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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  July 9, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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alright, steve schirripa. thank you so much, my friend. i want to thank you at home for watching. we'll see you next time on "the $100,000 pyramid." ♪ -- captions by vitac -- ♪ >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. dion: bomb skateboarding event becomes graffiti has dried, tonight the debate over the strength of the response. i am dion lim and you are watching abc seven news :00. a city leaders calling for an investigation into the police
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response into the skateboarding flash mob in dolores park on saturday. as tara campbell shows us, some neighbors want echo that call. tara: dozens of protester marking to san francisco's police station. >> that level of force is unacceptable in san francisco in a public park. tara: president of the harvey milk lgbtq democratic club, and he is referring to this scene saturday night, police officers in riot gear displacing participating in the event. >> [indiscernible] >> for a situation to escalate with teenagers getting upset with the police and that the police were really close. if they were in the background, that would be a different story. >> i work closely with you and i
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was horrified when i woke up this morning hearing there was 81 youth under the age of 18 that were detained. >> police arrested 32 adults and cited 81 juveniles. chief bill scott saying this dangerous and unlawful behavior but members of the public at risk of serious injury or worse. this behavior will not be tolerated in our city and i thank our officers for taking action to hold those accountable , brazenly engaged in dangerous behavior. thankfully, there were no serious injuries. sf mta saying staff or passengers were injured , deenergizing headlines to what they called a dangerous situation. san francisco supervisor dean preston taking to twitter, denouncing the police response, writing that the police threatened tear gas and arrested and zip tied many children for hours. >> it was an egregious use of
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force. we condemn it and want an investigation into who made orders in ordering this oppressive police action. dion: new details tonight stunning underground explosion in san francisco. you are seeing the fire shoot up underneath that tesla last night in the pacific heights neighborhood. j.r. stone is searching for answers on a possible cause. j.r.: broken out windows here, they are, and everywhere inside san francisco's pacific heights neighborhood a day after at least one massive explosion rang out. >> it literally sounded like a car bomb or something, and it knocked me to the floor. >> the loudest explosion i have ever heard outside of fireworks. j.r.: pg&e described don't happen saturday night as an underground equipment failure. -- described what happene
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saturday night as an underground equipment failure. the company gave no update as to what led to the mishap. this viewer video shows what looks like a tesla on fire, but officials say it was actually an explosion that came from a manhole beneath. that tesla. >> i did hear this first started after a manhole exploded underneath the tesla, and then other manholes exploded and windows were blown out of the building. j.r.: this marks the second time in less than three months there has been what is called an underground vault explosion in san francisco. this case knocking out some businesses in north beach and the financial district for several days. in both situations, the power of the explosions were incredible. >> a really loud bang. a series of them. the first one was really loud. it blew out all the glass. >> when i realized there were
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broken windows and a car was on fire and fire was coming from the ground, it seems like something more serious. dion: moving on as we outside, we take a live look at sfo where it has been a mix of everything this weekend. we have had clouds, sun, even rain. let's get to spencer with your 24 hour accuweather forecast and bring on the heat. spencer: changes to what we can expect. let's look at tomorrow morning because right now we have the usual clouds and fog moving in for the overnight period. early tomorrow morning, lingering low clouds and fog. temperatures only in the mid 50's, but by midday, we will see sunshine on the fog retreating. temperatures moving to 50 degrees and lend, and late afternoon, the heat will see low to mid 80's inland, 60'
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coast, and even as the sun sets, we will still have some bit of fog and low cloudiness before it makes the overnight push. notice it will be warmer overnight tomorrow than the weekend. it is a hint of what is to come later in the week. dion: looking forward to it, spencer. at long last, the ruby princess cruiseship is humming up the california coast on its way to alaska. after days of delays and frustration, the cruise liner finally set sail from san francisco this afternoon. the coast guard gave princess cruises the all clear to set sail overnight, and that is after repairs were made to the whole of the ship after it was damaged, hitting part of the dock on pier 27 thursday morning. the repair work led to a long delay in san francisco. >> we had to see what we wanted to and what we paid for, then we would just head home. hopefully they refund us our money and do what needs to be done. dion: 579 of the
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guests decided to get off the ship, not wanting to take the short trip to british columbia. princess offered guests compensation for the delay. >> most of the people who decided to leave are people who live close to san francisco. other people who f different areas, i think they decided to stay. dion: the next stop for the ruby princess is chicken, alaska. -- ketchikan, tomorrow, governor newsom is set to sign a series of bills into law passed tracking infrastructure projects in alaska -- california. the package aims to streamline the process of paperwork to a crew of energy, and water projects in the state. it would limit the amount of time certain projects can be tied up in court via environmental challenges.
