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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  January 13, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PST

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(man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee, because everyone deserves a lifetime. new details in a brutal knife and hammer attack on two elderly women in san francisco. i'm bob redell, that story coming up. live where preparations are under way for tomorrow's big game. that's coming up. hot spots sparking up after an explosion triggers massive flames near microsoft. news at 11:00 starts now.
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good morning, thank norz being with us. i'm marla tellez. >> i'm jon kelly. a crime scene unfolding in san francisco in a neighborhood as police search for a man after a violent and bloody attack against two women. >> one of the women, elderly homeowner, the other dropping off a delivery of chinese food. the brutal attack took place late last night in 20th avenue in the sunset district. that's where bob redell is live. s the victims are fighting for their lives in hospital as the suspects are still on the loose. >> reporter: even san francisco police admit that this is a head scratcher. what would compel a man to brutally beat two elderly women to the point where they are now fighting for their lives in the hospital here in san francisco? investigators tell us that this was a home invasion, happened at the house on 20th near noriega around 9:20 last night. a man broke in, attacked the 76-year-old woman who lives there, beat her in the head,
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stabbed her several times in the upper body, another woman, 56 years old, accidentally interrupted the attack when she stopped by the woman's house to deliver food from a nearby restaurant. the man greeted her at the door and hit her with a hammer. now, in spite of her serious injuries, that woman was able to get outq of the house, make her way down the street, across that way over there, you can see the restaurant, the orange awning, that's where she arrived. the restaurant, saw the condition she was in, called 911. both women in critical condition with life-threatening injuries. a neighbor who knows the 76-year-old woman doesn't get it. >> she mines her own business, done bother nobody on the street. i don't understand what's going on. was it an attack? a robbery? who knows? there has to be some hoet vation. >> makes me nervous. if it's random, nobody's safe. but keep your doors locked and
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be careful who comes in. >> reporter: police don't know if this crime was random or if the elderly lady was targeted. for the suspect, he rummaged through the woman's drawers before he escaped. police have not said what, if anything, was stolen. the only description is that he was asian and seen drive nation light colored sedan. here in san francisco, bob ra dell. a fire near the microsoft campus in mountain view, flames shooting up higher than trees as firefighters battled the blaze last night. the glow was so bright, drivers could see it from near highway 101. pg&e says it is possible a transformer blew, that would spark the fire in the area around stevens creek trail. very close to microsoft. pg&e crews working through the night trying it repair downed power lines and restore power to nearly 400 pg&e customers.
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crews will likely remainñ on th scene until 5:00 tonight. happening now, a seen eerily similar to a recent shooting at a cement plant here in the south bay. deputies investigating the deadly workplace shooting at a lumber company in north carolina. deputies say at least three people are dead, and two are injured, including the gunman. the gunman reportedly shot himself at his home after shooting his co-workers. and the mcbride lumber company in the city of star, witnesses describe the gunman as disgruntled. this morning the new look at men suspected of killing an east bay father to death right in front of his young son. take a good look. these are new sketches of the men believed to be involved. both are believed to be between ages of 17 and 20. police say the men may have wanted to rob 39-year-old jose esparza when they ambushed him august 28th.
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his 6-year-old son watched the whole thing from a parked car nearby. today a livermore teacher accused of having sex with a student will stan before a judge for the very first time. the 40-year-old math teacher had a six-month long relationship with a 14-year-old boy. investigators say it it started with text messages, facebook communication and the game words with friends. johnson, right now, on administrative leave from granata high school. in the south bay a second and third grade teacher will be in court to face charges of sexually assaulting an elementary school student on campus. the 35-year-old craig chandler accused of molesting a child in san jose last fall. police trying to track down any other possible victims. also in santa clara county a woman behind bars accused of bite two children in the face. this one a strange story. the mercury news reporting the 46-year-old woman walked up to a toddler and infant ath t the bo
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buyer's store and bit them both on the cheeks. the children were not seriously injured. this morning, domestic abuse charges could be filed any moment against san francisco's new sheriff. district attorney george gascone could decide to file charges. he is accused of grabbing his wife's arm on new year's eve with enough force to leave a bruise. his wife says it's a family matter that has been overblown and taken out of context. domestic violence victims are demanding his resignation. oakland starting the new year off with another round of lay-offs. city workers bracing for 1500 pink slips set to go out next 3w week. fewer than 200 are expected to lose their jobs. the city want to be prepared for the worst. the lay-offs prompted by the loss of $30 million in redevelopment money. notices will be going to
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employees in every city department except the police and fire departments. pay cash and you could pay more. that could be the next caltrain policy. the agency's talking about increasing one way cash fares by 25 cents per zone. for example, if someone takes caltrain from san francisco zone one to san show day zone six it cou would cost 1.25. clipper card users will not see an increase. the agency will hold public hearings before making a final decision. tomorrow the saints will come marching in to candlestick park to take on our 49ers. >> that's right. the first time in nine long years that the 49ers are playing in postseason. of course, fans are pumped about it. nbc bay area's damon live in candlestick park where preparations are under way for the big playoff game. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the parking lot will be bustling with tailgaters in 24 hours.
