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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  September 27, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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bay area world news tonight with david muir is coming up next. and i'll see you back here at. tonight, several breaking stories as we come on the air. the u.s. army soldier who willingly crossed into north korea, tonight in u.s. custody. what happens to him now? also, in philadelphia, police say the coordinated looting.
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multiple stores, more than 50 arrests. you'll see the images tonight. and the major news involving bruce springsteen. first tonight, travis king in u.s. custody tonight, headed back to the u.s., expelled by north korea after he intentionally crossed the dmz. tonight, new reporting here on the secret negotiations, and what he could now face in the u.s. martha raddatz standing by. tonight, more than 50 arrests in philadelphia. police say a massive group of looters coordinating and ransacking multiple stores. it came on the same night of peaceful protests when charges against an officer were dropped. tonight, authorities say they were not connected, that the criminals used those protests for cover. tonight, the urgent manhunt and reward for a suspect with a violent criminal past, now wanted in the brutal murder of a young ceo in baltimore. authorities warning tonight, quote, he will do anything he can to cause harm. alex presha reporting. tonight, the indicted senator, new jersey senator bob
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menendez in court, pushing through court to get there. the senator and his wife pleading not guilty to charges of bribery and corruption. gold bars and hundreds in thousands of cash allegedly found in his home. and the meeting now planned for tomorrow with his senate colleagues. can any of them be convinced? three days now until a potential government shutdown. house speaker kevin mccarthy pushing for stricter border security. but the reality check tonight, if there is a shutdown, tens of thousands of border officers will be among the millions who go without pay. rachel scott live on the hill. former president trump tonight skipping another debate, instead, saying he'll save the auto workers in michigan, one day after president biden joined the picket line there. tonight, the uaw president with tough words for trump. and the judge's ruling here in new york city. trump could be forced to give up control of his signature properties in new york, including trump tower. jon karl standing by. the alleged long island serial killer in court today.
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what he said about going over the evidence himself behind bars. and the key piece of evidence revealed today by prosecutors. and that news on bruce springsteen tonight, postponing all of his concerts for the rest of the year. why he says he has no choice. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a wednesday night. major news tonight on this potential government shutdown, three days away now. republicans in the house cannot agree. and police in philadelphia tonight say this major looting, calling it coordinated, multiple stores, you'll see the images here in a moment. more than 50 arrests. but we do begin tonight with the u.s. soldier who willingly crossed into north korea, tonight, back in u.s. custody now. this was the last image of army private travis king wearing a black cap and shirt. authorities say just moments before he crossed the dmz. he is now on his way home at this hour.
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north korea saying they expelled him. but tonight here, we have learned of secret negotiations to make this happen. his safety was the first priority, but what could this u.s. soldier now face when he lands back on u.s. soil? tonight, already able to speak with his mother before landing back in texas. abc's martha raddatz leading us off tonight. >> reporter: tonight, after months of secret negotiations, army private travis king is in u.s. custody, on his way home from north korea. officials saying he appears to be in good health and good spirits, and is eager to see his family. but his future remains uncertain. in july, the 23-year-old soldier joined a tour group in south korea, seen in this image, teaming dressed in black, standing at the front of the crowd at the dmz, and then willingly bolting into north korea, where he was quickly detained, driven away, and interrogated.
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his release some 70 days later, facilitated by sweden and china. north korea announced today king would be expelled after finding him guilty of "illegally intruding" into their territory. swedish officials then driving king from north korea across the border to china, where he was met by the u.s. ambassador to china. then, a quick stop in south korea, and then a flight straight to the u.s. officials saying north korea got nothing in return. >> we did not give them anything, we made no concessions as a part of securing his return. >> reporter: king was facing discharge from the army even before crossing the border, after being jailed in south korea for an altercation with locals. his family telling us in august that they had worried about his mental state even before he fled to north korea. >> he just called, and he just screamed, "i'm not the army soldier you want me to be! i'm not the army soldier you want me to be!" and he kept screaming that out loud, and then all the sudden the phone hung up.
