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tv   ABC 7 News at 11PM  ABC  July 19, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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regretful for. >> south bay woman defend her husband now facing child husband now facing child pornography charges. 7 news
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>> internationally known singer assaulted in the south bay for political reasons. >> the attacker wore unusual disguise to get close. lillian live outside santa clara county jail where he is being held tonight. >> turns out the guy is a well known political protestors. >>reporter: that's right, da dan. this man made head licenses before. this time the target was popular sing frer vietnam. in vietnam this is a pop sen taition but to many in the vietnamese
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community in the u.s. he is nothing more than a communist agent which is why he became a target during the performance at the santa clara convention center. video posted shows old woman approaching him with a flower. but when he bent down to accept it, the woman attacked the single we are pepper spray. >> it's an irritant so he was uncomfortable i'm sure for a period of team. for about 15 minutes the show was delayed. while he composed himself and felt comfortable enough to tirng the old woman who approached the stage turned out to be the well known anti-communist activist lee toping. wore a wig and hat to disguise himself during the night of the performance. he's perhaps best remembered for going on hunger strike two years ago in an effort to persuade the city of san jose to name retail district the saigon. >> we know him because he consider hero to our community. >>reporter: community leader says while he doesn't condone the use of pepper spray he
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does understand the motive. he says singer hong is just a prop began a pawn of the vietnamese government. >> vietnamese communist government send him over sea to try to promote singing and all the entertainment of vet the am in. >>reporter: the attorney will be representing him in court on thursday and he's eager to address the judge. >> political protest. not just an ordinary criminal act. >>reporter: lee bail amount is is set at 52,000 dollars. other activist plan to show up at his bail hearing on thursday to show their support. life in san jose, lillian kim abc 7 news > >> all right thank you. >> father of 3 from virginia was killed in oakland last night. his killers got away with 17 dollars. he was here in the bay area for a job interview at google and his death one of is several violent incident in oakland this past wean. amy is
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reporting the story. amy police are frustrated. residents are worried. >>reporter: 1 high ranking officer told me he doesn't know what to say. police are exhausted and one incident a snooper was shooting at officers. resident tell me they feel nervous especially since the city just lid off 80 police officers. 45-year-old keng of virginia shot and killed last tonight after being robbed in downtown oakland at 19th and webster street. father of 3 gave the men 17 dollars. but they shot him any way. >> very, very very decent person. i'm shock. i'm terribly shocked. this is terrible news. >>reporter: friends family in virginia say the computer engineer was here for i don't know interview at google. to prepare for the meeting a friend of his who works at lake merit dental as hygienist clean his the teeth. they were robbed. >> they have 3 kids and sorry for their whether he will family. >>reporter: this wasn't the only violent call oakland police responded to last
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nature. 30 minute after the murder a sniper in west oakland opened fire on police officers conduct ago traffic stop. the shatter was using a rifle from up glove a high-rise building. no one was hurt. no arrest were made. >> i know that it has been a lot of problems. it's scary. very scary. >>reporter: people who work and life in oakland say the violence has been questioning the city council recent move to lay off 80 police officers. >> with the cops getting cut back also in oakland that's really scary as well. we are nervous about that. with 80 officers not on the street any more. something to be worried about. >>reporter: in response to the cut back at the police department the the guard an angel announce they will start patrolling the streets. volunteers aren't armed but carry handcuffs and believe they serve as deterrent. but police union president says he's worried about them. >> i don't know who decide to do that but i feel for them. i hope their safety is okay out there.
