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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  March 20, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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now at six, a health alert in the east bay. dozens of people may have been exposed to measles after eating at a san leandro restaurant. >> then a controversial texas immigration law is put on hold
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after the supreme court ruled it could go into effect. mexico and the white house both pushing back against what some are calling a xenophobic law. and how long does it take to visit every bart station? >> some uc berkeley students did it in record time. good morning. >> it is wednesday, march 20th. >> yes, we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew, and we welcome the first full day of spring with some nice weather today. >> here's a live look at temperatures right now. pretty typical for this morning. we're in the 40s and low 50s so a little chilly out there, but we'll rebound nicely as we head into the afternoon. hello sutro tower, great visibility out there. our marine layer is a lot thinner this morning. we don't have those overcast skies like we had yesterday, so we'll have a few morning clouds out there. but it's a lot of sunshine today. it's a bright looking wednesday. temperatures a slightly above average 50s coast side, 60s around the bay shoreline 70s inland. so today enjoy 65 in oakland, a nice 72 in san jose we'll hit 67 in both napa and santa rosa, 60 in the city concord up to 70 degrees.
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let's see how the commute is going with amanda. good morning. >> yeah good morning drew. if you're heading into the city and using the bay bridge to do so, here is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. we know metering lights are on uh- some lanes are backed up from the end of the parking lot, but it is an easy ride on 680. whether you're headed to concord or highway 24. here's a look at the walnut creek cam and then drive times. you want to take a look at that. highway four to the maze, 26 minutes on westbound 80 and then antioch to hercules, 37 minutes on westbound four. >> this morning. health officials are in alameda county are sounding the alarm that dozens of people may have been exposed to the measles. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joins us live with that warning. >> good morning reggie. this comes as the cdc is warning about a rising number of measles cases around the country and overseas. measles is highly contagious. one infected person can infect nine out of ten unvaccinated people that they come in contact with. the possible exposure in alameda
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county happened on saturday, march 9th at the sons of liberty ale house in san leandro, sometime between 4:45 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. if you were at the restaurant at that time, you should reach out to your health care provider or the public health department. if you or your child are an infant, 11 months of age or younger not vaccinated for measles. unsure of your measles vaccination status? pregnant, immunocompromised, a health care worker or a child care provider? health officials are urging vaccinations to help prevent more outbreaks. >> when kids have one vaccine in, we're talking about a 93% efficacy in protection against the measles. when they have two vaccines themselves. where we go up to 95 to 97% efficacy, anyone who is at the restaurant should watch for symptoms of measles, and they can happen 7 to 21 days after exposure. >> they include fever, cough,
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runny nose, red eyes and a rash. and in rare cases, people with measles can develop a brain infection or even die from complications. gloria rodriguez abc seven news kumasi thank you, gloria. >> a plea deal has been reached for the driver accused in a dui crash that killed professional cyclist ethan boyce in san francisco's presidio last year, and now other cyclists are worried about what this agreement means for their safety. so the agreement reduces all the charges against 81 year old ken menlo to misdemeanors. that includes the dui and vehicular manslaughter charges. it means he'd spend a maximum of one year in jail. now. boy's family sent a letter to the judge saying they believe that ethan would not want to see low incarcerated and enter the process of a criminal trial. now, cyclists, we spoke with said they were disappointed with the punishment and i respect what the family has asked for.
