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tv   ABC 7 News at 6PM  ABC  July 19, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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making a name for himself. this video shows how long the gun battle went on. authorities say it lasted 15 minutes. this chp says williams was armed and fired at officers when they pulled him over sunday morning. and the officers fired right back. and in all, both sides fired 150 rounds. >> this is based on amount of ammunition he could have wiped out 50 people. easily. >> in addition to the shotgun, handgun and rifle police say williams had he wore a bulletproof vest. he was headed or who he wanted to hurt, police aren't saying. but a major clue may be this homemade binder removed by the
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bomb squad robot from his truck. the rbi took it from the crime scene and analyzing it for clues. police are also investigating. >> this is stim early on this, happened just days ago. and... we just need to do some follow up work and talk to some people. especially that were in this hometown hear. >> williams has a violent criminal histry. his mother told reporters he's angry with the liberal government. the chp believes two rookie officers who stopped williams prevented something much more serious from taking place. >> he was an individual with a lot of anger and hatred. he had a mission he wanted to carry out. california patrol intervened and we stopped him from carrying out the mission of destruction, probably to kill a lot of people. >> williams rye mains hospitalized here and is in stable condition. he was shot in the legs and in
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the arms because of the body armor he was wearing. he could be facing attempted murder charges for the roles in this shooting and if he's convicted of the charges, he could well spend his life in prison because that would be a third strike for him. reporting this evening in oakland abc 7 news. >> thank you. >> and the controversial bart shooting case took center stage in walnut creek this afternoon. of a rally in support of former bart police officer johannes mehserle drew hundreds of people both supporters and demonstrators protesting this event this, is the view from sky 7 hd. you can see they're operated -- separated by a wall. abc 7 is live for us in walnut creek tonight. quieter frou now, laura. >> that is right. this protest wrapped up about an hour ago. police did not know what to suspect. this was an event largely or straighted on internet. in the end about 300
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demonstrators squared off here on the sidewalk for about three hours and were loud, and there were no arrests. as a contingent stood watch, pro johannes mehserle demonstrators tried to outshout their counter part. pro claiming support for oscar grant. >> this is an epidemic of young people of color being murdered by the police. >> i'm here to support the grant family. i don't understand why there is a support rally for someone charged and convicted of killing someone. >> people over there don't know, they're not here for us. they're here for justice they say? they're not here for justice, we're here to support oscar grant. >> supporters claim the conviction is punishment enough. >> they want to enhance him for carrying a gun? you know? that is bull.
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he's mandated to carry a gun. >> it was an accidental killing. that is what i believe. people that disagree with me are going to get upset. people may want to get in my face. it was accidental killing. >> he should be punished but i don't think he's a murderer. >> grant supporters claim the officer claiming this was a mistake got away with murder. >> just be accountable for your actions. that is all we're asking people here. do you know what i'm say something you're in law enforcement. we look up to you. to stand by the law. here, you turn and you kill it. >> this exchange grew loud. in the end there was none of the violence that marred oakland after the mehserle verdict. and again, the greatest impact of the event throughout the day is traffic in this area. this wears closed about two hours back open again just
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before 5:00. and the bart station, the gates at the bart station just up the road were closed for about 20 minutes as the demonstrators made their way to the bart station to leave there. is just an influx of people. so they did close gates about 20 minutes and finally among those who attended this rally on the quote, pro mehserle side, was johannes mehserle's father, todd nrk the crowd. he stayed in the background. he made no public statement. in walnut creek abc 7 news. >> thank you very much. the road is one of the busiest streets in walnut creek. people are wondering how did walnut creek get dragged into this anyway? taking a look at how residents and businesses dealt with the protests. >> those with business at the court house were turned away at parking lot. all proceedings stopped at 12, noon. prisoners in the holding cell were taken away. police began preparing for whatever the afternoon would bring.