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>>reporter: guardian angel were planning to patrol tonight but couldn't round up enough volunteers. as for the police there's a possibility of more layoffs down the road so about 30 or 40 current officers will are have sent their job application to other police departments. all right amy thank you. >> police now say the man arrested yesterday in a shoot out with chp officers on oakland freeway was carrying enough ammunition on him to kill at least 50 people. newly posted you tube video shows the shoot out on 5 80 that wept on for 15 minutes. officers in the 45-year-old suspect byron williams fired more than 150 rounds at each other. police aren't saying where they believe williams was headed. >> whatever his destination was going to be he was going to hurt a lot of people. possibly kill probably a large amount of people. >>reporter: williams mother told reporters he's angry at left wing politician. paroled
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bank robber could spend the rest of his life in prison under the 3 strike law. he's in serious but stable condition in the hospital. >> investigators look ing into what caused the teenager tourist from pennsylvania to fall to his death while hiking this afternoon in marin county. accident happen on the coast on trail just south of muir beach. 17-year-old fell 4, maybe 500 feet. the teen was on vacation with his family and 3 family members were hiking with him when he fell. now investigators say there is no reason to suspect this is anything but just a horrible accident. >> hundreds of people came to walnut creek today for a rally to support messerly. he's the former bart police officer con wrecked of involuntary manslaughter but about half of those at the rally came in support of shooting victim grant. 2 sides faced off do you want for hours at the time road had to be shut down between civic drive abandon main street. that's where allen is live tonight. >> there were about 300 people
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gathered out here in front of the walnut creek superior court building today. police caught whipped of this rally being organized on face week last tuesday and this sins then there has been a lot of intense planning leading up to today. >> [ yelling]. >>reporter: rally to support former bart officer messerly draw mr. counter demonstratorsp messerly supporters. about for 2 hours police shut down a block of ignacio valley road. one of walnut creek busiest streets. among the counter demonstrator was jack bryce whose 2 sons were with grant the night messerly shot an killed him. he. >> grant told them we are cool. we are going to did whether you say. we surrender. that was good enough? it wasn't good enough. >> he should definitely be punished but i don't think he's a murderer like people are trying to say. >>reporter: much debate focus on whether new year's day 2009
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shooting truly was unintentional. [ yelling]. >> it was an accidental killing. that's what i believe. >>reporter: all took place unthe watchful eye of contra costa county mobile field force. coalition of local police officers trained for tense situation. >> it did get heated but officers are trained pretty well to know when to step in and when to let the dialogue tichbility i think based on the results of what happened today, it was pretty successful. >>reporter: before the demonstration began all superior court proceedings ended at 12 noon. police canvas the neighborhood for rock or neglect used as projectile. the owners of this dry cleaning business board up the window and hired security guard. but there were no arrest and no property damage. at 4:30 the grant supporters march to the bart station where the rush forced bart to shut down for about 20 minutes. >> this wasn't the first time
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we have seen messerly porters actually come out physically and demonstrate. there was some heated and passionate arguments out here. but it was all kept under control. reporting live in walnut creek creek, abc 7 news. >> thank you allen. >> 11 is south bay resident under arrest tonight accused of possessing child pornography. follow as 6 week long investigation spearheaded by the silicon valley internet crimes against children task force. san jose police detectives helped search public i hope net files and trace the i p addresses to 70 computers. >> ever image video or file you have on a computer has its own digital fing present so we go out looking for those files that are out there on the internet on people's computers and then we isolate the worst of the worst and then we go after those perpetrators. >>reporter: we tried to speak with one of the suspects who is con is convicted sex offender at san jose home. he wouldn't talk but his wife
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definded him. >> listen he is not touching anybody. what he did he is regretful for. >>reporter: investigators are trying to determine if any of the children in the pornography live in the bay area. >> ac transit is warning riders that service may be slow and spotty again tomorrow because of contract dispute. transit agency says there were service problems today because some drivers stage a sick out. last we can a june said the contract ac transit has imposed on the driver could take effect as scheduled today. the judge also ordered above sides spoke enter into binding arbitration. 81 goes to court tomorrow to try to over turn the ruling. >> as we continue here tonight bay area company has made an aids research breakthrough. one promising to cut a woman risk of infection in half. that's coming up. also ahead. the change in the senate expected to end the capitol hill deadlock over extending unemployment benefits. >> governor schwarzenegger approves a day set aside for
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ronald reagan. >> then later on "nightline". >> carolyn and dan coming up next on "nightline", why gold company endorsed by glen beck being invest debited for allegedly ripping off his customers. we have the story. plus the cap is on but is oil still seeping from bp broken well? we have the latest
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[ male announcer ] whoa, the new ultimate turkey & bacon avocado. get ready for the ride of your life. wipeout in waves of tender turkey and crispy bacon. gaze upon the rad rainbow of voluminous veggies and cool, sea-green avocado all on freshly baked bread. are you up for the ultimate? ♪ then you've got to try the totally new
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subway ultimate turkey & bacon avocado. carve one up today. crank up the flavor at subway.
