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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  January 22, 2023 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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the careful of those patchy frost morning ahead and possibly even rain next weekend. >> thank you for watching. nightly news is next. tonight, we're here in monterey park, california, the site of another mass shooting, ten killed, ten other hospitalized police believe the suspect is dead after police confronted him. late last night the alleged gunman opened fire in a dance studio he may have tried to kill again at another studio nearby but customers there fought back >> some individuals wrestled the firearm away from him. >> what we now know about the suspect, as this majority asian american city is in shock and mourning
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>> it's hard to see that this happened it's horrible. >> while across the country, security now ramped up at lunar new year celebrations. a new bombshell a new bombshell in the investigation of documents found at president biden's home the fbi searched his wilmington, delaware, house on friday and found more classified items. what the white house is saying now amid a major staffing change there. the emotional memorial for lisa marie presley at graceland today. sarah ferguson, alanis morissette, and lisa marie's mother, priscilla presley, all paying tribute and triumphant return damar hamlin's inspiring appearance back at the buffalo bills stadium, revving up the crowd just weeks after he collapsed and nearly died >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with kate snow reporting tonight from monterey park, california good evening from monterey park, california, a community in shock it was supposed to be a night of
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festivities. this city just east of l.a. was celebrating the lunar new year, which for many asians and asian americans is considered the most important holiday of the year at a dance studio just up the street from here, dancing wa supposed to go until nearly midnight. but at approximately 10:22 p.m. last night, a gunman opened fire, killing ten people and injuring at least ten others the suspect may have been attempting to take more lives at another dance studio a couple miles away, but customers there were able to take his gun away, sending him fleeing. that set off a 12-hour manhunt for the killer and this standoff between police and the van reportedly linked to the shooting. late today sources said they believe the suspect was inside that vehicle is now dead steve patterson is at the site of the standoff steve, good evening. >> reporter: kate, after that hours-long standoff here if
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torrance, police finally surround the vehicle seen near the scenes of the crimes on saturday night. they smash in the window and find a man inside that has died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> they have the white cargo van completely surrounded right now >> reporter: a dramatic standoff unfolding in southern california some 30 miles from the scene of a mass shooting in monterey park, that sent shockwaves through the region >> they're breaching the van. >> reporter: s.w.a.t teams closing in on this white cargo van, authorities calling it a barricaded suspect situation. >> enforcement authorities were able to identify the man as the suspect in the mass shooting that we had in monterey park the suspect had been identified as hu kan tran >> reporter: the man in the vehicle possibly the suspect has died from an apparent
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self-inflicked gunshot wound. the sweeping man hunt for the hooter, arme dangerous and on the loose terrifying residents. for more than 15 hours in the heart of one of california's largest and most prominent asian american communities. >> additional units requested. multiple victims, gunshot wounds >> reporter: police say the shooter described as an asian male, aged 30 to 50, entered this packed ballroom dance studio shortly after 10:00 saturday night, opened fire, and fled >> when officers arrived on scene, they observed numerous individuals, patrons of the location, pouring out of the location, screaming. >> i've got approximately ten decreased. >> reporter: so far, ten dead, five men and five women, pronounced at the scene an additional ten wounded rushed to area hospitals, their conditions ranging from stable to critical the community, shaken. >> a lot of dead people in there. and it's sad but this is the horrible reality in america, these mass shootings. >> reporter: nearly 20 minutes later, police say this suspect, still armed, attempted to enter another
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similar ballroom in nearby alhambra, california police say his weapon was wrestled away by patrons before fleeing. police say it is too early to assign celebrated the lunar new year as questions --
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celebrations were overshadowed by fear. kathy park reports on the increased security measures across the country. >> reporter: at lunar new year celebrations all across the country, revellers on edge. >> when it happened, like, you don't know what to expect >> it's senseless violence it's very unfortunate. >> reporter: from coast to coast, police ramping up security. the nypd telling us in a statement they have shifted their counterterrorism and patrol resources and will have an adequate security presence at lunar new year events and throughout the city the chicago police department said they will adjust resources as necessary in light of last night's event. police say the suspect in last night's mass shooting was asian, and the motive has not yet been determined. nonetheless, asian american communities are hurting.
