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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 20, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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ng could hit a wall. that's not the door. i got it! belvita breakfast biscuits are baked with slow-release carbs and provides steady morning energy to help you rise and thrive. >> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. kumasi: breaking news president biden making a surprise visit to ukraine. his message of unity with the ukrainian president after renewed concerns about chinese involvement. reggie: oakland's oldest black church went up in flames overnight. the fight to get the flames under control. kumasi: and the outage that knocked out power to much of oakland, including the airport, and the work to get the lights back on. reggie: good morning, it's
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february 20. kumasi: is it going to be cool and nice? drew: very nice, very warm. enjoy your weather. it is chilly for the morning, but not one of the coldest mornings we have had in recent memory. the afternoon is going to be gorgeous. live look at the east bay hills camera. sunny skies in the low 60's by lunchtime. temperatures continuing to warm into the upper 60's and lower 70's later this afternoon but changes are afoot tomorrow. it will go into effect and dragon the cool air, we will talk about that in a few minutes. reggie: thank you. president biden meeting with volodymyr zelenskyy days before the anniversary of the war with russia. jobina: the bold visit to kyiv comes as the city has been under the threat of missile attacks. he met with presiden zelensky and the first lady in a display
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of strong american support just days before the one year mark of the invasion. >> no doubt, none that you have support. jobina: his next poland. the white house says he will meet with the polish president tomorrow and deliver a speech condemning the war in ukraine. the trip comes amid a stark warning to china. >> we have information that gives us concerned that they are considering providing lethal support to russia in the war against ukraine. it was important for me to make it clear that this would be a serious problem. jobina: ukraine is also asking for more weapons from the west, including f-16 fighter jets. presiden zelensky said that his military is already preparing for the next counter attack from russian forces in that biden's
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visit brings them closer to victory. reggie: thousands of -- kumasi: thousands of customers in oakland are still without power. lena howland joins us with the latest. lena: the power outages because they frustrating ripple effect across oakland yesterday, not only wiping out power for homes and businesses, throwing a wrench in traffic. starting with a outage this hour, you can see there are still more than 8500 people in the oakland area waking up without power this morning. this is still a major improvement from the height of the outages yesterday. 50,000 customers lost power just before 1:00 in the afternoon after a transformer caught fire at apg&e substation. outages stretched from the oakland hills to the alameda border. including the oakland international airport.
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social media video shows tsa halting check ins after the power went out temporarily shutting down services. many people saying that they were delayed before they even arrived in oakland. >> they boarded half the flight and we were the last ones on so they were like we will just not put you on the airport -- airplane right now. we waited there for a little longer and got over here and they got the power running and everything. lena: official cause is still under investigation and that cruz have to examine the damaged transformer to figure out how the fire started. according to our last check of the power outage map, power is expected to be restored by noon today. live in the newsroom, lena howland. kumasi: oakland firefighters this morning are investigating the cause of a three alarm fire at the oldest black church in
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the area. on telegraph avenue. the pastor spoke about the church and its history. >> this church served -- is about the people of the community, the people of the east bay the people who love oakland. it has a strong, rich history. i'm at a loss for words. i don't know what to say. i feel like it's a bad dream. kumasi: in a tweet around 3:00 this morning firefighters said they were still working to put out the fire and looking for additional hotspots. 60 firefighters were on the scene. no one was hurt. reggie: police in the south bay investigating an attack caught on camera. the victim we are told is the second street vendor to be attacked in the last week. >> carlos sanchez is the father of a family of four. he comes to work every day so he has money to feed them. he even showed up on sunday, the
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day after he was attacked. >> get out of here. get out of here. leave. get out of here. >> in this video he is taunted and threatened, allegedly by an employee of a nearby auto parts store. the employee trashes his pickup truck with a baseball bat and >> are you ready? go, go. you want to do that? let's do that. >> take it easy, sir. [speaking spanish] >> sanchez says he was scared and describes the man who hit him as not being in his right state of mind. >> try to take it easy. >> police arrested the man, he's charged with assault with a deadly weapon. sanchez says he doesn't know him or why he attacked him.
