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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  August 8, 2019 7:00am-8:58am PDT

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especially for my wife. >> watch "the cats" trailer does the opposite of all those things. judy dench as a good morning, america. overnight severe summer storms slam the northeast. now a new threat this morning. this twister touches down in new jersey. >> back up. >> flash flooding traps drivers. rescue crews carry this woman to safety, and millions across the midwest and northeast now bracing for another blast. fallout and fury. overnight president trump attacking leaders of those cities devastated by mass shootings after meeting with victims and first responders, promising unity and healing. this as we learn new details about the el paso shooter. why his mother contacted police weeks before the massacre. and our exclusive with the hero bouncer in dayton. how he saved so many lives. breaking overnight, deadly stabbing spree across california. a man terrorizing an apartment
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complex, office and gas station killing four before he is taken down. new vape warning. the fda now investigating 127 cases of people who say they had seizures after using e-cigarettes. walking the walk. more than 100 top models taking on victoria's secret. what they're asking the lingerie giant to do. and the movie villain turned real-life hero. the actor in the right place at the right time saving a young child trapped in an overturned car now telling his story. good morning, america. a lot going on this thursday morning. hope you guys are well. >> yeah, real-life action hero danny trejo. we begin with the new severe storm threat stretching from the midwest to the northeast this morning. >> overnight rescue crews were busy saving drivers from flash flooding, and a tornado touched down in new jersey. whit johnson is in springfield, new jersey with more. good morning, whit.
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>> reporter: michael, good morning to you. t ftehd.ross thiparkg hf impacting millions of people. this tornado caught on camera, watch as it touches down in springfield, new jersey. >> back up. >> reporter: swirling winds sucking up debris at speeds over 70 miles per hour taking down trees and power lines. police shutting down the street to clean up the aftermath. the twister part of a rush hour blast of dangerous weather across the midwest and northeast. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: one woman driving through blowing rain and leaves when a large tree limb falls right in front of her. in philadelphia, severe weather toppling this tall tree. two officers escorting this woman out of a deeply flooded area. her vehicle submerged up to its roof.
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in hartford, connecticut, more flash floods triggering late night rescues. this intersection at a standstill. cars stranded. rescuers escorting and even physically carrying drivers to safety. and in virginia, residents slammed with rain, lightning, even hail. while in wisconsin, a severe summer storm causing widespread power outages, flooding and damage. vehicles making their way through streets filled with splintered trees. this power line falling on top of a truck. wisconsin public service reporting nearly 14,000 households without power. this morning, flights are starting to get back on schedule. still a few hundred cancellations in the u.s., but overnight some people were stranded at new york area airports with delays lasting up to five hours. michael? >> definitely disruptive weather there, whit. thank you so much. we bring in ginger now. ginger, another storm is moving in? >> it's another cold front behind the one we just dealt
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with that will bring areas like this, erie, pennsylvania for example was in it, but this is over lake erie where you see that water spout. there were more than 207 severe storm reports. i think we'll see quite a few again today, but it will be again with this next front, so if you are in western pennsylvania, pittsburgh, say rochester or buffalo back to northern west virginia into southern ohio, watch for damaging winds, talking about winds in excess of 70 miles per hour. i show you that yellow blob every day. i want you to know that yellow blob can mean that. it can mean the tree falling, it can mean the power lines shred, and that can happen in that area. george? >> watching the yellow blob. okay, ginger. thanks very much. now to the fallout from president trump's trip to el paso and day to dayton. it's the kind of trip where presidents try to inspire healing and unity. he did meet with victims but stoked a vision with a series of
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tweets and attacks all through the day. abc's kyra phillips is at the white house with the story. good morning, kyra. >> reporter: those visits were meant to comfort those two grieving communities, but president trump was also airing his grievances breaking away from his own calls for unity. >> i w people. >> reporter: on a day the president said he would be devoted to healing and unity, sources tell abc he actually spent much of his day fuming aboard air force one, lashing out at aides around him as he tuned in to media coverage of his trip and the crowds of angry protesters in dayton and el paso. [ chanting ] >> reporter: the president took a quick turn from his warm words to first responders in texas launching into the attacks on ohio democrats >> i get on air force one where they do have a lot of televisions, and there they are saying, well, i don't know if it was appropriate for the president to be -- et cetera, et cetera, you know, the same old line.
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they're very dishonest people. that's probably why he got i think about 0% and failed as a presidential candidate. >> reporter: in fact, whaley and brown were thankful the president made his visit, but maintains more needs to be done on gun policy. >> do i think we'll see another obbecause washington will not move. >> reporter: as he flew from ohio to el paso, trump tweeting the press conference held by senator brown and mayor whaley was a fraud. and, while on air force one, trump also targeting the former vice president writing, watching sleepy joe biden making a speech. so boring. the democratic front-runner laying the blame for the rise in violent white extremism at the president's feet. >> it's both clear language and in code, this president has fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation. >> so, kyra, quite a remarkable day yesterday. the president also as he has
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after past shootings, talked about background checks, perhaps supporting background checks but he hasn't followed through on any specifics and he's getting some push back. >> reporter: yes, he is. also, george, just to follow up, laer ahewashington post" followed up on that reporting that he warned president trump that background checks would not be popular with his base. since these mass shootings some of these proposed gun control measures are gaining more support with republicans on the hill. but senate majority leader mitch mcconnell indicated he won't bring legislation to the floor without widespread support from his party, george. it's something that we will stay on top of. >> see if it continues to grow. kyra, thanks very much. cecelia? okay, george. this morning, we're learning more details about the el paso shooter. his mother's lawyer tells abc news she called police weeks before the shooting concerned about her son owning an ak-type firearm because of his age, maturity level and lack of experience in handling that type of weapon.
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his mother was, in this phone call, transferred to a public safety officer who allegedly said that her 21-year-old son was legally allowed to purchase that type of gun. the lawyer telling us that this > and in dayton, where nine and people were killed in that mass shooting there, we could learn more about the gunman today. his school board may release his disciplinary history and this morning we are hearing from the hero bouncer who saved so many lives refusing to let that gunman into his bar. eva pilgrim sat down with him exclusively. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, cecilia. jeremy ganger knew he couldn't stop the gunman, but he also knew the cops were nearby. he hoped by blocking the door he could slow him down. in this surveillance video you see the shooter chasing people down the street and into this bar. ned peppers. watch as the gunman gets to the entrance.