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we will be looking out for that aspect for you tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. still ahead, the search for the escaped murder suspect tonight. the northern california fugitive who broke free from a medical facility. plus, devastating destruction out of nowhere. homeowners in southern california struck with a sudden nightmare. and team usa in the bay area. the red, white, and blue get ready for the world cup with a final match in front of the home fans.
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tony, your parents know you're over here again, right? yup. great. tony lives next door. see, his parents decided to just use their phone for home internet. so when everyone is on, tony's over here streaming... and drinking all my soda.
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my dawg. switch to gig internet on the xfinity 10g network for just $25 a month when you add xfinity mobile. we're going to bed, tony. g'night. i'll lock up if i leave. get real home internet on the next generation 10g network. only from xfinity.
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>> this week, some of our favorites. they are here. then stephanie neil's never knew
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love like this before, and she is performing at tmv. dion: southern california where a major landslide is forcing the evacuation of at least 12 homes and leaving some destroyed. dramatic video shows homes nearly flattened. this is in the city of rowland hills estate west of long beach. there were crux discovered in the structure of one home, which led crews to find the damage had regressed to neighboring houses. >> i have never seen anything like this ever in my career. to think that these homes were intact yesterday afternoon, and today you can hear the creaking, the cracking, the crumbling. dion: utilities have been shut off in the area and gas crews are unseen to monitor for any leaks. the red cross is providing shelter to people forced from their homes. law enforcement on both homes are searching for escaped
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inmates described as dangerous and desperate. one of them was being held for murder in placer county. now, authorities cannot find him. darren dennis has the latest. dar focused on finding michael barone, the suspect in a homicide as well as a rape case in new york. he escaped from the warren county, pennsylvania jail on thursday by climbing on exercise equipment and getting over a fence on a rope made of bedsheets. the 34-year-old was being held on arson and burglary charges. on day three of the search, the escape become eight self taught revivalist with some military experience, may be trying to hide in the woods. >> we found stockpiles of supplies at campsites we believe are associated with him. reporter: police say it is possible he was receiving help, also receiving have -- photos of bertram's tattoos.