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>> but i'm so scared that this sends a message that my life as a cyclist doesn't matter. >> lowe's attorney says lowe had two glasses of wine before the crash, but specific blood alcohol levels could not be determined. >> san francisco is a step closer to installing speed cameras at 33 locations throughout the city. the proposal was formally presented during yesterday's sfmta meeting next month. the board is expected to take the important step of approving the locations. there was almost no opposition during the public comment on the plan. >> i'm all for this, this program, and i'm i'm happy to see that there's going to be 33 cameras, but i hope that it expands and it's successful. >> we in san francisco are far behind. other places have the cameras and they're saving lives as long as it doesn't hit any bumps along the way. >> sfmta expects to have the cameras up and running in early 2025. cameras will snap photos
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of drivers who go 11mph or more over the speed limit, and those drivers will face fines. >> in addition to those speed cameras, san francisco will soon begin installing the first of 400 automated license plate readers in a new effort to fight crime. mayor london breed spoke with abc seven news about what to expect from the program. it's going to be at 100 locations around san francisco, so there'll be license plate readers that will help us combat crime in a lot of different ways. >> some of the challenges around speeding car break ins, ca theft, sideshows, all of those things, these automated license plate readers will be very critical in helping us to track people as they move around the city, especially as it relates to crime. we expect all those cameras to be up. sometime by the month of april, and they'll be all over the city, and they'll be used for different things to be clear. so, for example, if there's a car that's stolen, it'll give us the ability, red corvette to pull it
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up and to look at all the locations, look at all the license plates, and really identify and see a path of travel, potentially, as to where that car might have gone. and and the tools to look for it. so it's really about maximizing our use of technology to help combat crime in san francisco. >> the money for the license plate readers are being funded by a $17 million grant. grant specifically aimed at fighting crime in the state. this morning, there's growing confusion over a controversial immigration enforcement law in texas. >> the law is on hold again, just hours after the supreme court ruled that it could go into effect. a man is trying to explain this this morning at the live desk, amanda. >> yeah. reggie. this controversial law is known as sb four, and it gives texas police more power to arrest people suspected of crossing the us mexico border illegally. and it allows officials to deport migrants to mexico, even if that's not where they originally came from. immediately after it was signed, the law was
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challenged in court. yesterday, the us supreme court cleared the way for it to take effect, but they also kicked it back to an appeals court. late last night, that court made a ruling putting the law on hold until after oral arguments, which are scheduled for today in a case challenging the law. if allowed to take effect, sb four would be among the strictest immigration laws in the nation. >> i think it would be fair to interpret it as a law never intended on incarcerating people , and a law intended really to deter people. >> what we don't want is, persons of color to be targeted, for no other reason than, the color of their skin. >> mexico's foreign minister called the law xenophobic. the biden administration has called it unconstitutional and a violation of federal law. supreme court justice sonia sotomayor, in her dissent, warned the decision invites further chaos and crisis in immigration enforcement. it's
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not clear when the appeals court will rule after today's arguments. back to the desk. >> thank you. amanda. still ahead, neighbors in vallejo concerned about the growing unhoused population in their community. but officials say they can't do much about it. >> the ferris wheel of fisherman's wharf may be there longer than expected. mayor london breed suggestion 608 this morning we are enjoying mild sunshine today, dry conditions tomorrow and then our rain chances do ramp up dramatically starting on friday and they stay elevated through part of the weekend. >> we'll talk about the r
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a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company. oak, cedar and pine trees. your
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uv index today is at five. that is moderate temperature wise. future weather showing you bright conditions early on. today. by 10 a.m, mostly sunny temperatures climbing through the 50s into the afternoon. you can see some of those high clouds returning to our sky for filtered sunshine. we'll get into the 60s and 70s later on today for the first full day of spring. remember, we transitioned seasons yesterday 65, in oakland today, 72, in san jose, a nice 66 in palo alto with sunshine, 60 in the city, 67 that high in napa. dry today, dry tomorrow. then a level one light storm is here on friday. we'll go hour by hour on future weather. time that storm out for you, reggie coming up in about eight minutes. >> thank you. drew. still to come, santa clara based intel getting billions from the white house while the administration is investing in that local company. then the new program helping military vets find peace and healing by surfing as we had to break a live look outside. it
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oversight commission just held its inaugural meeting on monday. the commissioners identified public safety, mental health, use of force policy and police training as the key issues. it's prioritizing legislation that passed last may helped create this commission, but there were calls for one. one of these even before the police department's racist texting scandal. >> i wanted to restore that hope that they may have that little hope they may have left and i'm not saying that's going to happen overnight. it may not happen at all right away. right. but that's one thing i would love to see that this commission can do. >> the mayor says the commission will begin the process of auditing internal affairs, hiring and promotions, and diversity and equity throughout the police department. neighbors
