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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  December 17, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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the way they can process it and handle it, i feel horrible for family, for them. >> young jack was a new york giants football fan. wide receiver victor cruz visited his grieving family and wrote is he my cheero on his cleats. this is where mourners hugged and cried. a scene playing out more than two dozen times in the community that is just starting to heal. >> newtown is forever changed. and we cames a community that, is who we are. we're here for the pintos. >> we're back live, you can see outpouring of emotions. and support for this community. folks here coming all day all night, and a stream of cars here since we've been here. to give you a perspective, again this is the center of
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town. looking up street we're showing you there is÷19z a linf police. that is the street that is where this school is located. you can see they have police here and a line of columns going up the street. they're allowing the public to walk up to the area there. the fire house where the kids ran to is that another large public memorial. tonight how a california family reached all the wayqgme=t here to pay their respects and give some support to this community, again, tonight at 6:00. live in sandy hook, abc 7 news. >> thank you. >> well, there will be a memorial for the victims of the tragedy tonight here in the bay area on the peninsula. a service of remembrance getting underway in burlingame.
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this service begins at 7:00 p.m.yi?v on the church on easton krif. >> shooting prompted two state agencies to review their plans for schools and work place as cross california. nannette miranda joins us live now. nannette? >> this plan just doesn't include shootings but supposed to include responses for earthquakes, fires and other situations. once state lawmaker says self reporting isn't working. every july, how they evacuate sturd yents, whether they have locked doors, which people do they let in? are security cameras in place? are the staff trained? one senator is upset that the last numbers he can find indicate that over half did not comply in 2009. >> and because we don't keep a
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good track, we don't know in two years whether situation has gone gothen worse or better. >> in light of the shooting state asked all california schools... to review their safety plans. after columbine, lawmakers allegeo indicated $90 million for improvements. but as recession rolled on, and squeezed state budget, finance consultants say leader as loued flexibility in how money is spent. >> that meansa "s it's unrestricted funding now. >> schools superintendent says california schools are safe. there are lesson buzz we can't go to extreme. >> we can't live in fear and turn our schools into for tress was barbed wire. there could be cost to that, changing atmosphere of the schools.
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we wantío to find the balance. >> the state senator thinks california schools should start with basics of having a safety plan in place. and reintroducing a bill from schools if they don't have one in place in case a shooting happened here its so tragic. i just want to make sure in california that we take steps to pry tri to prevenlt future tragedies. >> superintendent says a proposed bond for 2014 will likely mandate that all new schools built be include safety measures in place like limited access. flif sacramento, abc 7 news. >> thank you. a new abc news washington post poll shows support for stricter gun control at a five-year high. 54% want stricter laws. 59% support a ban on ammunition clips and 52% want a ban on semi automatic
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handgun autos classes resumed in two south bay schools shut down because of a bomb threat directed as a teacher. classes resumed atmonta vista high school. kept them closed on fridayhmzxñ, and they had a call to reopen following the arrest of the 16-year-old suspect. parents face difficult time explaining thing owes to their kids. >> this is a very delicate. have you to explain it to kids. they cannot understand the details that, you know? in their minds. so in a way that safety is necessary. they have been doing good work. >> police say the 16-year-old confessed to claiming a bomb was blais plaised on campus. no device was found. the teenager faces felony charges in juvenile court. >> now, abc 7 news will continue to cover the shooting
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traj dmi newtown as it unfolds. at 5:30 on world news a closer look at the two adut survivors playing a key role into the investigation. and you can express your sympathyes by posting this badge to your facebook wall in a show of support for everyone in newtown, connecticut. >> and students and staff are mourning loss of one of their senior football players. the 17-year-old shot and killed saturday night. abc 7 news is live for us in concord tonight. >> students tell us there was a moment of silence for montreal blakely. blakely played offense and defense for the football team police say he was shot and killed saturday night in san francisco bay view district. around 10.
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a friend took him to the hospital where he was pro downsed -- pronounced dead nchl addition to moment of silence, students say many wore black today. they found out about his death yesterday. sleea social media. there is a vigil yil planned friday evening on the football field, parents weary of what feels like unrelentding violence. >> there is no value put only. every day you read about something, hearing about something where taking someone's life seems to be the most immediate, simple way to address a problem. >> it was shocking. very tragic. i heard he was a great guy. i didn't -- i didn't know what to think. >> people have been saying on twitter, facebook. people posting pictures. and he was a good person.
