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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  March 27, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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seven mornings live to capture the devastation of this. >> it's just it's incredible. >> a landslide in the santa cruz mountains is slowly getting worse. now, at 5:00, the deteriorating conditions that have cut off neighbors in one community. and why a fix won't come fast despite new funding to help. >> to hear the words that the key bridge has collapsed. it's shocking. >> it's been more than 24 hours
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and images still unbelievable. six construction workers presumed to be dead. this morning, as new clues emerge about what may have gone wrong on the cargo ship that slammed into a bridge in baltimore. >> san francisco supervisors overturned mayor breed's veto of housing legislation. what it could mean for the effort to build thousands of new units in the city and a bay area attorney now on the 2024 vice presidential ticket. >> we'll hear from the woman tapped to campaign alongside robert f kennedy. >> it is wednesday, march 27th. good morning. yes. >> going to start the check of our forecast. yeah. good morning. >> so we're dry to start the day then the rain returns later on this afternoon. outside right now temperatures we're beginning in the 40s and low 50s under partly to mostly cloudy skies. we'll switch it on over to live doppler seven this morning. and what you'll find is that a cold front is approaching the region this morning. you could see that moving into northern california right now, and that front will cross through here later on this afternoon. and into this evening
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and bring us some wet weather. a level one today on the storm impact scale. briefly heavy rain coming our way later on this evening and at times as that front crosses through it will get breezy. so this morning it's all about a lot of cloud cover. right around lunchtime we'll have those showers first entering the north bay, then they'll start to spread south and east throughout the afternoon. it's right around 8:09 p.m. that front is on top of us and that will likely see a brief downpour across the region . we'll take a closer look at the storm coming up in six minutes. let's say hi to amanda silver down the road this morning. >> hi, drew. yeah. drivers in the east bay. the east shore freeway is moving at the limit. a very quiet early morning hour on this wednesday morning. that's the good news. and we want to get to the to the north bay as well. 101 is moving at the limit when you're traveling either to santa rosa or sausalito. it should be an easy ride for you. and then i'll have to leave you here with drive times. the good news here is no issues on the road. it's not advancing. but for now, we'll
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send it back to the desk. amanda. >> thank you. developing news. santa cruz county has secured $30,000 to collect data on a landslide. that's blocked access to two critical roads for dozens of residents in the santa cruz mountains. now, this landslide started as cracks in february. now, the only way you can pass mountain. charley road is by climbing it. santa cruz public works officials held a meeting to address the problem. they say a timeline of repairs could take up to three years because the land is still moving. residents say the broken road makes everyday activities a challenge. >> this is our route to our elementary school, to our community, to our grocery store, to everything. >> county officials also say repair costs from last year's storm damage exhausted all of their resources. they hope the data they collect will help with the design and cost estimate to repair the road. >> recovery efforts are resuming this morning in baltimore after that shocking collapse of the francis scott key bridge, just moments after it was hit by a
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cargo ship early yesterday. six people are presumed dead. two others were rescued. they are recovering. so here is a live look right now at what is left of the bridge this morning. you can see that extensive damage in the cargo ship. still there. we now know the missing people were working on the center span of this bridge when this collapse happened. most of them immigrants from guatemala, honduras and mexico. the collapse happened on one of the three main connectors linking north baltimore to the rest of the city, and to give you an impact idea of the impact this is the google earth view of what the bridge looked like before. and we want to show you now, this is what it looks like. that middle span, center span collapsed. that cargo ship still there. amanda at the live desk. with the evidence that could be critical in this investigation. amanda. >> yeah. kumasi this morning, investigators are looking into whether contaminated fuel may have played a role in this disaster. we know the ntsb is
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combing through video like this one. it shows moments before the ship slammed into the bridge. and you can see here, if you look closely, the lights. they had just gone out moments before the crash. and that's one of the big questions here. you can also see some of the cars traveling this way. that construction crew mid-span you see their lights flickering right there. they are parked on that bridge. that's just a big question. we know the crew sent out the crew of the ship, i should say sent out a mayday right before the crash. that gave police enough time to stop traffic from entering the bridge. the only people left were the workers in the middle of the span. their employer says they probably didn't hear the mayday call and had no idea what happened. maryland's governor called the end of the rescue operation a heartbreaking conclusion. >> we are going to put the same assets now just to make sure that we can give these families closure. they were people who were husbands and sons and fathers, 30 million tons of