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in vallejo say they're fed up with growing encampments near their homes, but city leaders say they can only do so much. residents voice their concerns. at a city council meeting yesterday. they say action and solutions from city leaders are not coming fast enough, specifically at the intersection of louis brown and bw williams drive. we spoke to one woman who has lived at a house behind the encampment for decades, says it's a public hazard. >> it's not safe. our children cannot play there. bringing out rodents >> she says she and other elderly neighbors are sometimes afraid to leave their homes. city officials say they're aware of the issue and a combination of factors like money or public opposition prevents them from taking action. new this morning, santa clara based intel is set to receive billions of dollars from the federal government. the biden administration made the announcement overnight as part of its effort to increase us production of semiconductors
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through the chips act. under the deal, intel will get $8.5 billion in grants to expand factories in arizona, ohio, new mexico and oregon. they're also be eligible for another $11 billion in loans from the federal government. the white house says the money will create 30,000 new jobs and help reach a goal of producing 20% of the advanced chips in the us by 2030. >> the skystar observation wheel may be staying near san francisco's fisherman's wharf longer than originally planned. so the city you remember it moved it from golden gate park to the waterfront ahead of the apex summit back in november. now mayor breed wants to see it stay there for another year and a half, she tweeted, saying more than 90,000 people have been on the ferris wheel since it's been moved to the new spot. however, it's only licensed to be there through the end of april. >> new at six a group of uc berkeley students embarked on a nearly six hour journey in hopes of breaking a guinness world record. they spent one day this month traveling to all 50 bart
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stations in five hours and 47 minutes, beating previous known attempts. they're now waiting to see if their tour will make it into the record book. the sfmta also recognized the students at a recent bart board meeting. >> yes. wow >> do it. >> i know there's that many stops. five hours. you got a plan? that how i want to know their strategy. like, did they stay on one side of the bay, complete it, cross over? like, how did they do it? because most of the south bay. yeah, i'd probably start down in the south bay. probably work my way all the way up down. because you have to go all the way through antioch and you have richmond on the other side. then you've got to cross over the bay all the way into millbrae to, there's a lot of five hours and 40. >> i need to know. >> we need to have them on the seven at seven and be like, how? >> and what did you do the whole time? >> just you can't eat or drink on board. i mean, officially, that's true, you can't do a lot
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of things on board. >> and officially, there's a lot of it that does happen on board. yeah. officially. officially, officially. >> had it outside this morning. here's a live look at sutro tower. great visibility. you can start to see hints of that sun coming up here. the accuweather headlines were dry today and tomorrow. expect mild sunshine really quiet conditions. then on friday rain is back in the forecast. it's a level one light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale, and even this weekend we do have scattered showers, but currently it looks like saturday is the wetter of the two days. most of sunday may actually turn out to be pretty dry. we'll show you those details in one second. today. it's all about that mild sunshine today. the first full day of spring. we're in the 60s and 70s so close to if not maybe a bit above average for this time of the year. tonight it's partly cloudy skies and temperatures dipping into the upper 40s and lower 50s. tomorrow is dry, but friday we bring back the storm impact scale to level one. light storm here with light showers friday afternoon and friday evening creating wet roads. little
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breezy rainfall is less than a half of an inch, so this is not a big rain maker by any means. remember, we're entering the tail end of our wet season, so these storms tend to be a lot weaker in nature. future weather showing you get you into the afternoon. there's some light showers. they're just on and off through the evening. on friday. not a washout by any means, but if you have friday night plans, certainly you'll take the umbrella with you. here's the accuweather seven day forecast showing you dry today and tomorrow. showers back here on friday, continuing to saturday. early sunday. some wet weather, but sunday afternoon looks dry before another chance of rain on monday. >> amanda drew. the good news this morning is that it is a much quieter commute compared to what we saw yesterday morning, so for drivers in the north bay, if you're heading to or from, you are speeding through in both directions in that part of the region specifically. now to the bay bridge metering lights are on the maze to san francisco. it's going to take you about 20 minutes, and we want to get to drive times as well. 580 west point or westbound, i should say point richmond to san rafael.
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it's going to take you about eight minutes. everything else you see moving pretty quick. all right. back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. now we bring in ginger zee with a look at what's happening on gma. >> good morning ginger reggie kumasi. >> nice to be with everybody this morning. so here on gma on a wednesday an appeals court has blocked a texas law that would allow the state to arrest and deport undocumented immigrants. this comes after the supreme court had allowed it to take effect. so what's next then? we're following the latest on the election after five states held primaries. former president trump's grip on the gop was on display. and there are some warning signs for him and president biden and so many people are loving it. we're talking about the secret savings at your favorite fast food restaurants like mcdonald's and starbucks. and this morning we're going to show you how you can cash in. also, amazon is kicking off its first ever big spring sale, so lori b will get you shopping with the best deals available. and you'll see it all right here on gma. i want to mention i love that you figured out the nail clipper thing in your studio. reggie. that was
