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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 18, 2015 11:34pm-12:38am PDT

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we've heard there is a ten-week waiting list. >> and we'll take some french friday. >> and you get a free forecast. how is the forecast tomorrow morning? >> looking pretty good for all the kids heading off to school. >> east bay, san francisco, some fog and country. as we head through the forecast tomorrow, we are out of 90 in the tri-valley. danville, livermore averaging 87. sunny sky and 70 and in the sow bay, 87 degree. it will be on the warm side. >> i don't even know what the roasted brine means. >> have a great morning tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests --
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taraji p. henson, edward burns, musical guest sam hunt, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 315, syracuse! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is beautiful. hey, welcome, everybody! come on, how fun! oh, my goodness. welcome, welcome, welcome, everyone. welcome to "the tonight show." this is it right here. [ cheers and applause ] you're here, we're here, we're in it together.
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this is going to be a fun night tonight. here's what people are talking about. of course, it's the election still. according to a new poll, jeb bush saw a 6% drop in support after the first debate. but experts say that he still has a shot, because he's likeable and qualified. [ laughter ] and donald trump was like, "weird, 'cause the opposite is working for me." [ laughter and applause ] and you go, "well that's -- i guess." speaking of trump, experts are saying that during the debate, he actually spoke at a fourth grade reading level. [ laughter ] actually, it seems like the longer trump is in the race, the more he seems to be dumbing it down. watch this. >> you know, i have -- i know the smartest negotiators in the world. [ ding ] the donors see me, everybody sees me -- i say, "i don't need your money, i never took any of your money. you have no control. bye-bye." [ ding ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing. [ ding ] [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: bing bing bing. bing bong bing bong bong bong
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bing bing bing bong bong. bong bong bing bing bing bong bong bing bong bong bing bing. ♪ [ laughter ] >> trump. [ laughter ] actually, trump supporters are everywhere right now. in fact, a couple of youtube stars who are behind something called "stump for trump" made an appearance on cnn last week. i kinda like these guys. take a look. >> we want them to start thriving in this country. >> that's right. >> we don't need a handout, but we need a hand up. >> that's right. >> and i always say this. >> say it. >> look. he can give you a fish, you gon' eat for a day. >> that's right. >> but if a man tell you how to fish -- >> hello. >> you eat for a lifetime. >> mm. [ applause ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: even trump's hype person has a hype person. it's like -- yeah. [ laughter ] i think trump just found a a secretary of "hello" and director of "that's right." [ laughter ] uh-huh. [ applause ] that's right. [ light laughter ] and this is interesting. i read that all the candidates' campaign pages on facebook have
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thousands or millions of likes, except for jim gilmore, who has just over 200 likes. [ audience aws ] you know your campaign is in trouble when you're doing slightly worse than a co-worker who just got a new dog. [ laughter and applause ] you know? you go like -- i don't know if that's working. and lindsey graham was at the iowa state fair this week, and he's come up with a pretty good new reason for why he should be president. watch. >> i pledge that we're gonna drink more. [ applause ] and after a couple drinks, we're going to stop the b.s. and we're gonna work together. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. "and then we're going to do karaoke. [ laughter ] and then we're going to tell each other our secrets. [ laughter ] and then when y'all fall asleep on the couch, i'm gonna put a a blanket on you because you're my best friend, and i mean that." [ cheers and applause ] yeah. yeah. drink more. meanwhile, i read that the white house is worried about joe biden's potential run for
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president, and a source says that they fear that it wouldn't have, "the right outcome." that's right. they think he might win. [ laughter ] and you go -- and i heard that bill and hillary clinton were seen dancing together at a party on martha's vineyard last weekend. hillary said it was a lovely night. and bill said, "i gotta to quit drinking." [ laughter ] no. it was cute. okay. bill and hillary clinton were spotted dancing together in martha's vineyard this weekend. we have video of it watch this here. ♪ [ laughter ] people were like, "hey, get separate rooms, you two." [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ laughter ] that guy was going for it. [ laughter ] some news out of washington. this week the obama