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between march 2020 and march 2022, more than 11,000 hate incidents against asian americans were reported across the u.s. according to reports by stop aapi hate >> this attack, irrespective of the specific or interconnected motive, comes at a time when we are cresting off a record for anti-asian hate crimes. >> reporter: this shooting is the deadliest in america since last year's massacre at uvalde elementary school, which killed 21. there have been 33 mass shootings so far in just the first three weeks of 2023, according to the gun violence archives. >> this is a time to be with family, to celebrate. and yet, this tore a hole through all of our hearts >> reporter: tonight, one town feeling familiar heartbreak now shared by so many communities across america. >> kathy park is with me now, where the streets are really eerily quiet, kathy. >> reporter: yeah, in the wake of what's happened, officials felt it was only
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appropriate to cance the festivities this weekend. typically the streets would be filled with thousands of people. but obviously the crowds have been replaced by a large police presence and a growing memorial for >> thank you for being here to political news now and the stunning development in the case of classified documents at president biden's delaware home. have learned the fbi conducted its own search of the house. ally radcliff now with more on what they found. >> reporter: tonight, the unprecedented fbi search of a sitting president's home for classified documents escalating the legal and political situation for president biden. the white house revealing yet another bombshell late saturday, that six items with classification markings were discovered friday after an exhaustive 13-hour search of the president's wilmington, delaware, home, some of them dating back to his time in the senate and as vice president. >> his notes, his files, his memorabilia, his to-do lists from two decades ago just to make sure
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they had everything. they >> reporter: the fbi conducting the search at the invitation of the president's legal team in coordination with the justice department, which is now reviewing the materials. >> after the lawyers found additional documents at the president's home, the president asked his team and said, reach out to the doj and give them access to my house. >> reporter: it's the fourth such discovery after fewer than a dozen classified documents were found at the president's former office in washington, d.c. in november, along with more in his wilmington garage and an adjacent room in recent weeks, though the total number is still unknown. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle reacting to this latest revelation. >> he's become a al classified document hoarder >> when that information is found, it diminishes the stature of any perso who is in possession of it because it's not supposed to happen >> reporter: some members of the president's own political party scrutinizing his first public comments since the appointment of a special counsel. >> there's no there there. i have no regrets. >> oh, i think he should have all the regrets. >> reporter: the white house and democrats repeatedly pointing to the differences
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between mr. biden and his predecessor's cases. this latest search done without the need for a warrant, unlike the fbizure at former president trump's mar-a-lago estate last august >> we're going to be fully cooperative with that process to get this taken care of and that's such a distinction in what we've seen in the past >> ally is with the president in rehoboth beach, delaware. she joins me now ally, all of this unfolding as white house chief of staffnow. ally, al ron klain prepares to step down in the coming weeks and we know now who's going to replace him. >> reporter: kate, that's right klain preparing to leave at this critical moment for the administration jeff zients, who led the administration's covid-19 response, is expected to be named the next white house chief of staff, ka >> all right ally, thank you. coming up, damar hamlin's triumphant return the big surprise at the bills game today and the emotional moment when fans found out he was there also the famous people who came to
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graceland today, their moving good-byes for lisa marie presley y, their moving good-byes for lisa marie presley. i always wanted to know more about my grandfather. he...was a hardworking man who came to new york from puerto rico when he was 17. with ancestry, being able to put the pieces of the puzzle together...'s amazing. it's honestly amazing. just between us, you know what's better than mopping? the last thing i want to well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and it's awesome.
