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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  January 6, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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a city council meeting underway right now. dion: the nth bay, river bla -- are brdan: one of the flood zones. dion: she joins us live with the situation. stephanie: water levels along the russian river will continue rising. the national weather service predicts it will impact most of this area as early as monday afternoon. if history repeats itself, the cars you see on the street to be underwater by tuesday night. it is the countdown to the crest. >> cleaning up the mess of three years of not flooding that we kind of got comfortable and had a bunch of stuff, and now we are realizing with life on a river,
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you've got to -- stephanie: his home nestled along the russian river may soon crwater by mondayftnoon. >> this looks like it is going to get up ready hi. -- pretty high. stephanie: are you scared? >> no, just a pain. stephanie: a pain the russian valley is used to from 2019. >> same pla. much stuff last time, though. stephanie: if history repeats itself, stuff that will soon be underwater. in 2019, streets in goethe villa turned into swamps, cars emerged in water with canoes as the main source of public transit.
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the mayor remembers it well. his legacy family business flooded out. no stranger to what is to come, he just hopes the days ahead will not be as bad as 1986. >> in 1986, it was over the roof of that building, so everything inside was kind of destroyed. stephanie: for him, that was hell and high water, a reality for the region tuesday night. a projected swampy scene of road closures. >> the bridge down there will be covered. stephanie: the fire chief is preparing for the worst, which could hit as early as monday night. >> at 38 feet, we have our major road closures. highway 116 west of duncanville, highway 116 coming out of doraville. stephanie: water levels along the russian river are hitting 20 feet right now.
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it is projected to crest at nearly 40 feet by tuesday night, so if that happens, larry and dion, jackie and i will not be standing on the ground here. we will have to be talking to you in a canoe, as that was the reality for residents back in 2019. larry: skip the canoe, just get to higher ground, please. stephanie: will do. thankfully not yet. larry: and at least they have had time to prepare. thank you, stephanie. most of the bay area, thankfully, is dry right now, but more rain is on the way. dion: to be honest, i am kind of sick of this. spencer, maybe you could tell us mother nature can spread things out. spencer: at this point, we will take what we can get. let's take a look at what is happening. not much in the way of rainfall right now except for a line of showers in the north bay. this level one storm is pretty much over. coming your way now is a stronger level two storm for
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saturday into sunday morning, producing showers and downpours, gusty winds. saturday afternoon and evening especially gusty. trees down, potentially. here is the forecast starting at 11:00 tonight. the storm is building offshore right now. between midnight and 8:00 a.m., that is going to surge onshore, producing heavy rainfall. it will get even heavier going into the afternoon and evening hours. saturday night we are going to get pounded by heavy rain going entirely sunday morning. it is our level two storm. good news for 49ers fans. looks like the storm will weaken enough to give us decent weather for the game. concerns are high for flooding on roads and also streams and creeks. there may be landslides, down, and some power outages. there is a level 3 storm coming after this, which is why we have a flood washington affect through tuesday -- flood watch in effect through tuesday. dion: the city of capitola is
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still reeling after waves devastated its popular village and wharf. the area is also bracing for more rain and the damage it may bring. zach fuentes joins us live in capitola, where people are getting ready there as well. zach: absolutely. we are talking to you right now from the city of capitola offices. the parts of the village that have been hit hardest, the power is out, and it is impacting our signal to come out to you live. one of the business owners we spoke with says the damage to his business is so bad, he cannot even begin to think about when he can reopen. new images from inside it capitola village business shows the devastating damage brought in by high surf thursday morning. this video shared with us by patrick, who owns bay bar and grill. >> i woke up and thought friday night i am going to go into work. no, that is not going to happen for a long time, maybe never. zach: he tells us on the
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nightmare began when he got a call around 8:30 this morning telling him the village is flooding. what he saw was unimaginable. >> everything blew my back windows out, waves coming in the bar. that has never happened. zach: de was sse th it got him a yellow tag, meaning he needs special permission fity to go in. some businesses have it even worse. this business is one of a couple that have a red tag, meaning it is not suitable for them to go inside. not even the venetian buildings have been spared. the colorful buildings help make the town iconic. crews have been cleaning it up. janel's home has been owned by her family since the 1970's. >> the sustained significant damage along the front. a whole front of one of the buildings was blasted in. zach: the other devastation that has captured attention has been to the capitola wharf.