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administration warned china to remove its secret agents from the u.s. yeah. which got weird when, in the middle of obama's announcement, a plant behind him got up and walked away. [ laughter ] and get this. apparently i read that obama's favorite cocktail is a martini. when asked how he likes it, he was like, "on the beach, in hawaii in 2017." [ cheers and applause ] and it was like, oh yeah. "favorite place is on the beach. my place to go is on the beach. my favorite fruit is an apple." [ laughter ] guys, this is very interesting here, guys. according to a new report, the names of "game of thrones" characters are becoming popular for babies in the uk. [ laughter ] yeah. one of the most popular names is khaleesi, while the least popular name is naked prostitute number 10. [ laughter and applause ] but no one -- it's one of the least popular names. this is -- this is pretty amazing here. i read that a company in canada
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is going to start building an inflatable space elevator that's 12 miles high. yeah. which sounds cool, until you hit hour 17 of "girl from impanema." and you're like -- ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ first time in space? [ laughter ] ♪ i prefer the -- i prefer the vacuum in space as opposed to the one my wife uses during the big game. [ laughter ] ♪ right in the middle. ♪ it's unbelievable. [ laughter ] ♪ can you hum and sing at the same time? [ laughter ] ♪ [ humming ] [ cheers and applause ]
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[ humming ] finally, you guys, the japanese sports drink pocari sweat will soon become the first product advertised on the surface of the moon. actually, they're the second ones. first! [ cheers and applause ] there you go. we have a great show! give it up for the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ retreat hey hey hey retreat yeah ♪ ♪ step back boy because you can't fix crazy ♪ ♪ retreat retreat yeah raise your white flag high 'cause i'm comin in blazin ♪ ♪ retreat that's what i said baby and i don't care none about the rest of you ♪ ♪ retreat that's what i said baby and i don't care if it makes sense to you ♪ ♪ retreat [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: that's my pal right there. that is grammy-nominated singer sharon jones right there! [ cheers and applause ] fantastic. sharon jones and the dap kings sitting in with the roots. a documentary about her life called "ms. jones" will premier at the toronto film festival next month, and a holiday album is on the way this fall. sharon, welcome back to the show. >> oh, thank you. glad to be here. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we love sharon jones. oh, my god. fantastic. you guys, we've got a great week of shows ahead. tomorrow night the gorgeous heidi klum will be here. >> steve: oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: she's a 10! heidi and i are going to go head-to-head in a game of "box of lies." >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: can't wait for that. plus, we'll have music from carly rae jepsen. and later this week -- [ applause ] yeah. then thursday -- oh, my goodness. thursday, thursday, thursday. set your tivos, your vcrs, your beta machines -- beta macs. >> steve: your commodore 64s. >> jimmy: but don't bootleg it.
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>> steve: no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: 'cause rerun -- rerun did it and got in a lot of trouble. >> steve: exactly. [ laughter ] which doobie you be? >> jimmy: michael mcdonald and the doobie brothers are going to perform thursday. >> steve: yeah! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] they're going to do a medley of songs. just so, so fun that those guys are going to be here. and then friday -- this guy is my new favorite. magician dan white will be back. >> steve: oh! [ applause ] >> jimmy: i heard he disappears. >> steve: make you disappear. >> jimmy: you wondered why. that's my magician voice. >> steve: is that george takei? >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] but first, who is cooler or more beautiful than this woman? oh, my god. she's the emmy-nominated star of "empire." taraji p. henson on the show tonight. >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: gorgeous! hey, taraji! >> steve: taraji! >> jimmy: taraji. oh, my goodness. >> steve: t.p.h. >> jimmy: taraji and i are going to play a game of "fast family feud." [ cheers and applause ]
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like "family feud" but fast. also from the new show "public morals," who could be more beautiful and gorgeous than edward burns is stopping by. >> steve: oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ed burns! >> steve: handsome as the day is long. i love ed burns. and then everyone's going nuts for this guy. oh, my gosh. [ screaming ] >> steve: that lady escpecially. >> jimmy: yes. that was a man, actually. yeah. >> steve: oh, really? >> jimmy: yeah. but still -- yeah. he's just got a very high voice. [ laughter ] >> steve: oh, well thank you, sir. >> jimmy: country music superstar sam hunt is here! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh! good looking show. >> jimmy: montevallo. i look at there and he's like, "what's up? [ laughter ] what do you want, punk?" in the back alleyway somewhere, there's a garbage can, he doesn't care, man. [ laughter ] "what's your problem, dude? listening to my jams right now. i'm sam hunt, dude. don't mess with me." yeah. that's what i'm talking about right there. >> steve: don't mess with sam hunt. >> jimmy: no.