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>> reporter: a spokesman saying king's mother was relieved and overjoyed to hear her son's voice when they spoke today, but tonight, questions about what disciplinary actions he may face from the military. >> i think the most likely option is private travis king will be administratively discharged from the army. >> reporter: king is expected to land in texas overnight, and david, the north koreans almost certainly asked king about his army unit, its capabilities, anything they could find out about the military mission of the u.s. in south korea, but in the end, they seemed to feel that keeping him was less valuable than the diplomatic and public relations advantages of letting him go. david? >> david: really fascinating turn tonight. martha raddatz leadings off here. martha, thank you. tonight in philadelphia, authorities are investigating major looting that was coordinated as criminals hit several stores. more than 50 arrests. a massive group of looters, they say, ransacking and sealing from multiple stores.
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it came on the same night as peaceful protests, when charges against an officer were dropped, and authorities say these were not protesters. they say they are criminals who used the protests as cover. stephanie ramos in philadelphia tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the philadelphia police department is scouring social media video like these, searching for suspects after a night of looting by criminals who police say took advantage of peaceful protests. >> there was a burglary. they looted the store at lululemon. >> reporter: a coordinated caravan of vehicles going from store to store, looting businesses in multiple neighborhoods over an eight-hour period. up to 100 teens and adults ransacking stores like this foot locker. it is now closed and guarded by police. >> we've had 52 arrests already, and counting. and they're going to have to pay a price. this is not shoplifting. this is -- this is looting. this is riot. >> reporter: police say the crime spree was coordinated over social media and had nothing to do with an earlier peaceful
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protest, seen here, by demonstrators angry over a judge's dismissal earlier in the day of murder charges against a police officer. police saying they used those peaceful protests as cover to commit crimes. >> this had nothing to do with the protest. what we had tonight was a bunch of criminal opportunists take advantage of a situation and make an attempt to destroy our city. >> reporter: this latest rash of looting coming on the same day target announced they're closing nine stores in new york, california, oregon, and washington state, because of theft and organized retail crime. david, the apple store behind me is one of many stores that was looted last night. tonight, you can see, they've covered up their windows with black drapes. police say among those they arrested, there were three teens, and they recovered at least one gun. this investigation is expected to take several days. david? >> david: unsettling night there in philadelphia. stephanie, thank you. we are following an urgent
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manhunt and reward tonight for a suspect with a violent criminal past, wanted in that brutal murder of a young ceo in baltimore. tonight, authorities now warning, quote, he will do anything he can to cause harm. abc's alex presha in baltimore. >> reporter: tonight, a reward and urgent manhunt for a repeat violent offender, now the murder of a 26-year-old ceo. the head of a baltimore-based tech company worth millions. offers finding lapere's body just before noon on monday at an apartment building. they say she showed signs of blunt-force trauma. authorities say jason billingsley is the main suspect and evading police. they don't believe he knew lapere. >> i just have a message for jason billingsley. if you are out there watching, hopefully you are, every single police officer in baltimore city, the state of maryland, as well as the u.s. marshals are looking for you. >> reporter: and tonight, some officials asking why
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billingsley, a registered sex offender, was released nearly a year ago after serving half of a 14-year sentence. but legal experts say it's not uncommon to be released halfway in. >> he could get out in 2022, based on good behavior, and participating in vocational training or therapy, so, it does make sense that he got out, almost last year. >> reporter: tonight, the family of that young ceo saying she made an impact on every endeavor she undertook and on every life she touched. david, tonight, police say there is evidence linking that suspect to that ceo's murder and an attempted murder and rape just outside of baltimore last week. and now, detectives are going to be reviewing cases as far back as october 2022 to see if there are other possible links. david? >> david: all right, alex presha, thank you. now, to the dramatic scene, as new jersey senator bob m menendez walked into federal court today, pleading not guilty to those federal corruption charges. his wife and two other co-defendants doing the same. and then the meeting tomorrow now with his senate colleagues.
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can any of them be convinced to support him? here's our senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky who was in the courtroom today. >> reporter: senator bob menendez pushing his way into a new york court through a crush of cameras, holding the hand of his wife, nadine, who prosecutors portray as his partner in crime. in court, they sat apart. the senator slouching in his seat. both pleading not guilty, days after prosecutors showed the shoils of alleged bribery. a mercedes-benz convertible. multiple gold bars, and hundreds of thousands of dollar cash, some of it stuffed inside the senator's embroidered congressional jacket. in exchange, prosecutors say the senator agreed to use his political clout to help the government of egypt and three new jersey businessmen, who have also pleaded not guilty. after some of the items arrived, nadine menendez allegedly texting one of the businessman "thank you. christmas in january." tonight, menendez is facing a clamor for him to resign from more than half of senate democrats.
