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tv   ABC 7 News at 6PM  ABC  July 20, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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alone when setting out for san francisco and his sole purpose was to kill people. there is documents that show byron williams was on a mission, he told investigators he intended to start a revolution and intended to kill what he called people of importance at the aclu and the tides organization. >> i think he was going through tough times in his life. and his views now. he's blaming those forgsz problems he's facing now. >> what williams, a two striker is facing is a potential life prison sentence. he is charged with four counts of attempted murder of a plor police officer and felonies for being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition thchl would be his third strike. court documents say williams told investigators he refused
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to be arrested when chp pulled him over for swerving. he wore a bulletproof vest. >> i don't think he was planning to get stopped. he was dressed and ready to go for that san francisco trip. and when chp was able to subpoena him before carrying out the plan. >> the same bruised williams seen here in a booking photo made his first court appearance that have the noon. and sat in a wheelchair, his wrists and feet bandaged after being shot during the shootout. investigateors say it was a shootout preventing williams from carrying out a potentially devastating plan. >> this is his plan to go there, wait until it opens up in the morning. investigators brought it up organizations are probably closed on sundays. he said he was going wait until they opened up. >> authorities are not talking about the contents of a binder pulled from williams truck following this shootout that had the words california
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written on the cover. today, i did speak to an fbi spokesman saying the fbi is investigating and has not decided whether it will seek charges against williams. police say they did search his house and they're not saying what it is that they found there. and he will be back in court here in oakland, tomorrow. >> thank you. and tonight the tide foundation, the subject of complaints on conservative talk radio is responding to the news he were one of the intended targets. and the other group was target 50d one of the targets is the aclu. the offices are down street here. and we called him for a response and talked to staffer who's came in and out of the building but there is no one talking. and there is a person came out of the building saying he
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worked for national aclu and told us it come was territory. and that is the only comment we got out here. there is a group had offices in the pris yido. and it's executives say it's never experienced anything like this saying they don't know who williams is, never heard of them him. they don't know why they're targeted this, is the coe of -- ceo of tide. >> the work we do is best traditions of america. i can't imagine why someone would want to target us. the person is a very unbalanced soul. that he might engage in these behaviors. this is very sad when this leads to this sort of thing. >> he says they're paying close attention to their
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security. now they know they were a target. they have talked to the federal park plis patrolling the presidio there. is one response tonight from one of the two targets but the aclu again is officers are located and not talking to reporters. >> and there is this new video posted by a driver showing a massive trafx jam saturday night. and you can see cars trying to turn around as they heard shots being fired. the patrol says they received two calls from drivers and police are investigating those incidents. ac transit workers will get their day in court. the union filed papers today asking a judge to block the contract this past sunday. union leaders claimed imposed
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contract restructured skpfs assignments force something to work long hours behind the wheel. >> we carry live human beings. we have to make sure that they're 100% safe going out there and when we operate buses. >> about 20% of the transit drivers called in sick last two days and the union blames that on the sudden schedule changes. and management says the union is being reckless. >> this district cut everything, management. and they're cutting back on service. it's time for unions to step up to the plate. so that this district can survive. >> the hearing over the contract is scheduled to take place july 30th. >> despite the reception problem was the new iphone 4 this, has been a fantastic quarter for apple.
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profits up 78%, and apple stock rose more than $7 a share in trading following today's announcement. and apple is selling more than ever before. apple share holders are all smiles tonight. and investors couldn't be happier with the stock. >> this is 300 megs on it. >> apple ceo calls this a phenomenal quarter saying it's exceeded our kpekt taigss all around. the cupertino company reported revenue of $15.7 billion. up 61% from a year ago. iphone sales drove the growth with 8.4 million units sold, up 61% over last year. apple's computer sales set a quarterly record. there is nearly 3.5 million macs sold, up 33%.
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the numbers shattered wall street's high expectations. there is a is pretty impressive have you to figure apple is doing right things now the i pad sold 3.3 million units and launched in april. >> apple management says they're blown away by the demands and apple predhikts quarter will be the best ever, generating $18 kbrinl in revenue. >> there is back to school season coming up. and right after that, christmas holiday shopping. so there is a is more consumers will have a chance to impact the bottom line.