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"house party" is a jam. do you want to hear it for a a second? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: check it out. ♪ ♪ we'll have a house party we don't need nobody turn your tv off break that boom-box out ♪ >> jimmy: that's it. that's all you get. you can't get the whole thing. you have to wait until the end of the show to get that jam. sam hunt. >> steve: sam hunt! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: guys, it's time to take a look at the stories making headlines today and weigh the good with the bad. it's time for "pros and cons." here we go. ♪ pros and cons and pros and cons and pros ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: tonight we'll take a a look at the pros and cons of "sesame street" moving to hbo. did you hear about this? >> steve: oh, heard about this. >> jimmy: they just announced they show will be airing the next five seasons on the cable network, and that can change things a little bit. so let's take a look at the pros and cons of "sesame street" moving to hbo. here we go. pro -- the whole cast of characters will be there. con -- half will be killed off in the first episode. [ laughter ] nobody's safe on that network.
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>> steve: no. they're not safe. >> jimmy: pro -- the hbo version of "sesame street" will contain some shocking spoilers. con -- such as how to get there. [ laughter ] >> steve: are they gonna tell you? i don't know. >> jimmy: pro -- the move has raised a lot of eyebrows. con -- or in bert's case, eyebrow. [ laughter ] [ applause ] pro -- hbo promises a tougher, edgier elmo. [ light laughter ] con -- or as times square elmo put it, "bitch, please." [ laughter ] i don't mess with that guy. >> steve: yeah, you don't mess with that time square elmo. >> jimmy: i don't mess with that times square dude. pro -- watching "sesame street" to learn the abcs and 1, 2, 3s. con -- watching "girls" to learn the stds and iuds. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] either way. >> steve: hey, you gotta learn. >> jimmy: you're covered either way. >> steve: no. either way it's knowledge. >> jimmy: stay tuned. yeah. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: stay tuned. >> steve: drop a truth bomb on 'em. >> jimmy: pro -- pbs is losing one of its greats to a network of swearing, sex,
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and nudity. con -- or as charlie rose put it, take me with you. [ laughter ] pro -- the move was financially motivated. con -- elmo money, elmo problems. there you go, that's -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] pro -- it's not like they're just giving pbs the middle finger. con -- but that's just because they only have four fingers, so there's not really a middle one. [ laughter ] [ applause ] it's impossible. and finally, pro -- "sesame street" will steer clear of adult language, adult situations, and violence. con -- but as always, they're fully embracing nudity. [ cheers and applause ] there they are. that's the "pros and cons." we'll be right back with more of "the tonight show," ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, guys, i want to talk to you about the all-new ford focus st. you want a 252 horsepower engine? [ cheers and applause ] well, it's got one!
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you want a six-speed manual transmission? >> audience: yeah! >> jimmy: well, it's got one. [ laughter ] you want a mini replica of the ford focus st? >> audience: yeah! >> jimmy: we've got two right here. [ cheers and applause ] and just in time! because i'm in the mood for a a race! and here to join me is 2 2012, nascar sprint cup champion, brad keselowski! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] you're friendly now, but you're going down, buddy. yeah. here you go. thank you for being here, brad. i appreciate this. >> all right, jim, i've got my game face. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. here we go. now here's how the race is going to work. here take your -- take your seat there, pal. first we're gonna head through the studio doors into the hallway, passing an old-timey gas attendant. [ laughter ] then we're gonna take a right down the hallway, and take a a nice relaxing drive through the mountains. then we're gonna continue down the hall and drive through a a car wash. then it's into the home stretch, and back into the studio. first one to cross the finish
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line is the champion. brad, are you ready? >> oh, yeah. i stretched. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i know you're good, but this is my course. this is my house. higgins! [ laughter ] start us off, buddy. good luck. >> steve: gentlemen -- three, two, one, go! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: yeah! oh! oh, you claimed the inside track. ♪ oh, my god. [ laughter ] oh, my god. yeah, get him! ♪ >> i got the block going on. >> jimmy: oh, some wide turns! >> i know jimmy always goes high. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: oh! oh, my god! the winner right there! brad keselowski! you're the best, man. [ cheers and applause ] you guys, look for the new ford focus st. we go further, so you can. we'll be right back with more of "the tonight show," ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ summer bucket list #88: throw a pool party. ♪