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that's when he came face-to-face with the bouncer, jeremy ganger. >> he looked at me straight in the eye. seme, like, why are you holding the door? he knew i was there waiting. that's what i wanted him to know. i hope i'm the last thing he >> before ganger getting as many people as he could grab into the bar including dylan arnold. he says ganger saved his life. >> if he wasn't there and especially if the officers weren't there, i mean, i know i'd be gone. one of the first gone. >> reporter: about 200 people were inside the bar when the gunman got to the door. ganger standing there ready. >> i would have died before he came in. no way i was going to let anyone
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get hurt. i was trying to stand my ground the best i could. the next thing i know, he was being shot by the officer. >> reporter: ganger was taken to the hospital where he stayed for three days. the metal still in his leg this morning. >> i am lucky. i'd do it again though. >> you would do it again? >> yeah. >> reporter: jeremy telling us he is planning to go back to work at the door at ned peppers. >> if i don't go back to work, he wins. us if we don't go bk.epter:nder already been back to ned peppers. when he got out of the hospital, he came here. he told me he wanted to make sure his co-workers were okay. cecelia? >> really is a hero. okay, eva, thank you. now to california where a man went on a deadly stabbing spree overnight killing four people, injuring two others in a series of what police believe were random attacks. the suspect robbing an apartment complex, and then holding up a check-cashing business and an insurance office. then, going after a man at a nearby gas station. the suspect then -- it still goes on -- attacked someone at a subway restaurant before police
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tracked him down at a 7-eleven and took him into custody. dangerous situation there. >> glad they stopped him. now to a massive i.c.e. raid. hundreds of undocumented immigrants taken into custody in mississippi in what officials are calling the largest single state operation in history. our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas has all the details this morning. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: michael, good morning. it was a sweeping operation involving hundreds of agents fanning out over six cities in mississippi. nearly 700 undocumented workers arrested and detained at a number of food processing plants. and, you're right, it's what immigration officials are calling the largest ever enforcement operation targeting a single state. this morning trump administration critics are calling the enforcement draconian and complaining that the operation left numerous children without their parents with no clear indication of when they would see them again. local reports say in some cases children were taken to a local gym until someone could figure
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out what would happen to them. but immigration officials are offering no apologies and said they began planning this operation more than a year ago, george. >> pierre thomas, thanks. the latest now on a home explosion in ohio that is being investigated as a hate crime after police found racial slurs and a swastika on the home's garage and two cars nearby. alex perez is on the scene in sterling, ohio. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning, george. you can see what's left here, basically a huge pile of debris. this home basically leveled by that explosion. the family who lives here says they always felt safe until now. a frightening scene, flames engulfing this house in sterling, ohio, causing a massive explosion. >> our neighbor's house just blew up. >> reporter: angela's home reduced to rubble. >> it's sickening to do this to somebody's home. >> reporter: in the aftermath authorities discovering the perpetrators spray painted a swastika and racial slurs on the garage and the neighbor's ca. w .
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>> reporter: angela and her husband lost everything. the interracial couple says until now they had never felt targeted. >> you would have taken two people's lives over hatred? seriously? that's pretty sad. >> reporter: the home was being repaired and the couple wasn't home at the time of the blast. the day before the explosion authorities were at the house after they say someone broke in and tried to leave the gas running to cause an explosion. but the utilities had been shut off for repairs. this blast, investigators, say, was no accident. >> it is very rare for something like this to take place. we are taking this very serious. we're treating this as a hate crime. >> reporter: the frases holding on to hope investigators will find out whoever is responsible. >> i hope they catch you. i hope you pay for what you had done. >> reporter: authorities here ine cecilia?
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>> so awful. okay, alex, thank you. we turn now to a powerful statement from olympian simone biles taking on usa gymnastics overnight speaking out about that sexual abuse scandal. abc's diane macedo is here with more. boy, this was really an emotional statement from her. >> it was indeed. and she's one of the highest profile athletes who came out revealing she had been abused by dr. larry nassar. now she's taking on her sports organizing body with claims they turned a blind eye to her and hundreds of other victims. >> reporter: this morning, simone biles is speaking out blasting usa gymnastics in an emotional new interview. >> it's hard coming here for an organization and having had them fail us so many times. >> reporter: the gymnast claims she still doesn't trust her sports organizing body in the wake of the larry nassar sex abuse scandal. one of the largest sexual abuse scandals in sports history. >> and we had one goal and we did everything they asked us for even when we didn't want to and they couldn't do one damn job. you had one job.
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you literally had one job and you couldn't protect us. >> reporter: the disgraced doctor was sentenced to 175 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to seven counts of felony criminal sexual conduct. many of the sport's top names, including ali raisman, even came forward to confront him in a bombshell sentencing hearing. >> we have our voices and we're not going anywhere. >> reporter: usa gymnastics is facing the brunt losing several board members and cutting ties with coaches marta and bela karolyi. biles now says she still has trouble trusting the organization, and that she's still struggling to heal from the abuse. the president of usa gymnastics says in a statement they know they still have more work to do and they want athletes to feel comfortable speaking out like si mo simone did and adds u.s.a.
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gymnastics will continue to work hard to demonstrate to simone and all of our community, and fans that we are working to foster a safe, positive and encouraging environment where athletes' voices are heard. you can be sure these women are making sure they are heard right now. >> good to see the strength in her voice. >> so powerful. >> diane, thanks. we make a complete turn now to big news about the emmys. television's biggest awards show is now taking a cue from the oscars and they are going host-free for this year's ceremony. t.j. holmes is here with more. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: all right, stray. 2018 oscars were the least-watched oscars in history. so 2019 this year, they went without a host, and saw a ratings increase. 2018 emmys, least watched emmys in history. so, you know what, 2019 let's go with that. let's try. >> please welcome your host. >> reporter: at this year's emmy awards don't expect to see the host delivering an opening monologue or any song and dance member. ♪ >> reporter: actually don't expect to see a host at all. this year the emmys stealing a page from the oscars and going without. fox entertainment's ceo explains if you have a host and an
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opening number that's 15 to 20 minutes you don't have to salute the shows. adding the oscars did very well. that was something we paid attention to. so are award show hosts a thing of the past? they certainly made an impact over the years from the good -- >> look at us. >> reporter: to the cringeworthy. >> you got to wear a tuxedo, so i got to wear this. >> reporter: producers hope to take attention off a celebrity host performance and focus on some of the biggest shows in history like "game of thrones." so can you directly attribute the ratings increase at the oscars because of no host? remember there was so much buzz about the host controversy, there was interest. also, you had movies that were blockbusters. people wanted to see what was going on. "black panther" was involved and bradley cooper and lady gaga. we don't know if it will be a trend yet. they're going to. why t? >> we'll find out when the ratings come out. thank you so much.
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t.j. we are following a lot of other stories including the story about more than 100 models taking on victoria's secret. we're going to tell you why this morning. and the movie villain turned trapped in an overturned car. first, let's go back over to ginger. >> let me take you to washington state because they have a very different weather story than we have been seeing. this is the williams flats fire. more than 21,000 acres burning. saw a lot of people tweeting about that yesterday and in oakley, california, a prescribed burn turned wrong because it was so dry, so windy, it got a little bit out of control burning that structure. that low out in the pacific, that's part of the problem. it's going to kick up some dry thunderstorms. lightning could start more. outgrown boundaries will make winds erratic up to washington. red flag warnings from vnevada o washington. your local weather in 30 seconds. first, the heat index forecast sponsored by amazon prime.
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casey and jojo? >> come on, george. >> come on, george. casey and jojo? >> come on, george.
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order online for delivery. panera. food as it should be good morning to you. the governor says he supports a bill that would cap rent increases. rent would not go up more than 7% each year, but it would only apply to apartment buildings more than 10 years old. landlords would not be able to evict tenants without giving a reason. at least one person is dead after a four-car accident on northbound highway 101 in san jose. this happened around 3:30 this morning near bailey avenue. unbelievable video. four cars catching fire causing all lanes but one to be closed. we've been tracking significant delays all morning. let's get a check of that. hi. there may be lanes reopening in the next hour. we'll keep you posted on that.
