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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  May 20, 2023 1:37am-2:06am PDT

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- bedtime!! - bedtime. ♪♪ i love bedtime. the thin, sweet bite to end the night. oreo thins. [ cheers and applause >> seth: hey, everyone before we sign off tonight, my friend and colleague james corden had his final show over at cbs tonight. we just want to wish him the best in everything that comes next and congratulate him and his incredible staff for the wonderful show that they've put on over there for the last eight years. congratulations to - [ cheers and applause our friends at "the late show. "the late late show." i want to thank my guests, amy poehler, lucinda williams! [ cheers and applause i want to thank anup sastry and the 8g band. there's a new "corrections" over on youtube right now see you there. stay safe. get vaccinated, get boosted. we love you. [ cheers and applause ♪
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made a mistake and sincerely apologize. >> a san francisco restaurant apologizing after an antitrans event was had on site. they say they were duped. a silicon valley legend staying away from artificial intelligence, we sit down with steve wozniac about the future of technology. breaking news, a standoff between an armed man and sfpd ending in gunshots.
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the man shot by police has died. >> a lot has happened since our news at 6:00. part of bosworth street is blocked off. thom jensen spoke with witnesses. >> reporter: there were tense moments for people on this part of the street as they knew police were negotiating with an alleged armed prowler inside a home here. after hours of talking to the suspect they say there was a sudden burst of gunfire. an nbc bay area journalist was monitoring it. >> it sounded like more like five. >> reporter: 2:30 this afternoon, police responded to a report of a prowler in a home across and down the street from her house. an sfpd negotiator was there in
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minutes and patrol cars kept rolling in. >> it was escalating with the vehicles and tack team and ambulances. >> reporter: the lone male adult suspect repeatedly refused to drop his gun and leave the home. >> officers have been negotiating for 3 1/2 hours. >> he couldn't give more details, but after the long negotiating period, at least one officer fired. life saving medical aid was attempted. >> the suspect was declared deceased at the hospital. >> reporter: police will have no details in a town hall in the next ten days. nbc bay area news. they made a mistake and just didn't know, that from the owner of a restaurant that held a private event for the san francisco republican party.
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an undercover reporter in attendance called it an anti-trans dinner. >> reporter: the entrance is tucked away from the street, a chronicle reporter infiltrated a gop group, calling it anti-trans dinner. it's been answering angry callers and posted an apologize. >> we made a mistake and i apologize. >> reporter: they wanted to host a republican fundraiser with a short documentary. when 100 arrived with parents and children, he didn't know it would spiral. >> as the night went on, some speakers that had some kind of fringe point of view. i wish we had known this was the subject, we would have never agreed to have that event. >> reporter: are you saying you
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support trans rights? >> absolutely. i'm from the city, we love trans, gay, lgbtq communities, everyone. that's what's beautiful about san francisco, it's inclusion. >> reporter: a trans, nonbinary and polyam, says there's no question what a primary for a republican means. >> it's fundraising hatred and violence towards queer and trans people full stop. considering the majority of the anti-trans bills targeting youth and drag artists have been republican led. >> reporter: yelp has blocked reviews for american bites for now. >> we've got to change our policy for booking, be more diligent, knowing who we work with. >> reporter: we reached out to the sf gop chapter and have not
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heard back. a racist road rage incident caught on camera. chp tracked down a driver after a video of him was posted online. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> that's the video that sparked the investigation in oakland. it's near the coliseum. he yells the n-word at other drivers before trying to ram them. they arrested blackwell, a registered sex offender due on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and hate crime enhancements. another warning of artificial intelligence and who will define what is next for the silicon valley. we hear from the cofounder of
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apple, steve wozniak. >> reporter: inventor and cofounder of apple, he says where he need to be cautious as a.i. defines the future. >> i see it will amplify untruths we have with the social web, the internet. >> reporter: he was a speaker at the gala, with our own scott mcgrew. >> i avoid facebook, don't even put them on the computer because it tracks everything you type. >> reporter: he questions whether twitter will survive elon musk's takeover and criticizes the supreme court decision that once again shields internet companies over lawsuits of content by users. >> we have to have regulation and not sit by idly when crimes are done. i have a lawsuit of my own against youtube.
