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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 22, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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hey, the rain is back in the bay area. here is a live look out at the conditions right now. you can already see a few raindrops on our cameras arriving just in time for the weekend. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. this wet weather will be with us for a few days, actually. yeah. >> for all the details, let's go to abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. sandhya? yeah. and ama and dan, let's take a look at live doppler seven right now and we'll talk about the rain that is coming in at this
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hour. >> not everyone is seeing the rain, but it is raining right now in the north bay from healdsburg to geyserville. street level radar showing you the wet weather. also moving across parts of franklin canyon road in the east bay highway four. so if your travels take you through there, just be prepared for some wet roadways tracking the moisture that's off the san mateo coast, heading towards el granada at 537. it will be in pescadero at 5:42 p.m. that's all in association with this front. this light level one system. the second part of this is the area of low pressure, which is going to give us an opportunity for some instability tomorrow. so let's time it out for you tonight at 6:00. you're seeing the light to moderate showers moving through. 8 p.m. it's still raining. continuing at 10 p.m. turning more scattered for tomorrow morning. and the thunderstorm opportunity does come into the picture. as a matter of fact, let's take a look at the winds first and we'll talk about the thunderstorm opportunity. so right now gusts to sustained winds. excuse me big rock ridge 43 miles an hour. mount diablo 30. here's tomorrow. that thunderstorm risk pretty much elevated for all of the bay area
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and parts of california tonight through sunday morning. it's a level one with that thunder chance. gusty winds and light to moderate showers. i'll let you know how long this is going to continue. and when some more unsettled weather enters the picture. >> coming right up dan okay, sandy. thanks a lot. don't forget you can always track the latest weather conditions with our abc seven app. get the forecast anytime by searching abc seven bay area in your device's app store and download it now. >> the princess of wales, kate middleton, has put an end to weeks of speculation about her health. she revealed today she is battling cancer and undergoing chemotherapy. abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to oncology experts about the importance of health screening and preventative measures. loose >> yes, emma, the princess of wales is in the early stages of preventative chemotherapy. in the video, she announced the cancer was discovered earlier this year. in a video released friday, the princess of wales, kate middleton, announced she has cancer. it has been an
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incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family. the type of cancer has not been disclosed, but middleton said it was found after she underwent abdominal surgery in january. >> it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. the surgery was successful, however, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. >> middleton says her medical team then advised prevented it for chemotherapy. abc news spoke to doctor arif kamal, an oncologist with the american cancer society, about the importance of this treatment. >> what we recognize is that cancer shows up in millions and billions of cells, which we can't see with our normal eye. so we use chemotherapy to come in and kind of clean up the rest, make sure that there's nothing left behind. >> doctor laura esserman, director of ucsf's breast cancer center, hopes this announcement encourages the public to get screened. if you are at high risk, are you at high risk? >> for what type of cancer? and there you can adjust what you can do to reduce risk and to screen appropriately.
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>> the princess of wales said her diagnosis was shocking. we do know if you happen to inherit a mutation in a particular gene, your biggest period of risk is often in your 30s. >> and so if you're brca one and brca two, it comes not only with breast cancer risk but ovarian cancer risk for brca2, pancreatic cancer risk for men, prostate cancer risks at crown and crumpets in san francisco, the bay area british community is hoping this announcement saves lives. >> charles, who was in the hospital in january as well for prostate problem. you know, he came out immediately, you know, promoted the idea of men getting checked for prostate, which, you know, doesn't happen. it is a worry. i mean, you know, as far as i understand, both of them are out of danger, but who knows? i mean, we're all we're all human. >> and at the end of the
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announcement, kate middleton thanked the public for their support in recent weeks, adding that she and her family now need some time, space and privacy while she completes the treatment. doctor esserman is now encouraging women to sign up for the free wisdom study that she leads to help understand cancer risks, especially for breast cancer. in the newsroom. luz pena, abc seven news okay, luce, thanks very much. >> in the east bay, the oakland police department finally has a new leader, mayor shengtao, announcing her pick for police chief today, ending a year of uncertainty over that high profile and crucial post. floyd mitchell comes to oakland from lubbock, texas. >> he's a really smart crime fighter who delivers results, and that's what i'm looking for. i'm looking for someone who can deliver results. >> mitchell served 25 years in kansas city before moving into the top job in temple, texas, and lubbock. crime rates went down in lubbock under his four years of leadership. mitchell resigned, though, after facing criticism over failures to respond to 911 calls. the mayor
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says mitchell's record shows he delivers results on crime, and in interviews with the city last month, mitchell said that's his top priority. >> i believe the crime issue in oakland should be our primary focus moving forward. from everything that i have read, this is the major issue facing the oakland police department and its community. >> chief mitchell will likely start work in may. ahead on abc seven news here at six. abc seven news insider phil matier will join us to discuss what mitchell's hiring means for the city. >> and there's a new vision for oakland's downtown years in the making. today, the city released the long awaited plan to boost the city center with denser housing and new office towers. the city wants to create two new cultural zones focused on music and art. other areas would have more bike lanes and green space. the goal is to get this done by 2040. the city is taking feedback from the public before the city council votes on whether to adopt the plan sometime this summer. >> oakland is asking the state to help close homeless encampments across the city.
