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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  April 23, 2024 1:41am-2:01am PDT

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drink hint comm. that's 36 bottles for just 36 bucks. only $1 per bottle. >> hint what does this moment mean to you? >> i want to pursue my own legacy. >> doctors told me i'm never gonna play football again. but here i am. welcome to the nfl draft live. >> starting thursday on abc. >> we're back with a pair of dogs benefiting from a coast guard rescue. both animals and their human were picked up off the coast of oregon. the owner's boat had started taking on water. the trio was airlifted into a coast guard helicopter. there conditions have not been released. >> the major league baseball season is less than a month old, and the complaints about umpires are already filling up the strike zone. the latest controversy in the bronx, where an apparent case of mistaken identity led to an ejection. got anything else to say? you got ejected for saying nothing. yankees manager aaron boone, furious after being thrown out
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of yesterday's game. the home plate ump thought boone was heckling him, but it was a fan in the stands who was talking trash. there you go. >> and now aaron saying, i didn't say anything. >> the ump had warned boone earlier after a separate outburst, but having said nothing this time, boone confronted him, unloading expletives. it's boone's 34th ejection since 2018, the most of any big league manager. after the game, he said this about the case of mistaken identity. >> it's embarrassing. it really is a bad. it's embarrassing. i heard you're gone, aaron. and that's what i was like. i couldn't believe it. >> other mlb umps have run afoul of fans in recent days. umpire angel hernandez, already behind a string of controversial calls, was roasted by fans after calling this pitch a ball during the mets dodgers game. one viewer posting at this point, i blame mlb for keeping him employed, and another ump took heat over the weekend for calling the opening pitch in the orioles royals game a ball. >> what part of that pitch was not a strike? >> well, some baseball
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enthusiasts are pushing the league to adopt a ball strike challenge system that could help correct bad calls. a similar system right now is being tested in the minor leagues. you also always hear about should we move to robot umpires? and i don't know, at least for the strike zone, i don't know or how about just meditation techniques? >> you know, i think there's an app for that right? just saying. coming up, stepping inside an earthship ginger zee shows us how they're built and also takes us inside. >> you're watching world news now. >> we are a law firm that only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. do you have questions about paying medical bills, getting the best medical treatment, finding a specialist, or getting the compensation you deserve? if so, we've been offering free information about mesothelioma to victims and their families for over ten years. mesothelioma is really all we do. call us now for this free book. >> call us at 800 511 5400 or go to mso
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>> world news now continues after this from our abc stations . >> sarah, you've got this. okay. you can remain in your turn of phrase and talking wardrobe. >> you can be the outcast or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love. but i wonder what would happen if you say what you want to say. and let the words fall out. honestly, i want to see you be brave. to see you with grace missing. >> but they lost. not really. just not where it counts.
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>> i want to see you. be brave. see you. just see >> this earth day joined national geographic and disney and take action to protect, restore and celebrate our planet. visit disney planet to learn more and join the celebration on disney plus. all month long. right captain? right. >> upon your mystery ship from a distance, they definitely look like mystery ships. >> they do, but they're called earth ships. homes built entirely from the earth. and some from garbage. >> yeah, and they're self-sustaining. they're off the grid. that could be fun. abc's ginger zee shows us how that could all work. >> the simple definition of an earthship is that it's a dwelling vessel that encounters the phenomena of the planet to provide sustenance for the
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people that live in it. >> and there are six pillars. >> people need comfortable shelter wherever they are. that doesn't require fossil fuel. they need water. they need electricity. we're not going backwards. they need to do something with human waste. they need to do something with garbage and they need food. >> it's about the autonomy of the vessel. >> so you got a crew out here already? >> wait. we're going to go through here. are there rattlesnakes, not too many. >> i started using tires as an effort to recycle, and i have never been any place on this planet that doesn't have tires. so why not build with tires >> i mean, they're actually putting this in by hand, like pounding dirt into tires. >> the tire wall is so wide that it doesn't need a foundation. so you have a 5 or 6 foot thick
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wall. so the heat is not going to go out here. and how many tires in a refuge? thousand. say this is how you stay young? >> yeah. >> you either die or stay young. >> tires are known for leaching toxins. oh, yeah? why is this okay to live in after a tire has got 10,000 miles on it? >> it doesn't off gas anymore. there is more off gassing in a conventional home than there is in a tire home. that's a pound of tire. it's beautiful. that's all there is to it. >> this is the refuge style. >> this is the refuge style. the most economical earthship and a cold night. you walk in one of these and you go, this is amazing. this is warm and there's no heating system here. so if you put people in a position to be able to experience it, that's huge. >> so this is just like a brand new construction. >> it's just everything is made very simple. you take a shower
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there, goes into this planet, and then that's used to flush the toilet. >> and that is how you conserve water. >> and this water came from the sky. >> it's only trash when it looks like trash. but when it's like this, it doesn't look. >> it's alchemy is what it really is. you're turning trash into gold. >> i've been building this house for about 27 years, so home sweet home. the house started with a little hut on that side, and then we built the bigger house in the middle. then we added this on, and then we attached the hut. so it's been nonstop. we have a bedroom here. that was my boys bedrooms for years. >> the boys lived there their whole lives. >> yeah, they were born here and they're true earthship kids. >> did they ever struggle with like, oh, those are the earthship kids. >> their friends would come out here and just be blown away by