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with stain and sealer in one... and easy to choose colors... exceptional beauty and protection have never been easier. thompson's waterseal waterproofing stain. available at the home depot.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is nominated for an emmy award as the star of the hottest show on television, "empire", which begins -- [ cheers ] i know, right? how great is she? it begins its second season, september 23rd at 9:00 p.m. on fox. please welcome taraji p. henson! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, you look
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beautiful! >> thank you! >> jimmy: you look gorgeous. welcome back to the show. and also speaking of gorgeous, look how beautiful on the cover -- >> who is that? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ooh la la. that is you. >> that's me? >> jimmy: oh, my gosh, taraji. whoa, whoa, whoa we wow. >> did they photoshop that? >> jimmy: i mean look at this one. yeah, this is -- here. >> geez, louise, she's hot. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: that's you! that's you right there. and more of this -- >> that's me? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> not bad. [ laughter ] i clean up pretty well. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. that was almost a -- magazine malfunction. sorry about that. you look gorgeous. congrats on everything. you get nominated for an emmy. we were so happy to hear this. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're fantastic on the show! >> thanks. >> jimmy: were you excited about the nomination? where were you? did you think you were going to get it? did you go "oh, i don't know"? do you think -- >> i am boring when it comes to stuff like that. because i don't really pay attention. i was home. i was getting ready for work,
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like i do every day, and my phone kept buzzing. and it was people saying, "you know you're gonna get it." and i was like, "i can't -- you guys need to wait. we don't even -- just shut up." so i put the phone somewhere, you know? 'cause they can jinx it, you know. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> some time i have to think about it. >> jimmy: where are you in l.a. at the time? >> i'm in chicago. getting ready for work. >> jimmy: okay. >> so then the phone rings -- >> jimmy: mmm-hmmm. >> and i look and i see it's my manager. and i'm like, "well, clearly he wouldn't be calling with bad news." >> jimmy: or maybe -- no he wouldn't? >> i don't think so. >> jimmy: exactly, yeah. and then you're just like, "oh, this pretty cool." >> then i'm like, "okay, i think i -- maybe i got a a nomination." >> jimmy: i think you definitely -- if you didn't i would protest. i'd be like, "come on." you were just fantastic. >> thank you. >> jimmy: fantastic on this thing. and gosh, you work hard. on the emmy -- >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: these people don't even realize how much -- how many hours goes into making a a tv show and how long of days it is. >> yes. >> jimmy: really. and you're shooting season two now. >> yes. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] one of your co-stars took a a video of you while you were --
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>> which one? which one? they always do that. >> jimmy: this is -- jussie did this. and they put this on instagram. >> yeah, i know which one it was. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but this is -- everyone takes a little -- you take a little nap during your shooting, because you're off. you're not doing your scenes, but you have to be ready. it's long hours and long days. but this is very funny -- >> check him out, he was scared for his life. watch. [ laughter ] >> stand by please. and -- let's roll sound please. >> you're not looking around and the snake is right there. >> thank you! [ laughter ] >> you know when you dose off and you look around, like -- [ laughter ] i wonder who is catching me. and it's -- the snake was right there. >> jimmy: happened to me once on plane too. i took a nap on a plane then i just opened my eyes like -- >> was your mouth open? that's the worst. >> jimmy: oh, it was gross. i was just sleeping and i won't even say -- >> did they get you? who did it?
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>> jimmy: some fan just videotaped me -- >> terrible. >> jimmy: sleeping. >> jimmy: well, they recorded me, yeah. i woke up. i woke up and they're like, "ah-ha, got you, jimmy kimmel." [ laughter ] >> jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: i'm go, "i'm not jimmy kimmel, i'm not jimmy kimmel, but close enough." you've got jimmy kimmel sleeping on the -- >> jimmy kimmel. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, i want to talk about -- this thursday, the big season finale of "lip sync battle." okay, this is you and terrence howard, your co-star -- >> yes. >> jimmy: battling it out. >> we are very competitive. >> jimmy: you really are. >> oh, yes. >> jimmy: and you really went for it, i gotta say. >> i did. >> jimmy: thank you for doing that. >> thank you. >> jimmy: because you went for it, it was unbelievable. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: can you say what songs you're doing, or no? >> i did "just fine" by mary j. blige, beca that's the female ant i also d because the fans, the crowd, they were like -- all right "hard out here for a a pimp!" "hustle and flow!" so you know, terrence and i had to oblige. [ laughter ] so we did that. fans were going crazy. and then i did madonna. "material girl." >> jimmy: mm-hmm. [ cheers and applause ] >> yes. blonde wig and all. >> jimmy: the wig and everything. >> yes. and instead of doing the pink gown, they made it leopard.