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oakland's side was the first to report the news out of tuesday's city council meeting. the city will make a two year deal with the state department of transportation, a city council records show. the first siteo be cleared is an rv camp. it's located on leet drive off hegenberger road between 8-80 and the airport. it's not clear what kind of help caltrans will give the city, or which other encampments could eventually be cleared. >> a major new development has gotten the thumbs up, and concord, the city council approved the termsf a developer to transform the site of the former naval weapons station. abc seven news reporter ryan curry shows us how this project could completely change the look of the city. >> all power lines with dirt roads leading to the hills. it looks like the wild west, but in the coming years, concord could turn into its own boomtown. >> it is a multi-billion dollar project that will go for probably the next 40 years. that's what the terms sheet says. >> this is an old naval weapons
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station. it closed in 2005, and since then concord has thought about and fought over ways to develop this land into new housing, office space and more. they introduced an ambitious project in 2012 that would transform the land and expand the city. they tried twice to find a developer and failed until now. the city came to an agreement with brookfield properties to oversee the project. >> there is $600 billion company on 6 to 9 different countries. and that capability. so passes what we had in the past blocked by a fence right now. >> but this could be a massive development for the city of concord. it's a huge chunk of land that is about the size of the city of pleasant hill. the plan is to develop it in five phases. each phase involves building a certain amount of housing, 25% of which would be for low income families. when it's done, the city says there will be over 12,000 new housing units in 6,000,000ft■!s of new office space. most of the people i spoke with living nearby think it's a great idea.
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>> we need the housing. so would you. i'm for it. you need some housing. i live in contra costa, so i. yeah, yeah, of course i think we need it. >> i'm hoping they'll leave the hillsides with nothing on them and keep the housing on the flat part. >> but others are afraid it will make traffic even worse. >> i don't like overdevelopment, and i like to keep the open space. i don't like the added traffic. >> now, brookfield has four years to submit environmental reports and surveys about specific plans. after that, construction. >> then all the excitement starts. once that sign, then we start digging. >> in 40 years, the mayor says. concord could become one of the largest cities in the bay area. in the east bay. ryan curry abc seven news. >> hi, interest rates may be fueling a rise in california's unemployment rate. last month, the state jobless rate rose to 5.3. that's now the highest of any state in the nation and well above the national average of 3.9. the construction sector saw the heaviest job losses as building slowed down. a tech
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layoffs are another factor. locally, san francisco's unemployment rate went down to 3.8. >> there's a new push to increase access to reliable and affordable child care in the south bay. experts say. the lack isn't just impacting families with kids, it's impacting the entire economy. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes has more on how serious the issue is and the work being done to solve it. it's no secret to many bay area families child care is either costly or just plain unaffordable. >> a third of families in silicon valley are now self-sufficient, and one of the reasons they're not self-sufficient is because the money they have to spend on child care is enormous. >> but the lack of affordable options isn't just impacting households with young children in 2020, the council for new america reported that the us economy loses $122 billion a year in earnings, revenue, productivity, local spending as a direct result. that's why key stakeholders came together in
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the heart of silicon valley to discuss solutions that employers can be part of. >> we're trying to figure out things that employers can do, things that people can do on the policy front. and if we should be rethinking this as a society. >> the symposium was made up of policymakers, employers from businesses of all sizes and child care providers, many of whom said they've had a difficult time following covid tanking in roman earlier in the pandemic led to daycare closures. retaining workers has also been hard. providers say these factors have forced them to pass higher costs onto families. >> the big challenge is that you want to make things affordable for parents, but you also want to be able to provide more than just a surviving wage for teachers. >> bringing in employers to invest in employee child care is one solution. county officials have pointed to is not just the benefit to families, but businesses. >> there is a statistic that for every $1, that's invested publicly in child care, there's a $16 benefit to the workforce and industry in gained profitability.