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on sale friday. >> outlook for yahoo picked up more team today. another sign that it's earning $200 million last quarter. and that is a little lower than expected but it's the best performance since it hired carol barts 18 months ago. and there is shares down more than 6%. >> farm workers lobbying the governor tonight, playing for hex they want to get paid overtime after eight hour day. same as most other workers get. and there is a report farmers worn end result may be each worker ends up earning less money. that is dozens marked to hand deliver a bill, paying time and a half for workers after eight hours in a day.
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40 in a week. there is farm workers say they deserve to be treated like millions of other employee autos working to be really hard. this is hard work. >> the industry warns that be careful what you ask for. farmers operate on limb targins saying to keep costs down, they'll cut hours in, the end that means smaller paychecks for current workers. >> there is crews so that they'll be able to pay straight time. >> one of the aids accepted the bill saying he is not taking a position on the proposal yet. and he signed into law regulation skpinz stit yuted controls.
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but then, the governor sided with farmers in vetoing a bill. and there is where you can go either way to boost the cause and immigration reforms, united farmerers invited americans to spend the day as a farm worker. and there is only three picked crop autos once people learn about how difficult it is and how hard it is and how low wages are and everything else, people do not continue to persue it. >> the governor has 12 days to take action on the bill and this group plans to keep signing. >> tonight medical marijuana. the bay area city that may become the first in the country to enzpors license wholesale pot grower autos fight against global warming and the affect on the california kme. a fact check on the u.s. senate race. >> and there is consumers may have been paying more than
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they should have at two national retailers. that story is head on 7 on your side. >> there is is a look at video games coming your way from redwood city. @ú t t tgsatatpx
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what this droid does will change how you do movies. with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does.
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. berkeley police believe the same people are behind 10 small arson fires set since friday. three last night. take a look at this surs video showing two young men setting a dumpster on fire. this is yesterday, and you can see the glow of flames in this
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corner of the screen. and there is authorities say it's only a matter of time before a building catches fire. a survey shows support for same-sex marriage is less than rock solid. california field poll shows 51% in favor after louing gay couples to get married. and this is about the same for two years ago just before proposition eight. and look at this. support for same-sex marriage falls to just 44%. people were given the option to choose civil unions ochblt 19% neither. the bay area show the most support, 69% an appeals court is expected to rule on proposition 8 any day now. >> the city of oakland could become one of the largest producers of medical marijuana. the city council scheduled to vote on a proposal for four
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farms but not everyone is on board. producer says this would hurt their business. and there is a small cultivateor of medicinal marijuana. and fears being pushed out by grower autos people are trying to find a way to create their own small wis. and they're going to have this industry coming from out of town to put them out of business. >> the city council will decide who gets the permits to have the four arms, each costing $211,000 a year. they could run like any other big business. if tonight's must sure passes the counsel will vet vote to pose an additional tax on grower autos this will allow to us get a jump in the industry for large scale high tech and well finances
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facilities. and this will keep them in the industry area of the city. >> the council woman would like to see the growers operating in an industrial area. the council will decide their fate in december. steve is the director of harbor side. one of the largest medical cannibis dispensery autos let there be small, medium and large-sized producers and let patients decide whose is best for them. >> some members say that this could be a money-maker for oakland if voters in california decide to pass an initiative legalizing marry marijuana throughout the state. richard lee is behind the november ballot to legalize marijuana in california. >> this will help by previding tax revenue for oakland. we need that in light of laying off police officers. this will help by reducing this attraction for people to grow illegally and unsafe ways
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that causes fire autos small growers are out of the -- not out of the market yet. some may get together to try to win a permit. >> by the way, the industry doesn't want to refer to marijuana or pot clubs anymore. to find out more look under see it on tv. there is a terminology they'd prefer to us use. >> kind of a steady as she goes forecast. >> breezy out there right now. >> breezy near the coast. it's been that way throughout the day. not any warmer. most inland locations were cooler. there is is a live view looking south ward. you can see there is blue sky as above. and there is pushing inland and providing us some cooling of course. there is these temperature
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readings. it's 55 degrees in san francisco. and there is over in antioch, inland is 88 degrees. there is a 34 degree difference. there is 60s and 70s. there is most locations are a couple degrees cooler hahn they were at this hour with exceptions. and there is san jose, los gatos showing no change at all. there is another mild day to. minor warming thursday and friday. there is this afternoon, there is fog still at the coast and this is marine layer deeper than yesterday, 2200 feet deep now. and there is a more cooling and we felt that today. tonight fog is pushing inland again. there is remaining there until
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tomorrow morning, 5:00. tonight we'll see low temperatures up north into low 50s, low to mid-50s other locations z then, what happens tomorrow, well, this. high temperatures into the south bay, mainly mid to upper 70s, 78 in campbell. highs right around or just above 70 degrees. there is only mid-50s remaining chilly there. and 60 degrees the high downtown. there is 57 into sunset district. there is a witder range to mid-70s to 94 up in yu kia. there is is hes ranging from 78 to 88 and there is highs only 59 in carmel. 80 inland. 76 in gilroy.