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sanchez has been cooking at this corner for the past six months and makes about $50 a day and says he is not on the auto shop property and that he never interfered with customers. >> this guy is just super brave, you know? he showed up today, he was literally just attacked with a bat. >> the ceo of celebration nation advocates for the legal rights of latino communities across california and she says she's glad he is speaking up. >> he filed the police report. the attacker is now in jail. our latino indigenous community has always been overlooked when it comes to the struggles they face. >> his video has gone viral after police encouraged him to post it to help identify the attacker. the auto shop did not respond to requests for comment. abc7news. reggie: the attack that you just saw happened days after another
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vendor was attacked in san jose. a man caught on camera assaulting a food vendor outside and sap center. he was -- the man who attacked was making a demand for a free hot dog. there have been no arrests in that case. kumasi: coming up, more support for the fire and oakland police -- for the oakland police chief. reggie: and bikers banding together, how they are going on despite recent attacks targeting them. drew: 6:08 a.m. on this holiday, it's gorgeous. we are enjoying springlike warmth. the wind ramps up here tomorrow. wind advisory getting a lot colder. chances for showers this week.
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drew: a live look at san jose with mainly clear skies, sunrises happening on doppler seven across california, where it is looking quite nice today. high pressure is in control, creating sunny skies and warm temperatures later today. future weather, hour-by-hour at 9 a.m. we are in the upper 40's to lower 50's and by noon most of us are already in the low 60's. want to grab a meal outside? it's a nice day to do it. later this afternoon our warmest city is getting in the upper 60's to lower 70's and it will feel quite nice this afternoon. tomorrow we are going to have an issue with the wind. by 2 p.m. you can see the wind gusts are up to 30 to 50 miles per hour if not higher. a wind advisory in effect tomorrow in the wind will eventually grab some cold air on wednesday, thursday, and friday.
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closer look at that coming up in nine minutes. jobina: yes, due to the holiday for the most part traffic is light but we have a couple of things to talk about in terms of mass transit. if you are traveling between rockbridge and were lafayette station, east bay, heads up to you. do to track upgrades on bart, you are looking at a 30 minute delay and you will need to take a bus. they are not running a train through that section. lots of modified schedules today . big ones to talk about, ac transit operating on a sunday schedule. uni, saturday schedule. bart, saturday schedule as well. as far as the roadways are concerned the major closure will be in sunil until 5 a.m. tomorrow northbound 680 and castlewood drive, closed. reggie? reggie: still ahead bay city set to put foot patrols back into keep people safe.
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and fans running for cover when a marquee falls down after a popular sailing event. live look outside, it's 6:12. live look outside, it's 6:12. trying to control my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ enough was enough. i talked to an asthma specialist and found out my severe asthma is driven by eosinophils, a type of asthma nucala can help control. now, fewer asthma attacks and less oral steroids that's my nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. talk to your asthma specialist to see if once-monthly nucala may be right for you.
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reggie: last week. the dismissal came one month after the mayor placed some unpaid leave. a federal monitor report questions the lack of response around the alleged misconduct. armstrong released a statement on friday claiming that he did nothing wrong. today's rally is set for 10 a.m.. this meek -- this week oakland police will begin foot patrols for the first time two years.
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a sergeant and six officers will be walking neighborhoods across shopping district across the city. they are using a federal rent in matching funds to pay for the patrols. cyclists in the east bay banding together after a recent series of targeted attacks using a techniques known as dohring. >> the more stronger we are. >> hundreds of cyclists showed unity and strength with a group ride across oakland. advocates say that some of it has been caught on -- cam video. two dozen cyclists said they were targeted last week and oakland, berkeley, and emeryville. 14 were hit, to with separate injuries. an oakland cyclist says she went to the hospital with bruises and a deep cut above her eye after a driver doored her. >> it was just door open, i'm on the ground.
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they drove away as soon as they hit me and i heard them laughing. >> the oakland police department says they are investigating at least one of the collisions and are looking for witnesses. kumasi: jimmy carter is now receiving at home end of life hospice care. the church where he taught sunday school for decades marked his poignant absence this weekend. the 9 -- 90-year-old former president has taught in his hometown since the 1980's and on saturday his nonprofit said that he decided to receive hospice care at home after a series of short stays in the hospital. tributes are pouring in for him, including from president biden. he wrote that he and his family are sending prayers and love, adding that we admire you for your strength and humility in difficult times. emotional video showing a moment a young boy who was deaf his family speak for the first time. >> hi.