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>> reporter: students fascinated to glimpse into one of the world's greatest minds. >> talking about the future of innovation and giving caution to chatgpt. >> it's good, a.i., it's going to make our life automated and i feel we need it to an extent. >> reporter: next? >> the big companies are going to be in charge of defining it and not innovative, creative people who thought deeply, studied and practiced for ages. new at 11:00, more trouble for elon musk and twitter. the parent company is facing an investigation over building code violations at the san francisco headquarters after six former employees sued claiming that management told them to make unsafe changes to the office space, to turn offices into hotel rooms and lie to inspectors and the landlord by calling them temporary rest spaces. a driver hailed as a hero
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for stopping a would-be thief at a gas station in oakland. all on camera. audrey. >> it happened at the shell gas station near the oakland airport. this is a known high crime area. that attempted theft happened just yesterday and security camera footage captured all of it. you're looking at the driver of a tow truck stopping a would-be thief by ramming the suspect's car. witnesses say a man was trying to break into a woman's car so the tow truck driver took action to stop the suspect and is hailed as a hero. he had weapons. >> i can't get out of town fast enough. >> reporter: we were speaking with this man from scottsdale, arizona, someone tried breaking into his car, the suspects were unsuccessful, no one was hurt.
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>> just about lost my car filling it with gas to drop at the rental car place. yeah, scary. >> oakland police say they didn't know about the incident because no one reported it. they were notified about the incident with the man from scottsdale. vice president kamala harris is back in california tonight, there she is, she landed in l.a. this afternoon and promptly visited a nonprofit for maternal health. on monday she'll be here, viting applied materials in sunnyvale to talk about semiconductors, the white house has poured billions into developing them in the u.s. it's going to build a next generation center. debt ceiling talks are back on. earlier today the republicans walked out of negotiations, calling the white house unreasonable.
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but gop leaders and white house officials met for 90 minutes tonight. republicans say it was a candid discussion about a realistic path forward. there is no agreement but they are confident a deal will be made before the june 1st deadline. we're driving more than 100 miles from the south bay to the north bay to show you innovations designed to protect your home from fire. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura, we'll show you what's new, next. a fortune for a world war ii vet robbed not once but twice on the peninsula. how the community responded to the story. we're back in 60 seconds. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri, temperatures are dropping and fog trying vapes to quit smokoking might fefeel likeke progress,s, but wiwith 3x morere nicotie thanan a pack ofof cigarette- vavapes increaease cravings- trapping y you in an endlesess craving g loop. nicorerette reduceces cravins ununtil they''re gone e for g.
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is your home too risky to insure? for a lot of families around here, the answer is yes.
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insurance companies won't insure them. >> because of wildfires. but some are taking action. consumer investigator chris chmura gives us a look at things designed to save homes and homeowners' insurance. >> reporter: it's raining here, not from the clouds but the roof and eves. >> it looks like a car wash. >> reporter: to explain this man-made rain tower, rewind to 2020. the czu wildfire sparking up. did neighbors around you lose homes? >> yes. >> reporter: the wildfire raged but spared their home. >> with significant damage. >> reporter: it's fully restored with one innovation. >> pipes to the roof. >> reporter: a sprinkler system
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attached to the roof and under the eaves to fight fires. >> it's worth doing. >> reporter: front line wildfire defense is the company. scorching embers can float for miles and burn down homes and businesses. >> that was the aha moment. >> reporter: the system mon stirs for wildfires and embers. >> our software detects the fire. >> reporter: the app warns you, unless you decline, triggers the sprinklers. >> all will be saturated, wetted down to create an environment too wet to burn. >> reporter: water at first, foam if a fire moves closer. >> this is the class "a" biodegradable foam that firefighters have on their trucks. >> reporter: if the power and internet go out, the sprinklers
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can still fight off a fire. how much does a retrofit like this cost? >> about $10 a square foot. >> reporter: 20 grand for a 2,000 square foot home. >> it's not cheap. >> reporter: it's money well spent for mark because the insurance company canceled their policy. they're in the state's insurer of last resort which caps coverage and they shoulder risk. hence the sprinkler system. >> it's part of the program, a plan to prevent fire. >> reporter: now 100 miles north to santa rosa for another innovation designed to fend off wildfires. it's not a home add-on but the home itself. >> driving by, you would have no idea. >> reporter: a company called devel built where houses are burned down.