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actually very concerning to me. >> ginger where is it? >> ginger. the pure sheer drama that unfolded that day from the discovery. >> that's when you know, you're blinded by, like, something that you can't handle, you know? and you didn't you couldn't even see it. >> he just couldn't take it. >> for people who didn't see this, i really thought that someone was clipping their nails up here at the desk because it looked to me. did it look like to you? like it was a nail clipper? it did. and then someone in the i did a little video about it because i wanted to. i wanted to know the answer. like who did this full investigation and people at the station were coming at me with names turning in their fellow colleagues until someone in the comments said, are you sure that isn't something else? could it be a tie clip? and i came back down here and examined it, and sure enough, it's a tie clip. i apologize to all of my colleagues for potentially accusing you. >> i don't know who i thought the worst who would do that at the desk. >> really? someone's just trying
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to keep their tie down, that's all. >> that's that's see? see what happens when you jump to conclusions? it's a lesson i learned for myself that day. >> the friend. you admit it, you i admit it. you did. you said it. >> i admit my faults. >> okay? >> yeah. >> what happens? >> a new investigation begins tomorrow. we'll see what happens. we'll see what we'll be upset about tomorrow. ginger. we'll see you at seven. yeah
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but hey, we're a little bit warmer at 54 into the north bay. we go a little chilly in napa right now, 41 degrees. the jacket you need it now, but we have lots of sunshine on the way. you can see kind of some of those hints of that sun getting up here. it's a nice sunny day. nowhere near as cloudy this
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morning as we were yesterday morning. mild sunshine. that's the call from accuweather today. it is going to be a nice afternoon. 60s and 70s across the board. dry today, dry tomorrow. rain kumasi that comes back here on friday. >> thank you drew. military veterans are finding peace and healing through a program called operation surf. the ocean. >> you have to be present, completely mindful. i'm here. i'm not back in the middle east. i'm not out. i'm not in the past. i'm in the present. >> this week long program has brought vets to the santa cruz coast for more than a decade now. it was founded by a non veteran named van kuraza, who also struggled with mental health, ptsd and addiction. he says surfing helped save his life and now he wants to build a community for others to do the same. >> going through my journey of recovery, i realized how powerful the ocean was to me and i was recognizing a lot of their their mindsets and a lot of their challenges was similar to mine. even though i'd never been in the military. everything that
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we try to do is something that has helped me. >> kuraza also works with non-veterans men, women and children of all ages and abilities, helping them learn the world of surfing. several trails in san francisco's presidio are closed off to dog walkers as coyote pupping season starts. park officials expect pups to be born late march to early april, which means coyote parents will be especially protective over their den sites. hikers are also being warned of more frequent coyote encounters. large sections of the park trail and the bay area ridge trail are closed off to dog walking through fall. all of the trails are open to people in the north bay. construction is underway in napa county for a restaurant backed by celebrity chef guy fieri. chicken guy, it's opening in american canyon. it's going to be the company's first full restaurant in northern california. there is a chicken guy at levi's stadium, but it doesn't have a full kitchen or a drive thru. he creates the
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franchises secret sauce, and according to the press democrat, construction could be done in 90 days. the hospitality group plans to develop at least ten other locations in the north bay in the next five years. next, at 630, one of the closest races in recent memory, getting even tighter, two south bay candidates separated by just two votes and musicians at the san francisco symphony trying to get the outgoing conductor to change his mind and stay. and as we head to break, let's take a live look outside rig
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now, at 630, former president trump gets mixed results in the night's primaries. he posts some big wins, but questions remain
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about his support for the general election in november. >> then tech leaders across the world here in the bay area talking about ai, the meeting of the minds between some industry giants. >> and a warning to pets and people to stay out of the water in parts of the east bay, an algae bloom has started and could last through the summer. >> good morning everybody. it is wednesday, march 20th. >> we'll get to all that, but first we get to a look at your weather. hi, drew. hi. >> good morning. it's a really nice afternoon. we have here for the first full day of spring outside this morning we'll take you to sutro tower. you're seeing some of that sunrise beginning to show on the horizon. great visibility out there. temperature wise. some chilly spots like napa. we're at 41. there we're at 47 in san mateo. good morning. danville. you're at 43 from the city to oakland. we're at the low 50s. san jose right now is at 49 degrees. so we are in store for mild sunshine. that's the call today. a lot less cloud cover this morning compared to this time yesterday. we'll get those temperatures pretty close to average this time of the year.