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cargo passed through the bridge last year. >> it is the entryway to the largest port in the u.s. for cars and trucks, and one of america's largest hubs for coal shipments. president biden says the federal government will help rebuild the bridge, but that could take years back to the desk. >> thank you, amanda, and stay with us for the very latest on the baltimore bridge aftermath and the investigation. we have live updates running anytime on abc seven happening today. residents in oakland will officially meet their new police chief. mayor xiang tao is set to introduce floyd mitchell at city hall this afternoon. mitchell most recently served as police chief in lubbock, texas. his start date hasn't been announced, but he is expected to begin his new role in late april or early may. oakland has been without a police chief for more than a year. >> the city of sacramento has officially declared itself a sanctuary city for those who identify as transgender. last night, the city council passed a resolution with a unanimous
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vote. the move upholds the rights of transgender people in the city. it also prevents city staff from detaining people seeking gender affirming health care, and bars the city from cooperating with out of state jurisdictions that are criminalizing such care. advocacy groups say more than 20 u.s. states currently ban gender affirming health care. it's over a uc berkeley professor ended his sit in two weeks after it started. ron hassner was protesting what he said was the university's lack of response to anti-semitism on campus. he moved into his office earlier this month, even holding classes in the cramped space, hassner tells abc seven. he ended the sit in last thursday after the university agreed to his request. the request included making sure jewish students are able to pass through sather gate without being blocked and harassed by protesters, and mandatory islamophobia and anti-semitism training on campus. >> he is running for president as an independent in 2024, and
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now robert f kennedy jr has named his running mate attorney and oakland native nicole shanahan. >> it isn't just about policing, it is about the school to prison pipeline. it is about a broken and dismally functioning infrastructure. it is about recidivism that we have not taken the right approach to. >> kennedy made the announcement at a rally in oakland yesterday. shanahan spoke of her childhood there, as well as the issues that drive her, such as climate change, chronic disease and criminal justice reform. shanahan attended saint mary's high in berkeley law school at santa clara. she was married to google co-founder sergey brin. the two divorced in 2022. it is still a razor thin race in the race for california 16th congressional district, santa clara county supervisor joe simitian and assemblyman evan low just two votes apart, they are vying to face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in november's general election. in the district that covers parts of san mateo and santa clara
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counties and areas of the santa cruz mountains. >> 508 this morning, the rain is back later on today. this morning, it's a pretty quiet start to our wednesday. a live look outside from the exploratorium camera showing you we have mostly cloudy skies right now. we'll see those clouds continue to stream in from the north, and that rain arriving shortly after lunchtime. for a lot of us, here's live doppler seven along with satellite. the front is offshore right now. some light rain falling around eureka, but we're going to have a wet uh- evening later on tonight as that front passes through. today it's a level one, a light system as we track this next round of rain in the morning, we'll likely see some coastal drizzle, but for the most part, the heaviest rain will hold off until later on tonight and it will be breezy from time to time. so for the morning commute, it's just mostly cloudy out there. you don't really have to worry about any showers moving through over the next couple of hours. we're starting out in the 40s, slowly climbing through the 50s by 11 a.m. here's future weather showing you those overcast skies
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first thing this morning. by about 2:03 p.m, we start to see some light rain entering the north bay, but it's after the sun goes down later on tonight that that front is on top of us. this is 10 p.m. showing you those brief downpours moving through, and some of these may linger into early thursday morning. so today we'll have those clouds this morning giving way to rain this evening. and temperatures in the low to mid 60s for your daytime highs reggie drew thank you. >> a major announcement out of san francisco, this year's annual for 20 event at hippie hill has been canceled. the alternative now being planned and easter just a few days away. >> the reason it's earlier than usual. >> and the one thing animal rights groups do not want you to do this year, acclaimed actor cuba gooding jr now wrapped up in legal matters involving sean the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. in breed's effort to build new housing across the city. the board of supervisors has just overturned her veto of a controversial housing legislation to limit development
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in certain areas. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joins us to explain what this could mean for new housing and what the board members are saying about it. well good morning, kumasi. >> you know, this is the first time that the board of supervisors has overridden a veto from mayor london breed, and the legislation will be limiting the height and also the scale of developments in the northeast waterfro and also in jackson square. we have a map that shows the affected area, and it includes 15 to 20 blocks in historic parts of san francisco. board of supervisors. president aaron peskin sponsored the legislation. it was in response to a 200 foot tall housing project that was proposed on sansome street. now, peskin is expected to run for mayor in november against breed, breed said in a statement that the city needs to address the housing shortage, and that the vote to override her veto is a setback in their work. and she added, i will not let this be the first step down the path towards being a city of no. we