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>> jimmy: i mean, come on. for taraji. we had to do that. >> for cookie! i hate that bitch! she's stolen my entire life. >> jimmy: oh, no stop it. that's not true. >> she has. everywhere i go, they call me "cookie." >> jimmy: no, no. you're taraji with me always. >> except that time backstage when you called me "cookie." >> jimmy: i did call you "cookie" but -- but i mean it's not only here, it's worldwide now. it's global. >> no. actually -- well, no no, cookie is. but my fans overseas recognize me as taraji. >> jimmy: that's right. >> "taraji p. henson, please, please, please, please, please, please." i'm like, "please what?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "can you give me autograph?" >> "give me autograph, please please." >> jimmy: "please, i want to meet" -- >> and when they say "please", it's like they're dying. and it's like, "okay, i've got to do it here." >> jimmy: yeah, of course. >> i love them. >> jimmy: and then they say, "jimmy kimmel! you tell him to stop sleeping. tell him to stop sleeping on the airplane!" [ laughter ] >> with his mouth open! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, i want to show everyone a clip -- you can't tell us what's happening in season two, right, can you? >> i can, but then i would have
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to kill you all. >> jimmy: no, we don't want that. we want to show a clip of you. here's why you get nominated for an emmy. here is taraji p. henson as "cookie", oh we love you, in "empire." check this out. >> what are you doing? >> she's working with laretti. yeah, while you up here planning weddings, this bitch planning how to steal everything you got, which is everything i got, and i'm not gonna let that happen. tell him, boo-boo kitty! >> i'm -- she she -- >> oh-oh -- ah-ah -- she-she -- bu-bu-but -- oh, now you can't speak english. yes, she did, lucious. and she tried to take porsha. >> you paid porsha to spy on me? >> and i spied right back on your ass. >> lucious, this is not how i -- >> you know what? you about to break yourself. believe that. bye, felicia! come on let's go grab this -- [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, you know i just -- >> jimmy: you had to do it. >> bye, felicia! >> jimmy: bye, felica! i've got to say, this is perfect for you, because we have known you on the show a a bunch of times. and i know you do great
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dramatic stuff. but gosh, you're so funny and nice too as well. and this role is just -- you're knocking it out of the park. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i'm so happy for you. taraji p. henson. season two of "empire" premieres september 23rd at 9:00 p.m. on fox. taraji and i are going to play a fun game called "fast family feud!" stick around. it's good. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. some of it evaporates
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that's the angels share but a richer bourbon stays trapped in the wood we've made history by extracting it devil's cut from jim beam wait, i can freeze my account. [touch tone] introducing freeze it, from discover. it allows you to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds if your card is misplaced. not here... ♪ and once you find your card, you can switch it right on again.'re back! [touch tone] freeze it, only from discover. get it at
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no matter what i need you to stay focused. don't take your eyes off of the screen. sfx: drill noise. sfx: puppies barking. wrestlers: ahhh!! grrr!!! owwweee! it's hard to stay focused. text message alerts from chevy let you send a text response at the touch of a button ... so you can focus on driving. this will make it a little easier to keep my eye on the road. its amazing. ♪
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♪ummer bucket list #49 play ball. ♪ the crisp, refreshing taste of bud light. the perfect beer for checking off your summer bucket list. how do you think it went? i look like go? well that's dna darling. i just want to look cool and wear jeans, like them. whoa. excuse me, pre-teens. where did you get these outfits? old navy. old navy? yeah. these jeans were 8 bucks. that's extraordinary, isn't it darling? definitely mom. they even have $15 jeans for old people. well if i see any old people, i'll alert them to the good news. oh there's one! we're going to get you a container ship full of old navy jeans.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, guys! welcome back. we're hanging out with the star of "empire." the lovely, the talented, the emmy-nominated, taraji p. henson. we love you. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: and we are about to play a game that's just like "family feud" only faster. it's time for "fast family feud." ♪ >> jimmy: that was fast. >> you are too competitive. look at you. smoke is coming out of your ears. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: look, here's the deal, okay? >> okay. >> jimmy: we're going to hear a a question. whoever buzzes in first gets to -- [ buzzer ] no, not yet! >> okay. >> jimmy: gets to answer it. if you get the number one answer, you automatically win the round.
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but if you don't, the other person has a chance to answer and steal the round. [ buzzer ] no, not yet. >> look, he is upset about that. go ahead. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm not. this is all fun and games. >> okay, sure. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: okay, good. [ light laughter ] we surveyed our great audience and the top three answers are on the board. let's hear the first question. >> name something in your house you hide when guests come over. [ buzzer ] >> the drugs! [ laughter ] [ ding ] i said that? i didn't say that. that's cookie! >> jimmy: you got it right there. my gosh. that's it, you go it. alcohol and drugs. that's the win right there, right? [ cheers ] >> that's cookie! cookie! >> jimmy: do i get a chance? oh, i've got a chance to do something else. >> uh oh. >> jimmy: something you have to hide when guests come over. oh, you hide -- i have no idea. >> buzz! time is up! buzz! this is the "family feud." [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: what? what's the number three answer? [ ding ] [ light laughter ] >> i was going to help you out. >> jimmy: yeah. i should have, yeah. number one?