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glaringly absent from that list, majority leader chuck schumer, who today did not go that far. >> i was just deeply disappointed, disturbed, when i read the indictment. look, i've known senator menendez a very long time, and it was truly, truly upsetting. >> reporter: menendez is expected to address his senate democratic colleagues tomorrow, david, with so many just not supporting him. and his indictment and its allegations about u.s. secrets passed to e gigypt is >> david: aaron, thank you. now, to this potentially crippling government shutdown, just three days away now. house speaker kevin mccarthy and house republicans cannot agree on a plan. in public, mccarthy is pushing for stricter border security, but a reality check tonight. if there is a shutdown, tens of thousands of border officers
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will be among the millions who go without pay. rachel scott on the hill again tonight. >> reporter: tonight, house speaker kevin mccarthy rejecting the bipartisan deal hammered out by republicans and democrats in the senate to prevent the government from shutting down. is the senate plan a nonstarter in the house? >> i don't see support in the house. >> reporter: mccarthy trying to frame this as a battle over border security, saying without tough new provisions to crack down on immigration, there will be no deal. but here's the reality. if the government shuts down, the border patrol agents working on the front lines of the migrant crisis won't get their paychecks. 20,000 agents will be impacted, along with 16,000 immigration and customs enforcement employees. today, mccarthy was schooled on that point by his own fellow republican, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. >> it's important to remember, if we shut down the government, for those of us who are concerned about the border and want it to be improved, the
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border patrol and i.c.e. age agencies have to continue to work for nothing. >> reporter: in total, 4 million federal workers could miss paychecks. more than hatch of them in the military. their families among the hardest hit. today, we drive 30 minutes from the capitol to alexandria, virginia, where we met austin carrigg. her husband, master sergeant joshua carrigg, has been active duty in the army for 21 years. >> we're just stuck in this loop of worry and anxiety. >> reporter: the carriggs have three children, and their 11-year-old mel knee is fighting for her life. she has down syndrome and recently suffered a catastrophic stroke. you're spending up to $300 out of pocket on medication for your daughter. can you afford that if there's a government shutdown and your husband goes without a paycheck? >> that's been the conversation, how will we be able to pay for the medications, because they're not a choice. the question has really become, what can we get rid of?
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who can we borrow money from, in order to do what we need to keep her alive? >> reporter: austin disgusted with lawmakers who would shut the government down. >> they are literally playing games with our lives. we mean nothing to them. but they expect my husband to go fight their wars. that's not fair. >> reporter: david, the two sides are still very far apart. house speaker kevin mccarthy says he does plan to bring his proposal to the floor of the house for a vote on friday, but as of now, he still does not have the votes. david? >> david: tracking it for us every night here. rachel scott, thank you. tonight, former president trump will skip another republican debate, instead, saying he'll save the auto workers in michigan. one day after president biden joined the picket line there. jonathan karl tonight in simi valley, california, the site of the debate. >> reporter: tonight, donald trump will once again be a no-show at a republican debate, unwilling to take the stage and face off against his rivals for the republican presidential nomination. he says he's going to michigan
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instead, saying on social media, quote, i love and will save the auto workers. he's following president biden, who yesterday became the first president to join a picket line with striking workers. biden says the auto industry has benefited greatly in recent years and workers deserve a real share of the wealth they've helped make. trump, however, plans to speak at a nonunion auto parts plant, a move harshly criticized by the head of the uaw. >> i find a pathetic irony that the former president is going to hold a rally for union members at a nonunion business. and, you know, all you have to do is look at his track record. his track record speaks for itself. >> reporter: trump's trip to michigan comes 24 hours after a judge in new york ruled he committed widespread fraud by lying about the value of his assets, inflating his net worth by as much as $2.2 billion. trump is now confronting the reality of what that ruling
