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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  July 19, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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good morning, america. i'm george stephanopoulos. >> and i'm robin roberts. it is monday, july 19th. this morning is there a new leak? bp says the cap holding back oil is working. the government is not convinced. should the well be re-opened? we ask the white house this morning. the hot zone. temperatures soar above the century mark coast to coast. an arizona man sent to the hospital with second-degree burns on his feet. sam tracks the scorcher. and kyron horman's stepmom leaves the family's home after allegedly admitting she failed two lie detector tests. how does it impact the search for that precious little boy? plus, the final countdown to the wedding of the summer. new details on chelsea clinton's big day from a high-ranking source, the mother of the bride.
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well, how did you all keep cool this weekend? it was not easy. >> it was not and it's going to get worse. >> it certainly is. 2010, already the hottest year ever on record. believe it or not, as robin said, it actually is going to get worse over the course of this week. >> hopefully, that's not the case with the spill in the gulf. day 91 of the disaster in the gulf. take a look at this. the coast guard, i should say, says those tiny bubbles coming from the well could be a sign of a dangerous methane leak. bp says the cap is safe and sound. the government, well, not quite so sure. and now the white house may actually force bp to let the oil start flowing into the gulf again. >> they're reviewing that every several hours. we also have a look at a stunning new investigation into our national security system called top secret america, the fruit of two years of work by "the washington post" and raises new questions about how much we're spending and whether or not it's keeping us safe. we'll have that coming up. we want to begin with latest in the gulf. matt gutman is in buras,
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louisiana, for us this morning. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. and bp has been pleased with the progress of that sealing cap. but after days of growing government concern and an explosive letter from admiral thad allen publicly flogged bp for not taking seriously enough that potential leak and for apparently keeping vital information from the government. the cap shutting in that oil may not have been. for days a mysterious gas has gurgled out past bp's underwater cameras. now government scientists believe they reveal a leak deep inside the well explaining the troubling lower than expected pressure readings. and late last night, a blistering letter to bp's managing director from the federal official in charge of the response, jammed with commands like, you must provide, you are required, and i direct you. the letter ordered bp to inform the government of any new leaks within four hours.
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admiral thad allen wrote, "i direct to you provide me a written procedure for opening the choke valve as quickly as possible without damaging the well, should hydrocarbon seepage near the wellhead be confirmed." opening the choke valve would relieve pressure on the well and allow bp to siphon the oil to ships on the surface. but bp says doing so means oil would flow freely into the gulf for up to three days. the letter also hinted that bp had failed to share critical information with the government. bp officials tell abc news the letter surprised them. and earlier company executives said they doubted those bubbles posed much of a danger at all. >> we have done some simple tests to determine if these bubbles appear to be from hydrocarbons or from something else. and at this point, we don't believe they are. >> reporter: but this morning, bp says it will try to capture those bubbles. that's the only way to determine whether they actually indicate a leak. and, robin, depending on what they find in those bubbles, if
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the chemical composition shows them to be methane, shows them to be from the well itself, we just learned moments ago that admiral thad allen could call off this entire testing period and could start opening those valves pumping oil to the surface immediately. robin. >> all right, matt, thank you. we're going to turn now to the president's chief energy adviser. carol browner is director of the white house office on energy and climate change policy and she joins us this morning from the white house. miss browner, thank you for being with us. and can you tell us at this hour what have you been able to determine about the bubbles? do they indeed indicate a leak? >> well, we're continuing to monitor them. they may or they may not. our scientists met until late in the evening. we have demanded more monitoring, more scrutiny by bp. we are getting that now and so we have agreed to allow the tests to continue until 4:00 today. as we review information, and obviously if anything changes, we can move rapidly to open
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parts of the cap and release the pressure in the event that is necessary. as of now, we will continue with the test. >> and you are prepared to do that, to allow oil to freely flow into the gulf again? >> nobody wants to do that, absolutely not. but we're also in a situation where there are many unknowns. that's why monitoring is very important. that's why our scientific team will be watching this 24/7. clearly, we want this to end, but we don't want to enter into a situation where we have uncontrolled leaks all over the gulf floor so it's a complicated situation and one where everyone is working together to get the best possible outcome for the citizens of the gulf. >> you say working together but we're hearing different things this weekend. and we read the letter that admiral allen sent to bp with some stern wording and he asked to be notified within hours if any seepage is determined. and the track record between the government and bp is sketchy at best. so what assurances do you have that this time you will, indeed, be kept in the loop? >> we have been kept in the loop.
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we asked for some additional monitoring and that was the source of some tension that got resolved. that monitoring is now forthcoming and we will continue to be adamant about getting the information that our scientists need to monitor the situation and make the appropriate decisions. >> you allude to the tension between the two. and here we are three months in. people are waking up from the weekend, and, again, the government and bp possibly being at odds. i think you can understand that people are beyond frustrated at this point, miss browner? >> well, robin, everyone is frustrated. we're frustrated. the people of the gulf are frustrated but what we need to do is stay focused on the situation and make sure we're making the right decision so we don't end up with unknown leaks across the gulf floor. you know, we're going to work very, very hard to make sure we have all of the right information. and, you know, it's -- this is not about who is getting along or who likes whom. this is about doing the job for the people of the gulf.
