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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  September 13, 2016 3:37am-4:01am PDT

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be holding. there have been some violations overnight. the deal was brokered by the u.s. and russia last week. the u.s.-backed rebel groups trying to topple syrian president bashar al assad. russia backed assad. humanitarian groups helped to deliver aid to some of the worse-hit areas like the city of aleppo. the united states is flexing its missile tore muscle over south korea as a warning to north korea following its recent bombers flew over the osan air base about 75 mile from the north korean border. the boppers returned to andersen air force base in guam woud landing. as tensions commonly rise in the south korean peninsula fighters accompanied the bombers. this morning, south korea said
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radioactive from the tests. the ncaa has pulled several championships from north carolina because of the state's controversial law some say discriminates against lgbt people and curtails civil rights since at 2 was passed last march, the ncaa moved all games. includes in the ncaa events pulled from north carolina is the opening weekend of the men's basketball tournament. coming up on "cbs this morning," we will talk with ncaa president mark emmert. colin kaepernick took his protest into prime time and other players joined in. the san francisco quarterback and teammate eric reed knelt during the national anthem before last night's game. two other 49ers and two members of the visiting st. louis ra rams -- los angeles rams stood
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last month to protest racial discrimination. well, coming up on the morning news, shocking revelations, soccer star abby womanback comes clean about alcohol and drug addiction. and caught on video, suspects arson at the mosque where the orlando shooter worshipped. this is the "cbs morning news." d to certain cancers? who knew my risk for hpv would increase as i got older? who knew that there was something when i was 11 or 12, way before i would even be exposed to it? did you know, mom? dad? i was infected with hpv. maybe my parents didn't know how widespread hpv is. while hpv clears up for most, that wasn't the case for me. maybe they didn't know i would end up with cancer because of hpv.
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when i was 11 or 12. maybe my parents just didn't know. right, mom? dad? what will you say? don't wait. talk to your child's doctor today. learn more at (vo) one dark stormy night we got a new family member and she got a nutritious meal of purina cat chow complete with the four cornerstones of nutrition including high quality protein. now our family is complete. purina cat chow complete. every day my challenge is to be in sync with my body, with myself, with my life. it all starts with a healthy routine. that's why i'm taking the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics every day. because when my routine is in sync, i can face any challenge. so take the activia probiotic challenge! visit to learn more. take the activia probiotic challenge now.
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(?) (?) when you are suffering from chest congestion try mucinex 12-hour. mucinex is absorbed 60 percent faster than store brands. and lasts a full 12 hours. relieve chest congestion with mucinex, and enjoy living well. excuse me, hey, back off! >> the shocked reaction "dancing with the stars" when two men rushed ryan lochte on live tv. the olympic swimmer had just finished a dance number when it happened. the suspect was subdued and arrested. lochte is suspended from swimming after admitting he exaggerated a claim about being robbed at gunpoint during the games at rio. a soccer star has revealed her struggle with drug abuse and more questions about donald trump's charity donations those are some of the headlines on the
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"the washington post" said donald trump campaign offered no proof of the claim that he's given tens of millions of dollars of charity from his own pocket. the spokeswoman said it includes gifts from his foundation that is funded almost entirely by outside doerns. bloomberg reports that congress' demands all of files of hillary clinton. but a democrat says the of documents is restricted by the house intelligence committee, not the fbi. the orlando sentinel reports that an arsonist damaged the mosque where the pulse nightclub killer prayed. police said he started the blaze and fled on a motorcycle. the gunman was known to worship at ft. pierce posk.
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that the officer involved in the garner death he's been on desk duty and his pay was steadily increased. garner was unarmed when the officer put him into a choke hold that led to his death. the indianapolis star reports that a fertility doctor is suspected of inseminating patients 50 times with his own sperm. 77-year-old donald kline is accused of lying about it and pleaded not guilty to obstruction of justice. tests on two children of clients shows that 99.9% chance that he's the father. the former soccer star said she abused alcohol and prescription drugs for years. wambach said she was in denial until her arrest in april of driving under the influence.
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sailor gave birth while in the search for isis. mother and baby are okay at a hospital ashore. still ahead -- adding definition. we will show you some of the new words in the oxford english
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g your hair is still thinning. you may have inactive follicles. re-activate them with women's rogaine? foam. the only once a day product, proven to regrow new hairs up to 48% thicker. revive your va va voom. and save on any rogaine?. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads to this. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors' offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. new aleve direct therapy. you don't let anything keep you sidelined. that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. ensure. always be you. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around
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the new oxford english dictionary has more than 1,000 updates including gender-fluid. a person who doesn't identify with a fixed gender. -y yolo, you only liv splendiferous, for splendid. i feel like yolo has already been in the dictionary. on the "cbs moneywatch" samsung with big losses. >> good morning. after the federal reserve board members said the central bank should not raise interest rates
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the dow gains 239 points. s&p is rose 31. the nasdaq down 85 points. the samsung's stock went in the opposite direction. samsung's stock lost 7% of its value following the massi ireca of galaxy 7 smartphone. longer tweets coming to twitter september 19th. back in announced it would cut down on what type of content counted for the 140-character limit. user name, images, videos will no longer count as characters. twitter said that the more room will go for the user's flexibility. facebook allowing products
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customers through messenger. credit card information has to already be handed over to facebook where messenger will be used for payments. and ford said it plans to issue serve driving vehicles to shuttle workers around its michigan plant for 2018. ford has been testing self-driving vehicles for more than a decade. in august, the cars were available for ride sharing by 2021. stock exchange. thank you so much, jill. still to come -- comic car crash. facebook makes a cheery slide show over a man's near fatal car accident. and it goes viral. if your sneezes are a force to be reckoned with...