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delays are horrible. an 11-mile backup on northbound 101. the drive time for morgan hill up to the scene is about two hours. even alternate routes are bad, but monterey road and santa theresa may save you about an hour. >> thank you for that update. >> thank you for that update. meteorologist it's on. get to the ross shoe event for even more brands at 20 to 60 percent off department store prices. yes! yep! oh, yeah! seriously, save on fall styles for women, men, boys and girls. at the ross shoe event. on now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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mike, thank you. coming up on "gma" more details on an investigation
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feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? ♪ welcome back to "gma." who will run the world? beyonce runs the world. that's right. we saw the superstar grace t ♪ welcome back to "gma." who will run the world? beyonce runs the world. that's right. we saw the superstar grace the cover of "vogue's" september issue last year and one of the photos from that issue has been acquired by the national portrait gallery. it is one of the most coveted magazines of the year and just ahead we'll reveal who is on the new september 2019 cover and that's an exclusive that's only on "gma." >> that is coming up in a few minutes. we have a lot of headlines we're following this morning including the midwest and northeast bracing for another blast of severe weather. it comes on the heels of that flash flooding overnight and a tornado that touched down in new jersey.
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there's also fallout from president trump's trip to el paso and dayton and promised unity. he also stoked a lot of division after taking off on twitter against some democrats and his other critics. take a look at this incident at yellowstone national park. don't do this. a guy walking up and petting the bison. of course, we show all those pictures of bisons attacking others. so this is a big mistake right here. the park is going to investigate. i'm not sure why we showed it. >> in today's installment of bison-related news -- we are now going to turn to the fashion models who are fighting back. more than 100 of them including christy turlington-burns signed a letter asking victoria's secret to do more to combat sexual harassment in the industry and linsey davis has more. good morning, linsey. >> good morning, cecelia. a rough stretch for victoria's secret. earlier this week the chief marketing officer for elle brands resigned in the wake of a host of controversies, and that was all before the company's ceo received this damning letter from more than 100 models demanding action.
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>> reporter: dozens of super models walking the walk this morning in a major movement that now has victoria's secret secret und under the microscop more than 100 models and time's up supporters including supermodel christy turlington-burns, actress and model milla jovovich and doutzen kroes all signing their names to an open letter to the ceo asking the company to take action to protect its models and sign an anti-harassment pledge following allegations of sexual misconduct by several industry photographs and allegations that wexner knew that embattled financier jeffrey epstein, who's currently behind bars accused of exploiting dozens of minor girls, some just 14 years old, would try to pass himself off as a victoria's secret talent scout using friendship with wexner to get close to young women. >> in the face of all these very
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serious allegations, we felt that we couldn't just sit silently and not say anything. >> reporter: the letter submitted by the model alliance, which was founded to promote accountability in the fashion industry, is taking on what it calls widespread abuse and harassment writing, it is deeply disturbing that these men have appeared to leverage their working relationships with victoria's secret to lure and abuse vulnerable girls, adding, it is clear that your company has a crucial role to play in remedying the situation. >> we're calling on victoria's secret and other companies to enter into a legally binding agreement to uphold a code of conduct. we like our jobs. we love our industry. we just don't like the abuse that too often comes with it. >> this is really just basic protections. i don't understand why there would be reasons to refuse. >> reporter: overnight victoria's secret telling abc news, we are always concerned about the welfare of our models and want to continue to have
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dialogue with the model alliance and others to accomplish meaningful progress in the industry. in recent years, victoria's secret sales have fallen, and critics are calling the brand out of touch. meanwhile, sales have soared for some body positive competitors like rihanna's savage by fenty and aerie, which promotes unretouched images of its models. supermodel karlie kloss recently cut ties with the companies telling british "vogue," i didn't feel it was an image reflective of who i am, and the message i want to send to young women around the world about what it means to be beautiful. victoria's secret hired its first trans model, but critics say it's too little too late. regarding his relationship with epstein, wexner sent a memo to his staff saying that he severed ties with him more than a decade ago saying, i would not have continued to work with any individual capable of such egregious, sickening behavior. >> he's also accused of specific
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crimes. he says epstein was misappropriating what he calls vast sums of money? >> yes. he said that epstein for more than 15 years was his money manager. he says that he's embarrassed that he like so many others was deceived by epstein. he says that a portion of the money has been returned including a $46 million transfer but, again, he says that's just a portion of the misappropriated funds. >> all right, linsey. >> long way to go. >> thanks, linsey. now to that heroic moment for actor danny trejo, helping a child in an overturned car, and abc's will reeve is here with the story. good morning, will. >> good morning, michael. eyewitnesses said it appeared the car ran a red light and smashed into another car with a child with special needs and his grandmother inside. danny trejo happened to be in the area. when that car flipped, he sprang into action. >> reporter: he's known for playing menacing characters on the big screen. >> nobody knows machete. >> reporter: but this morning actor danny trejo turning into a
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real-life action star helping save a young child after this dramatic car crash in los angeles wednesday. >> lady ran a red light. crashed into that explorer. flipped it over. >> reporter: trejo was nearby and instantly rushed in to help making a beeline for the overturned vehicle. >> there was a baby inside and a grandma. i crawled in. i couldn't get the baby out. i couldn't unbuckle the seat belt. >> reporter: but like every good hero, he soon got reinforcements. another good morning samaritan joining him, helping him free the child from the car seat. >> the only thing that saved that kid is his car seat. honest to god. >> reporter: the actor putting his experience starring in "dora and the lost city of gold" to good use entertaining and calming the boy until first responders were able to free his grandmother from the car. >> i kept facing him away from the accident and just talking to him. >> reporter: the boy and grandmother soon reunited.
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three people taken to the hospital after the crash, but luckily none seriously hurt thanks in no small part to trejo who says he was just glad to pay it forward. >> everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else. everything. and that's the way i live. >> reporter: trejo said that to keep the boy calm in the car, he told the boy that they had to use their superpowers. no superpowers needed for trejo to be a hero, though. >> that's really cool. good story. >> thanks, will. coming up, urgent investigation after 127 people reported that they had seizures after vaping. after vaping. after vaping. out of here. alright. fellas. ♪ hello, are you the locksmith? yes i am. come on in. i think we were able to salvage the lock. [ shouting ] ♪ muchas gracias. ya tú ]
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we are back with mounting questions about vaping. the fda is now investigating reports of 127 people having seizures after vaping, many of them teens or young adults. gio benitez here with the details. good morning, gio. >> george, good morning. the fda issuing this alert earlier than usual because of what they call a safety concern among young people especially. this morning the agency thinks other cases haven't even been reported yet. >> reporter: this morning the food and drug administration is investigating 127 cases of people including children and young adults who have reported experiencing seizures after vaping. according to the fda, users in some of those cases also reported experiencing fainting or tremors. the fda says that while it's unclear if the e-cigarettes caused the reported seizures and that the reports do not necessarily indicate an increase
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in frequency or prevalence of seizures among people who vape, it's asking the public to come forward to report any unexpected health issues after vaping. >> the amount of accumulated nicotine in the bloodstream potentially leading to seizures is something that can occur with vaping devices. >> reporter: the liquid inside e-cigarettes contains nicotine and can be poisonous if swallowed causing nausea, sweating, tremors and in some extreme cases seizures and even death. according to the cdc more than 3.5 million middle and high school students use e-cigarettes. the fda does not require manufacturers to list all of the ingredients used to the products. last week researchers from yale and duke universities published a study looking into chemical reactions when the liquids are vaped after looking at certain flavors of juuls. they concluded creme brulee a sweet flavor favored by teens had acetals in the liquid
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aerosol which could prompt your system to become inflamed. juul rejecting the study saying it would never be found in a real world, assumes a person would inhale only aerosolized vapor eight hours a day five days a week for decades. on fry die officials announcing that three young people in illinois and 11 teens and young adults in wisconsin have been hospitalized with severe lung disease after reporting they had been vaping recently. wisconsin's department of health services says the severity of the disease varied among patients from shortness of breath, chest pain and to others who needed to be intubated and given assistance to breathe. the patients have all improved with treatment. >> many millions of middle and high school students who are getting addicted to these vapors because of the nicotine and may or may not over the long term suffer adverse health consequences. >> reporter: so, again, the fda saying this morning that the agency has launched a scientific investigation to get more research and they're urging you at home to voluntarily report
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any incidents directly to the fda. it's so important, george. >> it sure is. gio, thanks very much. dr. jen ashton is here with more. fda seems to be sounding an alarm. >> absolutely and arguably this is the biggest medical or health story of the summer, and the caption here is what we don't know may, in fact, really hurt us. so it's about doing a deeper dive, increasing awareness, collecting more information and that is key when you're talking about something that is being used by so many millions. >> from what we do know what's your biggest worry? >> i think the biggest concern right now is the assumption that these are harmless or safer than something we've used before, number one. the other thing we don't have 10, 20 years of long-term data on this. and, again, we're talking about the use in a population where there's the potential to affect brain development, and there is the potential to increase the likelihood of addiction in young teens, young adults and that is a very vulnerable population.
