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tv   CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley  CBS  September 16, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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? ? ? captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: trump tries to shake the birther issue. >> president barack obama was born in united states. period. >> pelley: but sets off an explosion of anger. >> donald trump is nothing more than a two-bit racial arsonist who for decaha but fan the flames of bigotry and hatred. >> pelley: also tonight, the f.b.-eye-patch. why director comey puts tape over his webcam, and says you should, too. tattoo dangers-- what is that needle injecting into your skin? >> we really don't know what's in these inks. >> pelley: and steve hartman,
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all day and lifts its leafy arms to pray. this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: this is our western edition. donald trump stepped down today as the unofficial leader and most prominent member of the birther movement, conceding that president obama was born in the united states. but if trump's intention was to put the issue behind him 53 days before the election, it backfired loudly. here's major garrett. >> donald trump is nothing more than a two-bit racial arsonist, who for decades has done nothing but fan the flames of bigotry and hatred. >> we're not going to take it anymore. we will not elect a chief bigote of the united states of america. >> reporter: it's not just the birther myth. it's the way trump wrapped his
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>> nice hotel. >> reporter: trump lobbed one false charge and finally extinguished another. the birther allegation against the nation's first black president that trump has stoked since 2011 in interviews. >> why doesn't he show his birth certificate. his birth you are not allowed to be a president if you were not born in this country. >> reporter: and a torrent of tweets from 2011 to november 2014. campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. president barack obama was born in the united states, period. >> reporter: neither clinton nor anyone in her 2008 campaign claimed then-senator barack obama was not born in the united states, though some ardent clinton supporters advanced the idea through anonymous e-mails.
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"washington post" question thursd thursday about the birther-ism charge reignited the issue, leaving the matter in limbo for trump's hotel appearance today, moments before the president weighed in: >> i was pretty confident about where i was born. i think most people were as well. >> reporter: we spoke to new york congressman gregory meeks: >> we've got to finally call mr. trump on his lies and his conning of america. what he did today was a complete ga >> reporter: what's the lie? >> he said, "hillary started this, but i finished it." every fact checker shows this was started by donald trump. >> reporter: clinton called trump the leader of a movement designed to de-legitimize president obama. scott, she called all of this an outrageous lie, one she said trump can neither deny nor run
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a new cbs news/"new york times" poll of likely voters shows clinton with a 13-point lead among women overall. but trump does well with republican women. 82% support him. clinton campaigned today for the votes of women, and nancy cordes is on the campaign. nancy? >> reporter: women were certainly on her mind today, scott. she spoke at a black women's symposium here in washington and she said that black women had beey primaries. she also said that women have learned that they need to work harder than men in the office and have more responsibilities at home as well. across the bridge in virginia, first lady michelle obama did her first solo campaign rally for clinton, arguing that clinton alone understands what the job entails. >> it >> it is excruciatingly clear that there is only one person in this election we can trust with those responsibilities, only one person with the qualification
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job, and that is our friend hillary clinton. ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: clinton still has some work to do with women, though. our new poll shows that 40% of women view her favorably, scott, but 46% of them view her unfavorably. >> pelley: nancy cordes. thank you, nancy. a little bit later in the broadcast, we're going to hear from women in a key battleground state who will help decide which way this all goes in november. before we leave politics, the presidential debate commission announced today that none of the minor party candidates made the cut for the first debate. they needed to poll at least 15%. so it will be clinton and trump, one on one, ten days from today. the next president will be confronted by threats to our cyber-security, and this week, the head of the f.b.i. revealed an anti-hacking tool that is as low tech as you can get. jeff pegues has the tale of the
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say hackers believe every system can be broken into, even the web-camera on your computer. >> i could break into your phone. i could break into your tablet. >> reporter: tyler cohen wood is a cyber-security expert with inspired e-learning. >> if you're not using it, turn it off. you also want to make sure that you are not using unsecured wireless access because anyone else that's on that same wireless network has the ability to sniff the traffic and potentially get into your computer that way. >> reporter: just this week, f.b.i. director james comey raised a few eyebrows when he suggested that you put a piece of tape over the web-camera to prevent someone from turning it into a surveillance tool. >> you go into any government office, we all have our little camera things that sit on top of the screen. they all have a little lid that
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mark zuckerberg not only puts tape over the camera, but the microphone, too. tape is just not enough. the experts say that you want to run virus scans as well. scott, if someone has access to the point where they are controlling your camera, then they have full access to everything on your computer. >> pelley: jeff pegues in our washington newsroom. jeff, thank you. in a first, u.s. special operations forces are now assisting turkish troops and inside syria. turkey sent tanks into syria last month to retake the border region from isis. these american advisers will amount to just a few dozen. the u.s. force in syria is capped at about 300 troops. syria's largest city has been cut in two by the civil war, one side held by rebels, the other by the assad dictatorship. the people of aleppo are