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>> anyone in the situation becomes desperate over time, and we plan to use that to our advantage if he is out here in the woods and we will continue to push harder. reporter: earlier this year, he was the target of another multistate manhunt after authorities say he attempted to avoid prosecution for charges including rape. meanwhile out west, authorities cannot explain how -- from authorities who were escorting him back to jail in sacramento. >> he was last seen wearing belly chains and orange jail pants. reporter: the 35 aroldis facin charges for the april murder of a hostage and shooting two others, including a california highway patrol officer. police say he is considered dangerous. derek dennis, abc news, new york. dion: tomorrow, a live look from the bay bridge and a warning for
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drivers who need to access treasure island this week. starting tomorrow, caltrans will close off the eastbound offramp to catalina island. closures will take place from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. 80 tour will take you across the bridge to oakland where you will make a u-turn in the westbound direction before the bay bridge toll plaza. plan on adding a few extra minutes to your trip. you do not need to pay the toll. crews are making safety employee vince -- safety improvements to the exit ramp. as one final match before the best of u.s. heads off to represent their country in the 2023 before women's world cup. the team of usa women have spent all week in the bay area and have led to a perfect sendoff today in san jose. dustin dorsey brings us the sights and sounds from the park. dustin:
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national soccer team soaking up every bit of sunshine and warm san jose weather before it is off to wintertime down underfoot 2023 fifa world cup. paypal park packed with the supporters of the red, white, and blue to see team usa live for their sendoff match against wales. >> this crowd is awesome. i always love coming to the bay and they send us off in good fashion, so i am happy to have our last stop be here. dustin: supporters from far and wide flocked to the south bay for this friendly match. >> from the east coast, we came out to san jose for the first time to follow the team. >> one of the greatest environments we have been in. >> i usually do not have opportunities to do this. dustin: everyone showing off their usa best, cheering on the best of the usa. it is an honor and privilege to be part of a national team, and this roster is loaded with bay area ties. >> from san jose, summer
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>> i come here and showcase the talent that has been in these local areas. it is the best place for soccer. dustin: on this day it was trinity rodman who sent the fans home happy with two goals. past usa world cup trophies were on display for everyone to see it, and everyone hopes this doff matches the boost the team needed to make a repeat in the world's biggest tournament. >> it is really good. >> we need to continue with this energy and momentum. >> [indiscernible] in australia, we cannot hear you cheer us on. dustin: next up for women, a trip to new zealand and australia for the world cup. one nation, one team in the lead.
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dustin dorsey, abc7news. dion: what an awesome day. for full highlights for team usa's tuna victory, that is coming up in the second half hour of sports. spencer: we will get a lot more sunshine the coming days. this weekend was not bad, just a little cooler than expected of july. here is what is going on right now. we had another gusty day today after strong gusts yesterday that reached 40 miles per hour in some spots. we had some gusts over 35 miles per hour, but many locations around the bay area have a relatively calm wind. 29 mile-per-hour winds in san francisco right now, so it is still breezy in some spots. winds will continue to ease up going into the early morning hours, but by midday tomorrow, we can expect them to intensify once again. the 24 hour temperature change
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shows most bay area locations are a few degrees warmer right now than at this time last night , so let's take a live view from our rooftop camera across the embarcadero. we have low 60's in mountain view, san jose, and palo alto. at the golden gate, we do not see much fog yet, but it will get foggy air over the overnight hours. mid to upper 50's at fairfield, concord, and livermore. one more live view from the emeryville camera. you can see the outline of a marine layer developing now. it will deepen during the overnight hours, so these are the forecast headlines. overnight, maybe some patchy coastal drizzle. sunnier and warmer tomorrow afternoon. it does not take much to get warmer that it was this weekend, and we have sizzling summer heat at the end of this week. overnight shows the marine layer deepening and expanding across
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the bay all the way to the central valley. some patchy coastal drizzle is likely, but this will all bring it back to the coastline by mid to late morning, giving way to mainly sunny skies. and that means the beginning of the warm up. overnight low temperatures will be in the mid-50's. highs tomorrow will range from 59 at half moon bay to 65 in san francisco. inland areas not very warm, certainly warmer than this weekend. as we skipped to wednesday, you can see temperatures climbing into the low to mid 90's inland. on thursday, lots of mid 90's, and friday, we will have some triple digit temperature readings in our warmest areas. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast as he looked towards the end of the seven-day period. notice 104 in the hottest spots on friday, 104 again on sunday with the inland heat
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on. that three day period with temperatures in the mid to upper 90's in places like redwood city, and on the coast, it will be nice and warm for beach weather. be careful in the heat. be sure to stay hydrated. do not prolong your exposure to the sun. enjoy it, but be cautious. dion: take it easy. and compared to the rest of the u.s., parts of the south. spencer: much worse conditions, much more hazardous to your health than what we are expecting. dion: still ahead on abc7news at 11:00, calling out the crowd at wimbledon. the hilarious reason the umpire at the tennis match had to take a timeout. the onlookers in attendance. first, we want to let you know that this year's aids walk san francisco is one week away. the fundraiser walk benefithiv and aids programs.