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the pier split by waves. access to the businesses at the end blocked by now, though full assessment of the damage has to wait. >> the priority for us is getting residents and businesses back open. zach: patrick is not sure if he will get back going. >> the next phase of my life starts today. what do you do if you have lost your purpose? everything i have been working towards. zach: it is heartbreaking. happening right now is a special meeting of the city council for them to ratify their local emergency proclamations, something they say will help them extend their resources and possibly get state and federal help. that is being voted on right now. they are also hoping to lift the emergency evacuation order by later today. the places surrounding the businesses hit hardest by the waves. we will keep you posted on what happens. zach fuentes, abc7news.
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larry: can live look right now from our santa cruz tower cam. the waves a bit kolmar than yesterday. really big waves were crashing out of ocean beach in san francisco in pacifica. a lot of cleanup underway on parts of beach boulevard. gloria rodríguez talked with some people living nearby who did experience flooding. >> it went past the car and the wave went into the garage. reporter: huge waves crashed into her pacifica home thursday, flooding the first floor, all while she was inside. >> you can replace the objects. i just wanted to make sure that me, the neighbors, our cats were safe, and get out if i had to. gloria: who been capturing these images of waves slamming -- her husband capturing these images of waves slamming into her house, crashing onto the sidewalks and streets.
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their cars rocked by water. her next-door neighbors tell me their home also flooded. crews cleaning up this street near the p after the sloppy mess. many people i have talked to today cannot believe how big the waves are. >> it is beautiful to watch. you don't get an opportunity to see it like this very often. >> getting too close for comfort. gloria: with more rain in the forecast, there is hope this does not happen again. >> with 25, 30 foot waves, there was nothing you could do. the sandbags were not going to help. everything in perspective despite the stress she is feeling. >> overwhelming, but we are all still here. gloria: gloria rodríguez, abc7news. dion: in the east bay, crews are making repairs in danville ahead of the upcoming storm.
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front street will be closed between diablo road and rose street. earlier this week, danville declared a local emergency because of damage from last weekend's storm. crews did repair storm drains along niles canyon road. the two lane road has been closed since new year's day because of heavy rain. the roadway remains closed between fremont and sonoma, and it is unclear when caltrans will reopen that route. power is being restored to more customers around the bay area. as we take a live look at the latest pg&e outage map, you can see there are more than 25,000 customers left without power. pg&e had over 30,000 crewmembers out in the field ahead of the storm. pg&e expects power restored to all by the end of the day. larry: our store much coverage continues with a look at how you can prepare for this weekend's coming storm. next, why walgreens' reason for store closures may have been misleading. man: i'm not slowing down anytime soon. misleading. and shining
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that's why i take osteo bi-flex every day. it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, and continues to improve over time. kinda like us. osteo bi-flex. find our coupons in sunday's paper. hold on... you're a night manager and mom, and the bill payer, baker, and nightlight maker? that's a lot. so, adding “and student” might feel daunting. but what if a school could be there for all of you? career, family, finances and mental health. -happy birthday! -happy birthday buddy. well, it can. national university. supporting the whole you. norman, bad news... national university. i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... it's the xfinity hello 2023 sale! now hurry, and you can get xfinity internet for $19.99 a month plus, when you add xfinity mobile, you get the best price for 2 lines of unlimited.