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and if that means at times we send tough letters to bp, we're going to send those letters. >> and who will have the final say because bp said over the weekend that they want to keep the cap on. they like the fact that the public is not seeing floil flowg with those live pictures. they want to keep the cap on. indications are that might not be the best scenario. so who will have the final say? >> if it turns out that it's not safe to keep the cap on, then the final decision comes from the national incident commander, admiral thad allen. he will make that decision. >> good to know. carol browner, thank you so much for your time this morning. we certainly do appreciate it. >> and yet another critical day, critical hours ahead. >> all eyes on those tiny bubbles. but as i said it sure beats looking at that big gusher all day long. we're going to switch gears to the oppressive heat wave. we're not in the dog days of august yet, yet across america, the heat wave is breaking all
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records. we're going to begin with sam champion outside in times square. hey, sam. >> hey, good morning, george and robin. you know, you guys have already been outside. it's 78 degrees with humidity. feels more like 80. we're on our way to 90 degrees. and a lot of folks will say, hey, it's summer. we get 90 degrees. i get that. we're barely through the first month of summer, already many cities have seen more 90-degree days than they typically average all summer long. it's the second intense heat wave yet this month along and with eight states under heat advisory, the u.s. is baking. here in new york where the temperatures reached 94 on sunday, triathletes were having trouble finishing a race. 12 people were hospitalized. in arizona an elderly man chasing down his postman barefoot suffered second degree burns on his feet. >> both the right and left feet had blistered all the way across the walls of my feet. >> reporter: in boston, the mayor in charlestown extended
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the local pool hours to combat the 91-degree temperatures. why another heat wave? the jet stream has been staying further north this year compared to last year which is keeping more heat and humidity all across our states. >> we're seeing temperatures so hot that we haven't seen in two years. everyone is flocking to the local wateri ining holes to try cool off. we hit 102 degrees yesterday. that broke a record set back in 1971. >> just as people are susceptible to heatstroke, they can become lethargic and disoriented so the trainers here are being extra diligent to make sure the horses are hydrated within minutes of completion of a race. >> the heat index today, 97 degrees and when it gets that hot the men and women of the d.c. fire department see a dramatic spike in the number of calls thanks in part to the heat. up to a 30% increase. >> reporter: according to the
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national oceanic atmospheric association, there are more emergencies caused by heat than floods and storms. in eastern kentucky it was flooding that was responsible for the deaths of two people over the weekend. heavy rain caused creeks to overflow, flipping cars and forcing people to evacuate their homes. and get ready for another hot week with wild storms to boot. let's look at the map and show you how everybody is above 90 degrees. even look at phoenix popping up to 108. these temperatures are warm. the deserts where you would normally say there is no humidity there is even humidity so it's not a dry heat. not this week. george? >> wow, 9s all across the map. sam champion, thanks very much. to the jobs crisis. this morning, president obama is turning up the heat on gop, pressing the senate to vote again on extending unemployment benefits. so far, democrats have been unable to overcome a republican filibuster, so the president is going to try to turn things around with a direct appeal from the rose guard be. jon karl is in washington with
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more. jon, it looks like two things going on, number one, the president trying to get the money out into the economy right now. and then, secondly, they have to show the democrats, particularly in the house, that they're out there fighting. >> reporter: that's right. he's come owl swinging. he's hammering republicans from blocking this extension from beginning of june saying congress has got to act now to pass it. republicans are saying they're fine with that extension, but they want the $34 billion cost of that extension to be paid for and proposed taking money out of the stimulus which as you can imagine is something the white house thinks is a bad idea. >> white house argues it is not stimulus if you end up paying for it. this is the fourth time that they're trying to break this filibuster. is it going to work? >> reporter: well, the fourth time is the charm in this case, george. that's because of one man. he's the newest senator to replace robert byrd. he'll be sworn in tomorrow at 2:15. with that they'll have the votes
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to pass it. he'll be sworn in. right after his takes his hand off the bible, they will move to a vote on this bill and pass it. >> wasting no time. we're turning now to a revealing new national security investigation with the government trying to prevent another major terror attack. "the washington post" begins a three-part investigation into the national security system set up in response to the 9/11 attacks today. and what they discovered is startling. the series is called "top secret america." and its co-author bill arkin joins us now. thanks for joining us this morning. what i was struck by reading your piece in "the washington post" is how vast this apparatus has become. more than 850,000 people working across more than 1,200 government agencies, 1,900 private companies in 10,000 locations. you know, that's a lot for people at home to absorb. for everyone trying to get a handling on this, what is the single most important thing they need to know about this "top secret america"? >> well, george, thank you for
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having me on. i think that the reality for americans is that we've done exactly what america does best, but now ten years after 9/11, we have to ask ourselves whether or not this gigantic system that we've created for counterterrorism provides us both value in terms of money and also makes us safer. and one of the things we've learned in this two-year investigation is that the evidence shows that no one really is in a position of confidence to say that we are safer today than we were ten years ago. >> well, you say that, yet i spoke with an administration official early this morning who pointed out, at least half of al qaeda's top 20 have been taken out since 9/11. if you set aside the ft. hood bombing in texas and the failed christmas bomber there has not been a major attack that has been anything close to successful on american soil. >> well, i think it's always good to set aside the things that are most significant in terms of countering what it is that the government would like to put out as the good
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news. the evidence shows that in fact in the case of major hassan and ft. hood last year, that the vast apparatus of counterintelligence and force protection on the part of the military completely and utterly failed to detect someone right inside the ranks of the u.s. army. and i think that's a massive failure so i'm not comforted at all by that. >> that's been conceded by the administration, but the president came out, ordered a review and now have addressed those problems, haven't they? >> well, i'm not sure i can say they've addressed those problems. one of the things that we've learned in this investigation is getting on the record interviews with secretary gates, the secretary of defense, with panetta, the top two intelligence officials of the u.s. government on the record, they've all basically conceded that this is a system which has grown so fast that no one really has a full handle on it, no one really is in full charge of it. and they basically agreed with our conclusions that they
