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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 5  NBC  July 16, 2010 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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iphone 4 to come in, even as apple's ceo steve jobs offered this -- >> we're not per feshlgt. we know that. you know that. and phones aren't perfect either. >> reporter: but he was still defiant insisting the new iphone is different than other phones. all have occasional reception issues but he told reporters that apple will give unsatisfied iphone 4 users a full refund and any new buyers get a new case which seems to have corrected the problem. if you bought a bumper you can get a refund. >> this thing switches screens faster than my computer does. >> jobs' says 3 million iphone 4's have been sold with no complaints. he haeps that his company can,
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at last, move on after this fix. refunds if you're unhappy with your phone and apple stores like this one say they are out for at least the next two weeks powerpoint wall street seemed to buy into what steve jobs was saying on an otherwise lousy friday. apple stock held its own for most of the day. back to you. at times he seemed almost defensive. i understand one of the lie lights today was him demonstrating antenna problems with other smartphones? prosecutor hills point has been if you know there are cell phones and you know three occasionally tropes. at one point he showed a video of tests with very well-known
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smart phones from other kpae companies and if you grip them, they, too, lose hair reception. >> scott in cupertino. more coverage on our website at you can watch raw video of today's event and read and post comments about the announcement on state workers will continue to be paid in full at least for now. after a judge denied and order by the governor to cut their pay to minimum wage and the judge rules it would kaz too much harm to employees but he'll allow the lawsuit to proceed so other courts with rule on what the state comptroller must do this. governor schwarzenegger tried to impose minimum wages on 200,000 state workers because the state hasn't passed a budget. >> we're happy about everybody feting their full paycheck for the work they do and it doesn't
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look like this budget year will be an issue. >> a spokeswoman for the governor says the administration is confident it will ultimately prevail in court. new numbers show that california's unemployment rate fell slightly in june. the unemployment rate dropped .1% to 12.3%. the unemployment rate of june of last year was 11.6%. last month wurs the first time this year the state report aid loss in jobs on a monthly basis. more than 27,000 jobs lost with government jobs posting the largest decline. the national unemployment rate fell to 9.5%. a bay area soldier was among four u.s. troops killed in afghanistan earlier this week. 21-year-old chase stanley from that anapa, died. the department of defense said stanley and others were righting in a mile care vehicle when a
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explosive device went up. as of today, more than 11,000 troops have died as a result of the invasion of 2001. on monday, supporters of former b.a.r.t. police officer overhasn't mehserle plan to watch in walnut creek and police are getting ready. set to happen at the walnut creek courthouse on civic dive, a few blocks away from downtown. we are at the courthouse with reaction from the police chief and the people who live there. cheryl? >> reporter: that's right. barriers are in every corner of the parking lot for police to use on monday. the police chief tells me he instructed his staff to post them so cars won't be allowed in this parking lot to people will have this entire space to exercise their first amendment right. >> people attending the event need to respect everyone's opinion, whether they agree with it or not.
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>> reporter: this walnut police chief had 28 years in san diego and lels than five as chief. he's preparing for a support ral hill for johanns mehserle. >> any time this happens we have to prepare and we have to make sure it will be a safe venue and we're planning to do that. >> reporter: he's been planning since tuesday, when a woman came to the station asking for a permit to hold the rally to support the former b.a.r.t. cop convicted of involuntary manslaughter for killing unarmed passenger, oscar grant. >> we support any one's issues to use their amendment rights. >> she reaches out through facebook asking people to join her at the superior court house to sport mehserle and his family and the law enforcement community. the facebook message "it was a tragic mistake." >> i don't know why they chose walnut creek.
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>> sal hassle a barbershop here and he did you want want to see a repeat of what happened in does town oakland last week. >> the person that organized it should have the courage to stand up because she's no friend of the police department. >> reporter: john burriss represents grant's mother and she says people certainly have the 1st amendment right -- but -- >> for the manner community this is where a white officer killed a young black has been and essentially, escapes with murder. >> john burriss says oscar grant's mother will not be here but oscar grant supporters are expected to show up. mehserle's sentencing date has been pushed back to november and the rally is scheduled to take place on monday at 2:00. reporting live, nbc bay area. >> thank you. the marin coroner has identified the body recovered near point race with a boat capsized in that area on
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wednesday. he is identified as 65-year-old ronald michael fuentes. from a city in central valley. they also had two men that drown in a boat and one is still missing. >> hundreds of national guard troops are headed south to protect the border, part of a federal effort to stop drug trafficking and illegal immigration. the move comes as arizona is set to enact a controversial new law at the end of the month requiring officers to ask for documentation from anyone they suspect is in the country illegally. as many as 260 troops are expected to arrive for duty in october. 2450e8 serve for up to one year. packing up, huelett packard
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is home to the company pc division and commercial hardware and software unit. the mayor says this is a blow to the city which will see lower tax revenue. and tesla is teaming up with toyota to develop a an electric version of toyota's rav 4 m suv. this comes two months after the companies said they will be building cars. they plan to sell the rav 4 in 2012. this pushed tesla shares up nearly 4%. things are certainly eating up? ahead of the weekend it promises to be warm. here's your meteorologist, jeff ranieri. bright. a lot of the heat in the sheltered spots the cross the bay area away from the cooling i don't know shore flow, calistoga with 103 pl gilroy, 9.