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we have a saying in pediatrics, kids are not little adults so what we talk about with adults you cannot extrapolate to children. >> nicotine even without tar could be quite dangerous. >> for sure. >> how do we send the right message? >> i think the risk is we're preaching to the choir. adults have been following it but it's not reaching the population using it. so the first thing for adults or anyone interacting with kids, parents, get the facts. learn it from a credible source. we have to lead by example, and of course, we have to continue this conversation across the board, not just with health care providers but educators, coaches, parents, media, government officials. all -- everyone has to be involved. >> when we talked to our kids at home, we were surprised by how am wh my . they may not wating segmen but we near iems ke ery week we're >> be a parent and stay on top of it with your kid.
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coming up we have our "play of the day." we're calling it the great chase. i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪ go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma. it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. ask your doctor about once-daily anoro to start treating your copd. ♪ go your own way
7:47 am
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7:49 am
♪ you spin me right round ♪ right round ♪ you spin me right round we're back right now with our "play of the day" and a dog getting spun right round in this tale of determination. we've seen dogs chase their tails. how about this one? this is lexi. she was out with her owner in massachusetts. she got distracted by her retractible leash chasing it
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around and around she went around the tree. she made about a dozen laps before victory was hers. >> took her a dozen to get it right. >> there you go. she claims victory. that's a good way to walk your dog. right around a tree. coming up, tired of chasing your kids around? well, we've got a look at new tracking devices that parents are using to keep tabs on their children. plus, you guys know it, "deals & steals" day on the move with travel gear bargains. don't miss it. don't miss it. don't miss it. ...used almost everywhere on almost everybody. like the hands of a hairstylist. or the calf of a cutie. prescription eucrisa... at and below the surface of the skin. it blocks overactive pde4 enzymes... ...which is believed to reduce inflammation. and it's steroid free. do not use if you are allergic to eucrisa or its ingredients. allergic reactions may occur at or near the application site. the most common side effect is application site pain. ask your doctor about eucrisa.
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7:52 am
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7:53 am
welcome back to "gma." we want to take you to friends wood, texas. this is a little "gma" moment. this is honey, the golden retriever.
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who think, what are they taking her to the vet? no. she's been at grandma's house for a week and didn't want to go home because i imagine there were quite a few treats that were served. all right, you want to feel that way if you are in the south. we got heat advisories in oklahoma city feeling like 105 to lake charles, 106. you'll be like that trying to get out of the air conditioning. all right, coming up on "gma," a health alert about pregnant women, exercise and how it affects your babies. plus, the new tech that helps you track your kids when they're on the move. and who is on that september cover of "vogue"? the big reveal m this segment sponsored by jeep wrangler. your local news and weather is next. you're going to have to drag me
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"good morning america" is sponsored by blue buffalo. you love your pets like family so feed them like family. with blue. with blue. with blue.
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good morning to you. hey, mike, how's it going? >> hi. how are you? >> i'm going dell. >> oh, boy. things are happening. >> yeah. we had a lot of darkness last night even though the cloud cover was kind of broken. it is moving in a little bit more right now in the northwest wind at 14 miles per hour. temperatures below average. brighter at the beaches. a small craft advisory starting at 9:00 to 9:00. 60s and 70s today through saturday. and mike, better news on the fatal crash in south san jose.
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northbound 101 approaching i-85 the lanes are open. the drive time about an hour and a half. your alternate routes monterey road will be a better bet at this point. >> thank you so much. on gma, there's a new study on pregnay exercise. the l and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed it can... with your sleep number setting. can it help keep me asleep? yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it's your last chance to save up to $600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. ends wednesday.
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(music throughout)
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8:00 am
good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. severe summer storm alert. just hours after the east coast was slammed more weather on the way. damaging winds, large hail, flash flooding all a threat. ginger tracking it all. the headline on pregnancy and exercise. why working out isn't just good for expectant moms, but could also have lasting benefits on your baby. dr. ashton has the latest. not my dad? the couple suing a fertility clinic, a shocking discovery about their child. after taking a dna test. what they are saying this morning. track your kids. as so many head back to school, we're breaking down three ways parents can keep tabs on where kids are. trying them out on these 11-year-olds.
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the results this morning. the number one trend overnight. "90210" is back. the cast reuniting in primetime. how they celebrated luke perry. ♪ i don't care ♪ i love it get ready for sherri shepherd. she's here live, and anything could happen. and she's saying -- >> good morning, america. [ cheers and applause ] good morning, america. great to have you all with us on this thursday morning. excited to talk to sherri shepherd. she surprised me with the grab. >> she didn't know this. when she was in the makeup room all of our conversations were being piped into our ear. it was entertaini. >> that was only your ear. left me out. we're also excited about "deals & steals." this one is on the move. just like the guys, tory is here
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with travel must haves. oh, there they go. i was wondering what that meant. there they are. >> supersized "deals & steals." >> yeah. we're also going to start out now with the latest on those summer storms that have slammed the northeast and caused flash flooding and a tornado in new jersey. another round is on the way. want to go back to ginger. >> good morning. you see this video. this is springfield, new jersey, highly populated. an ef-0 tornado blasting through there with 70-mile-per-hour winds. average is two tornadoes for new jersey in a year. they've had four already. we're a little above average. that was a tree falling outside philadelphia. winds gusted to 60 miles per hour. here in hartford, late night water rescues because of more than three inches of rain falling fast. i think we could do it again today. it could come along the second cold front, along western new york like buffalo or rochester through pittsburgh. elkins, west virginia. hail also could be an issue and i want to note when you get a watch, that means the ingredients are right. when youet tthe
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cecilia. >> good warning there, ginger. thanks. we turn to that new headline about exercising during pregnancy. a new study finds it's not just good for moms helping them stay fit before going into labor. this could have lasting benefits for your baby, and dr. ashton is back. break it down. >> say it with me. pregnancy is not a disease. >> it is not a disease. >> so one more study that confirms that exercise is beneficial and as you said not just for mom but for baby. this is one of the first ones that tested infants a month after delivery of moms who had exercised moderately to vigorously during pregnancy, and found they had better neuromotor development than babies born to moms who did not exercise. if you look at the benefits for moms, stress relief. lower risk of c-sections. less incidence of gestational diabetes and easier pregnancy labor and delivery. the baby benefits are significant as well. we know that they have less chance of having a condition
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called fetal macrosomia, which is large babies, and we're seeing potentially long-term effects that could continue into the lifetime. all about that in-utero environment. >> are there exercises they should avoid? >> my advice, talk to your midwife or obstetrician. if you want to start during pregnancy, we give that the green light if you are an average or low risk pregnancy. if you want to continue what you're doing you have the green light for that too. in general we like to avoid high velocity dangerous sports like skydiving, scuba diving. waterskiing, anything that if you fall you can hurt yourself and the fetus, but, again, i always say, pregnancy, labor, dri delivery, they're athletic events. we should train for them. >> they found all these babies bench press 135 pounds immediately after birth. [ laughter ] >> thank you. comiup, wha a different kind of pregnancy story. a couple claims that a dna test
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revealed -- we'll show you something about their fertility. as your kids head back to school the new technology to track them when they're on the move. how well do these devices really work. plus, travel "deals & steals" and the very funny sherri shepherd is here live. cannot wait to talk to her. we'll be right back. this is the couple who wanted to get away who used expedia to book the vacation rental that led to the ride ♪ which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. ♪ flights, hotels, cars, activities, vacation rentals. expedia. everything you need to go.