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to register, call e number on your screen. or ♪ (tense music) ♪ one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve.
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12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? at denny's, we're celebrating baconalia. with new creations starring black label® thick cut cherrywood bacon. ready to satisfy your bacon obsession? at denny's... it's diner time. and now, rewards members get 2 free strips of our new premium bacon for a limited time. 7 day old tuna casserole! how'd you know that?! even my nose is strong! you need hefty ultra strong! it has arm & hammer continuous odor control! hefty! hefty! hefty! oh, and uhhh... toby needs a bath! stay one step ahead of stinky. ♪ [children playing outside] reynolds wrap makes it easy to cook and clean up meals in no time. ♪ [food sizzle] so i don't miss all the fun stuff. [whoosh] [splash] easy prep, cook and clean. with reynolds wrap.
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dion: champagne and wimbledon go hand in hand, but an umpire at today's championship match asked for decorum from the crowd. >> ladies and gentlemen, please, if you are popping a bottle of champagne, do not do it -- >> don't you love that? that is from an australian umpire watching over this match, the most wimbledon warning i have ever heard. [laughter] dion: so polite in how he said it. you probably saw this on abc 7 earlier today. the umpire scolded the crowd for popping the bubbly during a serve, which threw off the service routine. speaking of sports, to
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diamond at oracle park, plus the newest warrior arrives in las vegas. chris alvarez joins us with a jampacked sports cast. chris: what a busy day from pebble beach to oracle park to las vegas. we have it all, including the new teammates. ♪ but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease,
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jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪
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>> abc 7 sports, sponsored by river rock casino. chris: after dropping 4-6 their recent road trip, the giants looking to enter their all-star break on a good note. logan webb was on the hill and he tossed a gem. joc pederson's first pitch joc pederson's son's first pitch. cj crum tossing the bat in disgust. kyle friedland made one mistake and there it goes. jd davis, a rocket to left-center, 1-0 san francisco. that is all webb needed on mount. gets the ground to first. he scattered s ballgame and struck up the side
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than the ninth inning for his first ever complete game end shut out. 103 pitches with 75 strikes. just 2.5 games back place against l.a. and arizona for the giants. >> i am super excited. i am back after the break ready to roll. chris: how about this a's fan rocking this jersey in boston? how about oakland has sears had a no-hitter through four innings. rutger will be in seattle, his second day in as many. give that man a hammer. bottom six, paul blackburn. his first pitch goes out. adam do while made it 3-2. bottom eight, game tied. giving the go-ahead homer. they go in the break 25-6
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second-worst mark in oakland history. the espn broadcaster sharing this photo from the warriors of their future follow -- hall of famer. watching the summer dubs taking the floor and he is confident he will fit in right with his new team. >> i am not as worried about it as everybody else is. when i say everybody, not necessarily our team. we will figure it out. luckily, it is basketball and i know a bit about the game. chris: final round of the u.s. women's open at pebble beach. her first major's approach, she is tied for ninth. she finished top 10 in all three of her tournaments. a great start to her pro career. -- was the only player -- under par the entire way. and a tap on 18 coming up, finishes nine under for a three shot win, her first career
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victory. this abc 7 sports are part sponsored by river rock casino. dion: much more to come tonight on abc7news at 11:00, including life-threatening flash flooding punishing large parts of the east coast. the impacts from the carolinas to the canadian border. plus, the prime target. an energy drink raising eyebrows with its effect on children. and
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sleepovers just aren't what they used to be. a house full of screens? basically, no hiccups? you guys have no idea how good you've got it... get 1.2 gigabit internet with unlimited internet data for just $25 a month for 2 years when you add xfinity mobile. back in my day, it was scary stories and flashlights. we don't get scared. oh, really? mom can see your search history. that's what i thought. the next-generation 10g network. only from xfinity.
