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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  July 22, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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>> building a better bay moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. dion: good evening, i'm dion million people from california tech california are under heat alerts. when temperatures continue to shatter records in major cities. phoenix has not dropped below 110 in three weeks.
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in miami the heat index has a record 42 straight days. things have cooled off after dark, as we look toward the bay bridge. spencer is standing by with what is expected to be another scorcher tomorrow. spencer: the key phrase is, in some areas. 7:00 in the morning, a lot of morning clouds hanging around with patchy fog. temperatures in the mid 60's inland. by noon we will see sunny 84-85 inland, 70 around the bay. mid 90's inland. it will be warm inland. no triple digits expected. let me show you what the highs will be like, 96, antioch.
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95, santa rosa. many locations were above 100 today. even though it will be warm inland, that is the beginning of a cool down around the bay and on the coastline, much cooler. more good news, the heat advisory had been in effect until 11:00 has expired. we do not have intense concern things are cooling down. >> my god, my dion: it was the sunrise that got the attention of drivers on the altamont pass, it was this grass fire. drivers on 580 got video of smoke and flames moving across the hillside. hot and dry conditions may have contributed to grass fire's. four fires over an eight mile stretch burned 55 acres of open space. >> this morning it could have
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been somebody dragging a chain. i do not think it is suspicious but everything is drying out and the winds are starting to pick up. the fuels are starting out, and it will get more busy. dion: it took about five hours to put out those fires. if you are planning to ride bart tomorrow, you can expect trains to run at slower speeds. trains commonly operate at reduced speeds when temperatures sizzle. between castro valley and dublin in the tri-valley. the slow speed zones were implemented for safety ever a train derailed in concord during triple digit heat. you can keep track of temperatures and the air quality with the same tools that spencer uses on our app. download it wherever you happen to stream. new details and good news, a
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precautionary boil water order has been lifted after tests found negative results for e. coli in the city's water supply. the state signed off on e. coli detected on thursday. residents were urged to boil water before consuming it. the taylor swift tour will not be here until next week at the show is generating a lot of buzz in the bay area and around the country. any people are still trying to get tickets, while others are trying to avoid scams. one bay area woman is linked to an account selling fake tickets. abc 7 news reporter has h story of fighting back. >> i grew up with taylor smith, fearless, speak now. reporter: sarah peters may remember taylor swifts songs, but one stands out. >> i have to go with
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because i live with anxiety, and that can take your confidence and bravery and courage. listening to the song helps me. be fearless, put yourself in the world. reporter: she graduated college with a degree in psychology, has published two books. then there is the chance to see the tour. >> i did not think the crowds would the manageable but i have made a lot of progress. reporter: they have been searching for tickets, and she and her mom are designing their own outfits. after she posted mother-daughter project, a faked twitter account was set up using her identity, trying to scam people looking for tickets. >> every tweet is sel tickets and i do not want anyone to associate me with something like that. >> we got scammed in the
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possible way by facial recognition. reporter: the family's concern that she could be implicated in wrongdoing, so they filed a police report. police say since the fake account is not using her credit cards or social security number, it is not identity theft, and since no crime has been committed, there is not much they can do. >> how is it not a crime to steal people's money and post us as the perpetrators? my head is spinning. reporter: sarah is not backing down. taylor swift has an album called "reputation." she is try to save hers. >> i hope it does not go further, that would be devastating as i am trying to start my life just graduating. reporter: in livermore, abc news. dion: community came together in oakland to support an ice cream
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vendor after he was robbed last week. they teamed up with norcal racing to organize a buyout on his behalf. he is an 80-year-old man who sells his suites around oakland. it is his main income and he uses the money to support his autistic son in peru. he has been robbed multiple times this year. >> i want to make sure the community knows we have support, and we will stand strong. dion: plenty of hot rod cards rolled into the event thanks to the racing group that coordinates support for local businesses and vendors. norcal racing organized a gofundme for juan . a look ahead to the san francisco marathon. a group of marathoners who found freedom in more ways than one. san francisco thieves keep getting more brazen.