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glucerna. everyday progress they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. wait, fruit of the loom makes breathable underwear? yeah, they have tiny holes to let the air through but... yessss. i love them. stay cool with breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. (avo) the russels travel to swim meets every saturday. but's thursday. good thing they discovered gain flings, with oxi boost and febreze odor remover.
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gain flings. seriously good scent so josh, you going for our drive safe and save discount? ♪ yup, using the app. driving safe. you wanna go bro? do not mess with my discount. woooo! (sighs) get a discount up to 30% with drive safe and save™. if your mouth is made to amaze, let philips sonicare give its care a raise. get a months worth of manual brushing in just two minutes. philips sonicare, next-level clean, next-level care. there's always a way to make life better. philips sonicare. at pier 1, the color is calm eucalyptus. the style is yours. style your mood with 20 percent off dining tables and seating.
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come see what's new. visit pier 1 today. welcome back to "gma." we o gat thank you. all come back tomorrow, a big concert in the park. keith urban will be singing. sam champion has some "pop
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news." >> ready for a little "pop news," everybody? [ cheers and applause ] so we begin with an exclusive first look, i know you were teasing it throughout the show at "vogue"'s biggest issue. their september cover, and their star is taylor swift, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] the grammy winner is opening up about her new album "lover" and the scrutiny she faces, sexism in the industry, and her political voice. her latest song "you need to calm down," i didn't realize i could be an advocate for a community i'm not a part of. well, taylor is part of that community. we say thank you, and we're glad you did. it's her favorite album yet calling this a new era, a new beginning for those wondeng isi ble clues on how to decode her albums. you know there's secrets to all of them. the answer is yes. so there are secrets in the song but to find it you have to read the latest issue of "vogue" on the newsstands august 20th.
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>> she looks gorgeous. >> doesn't she look beautiful? >> doesn't she? taylor has a little going on. you know what's going on? she's got a little concert right here, summer concert here's here. >> yes. >> her first "gma" performance on years, and she's joining us on the 22nd for a very special party in the park. everybody talking about "beverly hills 90210" and the gang is back. the reboot made its debut bringing together the cast of the original but this time, okay, listen up. they play kind of heightened versions of themselves. instead of the kids from west beverly high school, so it allows them to reunite0210reboot you kind of follow tt togeeraga. they are missing one of the main character, luke perry, who played dylan mckay. he passed away before filming could begin. while the cast didn't directly
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address his absence they made sure to honor perry at the end of the final episode. it's really beautiful. take a look. ♪ >> welcome to paradise, man. welcome to your dream. [ applause ] >> yeah, that was tori spelling and jennie garth watching an old episode there. she was explaining that it was something that they put a lot of thought into, and mentioned that he was with them in spirit, and they could all kind of feel him. >> no doubt. >> on the set. >> i love that show. >> and you get the feeling that they were super tight, don't you? yeah. >> did they go to the peach pit. >> i would go to the peach pit. i think of her as donna. oh, there's donna. finally, everybody ready for a final "pop news." gila dro i don't like the bruising. one rush hour you won't mind pe
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morning or goonit. ll ken. hello, roosters. hello, duck. hello, everybody. >> that's so different from my hand gestures i use during rush hour, and they told me i can't show you my hand gestures. i have so many of them. generally directing people out of the way most of the time, but some other hand movements slip in. all right. his videos are on social media. he does his morning roll call and greetings and animals and post it to tiktok. that one alone has gotten a million views on tiktok and his followers' favorite animal is cuthbert the goose, naturally. and that's "pop news," ladies and gentlemen. [ applause ] an e-o. >> wasn't sure if you were going to do it. well done.
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we turn to our "gma" cover story. really interesting one. an ohio family suing their fertility clinic claiming a dna test revealed their 24-year-old daughter is not biologically related to her father. abc's stephanie ramos is here with more on this. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: hey, cecilia. good morning. the couple in this case says it was an innocent gift, given to them by their adult daughter, rebecca, last christmas. an at-home dna kit, but the results showed that rebecca's biological father was not the man who raised her. >> how did this happen? how could something like this have happened? who is she biologically related to? >> reporter: dna tests are designed to show you where you come from but this morning, joseph and his family are saying a dna test has thrown their family into turmoil alleging in a new lawsuit the test showed he is not his 24-year-old daughter rebecca's biological father. they say a subsequent paternity test confirmed it. in the lawsuit the family from
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ohio claims a fertility clinic joseph and his wife jennifer used in 1994 fertilized his wife's embryo with sperm from a stranger. >> it never crossed our minds and maybe it should have but we trusted implicitly and maybe even blindly in some ways. >> reporter: now cartellone is suing the clinic. they facilitated their ivf treatments. according to the suit the couple we're told their successful pregnancy was a result of jennifer's eggs and joseph's sperm, but according to the complaint, their daughter's biological father is likely, quote, one of a handful of individuals, one of whom worked at the christ hospital. >> was that shocking? >> yes. very shocking. very difficult to work through the emotions as you're doing this research and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. >> and has the fertility clinic
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or the hospital reached out to any of you? have they explained how something like this could have happened? >> they have not. >> reporter: the christ hospital health network tells abc news in a statement, they won't comment on ongoing litigation. the family attorney says this isn't the only time he has heard of a fertility clinic mix-up. >> unfortunately i get a call almost every day from somebody who's been the victim of fertility center misconduct. the amount of misconduct is staggering. >> reporter: but experts say as an increasing number of people use fertility services, the industry is lacking regulatory oversight. do you wish you hadn't taken that dna test? >> there's a difficult question because of all the emotions around this. i think it's better that it's out in the open for us to be able to deal with and maybe some good can come out of it. >> reporter: cartellone wants parents to learn from their ordeal. he says when you go into a
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fertility clinic, demand transparency into the process, and now he's also concerned, guys, that his sperm may have been used to create embryos with other women's eggs. >> he may have other children out there and may not even know it. what a crazy world. good to have you in new york. >> good to see you in person. now to our back to school series. a look at the new devices parents can use to keep track of their kids as they travel to and from school. becky worley tried some of them out and is right here. hey, becky. >> reporter: good morning, george. tracking apps on smartphones have made realtime updates on your child easy, but for some handing an 11-year-old a smartphone is like opening pandora's box so what options does that leave u? little feet walking home from school, convenient but sometimes worrisome. enter a bevy of new tracking products. we'll try several out with these three 11-year-olds. olivia's location will be relayed to mom by the relay. a device that also offers some
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rudimentary communication, like a walkie-talkie. earth to olivia. can you hear me? >> yes. >> reporter: it costs $49.99 and has a monthly service fee. >> all have a subscription because it's a cell plan. >> reporter: fiona will try verizon's gizmo watch. >> hello, hello. >> so cool. >> reporter: it takes calls and texts to a limited set of phone numbers. the gizmo costs $179.99, and has a $5 monthly fee for verizon custome customers, and my son finn, for you -- here you go. >> a flip phone, really? >> reporter: the alcatel flip phone. it has a gps in it so it can be tracked. i paid $59 for the phone, and a prepa prepaid sim card. fiona starts less than a mile away. we try to track her. for the majority the tracking is right on and when we call fiona. >> i am on the corner of lincoln and crocker. >> wow, i can actually see that.