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>> hi. [laughter] >> i love you. kumasi: that is four-year-old sawyer. his genetic disorder causes early hearing loss in kids. the family set up a gofundme for him and his younger brother, who was diagnosed with the same syndrome. the mom said that he had the biggest smile once he heard them talking. reggie: an adorable little boy. kumasi: it's sweet. i love this. yes, technology. yes, innovation. it really can change people's lives. now what is this talking about rain, cold, and snow coming? drew: it's going to be freezing for a lot of us. freezing in the morning. mother nature is like hey, it's still winter, we are doing it one more time. but enjoy today. it feels nice.
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bask in the warmth. a member how it feels. because by thursday you won't want to go outside. kumasi: and then by the weekend it will be warm again? drew: yeah. southbay, a little bit of sunshine. sunny and springlike for the holiday today but tomorrow the wind picks up. we have a wind advisory in effect bringing in some cold weather. wednesday, thursday, friday we have showers at times with rain mixing in with snow on the highest peaks but today it is above average. upper 60's, low 70's under sunny skies. tonight the cloudy conditions with temperatures in the low to mid 40's. future trak temperatures, the wind picks up tomorrow and it feels cooler by the afternoon. mid to upper 50's for a lot of us. wednesday, upper 40's to lower 50's. 30's right now, looking to be the coldest day we've had this week and with good reason.
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43 in san rafael. 46 in oakland. it comes with a chance for some precipitation. wednesday, thursday, friday, scattered light showers to watch for. in the sierra we will have heavy snow at times. thursday into early friday morning, rain mixing with friday morning you could see a dusting of snow, so watch out for that. rainfall estimates will add up throughout the week with most of these showers pretty light. the accuweather forecast showing the springtime today. windy tomorrow with cold temperatures later this week. we track those level 1 storms on wednesday, thursday, and friday, guys. reggie: ginger zee -- kumasi: ginger zee has more on what's coming up. >> we
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news, president biden's surprise trip to ukraine. it's been one year since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion. our team is live in ukraine and has more on where the president is headed next. and then we have the latest on the toxic train derailment in ohio. fema is on the ground with a lot of questions to be answered. and recently laid-off workers are using tiktok to tell their story, give advice, and find their next job. and we also have dwayne the rock johnson, winner of the daytona 500, and jonathan majors. they are all joining us live. you should, too. reggie: kumasi is really excited about jonathan majors. kumasi: and the rock. quite a show. reggie: ginger, every time his name, i had the last story where jonathan rager's -- jonathan majors was mentioned, kumasi was off-camera and she did an entire silent dance. [laughter] >> keep talking.
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it's reggie: apparently, that was her business and i shouldn't have told it. but it was really cute. >> thing is, i know it is flipped on you. when it's mariah carey, or and try to think, reggie is over there. kumasi: madonna? reggie: it's true. [laughter] reggie: and you don't tell on me, so all right. ok. i put it out there. ginger, thank you for that
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kumasi: police in new orleans are investigating after another mass shooting this time disrupting a pre-mardi gras celebration. investigators say at least five people were shot during the parade last night. two victims included a child and a woman. they are all in the hospital this money. police also announcing one person has been detained and it appears the threat is over.
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>> with the help of our partners we were able to quickly apprehend the subject we believe was responsible for this. this was not something we wanted to see. we wanted it to be a safe mardi gras and we continue to work towards that end. kumasi: tomorrow is mardi gras and it new orleans are seeing a norm us crowds. classes resuming today at michigan state university one week after the mass shooting that left three people dead and five others hurt. the provost says the community is still in shock and grief. >> familiar, interacting with people who are familiar, it's helpful in the process of healing and grieving. kumasi: he says there will be counseling and psychiatric services for students and faculty members. the classes have been moved from two buildings that will stay closed for the rest of the semester and that there are thorough systems in place for security, the gunmen died by sir
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-- suicide and it's still not clear why he targeted michigan state. four of the five injured students are still in the hospital in critical condition. a pennsylvania treasure hunter claims the government dug up gold from the civil war and is now covering it up. he says that years ago he detected a possible trove of grow -- gold and silver buried underground that could be worth millions and he says his tip to the fbi in 2018 ended in a secret dig in the middle of the night that he didn't even know about. >> i went back with my equipment the day after they dug and we didn't get no more gold or silver readings. i will never stop. i will stick with this until the end until i know everything that happened to that gold. kumasi: the dispute has turned into a legal battle. previous court filings acknowledge that the team from the fbi was sent to do testings but didn't find anything. the judge will be deciding whether the fbi needs to operate
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further. high wind causing big problems or one of the world's biggest sailing events in sydney. fans were shown running from the scene as sales crashed into a marquee and it fell to the ground. several boats were damaged. ankle he no one was seriously hurt. but some of the competitors said this was the strongest wind they had ever experienced. the same sailing event is coming to san francisco in may. next at 6:30 the latest threat from the korean peninsula. north korea firing multiple missiles. we continue to follow the latest from eastern europe where biden made a surprise trip to the war zone. outside right now at 6:20 se we will be right back.