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a different chain reaction from
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featuring fresh artisan bread piled high with tender roast beef, smothered with melty provolone cheese, just enough chipotle mayo and served with hot au jus for dipping. try the roast beef or pastrami french dips today. only at togo's.
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thousands of runners will go to the annual marathon, and that includes several former inmates at san quentin prison. abc 7 news reporter, ryan curry, spoke with one participant who says the event helped him through incarceration. reporter: the stage is set for sunday's marathon, but as traffic barriers are put up for the race, a few runners are using the marathon to break down other barriers. >> the discipline to do what i can do in my life. reporter: jonathan served four
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years in san quentin prison, was in for a life sentence was let out after justice reform. he joined the thousand mile club, a group of inmates who see running as a form of rehabilitation. >> you want to be better and have that mindset to better yourself and process everything. reporter: the running was his way of connecting with fellow inmates determined to improve their lives, both while serving time and after release. >> there hope that you have to keep going. reporter: he will be featured in a documentary, he says he completed several marathons while locked up but sunday will be his upper first away from san quentin. he is one of three former inmates racing, a moment he did not think would come if you ask him when he was sentenced. >> we made had choices that landed us there, but that is not to say that is who we were. we can change. reporter: abc 7 news.
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dion: speaking of the also hoping for good weather for those runners. spencer: it will be good weather, cooling down a little bit with a breeze. inland you do not want to run a marathon tomorrow, where it will be 95. right now, calm wind. earlier this evening we had strong breezes. now only a few places reporting wind speeds over 10 mph. it is a few degrees warmer in most locations than this time last night. this is the view over san francisco where it is 59 degrees. 61, oakland. upper 60's in san jose. 52, half moon bay. com conditions in emeryville --
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calm conditions in emeryville. 68 degrees in santa rosa. mid 70's in concord. livecam review from a roo across the embarcadero, these are our forecast headlines. some areas with coastal fog overnight with high clouds. cooler at the coast and bay but warm to hot inland. we expect areawide cooling into next week. starting at midnight, high clouds that will increase in the early morning hours. low clouds along the coast and some spotty drizzle, not widespread or heavy but there may be damp spots in the early morning before things warm up. overnight lows in the mild warm side inland, low to mid 60's, upper 50's around the bay shoreline. low to mid 80's from santa clara to san jose.
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on the peninsula, most locations in the mid to upper 70's. 81, redwood city. in and around san francisco highs in the mid 60's. northbay, mid-80's to mid 90's. east bay highs, 73 in oakland. 80, castro valley. air quality the next few days will be nice and clear. the green indicates good air quality tomorrow through tuesday. here is the seven-day forecast. the heat will be easing, mid 90's inland. mid 70's around the bay shoreline. not much change on degrees less warm.
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low 60's on the coast. a sharper cooldown begins wednesday. mid to upper 80's inland. upper 50's on the coast. nice, cool mid summer weather, and it will warm up gradually next weekend. dion: i thought how do people do any activity outside in places like florida or phoenix? spencer: it is so dangerously hot in most of the southwestern u.s., record highs day after day. in the southeast, humidity with the extreme heat. when it is how dry it is, it is uncomfortable. in the east, the h indexes even higher. dion: rewr florida, and why it is being cr
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back in the day, sneaker drops meant getting online to wait in line. now with xfinity mobile... ...we get the fastest mobile service and can get the freshest kicks asap. i got this. get the best price for 2 lines of unlimited when you switch to xfinity mobile for $30 a line per month. nice job, little sis! they grow up so fast... i'm a fan. from xfinity. i'm orlando and i'm living with hiv. i don't have to worry about daily hiv pills because i switched to every-other-month cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. now when i have people over, hiv pills aren't on my mind. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you're taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression.