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>> reporter: with fiona arriving safe olivia starts the same route. mid walk, mom brandi and i check the app. it says she's at lakeview and sheridan. sure enough, the crew confirms it. when we call her -- >> hi, honey, do you feel safe? >> yes. >> that's what i like to hear. >> reporter: finn makes the same track, but with the gps-enabled flip phone. >> i'm on lincoln and sheridan. >> that's where the app says you are. >> reporter: we were able to track all the kids safely back to base and communicate with them, each in different ways, but -- >> there is not one perfect solution for families. >> reporter: the watch has some fun features. >> it might be a little distracting. >> reporter: verizon says parents can pause all watch activity. the relay is light on communication. no texting and the flip phone -- >> anyone who gets the phone number will be able to june indicate with it. -- communicate with it. >> reporter: what do parents need to know. >> check each individual device because they're all different. it's really about how are you comfortable with handing over this type of information to a company?
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>> reporter: we reached out about privacy. verizon and at&t told us they do not use or share data with advertisers. both companies say they retain location information for a short period of time before deleting it. relay says it only has the user's last location which is never shared. in the end, all our devices help the parents feel better about letting our kids safely exercise some new freedom. >> nice work. >> but i'd still rather virginia -- have a smartphone. >> oh, boy. keep in mind, if you can track your child's location, so can the device's company. you want to pay attention to which one you choose and what carrier they use. >> a flip phone really? but they don't have the technology, all of them. >> that's right. a lot of flip phones don't have gps chips, and, in fact, the app we used to track the flip phone that do, it wasn't even intended for that, but it worked. so it is a solution, and you always want to keep in mind, do teach your kids about stranger danger.
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they need that too. >> no question about that. thanks very much. let's go back over to ginger. so many days i want to go back to a flip phone. don't you feel like that. i would probably not last long. a "gma" moment because my smartphone is where i find your "gma" moments. this is from port st. lucie, florida. this is 22-month-old who is about to get a commercial, i feel like. that is little evert and they love to do the blow dry and put it in slo-mo and we could not be happier. thank you so much for sharing that. we love a good baby hair commercial. please go to my facebook with your smartphone or however you want to do it
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it is time now for "deals & steals." on the go. if you're traveling or going on vacation, tory johnson has all the gear that will make your journey smooth sailing and this is "deals & steals" but where is tory johnson? tory? >> here we are. >> there you are. rolling in. >> what's up, sal? >> if you're on the move a good chance your cell phone is with you. if you have a phone you need a fun case. these are from sonic. they are, i would say, ultra fun. this reminds me of you. sunshine. you're sunshine. it's really hard to make a favorite. we were pointing, pointing. we can't decide. you get to decide. normally $35 but today -- >> the deal? >> $17.50.
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and -- >> two favorite words. free shipping. that's right. [ applause ] >> okay. >> thank you. so next up, well, oh, we're going on this side. sorry. so -- >> isn't this one backed by mark cuban and lori greiner from "shark tank." >> i don't know if they backed it. i don't know the answer to that but if you say so that's good enough for me. so what's cool about this is no hot beer. so you take your chilled beer bottle and put it into here. it will keep it cold longer. and so that is the awesome thing about this. and -- >> really love beer. >> coated. it's coated on the outside. it's got even a bottle cap opener built right into this and all of these awesome colors. so normally $35 to $37. today they are slashed in half, and they start at $16.50. >> can't beat that. thank you so much, sir.
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>> okay, so i was at a trade show. this company had the longest line. i had to see what it was about. this is all of their -- they're called bar lotions so that is a lotion that you would use directly on -- you could use it on your skin anywhere that's dry or use it on cuticles. these are awesome. this is their foot balm. they're just terrific because they're beeswax and essential oils. just good for you ingredients and they work, which is what i love. >> yeah, they do. >> for dry skin. $7. $7.50, and they start now,now,n, choices starting at $3.75. next up -- [ applause ] >> hey, this -- this one comes with a model. this backpack comes with a model named ginger zee. yeah. >> the backpack -- you can wear it like ginger on a backpack or
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the shoulder and comes with the matching wristlet. a backpack is the style of choice but there's a variety of ways to wear it. fully lined. so many awesome features. normally $70, today slashed to $35 and -- >> free shipping. that's right. thank you. >> thank you, ginger. >> great job, ginger. >> yogo. the yoga mat on the go. it comes perfect like this but you can easily open it up. >> that's okay. you open it up. >> yeah, grippy. >> and there's no bulk when you're on the go. normally it's $62. today, slashed in half, $31. >> i like that with a handle and everything else. thank you, tommy. >> we got another model. mr. sam champion. >> you know, i was a teenage
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hand model, michael. >> he was a teenage hand model. >> all right, ginger is back. >> rain caper. >> looks really good. >> normally $65 to $72 for these. they are reversible, i want to say and they come in a little pouch and perfect on the go. he did the party on the outside. >> party on the outside. >> but then, michael, they travel just like this so it is an awesome way to travel. two in one design and it has a hood. they don't have the hood on but today they are slashed in half so they start at $29.25 and -- >> free shipping. that's right. come on out. we partnered with all these companies on these great deals. go to our website. everyone is going home with a bottlekeeper. with a bottlekeeper.
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it's 8:27. good morning. the gilroy rodeo is expecting a sold out crowd this weekend. this is the first major event since the garlic festival shooting. shirts and signs reading gilroy strong. people say the community will not hide as it heals. security teams are prepared for an active shooter situation. which you hate to hear, but we obviously need it now. what is going on with traffic? >> we have better news now following this fatal crash in south san jose for folks heading out of gilroy or morgan hill. all lanes reopened on northbound 101 before highway 85. there's delays. they're only about 20, 30
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minutes. not bad. it's faster how on 101 and you'll find typical delays elsewhere. (sigh) (crunch) babybel: that snack just sounded boring. babybel: coming through. no photos, please. babybel: bye bye, bland. babybel: helloooo, delicious. vo: rich, creamy, 100% real cheese. vo: with mini babybel, snack time is saved. babybel: saved it!
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good morning. we have mid 50s to low 60s in most neighborhoods. 68 already in brentwood. much der co tohis morning to
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this afternoon. here's the 7-day. well below average. a slight chance of drizzle and a shower saturday afternoon. >> announcer: okay, we know it'll be hard to calm down over this. tell 'em, taylor. >> good morning, america. it's taylor swift. i can't wait to perform in central park on august 22nd. >> announcer: taylor swift live in the concert event of the summer only on "gma" and get this, taylor is even performing live or the first time anywhere. new music off her new album. tell your friends, tell your family. shout it to the sky. taylor swift, thursday, august 22nd on -- >> good morning, america. >> presented by capital one. [ applause ] that is right, america. just two weeks from today. taylor swift, central park, it's the concert of the summer. you don't want to miss it, and it's only right here on "gma." we cannot wait for that for sure.