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here is the accu-weather forecast. there is minor warming and highs around, maybe just above 90 degrees. there is next week, we'll see cooling. not a lot of change here over next several days just a few degrees and a couple degrees down again. >> and there is behind the scenes at face book and interview the elusive founder. world news airs from stanford here tomorrow at 5:30. >> and coming up here next, live from a showcase at electronic arts. >> there is a look at video games about to come out. so my mercury moment happened during our family camping trip.
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i grabbed my son a juice box...and left the cooler lid open. twenty minutes later, all our hot dogs were gone. and so was most of the car. my mercury agent, steve, told me the car was covered. i switched to mercury because i saved hundreds of dollars on my car insurance, but it was the service that really made me a happy camper... er...ex-camper. call 888-4-mercury or visit to get a fast, free quote and start saving today. there is a preview on what are likely to be the best-selling video games of the holiday season. they're coming from the world's biggest game producer. and there is two cases right, you've been sworn to secrecy? >> yeah. i'm going to reveal it anyway. 15 new games will be out. people from around the world taking a look at them. one of the new games is called medal of honor. there is another one
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introduced by curt schilling. one is called reckoning. there is a preview from media coming from every corner of the globe. hi def images and pulsating sound. there is electronic arts summer showcase. the games will be in store. >> this brings the franchise to the first time. >> this is a slew of best jerl s but they can't rest because more people are getting involved. in a business that has mushroomed. >> there is the industry used to be a be now, it's men, women, older people. >> this warning has become
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more common. then, there is a spin. 50% of the users are girls and women 12-24 years old with nothing new today. >> there is a late night expansion pack. you can be become a vampire. >> there is a new addition of the football. and nfl training camp and there is a more realistic look about them. >> there is is tools using joy sticks to create moves. on the court. >> there is when it got more realistic. and there is an opportunity that continues. >> trying to hire the best sounds and make them rich. >> there is people expected to
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create amazing vision. and you can see folks are playing them now. and is there at least 20% of the market. the last quarter they had said they made close to a million dollars. i'm about the overdressed person here. >> this looked fantastic. >> and how a message of hate alienated other graffiti artists. >> this is pretty much an outsider. >> and an i team investigation just ahead. >> tonight, relief is coming. benefits for people who are calling behind. and a decision due in the next 24 hours on the oil well in the gulf. [ male announcer ] whoa, the new ultimate turkey & bacon avocado.
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get ready for the ride of your life. wipeout in waves of tender turkey and crispy bacon. gaze upon the rad rainbow of voluminous veggies and cool, sea-green avocado all on freshly baked bread. are you up for the ultimate? ♪ then you've got to try the totally new subway ultimate turkey & bacon avocado. carve one up today. crank up the flavor at subway.