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. dion: tonight, heavy rain and thunderstorms are pouring over northeastern parts of the u.s., and now the resulting flash flooding has turned deadly. at least one person was killed in the hudson valley of new york. officials say the force of the flash flooding dislodged boulders and rammed into the woman's house. the governor of new york declared a state of emergency today for two counties and at least 15 million americans are
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under a flood watch and 33 million underserved under severe thunderstorm watch today into monday. flight cancellations were piling up today with more than 7000 delayed flights and over 2600 canceled flights across the country. the national weather service says by monday, there will be a considerable flood threat across new england and new york. in the north bay, one person is dead and another suffered critical injuries after a single engine plane flew into a set of power lines from an airport in marin county. the crash happened last night on the east end of the runway at smith ranch airport in san rafael. 59-year-old marc david pankin of nevada was killed. witnesses called 911 to report and and or miss flash, then loud explosion. -- an enormous explosion. officials also tell us the pilot , 73-year-old kirk harford of
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san rafael, is in critical condition tonight after being lifted to the medical center in walnut creek. >> both occupants of the flight had left the airport earlier that morning. they had flown into nevada and were making the return flight. both of the occupants of the plane are marin county residents. dion: ntsb and faa investigators are looking into the cause of that crash. a string of cell phone robberies the last two weeks have targeted women in some san francisco neighborhoods. police records examined by our media partners at the san francisco standard shows there were 22 robberies between june 23 and july 4. 15 of those 22 targeted women, and nearly a dozen were connected to a single group of teens. so far, there has been one arrest and police say that suspect is juvenile. the robberies happened in soma, tenderloin, union square. two of the victims also told the standard they tracked their
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phones to a flea market in oakland. new developments in the war in ukraine. president biden this week is in europe, expected to attend a nato summit. that is where nato members will discuss the situation in ukraine, including a for changing war jackets -- tactics to defend against russian aggression. cluster bombs have been banned by two thirds of nato members because they cause too many civilian casualties. >> we know what takes place in terms of cluster bombs. they are dangerous to civilians. they do not always immediately explode. children could step on them. that is a line we should not cross. dion: president biden will first meet with king charles in the u.k. and british prime minister rishi sunak. lake tahoe is once again re-claiming clear visibility in its waters thanks to an environmental shift.
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scientists say invasive shrimp inside the waters are clearing, making room for other helpful creatures. those animals are eating algae and other particles, which in return is restoring clarity. tahoe's visibility has increased from 53 feet to 71 feet the past three years, and in 20, the visibility increased to 80 feet, a level not seen since 1988. senate majority leader chuck schumer is calling on food and drug administration to investigate the amount of caffeine in certain energy drinks. today, schumer accused prime energy drinks of targeting children, even though the drinks have more than double the caffeine in a can of rebel were six times more caffeine in a can of coke. >> a lot of parents may have never heard of it, but the kids have, because prime is advertising campaign aimed at kids, even though kids are not supposed to drink this much caffeine. dion: prime on its website
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states that its energy drink's are not recommended for children under 18, women who are pregnant or nursing, or individual sensitive to caffeine. now to an epic summer project put on by students in palo alto. by harnessing the power of the sun, they are hoping it will get them a win at one of the country's from your high school competitions. dustin dorsey got up with the team before their solar powered cars raced from texas to california. dustin: the newest car on streets of the south bay has a mass speed of 60 miles per hour. it is fully solar powered and able to travel 200 miles on one charge. did we mention it is completely built by high school students? >> i would never have thought a group of high schoolers could come together and become like a family and create a car that can go across states, but we are about to do it. dustin: meets the palo alto solar racing club, a small but mighty group of students from
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palo alto high who are innovators behind the solar powered car. completely made from scratch, this team has been working 12 hour days over the summer to develop and build this card to withstand a cross-country trip. >> it has been a process of struggles trying to go from a prototype and ideas to bringing it to real-life. there are struggles along the way. as long as you are able to work together with your team, you can pull through. dustin: we were there for the final day of production before the team is off to dallas, texas to compete in the 30th annual solar powered car challenge. students from across the country have built solar powered cars from scratch to complete a race from texas to california. >> we happen working for months on this project and we have been so proud of ourselves to be able to drive there or bring it there and drive it back. dustin: i imagine the real prize would be to see this team, follow it through in a short amount of time to make it happen. >> absolutely.