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will not move backward. and peskin saying that the board of supervisors proved the city can be both pro housing and pro neighborhood. live in san francisco gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> thanks, gloria. don't get roofied. that's the message behind a new state law starting in july, bars and nightclubs will be required to have drug testing kits available for customers. the kits can identify if common date rape drugs have been added to your drink. the law will impact about 2400 businesses. it's up to business owners to decide whether they charge customers for that test. organizers of san francisco's for 20 event, a hippie hill say this year's festivities are canceled. they do have alternative events planned at that space for that day. some of the cannabis industry industry tell abc seven news reporter tim johns. the decision to cancel the event is a small sign of what's going on with california's larger cannabis economy. >> one of san francisco's most popular events is officially going up in smoke this year, the
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city announcing tuesday that its annual for 20 event at hippie hill next month has been canceled. >> we wanted to support, you know, this, this, this amazing event that celebrates plant medicine. >> alex aquino is the event's organizer. he says the cancellation is because of two main factors. one is a lack of sponsor money. aquino tells me many in the cannabis industry are struggling with much of their business being undercut by non-licensed vendors. >> please support these brands that are sponsoring us. go to the local shops and buy. >> on top of the lack of sponsorship money, san francisco officials say city budget cuts were also a factor. >> it usually costs about $40,000 and the city is in a budget crunch, so we just couldn't pay to staff at this year. the city's recreation and park department says instead of the 420 event, it will host volleyball and kickball tournaments at the site. can people still go to the park and sit down and celebrate in the way they know how? sure. but
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they can do that in any park. there's not going to be anything special about coming all the way to hippie hill for 20 is cancellation is a disappointment to thousands across the bay area, aquino says. >> for many, it's a part of the city's rich culture, just us as promoters and natives here that live in san francisco, that love these cultural events. >> and we need to support them all across the board. >> that's why, he says he and his team are already planning for next year, hoping to bring back the celebration bigger than ever before. >> there's a lot of work that goes into these things and a lot of a lot of people, a lot of patrons don't understand the capacity of throwing these kinds of events in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news, easter. >> it's this sunday, and a lot of people are asking why the holiday is so early this year. here's the reason. easter's date is determined by the moon's phases. so easter is always the first sunday after the first full moon or on, excuse me, first full moon that's either on
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or after spring. okay, so spring started march 20th, and then the first full moon was the 25th. so that means that easter will fall on the following sunday, which is march 31st. the national retail federation predicts consumer spending will top $22 billion this easter. data suggests families celebrating will spend an average of $177, and most of that is on food, clothing and gifts. meanwhile the price of cocoa surged to an all time high yesterday that could impact candy sales. here's abc news reporter rhiannon ally with today's gma first look in this morning's gma first look. >> what soaring cocoa prices mean for your easter chocolate needs. >> there's a number of things that have led to these very high prices. uh- chief among them is a rather large drop year on year in cocoa production in west africa, which is by far the largest producer globally. >> and it's not just cocoa prices. sugar too, is up more
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than 12% from last year. easter is the third most popular occasion for americans to buy chocolate after halloween and winter holidays. this year, hershey's is offering additional sizes of some treats, like their cookies and cream bunnies and their kitkat lemon crisp bar. >> i would look for chocolates that are not traditionally easter branded, the candy that's more branded for easter. it's going to be higher priced, but the candy that's not might be discounted. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have the expert tips to get your easter chocolate fix without breaking your holiday budget with your gma first look. i'm rhiannon ally, abc news, new york ahead of easter weekend. >> animal groups have some advice to those thinking about maybe giving a bunny as a gift. they say the animals are complicated pets and they need the right home. one rescue group in oakland says it already has hundreds of rabbits, many of them picked up off the street and now they're worried about a post easter surge. jessica peters with oakland street bunnies, which is an entire sentence that i need to recover from. give me one moment.
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>> take your time. >> thank you. she says that rabbits are far different than cats and dogs, and you should not pick up one on a whim, so it should never be a gift. >> they should never be just solely for children, and it should be something that you make a long terme commitment for. their lifespan is 10 to 12 years or longer. they require specialized veterinary care. they have a very different diet. >> peters recommends fostering a rabbit first before deciding to become an owner. and just to explain, the reason why i hit the pause is because i just can't believe her name is jessica peters. peter rabbit also, jessica rabbit and her life is rabbits. >> she went into the right business. when your name leads the way, predetermined very early. >> sometimes our fate is decided for us. you know what i'm saying? >> computers. you will run a rabbit adopting agency? yes. >> and rabbits will be your life . >> good for her. >> isn't there a meteorologist that has something in their name , there's amy. freeze! >> that's it. >> i like that.