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themselves, even within their own agencies, are not able to determine all the redundant work that's being done and whether or not it can be done in other ways. >> although dennis blair says, who is the head of intelligence said this is not redundancy. it's actually tailored redundance. you also reveal the existence of secret sites like in places like shopping malls and one other problem the administration has with your report they say the very existence of this database you created is troubling. it's a road map -- could be a road map to adversaries that could be altered, as well. >> well, george, we've been working on this for two years. we've been through months now of negotiations with the government and discussions. i don't think that there's anything in here that would do harm to u.s. national security, and, frankly, i'm an american as well, and i don't want to do any harm to american national security. the reality is that for people to really have an understanding of the system that's been
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created since 9/11, they need to have the facts. and one of the things that we were able to do in this investigation is both write stories that explain to people this incredibly complex system. but also at the same time, show them so that they can somehow be vested in the decision about either going to war or continuing the war or what their government is doing. >> okay, william arkin, thanks very much. we'll be watching for parts two and three. >> thank you. >> now juju chang is here with the rest of the news. good morning to you. we begin overseas with a horrifying morning for commuters in eastern india. more than 60 people are dead and many more injured after a speeding express train slammed into a passenger train waiting at a station. it's the second major train crash there in less than two months and officials are not ruling out sabotage. an american was killed this morning by a roadside bomb in southern afghanistan, pushing july even closer to topping
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june's record as the deadliest month of the war. the u.s. death toll has mounted in recent weeks as american troops extend their reach into the southern provinces. the oregon whom who accused former vice president al gore of sexual assault has reportedly failed a lie detector test. according to "the portland tribune," molly hagerty's accusation accusations and al gore says he welcomes a police investigation. and finally, a special toast, more than 200 years in the making. divers in the baltic sea have popped the cork on what may be the oldest drinkable champagne in the world. it's part of a stock of 30 bottles found near a ship wreck. the champagne is believed to be from the 1780s. each bottle could sell for $70,000. that's the news at 7:18. apparently it was a development of vive cocou -- >> and they know it's drinkable
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because -- >> they tasted it. >> all right, juju, thanks so much. let's get to the weather again and sam who did outside. >> i love it -- let's get to the boards. hey, good morning. that's okay. it's your sidewalk. come on. how are you? we're going to start with the heat going on out there. look at l.a. at 84 degrees. but as you start to work towards fresno it is well above 90. el paso, san antonio, dallas. we'll just mention chicago had 17 days above normal. new york city has heat advisories today. it's their 17th day above 90 degrees. some strong storms will erupt in all of this heat so you've got to keep an eye out for this. this is a large area of potentially strong storms. and there is again just take it easy. this is early season, big heat. that's the weather around the nation.
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>> and if we keep this pace, we are certainly on the way to the warmest summer ever on record. robin, george? >> we certainly are, sam.
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thank you. i know earlier we were talking about high 70s. so it's not hot enough to fry an egg out there with sam right now. but our fine abc station in phoenix, knxv decided to take that theory, you know, it gets so hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk. but that's what they did on the dash of a car. 150 degrees. >> actually a baked egg. >> that was mighty hot. and coming up, the summer's most closely guarded event. chelsea clinton's wedding. we have details from a big source. the mother of the bride coming up. details from a big source. the mother of the bride coming up.
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reviving the economy means reinventing the way we do business. here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence] in a recently published study, key nutrients reviewed were found to be absorbed by the body. these nutrients help support energy and immunity. science gives you more reason to trust centrum.
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was good for it, too? aveeno introduces nourish + style, the first line of styling products with active naturals wheat to fortify while you style for a healthy hold that lasts more than 12 hours. new aveeno nourish + style. 4 varieties lie meatball italiano made with delicious meats and melted cheeses on bakery fresh tasting bread that crisps in the microwave in minutes. the taste of your favorite sub shop without leaving home. new stouffer's toasted subs. oakland police are looking for a sniper who opened fire on officers while they were making an arrest. shots came from a high-rise apartment building near market street last night. no one was hit. an intense search of the area failed the find a sniper.
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they. >> police and f.b.i. agents are looking at evidence collected after yesterday's freeway shootout in oakland. it begin as a traffic stop near grand avenue. the driver pulled a gun and started shooting at them. 15-minute gun battle slightly injured two officers. the suspect, a felon was seriously wounded. let's check in with frances. >> a new accident reported on the peninsula, southbound 280. we've been watching the golden gate bridge this morning you definitely need fastrak if you want to take advantage of the $3 toll. bay bridge toll plaza backed up beyond west grand. >> thanks a lot. we'll check on the weather we'll check on the weather forecast with meteorologist lisa
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"meg whitman says she'll run california like her company..." seen this attack on meg whitman? who are these people? they're the unions and special interests behind jerry brown. they want jerry brown because, he won't "rock the boat," in sacramento. he'll be the same as he ever was. high taxes. lost jobs. big pensions for state employees. the special interests have chosen their governor. how about you?
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gold bond therapeutic foot cream. penetrates the deepest layers like others can't. look for the healing seal. gold bond foot cream. serious relief for dry, cracked feet. oprah: dr oz is back with an emergency wake-up call. it really is the fastest-growing disease in history. what to eat, what to do to stop america's silent killer --
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>> kabababababababababababababab good morning. low clouds and fog gathering around the bay and temperatures, couple degrees cooler. we have fog in hayward. 56 right now. look for the numbers to come down a couple degrees with the onshore push getting a little bit stronger. 55 in san francisco, still low 90s inland today. >> thanks a lot. >> thanks a lot. have a great day.