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including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. y'all wayfair has just what you need for your . including steroids, without talk that glitter?ctor. this tab is on its last. y'all need this. you're kelly clarkson! a whole new look for a whole lot less. ahhh! -you're kelly clarkson! i am... and you need this. i love it! are we in a wayfair commercial? maybe. personal sauna. ok i need that. ahhhhh! ♪ wayfair, you've got just what i need ♪ we're back with the big news out of buffalo. bills player damar hamlin was back in the stadium today for the first time since he collapsed during another bengals matchup nearly three weeks ago. jesse kirsch was there for the amazing moment >> reporter: less than three weeks after he collapsed on the field, tonight, damar hamlin back at a football game in person >> the hamlin family watching from one of
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the suites >> reporter: recovering from cardiac arrest, the bills safety has cheered for his teammates starting from his hospital bed, then from home >> this is it right here what a scene >> reporter: but today, for the first time since he got out of the hospital, hamlin was with his teammates and fans in the stadium. word spreading he was in the building before kickoff. >> it's great he i able to do that with where things were a couple weeks ago >> with damar being able to be back here not even three weeks after his injury -- >> reporter: and just before halftime, the big screen had a big announcement number 3 himself sending that signature message of love from a stadium suite, fans cheering him on. today's game also a reunion for the bills and cincinnati bengals. >> and they are intensely working on damar hamlin >> reporter: the same two teams playing when hamlin collapsed earlier this month that game was cancelled. but with cincy showing compassion for hamlin, a special connection carried through to this game for some fans >> i was walking out
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with my cousin, and a man from buffalo stopped us and said -- actually, it was very complimentary. he said, your fans are the closest thing to royalty in our city right now. >> we're separate teams, but we're together >> but in the end, it's bigger than football >> reporter: even with both teams and fans focusing on the playoffs, there's no forgetting number 3. even with the bengals winning, ending the tonight, reuted th bills season, buffalo can still lebrate tonight, reunited with damar hamlin, who has meant so much to this community and many more across the country. ka >> jesse, thank you. today, the landmark abortion ruling, roe versuswade, turnss old. but the controversy surrounding last year's reversal of roe is heating up once again, with marches across the country more than six months after that decision, where does the battle over abortion rights stand? marissa parra reports from madison, wisconsin.ghts
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stand? >> we will win i believe that we will win! [ crowd chanting ] >> reporter: tonight on the 50th anniversary of roe v. wade, abortion rights activists drumming up defiance, moving their main women's march, bigger than roe, from the capitol to the midwest. >> we moved to madison in order to kick off our newfound campaign to the states. >> reporter: we're just weeks away from a primary judicial election and a state supreme court seat is up for grabs and if it is filled with a pro-abortio rights candidate, then the wisconsin abortion ban could be overturned with siste marches in hundreds of cities across the country, just days after the national march for life against abortion and just seven months after roe v. wade was overturned in a 5-4 decision, sending both sides of the debate into action the state of play, a murky patchwork. roughly two dozen states have either a total abortion ban or are close to it. some state laws changed immediately, like wisconsin's abortion ban some, like neighboring illinois, later
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passing abortion protection and last fall, historically red states, kansas and kentucky, voted down anti-abortion ballot measures today, vice president kamala harris once again calling to codify roe >> congress must pass a bill that protects freedom and liberty. >> reporter: but with republicans in control of the house, the federal abortion debate remains in a deadlock, making mobili on a level more important than ever. [ crowd chanting ] >> reporter: from madison, wisconsin, marissa parra, nbc news still ahead, a good-bye at graceland, the moving tbutes from celebrities and fans today for lisa marie presley. how her mother remembered her breast cancer means i cherish my memories. but i don't just look back on them, i look forward to the chance to make new ones every day with verzenio. verzenio is proven to help you live significantly longer when taken with fulvestrant.