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dion: new developments in the oakland school board election. mike hutchinson has followed -- has filed a lawsuit. >> we have now filed in alameda county superior court, rick resting a judge throw out -- requesting a judge throw out an
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incorrect outco make me the winner. dion: hutchinson is claiming victory over nick resnick, even though nick is due to be sworn into office in just a few days. the alameda county registrar found a mistake in the election results, saying the rank-choice voting system was not configured properly. now hutchinson is asking a judge overturned the results which have already been certified and declare him the winner. larry: new significant of elements in walgreens' claim that shoplifting led to store closures last year. this is the video that has gone viral. now it appears there have been other reasons for the closures. according to cnbc, w chief financial officer said on earnings call the shoplifting claim might have been a little exaggerated, and they might have "cried too much." phil matier joining us live via
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zoom. phil, what does this mean? the whole premise for these closures, not only with walgreens, but with other businesses, they were losing so much money, and now maybe not. phil: or maybe they are, target reported 400 million dollars in losses due to shoplifting last year, quite a number. what walgreens was saying was that there was shoplifting nationwide, but not as bad as the previous year, and with good reason. that previous year was really terrible. we saw it in san francisco, you and i and everybody else who walked into walgreens and cvs often times saw people walking out, sometimes blatantly, without paying. it got to the point where extra security guards were hired, but they did not seem to do the trick, in part because they were instructed to not necessarily stop people, because that could lead to bigger problems for the chain. what they have been doing, and anybody who has walked into one of these stores in the past
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years has found out, they go for anything from toothpaste to high-end electronics, and chances are it is behind a plexiglass screen right now and you have to push a button to get an attendant to come over to unlock it. that is how it has changed. that saved money. i do not think it has changed san francisco's image, however, because we got the video. larry: everything is locked down in so many stores now because of the shoplifting. let's get to the other story. this involves mayor london breed. the national weather service, she criticized them regarding the mornings or lack thereof regarding last week's storm, and now there is criticism about what the mayor was doing after the storm because she went to a raiders game. phil: and she went to a new year's party. we are talking about photos once again tweeted out to the world, and in politics, optics is a good part of the game, because in politics, perception often is
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the leading thing. what we have is pictures of mayor london breed partying on new year's night after that big storm and the flood, along with other city officials. the photos don't show that just before going to the party, she actually went to the police lineup in the south of market area to encourage the cops to say that she's got her cell with her and she will be available, but that was not photographed. the other thing, she went to las vegas, like a lot of 49er fans, to watch them play the raiders. she stayed in a luxury box by e-40, a prominent rapper in the bay area. this was captured on social media and sent out to the world. politics is optics. yes, she went for the day, came back in the evening. her office said she paid for all the tickets. but next time, she might want to think about if she is going to go out on new year's night or go to the 49er game, you might want to stop by the public works yard
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and maybe get a photo of her shoveling some sand into a sandbag as well. larry: or how about no social media and just do the job? i don't know, do people expect her to be operating the front loader? anyway -- phil: exactly, it is social media. do you want her to be doing the frontloading? if everything had gone smoothly when the rain hit, this would not be an issue. i have to say she is doing better than new york mayor eric adams, because he was in the caribbean sun bathing storm hit new york, so this is better. the other thing working for her, she was wearing a 49er uniform, so that is going to get her a couple points. larry: we will leave iphil. have a good weekend. dion: back to our store much coverage now, to sierra, where there is a lot of snow. tahoe got five feet of snow in the last week, a total of 255
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inches for the season. there is more on the way. larry: that is a massive amount of snow. dion: you see all the skiers on the ground. larry: the rain has been problematic for us, as much as we need it. if you are on the slopes, you are like, yes, bring it on. spencer: no time to get to the slopes. i am here covering the rain. on the doppler, not a lot. our current storm is weakening rapidly. it is hardly a storm anymore, but there is still some light scattered showers up in the north bay, and that pattern may continue through the evening hours, under a 10th of an inch of additional rainfall likely. we still have a high surf advisory in effect until 9:00 p.m. waves are diminishing a bit, so the advisory will go away this evening. looking at our next incoming storm, it ranks number two
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saturday evening. flood threat is there, maybe some downed trees. we expect the storm to barrel into the bay area between midnight and about 8:00 a.m., producing widespread areas of continuous downpours. the downpours will get heavier going into the afternoon and evening hours. look at the colors coming in. the reds, oranges, and yello indicating continuous downpours. this storm is going to dump a lot of rainfall. it is going to wind down on sunday. a chance to have a 49ers game without a lot of conditions interfering. the forecast, one to three inches of rain, which will give us a good rain on top of saturated soil, so there was
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concern about flooding. when the 49ers take on the cardinals, cloudy skies, maybe a shower or two during the game, but not much anyway of conditions that would interfere. monday, a level three, strong storm, coming in to produce moderate to heavy rainfall, mud threat, mudslides. we are in a pattern or the storms keep coming at us. we have a flash flood watch and effective saturday through tuesday, and in the sierra, winter storm warning in effect for :00 p.m. monday to 4:00 p.m. tuesday. back in the bay area right now, we are looking at temperatures in the upper 50's to low 60's, pretty mild day. looking at the golden gate bridge right now, we have mid-50's in santa rosa to napa to livermore and concord. here is a look from the east bay hills camera of a dark western sky. forecast features a level two storm this weekend, elevated flood threat, level three storm on monday.