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caitlin: i was diagnosed with scoliosis. when you're 16, nobody wants to go through back surgery. my doctor has letters and pictures of other kids who've gone through the same thing on his walls and that really helped me not be as scared. i'm not worried about my back anymore. i wanna do that again! announcer: at sutter health, our story is you. for more stories, visit
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♪ it is a social event of the season but also the summer's biggest mystery, will where chelsea clinton get married? this mornings are we take you to the small town that believes it will be playing host to the big day in a couple weeks. we're going to hear from a super secret source that is the mother of the bride as we say good morning, america. on this monday morning, i'm robin roberts. >> and i'm george stephanopoulos. boy, do they want to keep that secret. >> i know. also, this morning, a real political smackdown, a semicandidate of world wresting. in the other corner, the widow of the wrestler who died in the ring. we begin with new details in the search for kyron horman.
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his stepmother is under grueling scrutiny after moving out of the family home. she left home under harsh police spotlight as investigators look into shock text messages. mike von fremd has the latest. >> reporter: as the world worries what mass happened to the little boy with the big grin, the turns. kaine horman and his 21-month-old moved back into the home. terri horman was the last person to see kyron, and husband kaine now says based upon briefings, i firmly believe that someone else is involved. now that kaine has moved back into the family home, he says he's changed the door locks and the security code to the fence. terri horman is now living with parents 170 miles away.
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>> you can tell us, are you cooperating now? >> reporter: terri's attorney says she is receiving threatening messages and photographs on the internet. terri has not been charged with a crime, but legal experts say she has reason to be concerned. >> catching criminals is a lot like catching fish. what you need to do is let the fish run and don't try to grab him before it's too early. the police are letting terri horman run. >> reporter: investigators say they already have hundreds of sexually explicit text messages and photographs that they say terri center to a younger man, after the disappearance of kyron. abc affiliate katu asked kaine why he's still wearing his wedding ring. his answer, i keep it on as a symbol of our family, and more for our kids than anything else. it will come off at some point. this is a desperate father who says it's not about jewelry, it's about trying to convince his estranged wife to simply
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tell police everything she knows about their missing boy. for "good morning america," mike von fremd, abc news. >> and now for some unique insight, we turn to bruce mccain, he's a retired captain working on the case and he joins from us portland, oregon. bruce, thank you very much. we know you that know everybody personally that is involved with the case. what are they dealing with at this point right now? >> well, right now, robin, this case appears to the public as having been stalled. but they're at a cross roads. even though the focus is on terri horman this is and always has been about kyron. frankly, nobody is going to be arrested including terri herself unless we find out what happened to kyron. he's either alive or he's dead. there won't be an arrest in this
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case anytime soon. >> you referred to it as a fork in the road right now. what does terri mean moving out of the home, 170 miles away, what does that do for the case? >> first of all, it creates a logistical issue for both her and her legal team. both the prosecutors are going to have to contact the counterparts. there won't be daily face-to-face meetings with attorneys. but the important thing here, this is actually stemming from the civil divorce case that's filed by kaine horman. so from the filing of it to restraining order to the motion to move out of the house to the contempt of court hearing, it's all been putting pressure on terri horman. >> and the pressure is on her and continues to grow, as you said. what do you make of kaine horman revealing that terri failed the polygraph test and then she then vented about the failed results
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to him and other family members and law officials in the room there, too. what do you make of that? >> well, i think it's a very, very intriguing and important insight into the dynamic of that family. again, there's really four adults involved in this. when you start to see, they went from a group of four all wearing the quayen t-shirts. they obviously split from three into one. i think that's a telling sign when a husband has doubts about the disappearance of his son. >> you worked in the sheriff's office for almost three decades. you know everybody very well. is there anything that has surprised you in how this case has been handled, how the investigate has been handled? >> not really, robin. once this now has gone to cubical warfare. this going through over communication, text message, e-mail, and chasing down every
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lead, and the michael cook fellow. kyron is the absolute key. unless and until we find out where kyron is and his status, we won't be able to rest anytime soon. >> give us your professional opinion. 26 years there, you retired as a captain. ma do you think happened? >> well, robin, the problem is if the authorities believe that terri hormen is involved in the disappearance, they're confident kyron is alive, he obviously is with someone. right now, the key is, who is that mystery silhouette with the question mark behind their head? if he's not alive, we may stumble across his remains somewhere, unless somebody comes forward. right now, it's a cat and mouse chess game between terri horman and investigators to see who is geeing to crack first. >> right now, she's 200 miles
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away, too. thank you very much. >> it's now 7:36. sam champion. >> robin, take a look. t-shirts, flip-flops. we're in the early stages of july. 19th. kind of in the middle of it. we'll first start with pictures out of the boston area. folks just trying to stay cool. pools are staying open longer than normal. keep hydrated. slow down, really and truly, take a pause. this heat in a lot of places will go up but we have some cooling happens. l.a. was going to be cooler. we've got an your shore flow there. that's going to keep the temperatures to 70 degrees. dallas, stays the same, into the heat. new york city will cool down a bit. boston at 94 will be warmer than new york city at 90. and warmer than washington, d.c. at 93 degrees. there are some severe storms to keep an eye on. we'll see a lot of these pop up during the heat of the day, and
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it's not just that big red in >> there's a little -- that was a little low key. what is the humidity? is that it? all of that weather was brought to you by dairy queen. >> they've got to conserve their energy. >> you're right. coming up next, a wrestling ceo turns senate candidate and the widow who is taking her on.