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>> and also our own dallas rains. that is a kfc in los angeles. real name, real names. these are not made up names. see drew tuma. just doesn't have the same ring to it. you know, it's like, i need, like, so it's to ma. it could be twister. >> i thought it was tuna this entire time. >> tumor rain. >> really should. >> too much, too much. get that one? i don't know, got it. >> i'll try. i'll try and work on it. like twister happen. drew tornado will workshop work? yeah. all right. need some work early. l's look at the forecast today. here's a look at your rain chances as we go throughout the next 24 hours. you can see they're really low throughout the morning. it's as we head into the afternoon. and then really later on tonight between about seven and 10 p.m, that's when the front is going to cross through here. and that's the best chance of finding some brief downpours across the region. here's live doppler seven along with satellite. the cold front is knocking on our door this morning. it will cross through here later on this evening to bring a return of those showers.
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so today it's a level one for those showers, briefly heavy at night and it will be breezy at times, but the winds not a huge issue. future weather later on this afternoon. by about 130. we are finding some light showers out there in the north bay, but then this evening, here comes that front 830. that front is essentially on top of us, bringing that best chance of showers across the region. and then we could have a few of these linger into first thing tomorrow morning. but the main event is really tonight. future weather showing you rainfall estimates less than a half of an inch. with this front, it's not a whole lot of moisture headed our way, and those lower totals, certainly in the south bay, where san jose likely just seeing a few hundredths of an inch of rain. we have a winter storm warning that will kick in at 11 a.m. today for the west slope of the sierra, 6 to 16in of snow above about 5500ft are highest peaks. looking at two feet of snow, with the heaviest snow falling late tonight and early tomorrow morning. here's the accuweather seven day forecast uh- evening rain coming our way today. showers linger tomorrow and then friday. it's a level two. a stronger storm moves in here for wet and windy
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conditions with a chance of thunderstorms on saturday, but we're drying out for easter on sunday and warming up early next week. amanda good morning drew here at 521. >> we're going to start off in oakland. this is the east bay. the nimitz moving pretty freely at this hour. that's the good news. an easy ride heading to the bay bridge or san leandro, then to the south bay. our san jose 87 camera showing a smooth commute there as well. and then i'll leave you here with drive times. the good news is no real issues on our roads. you can see trains to castro valley. it'll take you 58 minutes back to the desk. >> thank you. amanda. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> a new billionaire has been made where winning mega millions tickets are purchased, including the one matching all
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that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. the first fda-cleared at-home skin tag remover clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment. number one six. construction workers are presumed dead in the baltimore bridge collapse. the coast guard is transitioning to a recovery operation this morning. those workers have not yet been officially identified. >> number two, oakland's new police chief will be officially introduced by mayor shang tao today, floyd mitchell comes to the city from texas. his start date has not yet been announced.
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>> number three, the san francisco board of supervisors has overturned a veto by mayor london breed. so it means the city will move ahead with development restrictions in some historic areas of the city, read a post. that legislation, saying it will make it harder for the city to meet a state mandate requiring the construction of a thousands or thousands, i should say, of new housing units. >> number four, it's official napa county has elected its first ever all woman board of supervisors. the results of this month's election got certified yesterday. there's only one other all women board of supervisors in california, and that is los angeles county. >> number five. showers are back later on this afternoon and this evening it is a level one. today we'll find a cloudy start to our wednesday before that rain becomes briefly heavy later on tonight. and number six, a crash is blocking two lanes. >> this is in dublin, westbound 580 before fallon road. you should expect delays from livermore. >> number seven. if you are
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buying a new tesla, you'll now be required to take a self driving test ride. elon musk acknowledged the ride will slow down delivery, but says it's worth it to have customers understand how self-driving technology works. well, somebody won that mega millions jackpot. the person with the lucky ticket sold in new jersey is now $1.13 billion richer. or if they take the lump sum, it will be $537 million. so here were your winning numbers. maybe you want something a little smaller. you see the numbers there on your screen. seven 1122 2938 and for now, somebody in southern california matched five of the numbers in last night's drawing. so now that people have won the prize, money drops back down to $20 million. but if you still are feeling lucky, tonight's powerball jackpot is an estimated $865 million. >> and since most of us didn't win, let's talk about preparing young californians for the future. coming up at 530, the
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personal finance education that could soon be standard for students and former president donald trump now feeling the financial pinch of his legal issues. >> the new way he's hoping supporters can hel
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hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪)
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live. that pilot program turned into new regulations. >> the mission to clear out san quentin now at 530. the plan for the remaining imprisoned people as death row is being dismantled . >> i'm abc's perry russom in baltimore as rescue crews suspend the search for the six missing people. investigators are trying to figure out how a cargo ship could have lost power . >> and for the first time since federal agents raided his two homes. we're hearing from sean diddy combs what he's saying about the investigation into sex trafficking accusations. good morning everybody. it's wednesday, march 27th. >> we'll start with a check on