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>> closed captioning brought to .by mancini sleepworld >> stanford university scientist who shared a nobel peace prize with al gore died suddenly unexpectedly. snyder was leading research interclimate change and advised every president since richard nixon. he also is served on ber national research panel on global warming that award 2007 nobel prize. he died of apparent heart attack while on a flight from stockholm to london. steven snyder was 65 years old. government now says bp broken well in the gulf is leaking oil and gas again but only in very small amounts. bp placed a temporary cap on the well last week. officials have been closely monitoring it hoping to avoid any
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pressure build that up could rupture the sea floor and make the disaster even worse. experts have found some seepage from the sea floor about 2 miles away but they think it is unrelated to the well. the senate is expected to pass measure tomorrow standing unemployment benefits to 2 and half million americans. republicans have used fillibuster to block 3 recent vote on the extension but the west virginia democrat who will be replacing the late richard byrd is expected to break the deadlock. >> today president obama says this vote is coming in the nick of time. >> part sap minority in the accept at has used pal elementary may nawvr to block a vote, time to stop holding workers hostage to washington politic. >> it's robert byrd. i madeer ovrment republicans put forth a bill to extend unemployment benefits but they insist 34 billion dollar cost be paid for with cuts to other programs which the democrats refuse to accept. california the now has a
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day officially honoring ronald reagan. governor schwarzenegger signed a bill today that makes february sixth ronald reagan day in california. that's the former president and governor's birthday. he signed a bill stabbing state commission to plan celebration in honest of reagan 100 birthday next year. tomorrow other californians honored with a special day is muir and chavez day is a state legal holiday. >> medical news. possibly breakthrough in the fight against aids. result of clinical trial show as gel can cut a woman risk by as much as half. findings reported at the international aid conference in have i ena.the gel works by blocking the virus that you say causes aids n.studies by researchers in south africa it reduced a woman chance of getting hiv from infected partner from a third to half compared to placebo. identifying some kind of a compound that would do that job could completely transform hiv prevention
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around the world? >>reporter: results still need to be confirmed in another study. foster city base has licensed the rights to produce the gel without collecting any royalty. >> on to the weather after pushing 100 degrees for a while. things cooled off. >> the cool down will continue. let's check in with sandy. >> today's cool down was a minor one. temperatures not bombed out uses yet. yesterday antioch was 100. today down 6 degrees come in at 94. san jose down 6 as well. mild 76 today but look at san rafael. 16 degrees cooler than yesterday. it was 70 this afternoon. here is the biggest rope why high definition mount tamalpiais camera. marine layer and back end of the screen is the top of sutro tower. 1800 feet where the marine layer is tonight. it has been gradually deepening all day long. when it gets deeper it starts to push farther and farther inland. that's what
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we are expecting. numbers right now in the 50's except antioch near 70 degrees in wide spread low cloud tonightment cooler inland tomorrow and we look at chilly conditions at the coast much like today. so want to show you sample of average high pressure for some parts of the bay area compared to tomorrow. napa average is 83. tomorrow only see 74 degree reading. 9 degrees below the normal. redwood city 13 degrees cooler than the average of 83. and you look at sap jose. 75 tomorrow. pleasant, mild. 83 the average so 8 degrees below wlushd be for this time of year. once again that fog the low clouds, heading well inland into most of our valley so tomorrow bay of the area wakes up to fog and low 50's to low 60's with the gray sky. pretty mild in terms of the temperatures but it is going to be like this again on wednesday as well. fog will clear out slowly from our inland valleys. sun will
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break through but we see cooler conditions inland with temperatures only in the 80's inland thanks to the sea breeze and deepening marin layer. coastal area you are in the 50's with the fog happening tough most of the afternoon. here are the high for your tuesday. 72 degrees in sunnyvale. up to 73 in santa clare. san jose campbell mid 70's. on the peninsula you start out with the of cast skies in the morning and then clearing for some son in millbrae. 66 degrees. 70 for redwood city. you need a sweater or jacket if you are along the coast line. 56 in pacifica and a half moon bay. downtown san francisco a few sunbreak and 60. north bay mid 70's for pe petaluma, santa rosa, east bay communities 65 in oakland. 71 for you in group city. head inland mild and sunny not where you should be and for the monterey bay 62 degrees in monterey. here's our weather weather 7 day forecast mid
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50's to mid 80's. holding paths pattern on wednesday. warmer. and upper 50's to low consist coast side. mine or fluctuation the rest of the week. >> proof tonight that e books >> proof tonight that e books are shredding paper. that
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asasasasasasasasasasasasasasasa@ fiber one chewy bar. how'd you do that?