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with 50% less fat than the leading granola and 5 grams of fiber per serving, it's a satisfying way to help you manage your weight. special k low-fat granola -- a taste of freedom. we're going to turn to politics in one of the hottest profile races in the country
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thanks in part to worldwide wrestling. the woman behind the worldwide wresting foundation wants to be the next senator of connecticut. but as claire shipman reports, those wrestling profits also create some political headaches. hey, claire. >> indeed, good morning, george. well her history at wwe certainly something of a mixed blessing on the campaign trail, especially in light of a new lawsuit being filed with the widow of a wrestler who died tragically in the ring after an accident. martha hart said the company is still exploiting her husband. >> reporter: the body blows. the crazy stunts. but everyone knows professional wrestling is all theater, right? not always. two huge names in wrestling, women, are engaged in a real
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life, real consequences smackdown. lind did mcmahon, co-founder with her husband vince, wwe, now a candidate in connecticut. >> we produce a good form of entertainment and we're the best in the world. >> reporter: martha hart, the widow of owner hart who died in the ring in 1999. he fell 80 feet when his body harness malfunctioned. >> this is not part of the entertainment tonight. >> reporter: martha sued then for wrongful death and is suing for what is illegal use of her husband's pictures. >> they weredy respectful from the moment he died. the moment he died in the ring. they couldn't wait to scrape his body off the mat.
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and they paraded match after match into that mat. >> is any of this a personal grudge against lind za mcover l? >> what i care about they are exploiting owen and i want it to stop. >> reporter: the new wwe dvd about owen hart is what set her off. >> i take issue with the wwe trying to exploit owen and make money on the product that he is involved with. >> reporter: wwe counters they have every right to use it and martha has other motives. >> she injects herself into the campaign of linda mcmahon. >> reporter: and it certainly doesn't hen with her experience. >> to be the ceo of a publicly
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traded company there are leadership skills, certainly, fiscal responsibility. >> reporter: and now additional spotlight like no health care for wrestlers. >> no job security. no health care. those are not things that i would consider redeeming qualities in someone that's running a business. the fact that they went on with the show the night that owen died, those are not good leadership skills. >> now, linda mcmahon wouldn't talk to us about this and she hasn't commented on the lawsuit either? >> she hasn't commented on the leadership? >> she has addressed that. wrestlers are artists, like singers, for example. and they certainly paid for any injuries that are sustained while they're wrestling. >> claire in the race, clearly,
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mcmahon planned to spend millions but she's got a lot of ground to catch up? >> she does. richard blumenthal is ahead. it's certainly a long shot. but this certainly isn't what she wanted to be talking about on the campaign trail. >> thanks. coming up, the summer's mystery. where will chelsea clinton get married? we'll have the answer when we come back. [music, talking, laughing] what makes hershey's s'mores special?
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hershey's chocolate goodness that brings people together. pure hershey's. there's oil out there we've got to capture. my job is to hunt it down. i'm fred lemond, and i'm in charge of bp's efforts to remove oil from these waters. bp has taken full responsibility for the cleanup and that includes keeping you informed. every morning, over 50 spotter planes and helicopters take off and search for the oil. we use satellite images, infrared and thermal photography to map and target the oil. then, the boats go to work. almost 6,000 vessels. these are thousands of local shrimp and fishing boats organized into task forces and strike teams. plus, specialized skimmers from around the world. we've skimmed over 27 million gallons of oil/water mixture and removed millions more with other methods. we've set out more than 8 million feet of boom to protect the shoreline. i grew up on the gulf coast and i love these waters. we can't keep all the oil from coming ashore,
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but i'm gonna do everything i can to stop it, and we'll be here as long as it takes to clean up the gulf. let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk.
7:49 am
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♪ going to the clap chapel and we're going to get married ♪ nicely done. >> it's getting close. less than two weeks to go. it will be the social event of the summer. chelsea clinton's july 31st wedding. plans for the event, they've been wrapped in cloak and dagger like a tom clancy thriller. at least one little town here in new york, they think they know what's going to be happening. here's linsey davis. >> reporter: speculation has shifted from vows on the vineyard to a royal wedding in rhinebeck, new york. but is this sleepy down a decoy or a done deal? don't look to the mother of the bride for answers. >> my lips are sealed. i'm under very strict orders not to talk about it, and i think for the right reasons. it's a family wedding and the people coming are her friends. and people who have been
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meaningful in her life. >> reporter: we sought ans ourselves. to be precise, this local estate, the astor's 50-acre property. >> the astors courts itself, magnificent. the indoor swimming pool and endure tennis court that are breathtaking. >> reporter: the rehearsal dinner will allegedly take place at this barn. >> i have no confirmation that in fact it is happening. >> i can say without a doubt that chelsea clinton will be married on astor courts on july 31st. >> reporter: we can tell you about chelsea's veil, considering the entire wedding itself is seemingly under one big veil of secrecy. for "good morning america," linsey davis, abc news,
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rhinebeck, new york. >> how is the president doing on that pledge to lose 15 pounds? >> he was quoted in may as saying he's two pounds away.ul.. >> getting ready to go. saying he's two pounds away.ul.. >> getting ready to go. >> lean and mean, ready to walk . down the aisle. >> we'll be right back. should . and an immune system so stunning... my vet thinks i'm the eighth wonder of the world. [ female announcer ] iams with prebiotics. prebiotics work inside, clinically proven to promote strong defenses. healthy inside... healthy outside. [ dog ] oh, hi, girls. nice day, huh? [ dogs whine ] i am an iams dog. [ female announcer ] learn more about prebiotics at requires a little magic from mom [ kids ] whoa! [ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love. but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass. new motts medleys. invisible vegetables, maical taste.