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>> building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions, this is abc 7 news. reggie:
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americans stand with you and the world stands with you. president biden making a surprise trip to ukraine. his message to the world. kumasi: home prices dropping across the bay area. what it means if you are trying to buy or rent. reggie: thinking about traveling for spring break? you are not alone. the tips for snagging the best deals on flights. kumasi: good morning, everyone. reggie: i check on your forecast, should be a nice one. drew: gorgeous later this afternoon. starting out right now in the upper 30's to mid 40's. a bit of a chill. in the past few weeks we've had a lovely picture from the tower this morning. cloudy skies with calm conditions. a sunny day, 60's away from the coast by lunchtime. the afternoon, upper 60's to lower 70's and the warmest spots. but changes are coming tomorrow. first a wind advisory with gusty conditions tomorrow afternoon and then cold weather settles
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in. we will talk about it, coming up. kumasi: biden made a high risk and unannounced trip to ukraine as russia continues to attack the region. he urges china not ammunition to the russians. >> president biden wrapping up and announced trip to kyiv, meeting with volodymyr zelenskyy and the first lady in a display of strong american support for ukraine just four days ahead of the one-year anniversary of the invasion of the country. >> be any doubt about u.s. support for ukraine. >> his high-risk trip coming amid a new start morning to china. >> we
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concern that they are considering providing lethal support. >> antony his chinese counterpart this weekend. >> it was important to share that this would be a serious problem. >> lindsey crossing the line could be the most catastrophic thing to ever happen to u.k. -- two u.s. beijing relations. this as ukraine asks for more help from the west in lindsey graham pressuring the u.s. to handed over. it could be a major escalation of u.s. support to the war. >> let's make sure that we beat him in ukraine. >> rockland, seeing months of attacks, ukrainian defenses resisting forces. the ukrainian president saying that his military is already preparing for the next counterattack in the western
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part of donetsk. president biden's a was shrouded in secrecy. he's expected to travel to poland, next, delivering remarks condemning the war in ukraine. kumasi: fire ripping through an abandoned building over the weekend and now investigators say that squatters cause. the building had been vacant for a while now and it is the second fire to break out there in as many months. >> it was pretty vacant but we know that this is a place where on housed people have sought shelter. at this point it is a place we have -- where we are very much trying to keep everyone out. it's getting more dangerous at this point. kumasi: the chief says she's hoping the building will that -- will eventually be torn down.
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they are still figuring out why that fire started. reggie: new developments on the toxic train derailment in ohio. pete buttigieg is demanding the train company not supercharge profits by resisting higher standards that could benefit workers. we have more now on how the community is responding. jobina: the ceo of the train company visited ohio and said he is deeply sorry and promised to "do the right things." it happened two weeks ago, starting a fire that burned for days, prompting officials to carry out a controlled explosion and the ntsb says that 11 derailed cars were carrying hazardous material. one more than previously reported. in a facebook post the mayor wrote that the cleanup is going well but it will be ongoing for the foreseeable future. >> my kids will never play in our backyard again. i will never fear -- never --
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never feel comfortable in my home again. jobina: the epa says the air and water is safe but experts say the monitoring equipment may not provide enough information saying that the fire in the explosion could have formed dioxins that can cause cancer. two ohio state senators have co-authored a letter calling for the epa to monitor dioxins in the area. reggie: community members -- kumasi: community members gathering for a visual to remember the bishop killed in his home in los angeles. the sheriffs's office has not ruled out -- has not -- given any details. he is being described as a peacemaker who worked with many people, immigrants to victims of gang violence. so far there is no information on potential suspects. reggie: south korean officials say that north korea has fired two more ballistic missiles that hit the waters on the east coast of the peninsula this morning.