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and they canvased the neighborhood. owners of business boarded up windows and hired security guards to patrol properties. >> there is a -- i feel for victim families and it's not a clear cut situation. >> david chavar owns butter cup grill. the restaurant closed early and let workers go home with food prepared for the day. >> they're nervous, customers, that is the reason we don't have business. the customers told us they're not going to come in, today. >> he decided to stay behind and pro test the restaurant. and there is businesses closed in the afternoon. workers took their computers home just in case of looting. the nail salon next door was dark, except for lucky cat still welcomed customers. and this tulio's restaurant
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don't have plans to shut down. >> we have faith it's going to be just a, what do you call it? calm demonstration. >> many residents told us they don't understand why the demonstrations being held in their hometown autos walnut creek wasn't part of it. oakland was part of it. berkeley, oakland seems more of the urban area. for me, walnut creek is not the right place. >> at the end of the day, merchants breathed a sigh of relief. restaurant owner's expression of faith this would be peaceful was well founded. vic lee, abc 7 news the entertainment commission is now closer to getting power deal with problem nightclubs. today a board approved a measure in response to two deadly shootings, legislation awill yous commission to revoke permits for club was a history of failing to curb violent behavior.
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the commission can only suspend a permit up to 90 day autos there is comfort living close to a fire station but how about near the busiest one in the city it? can be loud. the city plans to move station one. abc 7 is in the newsroom with the story for us. >> the mayor looks at it as a $10 million gift to the city. the museum of modern art calls this an arrangement. one neighbor says it's annoying and they're talking about a plan to rebuild a south of market fire station. how would you like to live next to the busiest fire station in town? >> probably a big issue for people around. everybody wantsz to get rest. >> in a unique arrangement between the city and museum of modern art, the museum plans to acquire its neighbor, busy fire station one that will
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nearly triple space and expansion housing the world renowned fisher art collection. >> we began to look hard at sights and looked to the east and looked west. and finally settled on the fire house. >> that fire house was built in early 1900s taking millions to upgrade. >> it's in poor shape and unfound. there is an issue with the floor that houses the fire engine truck and squad. >> now, the museum will take over the land if city official as agree and build a new fire house on folsom with b.four and a half block as way. at no cost to taxpayers. the mayor calls this a win, win situation. >> it's a great idea. what else do you need to hear? >> this was in a mixed use area with businesses like a car wash and hardware store but there are homeowners in
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the growing neighborhood. and there is station one responding to 13,000 calls. >> this is probably annoying. >> it will be blessed if there is an emergency and a neighbor. >> a supervisor committee approved proposed determines and there are other hurdles including an environmental impact report. plans for the new fire house to open in fall, 2012. the museum expansion is in 2015 at the earliest. >> thank you. >> and still ahead tonight, the results of a hard core child pornography investigation. arrest of a registered sex offender and how his wife is defending him. >> the sudden death of a prominent stanford scientist of a man shares the nobel peace prize with al gore. a break through that could cut a woman's risk of getting
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hiv in half. @ú@ú@ú@úatax
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. this was the scene today in marin county. a teen-aged tourist fell to his death while hiking this afternoon. the 17-year-old from pennsylvania fell maybe 500 feet from a trail. investigators are looking into an unconfirmed report he was either talking or texting on the cell phone and may have been distracted and did not realize he was walking towards the edge of the cliff. his father tried to climb down
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that cliff to save him but rescuers say to no avail there was no point. >> nearly a dozen people in santa clara face child pornography charges for looking at or down loading images on the internet. police say those arrested were individuals all committing the same crime. >> the 65-year-old is out on bail, a registered sex offender, one of 11 people police arrested on child pornography charges. police say the operation involved 13 agencies helping to bust people accessing hard core child porn. >> these photographs are not just a little type of pornography. these are sadistic and vishis. they're evil. >> detective nunez was part of the six-week investigation called operation peer block, scouring public files for child porn, matching ip