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allergy relief. and zyrtec? is different than claritin?. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec?. muddle no more?. mastering the art of refinement one dark chocolate rises above the rest lindt excellence created by our master chocolatiers pure, rich, darkly intense... made like no other crafted elegantly thin to reveal complex layers of flavor experience excellence with all your senses te beyond compare
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around
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samsung areplacing millions of new smartphones because the batteries can catch fire. but that battery type is used in many products. kris van cleave has more on the potential hazard. >> reporter: the faa has been concerned about the fire danger posed by lithium ion batteries for years. this impact shows the impact of a battery in a simulated cargo hold. the agency is warning users not to use or rechar galaxy 7 onboard of an aircraft because of a fire risk linked to its batteries. cell phones, laptops, tablets, een children's cars. . >> the more you put into a space the more likely bad will happen if it's operated incorrectly. >> reporter: princeton university assistant professor
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batteries. >> it's like one firecracker surrounded by many other firecrackers, if a firecracker goes off it will trigger another one to go off apapop, pop, pop. >> reporter: recalled hover boards often included cheaply made batteries that weren't designed for that kind of use that of overheating and fire. george crabtry is with the argonne laboratory. >> the only difference is it gets really hot. if you happen to hold it in your pocket or hand, you'll notice that. one of facebook's features back fired for a out the man over the weekend. using recent photos facebook splices moments into cheery
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the trouble was the man who took these was documenting what he calls a near fatal car crash. the video has gotten more than 1 million vuns youtube. this is the "cbs morning news." relieve chest congestion with mucinex, and enjoy living well. (vo) stank face. an expression of disgust caused by inadequate litter tidy cats is the cure. with new guaranteed tidylock protection, you won't have to face one more stank face. every home, every cat. there's a tidy cats for that. a box is where you keep things safe. who wants that? i'm moving forward. new oikos greek nonfat yogurt helps keep me going. now with all-natural ingredients
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3 million american kids play soccer. and the study found that injuries more than doubled ee ben tracy reports. >> reporter: every day, more than 300 kids end up in the emergency room with soccer-related injuries. this new study spanning 25 years found the most common injury, sprains, strains and fractures. boys are more likely to get broken bones and cuts. while girls have more knee and ankle issues. tracy meehan is a reedger at children's hospital. >> kids are playing more
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in more leagues than they ever have before. >> reporter: one of the biggest reasons is players still developing brains. there have been more than a $1600 increase. the 15-year-old suffered a concussion last year after collides with another player. >> hid me in the head but i don't remember passing out but i don't remember much. >> reporter: u association prevents kids from using their kids to strike the ball. brandy chastain wants u.s. soccer to go farther and not allow kids to head the ball until they turn 14. >> i think the toughest thing to do for a young person is to advocate for yourself. if you do hit the ball or fall down, maybe you don't feel right, how do you stand up to your coach and say i can't play
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as a competitor says you've got to go back on the field. >> reporter: coaches are wear of the impact that can have on kids long term. that's why partly we're seeing an increase in emergency room visits. ben tracy, cbs news, los angeles. hillary clinton said she kept her pneumonia diagnosis private because she didn't think it would be that big of a deal. donald trump is focusing on clinton's characterization of some of his supporters as hard working. and the ncaa has cancelled several events including men's basketball in north carolina. some say it discriminates against lgbt people and sur curs rights. coming up on your local news on "cbs this morning," an exclusive interview with ncaa president mark emmert on moving
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carolina plus new york column lift maureen dowd joins us in the studio with her new book and more of charlie's interview with former president bill clinton. that's it for "cbs morning news."
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class is back in session for twelve hundred students at walter johnson junior high. but parents still have questions about the mercury scare that closed the school. ((kirsten joyce)) >> plus...n-v energy reaches a settlement with solar city. how this affects solar customers. ((brian loftus)) >> and... southern nevada is under a wind advisory. sherry tells us how long it's expected to last. ((kirsten joyce)) 8 news now good day, the valley's news leader, starts right now./// ((now, live...this is 8 news now good day.)) ((brian loftus)) class is back in session this morning for walter johnson junior high. good morning i'm brian loftus ((kirsten joyce)) >> and i'm kirsten joyce. the environmental protection agency deemed the school safe for students to return, this mercury scare proved costly for multiple parties. and some parents want to know... who's going to pay for it? shakala alvaranga has the latest. walter johnson junior high school re opens tuesday. but uncertainty still lingers for the kallao family.


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