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out of hand. police say some people smashed windows and set a patrol car on fire others were carrying explosive devices. six people were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism, arson, and criminal damage. a small plane made an emergency landing northwest of houston today. take a look at this. the single engine aircraft reported that it lost power and it went down, crashing on top of an 18 wheeler the plane then caught fire the most astonishing thing about all this, the pilot and the truck driver were not injured. the only child of elvis presley was laid to rest today at his graceland estate lisa marie presley died suddenly earlier this month and was honored today with a moving tribute from her mother, famous friends and fans priscilla thompson reports from there ♪ amazing grace ♪ >> reporter: songs of comfort for a family in mourning. >> our hearts are
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broken, lisa we all love you. >> reporter: the memorial service for lisa marie presley, a moving tribute to elvis' only child. from axle rose to alanis morissette -- ♪ >> reporter: sarah ferguson, the duchess of york, reading a poem for presley's daughters. >> i live in the smiles, the moon, the stars and sky. and i feel eternal pride, as i watch you all fly. >> reporter: and messages delivered through loved ones from lisa marie's daughters. >> thank you for showing me that love is the only thing that matters in this life i hope i can love my daughter the way you loved me >> reporter: priscilla sharing a poem her granddaughter wrote, revealing the pain lisa marie still felt after losing her son, ben, who died by suicide in 2020. >> some would say that a broken heart was the doing of her death now she is home where she always belonged,
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but my heart is missing her love >> reporter: that love, the reason so many fans showed up today. hundreds coming from near and far to pay their respects >> we really wanted toespecia children, and let them show support to the presley family, especially her children, and let them know that we love them >> reporter: many laying flowers at lisa marie's final resting place in the meditation garden at graceland, beside her son and near her father >> her legacy will be of strength. it will be of bringing people together all over the world, to honor her father, to remember his legacy. and she was a great mother she was a wonderful daughter and she loved people >> reporter: those people showing their love for her too with one final farewe ♪ the presley legacy now lies in the hands of lisa marie's three daughters, who will inherit graceland. kate
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i'll be right back from here in monterey park, california, with more on the deep tradition of the lunar new year as this community grapples with unbearable tragedy. there is a smarter way to save. (einstein) oh?! (cecily) switch to verizon! for a limited time, get welcome unlimited for just $25/line. (einstein) $25?! (cecily) and it's guaranteed for 3 years! (einstein) brilliant! (cecily) well, you would know. (einstein) i'm switching! (cecily) i think the bike's probably faster. (vo) now is the best time to switch to verizon. for just $25 a line. guaranteed for 3 years. the savings that last. on the network you want. verizon. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace.
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we want to close tonight by remembering what the period marking the lunar new year is typically all about. >> reporter: what happened here in monterey park is a tragedy by any measure. but for this community, more than half asian american, the violence has shattered what should have been a celebration of life, the lunar new year for billions, the most important holiday on the calendar, especially this one. this was meant to be a milestone for so many families loved ones gathering after years apart during covid, a chance to reunite and spend precious time away from work and the demands of regular life today marks the start to the year of the rabbit, a period for self-reflection.
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the rabbit, a symbol fopeac the lunar new year, an ancient tradition marking the beginning of spring, the renewal of life, and a chance to honor ancestors it's a time for fireworks and fire crackers meant to scare off evil families consider this a sacred time to gather and exchange blessings and to feast. the dishes, symbols of luck, longevity, health, and wealth red, the color of luck and there's light here too. lanterns signal a time for letting go of the past year and welcoming a new one full of good fortune ♪ lanterns now taking on a new meaning for monterey park, a tribute to lives lost and a community standing strong in the face of so much loss that is "nbc nightly news" for this sunday night lester holt will be here in monterey park tomorrow i'm kate snow. for all of us at nbc news, stay safe. have a good night.
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feel safe, you are no longer in danger because this shooter is on. >> right now a manhunt is over. a violent night in southern california comes to an violent end. new details about the latest mass shooting that left 10 dead and a nation in mourning. the news at 6:00 starts now. thank you for joining us. >> the manhunt is over. in the last 20 minutes and a coty


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