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[ ding ] oh, dirty laundry. interesting. okay, good. you won that one. okay, good. >> yes. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. round two. let's hear the question. >> name a man famous for his beard. [ buzzer ] >> harden! basketball! houston! james harden! [ buzzer ] [ laughter and applause ] the beard! i got this. jimmy, go home. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: santa claus. >> number one. [ ding ] >> jimmy: oh! >> oh! ♪ you didn't hit the buzzer! [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: i don't have to! you already lost that one. >> that's terrible. >> jimmy: it's a tie game. let's see the other answers. number three was -- [ ding ] dumbledore. >> what? who is that? [ ding ] >> jimmy: abe lincoln. oh, yeah. >> where did you -- never mind. >> jimmy: all right. here we go. round three. let's hear the question. >> name a reason someone might cancel a date. [ buzzer ] >> sick! [ ding ]
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ha! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ okay, so jimmy, this is the third game i've won. when are you going to catch up? >> jimmy: all right, well, i'm gonna catch up. where's number three? [ ding ] >> oh. [ laughter ] oh, that's terrible! >> jimmy: that's mean, yeah. >> oh, you guys. >> jimmy: what's two? what's two? [ ding ] a better offer? oh, my gosh. i'm so happy you said sick. >> my question is, who looks in the mirror and says, "i'm too ugly. i'm not going on this date." oh! got it. >> jimmy: all right. it's time for the final -- hey, this is it. this is for everything. this one is worth a thousand points. >> everything, a thousand dollars. >> jimmy: here we go. points, we'll say. >> you're going to buy me shoes. jimmy's buying me shoes. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. this is the question. >> complete this phrase. "blank balls." [ buzzer ] >> big balls! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] [ buzzer ]
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no? what? [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: don't buzz in again. >> wait, i can do it again! take two! [ buzzer ] blazing balls! [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] no? >> jimmy: uh -- >> i get -- [ buzzer ] brass balls! [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] basketballs. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: blue. [ ding ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> you cheated! you cheated! >> jimmy: no, no, no. no, no, no, no. what's three? what's three? what's three? [ ding ] "meatballs." that's what i was going to say. >> "meatballs?" not even basket? >> jimmy: no, two is -- [ ding ] "amazeballs?" all right, here we go. >> this audience. >> jimmy: we're on "nickelodeon." yeah. "that's totally amazeballs."
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[ laughter ] >> "amazeballs!" >> jimmy: "you are amazeballs!" my thanks to taraji p. henson. season two of "empire" premiers september 23rd at 9:00 p.m. on fox. good luck at the emmys, pal. we're rooting for you. we love you. >> what's wrong with big balls? >> jimmy: ed burns when we come back. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. america! there's a new flavor from snapple.
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it's straight up tea. it's all natural with that brewed tea taste that will keep ya coming back for more...oh yeah! new yorkers love it and you're gonna love it too! all-natural snapple straight up tea. made from the best stuff on earth. ayou can use the phone you already have. and keep your network and number, too. for up to half the cost, only on the bring your own phone plan. now get unlimited talk and text plus 5gb of high-speed data, for $50 a month. net10 wireless. come on liz, it's exactly what it looks like. i - i was - how, how, how could you do this to me? honey, i... i thought we agreed to share him? so that's what you meant by dessert! psst, scott's home early.
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♪ummer bucket list #15 get some color. ♪ the crisp, refreshing taste of bud light. the perfect beer for checking off your summer bucket list. ♪ it's just a summer thing double it up this summer with a hot deal from mcdonald's. the $2.50 double combo, a mouth-watering double cheeseburger and small fries for just $2.50. (music)
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a fantastic actor, writer, and director. he's created and is starring in the new cop drama, "public morals", which premiers august 25th at 10:00 p.m. on tnt. everyone, please welcome ed burns, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: come on. always good to see you. >> how are you, man? good to see you, too. >> jimmy: always great to see
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you. i was just showing this studly cover of "hamptons" magazine. ooh la la. [ cheers ] you used to grow up in the hamptons, right? you used to vacation there. >> i used to spend a couple weeks every summer out in montauk and then in college, you know, got different jobs out there cleaning pools, landscaping. >> jimmy: i lived out -- i have a place out in the hamptons as well. >> i know. a couple years ago, i have friends who live across the street from you, down the block. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and they mentioned to me that you bought the house across the street. and i said, "oh, yeah. i know that house." i know it very well, because in college i mowed your lawn." [ laughter ] obviously, you didn't have it then. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and then like your attic, i painted your attic. there is like a kids', like, playroom up there. >> jimmy: yeah. that's where i sleep. [ laughter ] absolutely. you painted that? >> yeah, so i know that property very well. >> jimmy: the value just went -- i'm so excited. >> there you go. right through the roof. >> jimmy: in addition to writing and directing, you're also a musician now.