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the weather. hi, drew. hey. >> good morning. the rain is back later on today. live doppler seven, along with satellite. this is our next cold front. it's already approaching northern california. the bulk of this moisture will hold off until later on this evening. so this morning, we're dealing with partly to mostly cloudy skies, dry conditions, temperatures in the 40s and low 50s. as we get you out, the door on this wednesday. it is a level one today. some spotty showers later on this morning, mainly in the north bay, but it's when the front crosses through later on tonight they'll have some briefly heavy downpours with some breezy winds at times as well. good morning san jose. it is quiet start to the day. we'll have those mostly cloudy skies early on around lunchtime. the chance of a shower, mainly in the north bay, and then those showers begin to spread south and east. by 4 p.m. we have light showers across the region and that 9 p.m. that's when we'll find those brief downpours as that front crosses through here. temperatures in the 50s and 60s. good morning amanda. how's the commute looking? good morning drew. >> drivers through dublin. be aware there is a multi-car crash to tell you about. this is
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westbound 580 before santa rita road speeds are down to 16mph. they're expect delays from livermore. again, this is a multi-car crash blocking two lanes. we want to show you a drive. times. tracy to dublin. that's taking up 51 minutes on 580 westbound there. and then the walnut creek camera 680 is speeding along this morning. that's the good news. no delays in the north and southbound directions. back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. this morning, the coast guard is resuming its search for the six people presumed dead after the bridge collapse in baltimore. let's take a live look now at the ship that hit the francis scott key bridge, causing it to collapse early yesterday morning. the port remains closed. abc news reporter perry russom is live in baltimore for us. perry >> hey, reggie. investigators are here for day two of this investigation. divers will be back in the water in recovery mode, not search and rescue. the coast guard calling that search and rescue off last night. also saying the water around the ship
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is incredibly dangerous with those objects in the water as well as that strong current. this morning, the coast guard suspending its search for the missing in baltimore's patapsco river. >> we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. >> rescue crews have been looking for six people in the mangled metal of key bridge, brought down by a cargo ship early tuesday morning. a brawner builders work crew was doing bridge maintenance work on the surface of that bridge. >> at that time, six of our workers lost their lives and one was seriously injured. >> moments before the collision. it appears black smoke was rising from the ship as the lights on board went out. >> hold on. traffic on the key bridge there's a ship approaching has just lost their steering. >> maryland governor wes moore says the crew on board notified authorities they lost power. >> i'm thankful for the folks who who wants the you know, once the warning came up and once notification came up that there
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was a mayday who literally by being able to stop cars from coming over the bridge, these people are heroes. >> the ntsb says the ship, called dolly, is nearly 1000ft long, weighing 95,000 tons. >> i do not know of a bridge that has been constructed to withstand a direct impact from a vessel of this size. >> abc news obtaining records showing dolly was inspected in june. issues were found with propulsion and auxiliary machinery concerning gauges and thermometers. president biden says he will move heaven and hell to rebuild the bridge and reopen the port of baltimore, a major transportation corridor. >> it's my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge, and i expect the congress to support my effort. >> and the chairwoman for the ntsb tells us they will go on the ship today to investigate, gather as much information as they can to try and figure out how this happened. reggie, back to you. >> perry. thank you. that
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incident in baltimore makes many people wonder about the safety of our bridges here in the bay area. officials say the golden gate bridge has the most robust ship collision protection of any bridge on the west coast. the north and the south towers are built with extra reinforcement. the north tower is in shallow water, so it's not very susceptible to collision. >> the south tower is protected by a concrete fender ring. the tower itself is anchored to bedrock below the water, and this concrete fender ring protects the entire south tower pier. it is 27ft thick at the bottom and extends 40ft down. >> abc7 news spoke to a civil engineer who says a study of the ten busiest harbors in the state could help prevent a situation like this happening in california. as we learn more about what happened with the baltimore bridge crash and the collapse, we'll update the story at abc seven rapper sean diddy combs has responded after federal agents raided two of his homes. >> and amanda, this response is extremely strong. and diddy is
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denying these allegations. >> yeah, kumasi new fallout for rapper diddy combs. his lawyer has fired back, calling the raids a gross overuse of military force and a witch hunt. >> they say, quote, combs will fight every single day to clear his name. earlier in the week, one of his employees was arrested on drug charges, documents show brendan paul is accused of carrying drugs and guns for combs. meanwhile, combs has also being named in several civil lawsuits. music producer rodney jones accuses combs of sexual assault and being part of a criminal sex trafficking organization. >> riley jones's lawsuit highlighted that sean combs, according to him, has video surveillance and recording devices throughout the many homes that he has and that those recordings may have video of the alleged crimes that rodney jones is pointing to. >> investigators have confirmed they seized electronics from the rapper's homes here in california and florida, sources tell abc news the raids are connected to a criminal
