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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 6, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PST

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much-needed break in the rain. this morning the rush is on for those across the bay area to clean up the muddy messes left behind. time is of the essence as another storm is headed our way this weekend. meteorologist kari hall breaking down everything you need to know ahead of the next system. plus -- >> in california extreme weather is what we're seeing with these atmospheric rivers coming through. >> the warning and advice from california's lieutenant governor ahead of this next round of wet weather. this is "today in the bay" streaming live on roku, amazon
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fire, apple tv and online. a very good friday morning to you. thank you for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm scott mcgrew. marcus washington is off. meteorologist kari hall is not off. she's timing out the next storm. there is a storm to come, two, in fact. there's a lot more, and we are starting out with spotty rain this morning. i wanted to show you the wide view of the next storm that's setting its sights on the bay area as we go into early tomorrow morning, but we're already starting to see some of that rain lingering from the system that we had yesterday, and this is pushing out ahead of the next one. so we're not getting much of a break here, and we're seeing the scattered showers mainly targeting the north bay, and this is the area we'll be ntohi today. a look at storm ranger just shows hit-or-miss light showers moving in now as we zoom into contra costa county. maybe a wet drive on highway 4 in some spots with spotty sprinkles. for the most part, we are letting all of that heavy rain
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and all the downpours of the past couple of days soak in. we will at any point have a chance of rain especially in the north bay. it's not going to be as much of a weather impact maker as we go into today, but looking at early tomorrow as we go into -- rather, it's into the afternoon, early in the afternoon, we'll see the rain spreading across the bay area and continuing throughout the day on saturday with pockets of some heavy rain. now we are also going to see this continue into sunday morning and then eventually starting to let up just a little bit for sunday evening before the next wave of heavy rain comes in on monday. so there's a lot going on here. not a lot of breaks. just throughout the weekend we're looking at the possibility of anywhere from 1 to maybe even over 3 inches of rainfall for the north bay. so this is, once again, another storm system with a big impact that's coming on the heels of another big impact storm.
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and we could see more flooding around the bay area. so i'll continue to talk more about this and what's ahead, what you can expect in a few minutes. vianey? and right now we do have a sig alert to tell you about in san francisco. all lanes are closed southbound 280 due to a traffic crash. take a look at this citizen app video. this happened about 2:15 this morning. chp says traffic is being diverted off to monterey road. several lanes northbound have since reopened as of 4:10 a.m. it says northbound 280 all lanes open. southbound 280 all lanes remain closed. so this is definitely going to be one of those areas you have to work your way around it. take a closer look where that accident is happening. again, this is along the southbound lanes. but we are seeing that the southbound lanes remain closed, and those delays are beginning to stretch back through the 101 interchange. the northbound lanes do not appear to be impacted. but you could start to notice some slowing along 101 as well and then along the surface
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streets as people work around this. now bridge drive times, we're doing okay on the bridges, about seven minutes, westbound 82 to the san mateo bridge. 12 minutes westbound 84 to the dumbarton bridge, about ten minutes. we are working to find out if anyone was hurt in the crash. we hope everybody is okay. we'll bring you an update as it becomes available. several east oakland families are still displaced from their apartment complex due to new year's eve flooding. it's been nearly a full week and some are starting to express their frustration. the parking garage on 71st avenue flooded some residents, including a woman, who lost two cars. they believe the building was neglected for years. >> pg&e came out on saturday night and drained one of the pumps but then cut the power to the building after seeing how much water it was. and after that then what do we do, because now there's no
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power? >> many of those families are being housed at a nearby hotel. some also say they're eating a lot of fast food. they're looking some of the essential including laundry services and clipper cards. anyone who wants to donate can contact coliseum connections apartment. in san mateo county water and mud and a big cleanup. people in san mateo's laurel wood neighborhood have been dealing with the run-off gushing down the hillside, some of the worst was over the weekend. you can see how bad it is in this cell phone video. look at that go. now the challenge is another storm is approaching this weekend, and they want to avoid more flooding. everybody in the enabled telling us they've never seen anything like this. right now crews are fanned out across different neighborhoods fixing transformers, repairing broken poles but there is some relief. pg&e tells us the break in the storm has helped its 3,000 staff on the ground restore business to people. businesses flooded in the first
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wave of storms are racing to take advantage. this san francisco restaurant had all staff working up to mop up the damage from the water flooded inside over the past few days. >> since we're a small business, it's tough. >> san francisco public works replenished its stock of free sandbags. five per address while supplies last. a reminder when you're not at home you can watch us on the go. we're streaming online and on our app. it's all free to download and stream. happening today, governor newsom will be sworn in on the steps of the state capitol in sacramento following his re-election this november. also returning for four years in office, his second in command, lieutenant governor who joins us now to talk more about some of the problems the state is facing and what she wants to achieve over her next four years.