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>> for now, some progress has been made. in santa clara county, a $15 million grant program was launched last fall to help child care providers improve and expand operations. but even officials admit the work is ongoing. >> child care directly impacts the economy, and it directly impacts everyone who's a part of it, whether or not they have children, whether or not they like children. we all need to be investing in silicon valley. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> coming up on the eve of national puppy day, there's a desperate plea from sonoma county animal services the factors contributing to the crisis at animal shelters and how you can help. abc but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details,
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colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to mr. clean magic eraser powers through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't.
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it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. san francisco was now closed for good. today was the final day of business at the branch. it's on
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the list of dozens of wells fargo locations the bank announced last month it does plan to close starting monday. regular customers of the branch can use the wells fargo location on market street, which is about a block away. >> sonoma county animal services says their shelters are at a critical capacity level. >> yeah, and now they're asking for the public to help them by coming in and adopting an animal in need before national puppy day, which is tomorrow. >> abc seven news reporter tim johns was at the shelter this afternoon and brings us the story what? >> at sonoma county animal services, the shelters have never been more full. >> we have 118 dog kennels. and right now i want to say we have 2 or 3 that are actually open. >> over the past few weeks, an influx of new animals has overwhelmed staff, a trend that's played out across the county and the entire state, says emma demert. emma tells us in the year she's worked with animal shelters, she's never seen it this bad, especially with our rescue partners. >> so they kind of control the population of animals. they get in and to see them kind of have
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an explosion of animals in their kennel space as well is really alarming. >> folks here at the county animal shelter tell me they believe there are a number of factors driving the increased number of animals here. one of those factors is the hangover left from the pandemic. during covid, a large number of people who were at home got animals, but as things went back to normal, many of them couldn't care for them anymore and dumped them at shelters. >> there's a veterinary shortage, you know, nationwide right now, which really impacts spay neuter, which leads to accidental litters happening all the time. >> in order to help with the overcrowding, sonoma county animal services is asking the public for help, either by adopting or fostering. on friday, jacob anderson of santa rosa came by to take a look at some of the animals they adopted a kitten from the shelter back in october. >> i think with a breeder, there's a lot of like ethical concerns and especially with how many animals are up for adoption, i think it could really help out. >> until more help comes, though, the shelter says they'll do everything they can are
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getting creative to help as many animals as possible. >> we'll put crates and whatever and our multipurpose room and rotate animals through, and as a kennel opens up, we move them into that. sometimes we have to half off our kennels and put dogs on either side in santa rosa. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> coming up, there will soon be an option for east bay horse racing fans to play the ponies, even after golden gate fields closes in june. we'll tellou about the plan to offer live horse
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continue at the alameda county fairgrounds through the fall. the state horse racing board has cleared racing dates at the fairgrounds in pleasanton through december 15th, although those dates have not yet been finalized. the events will be operated by the company golden state racing. the decision comes as the future of live horse racing in the bay area remains in doubt, with golden gate fields set to close in june. >> all right, let's turn our attention to the rain for the weekend. >> yeah, we felt that turn
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coming. sandia. >> you know, it was about time, right? because we were enjoying some nice weather down in arma. and then all of a sudden, here comes the rain. we do need the rain. so let's talk about it right now from our live pictures. good evening to all of you. we have drops on the lens from san rafael to exploratorium. certainly seeing a darker sky from emeryville and still seeing some peeks of blue from santa cruz. camera looking at live doppler seven right now, you will notice that the wet weather is moving across northern and central california. associated with the front. we are seeing mixed precipitation in the mountains right now. as we get you into street level radar, let's talk about where we are seeing some moderate rain. main street, half moon bay across airport street, el granada area. some very light rain falling right now in south santa rosa, going into santa rosa and winds are gusty, not just at the higher elevations, but some parts of the lower elevations 29 miles an hour in napa, right now, 26 in livermore. those winds will remain gusty going into
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tomorrow, 50s and 60s. on your temperatures right now, you're probably thinking, gosh, it feels so good and mild. but we do have that rain that is going to continue. so here's a look at the headlines tonight. showers windy areas tomorrow. thunder chance wet and gusty. and early next week we do get that brief break before more rain comes in. it's a light level one tonight through sunday morning on our exclusive abc seven news storm impact scale light to moderate showers, thunder chance for tomorrow and those gusty winds with us primarily today and sunday. but i do want to show you the winds tonight as 34 miles an hour or 6:00 for your friday 30 at oakland. remaining gusty but late tonight. the winds will back off a bit going into tomorrow morning, and then tomorrow evening picks up again. but they're not going to be terribly strong going into tomorrow. and then they'll start to pick back up again sunday behind the system. so 7:00 tonight some wet weather. the showers continue at 9 p.m. and then the second part of that system comes through for your saturday. and that's going to