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the new orleans saints are already in town arrived last night. they'll be here at the stick later today for their customary walk-through. they'll be at the stick any moment. the crews spent the morning getting the parking lot ready for tomorrow's sellout crowd. there will be no extra security on hand, not more than any other game. but the team says they are on heightened awareness. san francisco police added more patrols after the fights between niners and raiders fans this preseason. and they will be here for sobriety checkpoints after the game. but the big challenge will be on the gridiron. this will be the niners' toughest test of the season. one fan we spoke to at the stick is nervous but cautiously optimistic. >> i hope they win. >> reporter: excited at all? >> to a certain degree. they just got to beat the saints and that's a tough one to do, you know? they got a tall order to fill. >> reporter: kick-off is at 1:30
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tomorrow. the winner faces the winner of the green bay new york giants game for a chance to go to the super bowl, which will be on nbc. now the mayors of san francisco and new orleans do have a wager on the game. now, if the niners win, new orleans will send here fresh louisiana seafood, beer. if the saints win, the mayor will send to new orleans crab from fisherman's wharf, sour dough bread and beer. i say he throw in from the mission district. a san jose man is $208 million richer. $208 million. you're not him. here he is. daniel is coming forward to claim his megamillions lottery ticket. he bought the ticket at a supermarket in long island over
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the holidays. >> i should rip my ticket up. >> yeah. it wasn't you. >> good news, though, i'm feeling down about that, really good news we all hit the lottery with the lottery. >> we are getting paid in sunshine like never before almost. in fact we've been crushing records all month long. today take a look at this spectacular view of the golden gate bridge. people walking, enjoyingeorge otherwise conditions. monday, quite a different picture. low clouds expected to be back. temperatures climbing nicely. 59 in livermore. upper 50s already in the bay area. we stay nice and dry, mild this afternoon. by the one, clouds increase. outdoor plans set up for saturday and sunday when temperatures are expected to tumble. and then next week the pattern changes entirely. talking about cold, damp, dreary weather. the good news, though, we need the rain. a lot coming our way. and the sierra snow, we'll talk about that as well. >> great forecast all the way around. check back with you in a bit. making a run for it.
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does this -- is this man your next president? we'll explain, just ahead. they make iphones in china, why isn't apple selling iphones in china? take a look who is here in stu. the most decorated gymnast shannon miller. we'll talk olympics coming up.
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the prime suspect in the disappearance of natalee holloway will spend 28 years behind bars for killing another woman in peru. a court sentencing joran van der sloot for strangling a woman he met at a casino in lima five years to the day after hallowway disappeared. the court ordering van der sloot to pay $75,000 to the victim's family. van der sloot says he may appeal the conviction, and the
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sentence. the gavel could come down on a decision to bring former presidential candidate john edwards to trial. edwards is accused of using almost $1 million worth of campaign contributions to help hide his pregnant mistress during his 2008 white house run. edwards' lawyer says the former candidate has an undisclosed medical condition which would make it difficult for him to attend the trial. the team is asking for a delay of at least two months. the trial is supposed to get under way on january 30th. fake news man steven colbert is leaving the anchor desk for the campaign trail running for >> clearly, it's a tough decision. i would not want to be in my shoes. but i am. and, folks, they're incredibly expensive. >> right after that, colbert called upon his friend and fellow comedy central host jon
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stewart. he legally transferred rights to his super political action committee to stewart which clears right for cole bay to run as a candidate in south carolina. >> gold-plated elf shoes might get a fi vote there's. scott mccrew says a website with silly cat picture is going dark to protest a new law making its way through congress. >> did you know actually cute cat pictures are a big business on the internet? the biggest after all of them this website, multimillion dollar website, called i can has cheese burger. long story. the owner is going to turn off the cute cat site one day next week to protest sopa, the law that the house of representatives is considering that would allow the american governments to deny you access to websites accused of piracy, even if those accusations were not proven in court. now, that site joins one called read it which says it's going
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off-line as well. can the world survive without cat picture for a day? it can. big sites like wikipedia talked about joining the backlash. the senator who introduces a similar bill says his proposed law needs more study. chaos in china as the hometown gadget there the iphone s supposed to go on sale and then didn't. after crowds became unruly, things got worse, eggs were thrown at the store in beijing. apple decided to suspend sales in beijing and shanghai after it ran out of iphones in other stores and crowds became angry there. target, which recently started selling eggs, will also open a special apple section in some stores, much like best buy has a special apple area. target trying to boost sales of electronics and apple electronics are some of best-sellers. john and marla, target hasn't said which stores will get the