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they were thrilled. she's a natural vibrato. oh. we started saving for this music camp in vermont. so i told them about some of the wells fargo online savings tools like my savings plan, which helps them set up and monitor a savings goal. until we found out that maybe her teacher uses certain terms a little bit loosely. rebecca is clearly very gifted. [ banker ] we decided to roll that money into ashley's college account. turns out there's seven gifted kids in ashley's class of nine. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪
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a criminal court case is giving us a look at people behind the graffiti smear add cross san francisco and one tagger in particular with a bad reputation among her pierce. dan noyes is here with the report. >> at the center of case a 23-year-old san francisco woman who became increasingly bold with her graffiti until she got arrested. for six months, bloggers were tracking a new graffiti tagger on san francisco screen. -- seen. kk katie. she hit muni, and authorized work of a street artist n that case, the blogger speculated she was a spurned lover. >> i think she's an outsider in a community of people who are already outsider autos steve wroughtman has written two books on street art saying she used swastikas and initials of the white
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supremacist group, the ku klux klan. >> the people don't tolerate racism. >> who was kk katie? no one knew shl nl she began taking risk that's landed her in jail. >> early morning beta breakers. >> there was a car parked for a good view of the foot race. as the sun was coming up, he spotted a figure in dark clothing spray painting one k, then, another on a line of port o owe potties. >> i said what are you doing? she was startled opened the car door and said none of your business, you [ bleep ]. >> saying she hurled racial slurs, poked him and shook the can at him. he told her to leave his car ske was calling 911. >> she said to me... if you do dial 911 i'm going to say you raped me and tried to kidnap me.
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who do you think they're going believe? a black man or a white woman. i said, let's see. >> you can hear them arguing on the recording. >> i need to know where you are. >> on hays. >> freedom of speech now. >> she sprayed the last k, came back to my vehicle. she did something like a cowboy spinning a gun with the can and tried, attempted to spray me. she left. >> the recording captures moore talking to police. >> she's up there. up that way. >> officers are here. >> officer is there. >> up there. she's getting away. >> police detained him and took pictures of the writing. kk katie is the harsh reality and down for whatever. donebar told officers kkk
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didn't stand for the group but cookie, crazy kid. police cited her and let her go. >> i called the next day. they told me she's released. i was outraged. >> moore believes donebar should have been charged with hate crimes for the graffiti and racial slurs. the officers captain defends the handling of this case. >> on top of the misdemeanor charges they categorized this report as prejudice based. tantamount to a hate crime prefering her to our special investigations division following up on hate crimes. >> once released kkk katie went on a graffiti spree hitting a toilet at civic center then, towards city hall, painting a public works van and a police barricade. continuing up grove street to the war memorial opera house, tagging walls and the bill boards. police arrested donebar gerngs
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brought her to the psych ward. she bit an officer's hand. >> she bit my hand. >> she faces three counts of felony vandalism. prosecutors added felony charges for moore's incident. and a recent hearing other street artists came to court, tell meeg they wanted to show their disgust. >> the number of black, latino and asian writers i know is huge. they're offended by that symbolism. >> in all, dunbar's graffiti cost more than $10,000. and she's just one person. imagine what the bill would be if you added up all graffiti in addition to impact on the neighborhoods? there is links on katie dunbar
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her six month life in street art and her trial in a new blog. abc 7 and update now to another investigation, the man at the center of a real estate fraud scheme appeared before a court today. james mcconville zited for mail, and wire fraud. and prosecutors say he made more than $11 kblinl, ruining the credit of dozens. this morning asking the court to release him on bond, but the judge put off a decision until next week. former investor who's lost their savings say he should stay behind bars until the trial. >> i can't believe they might let him out on bail. it doesn't make sense. this guy is just going to come out, and... burn more people. >> he has a new attorney, one of his former attorneys tells the i team he own his firm tens of thousands of dollars. so there is a pattern there. >> yeah. yeah. >> thank you. >> senate democrats have
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broken through i republican filibuster on a plan to extend unemployment benefits. senators voted 60-40 to move head on the bill clearing the way for a final vote. the bill pushes back a deadline to file until the end of november now. about 400,000 people out of work in california could get more benefits. the vote came moments after democrat cart goodwin was sworn in. goodwin was the crucial 60th senator needed to defeat the republican filibuster. >> a decision on whether to try to plug the ruptured well in the gulf of mexico is expected within the next 24 hours. bp and officials discussing a procedure known as static kill, where drilling mud is forced through valves to seal it. officials say conditions may be right, specialsly since concerned over leaks around the well have faded. >> there is five small leaks
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in and around the area and stack itself. these are leaks through gas gets. not unlike an oil leak. it's a small drip, boy say. we don't consider them consek qen yil. >> officials say they're now three weeks from completing drilling two of wells. the process seen as an ultimate solution to ending this disaster. >> when we come back here tonight a fight against global warming and the california senate race. >> should the state's law be suspended until the economy improves? oprah: we are heading to the biggest state fair in the united states of america. the fun. the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day. ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit.