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rain is back in the forecast on friday. we'll talk about that in eight minutes. let's check in with amanda and see how we're doing with the commute. this morning. >> hi, drew. yeah, not complaining about today's commute after the mess that we saw yesterday, but we have to get to your drive times. things are slowing down a bit. across the bay area you see 580 westbound and tracy to dublin is going to take you 58 minutes for westbound antioch to concord, 29 minutes. we're going to take you now to the south bay. this is a look at 87 uh- very quiet. and then the ride to the east bay. drivers, if you take a look at oakland 880 cam. plenty of drivers on the nimitz, but not much congestion. back to you at the desk. >> thank you amanda, we're expecting to learn more about a potential measles exposure at an east bay restaurant. abc seven news reporter julie rodriguez joining us now. and, gloria, what are health officials saying about it? >> good morning. kumasi. well, alameda county health officials are warning people who were at sons of liberty alehouse to reach out to their health care provider or public health department sons of liberty is in
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a shopping center near davis street and east 14th avenue. the possible exposure happened between 4:45 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on saturday, march 9th. measles is highly contagious. just one infected person can infect nine out of ten unvaccinated people. this comes as the cdc is warning about a rising number of measles cases around the country and overseas. health officials are urging vaccinations to prevent more outbreaks. >> if you and your family are headed out for a spring break trip, you know there's going to be crowds. there's also, right now, measles outbreaks throughout the country, and you want to make sure that you are up to date on your vaccines, and you are fully protected against the measles. >> so what should you do if you've been exposed? alameda county health officials say you should contact your doctor or public health if you or your child are an infant 11 months of age or younger, not vaccinated for measles. unsure of your measles vaccination status?
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pregnant, immunocompromised a health care worker or a child care provider? so far this year, there have been 58 confirmed measles cases across 17 states, and that is equal to the total number of cases we saw in all of last year. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news kumasi. >> thank you, gloria, the search is on for the shooter who killed a man in pleasant hill. happened yesterday just before noon at twin bridge circle near long brook way. witnesses say they heard multiple gunshots and a car speed away and then found two men lying on the ground. a 67 year old man was confirmed dead. the other man had to be hospitalized. police haven't made any arrests, and they told us they're looking for at least one suspect. if you have any information, you're asked to call pleasant hill police. >> we now know the names of the family hit and killed over the weekend while they were waiting at a bus stop in san francisco's west portal neighborhood. they
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were 40 year old diego cardoso de oliveira, 38 year old mathilde ramos pinto, and one year old joaquin pinto de oliveira, an infant, remains hospitalized. the 78 year old driver of the suv that struck them was arrested. abc7 news is not naming her until she is potentially charged in court. her lawyer released a statement saying his client and her family joined the community in mourning the tragic loss of life that occurred in west portal over the weekend, and that she has been fully cooperating with investigators and will continue to do so. the family is asking for privacy right now. this morning, top leaders in tech and innovation are in the san jose area for a conference focused on finding the next big thing in artificial intelligence, santa clara based nvidia is hosting the five day gtc conference that's drawing people from all over the world. >> you go to the keynote, it's like a rock concert, except it's a guy in leather jacket, but he's not singing. he's talking about ai models, and it's just as exciting for nerds like me.
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>> during the conference, the ceo of nvidia announced a new partnership with apple. nvidia's omniverse cloud platform can stream to the vision pro headset. the conference is described as a meeting of minds from different industries. >> you have autonomous driving and you have robotics, and you have the health and life sciences, and they're all integrated together and people are sharing ideas. and i think that is really incredible to see. and to be a part of. >> gtc wraps up tomorrow two votes. >> that's all. that's separating two candidates hoping to advance to the november election for the district 16 congressional seat. the district spans santa clara and san mateo counties. anna eshoo held that seat but is retiring. former san jose mayor sam liccardo advanced to the november general election, but we still don't know who he will face. evan low is now leading joe simitian by those two votes. you might remember what was it
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yesterday that it was 12 votes? it's still a very close contest for prop one. that is the california proposition that would fund mental health beds throughout the state. yes. on one has a small margin, 50.2% to 49.8 for no. there's about a 22,000 vote difference. there were more than 7 million votes cast. if prop one passes more than $6 billion in bond money goes toward mental health treatment facilities, more primary election results coming in overnight. >> former president trump getting mixed results. amanda is at the live desk with more on this. amanda yeah, kumasi election results across the nation are making headlines this morning in ohio, a candidate backed by donald trump has been declared the winner in a three way race that means republican bernie moreno will face democrat sherrod brown in november. >> republicans see that as a crucial race with hopes of taking control of the senate. meanwhile, trump won the state's presidential primary race, but