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north korea fired a long-range missile just a day earlier. in response, south korea and the u.s. have engaged in joint air drills and defense officials say that none of the launches pose an immediate threat to americans or allies. kumasi: antony blinken is an turkey meeting with a group called the white helmets who are hurting with search, rescue, and recovery operations after the recent attacks in -- earthquakes in turkey and syria. he took a tour of some of the hardest hit areas and announced the u.s. is giving more money to help the people affected by the earthquakes. >> assistance poured in immediately for housing, water, food, and medicine. all of that in the immediate days following the earthquake. today i can announce that we will be bringing in another $300
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million to assist those who are so desperately in need. kumasi: private nongovernment organizations have donated another $66 million in response so far. reggie: thousands of customers and east bay are still without power this morning after headaches in oakland and alameda yesterday. lena howland has the latest on that. rick: power out -- lena: outages impacting traffic across oakland, halting the traffic in and out of the airport. because of the extensive damage, thousands are still without power this morning. starting with a look at the outages at this hour, you can see there are still more than 8500 people in the oakland area waking up in the dark without power this morning. still, this is aajor improvement from the height of the outages yesterday after a transformer caught fire at apg&e power substation. >> we have had other transformers and things of that
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nature go out in the past throughout the city. this, even for pg&e, it's a significant amount of customers out of service. they said they have to wait to be able to really look at the equipment to realize and try to figure out what the cause of the fire was. wiped out power to 50,000 customers across oakland is still under investigation at this time. oakland fire says they have to examine the damaged transformer to figure out just how it started. according to a last check of the outage map, power is expected to be restored around noon today. lena howland, abc 7 news. reggie: thank you. governor newsom issued a day of remembrance for the japanese-american evacuation. in san francisco the national japanese-american historic society held an event at grace united church, marking 80 one years since president roosevelt
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signed the executive order 9066 that resulted in 120,000 american citizens incarcerated during world war ii because of their japanese ancestry. kumasi: bay area homes selling for less than asking prices for the first time in 10 years. they have been 1% to 2% below asking price. last year home prices peaked at record highs. redfin says the reasons are the increasing mortgage rates and the exodus out of the bay area as many companies embrace remote work. homes are staying on the market for much longer, average 45 days. reggie: winter weather for parts of the bay area. could see snow later in the week thanks to a storm system arriving tomorrow. storm and snow levels will drop, down to 1500 feet, we could see a light dusting of snow on the higher peaks. still to come, a warm season in full swing. and the big winners at the
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bathtub that could give us an idea on what to expect from the oscars. kumasi: and when brittney could be ready to return to the court. stay with us on abc 7 at 7:00. we are live weekdays, 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., you can download it now. drew: 6:40 this morning, rooftop camera, partly cloudy skies to start out the day. we will have mild weather again this afternoon. similar to yesterday. california live doppler 7, we will see average temperatures in abundance. future temperatures by 9:00 a.m. , upper 40's to lower 50's, midday in the lower 60's and the lowest spots, warming as the afternoon goes on. santa rosa, c into the low later today. most of us will top out in the mid to upper 60's later today.