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this is a new thing. >> sort of, yeah. i mean, i'm barely a musician. >> jimmy: explain this to me. >> so, you know, like -- i always wanted to play guitar, always had a guitar, tried to teach myself, could never do it. i tell my wife this. and then for my 35th birthday, a long time ago, she gets me a a guitar and lessons. and i fully commit to it. so, that's 12 years ago. so i decide every day i'm going to practice. and a couple years later, i'm jamming with a buddy of mine from high school, and the guy that does the music for my films, and we kind of stumble upon a song. and this guy, p.t. walker who does the music, is like, "hey, i think there is a pretty good song here. let's flesh it out." so he comes back two days later. he's written lyrics for it, and we play it. and i'm like, "let's just record it." i was doing a movie at the time. i said, "we'll record it, and i'll sneak it into the film on to the soundtrack." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what friends are for. >> that's what friends are for. >> jimmy: yeah, "i'm ed burns. i wrote, starred in it. i can add this. i think i can pull some
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strings, yeah." >> so we do that and we come up with a name for the band. our mascot for our high school was the blue jackets. so we call the band the blue jackets. and we put it on the soundtrack. >> jimmy: fantastic. >> yeah. so we're like, "all right. let's play a couple gigs." so you know the hamptons, there's place called the talkhouse out in amagansett. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so every summer we would play three or four gigs there. and that was the thing. so we're doing this for a a couple of years. >> jimmy: here's where it gets -- >> it gets a little weird. >> jimmy: it gets fun to be you, because you're you. you play these gigs. you're in the hamptons, you play these bars. and there is someone that comes to see you at one of these gigs, just happens to be in the crowd. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. and that person is chris martin from coldplay. >> yeah. >> jimmy: just the way his life is. [ laughter ] you would never see my band in a bar. >> jimmy: but here's where it gets insanely awesome. >> so he comes to my 40th birthday party and he goes, "look, i didn't know what to get you, so i was thinking this. we're doing a free concert at the garden, and do you think the blue jackets would want to open for us?"
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[ cheers and applause ] yeah. >> jimmy: so you say no. you say, "no, i can't make it that day." so you open -- you played in madison square garden? >> no, so there's -- for about four months, i basically -- i don't do anything other than -- i'm not -- you know, i play a a bar band rhythm guitar. he gives us 25 minutes, five songs. so then we turn into a real band. every day we're rehearsing for those five songs. >> jimmy: oh, my -- >> talk about nervous. never in my entire life. i still have those memories of, like -- middle of the first song like having to turn around and, like, adjust my amp and literally my hand is shaking. >> jimmy: and where is your wife? can you see her in the crowd? >> i can't see her, because you know, you can't see anything. because the lights are on stage -- >> jimmy: no, we don't know. none of us have played madison square garden! >> you have! >> we don't play madison square garden! oh, my gosh. >> i have one memory of being able to look and just like seeing a silhouette of people like watching from the --
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whatever you call that, the hallway. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and they're actually paying attention. when you're the opening act for coldplay, and there were some folks that were actually listening to us. >> jimmy: you're assuming everyone is just going to the bathroom, yeah. "let's get a couple beers." >> everyone's at the bar getting loaded up. you know. which maybe helped -- >> jimmy: that's such a good move. i love that. let's talk about the show. tnt. now, this is a cop drama based in the '60s about kind of -- your dad was a cop. >> yes. >> jimmy: so, did you grow up watching cop shows on tv? >> i did. and, you know, they were always tough to watch with my dad, because he was basically screaming at the television the whole time. that's not exactly how it would go. or he would never do that or he would never do this. so it was great for him when writing these scripts. especially because it takes place in the '60s, he really helped me with, like, that's not exactly the language of the time. or that's not how the relationship would be between the captain and the lieutenant. things like that. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. my grandpa was a cop too, and same thing. oh, no, that's not real. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: did you like