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that would be the best thing for the steam to see their work make it. or bring weeks ago, we were not sure if we could complete the car, and now are we are taking it to dallas. dustin: they plan to take their win back to their home state of california. >> i was helpful in the beginning, doubtful in the middle, but now we are almost there. dustin: if the team passes their safety evaluations in dallas, they will embark on the race beginning july 16. dion: the team will be arriving in texas tomorrow afternoon before they start racing a week from today. good luck. still ahead on abc7news, a rodeo to remember. or highlights from the sold-out show in the east bay and the importance behind. spencer: i am spencer christian. this is a calm night across the bay area as we prepare for a july heat wave. the details coming up when we return.
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if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you.
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dion: in the east bay, people sink their teeth into a feast today. the latin food f place in alameda, celebrating the community through food. >> bringing people together through a dish, it is a great where it -- great way to share left because the time and process is straining sometimes, so to create a dishes -- a delicious dish takes motivation and a lot of times that is love. dion: that is the best. the event features dishes from all over the caribbean, central, and south america served with a side of face tech olivia. today in japan town, they held their annual celebration of cultural arts at japan century east mall. >> the chill of your spine. cicadas called in
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what is your true name? dion: the festival featured musicians, performances, workshops, and traditional food as well. attendees got a chance to participate in activities and hands-on demonstrations. today's event was the final of celebrations in the week of celebrate japan in san francisco. and the bill pigot rodeo wrapped up the last day of its sold-out tort in castro valley today. rodeo celebrates and honors cowboys and cowgirls of all ages for their contributions. it travels across the country while educating everyone on black western heritage. it focuses on cows while entertaining a crowd of all ages. i learned a lot just from this one story. spencer: there was diversity in the old west. it was not celebrated then, but we can celebrate now. dion: absolutely.
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spencer: july is making up for lost time, now starting to get hot. these are the forecast headlines. we will have drizzle developing. sunnier and warmer tomorrow afternoon than the weekend, and we can expect sizzling summer heat by the end of this week. overnight as the clouds get thicker, we will see overnight lows in the mid 50's. tomorrow, a sunnier day than we have had the last couple of days, and a warmer one as well with temperatures reaching the low to mid 80's inland, up to 60 on the coast. accuweather 7-day forecast. over 100 degrees in the hottest inland spots. up to nearly 90 degrees around the bay shoreline. we do have a heat wave coming our way and we have asking for warmer weather, so here it comes. dion: we have been complaining about the cold and the rain too. that's get to chris alvarez with a preview of sports.
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chris: coming up in sports, the u.s. women's soccer team with a world cup sendoff in san jose. plus, cp three arrives in las come on. ideas, people. ♪ spicy sauced and loaded chicken sando, curly fries, taco, sprite... and a baked brownie. ya dig? i was just gonna say that. same. snoop dogg: my munchie meal, only at jack in the box. [sneezes] can a can of lysol take care of my snotty sofa? can-do mildewy tiles? can-do - these? - yup, it's the can-do can. nothing kills more germs on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray.