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let's get to the seven-day forecast. that is important stuff. it is a parade of storms with some substantial ones. a moderate storm tomorrow, moderate storm sunday, strong storm on monday, and a level two on tuesday, followed by weaker storms wednesday, thursday, and friday. we don't get a break. there is not one day in the seven-day forecast where we expect a completely dry day. maybe a break of sunshine here and there, but not enough to dry things out. dion: i joked earlier about being tired of this, but this is a marathon in making a dent in our draft. spencer: it is. right now we are in the sprint mode. dion: -- larry: breaking news in antioch, rescuers are searching for a person who went missing in the contra costa canal, near deer valley road. a second person was pulled to safety and appears to be ok. at this point, we don't know how the two people ended up in the water, but you can see the drum
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going up to search. we will be r what if a mouse could change the world? if elephants could fly.
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if a princess could look like me. if stories... ...could come to life. if i could watch heroes save the day... what if there could be a huge party... ...with my friend mickey? here is where 100 years of disney dreams come to life at the disneyland resort.
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pres. biden: you held the line that day, and what was on the line was our democracy, and history will remember your names. larry:
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stowing the presidential citizens metal to 14 heroes, including nine who defended the capitol during the january 6 insurrection two years ago today. president biden also on search five others who oversaw the 2020 election process, despite efforts to overturn the results. the house in recess until 7:00 our time tonight after failing to elect a new speaker today once again. bakersfield republican kevin mccarthy did gain ground. he still tell a little bit short in two rounds of voting today. mccarthy telling reporters he is confident he will have the necessary votes once the house comes back into session tonight. they have done 13 rounds of voting so far over the last four days, and we have not seen anything like that in 164 years. dion: governor newsom took the oath of office today for his second term. >> hi, state your name -- gov. newsom: gavin newsom.
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>> do solemnly swear -- dion: newsom was planed by his wife and four children. in his address, the democrat hailed california as a place people come to from around the world to flee political persecution. he declared today a march for democracy to mark the anniversary of the insurrection at the u.s. capitol. chris: next, the effects -- larry: next, the effects of all this rain on transit and what is being done to keep the trains on track. dion: (steven) every time i come to see caremore, they go above and beyond to take care of me. i feel a lot better now. i'm taking medication for what i should have been taking years ago.
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>> this is abc7news. dion: today's break in the rain allowed a caltrans crew to clear rain from southbound highway 17 alongside los gatos. work took place from redwood estates to madrone drive. larry: another series of storms is on the way. dion: let's get to spencer christian with a look at -- here we go again. spencer: you are right. let's st next storm, a level two moderate storm, on the exclusive abc 7 impact scale. starting late tonight into sunday morning, it is going to produce a lot of rainfall. heavy downpours at times, gusty winds. flood threat and trees down. notice how the storm just barrels in during the overnight hours. it is active throughout the day but gets even stronger going into tomorrow evening, producing
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widespread areas of heavy downpours and damaging winds. that will be followed by a level 3 strong storm for monday and tuesday. we are not getting a break. here is the accuweather 7-day forecast. significant storms saturday, sunday, and monday, and into tuesday. lighter storms on wednesday, thursday, and friday. chris: larry: we are only little punchy from all the rain here. bay area transit officials -- here we go again -- gearing up for another round of rough weather. dion: we have suzanne with a look at preparations underway. reporter: if you take part, give yourself more time, 20 minutes or so, for trains to arrive. our trains will be out for repair, and more trains will be operating slower. train cars need to get their wheels repaired every year when the rails get wet.