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address tz home computers in santa clara county. the suspects left behind a digital fingerprint. >> they keep in mind that though i'm just looking at the image there is a child in that image being accuse -- abused sox they deserve for someone to investigate and rescue them. 50 those charged range from 17 to 65. 1k3 there is one woman. shults is the only registered offender. he refused to talk to us for 25 years. and just looking and not hurting kids. >> you're viewing pornography. >> and and police say bad explanation sick yenz them because it's a demand that leads to the victimization. investigators say koit take months to analyze the child
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pornography collected. they want to know if the children live in the bay area. police say as lng as people are looking at child porn from the comforts of their home, they vow to use the technology to catch them. >> if you think you're going to get away with this, we're coming after you. we'll not allow our children to be victimized in this manner. >> in san jose, abc 7 news. >> one of the top global warming researchers died. scientist steven snyder third from the last here in this picture served with his wife on the international research panel sharing the nobel peace prize with former vice president al gore in 2007. he suddeny -- studied chimit change, add he vizing every administration since richard nixon was president. he died of an apparent heart attack today. he was 65 years old. al gore issued a statement saying snyder's contributions
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to the advancement will be sorely missed. >> and what a shocker. >> surprised. >> and spencer is here with a look at the forecast still to come. >> and cooling down a little bit. >> there is a major cool down. fog layers are back. cooling marine air. there is a live view from our camera right now looking south wards towards sutro camera. there is a top of the tower because of the deepening marine layer there. there is about 1500 feet deep. and this is a look at how much high temperatures dropped off today from yesterday. there is a high of 70. that is a 16 degree drop. and there is antioch, 94. temperatures crop dropped except clear lake. and there is 8 in fairfield.
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only 54 in half moon bay. you can see how much cooler sit at the coast. that is going to continue. wide spread low clouds filtering inland tonight. and cooler inland and chilly at the coast. you might want to carry something heavy this, afternoon there is a satellite showing that marine layer was pressed up against the coast there. is a brisk flow again. there is on the forecast animation at 7:00 this evening there, is fog inland overnight and that will reach just about all areas. skm there is overnight tonight, low temperatures into 50s and further east, antioch may not drop more than 06 degrees, starting 5:00 in the morning we'll see fog around most areas and could be a little b-52 a reduced visibility.
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and there is continuing to be cooler inland and no 90s tomorrow and there is highs into low to mid 08s, 60s around the bai. let's start with south bay tomorrow. sunny skies, pleasant day there. cooler than today. highs into low to mid-70s, there is highs just above 70 degrees in locations on the peninsula. mid-50s on the coast and rather chilly. there is up in the north bay, a pleasant day and a mild one. highs into 70s. there is highs into upper 60s to about 70. milder, low to mid-80s there. there is 60s near the bay, 80s inland. here is the accu-weather forecast. warming and thursday, starting to warm up friday, saturday, we'll see highs around or just
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above 90 degrees, then, cooling down again, sunday. there is ups and downs into temperatures. there is a pleasant week ahead. >> just ahead here, how lasers are offering researchers a ray of hope. >> bay area battle against parkinson's disease when w w w w "know the species, know the stain." lanolin-free coat, i know it's an alpaca. walks in here, looks says "hey look, it's a llama!" cleaning the stain like he would a llama stain. time he's wasting. ♪ call 1-800-steemer
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a discovery at stan nord san francisco could be helping aleave yait the symptoms of
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parkinson's disease. scientists mapped pathways and the key is laser lights. >> this is a 200 micro diameter. >> it may not look as draw matic as life savers but believes this laser will become a powerful weapon in the war against parkinson's disease. in his lab, the team is using lasers to manipulate neuropathways in the cells of mice. >> what we can could do is use this to stimulate different neurons and to spend their function. >> here, a research assistant applied laser light to stimulate the neurons in a sample which is magnified on the screen. data allowed the team to not only map neuropathways but to identify their role in
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controlling movement. there is an interruption fwleefd play a key role. >> we no this controls aspects of movement. we can look for drugs. >> researchers believe laser koz have a they area putic use as a treatment for parkinson's disease. >> this is a language of the brain. >> this builds on the work of researcher carl desara showed how he applied the light to a lab animal's brain to turn receptors on, and off, then, reversing a craving. >> we used laser light to control and to modify behaviors. >> we can adjust the power. >> this research team used the same techniques turn neuropathways on and off.