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livermore, 93. some of you is l cooler temperatures throughout the peninsula id still hontin ouln to the lowo l 90s fro to ord all the way dow gioy.. lelet'oy look. we're following thunderstormsle acacro lake tahoe. if you're traveling there, some thunderstorms could produce flooding issues so be alert if you're heading to the lake this weekend. ahead we'll talk about cool july days in my seven-day forecast. that's just minutes away. >> and we'll see you then, jeff. still ahead at 5:00, researchers raise new questions about the effectiveness of a breast cancer drug that changes that could be in store. also coming up, how a woman's weight affects her memory. and also, palin's payday. we know precisely how much sarah palin made from her continue ve shall what appearance at csu stanislaus. a nail-biting day on the gulf kohl's as engineers nervously monitor the cap on the oil leak. and the cheeseburger foot
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long? the fast food chain that would be offering it this that's when we come back.
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it was a tense day along the gulf kohl's as engineers kept a close eye on the new containment cap that shut off the flow of oil for more than 24 hours. this is a live look at the well right now. and although that oil geyser seems to have been stopped and it has been, there's concern over pressure readings and what they might mean. jay gray joins us from venice, louisiana. what about those readings tonight, jay? >> reporter: tom, we just got a new update and the readings are not where they would like them. after 24 hours and we're at that
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point, they would have loved the pressure to have been at 7500 pounds per square inch pit's at 67. you just saw the pictures. there's a significant difference on the flee of the gulf and that's a good thing. not that big a change on the surface. it's been more than 24 hours now and still no oil. but there is, for the first time, a bit of uncertainty with the pressure readings not to the level engineering and scientists had hoped. >> we're moving ahead in six-hour increments so we can judge the data we have and make decision on moving forward. >> a fleet of underwater cameras help the engineers monitor the situation around the clock. underwater robots are scanning the floor of the gulf searching for any signless of new leaks. and from the white sand beaches along the gulf coast, to the white house, there's a cautious
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sense of optimism. >> i think it's important that we have don't get ahead of ourselves here. one of the problems with having this camera down there is that when the oil stops gushing, everybody feels like we're done and -- we're not. >> reporter: evidence of that, the matz of booms, skimmers and northwests that still stretches on the coast. while the new containment cap has significantly changed conditions on the floor of the gulf it hadn't altered the situation on the surface just yet. >> it won't change anything. we we'll continue to pick up the oil every day that it comes in and hope for it to be less and less frequent. >> reporter: a hope, like so much here, depends on the success of this cap. >> let's get to the current status. not enough pressure or not pressure what they want to see it. not enough to stop the testing. they're continuing the testing for another six-hour segment. sometime overnight they'll
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re-evaluate this data and make a decision to move forward or stop the testing altogether. if that happens the cap is still in use and they'll use it to funnel it to the earth's surface. live in venice, louisiana, tom, back to you. >> thank you very much for the update. one of the biggest mysteries surrounding sarah palin's recent vip sit has been answered. officials from cal state stanislaus said she was pays $75,000 for her speech the speech made news when the university refused to reveal the terms of her contract. that led to an investigation by attorney general jerry bloub's office into a possible violation of public disclosure laws. in the end, the school says it was the most successful fund raise her history and palin brought in more than $200,000 for the university. a second recall for bagged
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lettuce. fresh expression of salinas is recalling the romaine salad bags palm bags have a use by i by date of july 8th through the 12th. they also have an "s" in the product code. so far there are no reports of illnesses as i as a result of eating this particular salad. the artificial turf children play on in state parks. >> the artificial turf children play on in state parks contains an excessive amount of lead. today the state reached a deal requires most companies to remove the lead. two companies agreed to lower the lead to safe amounts, based on two lawsuits attorney general brown filed in 2008, after tests found lead levels were more than 10 times higher than allowed under federal guidelines for children's products. >> a big change coming for carpoolers on the golden gate bridge. this is the last day drivers can
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use cash and still get discounted rate. the car toll is $3 starting on monday. and carpoolers who do not have that's fast track tag pay the full $6 to cross. motorcycles are eligible for those carpool rates. we're saying "pool" but that's a good idea for the weekend? definitely, especially for the inland spots. on the coastline it will be foggy. sierra, thunderstorms here for lake tahoe. look at this. in the past six hours for that current view we have right now up over 1500 lightning strikes. so anyone headed to lake tahoe tonight and even for tomorrow, expect these isolated thunderstorms that certainly could cause only isolated flash flooding.