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[ applause ] >> people are lining up already. >> they do line up a week ahead of time. >> oh, yes, it's going to be days. >> she is definitely worth that wait. and we cannot wait to bring out our next guest. she's an actress, comedian and former co-host of "the view." now she's starring in the new movie, "brian banks." please welcome, the one, the only, sherri shepherd. [ cheers and applause ] >> mwah. >> welcome. [ applause ] >> sit over here. >> oh, my goodness. [ applause ] i'm right here. >> this is you. >> i should know from doing "the view." there we go. >> welcome, welcome, welcome, sherri shepherd. >> hi, everybody. [ applause ] >> well, you know, it's thursday so no better way to start out a thursday than with a throwback thursday photo. >> oh, wow. >> so we went back to your
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junior year in high school. your junior year in high school. >> the smile is exactly the same. >> that was my real hair right there. >> knowing what you know now, what would you tell that junior year of high school self? >> i was very sheltered there. i would tell her to live more, take risks. go out and sneak out the house more. that's what i would tell her. [ applause ] >> your son jeffrey is almost as old as you were in that photo. is that what you tell him? >> no, not at all. first of all, i can't even talk to jeffrey because he comes home from school and goes in the bathroom for three hours. >> he's a teenage boy. >> i don't know what that boy is doing in there, but all my location is missing. i said it. i said it. >> this is what i was hearing. >> i'm putting it out there because i am a single mother, and i need help. [ applause ] >> you're going to hear about it when you get home. >> he comes home like he worked
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a regular job. i got to go to the bathroom. mommy. and i'm knocking on the door. he will get in the bathtub and the water will run for four hours and get out and he will be completely dry. i don't know what's going on in that bathroom. >> you're going to hear it when you get home. >> i'm sorry, michael. i need help. >> i'm over here just minding my own business. i need help too. wow. >> so you're playing a mom in your new movie, "brian banks." let's switch gears here. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is an incredible story, a true story about a young man who's wrongfully convicted after a crime that he didn't actually commit. >> yes. >> a story we hear tragically way too often. dramatic role for you. this is one you had to fight for. >> i had to fight for this role. you know, because i make people laugh, that was what worked against me when i read the story about brian banks. and there were so many names they wanted. they wanted viola davis, and they mentioned octavia spencer, and there was a woman named jada. jada that works at the bank? which jada are you talking about?
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there were so many big names and -- i've always wanted to do drama and always prayed about it and i had to fight to get the audition. i had the face time audition with the director of the movie. he wrote "the nutty professor" and directed eddie murphy and jim carrey in "bruce almighty." so he works with standups. and i knew i had gotten the job when he said, i had to sit on eddie, and i think i'm going to have to sit on you. sit mond on me? i've been asking for that my entire life. i know that sounded terrible. i've been asking for that all my life. he was able to take -- he's worked with stand-ups. able to take the funny side of sherri and bring out the painful side of what comics take on stage and he was able to bring that to the forefront so thank you. it only takes one person to believe in you and say yes. [ applause ] that's what he did. >> let's see some of the
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results. let's take a look. >> all a mother ever wants is to protect her children and i was never able to do that for my boy. i'll go to my grave feeling the pain of that past. you can do something today, mr. matteo, to stop the pain of his future. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. >> nobody could have done it better than that. >> based on a true story but you got a chance to meet him and his mom after he was exonerated on "the view," right? >> right. brian banks came on with his mother and i got to meet his mother. she was a very shy woman in the audience. i said, how did you deal with this? and she said i just loved my son and that was what propelled me -- the love for her son can what made her drive 3 1/2 hours to and from the prison for five years. she wrote him a letter every week. noatter whateople id
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nonce and she never stopped -- she sold her car. mortgaged her house for her son. she showed up at court by herself. she never stopped believing in her son's innocence. >>her's love. >> i know brian personally and what a nice, young man. >> he's an amazing phenomenal man. >> yeah, but, sherri, we appreciate you being here and you're back on the road doing comedy and other stuff. >> oh, my gosh. >> after this dramatic role. >> i'll be at the cleveland improv, august 23rd and 24th in cleveland. >> if you're in cleveland, check out sherri shepherd. the movie "brian banks" is in theaters tomorrow. make sure you go check it out. coming up, ben stiller is here. we'll be right back. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. [ applause ] you. it's on. get to the ross shoe event for even more brands at 20 to 60 percent off department store prices. yes! yep! oh, yeah! seriously, save on fall styles for women, men, boys and girls. at the ross shoe event. on now.
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[ applause ] welcome back to "gma." you know our next guest the star of "zoolander," "meet the parents" and "escape at dannemora" has just been nominated for 12 emmys. please welcome ben stiller. [ applause ] ♪ how you like me now how you like me now ♪ ♪ how you like me now >> good to see you, man. how are you doing? >> welcome back. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. congratulations. such a powerful story, "escape at dannemora," now getting the recognition it deserves. >> yeah, it's been a great
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experience. >> it was such a captivating story. it was back in 2015 when these guys escaped. >> two inmates escaped from clinton correctional, a maximum security state prison in upstate new york and got involved with a civilian worker, tillie mitchell, who oversaw the tailor shop at the prison and started to have a relationship with her. both of these guys and she helped them to escape. >> crazy story. >> but for you, though, you are behind the camera. you're a comedy star but a big writer, director, all these things. was it difficult to go from comedy to this drama and did you miss the acting aspect? >> i actually really enjoyed it because, you know, when you do a comedy, there is an expectation that when people watch the comedy that they're going to laugh, you know. they expect to laugh. and when you're doing a drama
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you don't have that pressure. so you can just let it be what it is and the scenes are what it is and not getting a laugh. if there's humor within it, that's great. that's sort of like a bonus. for me not acting, i enjoyed it. there were amazing actors in the show. benicio del toro, patricia arquette. [ applause ] >> i remember covering that story day in and day out here when it was happening in realtime. it was just incredible to see it on film now. it's thursday. we're going to throw back i think a picture of you -- >> high school. your senior year. >> always about the hair. >> no, but -- >> i'm just curious. and maybe i'm the only one who sees this, but i see a little blue steel in that. >> i don't know how you can see it through all the hair. yeah, that was actually my 8x10, my acting 8x10 when i was 16 years old and decided to put that in my high school yearbook. that's how creative i was. >> your kids are teens now.
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which movie of yours is their favorite? >> they really haven't seen -- they've seen one of my movies. >> that's it? >> yeah, "night at the museum." [ cheers and applause ]>> is th- >> no, totally their choice. you don't want to be the parent begging your kids to watch your movies. but i think they'll come to it when they come to it. >> speaking of movies, i didn't realize this, it's been 25 years since "reality bites." >> yes. >> one of my favorite movies. [ applause ] >> yeah. >> i heard that you and the cast got all back together to rewatch it again? >> yeah. well, at the tribeca film festival they did a reunion screening and the whole cast was there and it was pretty interesting to go back and see something that, you know, is that long in the past and i think you can finally have a little perspective. i really enjoyed it. fun to see with an audience if >> it was so of the moment as well. we want to show you a little bit of "escape at dannemora." let's take a look.