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>> we can simulate parkinson's disease and we can cause mice to freeze. we can take mice with parkinson's disease and activate another pathway and can relieve symptom autos he envisions a day when they might be a thura by when electrodes are implanted to help control wrain brain function. >> you can imagine implanting these and using that to activate neurons. >> and this technology is giving researchers their first chance to test out thurys of just how these pathways interact. the team believes other disease s may be candidates for research using this technique. >> well, still to come tonight there is a capitol hill fight underway over jobs and unemployment benefits. how this issue is defining the
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california senate race. >> a break through for women tonight at aids conference in veeena. a gel cutting your chances of an infection in half. >> passenger protection what's the u.s. airlines don't want to you know about traveling to europe. stay with us. another half hour of n [ male announcer ] whoa, the new ultimate turkey & bacon avocado.
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good evening, hundreds of thousands of californians could lose benefits if congress doesn't pass an extension. tonight president is pushing for that extension. it's been held up in congress. abc 7's mark matthews is wheer battle and how it affects the race for the senate seat. >> best chance of passage is probably tomorrow. senate democrats able to pick up a vote today. and as dan noted the president is putting on pressure. >> good morning, everybody. >> speaking to reporters, president obama called on
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senators to pass an extension of the benefits from unemployed. >> we've got a responsibility to help them make ends meets. and support their families as their looking for another job and in foster city, senator barbara boxer was also talking jobs, voting for the unemployment extension, each time being blocked by republican autos people understand when you're subjected to a filibuster every day you've got to work to get things done. >> we passed higher act. hire giving tax breaks to workers like this one. >> and portraying karly fiorina as citing with the party of no. a spokeswoman says fiorina does oppose the unemployment
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extension. >> there is a $33 million bill there. is no offset for this. >> and there is republican that's want cuts to prevent it from increasing the deficit. but in california a politicallan lift believes boxer and democrats have a slight advantage. >> i think it's going to be a winning argument. >> and saying the strategy may not be aimed on california voters. all of those red meat issues for the republican party are fi burden of proof to mobilize the base and to keep the base energized. >> and it's her strategy in the 2004 presidential election. and senator boxer responded "as you'd expect". >> my base is energized.
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very to tell you. >> and boxer later admitted there is a huge amount of energy on the right, particularly among tea party member autos thank you. >> and the gulf of mexico now oil, gas leaking from the ruptured oil well. the cap will be staying in place for now. the federal government agreed to leave that in place and officials say leaks are not consequential. >> there is a concern is that there is a ruptured disc or damage. that would lead to seepage, then, up into this gulf of mexico. >> if there is a rise in pressure, the cap would be open potentially worsening this disaster, virtually no
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oil leaked since the cap was installed on thursday. >> officials say the state is in the middle of a whooping cough epidemic. and infants are most vulnerable can end up becoming severely hill from a disease mimicking the common cold for weeks. doctors rec men vaccinations. >> they'll cough, cough, keep coughing. air goes out but doesn't come back n they suffocate, turning blue, then sometimes, stop breathing. >> out of nearly 1500 cases five have been fatal. all were latino infants under three months old. the cases peak in july, august, and september. >> and there is a break through in the battle against aids. researchers have come up with an idea to reduce the rates by
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nearly half. >> nearly 900 women used a vackinnal gel. there is a component of a gel business made by a company based in foster city. the risk of infection is cut in half. and dana is with a group focusing on the freemt. >> if they encounter it would kill the virus so... having and identifying a compound to could do that job could fans form prevention around the world. >> and there is half of the women given the gel. women had to use it 12 hours before sex. within 12 hours, afterwards. at the end of the study 38 women in the gel group contracted the virus versus 60
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in the other group. a vaccine has not yet been successfully developed many say this offers protection. the lead researcher says the gel would be beneficial here in the united states. nearly a third of the infections are among heterosexuals. >> we do a lot of testing and so i think this could be, you know, outstanding if it works the way they say wilt work. >> this is is we believe it would be less expensive. >> findings are not enough to begin licening -- licensing the gel. there are more studies needed before this can hit the market. >> and there is mixed signals on the state of the u.s. economy. stock prices fell after
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reports showing home builders are losing confidence but the dow closed with a gain of 56 points and s and p 500 added six today. the iphone was in for tough competition. and things looking up at delta thanks to what is called a strong passenger revenue these days the airline took in $467 million and today posted its largest quarterly profit in a decade. >> if your flight home is cancelled you're in luck. there is strong passenger rights protection. something carriers prefer you don't know bit. and. >> on the web sites of airlines there is a section with information about ec 260.