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exit polls show a significant number of republicans unwilling to support him in the general election. >> very striking to see 1 in 5 19, roughly, of republican voters in ohio saying that they would not support donald trump in november. that is a big number in a battleground state. >> as for president biden, he hit the campaign trail in arizona and nevada last week. biden's focusing on gaining the latino vote and touting his record on the job market. and here in california, the special election to decide who will fill former house speaker kevin mccarthy's seat looks to be headed to a may runoff at last check. no candidate has a majority vote to take the seat outright back to you. >> thanks. nail salon workers are among the worst paid workers in the state, but now they're demanding more. a new report by the ucla labor center, using census data, estimates the hourly median wage for nail salon workers in 2021 was only about 11 bucks. that's under the minimum wage for small businesses and for an industry mostly comprised of immigrant
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women. >> i'm a fan v lindora a large portion of elderly workers like me have poor eyesight and are often allergic to chemicals. >> their exposed to uh- in dental work. >> advocates and industry leaders say employees are misclassified, buying thousands of manicurists as independent contractors. so instead of getting an hourly wage, they get paid per manicure, making a fraction of the profit a congressional committee says it will begin to investigate allegations of anti-semitism at uc berkeley. >> the house committee on education and the workforce is leading this probe, which follows recent controversial incidents. it includes last month's abrupt cancellation of an israeli lawyer's speech when pro-palestinian students broke down the door at a campus theater. the university condemned that incident. uc berkeley issued a statement saying, quote, uc berkeley has an unwavering commitment to ensuring every student feels safe and welcome at all times. >> hundreds of people called
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into a cpuc meeting to share their opinions on at&t s request to end landline service. the company is trying to pull the plug, saying it's too expensive to maintain service for so few customers. at&t tells abc seven news it is not canceling landline service in california. it also says for customers who do not have alternative options available, it will continue to provide existing voice service as long as needed. the company will work with remaining customers who use traditional landline service to upgrade to newer technologies, as landlines are based communications, voice and cell are not secure, and when they go out, which they both have recently, there's no communication. >> why do that? leaving people vulnerable. >> the application with the cpuc is the first step of a multi year process to phase out copper based landline phone service as demand declines in the east bay, the parks district is warning everybody and their pets to
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out of the water because of harmful blue green algae blooms. >> danger advisories have been posted at a number of parks like livermore's lake duvall, shadow cliffs lake and pleasanton and quarry lakes in fremont. these algae blooms are now starting and they can last all summer. do take it seriously with this increasing water temperatures, and we've seen that all through california that they're inching up due to climate change. >> that gives these blue green algae that a little, advantage over the others. >> experts say if the bloom becomes big enough to drop oxygen levels in the water, fish will be at risk next. and it's much like the bloom that happened in lake merritt two years ago. and you remember it killed off thousands of fish. >> new developments. musicians at the san francisco symphony are calling out the organization's leaders. they claim the board's decisions led to the department the departure of popular music director esa-pekka salonen. the musicians
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want them to reverse planned cuts to programing and touring, along with restoring musician pay to pre-pandemic levels. the organization has not responded to the chronicle's request for comment. salonen announced last week he is not renewing his contract when it expires next year. still to come at the deral trade commission tries to contact you. it could be a scam. the warning you're going to want to hear and a live look right now at the big board at the new york stock exchange. >> we are down right now by about 36 points. another update on the markets next. >> then combating decades of hate in the east bay. how antioch's buddhist population came together to celebrate their heritage and each other. and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven, we're live every weekday from 7 to 8 a.m. you can download the app now, wherever you stream. >> 642 on our wednesday, our pier 39 camera is showing you the sea lions sleeping this morning. clear skies up above across the city and across much of the region, and we're in
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store for a nice mild afternoon. looking at your weather and health today, your air quality is good. we are breathing easy. however, if you do suffer from allergies, you're not breathing so easy because the tree pollen that's high right now, your main offenders are oak tree, cedar, pine. that is what is emitting all the pollen right now. your uv index at a five that is moderate future weather showing you a lot of sunshine early on by about 10 a.m. already into the 50s, climbing into the 60s and 70s later on this afternoon. but some high clouds will be streaming in for filtered sunshine later on today for the first full day of spring. quite pleasant out there, 60s and 70s for our daytime highs. we're dry today. we're dry tomorrow. but to finish out the week on friday, showers are back in the forecast. it's a level one light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale. we'll go hour by hour in future weather. show