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lieutenant governor, thanks so much for joining us. always good to see you. >> good to be with you. >> covid-19 still lingering. infections continue to tick up. what did we learn from where we were and where can we go into the future? >> the ppe is so important when you have an outbreak. those kinds of things are really important. and i also think what's come to a head for people in california is the issue of housing and homelessness. so we're going to see a lot of work over the next few years using the tools that we have in this state of the fact that our economy, though we have challenges now. i think it's clear we have tools to combat the challenges and
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homelessness will be a big priority. >> we have seen a lot of wet weather, rock slides, mud slides, flooding, atmospheric river really made its presence known. meteorologists say more rain is on the way. what kind of support should californians expect from our leaders? >> the bottom line is changing climate, a warming planet brought on by human activity and releasing too much carbon into the air, this is creating extreme weather, extreme weather in the world, extreme weather in the country, and, of course, right here in california extreme weather. that is what we're seeing with these atmospheric rivers coming through that are challenging our infrastructure in other ways. so there's a lot of work being done to shore up levees, to help get the word out. people should be absolutely watching the news and looking to see if there are predictions of
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flooding around them and getting prepared to stay as far away from those targeted, challenged areas as possible. watch the local news and get ready because extreme weather is here to stay. >> that was my favorite part, watch the local news. i spoke with the lieutenant governor a lot longer. we talked about her big priorities for the next four years especially when it comes to the state's economy. we've posted it in its entirety online. head to or you can also stream it on roku and apple tv. 4:39 on your friday morning. still ahead on "today in the bay," a closer look at the extended forecast. meteorologist kari hall tracking the next incoming storm. she'll show us what's ahead for next week, plus new perks for travelers, the company that will soon begin offering free wi-fi starting next month. stay with us. you're watching "today in the bay."
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good friday morning. right now at 4:42, we're seeing some light showers moving through parts of the north bay but elsewhere we are catching a break as we get ready for another storm system that is set to arrive as we head into early tomorrow morning. we'll talk about the impacts to the north bay going into the weekend. that's coming up in a few minutes. and it's nice to see much calmer roads friday light commute through the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see overall we have a couple of issues to let you know
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about, so i'll have a full look at your traffic report coming up. first, let's check in with business and tech. good morning, pippa. good morning. i'm pippa stevens from cnbc. wall street is set to open slightly lower ahead of the big economic news of the day, the monthly jobs report. it is expected to show job and wage growth was solid again in december. momentum could slow later this year as the federal reserve continues to hike interest rate hikes to fight inflation. stocks falling yesterday with the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500 all dropping more than 1% on continued worries about rising rates and the looming recession. delta airlines will begin offering free wi-fi on february 1st. about 80% of the domestic fleet will be equipped at launch, but more planes will be added each week. the service will be expanded by the end of next yankee. passengers will be able to connect on all their devices by logging on to their sky miles,
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frequent flier accounts. and snap is shutting down its camera app for pcs and macs to let you put cool or silly filters on your calls. it will no longer be available as of january 25th but you can still access a number of filters on the web version of the app. snap camera really took off during the pandemic when people found themselves on zoom calls all day and got tired of staring at a normal version of themselves. i guess not only zoom fatigue but zoom back ground fatigue at this point. >> pippa, do you remember that one lawyer who couldn't get the cat filter? he's like, i swear i'm not a cat. >> that was iconic. it really was. >> a classic of the pandemic. pippa, thank you. 4:44. walking back concerns over theft next on "today in the bay," the reason one major pharmacy is now reportedly saying the company may have overblown concerns about theft in their stores.
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good friday morning. at 4:47 we're now eyeing the next storm that's making its way closer to the bay area. here's the center of the storm. you can see all the clouds out ahead of that that will be pushing in. not much of a break for parts of the bay area today in terms of rain. scattered, light showers are moving through. a little bit more of a steady rain for parts of marin county
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as well as napa and sonoma county. a closer look at storm ranger light and spotty and that will be the case for us for today while much of the rest of the bay area dries out, even some sunshine in the south bay as well as the tri-valley. moving up to ukiah and the light to moderate rain. widespread heavy rain once again all across our area. that extends into sunday before it starts to break up a little bit. notice where we're still getting the rain, in the north bay. so that's going to be our focus. and then going into next week we'll start to see the next storm system come in.
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this is a look at how much rain we could see from an inch of rain in fremont to over 3 inches of rain in ukiah and there may be some spots over the hills that get even higher amounts of rainfall and that's the reason why we do have another flood watch that starts at 4:00 tomorrow morning and that has been extended until 4:00 p.m. on tuesday. a long period looking at flooding. for today the stage is at about 26 feet. it to reach near the moderate flood stage at 46.2 feet. the main areas that will be impacted, and then at that stage between sunday and monday the creekside resort flooding and the lowest lying parts of town
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could flood. in those areas you do need to be on high alert. and then we're already going to see the next big storms coming in next week. on wednesday there will be the approach of another storm but it doesn't look at this point as strong and then we could be dealing with rain again next weekend. sierra snow this weekend looks about 5 to 13 inches for the most part and the heavier snow, but we're also, unfortunately, going to see some rain mixing in. very busy here. we'll be monitoring sunday afternoon for the potential of some thunderstorms and then that next atmospheric river continuing into tuesday and off and on showers in the forecast for the middle of next week. vianey has been tracking a major crash. what's the update? if you're going to be traveling along 280, take a look at this video. all lanes are closed southbound 280 due to a traffic crash.