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it's for fire resiliency. >> metal framing, floors, ceiling, walls, soon to be foundation, so it's noncombustible. >> reporter: no wood siding. >> the material doesn't burn. inorganic. >> reporter: the prefab homes are sealed which takes a second role with hot embers. >> we have an air tight envelope in the home, you're not getting the possibility of embers entering the home. >> reporter: what premium do buyers pay for floor to ceiling resilience? they sold this home for $2.2 million in line with what zillow estimates for nearby houses built with traditional materials. insurance? >> this is the house of the future. >> reporter: with the insurance information institute. >> insurers can looking for homes to give discounts to.
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>> reporter: but as we've reported previously, insurance companies sometimes calculate fire risk by neighborhood or zone, not by home. >> a wildfire coming through is a community level fire. that's where we all need to work together to reduce the risk. >> reporter: if more people reduce wildfire risk, insurers might reassess some areas and offer to re-sign customers they canceled. mark has been asking. >> we made phone calls after the system was installed and the response was generally, that's really good, no, still won't write the insurance policy. would like that to change. >> reporter: the innovators hope for change, too. >> it makes sense. >> reporter: they're banking on more buying in and holding the insurance company's feet to the fire.
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>> homes need to be built this way. >> fascinating. >> it is. >> short of buying a new home or retrofitting it, there's one big step you can take today for free. >> no charge here. focus on the first five feet from your home, remove anything that might burn if an ember were to land there, for example, replace wood mulch with rock. outside, beautiful with you dangerous right now. the sierra snow melt is creating epic waterfalls at yosemite. this is stunning but you can see how fast it's moving, all heading to the valley floor. the merced today, water rising in several parts of the park. campgrounds and sections of the valley floor are closed because of the flooding concerns through the weekend. jeff, it's not as warm as it could be, so the snow is not
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melting as fast as it could, right? >> that's a good point, we've been climbing up there, but this is inevitable, it's happening the next couple of months. and we're looking at thunderstorms that weekend. i'll have the totals in a bit. take it into the weather pattern and what is happening. heat we had earlier is moving east. we have cooler air moving close, and the fog at the coastline, two things that are going to drop our temperatures. tomorrow, fog is widespread across the bay area, starting 7:00 in the morning. what's different is by 11:30, still hanging on to the fog around the bay and at the coast. maybe even fog over the bay and coastline through the afternoon, but a lot of the bay area still getting sunshine. move it into the microclimate forecast to talk more about the cooler numbers. for the morning we're down in the 50s.
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54 in the peninsula, south bay at 52 and looks similar across the east bay, san francisco and the north bay. then the daytime highs. because the fog pattern is so strong at the coastline, we're going to drop off four to seven degrees. south bay will be 73 in los gatos, 74 in east san jose. a big difference from the mid and upper 80s we had earlier this week. for the east bay, 74 in concord, 73 fremont, chilly breeze in oakland, 64. downright cold in half moon bay, 57. redwood city, 59. downtown is 62 and winds out of the west at 18 will make it blustery in san francisco. north bay, nice in wine country, napa and sonoma in low to mid-70s. thunderstorms across the sierra, looking to be contained there,
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not thinking it will come our way, the thunderstorms. but a total of a half to 1 inch, so flood watches are up for the sierra along with the historic snow melt causing flooding concerns. back into the bay area, something fun that happens every year. bay to breakers, we had fantastic weather. fog, in the 50s sunday, should be fog in the afternoon, and if you're not rung, it's good to watch. we've been there once or twice. seven-day forecast, temperatures in the 60s, then the inland valleys down to 74, up to 82 sunday, then not done with the chill, by next thursday and friday, 60s coming back in. you know what that means. enjoy the weekend. make sure to get outside, soak up the sun. >> i like the sunday, 82. >> it's going to be nice.
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>> thanks jeff. a warning for south bay neighborhood, curious mountain lion peeping through the wind. it's not the only time. happening now, a longtime business owner is fed up. his oakland store repeatedly targeted by graffiti vandals. the owner said he spent thousands of dollars tackling the problem and is getting zero help from a san jose neighborhood a little edgy after that, a mountain lion spotted peeping into a home in evergreen area.