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"barney miller" though? >> i loved "barney miller." >> jimmy: everyone loved "barney miller." [ scattered applause ] >> the look of the -- yeah, it was a great show. >> jimmy: yeah, it was a great show. >> you know, it's funny. we looked at "barney miller" just for the production design of that squad room. you know, he said that's the only thing he saw that had the right kind of grit and clutter and all that. >> jimmy: are you writing all these? >> yeah, we wrote all ten. >> jimmy: come on. >> i mean, this is a dream project. this is what i've been dying to do for 20 years. i finally got it. >> jimmy: when you were talking to spielberg when you were doing "saving private ryan" and your dad came to the set and you were telling cop stories, and spielberg's like, "these are great stories." >> he hired me then to write a a script. a big sort of -- i kind of called it -- it was like an irish-american "godfather" set against the cops. and couldn't get that film made. but always held on to the idea of a big -- you know, family saga dressed up as a cop story. and two summers ago, i was -- i reimagined it for television, and, you know, steven stayed a a a mentor in my life, and said, "hey look, i've got this
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project. i'm sure you remember the old one. take a look at the new version of the script." and he read it and thankfully for me, he said, you know, "why don't i get involved, executive produce?" and when you have steven in your corner, the answer tends to be yes. [ light laughter ] you know? >> jimmy: i'm so happy for you, man. congrats. >> oh, thank you, man. >> jimmy: i can't wait to watch it. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "public morals" premiers august 25th at 10:00 p.m. on tnt. sam hunt performs for us after the break! ed burns right there, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ throughout ♪
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bend the rules of what's possible with the epic hp x360. ♪ummer bucket list number 44. take a summer class. ♪ the crisp, refreshing taste of bud light. the perfect beer for checking off your summer bucket list. sesee that kayla? i did that. whoa! with minwax stains and protective finishes, you get a real sense of pride when you complete a project. that's right julie, i did that. davy crockett? thank you. katie, do you think i needed a fancy protein shake to wrestle all those bears? no? that's right, all i ever had to eat was meat, cheese and nuts. okay? try that. it's protein without all that mumbo jumbo... katie. here's our chance. let's take this one together. what? i got you bear!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is a fun song. our next guest's first album "montevallo" debuted at number one on the top country album chart. [ cheers and applause ] performing his current hit single, "house party", give it up for sam hunt! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ you're on the couch blowing up my phone ♪ you don't want to come out but you don't want to be alone ♪ ♪ it don't take but two to have a little soiree ♪ ♪ if you're in the mood sit tight right where you are babe ♪
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♪ cause i'll be at your door in ten minutes whatever you got on girl stay in it ♪ ♪ you ain't gotta leave the house to have a good time i'm a bring the good time home to you ♪ ♪ we'll have a house party we don't need nobody turn your tv off break that boom box out ♪ ♪ we'll wake up all the neighbors til the whole block hates us ♪ ♪ and the cops show up and try to shut us down ♪ ♪ if you're gonna be a homebody we're gonna have a house party ♪ ♪ if you're gonna be a homebody we're gonna have a house party ♪ ♪ throw a neon tee shirt over the lamp shade i'll take the furniture slide it out of the way ♪ ♪ shaking the floor rattling the roof we'll go to town like they're in your living room ♪ ♪ let's have a house party we don't need nobody
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turn your tv off break that boom-box out ♪ ♪ we'll wake up all the neighbors til the whole block hates us ♪ ♪ and the cops show up and try to shut us down ♪ ♪ if you're gonna be a homebody we're gonna have a house party ♪ ♪ if you're gonna be a homebody we're gonna have a house party ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so i'll be at your door in ten minutes whatever you got on girl stay in it ♪ ♪ you ain't gotta leave the house to have a good time i'm a bring the good time home to you ♪ ♪ we'll have a house party we don't need nobody turn your tv off break that boom-box out ♪
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♪ we'll wake up all the neighbors til the whole block hates us and the cops show up and try to shut us down ♪ ♪ if you're gonna be a homebody we're gonna have a house party ♪ ♪ if you wanna be a homebody we're gonna have a house party ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how fun is that? come on. that's the way to do it. thank you, man. sam hunt! [ cheers and applause ] you gotta catch him on the "wheels up" tour, right now. we'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to taraji p. henson, ed burns, sam hunt once again! there he is! [ cheers and applause ] sharon jones and the roots! give it up, everybody! sharon jones. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you so much for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- zac efron. radio host and comedian, joe piscopo. music from chris stapleton. featuring the 8g band with jimmy chamberlin. ♪ ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] all right. good to hear it. let's get to the news. donald trump said this weekend that while he doesn't think workers should be fired for being gay, he still does not support marriage equality.


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