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and a flood near lake they he. yosemite, the same thing with scattered showers and thunderstorms that will also be in the mix for tomorrow. influx of southerly moisture helping to fuel this. across the higher elevations in the bay area we're currently dry and, well, it looks like it will stay that way out we continue throughout the night. look at what's back. the fog. 68 degrees and even with winds northwest at 23 miles per hour, these lower level winds are still hoping to usher in some cooler air near the coastline and at oakland, 70 with winds northwest at 17 miles per hour. what you note here is throughout the north bay and the peninsula, we did see a little bit of cooling as expected with 82 right now in novato and gillry, livermore and concord, conditions above average. that's a big part of the
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scenario as we head to saturday. the fog will stick around as we head throughout tonight and tomorrow morning. for sunday, cooling winds for the entire bay area, even for spots that are inland. here's the fog today. it built up last night so we knew the areas near the coastline would be cooling down. but the thing is the fog. the cooling winds here that are moving in who want be strong enough to keep temperatures down for tomorrow. once again, hot weather expected for our saturday. for the inland spots. clear out here in the pacific but the ridge of high pressure in the southwest that will build the heat as we head to saturday for our inland locations for a mix of 80s and 90s coming back and then form sunday we'll see cooling for everyone at this point. tomorrow morning? upper 50s to near 60 with clear skies inland. here's some of the hottest spots. morgan hill with 97. 93 in evergreen. 85 in san jose.
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heading north across the peninsula, temperatures will drop with 70s here in san mateo, also, redwood city and near oak lampbd. concord, 90. 93 in fairfield and for the north bay from 60 at the coast and 70s and even 90s in calistoga. more any time on the weather channel on cable. we talked about cooling july air, look at this, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, below average conditions coming back with upper 70s and low 80s. >> that will be refreshing by then, won't it? >> we can always count on it, right? >> yup. >> thanks, jeff. how much e-mail is too much e-mail. the new research on e-mails and the length. and why a popular breast cancer drug is now coming under fire by the fda. and the certain bsf o dog that could be most in danger during flight.
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the department of transportation has found that short-snouted breeds accounted for close to half of the purebred dog deaths on airlines in the past five years, at least 1 22 dogs have died on planes within 25 were english bulldogs, pugs, golden retrieve trooefrs and labs. experts say short-snout breesd have a harder time because they have a difficult time inhaling. owners should always talk with their vets before they put their dogs on planes. >> effectiveness of the drug to shrink breast cancer tumors in doubt. the fda approved avistan in 2008. today they released information
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that said breast cancer patients that took this and received key mo did not survive any longer than those using other drugs but suffered significant site effects. next week, they will review the results and could remove this drug for breast cancer treatment. could excess weight and poor memory be linked in women? that's the finding of a new northwestern university study. for every point an older woman's body mass index increases her memory drops. previous research shows high blood pressure, diabetes can impair function to the brain and these conditions often go along with being overweight. when these kps are not present excess weight is tied to reduced memory showing that weight is a significant factor for memory loss. new research shows a link between stress and too many e-mails. and 50 seems to be the magic
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number. a survey by harris interactive shows that 50 messages is where we feel overloaded. the effect the even more pronounced for smartphone users with more than a third saying they feel overwhelmed if more than 50 e-mails are waiting for them. small business employees have the lowest threshold, 94% want to go home with a headache if they have to answer m 5 e-mails. and coming back with the cheese burger that puts all the others to shame.
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a fast-food chain is testing a cheeseburger foot long. carl's junior was testing it but
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when a fast food blogger got ahold of this. nutrition experts are appalled. they're worried they will get outdone. "the nightly news" is up next.
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