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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  January 19, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PST

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santorum and one other note this afternoon. iowa republicans now say the final count there shows santorum ahead of romney by 34 votes. the full report tonight on nbc "nightly news" with brian williams. i'm david gregory, nbc news, washington. >> a driver turns the wrong way and ends up in a muni train tunnel. i'm christy smith. coming up, hear from the muni worker who saw it all. >> apple jumps into the textbook business, but are computers in schools the answer? we'll take a look. >> also a firefighter injured as flames engulf a south bay home. the news at 11:00 starts now. >> good morning. thanks for being with us at 11:00. i'm marlo tellez. >> i'm jon kelley.
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the light rail finally in san francisco after a wrongway driver steered his way into the tracks and into the muni tunnel. it was shut down while crews there pushed that suv off of the tracks. nbc christie smith is joining us live near the tunnel and christie, you had a chance to speak with the muni worker who saw all of this. i guess it must have been a wild scene out there. >> reporter: we spoke with a muni worker who said he couldn't believe his eyes because he says the driver blew past not one, but two signs out here that clearly say do not enter and he went right into the tunnel where trains would be coming out right at him, but fortunately, he wasn't hit. instead, he went quite a ways in and ran into a wall. a worker ran in and snapped a picture saying the driver told him when he got out i'm not from here, but what a mess near the dubois tunnel at 6:00 for the commuters just trying to get
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downtown into work. trains couldn't roll through for a time and the bus bridge was set up until muni crews could shove the suv off the tracks. i spoke with a commuter and the muni worker who was surprised to see those headlights go into the tunnel. >> he was doing, like, 40 miles an hour. we tried to chase him down and we hollered and he didn't stop. we look again and we don't see him anymore, and we go in to see where he went and he was two blocks into the subway. he was pretty suck. he was jammed into the wall. >> nobody knew. we just found out right when we got through the tunnel. >> what did they say? >> they were kind of bummed out. this happens all of the time. not exactly an suv in the tunnel and trains are going out and accidents all of the time. >> muni says a car has actually gone into the tunnel before. the suv caused some damage to the switch. the service will be slow throughout the day. the driver was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence, and believe it or
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not, right now that suv is still in the tunnel. they're saying they will wait until service slows overnight to go ahead and pull it out. that's the latest from here. reporting live in san francisco, i'm christie smith, back to you in san jose. >> thanks. this morning flames ripped through two homes within the a san jose neighborhood. the one near san jose municipal golf course and the second nor nor wootd avenue east of the santa clara airports. at least 40 firefighters battled those flames on norwood early this morning. one of those firefighters is now being treated for a back injury. the homeowner managed to get out of the house before those flames spread. a fire captain tells us they could have been much worse. >> we were able to confine it just to this structure. there were no other damaged structures and it did extend into the hillside behind us. >> we are told the attic, garage and other parts of the home were
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at one point engulfed in flames. flames blew through the roof of this vacant home on don hugh drive. firefighters had it under control in about a half hour. so far, no word on the cause and damage is estimated to be anywhere from 125 to $200,000. this morning a man hunt is under way right now in the east bay for a man who drove straight toward an undercover cop and then started shooting. the officer was trailing an suv for suspicion of drugs near anz away when that driver pulled a quick u-turn and started shooting. bullets hit the officer's car and fortunately that officer was not hurt. the suspect did get away after leading police on that high-speed chase. >> this morning a 14-year-old boy will face charges of robbing and sexually assaulting two women. officers say one of the attacks happened here on 11th street in oakland and in that case the boy allegedly rode up to a woman on a bicycle, demanded her purse
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before taking her to an isolated area where she was allegedly raped. the boy turned himself into juvenile hall in san leandro on tuesday. his family denies those charges. coming up this afternoon, san francisco's new sheriff answering to charges of domestic violence. he expected to face a judge at 2:30 this afternoon. mirkarimi is accused of bruising his wife's arm on new year's of a. the sheriff plans to stay in office while fighting these charges. his wife is standing firm insisting this is a private matter that's just been blown out of proportion. full speed ahead for san francisco's central subway plan. mayor ed lee says the feds are green lighting construction on one of the largest stretchers of the project. it's a good sign that the final grant agreement is on its way. the city is asking for the department of transportation to build a subway which will be tunnelled under stockton and
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fourth street from the downtown cal trans station to chinatown. new at 11:00, apple announcing new tools for textbook makers trying to help them put more ipads in the schools, but the question is can technology replace textbooks. scott mcgrew joins us now live from the newsroom. >> technology was going to replace textbooks. thomas edison. he said the film projector would replace textbooks. apple is just the latest to try to replace the paper book in schools announcing this in new york city this morning, partnering with four major textbook makers which account for 90% of texts in schools. these are texts that apple will have ready that kids are using now, algebra i. apple will convert from paper to digital and the company will give processors new tools to put their lectures online. here's a great physics lecture apple showed off. >> i'm going to close my eyes. i don't want to see it.