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could mean. he could be forced to give up control of his signature properties in new york, including trump tower, 40 wall street, and seven springs, a sprawling compound north of the city. trump tonight attacked the judge as deranged, and said he would appeal. >> david: that's the reaction to last night's developments. now to tonight. jon karl live from the reagan library, where the republican debate will happen. trump still leads his closest republican challenger on that stage by about 42 points. so, what's the strategy here, is there a strategy for these candidates? >> reporter: well, david, the strategies vary, but none of these candidates stands a chance, unless they can do something to convince republican voters that donald trump can and should be beaten. >> david: jon, thank you. tonight, one more note involving former president trump. the judge overseeing the january 6th case, the election interference case, has now denied trump's request to recuse
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herself. tanya chutkan rejecting the argument from trump's legal team that her statements in previous sentencings of january 6th rioters meant that she believed trump should face prosecution, as well. when we come back on this busy news night, the alleged long island serial killer was in court today, you'll see what he said. and the key piece of evidence revealed today by prosecutors. and then that major news involving bruce springsteen and what he's saying tonight. there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. if you have chronic kidney disease, farxiga can help you keep living life. ♪ farxiga ♪ and farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men, and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection
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springsteen postponing all concerts for the rest of the year. the boss, who is now 74, is being treated for peptic ulcer disease. his doctor telling him to rest, no three-hour plus concerts. springsteen posting a message tonight thanking friends and fans for their good wishes, encouragement and support. he says he's on the mend and can't wait to see you all next year. >> and of course we are all pulling for a speedy recovery. when we come back here tonight, who just landed, after 371 days? you'll wand to hear from him. t. ...that helps clear skin without pills,... ...injections, or steroids. imagine using one single cream... help kick the itch. ...oh! it's not imaginary. it's opzelura. eczema treatment reimagined. opzelura is proven to help... ...clear or almost... ...clear skin... ...and significantly reduce itch—fast. imagine that. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections... ...including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections,... cancer,...
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single space flight in history. >> david: the longest single space flight by a u.s. astronaut ever. a little more than a year, 371 days. >> touchdown. >> david: rubio landing in a remote area of kazakhstan early this morning. doing well. smiling, a thumbs up. >> everybody did really well. it's good to be home. >> david: rubio conducting experiments in space. including growing tomato plants to study how we might eventually grow food on mars. >> it's good to be here. >> david: originally, his mission, six months. >> amazing. >> david: but his trip extended after the capsule they use to get back to earth sprung a leak. so they sent up a new one. and before he left, astronaut rubio checking in with abc news. telling us about his favorite part, which no surprise, are the views. >> the views are just out of this world, literally, you're able to have an unobstructed view of the earth. and it just makes you really appreciate how tiny we are. >> david: talking with schoolchildren while up in space. his favorite questions? >> had i seen any t-rexes in
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space. and unfortunately, i had to say no to that. and the other one was had a seen any mermaids, because i had described what looking at the ocean is like from up here. >> david: tonight, looking fwlard to his new mission -- reuniting with his family after more than a year. >> we just have to appreciate how special our planet is, and do our best to ensure that future generations are able to enjoy our planet just as much as we have been able to. >> david: it's a great message. welcome home, frank rubio, after 371 days. i'm david muir. i'll see you right back here tomorrow. good night. in science and technology. >> science and technology taking center stage today. >> california has been on a multiyear journey to transform
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our behavioral health system. >> san francisco's push to help people struggling with addiction and mental health issues. good afternoon. i'm kristin. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. we'll begin with president biden's whirlwind bay area visit. you saw him arrive in moffett field yesterday. then last night, he stayed at san francisco's fairmont hotel where he met with tech and science leaders. today and in just a few hours, he'll head back to the east coast. >> abc7 news reporter suzannephan is in the newsroom now with a look at the president's 24 hour tour. suzanne his schedule is jam packed. >> this is president biden's second fundraising trip in about three months. as expected, he talked technology with his council of advisors before heading out to meet some fundraising supporters in san francisco. we found plenty of people eager to see and hear more from him. our president is here. >> i'm so excited. that's so nice. i hope we get a glimpse of him and his beautiful wife. people visiting san francisco from all over the country. >> we got word that president joe biden was in town. all