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next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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antioch for the first national buddhist memorial service in response to anti-asian hate. more than 200 people attended the may we gather ceremony over the weekend. some participated in the pilgrimage and peace walk along the city's waterfront. organizers intentionally scheduled that memorial to commemorate the 2021 atlanta spa shootings. we decided to host this event in person here in antioch because we wanted to continue our connection with tying what happened to the in the past, to the present, and really thinking about this conversation around anti-asian violence. organizers say, may we gather, is meant to honor those from the past and present. antioch was the first city to sign a formal apology in 2021, acknowledging its history of discrimination of the asian american community. >> the palo alto university professor who accused then-supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh of sexual assault in
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high school, has written a new book. the book is called one way back. doctor christine blasey ford describes the reaction to her testimony as kavanaugh was going through the confirmation process. she says her family received serious threats after the hearings. she even went into hiding for months. in her first ever live interview, she shared how she found the courage to speak for herself and set the stage for other survivors. >> after my day on television, it was really difficult for a couple of years and now that i'm doing much better, i felt it was time to write about the full experience, the before and the after so that people will know what it's like and hopefully it will help someone. i knew it was going to be difficult, but i also realized it was going to be more difficult to not say anything, that i would just feel terrible if i didn't say anything, and that i wanted to share the information that i had about him. i had a high schooler, and she says she originally hoped to share that information to the senate anonymously, and that she didn't
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know until the day of that the hearing would be televised. >> the new book also details some light hearted moments, including the time steph curry gave her family the shirt off his back at a practice they were personally invited to. >> speaking truth to power. >> the city of san francisco is launching an electric vehicle curbside charging pilot program. ev charging stations will be installed in several areas across the city. the pilot project is part of the city's effort to expand san francisco's ev charging infrastructure. officials say the charging stations will also create positive impacts on the city's economic and environmental value. >> it's about making meaningful progress toward our climate and environmental objectives, while also improving the life of our residents. and as i said, creating good, high quality union jobs. >> san francisco needs 5000 chargers by 2030 to meet the growing demand of electric cars. >> now for your morning money report, a warning about scammers pretending to be with the federal trade commission, the
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ftc says thieves are using the names of real agency employees to try to trick you. the ftc says it will never contact you for money, tell you to move money to protect it, tell you to buy gold bars or send you to a bitcoin atm. if you get a call like this, you can report it to fraud dot but mostly hang up. taking a live look at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway right now, you can see that we're down about 19 points. >> if you are in the market for a new cookware, how about cast iron pieces inspired by dolly parton? tennessee company, law firm. you know, you don't cook with oh. >> oh, dang. >> i mean, you just got excited. like you're about to cook something. okay, let me move on with the story now. so this is a friend. i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry. >> i'll have you know that i cooked this week. i told you i cooked, but you didn't use a cast iron skillet. no, but i used a frying pan that i ruined.
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and so i actually am in the market for new cookware, and i'll have several seats. >> i will sit down. this might be a gift for you. so this is the dolly parton collection. each of the skillets has the images on there related to the country music star, including a butterfly, an acoustic guitar, and then there's her. with the tennessee landscape. there's also a mini skillet in the shape of a guitar, 23 to $55 each. now friend, which one do you want? because i feel bad. now. which one do you want? >> no, don't feel bad because, i mean, because i want to support you. >> you did tell me you made that. that. taco >> i made taco salad. >> salad. >> and i turn my back, and i got into my podcast, and i wasn't paying attention for a couple minutes. oh, and the oil burned the pan, and i thought i could get it out, and i couldn't. >> and it happened. >> phil just stood there. it was just like, wow, same as it ever was. >> you said it tastes good.
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>> it was just it just tastes fine. that's all that matters. >> it was good to answer your question. i would like that guitar. >> you want the guitar? guitar i can do that, someone wrote that they were going to make all the cornbread guitars. yeah, that's the way to do it. >> oh my gosh. yes, please do that. also, when you're making cornbread, here's a tip. tell me in the oven when you're preheating it, keep your pan in the oven. take it out, pour the mix into the pan and then put it back in. that's how you get those crispy edges. >> ooh i see, so you warm up the you want that pan to be hot and you put the mix in there. >> the best cornbread of your life. also i add maple sirup to mine in the mix. >> oh, are you doing like a jiffy mix? >> only jiffy. thank you. only jiffy, because you need one egg. >> what do you mean, what? >> what do you mean? >> no, no, i love jiffy. i was going to say the jiffy. honey have you tried that one? yes. >> oh, good. >> do that to. >> anyway, we got 15 seconds. >> also, an iron skillet. the only pan you truly need. i use it all the time. okay.