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>> students here saying they have no idea why woe have been in san francisco on saturday night. also, police are?÷b> revealing very few details about this case and they are asking for help in solving this murder. >> so sad. thank you. >> the police chiefs of oakland ask san francisco calling a weekend gun buy back a small victory in the face of the rampage. the buy back took 600 guns off the street. 300 in oakland, 300 in san francisco. held on saturday nights just hours after the nas masa ker. >> we want to continue partnership in these groups on the heels of what took place friday shows the community very concerned about vishlgs people beginning to take action to reduce violence in this city. >> oakland mayor says she's
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hoping to hold another buy back soon because many people showed up on saturday, they ran out of money. >> there was just enough rain z÷ umbrellas open and puddle dodging going on near union square this afternoon. sandhya patel is here now to let us know. >> i would hang onto it. live doppler 7 hd showing you we do have showers left, really host of these winding down. there is mountain view area is just starting to wind down. now, into5u route 88 and 4. 80 not requiring controls, winter storm warning is going until midnight tonight. so just keep that in mind. couple more inches expected so xm
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inches have fallen. and there will be more coming. so more storms dmu this week. when will you need umbrellas? what will christmas eve look like? >> thank you very much. with proliferation of home solar systems, warn goinging out about cold snap sandhya is talking about. cracked pipes are a possibility. abc 7 news is live in san jose to explain what to do. david? >> rising rivers and creeks are has yards when storms hit. but freezing temperatures can cause thousands of dollars of damage. flooding has become part of the norm when high tides coincide. but the freezing temperatures expected late tuesday night pose a threat. damage to landscapinvi> if you have solar plumbing,
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like solar for swimming pools have you to empty all of the panels to make sure thatáu@0hey don't freeze he warn that's a thin layer can form in pools, as ice expands can crack tile work in older pools. a cold snap can be hazardous. this center is one of three operated by the ehs life builders. the capacity here is 250 but 104 floor mats are set out. >> watering system in place is not a factor during these extreme cold weather months like this. or thes⌟♪ nights wex tried to serve that in better seeking shelter for the night. >> blankets, towels and soap provided with hot meals. homeless can wash, dry their own clothing during their stay. clients say the opportunity to escape freezing weather is a life saver since hostile conditions can lead to sickness, mark wheeler know
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that's from personal experience. >> it takes a little bit of rain to get clothes wet. then, you're freezing. hype therma. there are people that die out there. it's sad. >> there are armries in sunnyvale going to be open tomorrow night as cold weather shelters. in san jose, abc 7 news. >> good information, thank you. >> coming up, dog that could be key to helping police in the east bay solve a rape case. >> and a major medical group gives okay now to a controversial ingredient banned from children vaccines. >> plus, events that found a duchess of cambridge stepping out publicly for the first time since being hospitalized with severe morning sickness.
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plis looking for leads in the search for a rapist that
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tacked a woman that was hiking in the regional wilderness when swaultded on wednesday by a man walking his dog. she described the man being five feet, 10 inches tall. she said the dog was brown and white, medium sized with one ear up, one down, she cannot tell the breed f you can help you're asked to call the alamo police department. >> in san francisco, firefighters came to the rescue of a man snuck a chimney overnight. the rescue caused quite a commotion for people living in this apartment apartmenting near clay street and press individual yido avenue. investigators aren't sure why he was inside of the chimney. crews had to loosen several bricks to get him out.l >> and a body wash add shore yesterday has been identified as a man who went missing last week from a tug boat. the contra costa county coroner says a 77-year-old
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browned he was reported missing december 9th helping clean debris from a ship docked in vallejo. the wod body found by a hiker in point pinole yesterday. >> a leading doctor's group says a controversial preservative used in childhood vaccines should not be banned by 9 united nations. saying it is not a hasus source of mercury n 19999 group helped to getócly thimerl removed but two studies found no evidence it can cause autism. meantime, fda has given a nod to the first flu vaccine intended to protect against four strains of the virus. the drug maker says it will be available for 2013, 2014 flu season. unlike current vaccines it will include two strains of
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the flu b as well as two strains of a. panels says vaccines have been manufactured to include strains. >> technology news, apple today is reporting brisk sales of the iphone 5 in china during its first three days on the market there. apple says it sold more than two million phones in china since friday. and experts say it can be available in more than 100 countries. >> the duchess of cambridge stepped ut for her first public appearance sincement hospitalized for acute morning sickness presenting two awards at the bbc sports personality of the year, she seemed healthy wearing a green dress. the duchess appeared with out her husband, prince william who had a previous commit nmt a movie premier. >> nasa twin probes ended
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their gravity mapping mission today. the space agency intentionally crashed dish washer sized crafts into the side of a crater near the north poll. this mission launched in september, 20116789 nasa says they produce the highest resolution field map of any celestial body to date. providing a better understanding of how they formed over the ions. >> mazing. >> yes. sit. >> we're expecting more rain and very cold temperatures. >> yes. >> this is mild in comparison it is going to be chilly tonight. we may see frost. >> so snow just ended in the lake tahoe area, just minutes ago. you're looking at this
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view rm. you can see skies clearing out meaning chill will be settling in, as we head into tomorrow moshing. so you'll need to bundle up. tracking just isolated source we have our own radar. a lot of the storms have been coming in from the north, northwest. we have monterey bay national weather service radar tracking showers down. you can see them around the monterey bay. so 22/100ths in san francisco. santa rosa airport just over a half inch. livermore valley didn't pick up much. 7/100ths. moffett field, 1300. san jose, 15/100ths. santa cruz mountains over an inch of rain in 24 hours. temperaturescó9f[ now, into 50s.