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if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. it feels good to just live in the moment. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about cabenuva today.
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eastbound interstate 80 is shut down betweenay 4 crockett. the detours are highlighted in green on this map. this stret oroadway in red is set for major pavement repair work. it is set to reopen 5:00 monday. >> so far, so good. overnight we had congestion because of the richmond branch, but also because of the traffic shift that went in place to move traffic off of i-80 and take the 4 detour. dion: this is the first of three closures, two others are planned for august. caltrans will then work on the westbound side of the freeway. this appointment from soccer fans in the bay area the highly anticipated preseason match
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between fc barcelona andjuven has been called off after the barcelona squad partially came down with a stomach bug. the decision to cancel was announced hours before the match. ticket holders be refunded. it was supposed to be the first international match since mexico played qatar on july 2, soccer fan was stabbed. no shortage of baseball this weekend. from the major leagues to the minor leagues, chris alvarez has a preview. chris: we will show you a major-league catch and the minor league, and the a's try to snap the skid. sports is next.
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rock casino. chris: game 99 for san francisco entering saturday with a wild-card spot. they're coming off the heels of a seven-game win streak. abe lincoln nudging out teddy roosevelt in the president's race. the giants failed to score
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conforto. inning ending double play. webb breezed through the first, but trouble in the second. this one ripped to write for a two rbis triple. 4-0, nationals. webb throws this to abrams, and there he goes, two run blast on his bobblehead night. the shortest outing of his career. giants lose, 10-1. a frustrated webb summed after. >> it happens. in bunches like they are now. chris: the
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bases-loaded, two rbis single. oakland takes the 2-1 lead. here is hi to right. he gets the silent treatment in the dugout. we got you. 4-1 game, diaz dee tony kemp is here, catch. trevor may, tip of the cap. a's with their first win against the astros this season. major league soccer's midseason tournament, 33rd minute, the blast passed daniel. 67th minute. a pull down here but no penalty kick, and no review either. portland would put it away late.
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2-0. san jose drops their first game in the leagues cap. giants minor leaguer playing his fifth game at catcher, this might be the catch of the year. whoa! made the play in his own dugout. everyone was surprised, what a play. abc 7 sports sponsor by river rock casino. dion: much more to come on abc 7 news at 11:00, including san francisco business owners aggressive new approach to locking out shoplifters, who police cannot seem to lock up. the story of slavery is being rewritten in florida. what the state is changing about what it is teaching about one of the darkest times in history, and why the vice president is not happy abou
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introducing togo's new french dip sandwiches featuring fresh artisan bread piled high with tender roast beef, smothered with melty provolone cheese and served with hot au jus for dipping. try the roast beef or pastrami french dips today only at togo's
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moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. dion: the issue is shoplifting,
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which increased 20% in san francisco from 2019-2022, according to the state department of justice. to deter thieves, one walgreens is locking its freezers. we went to the outer neighborhood to see how bad the problem has gotten. reporter: it did not take within the first hour of being at walgreens at 17th avenue in san francisco, we witnessed multiple shoplifters. one of them took the time to explain why he did not pay. off-camera, a walgreens employee told me between 15-20 times a day they are hit. out of frustration, they decided to chain up their freezer section. this is one of the hardest hit areas of their store, when you want something, you have to press this button. a message goes off on the
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loudspeaker, and an employee comes to unlock the freezer. company policy says they cannot challenge shoplifters, but this customer has. >> sometimes i stop people myself, and it is tough to see the neighborhood fall apart. reporter: almost every aisle has not x behind cases. -- every aisle has behind cases. four shoplifters at this store today. >> the problem is they are not punished. reporter: sfpd patrol outside the store. >> more people are coming to the west side on the bus line, they are getting off and stealing out of this store. reporter: he did not want his face on camera but he detained eight people shoplifting yesterday. >> people were taking products. if they cross the threshold,
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they can be put under arrest. eight of them yesterday, they basically returned the items, there was a problem with one of them. reporter: did you arrest anybody? >> the store just wanted the product back. reporter: walgreens is not the only store victimized by crime. this shop was burglarized a month ago. the owner lost over $100,000 in merchandise and cash. >> we cannot afford it. that is a small business. nobody does anything about it. it is really hard for us. reporter: before that break-in, this coffee shop was also hit. >> the city, mayor, they do not do anything. nobody pays attention or does anything. i do not know what we do. reporter: i contacted the
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national retail federation to confirm san francisco and oakland rank number two in the list of top areas impacted by organized retail crime nationwide. dion: were held for the fargo police officer, jake wolin, who was shot and killed last week. fellow officers lined the streets to pay respects. he responded to the scene of a fender bender when a suspect opened fire from inside a car. his final act was to face the shooter to save others. two other officers and a civilian were injured. the suspect was shot and killed by a fourth officer. they believe the suspect was planning a larger attack. in florida, growing controversy over teaching black history. vice president harris is weighing in, and governor desantis is responding to criticism tonight.