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>> what's this? >> just had a little extra material from when we did the inmate release uniforms. i got inspired. >> you made these for me? >> wow. what a wild story. >> she got so deep inside that character. >> yeah. patricia -- all the actors really didn't worry about making the characters likable at all. these are people who did some really bad things but they just played them as human beings. that's what was interesting, the human relationships that develop in these situations if you're incarcerated. there's still going to be the same wants and desires that everybody has and how people kind of, you know, move past that or overcome that. >> great stuff. congratulations. >> congratulations. really good. >> great to see you. >> thank you. >> "escape at dannemora" is
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available on showtime streaming and now over to ginger. hey, ginger. >> hey, michael. how about we do this, i love to show you some of the clouds that have been around. these are one of my favorite types. i want to point your eye to the top this. a mammatus cloud in presque isle, wisconsin, often happening just after storms. it's a lot to do with the buoyancy of the atmosphere. i could go into more, but you need to know how hot it is. heat advisories from texas to mississippi. feels like 100 to 106 degrees. let's go hey, michael, what's you got next? >> it's time for our one-on-one with kevin costner. the academy award winner and director is opening up about the 30-year anniversary of "field of
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dreams" and his conversations with princess diana and his new role in "the art of racing in the rain." paula faris had a chance to sit down with him. >> here endeth the lesson. >> reporter: he's been an fbi agent, a baseball player. >> i believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. >> reporter: and a civil war soldier. >> forgive me, father. >> reporter: but kevin costner's latest role is for the dogs. >> even back then i knew i was different than other dogs. >> reporter: did you ever think that you would play a dog? >> no, not really. you know, in acting class you'll play anything. yeah, i'll do it. i can do that. >> reporter: in "the art of racing in the rain," costner plays enzo, the philosophical pup who narrates the movie. >> you didn't have to be convinced to do the movie. you wanted to do it right away. >> i had it to think about it because i didn't like my voice and i thought you need to get somebody else to play enzo. either an italian to play enzo.
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>> you don't like your voice? >> no. >> you're an actor. >> i get that. that's why you're trying to invent voices all the time because you don't like your own. >> reporter: only time will tell if enzo becomes as iconic as some as costner's other roles like the baseball-loving farmer in "field of dreams." >> wanna have a catch? >> congratulations on the 30th anniversary of "field of dreams." >> thanks. >> if you build it, he will come. >> how did you celebrate? >> it's not mine anymore. it's everybody's. that movie and that's what you realize about the things you do. they're not yours anymore. they're somebody else's. >> you must be so proud of that movie though. 30 years later to see how it still resonates. is that probably up there with -- >> for me i've had movies doing that. "bull durham" will have its anniversary and "bodyguard" and "jfk" will have it and i think what you want to be is relevant. ♪ will always >> you mentioned "bodyguard." is it true you were lobbying for princess diana to star in the sequel? >> i wasn't lobbying. it probably would have happened. she knew that i was -- we were
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working on it with her in mind. i didn't talk to anybody about it. that was just private between her and i. >> so she was interested, would have gone forward? >> she was interested. >> reporter: from what might have been to what is, costner is focusing on his current project, a heartwarming story about man's best friend. >> why do you want people to see this movie? >> i know what i want for them. i hope they feel like they get their money's worth. i think if somebody looks at it, it was like an honest effort. movies still interest me. >> faster, danny. faster. [ applause ] >> my dog is named enzo and i love racing. so "the art of racing in the rain" is in theaters tomorrow and i'll be the first in line. coming up this afternoon on "strahan and sara," we answer the question, what would you do when john quinones puts us to the test, and our audience as well. >> it's good. >> you don't want to miss. it's too good. we tackle everything you want to know about fun?
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>> and we have the most adorable 4-year-old and her dad who became viral singing sensations. super cute. >> what would you do when these run out in the back to hang out with you? you come out hang out with us. next, coming up on "gma", we'll tell you ways to jump start your morning. we'll be right back. [ applause ] next, coming up on "gma", we'll tell y
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dand steaks aren't just for and right now we can have both for less because with choice sirloin... denny's is elevating its new steak and eggs for just $10.99. it's new and it's a pretty big deal. see you at denny's!
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[ applause ] welcome back to "gma." experts have been telling us a good morning routine can help you jump start your day. so we are teaming up with our sponsor dr. teal's, so show you morning wellness tips to start your day off right. their spokesperson dr. taz bahtia here with us and dr. bhatia, we are starting with a cup of coffee. i am half and half girl but i'm trying to change and you say this is a great option. >> if you have hit any of the coffee stores you probably noticed all the dairy-free alternatives, but many people don't know about oat milk.
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>> oat milk? >> it is high in fiber and healthy fat and that's important because that's good for the gut and the gut at the end of the day is the most important piece of your health. health. so this is a great switch to make. >> plays a little thicker. i'm not a fan of the other ones. >> let's get up and go to the bathroom together. >> bonding. we're bonding. >> something people do every day, sometimes, i hope and some others that need it, anti-perspirant, and deodorant. we're putting it on every day. i made a switch to a natural product. i assume that's what you're going to tell us. >> look, so many of us are running around. we just grab whatever it is that is on the counter and don't think twiceit. all anti-perspirants have aluminum. it's a toxin. when we're putting it on under our arms it's getting absorbed through our skin and going through our body.
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we don't want that. that's why i am thrilled to reveal today the dr. teal's aluminum-free deodorant. >> try it out. >> you might know about dr. teal's through their great-smelling epsom salt baths and you may have heard they have all those great essential oils, but the win here is it's been clinically proven to fight odor, reduce moisture and lasts all day long, which is a win-win for all of us. >> i better take that one with me because that's mine now. finally, this is also meditation is big. at least people have heard about it. maybe they thought about trying it but say i don't have time to breathe and sit there. >> what i notice they think of meditation as this big word where they have to sit in a room for 30 or 40 minutes. that's simply not true. this is one of my favorite hacks. this is the 4-7-8 breath. you can do this anywhere. i do this all the time and it's so easy and simple to do. >> teach us. we have d.j. and gabby. they'll help. you will stay quiet and meditate. >> the first thing you do, empty your lungs of all the air, blow all the air out then close your mouth and breathe it in to the count of four, one, two, three, four. we'll hold it. don't do a thing and count to seven in your head, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. and then open your mouth and blow all that air back out. just a couple of cycles of this has been really shown to reduce
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anxiety, reduce stress, help you get a better night's sleep, and if you don't like this, there are great meditation apps you can use as well on your phone and that you can carry with you on your phone. >> you feel better, don't you, d.j. and gabby? i knew it. thank you so much, dr. bhatia. we are going to be right back. [ applause ]
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>> announcer: "gma" tomorrow kick start your weekend. are you ready for this?d morning america" concert from central park. >> you won't want to miss it. >> tomorrow, tell them where, keith. >> "good morning america." >> presented by king's hawaiian. >> before we go welcome to the newest member of our "gma" family. erielle reshef's little baby boy mavryk julius frankenstein. congratulations to them. >> congratulations. them.
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good morning. it's 8:59. i'mege aqui. mike nicco, how are we doing today? >> a little bit cooler. a nice wind coming out of the west at 14 across the golden gate. a little bit of cloud cover. if you're out, it pleasant. a small craft advisory around the bay bridge in about two minutes. it's going to stay cooler than average through saturday with a slight chance of shower. southbound 280 approaching sand hill. traffic is slow from wood side. 101, not a great alter mat. a motorcycle crash there. 101 traffic recovering following an earlier fatal accident at this point the delays are only 20 minutes.
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thank you. time now for live with rel can i and ryan -- kel ly and ryan. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan." today from "saturday night live" and the new "angry birds" movie,


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