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>> karly fiorina called it a job killer, barbara boxer claims the law is creating jobs. so which is it? how about a fact check? mark matthews puts claims to the test. >> it's a good time, to do it, too. talking about how overregulation is driving businesses out of the state. and yesterday, boxer at a solar installation plant saying the state's change regulations are responsible for bringing jobs in. today, fiorina repeated a story about an entrepreneur she met. >> he told me he'd built a factory in the yu crane. in six months. and was three years into a permitting process here in california.
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>> she cites the story as an example of california regulations driving job frtz state. >> now... we're making it harder that. is what every piece of data says. >> the few chairitable trust, an independent foundation,. >> yesterday, boxer told a company in foster city the trust found green jobs sector in california added 10,000 new companies and 125,000 new jobs over a 10 tr-year period. >> that was a 15% quicker job generation than the california economy as a whole. >> is she write? the director of the program at the trust. >> clearly, clean energy jobs are growing at a faster rate. we found that not only in california but across the nation. >> she tells me energy policies
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of of benefit but the trust did not look at impacts of ab 32 nor at fiorina's claim repeeling this would lead to more jobs. however, in sacramento, the nonpartisan analysts office did just exactly that. >> relatives of the size of the economy. the impact on jobs was relatively modest. it would be negative but relatively model. >> there is director of resources at the legislative analyst's office saying over long term, green job growth might overtake the near term losses. it's not certain. and certainly not what the candidates are telling us when the campaign trail. >> this truth is that we're losing more jobs every day in this state. >> i have disproved it right here. today. the trust proves it. >> we thought it might shed light on the issue. if we can talk with the
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entrepreneur who couldn't get the kpon yets factory built because of the regulations. but we can't talk with him because the campaign can't give us his name or the name of the business. >> maybe they will thank you thank you. >> knox they won't. >> not going happen? >> no. >> the president of anthem blue cross in california has resigned. apparently over that massive rates hike. she announced plan to step down from the job going into health care consulting. under her leadership anthem proposed raising rates up to 39% and increase later scaled back to month no more than 20%. >> and just ahead tonight there is a sign of the times. e readers more popular than actual books. >> michael finney has the @ú@ú@ú@ú t t tgx
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presenting the cadillac "summer's best" sales event.
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a fantastic opportunity to get a great offer on a new cadillac cts sport sedan... ..the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a car and driver 10 best third year in a row. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a brand new cadillac. now during cadillac's summer's best sales event... get zero percent apr financing for 72 months or this attractive lease offer on a cts sport sedan. two giant retailers accused of overcharging consumers at check outstand. >> yes. there is is a lot of interesting things happening today.