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high so far have been in the mid-50s. to mid-60s around places like monterey. that is light chance of showers freezing conditions coming your way. so this is a front that brought us rain, making for a sloppy commute. now, we're watching this cold air, this low pressure system from the gulf of ska skarks this is what is going to produce slight chance of showers tomorrow and certainly bringing us a possibility of frost by wednesday morning. lookingñww0s across pra pacifice do have an active pattern, hang on to rain gear, you'll need umbrellas heading into next week. so here, starting at 7:00 p.m. tonight, you can see skies clearing around the bay area. and then, we'll see hit or miss showers along the coast. it's going to be a slight possibility. cold low pressure system just parallels the coast. not making it over land.
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tomorrow morning make sure have you a jacket or sweater, sit going to be cold. close to freezing in santa rosa. 34 degrees not quite as cold around san francisco. 45. 43 oakland. 36 degrees by morning in livermore. tomorrow afternoon, it willpç e cool. temperatures into low to mid-50s under partly cloudy skies. you'll notice mid-40s around clover dale, 47 degrees. so on the chill eye side tortdz the north. 53 in san francisco. palo alto and san jose. a slight showers, more of cold air you're going to start to feel. around the monterey bay, 54 in n santa cruz and watsonville. here is the accu-weather forecast and what is coming. slight chance of showers tomorrow, low to mid-50s for highs.
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going to be freezing cold in valleys wednesday morning. we'll see frost, low to mid-50s for highs. it's a dry day. make sure you cover your plans if you have frost sensitive plants. rain returning thursday with another system mid to upper 50s, witness, windy friday. another system coming through here, rain for the weekend. turning into showers on sunday. and by christmas eve, i think you'll get a chance to get rid of the umbrellas and dry out, temperatures in mid-50s so looking at accu-weather forecast, i know it looks like a lot of rain. don't panic. the storms we're looking at live with the latest kmoouter models look like one storm brings us rain, another storm rainfall totals over four days we're looking at three and a half to four and a half inches of rain but that is over four]s days into the wettest locations. santa cruz mountains and north bay. don't panic yet. >> you'll let us know when? >> right. >> thank you very much. >> still to come two san
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francisco officers recognized for helping save a newborn describing how they swung into action. >> then, a hollywood who done it? police and abc 7 vic lee try to find out who stole an unreleased movie. it's a story only on abc 7 ñt's a story only on abc 7
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>> i can see them and hear him, crying talking with the baby just telling the baby come back, breathe. so you know that, is something i'll never forget. >> baby nash is doing better. san francisco general. his mother will be arraigned on several chaimpblgs including wellful cruelty. >>u:rqu skating star rudy galino has been named to u.s. figure skating hall of fame winning titles in 1989 and 199067891996 won the u.s.
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singles title in frichbt crowd, remember at hp pavilion? returning after earning a bronze medal at world championships. the 43-year-old now coaches skating in san jose. >> what a career. >> yes oo. coming up next a 3,000 items yaused too17k decore this tree. >> yes. they're all very fragile.
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coming up a case of very bad timing tonight a gun store about to open its koor doors over occasions of neighbor autos planting a dream. the east bay campus hoping to win a grant by becoming a little school that could. >> a big move for san francisco exploratorium, packing up the past, preparing for the future, those stories and more coming up at 6:00. >> and finally here holiday spirit climbing to new heights in one city. >> yes. >> nicknamed city of taste. it's fitting the christmas
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free tree is made of dining ware. >> check that out. made of 3,000 flaits plaits, cups and crockery donated by the people. symbolizes staples shared by family and friends, a special recognition for those that couldn't be there. >> and you don't have this is "world news." tonight, we take you to a small town in connecticut, where so many funerals have begun. a day after the president's emotional speech. >> we can't accept events like this as routine. >> he promised to take action. tonight, what will he do first? also, new details tonight about the young man carrying the rifle. >> nancy has always instructed me to keep an eye on him at all times. and parents come out of the shadows, saying they need help with their children, too. >> this is a problem that we've kind of pushed to the margins in


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