping a would-be thief by ramming the suspect's car. witnesses say a man was trying to break into a woman's car, so the tow truck driver took action to stop the suspect. he's being hailed a hero. witnesses also say the would-be thief had a weapon. >> i'm headed to the airport to get out of town, and i can't get out of town quick enough. >> reporter: this gentleman is from scottsdale, arizona. we were speaking with him when
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someone tried breaking into his car. the suspects wereunsuccessful. >> i had to lock my car while filling it up with gas to drop it off at the rental car place. so, yeah, a little scary. >> reporter: oakland police told us they didn't know about the incident involving the tow truck because no one reported it. they were notified about today's incident involving the man from scottsdale. >> audrey for us this morning. the sierra snow melt is creating some breathtaking waterfalls at yosemite. this is nevada fall. you can see how fast and powerful that current is moving. with the water heading to the valley floor. we have a look at what the river looks like, as well. it's rising in several parts of yosemite. campgrounds are closed throughout this weekend because of flooding concerns. we're going to take you back
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now to a live look at the san jose convention center, where people are being treated at the largest dental clinic in town. the south hall of the convention center is hosting silicon valley healthy smiles. it began at 6:00 a.m. it is completely free. today and tomorrow, the clinic is planning to treat 1,500 people. not just cleanings but the volunteer dentists and assistants will provide root canals, fillings and dentures, all to help people who wouldn't otherwise have access to this care. >> there's so many people in our community who don't have access to dental care for one reason or another, and they can't get this thing done. they have pain. they have infection. many people, it affects their social life, their ability to get a job. >> the event is sponsored by the santa clara county dental foundation. as we continue to celebrate aapi heritage here at nbc bay
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area, we are shining a light on senior citizens who sometimes are overlooked in communities. "today in the bay's" joe rosado jr. has a woman who didn't overlook them and is making them the center of a celebration. ♪♪ >> reporter: when you visit san francisco's chinatown, you're often caught up in the architecture, ornate buildings of another place and time. >> very pretty. >> reporter: but when valerie lu visits chinatown. >> i like your scarf. >> reporter: she notices the people. >> i like your jacket. >> reporter: especially the seniors. >> hi! >> reporter: and their fashions. >> i like your outfit. >> reporter: for years, lu and photographer andrea lo stalked chinatown, stopping chinese seniors to capture their styles. >> we see someone's outfit that makes our jaws drop, we try to get them to stop. very pretty. i like your scarf. our success rate is 10%. most people will say, "thank
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you," which means "no, thank you." >> reporter: those who said yes got their picture taken. >> what are we shopping for? >> reporter: and a few questions. >> they immigrated. they've had to start over many times. we ask them, like, what makes you happy? that's a beautiful hat. after seven years of, you know, chasing grandmas on the street, we had content for a book. >> reporter: the book the pair created is called "chinatown pretty." >> it celebrates the street style of chinatown seniors. >> reporter: documented around towns in the u.s., the book captures the seniors at the heart of the communities. have a lot of wisdom to impart. we try to get the fashion and life wisdom. >> reporter: among those profiled in the book is a woman who came to oakland's chinatown from china as a child, living in foster homes until getting hired as a dancer at the famous san francisco nightclub, forbidden city. she died not long after the book
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came out. >> i just feel so grateful to "chinatown pretty," to be able to capture her looking so beautiful and share her story with a broader audience. >> bucket hats are a big part of chinatown culture. classic. >> reporter: lu's own parents came as refugees to the u.s. from southeast asia, yet the women she encounters in chinatown streets feel familiar. >> part of the reason why we started this is because we see our grandparents in these people we see on the street. >> for me, it's really so positive. just by doing that little something, which nobody noticed, right? >> reporter: it's a project shining a light at a community that sometimes lives in the shadows. >> for me, "chinatown pretty" taught me to notice the people around me. that's what i hope it does for our readers. say hello to your neighbor. say hello to, like, the senior citizens you see. i like your pants. >> reporter: the book may be a simple reminder to live an
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ground and see the people walking the sidewalks or going to the market. embracing the elders who add some true color to life. joe rosado jr. >> her hat saysashion mode." >> repor nbc bay area news. >> i started following "chinatown pretty"n instagram. how did i miss that? we'd like to watch a show tonight, as well. nbc celebrates the history, joy success of n-americans. watch our special "celebrating asian-americans" tonight at 7:00 p.m. maybe get that book. "chinatown pretty." just shy of 7:42. still to come on "today in the bay," the new trouble piling on for elon musk's twitter. but not over the platform. why san francisco is taking a closer look at t wi