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aid is blocked, despite the cease-fire. elizabeth palmer is there. >> reporter: for people trapped in this war zone, the small pleasures of normal life are extra sweet. and nothing says normal life on a hot day like a swimming pool. and believe it or not, here in government-controlled aleppo, several of the pools are actually open for business. in the streets, people socie. they do odd jobs, even sass the camera. and it all helps to blot out violence and the fear, but the y nothing can disguise the ugly scar that divides this city between the government and its armed opposition. 13-year-old aya al hassan is giving us a tour of her neighborhood of al midan, right on the front line. this curtain here, what's that for? >> snipers. >> reporter: the snipers, just a few hundred yards away, are
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aimed their weapons at syrian army positions deep in this neighborhood. did you lose some friends in this war? "oh, yes, i've lost many," she says. "some were killed by mortars or snipers. some just left the country." aya, like everyone who lives here, can remember when fellow citizens of aleppo lived down that road beyond the barriers, not men with guns. what was the worst time you can remember? "one night," s s actually landed in our house." it was a concrete apartment, like these, so a miracle no one was killed. with courage beyond her years, aya's got her eye on the future. "i want my city whole again," she says, "and at peace." scott, we weren't able to meet the people on the opposition side of that divide, because we're not allowed to cross the line, but they're under siege right now by government troops and they're the ones most
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ps that's still stuck at the border. >> pelley: elizabeth palmer inside syria for us tonight. liz, thank you.s tonight. today, apple customers got their hands on the new iphone 7. it's already a big seller. this week, apple stock soared by nearly 12%, as its main rival tried to put out a fire. here's jim axelrod. >> four, three, two, one! >> reporter: apple c.e.o. tim ci cook should be smiling tonight turns out those new design features, like eliminating the headphone jacks, were no big deal at all, for consumers like brad pesce and julian kareo. >> in seventh grade, julian and i both wrote an e-mail to steve jobs saying that apple needed to release wireless earbuds. i promise you. >> reporter: apple sold out all its iphone 7-plus inventory during preorder, so the lines
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or, like this guy, place a new order. >> usually i leave with phone in hand, but it's okay. i'm getting mine in two or three weeks. >> reporter: analysts expect apple to sell 226 million phones in the next year. dennis berman is the financial editor for the "wall street journal." >> the thing to pay attention to is the stock price and the stock is up about 12% or so over the last week. >> reporter: even better for apple, the launch comes while its chief competitor, samsg, samsung's new flagship, the galaxy note 7, rolled out just a few weeks ago, but is now the subject of a consumer product safety commission recall, after overheating batteries burned consumers and sparked fires. the hazard led to the biggest one-day decline ever in samsung's stock price, but berman says, don't make too much of this one moment in time. >> if the next samsung works, people will probably be willing to give samsung the benefit of the doubt.
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companies are now producing phones as well, and they are grabbing big market share in china, and also making inroads in europe. soon, they will be here in the u.s., scott, and the phone wars will have some powerful new forces. >> pelley: jim axelrod for us tonight. jim, thank you. still ahead on the "cbs evening news," what's the biggest single issue for women, as they vote for president? tattoos are more popular than ever, but they're coming with risks. and steve hartman, with the tree george washingto down. we came up with a plan to p reduce my risk of progression. and everywhere i look... i'm reminded to stick to my plan. including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd...
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state of north carolina. >> there's still that notion of the glass ceiling for sure. i mean, i think women are definitely more empowered, but we're kind of still restricted to a box. >> even as a working woman, we still face certain obstacles that i don't necessarily think that every male in that same position is going to face. >> reporter: who is voting for hillary clinton? who is voting for donald trump? >> i'm republican. there is a part of me that is nervous about trump. strong, and i've got to pray that he surrounds himself with people that are smart, intelligent, fair. >> she was mentioning about core values, and so if i' values, and so if i'm looking at trump, there's not one segment of this country that he has not, you know, spoken about in a negative way. >> reporter: angela? >> i have decided not to vote this year.
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because they're my party, when they have somebody so careless and reckless. i-- i am not a hillary supporter. >> reporter: why? >> i think that she stands for bad policies that we've had in the office for the last eight years. >> reporter: if hillary clinton were elected, would that be good for women, do you think? >> oh, absolutely. >> i really believe fundamentally, we need some female perspective creating policy. >> she's ba and a children's advocate her entire career. >> right. >> and so i think that that can only, you know, bode well for we-- us women going forward. >> reporter: if donald trump were elected president, would that be good for women? >> i don't think it would hurtth us at all. he is a businessman. he's always been a businessman. this is also a new environment for him. so i think-- he's learning as he's going. >> i believe the country is at a
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i believe there are critical issues that have to be addressed in a steady and sensible and intelligent way. >> we should be proud to be living here. to be able to vote and try to get the best candidate for all of us is huge. >> reporter: more than half of registered voters here in north carolina are women, and, scott, it is by all means a swing state. barack obama won here in 2008, but lost in 2012. >> pelley: manuel bojorquez, listening to the voters for us tonight. manuel, thank you. coming up next, what's in tattoo ink? the concerns are more than skin deep. the concerns are more than skin deep. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults.