7:53 am
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in vallejo, residents may have to wait if they need firefighters. two fire stations will be shuttered trying to save money. they serve north vallejo and glen cove. other stations are reduced from 18 firefighters to 15. fire department warns that response time will increase because of the longer distances, crews will have to travel. vallejo will rel more heavily on neighboring districts for back-up. >> fog has begun to move back into the bay. partly cloudy in oakland and 60
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in san jose. today we'll see a stronger than shore push. temperature in the upper 50s at the coast. 57 in san francisco. low 90s return inland. better cooling trend gets underway tomorrow. >> we're looking at four live shots, with one shot, bay bridge toll plaza is backed up toward west grand. 101 in san rafael a little crowded but major problem free as you make your way down to golden gate bridge. traffic is light and no big problems or delays but you definitely need to bring your fastrak if you are car-pooling. westbound 580, slowest right
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♪ heat wave with the heat wave, it's the third heat wave of the summer. >> i am not dressed for it all. >> i know. never let them see you sweat, george. never let them see you sweat. we'll have dr. marie savard coming up in the half hour. it's time for, you know, kids are out and about. a lot of kids are involved in sports. how do you keep them from not having those problems. there are sports that are more susceptible to heat than other sports. we had the triathlon in the city. we had problems with that.
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we also have breaking news this morning. turn over there. right there, manda is pregnant! big news for everybody back home. >> okay. so you got to give everybody the news. >> my husband, jason and i are pregnant with our second child. we have a child at home, grayson who is 18 months. we're telling our families for the first time. >> back in twinsburg, ohio? >> yes. >> breaking news. and also, lindsay lohan. she's going to jail. that 90-day sentence for violating her parole. we also learned over the weekend that she's in a treatment facility for the addiction problem. we're going to talk about how other stars with an addiction problem have coped. also, coming up in the last half hour. they're quite a duo. steve carell and paul ruud. >> can't wait for that. >> the name of the movie is
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"dinner for schmucks." we'll talk to them in the last half hour. >> that is all coming up. first to juju with the morning's news. first to juju with the morning's news. good morning, everyone. we have developing news from the gulf of mexico this morning. the government now says bp can keep the containment cap on its blownout well for another 24 hours. but that's only if bp sticks to the pledge to monitor the seafloor and more closely for signs of new leaks. overseas, secretary of state hillary clinton has presented pakistan with a $500 million aid package. our nick schifrin is in the afghan capital of kabul where secretary clinton is heading next. >> reporter: in pakistan where attacks are almost daily, hillary clinton told the country this morning, the u.s. relationship is about more than terrorism. >> we have a commitment that is much broader and deeper than it
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has ever been. >> reporter: she unveiled $500 million of development plans, including new dams, hospitals and power projects. the u.s. hopes spending more pakistan will do more about militant groups that attack pakistan and u.s. troops in afghanistan. >> we expect to see greater activity in cooperation with the pakistanis against all these networks. >> reporter: her next stop is here in kabul for a major conference with more than 50 foreign leaders. and this is security right now in this city. this is the single busiest road. the only way for kabul to guarantee security lady of clinton's visit is to shut the city down. with mounting u.s. fatalities, many have questioned the counterinsurgency strategy. >> lhey, let's go! >> reporter: and the surge of 20,000 troops. clinton urges that they need
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more time. >> we playing catch-up? i'd be the first to admit we are. >> reporter: the problems with afghanistan and pakistan are still far from solved. nick schifrin, abc news, kabul. and finally, a dreamy opening for leonardo dicaprio. and finally, a dreamy opening for leonardo dicaprio. his latest film, "inception" debuted in first place in the box office making more than $60 million. and "toy story 3" the biggest grossing animated film ever. that's the news at 8:04. time for the weather with sam champion. sam, you're out in the heat? >> i am, juju. good morning to you. when you step out today you're go to come hit by the wall of humidity. haven't you noticed it coming up in the last half hour. where are you from originally? >> baltimore, maryland. >> and there's a bunch of birthdays. >> it's okay. >> you look flawless. >> i'm 21.
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>> it looks good on you, too. >> where are you guys from? >> cleveland, ohio. i'm 30 and pregnant! >> are the one that george came over to talk to. now, there's two announcements. we're doing a do-over. let's get to the boards. we've got one or two things going on. you look great for 30 and pregnant. here's what's happening. all along that cold front, a slight shift in numbers. slightly cooler, but not enough to notice it. that's all the heat in the country.@j
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>> okay. well, we'll have more weather from times square in the next half hour. in just 24 hours, lindsey lohan begins her toughest role yet. the new trip behind bars help her turn her life around? andrea canning has a look at lohan's final hours of treatment and how stars have fared in prison? >> reporter: lindsay lohan has chosen to spend her final days in rehab here at the pickford facility in los angeles. it's owned by robert shapiro. he agreed to represent ms. low lan on the condition that she complies with all of the terms.
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he wants to assist in implementing a treatment approach recommended by medical professionals for miss lohan's long-term recovery and sobriety. >> she's writing in her journals. she's painting. she's allowed to tweet. she's allowed to be in communication. >> reporter: lohan's struggle is a common one for many of hollywood. nicole richie battled a heroin addiction. richie bounced back starting a family and launching a fashion line. charlie sheen, after years of treatment, spent his past christmas in jail for assaulting his wife. he's awaiting sentencing and could face several years in prison. paris hilton spent 23 days in prison after a dui conviction and driving with a suspended license. she woke to larry king two days after her release. >> she was a very traumatic
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experience but i feel that god makes everything happen for a reason. >> reporter: but these days she finds herself on the wrong side of the law. >> lindsay's jail sentence will be similar to where paris hilton went. she will have sort of a sanitary living conditions. very white-wash, very simple, very plain. >> reporter: and for the actress whose life is anything but simple these days, it may be exactly what she needs. for "good morning america," andrea canning, abc news, new york. >> and we're going to get more on this from addiction expert william cope morris. thanks for joining us again. lindsay's been to rehab a couple times. she's even been to jail before. is there any way to generalize what impact jail has on addicts? >> well, at this point, it might be the best thing that can happen to lindsay. she needs some time away from the reality of her life.