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today for president's day expect mostly sunny skies with mild temperatures, 64 in the city. now a very comfortable degrees. the same for concord and antioch. tomorrow the wind will rapidly ramp up by 2 p.m. with future trak showing us wind 30 to 50 miles per hour if not higher than that on the coast, dragging into the cold weather. today enjoy the sunshine and springlike warmth. then we are cold with scattered showers on wednesday. closer look at that storm coming up in about nine minutes. how's the traffic on this holiday? jobina: five camera, look at how light it is on the richmond-san rafael bridge. everything is pretty smooth for the most part but i will get to those mass transit hick in just a moment. bart, if you are commuting between the rockbridge and
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lafayette stations, the train is not running there because of the track upgrades. you should be expecting a 30 minute delay. if you rely on any other form of mass transit in the bay area, we have different modified services. muni is on a saturday schedule today. merck also running on the saturday schedule as well. another major road closure to talk about in sunil, northbound 680, on castle wolf drive this will be shut down until tomorrow morning at 5 a.m. due with reliable covid-19 results in just 15 minutes, everyone is making room for binaxnow in their medicine cabinet. do we still need these pregnancy tests? (kids yell and giggle, a dog barks and a vase breaks)
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yeah, no. out with the old, in with the #1 covid-19 self test in the us. with the same technology doctors use to test for covid-19. binaxnow when i was his age, we had to be inside to watch live sports. but with xfinity, we get the fastest mobile service and can stream down the street or around the block! hey, can you be less sister, more car? all right, let's get this over with. switch to xfinity mobile and get the best price for 2 lines of unlimited. just $30 a line per month. i should get paid more for this. you get paid when you win. from xfinity. home of the 10g network. - bedtime!! - bedtime. ♪
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i love bedtime. the thin, sweet bite to end the night. oreo thins. in las vegas, the most popular food is broccoli. the thin, sweet bite yeah, that's the only food. they have broccoli smoothies, and broccoli pancakes, and broccoli ice cream, and broccoli hotdogs, and of course, they have raw unseasoned broccoli..... with stems. -daddy, i don't want to go to las vegas with you and mommy tomorrow. oh, are you sure? are you sure you don't want to go, it will be so much fun! kumasi: four people recovering after an accident inside the american dream mall in new jersey. a large decorative helicopter fell from the ceiling into the swimming pool below while people
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are in the water. one of the four people had to be taken to the hospital. the rest of the injured left on their own. police say the waterpark was evacuated after this happened. reggie: brittney griner returning to the basketball court. she spent russian detention last year and was arrested for marijuana possession while playing in russia during the off-season. she was released during a prison swap in december. kumasi: travel is ramping up as we get closer to spring and the tsa is expecting crowded airports. domestic flight prices are averaging 260 four dollars, up 20% from last year and up 5% compared to before the pandemic. airfare has's -- deadly been dropping since it peaked last may but it -- experts say that doesn't mean that flights will
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be cheaper. they say the later you wait to book, the more you have to pay. reggie: a new online shopping app, the most downloaded in the country. first introduced to americans last weekend during the super bowl, storing everything from home goods to apparel and electronics at low prices. the company says the app has been downloaded 24 million times since it was launched in september and has 11 million monthly active users and hopes to expand to canada soon. metta will begin testing a subscription service allowing instagram and facebook users to pay to get a verified check mark. the ceo mark zuckerberg says that meta starts at $12 a month. other countries will follow after it launches in australia and new zealand. they will allow users to verify their accounts to get that blue verified badge. kumasi: you are one step closer
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to the oscars. a list celebrities crossed the pond for the british academy film awards. not just hollywood royalty made headlines. here's will ganss. >> the bathtub for for the greatest love tap on the backside, prince william and prince kate. the statement honest -- sustainability with 27 other earrings. the theme of money-saving secrets throughout the night. >> this is top secret. all show business people use the same netflix account. [laughter] >> the british academy of film and television art awards hitting all the right notes. elvis leading man austin butler taking home best actor. >> i want to thank family. i can't thank you enough for your love and for sharing with
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me who elvis truly was. i hope i have made you proud. >> best actress went to cate blanchett. >> it belongs to my family. thank you so much for letting me go. this was really, it did take a lot. it took me away from you and enormous a lot. in norma's a lot? i don't know what that means but that was the state i was in. >> all quiet on the western front scored seven awards, breaking the record for most awards won by a film not in english. sweeping the supporting actor actress categories, the banshees of inis aaron actors that up in 13 homes in the foster care system in ireland. >> for the kids in the area i came from, thank you. >> helen mirren leading a
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special tribute to queen elizabeth the second. >> you were our nation's leading star. on behalf of bathtub, thank you for all that you have done for our film and television industry. >> will ganss, new york. kumasi: counting down to the 95th oscars, we are less than three weeks away. we will see who wins sunday, mark 12, only here on abc. airbags, not just for cars anymore. reggie: airbag genes for motorcyclists? this swedish company these inflatable genes to break a fall. they are made from resistant and water repellent fabric. the cartridge can be replaced after it has been used.