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investigation into sex trafficking allegations against combs. combs has not been charged with any crimes. back to you, kumasi. >> thank you. amanda, actor cuba gooding jr, who's also being accused of sexual assault in music producer rodney jones's lawsuit, is now being listed as a defendant. gooding jr was listed in the original filing on monday. a version of the lawsuit was amended to name him as a codefendant. jones claims sean diddy combs is liable for sexual assault, that he experienced by the oscar winning actor gooding jr has not commented on the lawsuit. now to the governor's effort to transform san quentin into a rehab center, death row inmates now called condemned inmates, are being moved to lower level security prisons or integrated into the general prison population that transfer program began two years ago. >> it gives inmates the opportunity to work, and the money will help pay restitution to their victims. one condemned inmate says the program helps
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him and others find meaning in their life. >> i look forward to that aspect of being able to move around, talk, do things on my own, on my own court. don't got to worry about officer being everywhere i go. everything i do, maybe get a job. so you guys san quentin officials say the rehab and educational services build trust between inmates and staff, which creates a safer environment inside the prison. >> a sonoma county sheriff's deputy is out of the hospital this morning, three weeks after being critically hurt on the job. video shared by the sheriff's office shows deputy nick d'elia being released yesterday say deputies saluted him as he was wheeled to an ambulance. d'elia will continue his care at a rehab facility. he was one of several deputies hurt while pursuing a suspect back on march 4th. another deputy accidentally ran over police believe the suspect died in a crash that followed a shootout, during which he injured several
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other deputies. >> residents want to see changes at the intersection in west portal, where a family of four was struck and killed by a driver while they were waiting at a bus stop. the concerns come as sfmta releases a new report saying the driver was on the wrong side of the road and speeding before she hit the family. the intersection is not part of the city's high injury network. that means it is not categorized as an area where traffic deaths or serious injuries happen, sfmta says no further improvements are recommended for the intersection. neighbors disagree. >> the signs are visible, but i think they're confusing for people who don't understand the muni system and what what the red cross light indicates. >> the da's office says it is now looking into a toxicology report, and the vehicles operating system. >> new this morning, a loss for san francisco mayor london breed. the board of supervisors has overturned her vote of controversial housing legislation. abc seven news
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reporter gloria rodriguez joining us to explain what this could mean for new housing in the city. gloria >> good morning. kumasi. yeah, basically, the legislation would limit the scale and the height of developments in jackson square and also the northeast waterfront. and this is the first time that the board of supervisors has overridden a veto from mayor london breed. now, aaron peskin, the president, actually authorized and sponsored the legislation in response to a 200 foot tall housing project proposed on sansome street. peskin is expected to run for mayor in vemb against breed, and we have a map that shows the affected area. it incdes 15 to 20 block in historic parts of san francisco. breed said in a statement that the city needs to address the housing shortage, and that the vote to override her veto is a setback in their work. and she added, i will not let this be the first step down toward the path of being a city of no. we will not move backward
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. and peskin saying that this proved the city can be both pro housing and also pro neighborhood. live in san francisco gloria rodriguez abc seven news. >> thank you gloria. still ahead, the decades old antitrust settlement that will impact how much it will cost you to use your credit card, plus the new feature that's been applied to your instagram account. >> how you can take control of it. but first to check on the weather with drew. >> hey, good morning. 539 we'll take you to our abc7 oakland airport camera, where we are beginning today with mostly cloudy conditions. dry skies right now. but that is going to change as we head later on into the afternoon and into the evening. here's the reason why. low pressure spinning well to the north is going to drag a cold front through here. later on today you can start to see some of those showers approaching. eureka. the line of heaviest rain is going to hold off until after sunset tonight, so we'll see a brief hour of some heavier showers right around 8 or 9 p.m. tonight. looking at the morning commute,
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it's a quiet start to the day with a lot of cloud cover upstairs, some peeks of sunshine here and there, but no issues getting to and from the next couple of hours. 40 growing through the 50s right around 9:10 a.m. so here's future weather. it's plan out your day for you. here's 9 a.m. we have a lot of cloud cover upstairs as temperatures in the 40s and into the 50s. heading into the early afternoon. this is 230. we'll start to see some of those light showers moving through the north bay. and then this rain spreads south and east throughout the afternoon and evening. this is 10 p.m. essentially the front is on top of us. and you see those pops of yellow on your screen indicating those isolated downpours. they will be brief, but for a time it could lead to some ponding on roadways. later tonight. and then a couple of these isolated showers may linger into first thing tomorrow morning. temperatures today going to the upper 50s and into the mid 60s. so if you're going to be out all day today, take the umbrella with you. you'll need it later on this afternoon and this evening. 60 in the city, 62 in oakland, 66 in san jose, only 58 in napa. we're
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tracking a stronger storm to finish out the week on friday. we'll show you