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the plants and stuff, right? >> it was special. yeah. there wasn't a sacrifice for them. >> this house performs like a normal house in so many ways. and so they weren't really lacking for anything. >> if we can get the minds and even hearts of people to want this and to realize they need it, the law will follow. >> fancy meeting you here. >> you as well. >> wonderful to see you, governor. nice to see you, ginger. shall we go this way? yes, please. there are permit rules. there are a lot of it comes down to. it costs so much to try. >> we made clear that we are going to incentivize where we build to local bodies of government that modernize their zoning and permitting. you can't build these and be innovative fast enough to meet the needs of your communities. then we're going to look at other strategies that put you in a position where there's less option for your refusal. >> what would you say you'd like
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your legacy to be? >> i want to see millions of these all over the planet. >> not everyone will be able to live in an earthship tomorrow. but if there's one lesson that conventional construction should take, we should try to live with the earth, not against it. >> the earth is a beautiful place, is it not? our thanks to ginger, there are more than 150 earthships in new mexico, and at least one in every single state. a basic model is a two bedroom, two bath. and just like a condo goes for 400,000, i'll never look at a tire. >> the same way again. >> 40,000. >> are you guys tired of the grid to get a ship? >> no, i don't think i need a spaceship. >> not an earth ship. >> stay tuned to get an all new bell and howell bionic floodlight for 50% off. last year, over 100 million packages were stolen. worse yet, over 500,000 homes were broken into. the party's over porch. pirates and prowlers. this is the bionic solar floodlight from bell and howell. it showers a massive
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thousand foot area of ultra bright light all the way from your house to the road or the whole backyard. plus, it's solar powered, so it's free to operate when prowlers approach the motion sensors activate and bam, they go bye bye. plus, it expands your outdoor living space, making yards, patios, and walkways brighter. this next generation solar powered light features 120 high intensity led bulbs on three separate adjustable panels delivering multi-directional light. it installs in seconds anywhere, no wires or stake it in the ground and customize the panels anywhere you want. light look your lights are too weak, but watch bam! that's bionic light power. check out the difference before and after which home looks safer to you. the bionic floodlight is the ultimate security light. standing guard up to 25ft, keeping your family safer, and no more critters getting in your trash. now there's plenty of light to scare them away. it'll light up your life when you pull into a bright driveway and enjoy more outdoor living space with bright,
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always loved. i just press the button here and there's my oxygen inogen systems are so small and light. >> you're free to leave the house without the hassles of an oxygen tank. >> i could play golf again. i could go grocery shopping. i'm free again with the inogen. >> i can handle my own oxygen. i can carry my own oxygen. i go anywhere with this. look how small it is. >> and right now you can try an inogen portable oxygen system for 14 days. risk free. call us right now. if you qualify, we'll send you an intelligent system to use for 14 days risk free. your insurance may even cover your new inogen system. >> if you're on oxygen, you need to be using an inogen. >> call 800 907 8840. 800 917 8840. that's 800 907 8840. >> we're back now with our. wait. what starting with a tiny, isolated mini tornado whipping up in one family's backyard. >> wait, what? >> caught on camera in
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victorville, california. let's wait for it here. a dust devil forming in the backyard. as kids were just being kids playing in the pool. and there goes goodbye . >> they moved on. >> it's a full send. >> where'd that thing go? >> i think it orbit. thankfully, it seems like no one was injured. dust devils are usually triggered by a hot surface temperatures and are typically much weaker than tornadoes. but holy cow, is that terrifying? if you're just like having a pool day. >> oh, that is so true. all right, next to a gator on the runway. wait, what? the scene played out at macdill air force base in tampa, florida. an alligator causing a bit of a delay after it decided to take a stroll and park itself under the wheels of a tanker plane at the base. >> florida. who could have guessed? oh, maybe next time we'll get it right. the big guy apparently didn't want to leave, but after a little bit of help from his new friends, he was relocated to what macdill calls a more suitable environment off base. how did he get there? probably a lake right? >> i lived in tampa for two
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years. i never got to go to macdill. i always wanted to visit the airport. >> you feel like you were just there just now. then watching that video? >> yes. if i was a dinosaur, i could do that if i wanted. next to serving up bugs in the big easy. wait, what? this is for you, andrew. okay. >> just in time for the cicada pie, isn't it, or something? yeah. oh there it is. oh, close. >> is that the audubon insectarium in new orleans are serving them up. cicadas for the cicada apocalypse that's coming this summer. yeah, part of their bug appetit cafe. they say one cook that tastes like a toasted nut. andrew. or i'm still out. >> or you could just eat toasted seeds or nuts. they also make a cricket king cake for mardi gras. the cafe also serves up chili, fried waxworms, cajun spice, crickets, and cinnamon bug crunch. >> there n areo buzzwords you guys could use that are getting me in on any of this. not even cicada. >> oh, that's the red. that's the reason i am out. >> i don't eat bugs. >> okay? >> you wouldn't eat the mayo banana sandwich i brought. you guys would eat that? no not a
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million years. >> no way. >> all right. >> but i know you would, grasshopper. of course. >> and finally, an adorable baby bat eared fox. >> wait, what? >> and here's the best part. you don't have to eat it. the cincinnati zoo is showing off one of its newest additions. this adorable baby boy that, as of today, turns 18 days old. they're so cute at that age. the zoo says it's always playtime for this little guy. >> wouldn't you pay $1,000 to hold this guy? >> a thousand? yes, right now i would pay 1000. >> a little puppy. i would feel really soft. >> but it's
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from the hit drama "grey's anatomy," kim raver.


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