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a sig alert is in place. this happened at about 2:15 this morning. this is new video just in from the scene. the chp says traffic is being diverted off to monterey road. you can see many police cars right now, once again, southbound lanes remain closed. several lanes northbound have now been reopened. so the northbound lanes seem to not be impacted. this will take some time to clear out. of course we're still dealing with ponding water on the roadways. i want to show you how far back that stretch of delays shows up. notice it's getting better but it's not on the southbound lanes because there's no eta yet on when that is expected to reopen. no lanes are being impacted on the northbound side. meanwhile, the rest of 101 is doing okay and 280. mass transit wise i want to update you. i know we had issues with caltrain. that was cleared as of last night. they're back to normal service. no delays on b.a.r.t., muni or the vta. if we have any changes to that, of course, we'll keep you
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updated. thank you very much, vianey. doctors who have been treating buffalo bills safety damar hamlin, says he's continuing to show substantial improvement. this morning it's still unclear what caused cardiac arrest that made him collapse on monday night. maggie vespa is outside the medical center with an update. maggie? >> reporter: good morning. the update so many have been waiting for. damar hamlin is awake, he is communicating with family and friends by writing with pen and paper, and he is in his doctor's words, neurologically intact. while he remains in critical condition and still on a breathing machine, which means he's not talking, this is called a remarkable improvement. that description from the buffalo bills who had their first press conference yesterday, three days after their 24-year-old safety suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on the field. yesterday quarterback josh allen saying once they got the news, again, their teammate was awake and talking and seemed to be neurologically okay, he said
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nothing could bring them down. and he also added they now plan to play on sunday against the patriots, and he said they'll play for 3, hamlin's number. we'll have much more on this story, all of these positive developments coming out of the hospital finally later this morning on "today." it is 4:53. a follow yum on walgreens' response to theft in theirs is that eventually led to the closure of several stores in san francisco closing down. in late 2021 the company closed five stores in the city citing organized theft is the major reason why, but during its earnings call yesterday executives admitted concerns about theft may have been overblown. one even saying, quote, maybe we cried too much last year. since that time walgreens' theft rates have stabilized and the company is considering reducing the number of private security guards at its doors because their data shows the presence of guards did little to deter thieves. back when the closures were
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announced, our i-unit ran stories looking deeper into the problem. you can watch those reports online, head to and click on the investigations tab. 4:53 right now. feeling like testing your luck? today is the day. ahead, the growing mega millions jackpot and just how much is up for grabs. happening now, police in concord need your help in finding a man who has been missing since new year's day. the 19-year-old from pittsburg during the early morning new year's day, police found his car abandoned on the side of the road. if you have any information about his whereabouts, you a urged reto
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welcome back. contra costa county prosecutors will spend the next month weighing whether or not toelctie release of dust from the refinery in martinez. they will also consider the length of time it took to notify the county, more than 20 tons of dust was released over thanksgiving weekend which health leaders say contained elevated levels of aluminum and other metals. they argue the refining company did not act promptly in notifying the county to trigger a warning system. this week contra costa health requested taking legal action. the company so far has not issued a response. well, there's one thing you should do today, it's get a mega millions lottery ticket. >> the jackpot is tonight. the drawing up to $940 million. no one matched all six numbers on tuesday night. so now the jackpot closing in on ten figures for the second time in just over five months. last july a massive $1.3 billion prize was won for some lucky person in illinois.
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tonight's drawing is happening at 8:00 p.m. good luck. the house adjourns for a third day without electing a house speaker. next on "today in the bay," a live report from washington on the standoff on capitol hill. still no speaker of the house. the new response kevin mccarthy is
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right now at 5:00, a small moment of relief as many work to
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clean up from the last storm. flooding concerns are on the rise. this as another storm is set to hit the area this weekend. kari hall timing out our forecast and when everything will show up. we'll take a look at the damage already piling up. breaking overnight, an apparent overnight shooting in san francisco. the unfolding investigation as police so far silent about the case this is "today in the bay" streaming live on roku, amazon fire, apple tv and online. well, good friday morning to you. i'm scott mcgrew. marcus washington is off. >> and i'm laura garcia. let's start this hour with a look at the forecast. meteorologist kari hall is here. a little break in the rain today. >> especially for much of the bay area. we're watching the north bay for the potential of more scattered showers. i want to show you the wide view of the next storm coming our way. it looks very similar to what we just had but the intensity of the storm is not as strong but still tapping into subtropical moisture enhancing that


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