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if i had known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor about it. >> pelley: the food and drug >> pelley: the food and drug administration is seeing a spike in complaints about tattoos. the agency recently warned of possible risks of exposure to some ingredients in the ink.
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>> reporter: you can find them online, articles and photos from people showing tattoos with infections or allergic reactions. >> my foot just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. >> reporter: sara lindhorst of illinois, the sister of a cbs news employee, says this tattoo quickly became infected and sent her to the emergency room. >> they told me it was a pretty bad infection and put me onics. antibiotics. >> reporter: tattoo shops should use gloves and sterilize instruments, but there are other risks. contaminated tattoo manufacturers have been blamed for some infections, and the f.d.a. reports seven voluntary recalls of adulterated ink since 2004. but what makes up the ink is also a concern. the f.d.a. has not approved any tattoo pigments for injection into the skin, and they say many are colors used for printers' ink or automobile paint. >> we really don't know what's in these inks. >> reporter: arisa ortiz is a dermatologist with u.c. san
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and minerals, but they're usually just industrial grade. so they're not really regulated to make sure that they're safe for injection into the skin. >> reporter: celebrity tattoo artist keith mccurdy says he trusts his ink suppliers, but thinks there's a need for better regulation over the industry. >> anyone can just essentially buy equipment and call themselves a tattoo artist and perform tattoos on willing people. and i think that that should change. >> reporter: the f.d.a. admits scrutiny of the tattoo industry has not been a priority for the agency. but, scott, researchers thereene have recently come up with new ways to look for toxins, and they're trying to develop new methods to identify just what is in those color pigments. >> pelley: anna werner, thanks. there's nothing hazardous about the paint on astronaut kate rubins' flight suit, though it might overwhelm the eyes.
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she spoke from the international space station with children who are battling cancer. the kids painted it, as part of their therapy. up next, steve hartman, with a tree that has inspired a town for centuries. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am.
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8 news now looks at the seventeen agencies that go into motion when a child is taken next at 6. ((christianne klein)) 6 hours to go >> pelley: a new jersey town is >> pelley: a new jersey town is one of the oldest living americans. here's steve hartman "on the road." >> reporter: at the basking ridge presbyterian church in basking ridge, new jersey, they don't need stained glass to make their windows breathtaking. >> it was built in 1717. >> rep >> reporter: parishioner john klippel says for the entire 300- year history of this church, one of the most magnificent oak
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the church was intentionally built beside the tree, and the town grew up around the church. >> everybody that's ever lived here has recognized that tree as sort of a symbol of home. >> reporter: george washington walked past it. some of his soldiers are buried under it. the tree predates america, columbus-- pretty much everything we know came after this 600-year-old oak. but now, our matriarch is fading. after decades of leaning on cables and crutches, experts say the oldest white oak tree in north america is on its last limbs. local residents can't believe it. >> it just kind of feels like a part of the town is kind of dying with it. >> no one thought about the tree dying, you know. it was one of those things that was going to go on forever. >> that's what a lot of people thought-- it's always going to be here. but, apparently, it's not. >> reporter: for the folks of basking ridge, it is very much a grieving process.
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loss, i think it's traumatic. i think people have to go through their own steps of reconc reconciliation with it. >> reporter: for centuries, the tree has been an ever-present metaphor for preachers at this pulpit, whether the lesson was perseverance or patience, creation or resurrection, the tree helped teach it all. and soon will come the finalme n lesson. maybe a sermon about the cycle of life, or maybe they'll just take a minute to stare out the window one last time at the finest stained glass picture god ever created. steve hartman, "on the road" in basking ridge, new jersey. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news, all around the world, i'm scott pelley, and i'll see you sunday on "60 minutes." good night.
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in a few hours... work on a major ramp in the spaghetti bowl begins: tony illia/ndot: "part of what this project will do is eliminate some of the merge and weave traffic how ndot plans to stay on track and wrap up the project by monday's commute... ((dave courvoisier)) what happens when a child is abducted? we have to bring out every weapon that we have, every tool in the bag just how often it happens.. and the training federal agents are those children home safely... ((denise valdez)) hit by a suspected drunk driver yes, this is a motor cops worst nightmare. a motorcycle officer is sent to the hospital after a collission...
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the southound i-15 ramp will close at 10 o'clock tonight. it will get a whirlwind it will get a whirlwind construction project aimed at making it safer... mauricio marin is there with our top story...and what drivers can expect this weekend... ((mauricio marin)) >> this weekend is going to be a real test of patience for a lot of drivers. the ramp connecting 95-south to interstate 15 south will be shut down for 36 hours. it's the first major portion of road construction now happening for >> during rush hour---about 31-hundred cars pass onto this ramp that's about to be shutdown in less than four hours. so they'll have to find other ways to get around. n-dot will be detouring traffic to the 15-north. then from there they'll get off on d-street and jump back onto the 15 heading south. we took that trip today. it adds several minutes to the commute....and likely even more time with other drivers having to take the same detour. there's also some other suggested routes like getting off on valley view, rancho drive, or even m-l-k boulevard


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