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reporter: backlash against governor desantis and the florida board of education over the state's new standards for teaching slavery. >> these are the most robust standards in african-american history. reporter: the new guidelines require that slaves developed skills which could be applied for their personal benefit, an idea vice president harris lambasted. >> how is it that anyone co suggest in the midst of these atrocities that there was any benefit to being subjected to this level of dehumanization? reporter: in high school the guidelines require the teaching of both acts of violence but traded against and by african-americans, which florida's education association says diminishes an event like
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the massacre where 30 african-americans were killed for attempting to vote. a volunteer member of the task force tells abc news he stands by their work amid criticism the standards gloss over the horrors of slavery. >> it is the case africans proved resourceful, resilient and adaptive, and able to develop skills and aptitudes which served to their benefit, while enslaved and after enslavement. >> i was not involved with it. reporter: desantis distancing himself from the curriculum but defending the new guidelines. >> i think they will probably show some of the folks that eventually parlayed being a blacksmith into doing things later in life. reporter: tonight republican rivals for the 2024 presidential nomination piling on. former texas congressman, will heard, writing, slavery was not a program that taught beneficial
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skills, it was literally dehumanizing and subjugated people as property because they lacked any rights or freedoms. dion: time we are hearing from the pentagon's chief ufo investigator. dr. shankar act trick leads the all domain -- dr. sean kirkpatrick leads the domain to identify mysterious objects of interest in the air, in outer space, and underwater. he says he can explain the 95% of reports that come into his office, as for the rest -- >> we are going to follow our data and investigations wherever it goes. i have a full range of hypotheses. i cannot rule it out but i do not have any evidence yet. dion: given the vastness of the universe, he says it is statistically unrealistic to
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think there is not extraterrestrial life out there. reaction continues to pour in after news of tony bennett's death. we take a look back at his and music legacy. >> ♪ fly me to the moon ♪ ♪ reporter: tony bennett was a singer's singer. for more than 60 years he played his voice like a beautiful instrument, and with a passion that led rank sinatra to call him the best in the business. >> sinatra was my best friend. he was 10 years my elder and master. he said it stay away from bad songs, just do great songs. reporter: he did, singing classics from what he called the great american songbook. one stood out above all others. >> ♪ i left my heart francisco ♪ ♪
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reporter: it became his signature, and one of the first and more -- won him the first of a dozen grammies. he was performing by the age of 10, and painting. he became an accomplished painter. >> i had to sing and paint, the things i love. reporter: there were tough times, in the mid-1960's, there is not much demand for his style of music, so he tried acting. >> i know frankie, he will not be back. reporter: the movie flopped, as did his two marriages, but in the 1980's he found a new audience in the mtv generation. he sang duets with elton john, amy winehouse and lady gaga.