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do what? it tastes too good to be fiber. you ma it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into sometng tasty. this guy's doing magic. there's chocolate chips in here w. hod you do that? right! tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. what's she thinking? that's right! i'm not thinking anything! [ male announc ] fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes. is is.
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>> ♪ i'm just a broad way baby ♪ . >> that is elaine sing ago song from the folly during broadway night at the white house. president obama spoke beforehand praising broadway music as a truly american art form. the president said even if we don't admit it all of us have the lyric of a few broadway shows stuck in our heads. >> sure we do larry will sing one in a moment. there is another heck tronic milestone to ponder tonight. amazon says it is now is selling more kind el books than hard covers. trend accelerated when amazon dropped the prison of kind el from 159 dollars to
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189 dollars. most kind el book cost 9.99. far less than hard cover and less spichbs paper back still make up the vast majority of amazon book sales. >> leather hear it. >> oklahoma. >> really much more of a hello dolly man. when i'm not listening to eminem that he is what i'm doing. open up key series with the dodgers tonight. texas rangers pitcher drilled in the head by advantage topical solution treats dogs... ( barking ) but destroys fleas. so ask your veterinarian for advantage, the flea specialist for gentle, but effective, flea control.
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(announcer) we all want to stay active. we don't want anything... slow us down. but even in your 30s... ...your bones can begin to change. overtime, you can begin to have bone loss. calcium and vitamin d work together to help keep your bones strong. and yoplait gives you... ...20% of your daily calcium... ...and is the only leading yogurt with vitamin d in every cup. keep your bones strong every day... ...with yoplait. if
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>> good evening everybody. giants are hot. dodgers are not. 2 teams heading in opposite direction. giants opening 7 game road trip in l.a. with prize rookie madison on the mound. vince this is his 61st year calling dodger games. top of the third. a little blooper. center field. torrez scores 1 nothing giants. next batter. sandoval starting to come around for the panda. double score. giants up 2 dip.
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towering fly ball. deep into the night. newspaper james mcdonald third of the year and giants up 4 nothing. about xavier paul never trust a man with two first names. >> jeremy in the seventh. andre then in the high heat for casey blake and that ends you it. 5-two in the nl west. a's haunted for years by injuries to key players. sweeney need knee surgery and done for the year. they hosted red sox and who knew the emporer of red sox nation was in town. davis can fly. also has to pop. muscling up on dice game fourth of the year 1 nothing aids. one-1 in the fourth. a nile eights this change up. left field bleacher hit that wicked hot.
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pitched well no. run support. 2-1 red sox. came close in the fifth. 3s to diving catch off kevin. foul ball. a with two open and kurt grounds out oakland held to 3 hits in this game. 5 game win streak ends. look out. rangers reliefer hit in the head open line drive by jackson. he's leak. didn't catch him flush in the face. remember giants out for the months but he's okay. walked off the field under own power. all right. we have seen it enough. 8-6 is the score. andy not leading the tour de france any more and very happy when should electric lost his bicycling train. day 15. saucey little 116 and a half miles. final climb his chain pops off.
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he's passed. in other sports your bad luck is your bad luck i'm gone n.cycling that's considered a breach of etiquette. pass somebody who has had a mechanical problem. 8 seconds ahead of should electric. not too pleased at all about this turn of he mens convenience. i can't tell you my stomach is full of anger and by would be i want to take my revenge. >> maybe another head butting incident. >> my stomach is full of anger. i hike the way he said it. >> he's not happy. you don't want to make andy angry. great custom. thanks larry. >> that's is what happening. nature line coming up next. >> for all of us here thanks for joining us. >> we'll be back in the evening. stay connected 24-7
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web site 7 hope you web site 7 hope you have time to check it out.
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i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals for my bird friends. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of myife so i have to take care of myself. [ male announcer ] to kp doing what y love, keep your heart healthy. cheerios can help. the whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. [ bob ] makes you feel ageless. brrrbb! [ male announcer ] it's simple, love your heart so you can do what you love. what do you love? see how cheerios can help you do it. [ bobob b ] squak!
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