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and she needs to spend some time thinking about what's happening to her. she needs to be responsible and pay the consequences. but it's not just the jail time that's going to be important, it's the treatment time that she's getting through her connection with robert shapiro. mr. shapiro may be the best thing that's happened to lindsay lohan in the last couple of years. >> her father, michael lohan, came out over the weekend, said one of the worst things is a conflict of interest that robert shapiro should be working on appealing her sentence but she's got a conflict because he runs this treatment facility? >> well, i'm not going to judge what a parent thinking about her daughter's lawyer. the reality here is nothing has worked for lindsay. if she's not careful, she's going to become the marilyn monroe of this generation. she's going to die if she doesn't recover. the best thing to happen to her is have some jail time, give her time to think about it. take personal responsibility. step away from the parents.
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step away from the world that hasn't been so good for her so far. understanding that she has a disease. it's a disease that has no cure but has a solution. it's treatment. it's personal responsibility. ultimately, it's recovery. because only lindsay lohan can do it in the end. >> and i guess she helps ease that transition to jail by starting treatment before she goes in, otherwise, they face a cold turkey situation where they have physical problems? >> we know at the hazleton foundation where i work, the reality is, for some people, you have to have consequences that include jail time. lindsay's had more than one opportunity to recover. and she hasn't been able to do that so far. so i think stepping back from the world that she's known, which is i world that's very difficult. hollywood is a tough place to be sober. stepping away from that, serving some time. giving it some thought. and working with treatment
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professionals. working with her attorney who knows, personally himself, the impact addiction on the family. i think this is the best thing that could happen to lindsay. frankly, george, she's running out of options. she should have as much opportunity to recover as anybody else. but oftentimes for people, it's the consequences which include jail time that allows them to wake up and take that personal responsibility to live a life of recovery. >> let's hope it works. william cope moyers, thank you for the time. coming up, a summer health alert. protecting young athletes from heatstroke. son: man, this is perfect.
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blue shirt: great. well, with every laptop, you get a geek so... take your pick. mom: look at all these fabulous geeks! there are so many! look at this one! it helps you video chat with mom! son: bingo! mom: look at this one. you can video chat with me, honey. son: mom, go get the car. mom: he's in such a hurry to learn. vo: buy any laptop and get geek squad support for six months. online. on the phone, or in-store. so say hello to ocean spray 100% juice. and goodbye to added sugar. i thought we weren't adding any sugar. okay, nobody use these cranberries over here. that can take so much out of you. i feel like i have to wind myself up just to get out of bed. then...well, i have to keep winding myself up
8:13 am
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ask your doctor about pristiq. for me, pristiq is a key in helping to treat my depression. crafted to be exceptionally smooth... decadently rich... delightful... chocolate... bliss. hershey's bliss chocolate. crafted for bliss. long summer days, and not enough sleep. what i wouldn't do for a do-over. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare. exclusive ion2 complex combined with activating cream helps restore collagen depleted skin. neutrogena clinical skincare is clinically tested to undo the look of a year's worth of skin aging in just 4 weeks. do-overs do exist.
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[ female announcer ] new clinical skincare. neutrogena. #1 dermatologist recommended brand. now, in the "america's healthy summer" series, we look at sports in the summer heat. just this month, two high school coaches in connecticut arrested for allegedly withholding water from players during a team workout. experts say the record heat this summer is making for dangerous conditions. >> reporter: when it's this hot -- the pressure's really on. >> eyes are on the quarterback. >> reporter: and the heat is on the coaches to keep kids safe.
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>> to get those kids to the best of heir ability, sometimes, they lose sight. >> you forget they have less surface area, it may be affecting them more than adults. >> reporter: exertional heatstroke, or ehs, one of the leading causes of death in sports. since 2005, there have been 18 deaths related to heat. the most of any five-year period since 1975. >> we think one of the big reasons is the intensity and level of competition is amping up with athletes. >> reporter: last year, a connecticut jury cleared the football coach of homicide, ignoring claims by prosecutors that he was drilled to death and denied water. the case led to tougher rules at local schools. just this month, police in middletown, connecticut, arrested two assistant coaches at this high school, after one player got sick during a workout. police said the coaches failed to provide the players with
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water in 90-degree heat. >> it doesn't make sense, if you want your kids to perform, got to give them water. >> reporter: players sharpened their skills in 95-degree heat. every 20 minutes they stopped. >> very important to hydrate. >> reporter: these high school girls practiced field hockey on astroturf, going to 105 degrees. >> a real competitor doesn't want to come off the field. we want to work so hard, bit you have to work smart. >> that's the key. and dr. marie savard is here with specific details. your three sons, college lacrosse players, so you know exactly what you're talking about here? >> i do. and as it turns out, this is something that is serious for kids. heat sauf heat exhaustion within a matter
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of minutes can be crucial. treatment can be too late sometimes. >> how do we prevent it? >> i'd like to point out a couple things we haven't heard about. medications are a big one. we know about fluids. pushing the fluids as much as possible. checking what your children are taking. there's a couple of medication. particularly those anti-depressants, the older ones, al elavil, and there's a word on the screen, anti-cholinergic. f they have those properties that means it can dry up the mouth and impact the sweat production and cause the child to retain more heat. >> we have that word on our website, if people are scrambling around trying to get a pen or pencil. but the children can't stop taking the medication? >> they can't. but what a parent has to do is actually talk to the coach and
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just mention to the coach, my child is on a medication that may enhance her ability to sweat. they don't have to know what it is. >> three times heat-related fatalities with sports. there are cultural changes for kids? >> we've got these kids drinking super lattes. energy drinks full of caffeines. upwards of sugary drinks full of caffeine as well. and then alcohol. yes, i know, kids have always had alcohol but they're drinking more. alcohol dehydrates you. if a kid is partying the night before, it's hard to catch up and build up that fluid. you can have that accommodate after days of practice. and pressure in sports i think is so much worse today on kids, on coaches. >> and also, it's not just the
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athlete or the player that's out there running the most. you think they are the ones most susceptible. it's like not so fast? >> that's right. actually, i had a goalie as a son in la krot. lacrosse. they're wearing the protective gear. they weren't get rid of that sweat. the temperature rises, they don't have access to as much water. they may be drinking but they're not drinking as much. let's all speak to each other. let's speak to the coach. if more kids are speaking out, i think what's going to happen, the coaches will have to be quiet. >> thank you. we'll have more information on our website. also beginning this morning, we're kicking off a new series with our contributor's and correspondents. we plan to save you and your family serious money. this morning, we're starting with elisabeth leamy with a great one.