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>> it's a great pan, and you can't burn it right, let's find out. >> okay. where there's a will, there's a way. >> you know, we ordered this for you from burn it up, tear it up. >> here's a look outside the exploratorium camera. it is lovely this morning. mild sunshine through tomorrow. we're looking great. friday showers are back. it is a level one on the storm impact scale on this weekend. we do have scattered showers. saturday is the wetter of the two days here. much of sunday we will get a break in the moisture. today though. no worry about the rain. it's mild for the first full day of spring. lots of sunshine, 60s and 70s your sunset coming at 722 this evening. tonight it's just partly cloudy out there, upper 40s to the lower 50s getting you into thursday. thursday's dry, but friday we do bring in the storm impact scale to level one. light showers mainly in the afternoon and evening, some wet roadways and rainfall less than a half of an inch. it's not a big storm by any means. future weather friday morning we're just dealing with
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clouds. we're dry for the commute. it's the afternoon. we'll see those showers. you can see it's really light in nature, not seeing any bright colors indicating heavy rain. with this system, scattered showers continue into the evening and then late at night. we're kind of finishing up with this first cold front that's moving through. here's a look at rainfall. big reason why it's a level one. we're just looking at anywhere from a quarter to as much as a half of an inch of rain out of this cold front. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. dry today and tomorrow. showers return friday and they continue into saturday. much of sunday during the day looks dry before our next chance of rain moves in here on monday for early next week. we'll keep that one at a level one. a light storm as well. amanda >> all right. thanks. through here at 652, things are slowing down for the morning commute. we want to take you to the bay bridge toll plaza, where metering lights are on. there is a stall to tell you about in the eastbound direction. this is before treasure island. we know emergency crews are pushing a stall out of the roadway, but you should expect residual delays. and then in hayward, a crash to tell you about on
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southbound 880. this is before highway 92. emergency crews are on scene. you must expect delays from 238. back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. nearly three dozen bay area nonprofits are about to receive major donations from philanthropist mackenzie scott. as you may remember, scott promised to give away more than half of her wealth after her divorce from amazon founder jeff bezos. scott's organization, yield giving, announced yesterday the names of 360 nonprofits that will share $640 million, which split evenly, would give each organization $2 million. and we do have some local recipients, including la cocina youth alive and urban peace movement. >> one of hip hop's most notable moguls now has a star on the hollywood walk of fame. doctor dre, brought along some other big industry names with him to celebrate snoop dogg, big boi, jimmy levine, all speaking during the ceremony yesterday honoring doctor dre, the compton
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native founded the influential rap group n.w.a before launching his solo career with the 99 1992 album the chronic. the multi-grammy winner also mentored some of hip hop's most iconic artists, including eminem, 50 cent and kendrick lamar. >> pouring my whole soul and self into my passion for hip hop led me on the pathway to an incredible career. had it not been fortunate enough to make a living doing exactly what i love to do? >> the city of l.a. also declared yesterday, dre day. so you're talking about days. one of my favorite days of the year is coming up. national puppy day is this weekend, and that means it's time for our annual celebration right here on abc seven. so join us on friday for lots of adorable and adoptable puppies from shelters across the bay area. we're going to have live coverage starting at 6 a.m. right here on abc seven mornings, and you can watch wherever you stream. have you decided if my, my nephew is
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coming near, you're gonna ask. >> i'm on the fence about little rooster. >> what do you deciding? >> well, i took him to the gym yesterday, and he wasn't the best behaved. >> oh. >> so. >> well, did you have some good food for him? >> there? >> yeah, that was the problem. oh, well. >> up next. yeah. >> the seventh day. you know, today. yeah. >> you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. download the app now and start streaming. >> and as we head to break a when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin.
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with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent.
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as if you were at the sons of liberty ale house in san leandro on march 9th. you may have been exposed to measles. the exposure happened between 4:45 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. if you have any symptoms, you need to contact your doctor. >> number two, a proposal to install 33 speed cameras across san francisco is moving ahead. the plan was formally presented during an sfmta meeting
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yesterday. the full board expected to vote on this, including the locations of these speed cameras, next month. >> number three santa clara based intel set to get more than $19 billion in funding and loans from the federal government. the biden administration made that announcement this morning. it's part of an effort to boost semiconductor production here in the u.s. >> number four, the fed is expected to announce a decision on interest rates as it wraps up its two day meeting. analysts believe rates will stay the same, but investors will be looking for clues about when rates could start coming down. at number five, we'll take a look at santa cruz this morning where we have clear skies out there. >> it's a nice mild day for the first full day of spring. today, temperatures a little bit above average for this time of the year. take a look at the accuweather. seven day forecast shows you we're dry today. we're dry tomorrow. rain is back here starting on friday. >> a two car crash to tell you about in hayward. this is southbound 880 before highway 92. it is blocking a lane there. emergency crews are on scene, but you should expect delays
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from 238. >> number seven, if you are feeling lucky, the prize for tonight's powerball drawing is now up to $687 million. the numbers are picked at 8 p.m. friday night's mega millions is almost up to $1 million dollars. that's when you get my attention. >> you get that be. >> but be ready to $1 billion. >> you got to play to win. >> i think someone in the bay area is blessed with that. you know, that would be good. you know, to be specific, be specific. >> you had 99 billion to that 1 billion. and you can build a train that goes from l.a. to san francisco. wait a minute, wait a minute, $100 billion. >> con >> good "good morning america."


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