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the puma project said it probably came over grant park, mount hamilton. a while ago there was one roaming on their back fence. >> got to be careful. a world war ii veteran whose laptop was stolen twice. roger fray was mugged, thieves took his new laptop he got to replace the one stolen from his home. fray tonight said when he went to buy a new laptop at best buy, the geek squad guys that worked there gifted him a new computer. they even helped him set it up. he's very thankful but still wants better security at the bus stop. he was awarded the bronze medal for bravery during world war ii. instagram is testing a new app meant to rival twitter. according to bloomberg it's been
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secretly testing for months with an app available for few peopl. it's separate but could link accounts. the new app could debut next month. the whacky and wonderful bay to breakers race is back. tens of thousands of people will be in the city to walk or run in outrageous costumes, remember no nudes there. it's been going on dating back to 1912. organizers say they have fun extra things planned. runners will enjoy games and treats and activity stations. b.a.r.t. trains will start running two hours earlier than normal and the race begins 8:00 a.m. sunday. >> bloody marys every block as well. i saw four dancing bananas there. the giants tonight, and the
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the giants tonight, and the big sp for vice pres when there's no defense, attacking gets much easier. don't let thatat happen to your r teeth. new w pronamel a active shied prprovides two times strtrongr enamel defense, and 24 hour cavity protection, because e strong enanamel is e best d defense agagainst cavit. new pronamel active shield. here's the defense. so who are they? you might be trying to figure out the personality of this team. it may take weeks. this week, we're seeing the good giants. >> we like them, they're entertaining and have won four in a row and crowds are coming back on terra firma or floating in the cove. orange friday on nbc bay area, casey schmitt, the rookie sensation, clutch hit. 4-2. things got squirrely for the marlins. they were unhappy that a
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time-out without granted. >> wow. >> the catcher ejected there, it was all the pitch clock. they wanted time-out, umps didn't grant it. you see what happens. the giants beat the miami marlins 4-3. the poor a's, on the road against the mighty astros, trying to keep it positive for the players here. shea langeliers for the athletics, rbi double bounces off the fence, run scores. but the astros win 5-1. your final. the big sporting event of the night in l.a. >> billie jean king. >> and lakers head coach darvin ham. in the arena in the locker room talking to the players, vice president kamala harris. this is the wnba and the return of brittney griner, first game in more than a year after being detained in a russian prison.
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she scored 18 points for the mercury but wake up, achievers. you're making the most of everery hour of f your life. except thehe hours thahat you'u're sleepining. so why do o we leave s so muh untappeded potentialal on the table?e? this is a a next levelel bed, for a nenext level y you. my cirircadian rhyhythm is kicg your circacadian rhyththm's bu! it's's not a comompetition.. i knknow, but i'i'm still wiwi! soso, it is a a competitioi. of coursrse. save 50% on the sleeeep number limiteted edition n smart be. plus, spspecial financing. only at t sleep numbmber. a surprise performance in san francisco, the edge on the square cultural hub hosted a flash mob in chinatown today, it explored the vocal fabric of chinatown for asian american and
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pacific islander month. >> it's more than just sound, it's the life blood of our community, it allows people to speak out, becomes oxygen for democracy and allows people to fight against silencing and injustices. >> this weekend, nbc bay area is celebrating the history, joy and success of asian americans. we hope you join us for our special at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow night, saturday. >> we're looking forward to it. saturday morning when we wake up, how are we looking? fog to start, 50s. afternoon, 74, warming up to 82 sunday. >> we made it to the weekend. thanks for being with us. >> have a good weekend. tonight, after that critical setback in the talks to keep the government from defaulting in less than two weeks, this just in, talks are set to restart republicans declared a pause in the negotiations after all sides had sounded
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optimistic late word they're set to reconvene what the two sides are demanding with the american people caught in the middle. all of it overshadowing the g7 in japan where there is major news. president biden giving the green light to allies to send f-16 fighter jets to ukraine. plus, president zelenskyy set to make an appearance with those world leaders this weekend also tonight, the severe storm threat in the plains and the south. 13 million at risk of hail, heavy storms, even tornadoes behind bars, the air national guardsman accused of that major intelligence leak to stay locked up the repeated warnings he was given before he was arrested are some cars easier to steal than others kia and hyundai agree to pay $200 million to owners who say they are, and what you can do now to keep your car safe hertz apologizing tonight for refusing to rent a car to a man with a puerto rican


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