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special apple sections. back to you. >> we shall wait and see. thank you very much. you know the say, all good things must come to an end, we've had great weather but rain we need it. good morning. >> good morning. it's good all around when it comes to the bay area forecast. we need rain because that'sea@rc going to give us better air quality. take a look at the haze. hazy sunshine over the city of san jose. moderate air call, it's not a spare the air day. when temperatures drop into near-record levels tonight you can burn that firewood. let's get to it. talk about where we're headed today. plenty of '70s inland. 70 the forecasted high in concord, san jose. 70 in santa cruz. hit the beach. we're going to get spoiled for one more day. then things start to change. the reason why, this big bridge of high pressure has just bee blocking the storm track. the storm track just slamming alaska but take a look. finally, a storm strong enough to break down that ridge, push it to the east and give us wet
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weather. that looks likely as we head into next week. some 0 of it will start to change this weekend, sunday. onshow flow is back, temperatures will tumble. more low clouds starting sunday. and then the normal bay areai] weather pattern forei for janua to develop. temperatures tomorrow at noon are going to climb into the mid-60s. we'll see a comfortable saturday, staying nice, 67 degrees. and then temps tumble sunday. there's that rain. the bulk of the moisture will move through the storm between the course of wednesday into thursday. send it back to you, too, and special guests. >> that is right. from an all-american forecast to all-galaxy guest list. not just a gold medalist the most-decorated gymnast in history from the '9 olympic games to the hall of fame. guess what? she's here in our studio. talking about, of course, shannon milk joler joined by be
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karolyi. thank you for stopping by to say hi. >> i have to ask, first, what it's like when you see yourself in that previous video? >> i was so young. it's so amazing. to be able to represent your country, to wear the red, white, blue, see the american flag being raised and at such a young age, it's certainly making a big impression and something i'll always cherish. >> the 2012 olympic team trial for gymnastics taking place here at hp pavilion in san jose. what can folksym expect? >> the best, most quality and highest quality olympic trial ever. from the first occasion, we'll designate people are here, we got the team, with a lot of disappointment going around because we never had opportunity on our team at the end of the trial. this time the team will go to the final stage of the olympic
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games. and i hope they're going to make the same impression like they done before. >> little bit of excitement coming here. add on at the in. love it. you have an olympic gold meddle? >> i do. a couple of them, yeah. >> show that off. >> for the men and women coming into this, it's just such a vacuum. you plan your whole life to this point. tell me what the young athletes, what's going through their mindser their bodies? >> the olympic trials are so much more pressure packed than the olympic games. that's the icing. once you make the olympian. the athletes, the next few months, the turmoil of i've got to be healthy, i've got to be consistent, i've got to have difficulty. this is my time. i've trained made entire life for it. this is it. >> shannon, you inspired so many young girls. entire generation. >> and boys. >> what am i talking about? to take up gymnastics. what are you doing now? >> my son is in gymnastics now, he's only 2.
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i don't know if he has -- he loves it. i do a lot of women's health and wellness right now. i host a television show radio show and advocate for women's health. >> what does it mean as an athlete when you know an entire country's behind you, filling you with that energy and positive? >> it's amazing. close your eyes and you can remember that time always. i loved the gold medal because it's a symbol all of all those memories, hearing the cheer ofq the crowd, just seeing smiles on people's faces. went people come up to me and say i saw you at the atlanta olympics, i saw win your gold medal, it's a great feeling to know you've affected someone in a positive way. >> 2012 olympic trials happen at hp pavilion. >> support them. >> june 28th through july 1st. >> i want to touch it before we go. very cool. wow. >> do you mind if i wear this rest of the show? >> absolutely. >> more news for you after this.
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welcome back, everyone. despite a series of tuition hikes, competition fierce among students trying to go to school at one of the uc campuses. politics from in-state high school seniors up 10%. applications from noncalifornians up 56%. uc schools will enroll more students this year, but they'll admit more noncalifornians because they pay about 23,000 more a year in tuition fees. >> time to lace up running shoes and grab the silly costume. registration's open for the 101st beta breakers race. this year's race will take over the streets of san francisco may 15th. organizers are capping the number of registered participants at 50,000. once again, beta breakers will be a dry race, meaning there's a zero tolerance policy when it comes to alcohol and floats.
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how about this? tebow time meets tea-off time at pebble the surprise person he ghet urise person he mighbe teamin wg upt ith.
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tiger woods is playing in the pebble beach pro am. >> that is right. now blogs are buzzing over his potential partner, tiger woods and, you guessed it, tebow fiver. that's right, tim tebow now. probably asking yourself, why would they get on the course together? maybe nike or i don't know the weather. pairing is speculation at this point but the website says the pair is in the works. another rumored partner fore& woods, how about cowboys quarterback tony romo? the pro am played the weekend after the super bowl in february. of course, tebow hoping he's at that super bowl. you know, tebow fever's sweeping
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the nation. katy perry, her parents pushing her to start dating tebow now that she's getting divorce zbrd i didn't hear that one. learn something new when you watch the news, huh in. >> that's what we're here for. >> join us 5:00, 6:00, 11:00.
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