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the law requiring european carriers and any airline operating in europe to compensate passengers for delays and cancellation autos most people don't know knit europe let alone in the united states. we can't imagine a carrier gives us an overnight hotel room. >> i fly in at midnight by myself and had to rent a car and drive to my home. >> the european commission launched a campaign to educate travelers about the law which is calling for penalties when the carrier is at fault and pay for hotel and meals if it's not. this is is travel lawyer and write jerz don't count on the airlines letting you know. >> there is not going to tell
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but the law fchl you ask them bit, you might get shuffled around. i know when you get back here, that is what the small claims court is for. >> airline transport association says american carriers do comply with the law. no information is available on how much it's cost them over the last five years. this swedish traveler says she knows about the rule but thinks it's too hard on the airline. >> i think we should do something in between. i don't think airline companies should pay for everything. >> the department of transportation is considering new rules and this is is program period closes at the end of the month. >> it's a handy bit of information. >> and there is a woman bought a car and can't prove she owns it. >> i feel like this is just ruining my lichl i feel like my life is ruined.
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>> michael finney goes looking for answers next.
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authorities forced a car dealership for failure to pay tax autos some customers feel cheated by the same dealership. >> this is certainly complicated and that is not stopping us from fighting to
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make a wrong into a right. >> she purchased this monte carlo. >> nice looking on the outside. it's a very horrible car. >> shirley jones made a $2,000 down payment on a grand prix. police confiscated the car for something she blames on the dealer. >> you know, i saved up money to put down for this car. and i feel horrible. and failing to transfer ownership of the vehicles within the 30 days required by the state. she has been waiting fr six months. >> this car is registered to previous owners and i went down to the department of motor vehicles and unable to get paper work because the dealer has not submitted
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anything. >> and she bought the car in march, 2009. the dmv confirmed police towed car because registration expired. >> i feel like this is just ruining my life. i feel my life is ruined. >> she went to get the car back but auto return refused to give it to her because she had no proof of ownership. has has no car. >> i did feel low. i feel lease than than a mom. i can't get my children where they need to get to. >> we went looking for answers. the dealership denies that it's doing anything wrong. >> this car is possibly registered. >> he says shirley stopped making her payments. she showed us $2600 worth of receipts saying she stopped when elite didn't transfer ownership. >> i talked to dmv and to the
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dealership asking them if they can mail over anything or send over anything to the dmv to retrieve the car. and nothing happened. >> the car was sold january 6. dmv records show five days later elite auto did transfer ownership. and waits too late. the car had been sold in an auction to someone else. the dmv says it continues to investigate elite auto. elite auto has been stripped of its license bit board of equalization, secretary of state and dmv for failure to pay taxes. the salesmanger says the owner is a victim of hard times. >> what is the reason foreclosure? >> basically a lot of people like the same reason like this wuchbl he lends a lot of money. nobody is paying him. he ran out of money. basically. >> shirley took elite auto to smauls small claims court
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winning the judgment. she's waiting for the dealership to pavement she's working with an attorney saying she'll sue elite necessary. the dmv declined to go into detail about the cases and we've posted the response at abc 7 just go there, click on 7 on your side. >> thank you. >> frustrating. >> yes. >> coming up, a story that truly is a real drag. >> sights and sounds to a big
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they were thrilled. she's a natural vibrato. oh. we started saving for this music camp in vermont. so i told them about some of the wells fargo online savings tools like my savings plan, which helps them set up and monitor a savings goal. until we found out that maybe her teacher uses certain terms a little bit loosely. rebecca is clearly very gifted. [ banker ] we decided to roll that money into ashley's college account. turns out there's seven gifted kids in ashley's class of nine. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪