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[bones cracking] ♪ (tense music) ♪ one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? at denny's, we're celebrating baconalia. with new creations starring black label® thick cut cherrywood bacon. ready to satisfy your bacon obsession? at denny's... it's diner time. and now, rewards members get 2 free strips of our new premium bacon for a limited time. 7 day old tuna casserole! how'd you know that?! even my nose is strong! you need hefty ultra strong! it has arm & hammer continuous odor control! hefty! hefty! hefty! oh, and uhhh... toby needs a bath! stay one step ahead of stinky.
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♪ [children playing outside] reynolds wrap makes it easy to cook and clean up meals in no time. ♪ [food sizzle] so i don't miss all the fun stuff. [whoosh] [splash] easy prep, cook and clean. with reynolds wrap. hey, snoop. wrong commercial. where we going, jack? now that's a munchie meal. you could also swap that ultimate cheeseburger for a spicy chicken sandwich. for real? for real. for real? uh, yeah. for real. snoop dogg: build your own munchie meal. only at jack in the box.
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for children fighting critical illness, you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪ >> abc 7 sports, sponsored by river rock casino. chris: here is your first look at chris paul with a warriors jersey. espn broadcast sharing this photo from the warriors of their future hall of famer. paul was later courtside with stephen curry. the stars were out in las vegas. number three pete scoot scoot henderson and teammates. there is no doubt the trade for paul is a win now move as the warriors look to extend this championship window for as long as possible. staff joined the youth can broadcast during the game tonight. >> he has a defined skill set for what he has done his whole
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career. that is why he is one of the best players and the way he sees the game and how it will fit in with the teams he has elevated throughout his career. though we are trying to get back to the top. how it will look, we will see, but we are all committed to winning. that is the building -- beauty of how we are built. chris: to the pelicans, steph and steve sharing a lap. jace johnson for the hammer. he had 10 assists, warriors down one. johnson returns the favor. it was a rebound shy of a triple double and would have been just the third player to do that. can you lead the way. the warriors lose 94086. the spurs head coach all smiles watching the nice bounceback from the number one overall pick, the 7'4" pick.
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23 blocks against the blazers, 9-14 down the field. >> with the sixth pick of the 2023 mlb draft, the oakland athletics select jacob wilson, a shortstop from grand union university. chris: the mlb draft beginning tonight in seattle. the a's selected jacob wilson. that is actually grand canyon university. he played 12 years in the majors for three teams. wilson's most impressive stat, he has always struck out 12 times in two years of college. >> it is a dream come true. this has been in the making for a long time now, and hearing my name called out, i am super thankful for my family and friends who have supported me. >> with the 16th pick of the
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2023 mlb draft, the san francisco giants select bryce eldridge, eight two wing player, from james madison high school in virginia. chris: for the second straight year, the giants take a two wing player. bryce eldridge, from virginia, the top two player in the draft. he grew up idolizing bryce harper when he played for d.c. it is the first time the giants have picked a highschooler in this round since 2017. >> with the 12th pick of the 2023 draft, the arizona diamondbacks select tommy try, a shortstop from stanford university. chris: tommy overall in the first round by the arizona diamondbacks he led the cardinals with a .3 batting average, helping lead the cardinals to the world series.
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u.s. women taking on wales. there world cup sendoff match in paypal park in san jose. how it away like her dad and rebounds in the lead. next stop, world cup play in australia and new zealand. gold cup quarterfinals since the u.s. meant taking on canada. scoreless in the 88th minute. jones will cross it and brandon basque as kicks at home, but this went to the pk's that were tied at 2-2. how will scores, giving an advantage and later in penalties, canon needs the score to survive. the shop goes off the crossbar and the u.s. advances 3-2 on penalties. they will play against panama in san diego next. dion: thank you very much.
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a reminder that you can watch all of our newscasts live and on-demand through the abc 7 bay area connected tv app. it is available for apple tv and google tv, along with amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and start streaming for free. that is all the time we have for this edition of abc7news at 11:00. the news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00. for all of this here, thanks for joining us. taking a live look outside at what looks to be a clear night. have a great evening and we will see you in the morning.
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12:00 am


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