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simpsons." as he celebrated his 80th birthday, bennett was having the time of his life. at age 90, a deadly diagnosis. still, he continued singing. >> ♪ when there are clouds i the sky, you get by ♪ ♪ reporter: his wife, susan, opening up to aarp magazine. >> i chalked it up to old age. it was tony who said i would like to go. reporter: the secret, bennett has said, is loving what you do. >> ♪ the golden sun will shine for me ♪ ♪ reporter: abc
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dion: francisco boys chorus honored the life of tony bennett, singing on the steps of city hall in tribute. the chorus had the chance to perform for bennett several times, including a joint performance with the girls chorus in city hall. the performance was for the 50th anniversary of bennett's beloved san francisco song. still ahead, proof that sometimes technology is the best netizen. what these kids are watching, and how it is helping make trips to the doctor more bearable. spencer: some inland areas will be warm overnight, how hot tomorrow? i will have the forecast, coming up.
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metastatic breast cancer are living longer with kisqali. so, long live family time. long live dreams. and long live you. kisqali is a pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. and kisqali helps preserve quality of life. so you're not just living, you're living well. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms,
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including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live hugs and kisses. ask about kisqali. and long live life.
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special presentation pflag for lgbtq+ kids of all ages. one hour event will have heartfelt interviews, personal stories and touching moment centered around people making an impact in their communities, and in the lives of their lgbtq+ loved ones. you can watch pflag parent day sunday at 11:00 a.m. in a south bay, virtual reality technology is being used to help kids calm down before a procedure. surgery is no fun for any patient, but for children it can be especially frightening. we got a close look at the program that has kids in awe. reporter: seven-year-old nya amazed at what she is saying in her virtual-reality headset.
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>> i saw a fire pit was a big window and a galaxy. reporter: she tried out the new goggles in san jose, set to open in weeks, it boasts state-of-the-art technology, some displayed. >> we push forward the edge of technology, but most importantly help our patients and make sure they have a well-rounded and comfortable experience. reporter: that includes virtual reality headsets that have patients and doctors excited. the headsets are planned to be used for kids undergoing surgeries, the technology used is intentional, based on meditative research. the kids choose an avatar that helps them through calming exercises. >> the avatar tells them to breathe in and out with the
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wings and follow the avatar around. it helps them breathe more naturally. then it relaxes their anxiety. reporter: the hope is to make access to the vr headsets many kids as possible. >> this way they do not see any of the scary stuff, all they see is there avatar they have befriended and are following around. reporter: more headsets will be rolled out throughout the summer. in san jose, abc 7 dion: that is so neat. i remember a virtual fitness class, and i forgot i was pumping iron because you are so distracted. spencer: such a useful purpose. i wish we could make the weather cooler, but we may have to wait. many locations inland or higher, and those locations
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now or in the upper 70's. night. it is cooler near the coast and they. looking across the coastal fog and high clouds overnight. cooler on the coast and they, still hot inland. areawide cooling will develop next week. overnight, high clouds, low clouds of the coastline. maybe a spot of drizzle that will not be widespread. skies mostly sunny filtered through clouds tomorrow. overnight lows in the mid to upper 60's in our inland areas. warm overnight in some spots. highs tomorrow in places that were 100 or above to enable be in the 90's tomorrow. we will see 70's around the bay and 60's on the coast.
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our forecast highs for monday, cooling continues by a few degrees. low to mid-90's inland, same range tuesday, then wednesday sharply cooler weather in most locations. two or three more days of low to mid 90's inland, then wednesday through friday mid to upper 80's, and low 70's around the bay. that will be a welcome relief from the heat that it will start to heat up next weekend. dion: preview of sports. chris: coming up, it is time to go football camping. aaron rodgers takes flight with the jets, and with the 49ers, george kittle through a camp in the zone.