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>> the spin as normal. what they will do is they are actually -- they will actually lock up a bit sometimes, and that dragging, grinding motion creates a flat spot. reporter: right now, about 100 of bartch's 862 cars are having their wheels reshaped. bart says its crews are working around the clock at its main and chops to make repairs. riders -- edits maintenance shops to make repairs. riders can expect delays. >> we check our pumps because pumps are important encase there is flooding in our stations. we keep chainsaws nearby because trees and tree limbs will at some point fall on the track. >> and 82 foot eucalyptus tree fell across tracks in burlingame. reporter: caltrans had to deal with a downed tree that shut
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down traffic for hours. >> we have a crew in burlingame trying to determine if there are other risks. reporter: launches connecting chinatown to sunnyvale. mta admitted that used red party cups for drainpipes to help move water away from the walls at the union square market station. according to union authorities, those cups were removed two days later. leaks have been a problem for the system. today we are told they do not have any leaks that will impact central subway's opening saturday. suzanne phan, abc7news. larry: volunteers stepping out to answer a call for help. we whose determination kept his community from flooding. reporter: clearing all the storm
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drains has always been a challenge for the san francisco public utilities commission. that is why they have relied on volunteers through the adoptive during program. >> we have 2500 volunteers that have volunteered to take on about 3800 of those different drains. reporter: they want more residents to go online and take the plunge and commit to adopting one of those grains. >> david is our community partner who has adopted eight drains of his very own to take responsibility for. reporter: eight storm drains. david lang, you are the man. what are you doing? >> with that many drains, that is the least we can do. you are walking the streets can you not pick up trash? you can wait for someone else to do it. reporter: he makes sure one drain is clear in time for students to cross the intersection. you have a name for that drain.
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what is it? >> mofo. the silt that you can't see coming from construction sites going into the drain could be clay for national soil -- natural soil. it hardens. i use this as a long stick. it is like a pogo stick that helps plunge it. we need to go out and spread the word. reporter: so we did, asking the owner of one neighborhood restaurant to make the commitment. have you heard of the program adopt a drain, and would you be willing to adopt that drain? >> i have never heard of that. reporter: would you be willing to adopt it? >> i don't know what that means. reporter: you have to take care of it. >> i already do. reporter: this is a drain tim has been clearing for years. the department has announced today they have received more sandbags. 13,000 have been handed out. >> we are also preparing staffing plans for the week
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ahead and weekend because we are expecting more rain. last week through this weekend next week, we are going to have extra crews on hand. dion: me and melinda's reporting. the south bay may not have gotten as much rain, but that does not mean wind and precipitation have taken their toll. dustin dorsey shows us have roofing companies are struggling to keep up with the calls. dustin: the skies may be blue overhead, but that is something we are done with the storm. the cleanup work is just beginning, especially for reaping companies in the south bay. -- roofing companies in the south bay. >> the roofing business is interesting, because every time it rains, you do not sleep well. i have not slept well the last few nights. dustin: livery with los gatos roofing says what has been keeping him up at night are the more than 150 calls for service and repair over just the last few days. one of those storms coming from
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benson's house. >> it has been nuts. i was afraid the neighborhood was going to flood. new year's eve was when this happened. i was walking into the spare bedroom and i felt a drip and i'm like, no. dustin: thankfully for lee, it was minimal damage. crews are trying to service as many customers as they can so they can provide temporary fixes until the storms pass and a permanent cleanup can be made. >> any water that comes down the valley is going to be refreshed on top of the plastic. dustin: picking up the pieces from an historic storm. >> i have been here since 1994. dustin: and this is probably one of the worst? >> one of them. dustin: it is not just residential issues. alliance roofing has been dealing with damage at commercial buildings. since thanksgiving, more than 400 calls for service. it is not just the rain causing the issue. >> a little bit of rain without wind, and a lot of times they will get away with it, but when
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the wind blows like it has been, you are going to end up with leaks if you do not take care of your roof. dustin: storms with wind and rain are expected to arrive tomorrow and stay through next week. reaping companies advise customers to stay patient. >> hang on until the weather can improve and we can get out and service these customers. dustin: dustin dorsey, abc7news. dion: for a list of foreign locations, you can head to
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... it's the xfinity hello 2023 sale! now hurry, and you can get xfinity internet for $19.99 a month plus, when you add xfinity mobile, you get the best price for 2 lines of unlimited. i gotta get this deal... and for a limited time, get 500 dollars back. i don't want to miss that! that's amazing doc. drop everything. get to the xfinity hello 2023 sale. -doc? click, call or visit a store today.