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(box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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18, and there will be a special event at apple park in cupertino on opening day. the conference is expected to highlight the latest in artificial intelligence, according to reports, apple is ready to join forces with google and its gemini ai engine. officials say the engine could be used in future iphones and ios features. >> the company behind instagram and threads has rolled out a new feature you may not know about. it's designed to filter out political content. and while some say there can be benefits, there's also critiques. abc7 news reporter zach fuentes has more on the feature and how you
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can either opt in or opt out. >> a new feature has been added to the latest versions of your instagram and threads apps. >> they told us in february exactly in the 9th of february, that we're going to do this and this is what's going to happen, but we never know that they're going to start implementing this. >> uh- last week, as part of its february announcement, meta said the feature is designed to keep the company from proactively recommending political content to users from accounts they don't follow. the company said it does not impact what users get from accounts they already follow, or may choose to follow later. >> they want to make sure that they are really keeping the misinformation away from the feed from people you're not following, because if you follow somebody you know by default, you're accepting that this person going to send you information. >> the move made by meta during an election year has been met with criticism and concern by many. >> here you have one of the biggest companies on earth that controls, you know, a huge portion of the communication on earth saying they're going to moderate certain content. i think it speaks to the fact of how we've gotten way too
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comfortable with moderation, which is just kind of a polite way of saying censorship. >> by default, all users have opted out of having political content limited from people they don't follow. but meta has given the option to opt back in. first, go into the settings and privacy section on your instagram profile, then scroll down and select content preferences. that's where you'll see the section for political content, where you can either leave the default selection in place or ask it not to limit political content from people you don't follow. though meta has only appeared to roll this out for instagram and threads, it did say in the february announcement that it would eventually roll it out to facebook. for now, many tech experts say they'll be keeping an eye on what other social media giants do moving forward. >> i want to see what's going to happen at x, what's going to happen at tiktok. you know, all the platforms, are they going to follow the same steps in the south bay? >> zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> shares of donald trump's social media company saw a successful first day of trading in the nasdaq. trump media and technology group, which owns the social media platform truth social, went public yesterday. its ticker symbol is djt, as in
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donald j. trump. it rose about 16% on the first day, boosting the value of trump's large stake in the company to now being worth more than four and a half dollars billion. now, trump will likely not be able to cash out until later this year, with former president trump has eight days to post a $175 million bond in his civil fraud case and try to raise that money fast. he's selling bibles in order to do that. in a video posted on truth social, trump says the bible is his favorite and quote, we must make america pray again. the so-called god bless the usa bible is selling for $60. it's a part of a licensing deal, meaning trump will only pocket some of the proceeds for personal finance classes could one day become a requirement for california students. >> as tough as it is to live in the california economy, anything that we can do to help our students propel towards a bright future, whether that is as an entrepreneur or their understanding about how markets work and their ability to reduce debt, is incredibly needed,
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state superintendent tony thurmond says. >> right now, only 25% of california students have access to personal finance education. he hopes to change that with a new bill that's been introduced to make personal finance a graduate requirement for k through 12. there's also a november ballot measure on the same requirement. it could soon be easier to pay with a credit card, and historic new agreement has been reached on swipe fees. here's abc news reporter andrew dymburt. >> it's being called one of the largest antitrust settlements in u.s. history, and it could affect the way you pay at your favorite store. visa and mastercard have struck a $30 billion deal with retailers after years battling over the fees the two companies charge every time you swipe your credit card, this deal lowers those fees. it limits the amount of interchange or swipe fees that visa and mastercard can charge. >> merchants and retailers for a period of five years. >> and while stores, not shoppers, pay those fees, right now, stores often pass those
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costs onto customers or simply require cash payments only. >> they should make it easier to pay with a credit card, because what they will do now is not probably not charge a surcharge on top of the price, but give discounts for those issuers and banks and networks that give them a better deal. >> and if you're worried about the deal affecting your credit card points, you can relax, at least for now. this deal does not hurt consumers from a reward perspective, but some of the other regulations that are in front of the government right now could basically wash away and wipe away all credit card reward programs. andrew dymburt, abc news, new york 549. >> this morning. temperatures right now we're starting out in the low 40s in some of our coldest cities. currently, you need that jacket this morning. later on this afternoon and into the evening. you want to find that umbrella as rain is back in the forecast. so looking at our rain chances as we head throughout our wednesday, our chances are extremely low for