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are the tradeoffs of treating worth it? ubrelvy is another option. it quickly stops migraine in its tracks. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. ♪ i gotta good feeling about this, yeah ♪ ♪ i'm with it ♪ ♪ i gotta good feeling about this ♪ ♪ yeah, ♪ ♪ so let's get it ♪ ♪ i'm feeling good vibes ♪ whatcha looking at babe? cars on
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what's wrong with this one? i just got promoted, so i'm looking for something... more. we all deserve more. ♪ we all deserve some ice cream. ice cream! ice cream! ice cream! caio bella! caio. caio. 2 million cars for 2 million possibilities. where to next? i'm orlando and i'm living with hiv. i don't have to worry about daily hiv pills because i switched to every-other-month cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. now when i have people over, hiv pills aren't on my mind. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you're taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms,
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stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver problems or mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. if you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. it feels good to just live in the moment. with every-other-month cabenuva, i'm good to go. ask your doctor about cabenuva today.
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river rock casino. chris: the 49ers report to camp tuesday. nick bos field until he has a new contract. he hopes that will get resolved before camp. george kittle was at camp earlier this summer. >> whoo! chris: george kittle loves football. as he prepares for the upcoming season, he kicked off his summer with the third annual tight end university in nashville. >> we want to give guys more tools in their toolbelt. they understand what they are watching on film and have more things to do, more access to ideas so they are not making stuff up on the football field. chris: 80 football players were in attendance. >> everybody doing important
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stuff have conferences to make each other better. that was one of the things we tried to do, get everybody under the same roof to talk about football to enhance the game. >> a lot of these guys in this generation are led by these guys and continuing to raise the bar of how teams value the position and how vital they are to a team success. chris: kittle was joined by travis kelce and greg olson to provide a masters class for current nfl players but also give instruction to youth campers on the importance of reading. >> you go on an adventure in your book to go to a cool land and experience something new. that is why we are doing literacy. when you throw a football to a bunch of kids and talk about reading, kids will enjoy it. chris: aaron rodgers making his jets training camp a butte earlier in the week after 18 years with the packers.
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rogers was tough on his teammates in green bay but early on with the young jets, it sounds like he will be more patient. >> i would say earlier in my career i was a little more easily angered, and i feel i am a little less triggered as i have gotten older. chris: five weeks from today the san jose football team kicks off a new season at usc. the quarterback was named the mountain west off-season player of the year, and earning player of the week honors four times and looking to lead the spartans to consecutive bowl games. it starts with winning the mountain west. >> it feels good. i would not have done it without my teammates and coaches. it is based off what i did last season, and it gives me extra confidence. my main goal is winning the
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conference championship. chris: third round of the open championship, john rahm was dialed in. his third straight birdie. a long birdie attempt here on 16 will get him to five under. on 18, eight u lowest round ever at royal liverpool. six under, third place. the field is chasing brian harman. great shot on 12. that gives him pars to finish. he has a five shot lead entering the final round and looks to become the third lefty to win the open. usually at warriors academy, players surprise the kids, but this time the other way around. they were delivered championship rings, they both
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played overseas so they were not able to collect them earlier. one of the best videos of the week, during the braves games, they have a guy who gives fans a head start, then races them. this poor guy with a little bit of a face plant. never take on the freeze. abc 7 sports is sponsored by river rock casino. dion: that is all the time we have. i'm dion lim. news starts tomorrow at 5:00. see you tomorrow.
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what if magic could happen on main street? what if i could walk into a cartoon world? if i could watch heroes save the day... ...and become a hero myself? what if stories could come to life? new surprises await at the disney100 celebration, only at the disneyland resort.
12:00 am
- [crowd] touchdown! at the disney100 celebration, - did you see that? - whoa, whoa, we scored? - yeah we scored, we're going to the playoffs. - i can't believe i missed that. (bell dings) every time i'm buzzed i spend too much time on my phone. - what? i should take your phone away. - no, no, no, i'll call for a ride. - hey, why does my face look like that? - (laughing) i'm playing with these new face filters.


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