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dion: time for the four at 4:00. we begin with the wild waves and a warning. [waves crashing] larry: she was right. dion: definitely not a good idea to park and watch the waves when they are this big. when the wave hit, it pushed that car about five feet yesterday morning in santa cruz. come dng larry:y wantedocial m watch the waves, but clearly they were too close. dion: you've got to exercise caution. finney, you would never do this. >> i wouldn't now. doesn't it feel like there are more giant waves than there used to be?
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i grew up on a beach. that was all i have done. spencer: our waves have certainly been higher lately, because with the most recent event, we had heights of 25 to 30 feet, really unusual. larry: be careful out there. this is an amazing story, the recovery of damar hamlin. now off a ventilator, even talking. hamlin surprised his team mates today through videoconference, telling them, "love you, boys." this afternoon, the lifesaving response of the first responders and shines a light on all of us learning cpr. >> everyone out there who knows cpr can save a life if they see someone going into cardiac arrest. it could be at home, at your work, on the street, on an airplane. larry: doctors say removal of the breathing tube is an important step forward for hamlin, but from monday night to where we are now is remarkable.
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what a recovery. you guys know cpr? you do, michael? michael: i should brush up on it, but i became an emt a long time ago. dion: i did not know that. wow. dr. patel said the majority of people out there do not know. as we saw, larry, this saved a life. larry: in this case, they were trained medical professionals and they responded so quickly. it was impressive. you could make the case that if this was ever going to happen, he was in the right place at the right time, because if it happened at a random spot, you do not know what the outcome would be. >> so happy for him and his family. dion: we just want michael around. michael: i don't remember enough about it. you don't want me around. spencer: larry could use you. [laughter] dion: i'm going to move on here. t to clean up
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san francisco is getting stricter about enforcing fines for littering, specifically those who illegally dump cardboard or household waste. in the past, it was just a warning, but now the city wants to enforce a $1000 fine, even for first-time offenders. according to open the san francisco standard, illegal dumping is an issue across the city, but it is particularly noticeable in chinatown. as someone who drive through chinatown to work every day, i see it through my two eyes. this is a community that has been so hard-hit from the pandemic. they need people to come back. it's got to look good. keep it tidy. spencer, you pass through too. michael: i have observed exactly what you have. it was cleaner. we remember how the whole city looked when it was cleaner. larry: that is a larger problem of the whole city, but i think the illegal dumping thing has kind of gotten out of control in the past few years.
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hopefully they can get everybody to chip in. we've all got to come together to make our environment what we want it to be. ok, we've got one more. i was going to keep the myself, but another nearly billion dollar lottery jackpot. mega millions. the drawing tonight, the jackpot, estimated at $940 million. that is the sixth-largest in u.s. history. spencer, for all the years we have worked together, you still will not buy a ticket, right? michael: i will now. dion: oh! michael: whenever it gets up to that crazy level, my wife says go ahead and buy a ticket. larry: one? michael: yeah, that's her thing, just one. dion: even if you buy 100, larry, it does not even make a dent in the statistics.