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the morning. it's just an overcast start to the day. we'll find those rain chances ramping up in the afternoon first in the north bay, but for most of us it's after the sun goes down between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. that will likely see a brief line of heavy rain move through here as that cold front crosses the region. here's the cold front itself on live doppler seven. along with satellite. it is approaching us, but the main effects of this system won't be felt until later on this evening. it's a level one today for this cold front. a light storm early on this morning along the coast and in the north bay. there could be an isolated, spotty light shower, but it's really this afternoon and evening that will find a briefly heavy line of rain moving through and a little bit of a breeze from time to time. here's future weather 130 this afternoon. we have those light showers focused in the north bay first and then into the evening. here's the front as it crosses through. this is 830 tonight. briefly heavy downpours, but it's a fast moving front. by about 11 p.m. it's over with behind it. tomorrow morning we
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may have 1 or 2 isolated showers to begin the day, but the main front has already moved through rainfall totals. it's not a lot of moisture headed our way. we'll find less than a half of an inch of rain coming our way, and most of that falling late tonight. a winter storm warning begins at 11 a.m. today for the west slope of the sierra. we'll find anywhere from 6 to 16in of snow above 5500ft. up to two feet possible over our highest peaks, with the heaviest snow falling later on tonight and into early tomorrow morning. here's a look at those snowfall totals as we head through the next 24 hours. back here at home, upper 50s to the mid 60s, with that rain arriving later on this afternoon and into the evening. accuweather seven day forecast evening. rain on the way today. showers linger tomorrow, then a stronger storm here on friday. it's a level two in the afternoon and evening for wet and windy conditions, and a chance of a thunderstorm on saturday before we dry out and warm up early next week. amanda. >> good morning drew. we're staying in dublin, keeping our eyes on that multi-car crash that we've been telling you
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about this morning. it is blocking two lanes there. this is westbound 580, which is now backed up from airway boulevard in livermore. this is commute direction, so expect it to slow you down elsewhere. looking good around the region. it looks like westbound for antioch to hercules is going to take you about 34 minutes at this time. let's get back to the desk. >> thank you. amanda. >> new at six. the budget retailer that is jacking up prices on some merchandise. >> first, though, the acura the forecast predictions are in for the 2024 hurricane season. >> what experts are saying about the state that are facing a height
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and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. is moved across the bay to oracle park. last night and
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there was a new voice over the stadium. pa introducing players as they came up to bat here's that was carolyn. silas who goes by c.j. she has experience in the minor leagues as well as on the collegiate level. she's been with cal poly, san luis obispo for 22 years. for now, the giants plan on having a rotating cast of pa announcers. meantime, there are still plenty of fans who are upset with the fact that the giants parted ways with renel brooks-moon. some of them had their signs showing their disapprove of her leaving. well the bay area's newest pro sports team is just days away from its home opener. bay fc was honored with a celebration in san francisco yesterday. the new professional women's soccer team is in its inaugural season. dozens of local kids lined civic center plaza to greet the team. soccer, aka football, is one of
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the things that has become so exciting in san francisco, especially for young people in our rec and park system. bay fc home opener is saturday at paypal park in san jose. >> new this morning, the 2024 hurricane season could be explosive. accuweather meteorologists are warning people and businesses to start preparing for a frenzy of tropical tropical activity that could have major impacts across the country. their forecast calls for 20 to 25 named storms up to 12 of those storms are predicted to strengthen into hurricanes, and 4 to 6 of them could directly impact the u.s. texas, the florida panhandle, south florida, and the carolinas face an increased risk. >> yeah, and reggie, part of the reason why they're forecasting such a high hurricane risk this year is partially because of how warm the waters are in the atlantic right now. look at your current sea surface temperatures
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. we're nearing 90 degrees. and some of this water right now. also, we're transitioning from an el nino year to a la nina year. and that means there's less wind shear or less when you to chop up any of these storms that could produce later on this season. we'll keep our eyes on that. that certainly something we will track as we get deeper into the hurricane season. of course, that starts in june. back here at home, we are tracking a cold front that will bring us some rain later on this evening. it's a level one for some spotty showers this morning, giving way to briefly heavy rain later on tonight. here's future weather. cloudy to start the day. showers first arrive in the north bay this afternoon before they cross south and east this evening again. temperatures in the upper 50s to the mid 60s for daytime highs kumasi. >> thank you drew. new at six the latest legal trouble for sherri papini. the northern california woman who went to prison for faking her own kidnaping. >> then the iconic rainbow pride flag in the castro could be on its way to landmark status. why that is so significant, and a step to help those in the south bay find and stay in their homes
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a victory that is there for the taking. grab it. now that was a great halftime speech. let's go win. [jim valvano] don't give up. don't ever give up®
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now at 6:00, six people feared dead a day after they fell into the waters of baltimore. when the bridge they were working on collapsed. a search for their bodies expected to resume today. and the new clues in the investigation. >> and for the


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