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welcome back. it's the weekend. i want to let you know about events going on. in san francisco, it'll be cool at the giants game today. also, very windy. make sure that you dress warm in a couple extra layers. if you are looking to maybe dance around, head to the south bay, we have the boogie music festival in downtown campbell. should be a pleasant afternoon to get your dance on there. as far as the rain and the clouds go, if you have any plans along the coastline, notice we are keeping it until mid-morning hours, even on into the afternoon with a chance of some drizzle out there. it's the middle of may. you might also still be needing
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the winter jackets for your plans along the water. notice, also, up in the sierra, we're tracking the chance of some rain, even heavy downpours in the form of thunderstorm activity. as far as our sunday plans go, i think it'll be quicker to get rid of the fog as we go through your sunday plans. we might see some high clouds hanging out in parts of the north bay, but otherwise, we're seeing a little of a warmup as we go on into tomorrow and on monday. our temperatures today, cool at the coast with upper 50s and 60s. some low 70s as we make our way into livermore and down in san jose, even out into santa cruz. look what happens tomorrow. we're seeing the return of those 80s in the far parts of fairfield, santa rosa, and down here into the santa clara valley. monday, i think it'll be the warmest day. enjoy the warmup while it lasts because we are tracking a cooldown that's ahead once we get through tomorrow and on monday. i want to talk to you also about the sierras. i told you at 7:30, we have this flood watch that stretches from
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south bay tahoe to manmouth lake. the creeks are rising because of the snow melt. waters are very cold. if you're headed up there, make sure you're wearing life jackets. it'll be a dangerous situation if you slip into the water. what about yosemite's merced river? over 10 feet, expected to climb further into 12 feet by tomorrow morning. careful on that situation out there. we'll continue to keep you updated, of course, here on nbc bay area. as far as our temperatures go right here in the bay area, we're staying warm tomorrow and on monday. tracking a chance of inland and sierra thunderstorm chances before we start to cool down. notice this cold air that's pushing into the bay area as we go on into the second half of the week. translating here in our seven-day forecast, 80s tomorrow and on monday, but look at that, we're back into the low 70s, upper 60s for thursday and friday. san francisco definitely going to feel the cooldown there in the low 60s. >> all right. cinthia, thanks.
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7:47. coming up on "today in the bay," the giants hot streak continues. continues.
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♪ e estado dorarado ♪ ♪ alwlways in thahat state e of mind ♪ ♪ liviving on a h high vibrata♪ ♪ s so hot gonnnna make it t m♪ ♪ and i'm l lovin' what i'm t tastin' ♪ ♪ que bonitito lugar lllleno de t tanto saboror ♪ ♪ so mumuch flavor r ♪ ♪ u un future brillantnte se acercrca ♪ ♪ ahhhhhhhhh ♪ ♪ nosos gusta mezezclar ♪ ♪ como maltlteada ♪ ♪ aqui i hay lugar r ♪ ♪ yeaeah we livinin' in t the golden n state ♪ ♪ dame mamas, fres-coco y rea♪ ♪ (wooh) ) dale gas ♪ ♪ vive enen el eststado doradodo ♪
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welcome back. more trouble for elon musk and twitter. the parent company of the social mediaxcorp, is facing an investigation over building code violations at the company's san francisco headquarters. the probe comes after six former employees sued twitter, claiming the management told them to make unsafe changes to the office
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space. they say they were ordered to turn offices into hotel rooms and then lied to inspectors and the landlord by calling the rooms temporary rest spaces. to sports now. the giants are on a winning streak and have now won four games in a row on orange friday and "star wars" night last night. they took on the miami marlins. barbecue there on the canoe in the cove. we go to the sixth, where the bats come alive. schmidt, the rookie sensation, delivered that clutch hit, giving the giants a 4-2 lead. to the bottom of the eighth now, things got a little heated for the marlins. both the starting catcher and manager got tossed after a time-out was not granted, stemming from pitch clock confusion. all the new rules. giants win, 4-3. they play again today, first pitch at 1:05. the big game in l.a., billie jean king and lakers coach
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darvin ham courtside, as well as vice president kamala harris in the locker room, talking to the wnba players. it was the official return of brittney griner, her first game in more than a year after being detained in a russian prison. griner scored 18 points for the phoenix mercury, but the l.a. sparks win the game, 94-71. at 7:51, up next, we have a quick look at the top stories we're following, including a break-in ending with gunfire in san francisco. we have new details after a violent and deadly standoff between officers and an armed suspect.