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and i'm going to count down from 3 to 0. three, two, one, zero. [ applause ] >> could we have shown it to you any other way? professors will have access to class notes and syllabus, that kind of thing. the universities are already doing much of this, but again, apple is going to make it easier both for the textbook makers and for college professors. >> okay, scott. thank you very much. on to decision 2012 this morning. it's happy trails for another republican presidential candidate. texas governor rick perry hanging his hat as front-runner mitt romney gets unexpected news. nbc bay area's jay gray is in dallas texas, this morning with the latest on the political shake-ups. >> today i am suspending my campaign and endorsing newt gingrich for president of the
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united states. >> reporter: after five months on the republican campaign roller coaster the ride has stopped today for texas governor rick perry. >> i will leave the trail and return home to texas and wind down my 2012 campaign, and i will do so with pride. >> reporter: his run for the white house ends in south carolina, the same place it began last august. >> i declare to you today, as a candidate for president of the united states. yoo a quick spike in the polls pushed perry to the top of a crowded gop field, but he did not farewell as the front-runner, struggling through the first round of debates, fact all errors on the stump and then there was the cnbc debate in november. >> and the -- what's the third one there in november, let's see. where perry paused for almost a full minute and ultimately could not name the third department he planned to abolish if elected president. i can't, the third one i can't, sorry. oops. >> reporter: as perry leaves the
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campaign he pledges his support to newt gingrich. >> i was very honored and very humbled. >> reporter: who has been surging in south carolina polls and continues to question the president. >> it's one thing if a white house can't play chess it's another thing if they can't play checkers. >> reporter: it is no question the game is tightening for republicans. the des moines register reporting that rick santorum finished 34 votes ahead of mitt romney in iowa, momentum he hopes will help now in south carolina with one less candidate in the race. jay gray, nbc news. >> from politics to the unpredictable forecast, although christina loren got it right. san francisco is getting hit with some rain. >> thanks for paying attention to that, i appreciate it. we have two more storm systems to go after we get done with this one. right now it is starting to push into san francisco. also redwood city getting a little bit of light activity.
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san jose for the most part has been dry so far, but you're just a couple of hours away from showers starting in your neck of the woods as well. we'll see light showers for the rest of the day that will come to a close tonight and we'll have another system to get througlf so here's the deal. as we head through tomorrow a dry break for the first part of the day and tron periods of very heavy rain move in overnight. tomorrow night looks downright dangerous for travelnd by saturday we'll get a mostly dry start and then the rain returns early afternoon and that's the second system. by sunday, mostly dry before this third system returns late afternoon right in the heart of the 49er nfc championship game. we'll tell you what we're expecting out there in candlestick, more importantly now that the rain has started, everyone wants to know when will it stop? when will the sun come back out? i have the answers in the seven-day forecast. >> that sounds great and looking for the niners victory. >> oh, yeah. >> thanks, christina.