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it will be available to order later this month. drew: looks like a procedure gone wrong. reggie: normally you have to go to brazil to get that. it really does. drew: i could see a use if you are a motorcyclist and you take a tumble. kumasi: anything to protect. reggie: it's giving me incredible's. drew: very much. reggie: very specific body type. why not just wear hip pads? had it out, girl? drew: look fierce and be safe. [laughter] reggie: give us a silhouette. drew: fancy. reggie: and don't hurt yourself. [laughter] drew: they look great and they are safe. motorcycle pants. motorcycle fans? [laughter] in santa cruz this morning, we
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love a safety first queen. we are just going to see a gorgeous holiday for president'' day. springlike with temperatures. tomorrow the wind picks up, it turns much colder. showers later in the weekend at times the rain mixes and with snow. sunshine, mid 60's. well above average. partly cloudy skies with temperatures in the low to mid 40's. tuesday it starts mid to upper 50's. even colder weather settling in on wednesday and especially thursday. thursday, these are your afternoon highs. low to mid 40's for a lot of us. coming with a chance for showers. sitting over us this thursday and friday we have scattered showers in the forecast. i would say mount hamilton, even
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some of the higher peaks we might had a bit of snow mixing in with the rain. seven days in forecast, windy and turning cooler tomorrow with temperatures continuing to go downward. by thursday, continuing into the 40's with a wintry mix. wet and chilly on friday. drying out over the weekend. reggie: thank you. for the 31st straight time, a marvel cinematic universe movie debuts that number one. antman and the wasp, quantummania, the best antman lark -- launch ever. coming up on gma, jonathan majors will be live in times square talking about his film and other upcoming projects. disney is of course a parent company to marvel and abc 7. kumasi: rita wilson getting engaged to her fiancé, ramona, at disneyland, the same place
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they went public with their relationship in june. she has also welcomed a daughter this year through her surrogate last november. a gear. -- big year. a dog lovers competition brought out pet lovers in rio de janeiro. some of them matching with their furry friends. they call themselves the most democratic and inclusive party anywhere reggie: that dog. above a lake in canada, if photographer noticed vibrant and and green colors across the nights sky and he knew about ahead of time in had been waiting patiently for the views to come in and boy, did they. he shared his stunning sights on
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twitter. saying they shifted as if they were swaying dressed -- swaying gracefully. now he's a poet? can we talk about raul wilson for a second and i like how she's coming out as a disney adult. as a fellow disney adult, i feel like i'm in alliance with her. we have to stand together. we have been attacked. kumasi: have you? [laughter] reggie: many times. yes, the internet has come for us. we are marching. thank you, thank you. we will get engaged at disneyland. not on my watch. [laughter] i'm an adult and i'm an adult and i meeting at sureos. -- eating a churro. you can watch our newscasts live and on demand through the abc 7 bay area tv app, all you have to do is download it and start
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streaming us. kumasi: since we had to break, look at this reggie: beauty. -- this beauty.
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kumasi: here are the seven things to know this morning. president biden making and announced trip to ukraine days before the anniversary of the
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russian invasion. he met with president volodymyr zelenskyy. he announced additional half billion dollars in assistance. reggie: thousands remain without power at a pg&e substation yesterday leaving 50,000 in the dark in oakland and alameda. kumasi: a oakland under investigation this morning. flames roque out at the first african-american methodist episcopal church at 11:00 last night. reggie: the oakland naacp will rally with community leaders to support recently fired police chief armstrong. armstrong continues to deny any wrongdoing. drew: we have a sunny day. temperatures climbing into the 60's if not low 70's later this afternoon as we take a look at the neck three days. changes start arriving tomorrow in the form of gusty winds with
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a wind advisory and then we track the showers on wednesday. jobina: our biggest issue in terms of the commute is going to be some delays on mass transit. there are three buses to replace the trains between rockbridge and lafayette in part due to track up grades. if you rely on mass transit for other parts of your commute, they are going to have some modified schedules. kumasi: number seven, a viral video showing pit bull and grayson riding a skateboard down the street in florida. got more than caterers. we got pit bull on skateboard. his owner taught him how to ride the electric skateboard but he also knows how to stop and make turns. reggie: how? jobina:jobina: i don't understand. i don't either, those are so hard to ride. drew: level surface.
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[laughter] jobina: you should try that with your dog. kumasi: so cute. [laughter] good morning, america, for our viewers in the west. president biden's surprise trip to ukraine nearly one year since russia invaded. breaking news. high-stakes trip. the president's first war zone visit, secretively touching down in kyiv, meeting with president zelenskyy. the strong show of support with the war entering a critical new phase as vladimir putin's forces ramp up their offense, and new concerns about the role china may play in the war. new provocation overnight. north korea firing two more missiles days after launching an intercontinental ballistic missile. tokyo now calling for an emergency u.n. security council
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