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welcome back. before we get to our top stories this morning, here's what you can expect tomorrow morning on "sunday today" with willie geist. hey, willie. >> good morning. tomorrow morning on "sunday today," my conversation with oscar isaac on a prolific career that has ranged from the "star wars" movies to his tony-nominated new play on broadway. oscar isaac. plus, the morning's latest headlines and another "life well lived," all ahead tomorrow morning on "sunday today." hope to see you then. >> we hope you're awake to catch willie at 6:00 tomorrow morning, and then stick here for your local news with us on "today in the bay" right after at 7:00. here is a quick look at the top stories we're following on this saturday morning, including a standoff between an armed man and san francisco police
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officers ends in gunfire. the man shot by police has died. we first brought this to you as breaking news during our 6:00 newscast last night. it all happened on bosworth street in the city's glen park neighborhood. it unfolded before 2:30 yesterday afternoon when police responded to a report of a prowler inside a home. sfpd negotiators say that suspect repeatedly refused to comply with orders to drop his gun and leave the house. after several hours, at least one officer fired at him. here's what one neighbor tells us about the neighborhood in recent months. >> there's just so many catalytic converter thefts. vans, vehicles stolen. our truck has been hot wired to steal, but they haven't been able to start it a couple times. everyone has a story on this block. >> police say they will have more information on the shooting when they hold a town hall sometime within the next ten
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days. happening today, san francisco is celebrating the life and work of harvey milk. there will be a block party to remember the first openly gay politician in the city. on monday, milk would have turned 93. milk was an advocate for equal rights and the lgbtq community. he was shot and killed by a political opponent after serving just 10 1/2 months on the san francisco board of supervisors. today's block party starts at 2:00 this afternoon in jane warner plaza. that's at the intersection of market castro andh street. this map of road closures will impact muni. 17th and market and church are called alternate routes to use. and the soul stroll is back in person in san mateo. the goal? help people stay active no matter their age. the soul stroll is a fundraiser put on by the bay area community
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health council, which focuses on eliminating health disparities in african-american, latino and pacific islander communities across generations. there will be one, three and five-mile walks and runs. the theme this year is movement is resistance. it runs from 8:00 until 2:00 this afternoon at san mateo high school. cinthia has one last check of the forecast. >> we'll hang on to the cloud cover, so san mateo, bring the jackets. by the time the afternoon rolls on, look at that, 64. fairly comfortable for you to not get too hot on the walk there. hanging on tight to the coastline in san francisco, half moon bay and parts of bodega bay. bring the coat. into tomorrow, watch what happens to those inland temperatures. the 80s return. we're going back to the 80s, kira for tomorrow and monday. enjoy it while it lasts. if i show you the seven-day forecast right here, saturday
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and sunday in san francisco, lots of events going on. we'll start with the fog, slowly warm up on monday, then we'll cool down as we go on into parts of wednesday and thursday. notice for the inland valleys, too, we're going up into the 80s for tomorrow and monday, then back into the upper 60s thursday and friday. we're on a little bit of a -- >> downturn, just when the weather was getting nice. >> i know. >> we're going back. all right. cinthia, thanks. thanks so much to all of you for making us a part of your saturday morning. we'll have more local news tonight at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00. we're on at have a great saturday. we hope to see you back here tomorrow morning.
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