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an iconic san francisco bar is fighting eviction. >> that's right. they're doing it with strong cocktails and strong political muscle. the days are numbered for the union square. that bar which dates back to the 1930s could be replaced by the retail store within the next few months. at 8:00, david chu willec spoo out in support of the bar and it will get in the spirit by offering up classic drinks in their original 1933 prices at 25 cents per beverage. sounds like a very thirst-quenching opportunity. coming up, a van sliced in half by a steel beam. how the driver managed to walk away with only scratches. >> wow! and why hang your kids' finger painting on the fridge when you can share it with the entire world. why google wants to show off your kids' art work. i'm bob redell, how the trip to this weekend's nfc
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championship game could strike gold for the prospects of the s 49 ter new stadiumereum in santa clara. we'll have that story coming up.
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welcome back. we're just days away from the nfc championship game and the san francisco 49ers could strike gold on and off the field. the team's success is fueling ticket sales at the new stadium in santa clara in spite of new opposition. nbc bay area's bob redell is live in team headquarters in santa clara with the latest for us. bob, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, marlo. the 49ers and the city of santa clara need to come up with quite a bit of money to pay for the billion dollar stadium that will be going into the slot next to great america. the team's successful season is starting to help in that endeavor. season ticket sales are up. it's expected that the city might have an easier time fetching naming rights for the stadium, and you have to think
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the nfl is now more likely to approve a $2 million commitment for the new digs. that being said, we just met with santa clara place fair, a group of city residents, some who are 49er fans themselves and not nimby types and they shouldn't pay for anything for the proposed stadium which they're being asked to do. they've collected enough signatures to force the stadium authority to do one of two things, either repeal the $850 million worth of loans for the project or put it up on the ballot for the voters to decide. >> they should pay for their own stadium. you know, they may need a new stadium. in light of their new winning situation which i think is wonderful, they didn't need a new stadium, they needed a new coach. they shouldn't jinx themselves to get a new stadium. it didn't work too well in dallas. >> the signatures they collected are on their way to the county elections office for validation,
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as we speak. i just got off the phone with the city attorney's office, he tells us the city is weighing its legal options as far as how to respond with the latest move by santa clara place fair. reporting live in santa clara, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> it is no secret, we have 49er fever in the bay area. >> and the nbc bay area. >> if you have some of the symptoms we'd like you to spread it around. as a matter of fact, we'd love them to go viral. take a look at this picture. >> so cute! that is a cool san francisco 49er fan sent to us by kenny and mckree waddle and little mckenna rose proves it's never too early to start cheering for your team. that's just priceless. we'd like you all to send your pictures to our home page at nbc bay and marlo, it sounds like you've got one, too, huh? >> i have family photos and two of my nephews all in his niners gear. >> go niners. we'll check in with christina
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loren over in the nbc weather center. love it. >> yeah. you know, they say if you build it it will come and boy, oh, boy, the rain has started. we're starting to see the showers in san francisco. they will spread to the south as woe head through the next few hours and getting rather active in the south bay and we'll get a little bit of the break overnight before another stronger storm moves in. so let's talk about what we're forecasting for today. temperatures will be on the mild side. you'll need the umbrella all day long. 55 degrees in san jose. so temperatures below our seasonal averages and we're going see a lot more rain than we traditionally do as we head through the next few days. okay. so we stopped the future cast for you. 3:00 a.m. for you friday, a nice, dry break, and that will last through the first part of the day tomorrow. they'll be back right in time for your drive home at 4:00 p.m. friday and you'll see the showers starting from santa rosa
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through to the south bay. we'll continue your futurecast and this is where it starts to get dicey around here. stop the clock for you at 7:00 p.m. and take a look at the red, orange, yellow heavy rain. that thing slides through very quickly between:00 and 10:00. it looks like we'll get hammered around here. san jose picking up an inch of rain as we head through tomorrow night. saturday looks mostly dry and the next 72 hours before more rain moves in, just in time for that championship game at candlestick park. >> 53 degrees and periods of rain, wind, 10 to 20 miles per hour, and it looks like the rain will develop for the second half of the game. we're expecting that to be the case. make sure if you'll be headed out there that you keep the rain gear handy. the rule is you're allowed to bring them if they don't obstruct the view of the fan behind you. i don't see that with the funny little umbrella hats. keep that in mind. keep your rain gear and keep it
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with you sunday. a few showers early and the good news is tuesday into wednesday, we have a pretty big ridge of high pressure that moves back in the bay area and we'll start to clear out tuesday and wednesday. we're talking about really dense, widespread fog, but hey, we'll get a lot of rain is we need it. back to you guys. >> as a parent, it's always a good thing to take your kids finger painting and put it on the fridge, but what about a chance for the entire world to see? google launching its annual google doodle contest. kids from kindergarten through seniors in high school. kids can draw their very own version of the famous google logo and submit them through the google website. this year's team, if i could travel in time i'd visit, you fill in the blank. the drawing will be featured on google's home page for an entire day, plus they'll win a $30,000 scholarship and a $50,000 tech grant for his or her school.