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bring in enough instability that that could trigger a thunderstorm or two. so scattered showers for your saturday. you might see some sun breaks and you go wow, what rain . well no, don't be surprised because we'll still see waves of showers. the most widespread rain saturday night, 10 p.m. and then more wet weather into your sunday morning. but this is not going to be a washout for your entire weekend. by 3:00 sunday, you're getting a chance to dry out in the sun's back out. in terms of rainfall, about a quarter of an inch places like half moon bay, brentwood, all the way to over an inch in ukiah. so far, about 2/10 has fallen in santa rosa. trace amounts around places like sfo and oakland airport. winter storm warning 6:00 tonight until 8 a.m. sunday. heavy snow for the sierra. expecting 1 to 2ft up to four feet for those peaks. and with those gusty winds, be careful. winter weather advisory is up for the tahoe side. your morning temperatures 40s, 50s. a little breezy out there tomorrow afternoon. 50s and 60s. and here's a look at the accuweather
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seven day forecast. thunder chance for tomorrow light level one system. we'll keep it wet and gusty. sunday morning showers. it's a windy day and then we get that chance to kind of just dry out monday and tuesday a little warmer reigns back just as you think, wow, we could get used to this. and then we bring in more rain wednesday through friday level one for that. so dan and emma, we're not done with winter yet. >> no for sure. apparently not really. >> even though it's the first weekend of spring. >> yes. thanks, andrea. >> well, these storms are nothing significant, of course, but governor newsom is expanding the storm. state of emergency declared early last month because of the really heavy storms we had. 11 additional counties have been added to the areas covered, including alameda, san francisco, santa cruz and sonoma. the state of emergency was declared after heavy rain caused damage all across the state. the governor's office is also requesting a presidential major disaster declaration for communities impacted by widespread flooding, mudslides and debris flows during those storms.
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>> still ahead, some pretty massive jackpot are up for grabs. if you like playing the lottery, we're going to tell you how much next. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and
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let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body.
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and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. seven at 8:00 at shark tank. that will be followed by 2020 at nine. as always, stay with us for abc seven news at 11 and a reminder you can get our live newscasts and breaking news, weather and more with our abc seven bay area streaming tv app. >> just search abc seven, bay area and download it when you have a moment. >> a symbol of lgbtq pride is getting a refresh. there's a bright new rainbow flag flying over san francisco's castro district today. the castro merchants association brought down the massive flag and
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replaced it with a new one. they do this every 3 or 4 months to keep up with wear and tear from the wind. today's flag raising took a bit longer than expected because some of the rope was knotted. it took a team effort to get it untangled. >> you know, we came together as a community. we got it untangled, we got it up and it's beautiful. >> the flag they took down today will have a new home at the american bookbinders museum in san francisco. the castro merchants sends out old flags to schools and museums that ask for them. >> cash registers are busy at local markets with people trying their lucky numbers. they're hoping to hit on either of the two lotteries that are near $1 billion each in prize money. the mega millions drawing is tonight. that jackpot is $977 million. tomorrow is the powerball drawing the jackpot there $750 million. your odds of winning with a $2 ticket. about 1 in 300,000,000. so that should not be discouraging in any way. >> i'm out because i keep
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losing. all right. don't forget, we have much more news ahead at 530 over on the str if you're ws here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandyha patel. all of us here. we appreciate your time. i'm dan and i'm ama daetz. >> we'll see you again at six. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease.
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his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (just one kiss) ♪ ( ♪ ♪ ) with reynolds wrap, cooking becomes so easy you can feel like the chef of your kitchen. easy prep. easy cook. easy clean. reynolds wrap. you know that feeling of having to re-wash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. platinum plus is cascade's best clean ever. with double the dawn and double the scrubbers, it removes the toughest grease and residue for an irresistible clean and shine.
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cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently. >> david: tonight, the princess of wales reveals she has cancer. catherine in her own words, her voice breaking at times. the message she put out late today. also tonight, this horrific terror attack in russia, a moscow concert hall. and just in tonight, isis now claiming responsibility. and the storm here at home tonight in the northeast. winter storm and flash flood alerts right now. first tonight, princess catherine's cancer diagnosis. her video message sharing that she's being treated for cancer. she's now undergoing preventative chemotherapy. she calls the diagnosis a huge shock to both her and prince william. catherine revealing she needed


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