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i have -- michael: i have done deep research on this. mathematicians will tell you by more than one is useless, because you have a one in 500 million chance of winning. you have two, it is not like you have two and 500 million, you have one in 500 million twice. it does not help your odds. dion: thank you for the explanation. larry: well, now i am kind of bummed out. spencer: thanks, michael. michael: if i were to win, i will treat you to something nice at my going away party. [laughter] larry: not sure
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never forget those who loved you so well and know that you have the responsibility to give back. love, dad. dion: images of newly discovered species are being released. larry: the work is in the bay area. reporter: canoe research is from the california academy of sciences in san francisco, which always does amazing work. they say one new reptile may provide insight into environmental threats ranging from dining operations to climate change. the new species document and by the california academy of sciences for 2022 run the gamut from crusty marine clams and stars to colorful toads and tiny scorpions. they say one species of reptile, the geico, jumps out for its
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biodiversity. >> we described 28 new species in one paper, and that is a rarity for vertebrates. reporter: arun has been working for decades around the island nation of new caledonia near australia. he says nearly every mountain and valley has its own unique species of the native? -- the native gecko. but the biodiversity could be facing a threat because the economy is based heavily on mining, sparking concerns similar to brazil, where gold-mining and deforestation are adding to pressures on the amazon habitat and the species that rely on it. >> every place in the island has its own unique species, so you mining company anymore and shave the top off one mountain and sort of say it is ok because we have left the rest behind. every single place has its own unique species. reporter: he says the geckos
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have evolved independently to survive in the diverse micro-habitats on the island, and researchers believe that the discovery of so many species could inform the way we view other organisms around the planet that rely on genetic diversity for survival. >> if we do not know what the real biodiversity is, if we underestimate that, it truly affects the way in which resources are applied to conserve these things. >> perhaps our ability to protect the world's diverse creatures and habitats in the future. larry: in total, researchers documented 146 new species of animals, plants, and fungi for 2022. it is always amazing to me that stealing this day and age we discover so many new species all the time. larry: and they do great work for sure. thank you, dan. now for a take on traditional vending machines. the world has installed what they call giving machines inside westfield galleria in roseville.
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the bright red vending machines give people an opportunity to buy much needed items for local and global charities -- bus passes, boxes of food, coats for local charities, to even a goat for a family living in africa. >> we have heard back from members of the community saying what a great idea, i was so busy during christmas that i did not get a chance to make it up to make a donation and purchase a product. so we are happy that the mall was gracious enough to let us extend. larry: those giving machines will be available through sunday. you can also make a donation online on light the world, their website. that with the vending machines is a brilliant idea. very easy to give. dion: just ahead, bringing light to war-torn ukraine. to w(steven)ukraine. every time i come to see caremore, they go above
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larry: now to one woman's mission to bring the gift of light to ukraine. as the war continues, the russian army is provoking attacks that lead to constant blackouts. reporter: has been 10 dark months since russia's invasion of ukraine, 10 months of needless war, countless deaths, and widespread destruction that has taken its toll on ukraine's power red. -- power grid. >> i knew i had to bring lights
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to the children. reporter: alice made it her mission to travel across ukraine, delivering her solar powered lamps to those in need. >> kai you have the power of the sun in your hands. if you keep fighting with that light in your heart and imagination, there is nothing you can't do. it is the greatest weapon against injustice. reporter: alice'srn hdeep ser ir his wife, will obey. they saw her work on the show "gutsy" on apple tv plus, a show hosted by hillary clinton and chelsea clinton, that showcases some of the world's bravest women. >> this is a bigger version, it also has phone charging. reporter: in a suburb where blackouts have become a
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part of everyday life, alice visits sisters who are up-and-coming musicians. >> thank you. >> you are welcome, sweetheart. what are you going to use the light for? >> when we don't have electricity. reporter: on "gutsy," alice called bob iger someone she admires the most, something the children of ukraine might be saying about her. >> these kids have been through so much, more than anyone would ever want for a child. these children are the most innocent. they are at war and have done nothing wrong. this one has yellow. what is important for me is be able to come here and tell them we have not forgotten about them, that the world still cares about them, and that there is hope for peace and victory for ukraine. larry: wow. what an impact she is making. you can learn more on how to donate at solight/
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that will do it. abc 7 news at 5:00 is coming up next. business can happen anytime, anywhere. so help yours thrive and stay connected with the comcast business complete connectivity solution.
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...with my friend mickey? here is where 100 years of disney dreams come to life at the disneyland resort. >> breaking news in antioc where rescuers continue their search for a person who went missing this afternoon in the contra costa canal near deer valley road. crews searched by boat and along the shoreline, even deploying a safety and appeared to be ok speaking to wrestlers in the back of an ambulance. at this point, we do not know how the two ended up in the water. we will have an update as we have more information. dan: the other top story we are following is the threat along the russian river. >> this one looks like it is going to be pretty bad. >> is going to flood in a couple
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days if it keeps raining like it was. >>


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