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google exec marisa myers says it's all about creativity. >> we always love the doodle for google contest because we love to see what inspires the young users and it is an opportunity for them to explore the artistic and creative talents. >> you may remember last year's winner from this area, mateo lopez from south san francisco. search google doodle. >> they're generous over at google. >> i love it. >> yeah. coming up, oprah's body guard cuffed in india. we'll tell you why it came to blows. >> the guy's flexing up there. a freak accident just literally slicing the roof off of a van. wow! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ooh! the pain. >> the musical stylings ofead.t
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♪ ♪
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>> welcome back this morning. three of oprah winfrey's security guards are in police custody after fighting with journalists in india. you can see the scuffle in this video. the bodyguards thought the reporters were getting too close to the tv mogul. local journalists say the camera equipment were damaged during the fight. oprah's next chapter. this one is both freaky and scary. a swinging steel beam slices through a delivery truck and somehow the driver manages to survive. look at this, just unbelievable here. this is all that's left, a 63-year-old delivery man drove through a construction zone on the new jersey turnpike hit by the beam and you see the damage. somehow he only managed a cut on his face, otherwise the guy is
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doing pretty good except maybe being in shock. >> he has luck on his side. still ahead at 11:00, you've seen the softer side of vernon davis. how about this side of him? ♪ never mind i'll find someone like you ♪ ♪ ♪ >> vernon davis football player, artist and singer, more on the locker room karaoke session just d. honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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welcome back. taking a live look at the dark clouds rolling in over the transamerica pyramid, getting a little bit of light shower activity right now over the city by the bay. we have more on the way as we head through the next few days. three systems to get through. the first one rolling in now. the second one comes in as we head through tonight, and another one sunday into monday. just make sure you have the umbrella to go, keep it handy
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through this weekend. back to you. >> thank you very much. you've heard of vernon davis and a couple of manly men. two 49ers making headlines for what they're doing on the field. >> they're getting attention for their performances in the locker room. ♪ i heard that you settled down and you ♪ ♪ found a girl and you're married now ♪ ♪ i heard that your dreams came true ♪ ♪ >> yeah. that is a -- i'd like to say -- i don't know. beautiful? i'm trying to figure outdo i want to put that on my itunes list? do i want to put that as a ring tune or will i help adele file a lawsuit? >> i think she'll like the exposure. >> good effort on their behalf. >> i want to thank those gentlemen for giving us the
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fine-tunes. that is a beautiful thing. >> that's what you call a couple of good sports. >> dig it. >> thanks so much for being with us today. join us tonight at 5:00, 6:00 and 11:00. >> have a great day. >> somehow i think i'll have that version singing in my head. not the adele version. ♪
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when you first find out you have breast cancer, you feel like you're in a nightmare. terrified. horrified with the news. when i was diagnosed, i felt very out of control and very helpless and a victim of the disease. i was just so overwhelmed, and, um, my heart just started to race. helpless but never hopeless. (woman) and i can actually do something to help. (woman) and this is something we can do. (man) we can walk. (woman) we can walk. (man) if our wives and daughters, our sisters and mothers can go through breast cancer... we can walk 60 miles. 60 miles. we can erase breast cancer. (woman) 60 miles in 3 days. i can do that, and even 60 miles isn't enough.


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