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sears and k mart agreed to pay for charges. the stores charging more than advertised prigs on items. prosecutors from marin, and santa cruz and even los angeles counties filed suit against the sears holding company now that is the company that owns both of the retailers. the counties sued after an inspection of the scanners both stores turned thup issue and k mart is accused of charging more than the california redemption value. both sears and k mart cooperated and without admitting wrong doing. new financial regulations going into affect this summer but not credit card rates. today work to lawmakers in congress urged the federal reserve to change that. senators called on the feds to protect consumers against rate hikes. the senators say companies sometimes double and triple
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rates when consumers fall just two months behind and said they will introduce legislation to force the feds hands if it doesn't act on its own. >> there is a price drop for e book readers may be responsible for a surge in sales. more people head together beach with electronic book readers now that prices have dropped below $200. analysts say competition from i pad may be behind the drop but not everyone is sold. some are sticking with the tried and true, others jumping on the e book express. >> there is something i like about holding a book. looking at the cover and turning page autos not needing to shop around. >> and yesterday, amazon, you may remember sales of kindle
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surpassed sales of hard back books. >> this is remarkable. how many people are using these book autos dwre. >> thir kind after diktive. >> yes. >> thank you very much. >> and there is spencer chrisin here with that. >> there is a cooling marine layer. just how deep is it? how tall sit. the east peak of mount tam is just under 2600 feet high. there is clear skies now. interest there is 2200 feet deep, hi. -- high. so only 400 feet difference. and there is cooling affect today temperatures were below yesterday's highs. antioch, 86, six degrees cooler. and there is a high of 79 today, san francisco, a high of 60 showing no change. 5:00 in the morning, fog
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movering inland overnight. burning back to the coast there. is a day like today. fog cling together coastline. strong flow. cool at the coast. highs early 50s, 60s around the bay. and here is the accu-weather forecast. there is gradual warming over several days into weekend. inland highs at or just above 90 degrees, mid-70s around the bay b 60 is as warm as it gets on the coast. >> thank you. >> okay. >> tonight a major shake up in usc athletic department. >> the school forced to give back its trophy. larry beil is next. @p@p@p@p@p@pñ
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join me tonight at 9:00 and coming up a pilot dies trying to land his plane. the two factors may have caused the crash. >> and then at 11:00 here on abc 7 unspoken factors determining how much you'll get for items you'll sell onlichblt. >> and -- online. >> and j marcus russell making news tonight. >> and he's in court zj marcus pled not guilty today in mobile, alabama. the attorney says the quarterback is planning his return to the nfl.
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he was arrested on july 5th part of an under cover operation in possession of codeine syrup and did not have a prescription for it. college kids have been known to mix cough syrup with soda and candy. and russell was cut in may after paid more than $36 million. he never lived up to expectations. and a hearing in this case is set for august 11th. attorneys say he expects the former star is going to be ready to resume his career. it's hard to imagine what he's be thinking about. and is niners linebacker showing why he's not a quarterback and what happened with that arm there? but he's each sited about the niners prospects making think the season. >> the opportunity to run this is a great opportunity to come every so often, and i feel like this year is one of those great opportunities. we're going take advantage of
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it. >> in the wake of the ncaa come gs down with sanctions, the school is overhauling the athletic department. first order of business is returning reggie bush's highs man trophy. he has his own hisan. bush found to have received tim proper benefits. and pat hayden from the way back machine taking over replacing mike garrett. and the warriors have two players working out on team usa basketball in las vegas. 1k3 there was a scare for lee. who injured his finger in practice. there are 21 players on the roster now. it's not an olympic year. lee acquired by warriors and jammed his middle finger. warriors say he's flying to get it checked out. not official yet but warriors have reportedly set to trade their point guard cj watson to
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the bowls for a second round pick and possibly a trade exception as well. watson averaging about nine points per game emerging as a solid and the tour de france and there there is a race that is reamy wanted. state 16, 124 miles. and armstrong felt this was his last, and best chance of taking the stage of the tour. came out was near the front throughout the stage. did not have enough in the tank. you can see him in the red there falling back. and there is a retaining of the yellow jersey. lance admit thaed was done he showed lance armstrong is not over w lance arm ng strong over in four, five days. >> he knows he said early on if he's not go going to be able to win this race. i should mention he did
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apologize to andy sclek. and so he said it was... not proper cycling et yi quit. he was wrong. i know. >> what did he do? slow down a bit? >> i don't know.. >> and there is giants dodgers tonight each lent. >> that is this edition of abc 7 news at 6:00. >> from spencer christian, thanks for joining us. >> have a good evening, you can stay connected at abc 7 here are the top seven stories you'll find there right now. >> good night, everyone. )ñ)ñ)ñ)ñ)ñ)ñ@ú t
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