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let's talk giants. >> they're on the road and they're robbed. robbed i tell you. the giants have won nine of the last 11, would have been 10 of 11 if it wasn't for a call yesterday. against dodger who's just got swept by st. louis. here is the controversy there is a ground ball z hopefully an umpire called him out. the run and scored game over
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giants win and there leaving giants four and a half games behind san diego. here is manager bruce bocce tonight. >> he have have to play well in our division wex know it. and there is important to play well in the division. and we haven't done that. >> a's coming off a sweep of the royals back home tonight hosting red sox. oakland just lost outfielder ryan sweeney. sweeney has been playing for the pain of tendinitis in his knee. now, he's going to have surgery. and there is baseball, it's bad ed yi quit to show boat, but fine in the nbaf cycling if leader crashes you're not
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supposed to pass him. i don't know. there is what you would do, what boy do. other guy won't stop and wait for him. and there is a is eight seconds ahead of slekzslek is not happy now. >> i have, i can tell you my stomach is full of anger. and i want to take my revenge. >> larry dixon in yesterday, one thing making the crew unique is a man who sponsors the team. and dixon's team is funded by a 23-year-old sheek from qatar who came in with $10 million
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when teams were struggling for dollars. sheer look at sights and sounds from a weekend. >> love the dress. love exhilaration. this is intense. >> this is 317 miles per hour. i like that. >> and this is battling of your eye ball goesing down the track. and this is we're going to do it on the streets. >> you know the difference between a funny car and top field car? >> yechl i do. one is long, one is like, a
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car. >> there is boring watching lefthand turns and waiting to get around the track. >> it's somewhat quieter today than yesterday. lebron james is house hunting in florida. supposedly made an offer on a home in coreable shal availables. there is a the owner says lebron is not buying. has a nice infinity pool. >> can you imagine the power bill? he left angst back in cleveland. >> and there is another check of the forecast now. >> people saying show me the sunny. this afternoon there is a time lapse view looking towards sutro tower. there is a marine layer deepening just how deep is it? there is about 1500 deep in
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the afternoon, getting deeper and deeper. and there is temperatures into 50s. and there is a warming up a little bit inland by afternoon we'll see high temperatures 70s to 80s and not moving out of the 50s along the coast. here is the accu-weather forecast. this cooler than average weather with us and we'll start to warm up thursday. friday will be the warmest day, highs into low 90s, mid-70s around the bay. 60 on the coast then cooling down again. and there coming up next a new san francisco sisterhood. >> a chance to make new friends overseas just ahead.
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join me tonight at 9:00 coming up at that time, one of california's poorest towns is paying nearly $800,000 a year to the city manager. double what the president makes. how he justifies this salary. >> then at 11:00 south bay activist arrested for dressing in drag owe so he can attack a famous vaems -- vietnamese singer. >> san francisco has a new
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sister city tonight. there is an agreement with barcelona, spain. >> diplomats were there along with some of the elected leader autos this is the 18th sister city afford. first dating back to 1957. >> it's good to have friends in far place autos yes. >> that is this edition of abc 7 news. >> remember, you can stay connected 24-7 at abc 7 >> from all of us here, see you again at 9:00 and 11:00.
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[ kid 1 ] waa ow so of our favorite things? we love summertime fun! ...wearing our farite colors... ...and jamming to our favorite bands! ♪
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but we love eating totino's the most. we live for fun... ...friends... [ both ] ...and best of all.. [ all ] ...our favorite... ...eating totino's! ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ we're the kids in... captioned by closed captioning services, inc. this is "jeopardy!" let's meet today's contestants-- an actor and census clerk from new york, new york... a seventh grade history teacher originally from springfield, illinois... and our returning champion-- a green community program coordinator from beckley, west virginia... whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--


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