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>> reporter: summer is peak moving system. number one, before you hire any mover, google their company name and the word "scam." some complaints pop up, run. number two, only hire a mover who will come to your home, look at your belongings and then giver you an stilt. number three, make sure that estimate is finding and guaranteed not to move. so they can't low ball you. to find out go to slash "gma." anncr: right now, all over the country discover customers are getting 5% cashback bonus at the pump... and at many of the places their summer plans take them. it pays to get more. it pays to discover.
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8:23 am
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no pills, no pain. how can you get pain relief without taking pills around the clock? try thermacare heatwraps, for all day relief without pills. i was surprised, thermacare worked all day. you feel the heat. and it relaxes and unlocks the muscle. you've got to try it. [ man ] thermacare, more effective for back pain than the maximum dose of acetaminophen, the medicine in tylenol. go to today for a $3 off coupon. thermacare. no pills. no pain. just relief.
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oakland police are looking for a sniper who opened fire on officers while they were making an arrest. shots came from a high-rise apartment building on eighth near market streets about 11:00 last night. nobody was hit. an intense search failed to find the sniper. officers did find that someone had vandalized a room containing surveillance equipment for the building. >> oakland police are looking for suspects in an overnight homicide. police were called to the intersection of 19th and webster on reports of gunfire. they found a 45-year-old man who had been shot to death. investigators believe he was in town for a job interview at some time and was killed in a carjacking. >> an update on traffic. >> there is a new stall on the bay bridge. back-up will get worse. it's heavy from 880
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overcrossing. it's been pretty slow in the east bay. slowest drive times around the bay area, 880, pockets of brake lights down to dakota, 22 minutes and 33 minutes from carquinez to the maze. >> when we come back, lisa argen and the bay area forecast. is soft on cats. but deadly on fleas. so ask your veterinarian for advantage, the flea specialist, for effective, but gentle flea control. built with quality and backed with the best coverage in america including a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. that's 40,000 more miles than ford. chevy silverado half-ton. a consumers digest best buy and the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road.
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and wake refreshed. melt to sleep fast. unisom sleep melts. oprah: dr oz is back with an emergency wake-up call. it really is the fastest-growing disease in history. what to eat, what to do to stop america's silent killer -- >> kabababababababababababababab sunshine around the bay but the fog is beginning to move into san francisco. stronger onshore push, 53 in mountain view, sunny conditions in san jose. here are wind out of west about 20 miles so cooler in oakland, 71 and still warm in the east
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bay valleys. most of the fog around the monterey i are have a back brace if you could just help me get off this couch. >> sure. >> i want to do this very slowly and carefully. on the count of three -- >> ahh! >> that is one funny dynamic duo. steve carell, paul ruud. it's a new movie coming out. the comedy of the summer. joining us live, you see them across the way. working the audience. >> they're having a good time. >> yes, they. you saw them over there. they were authentic and genuine. we'll have a chance to equivalent with them in a few moments. do you think they know that we're talking about them? >> what's with the beard? >> i don't know. will you ask them? >> i will.
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also coming up, queen noor of jordan. this is an argument to rid the war of nuclear weapons. that's the argument they're making in this movie called "countdown to zero." we'll talk to queen noor about that. >> this side of the audience is feeling so left out. >> come on. >> you're supposed to be over here now. >> come to this side of the audience, please. >> thank you. >> hello. how are you. >> hi. >> a brand-new miniseries being based on 14 million people. so it's very distracting with all of these stars here. >> we're going to go to sam. >> where's sam? definitely inside? >> yeah, because storms are are going to start popping soon. as attractive as our stars are. come on. can we get a close-up on these faces. everybody from wisconsin, yeah? 20 months. how many months here?
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>> 5. >> how many months here? >> 8 months. >> it's all one family, these are all cousins. do you want to hold the microphone. let's get to the board. one or two things we want to talk about. we'll first deal with the direction that the oil is flowing today. again, we'll continue to watch the cap and the gas leaks. whatever is on the surface of the water will be moving quickly toward the coastline. this is a very powerful wind over the next few dailies. the strong area of high pressure that's keeping the heat in the deep south. atlanta warms unwith showers and thundershowers at 91 degrees. strong storms right in america's heartland. illinois and all the way back to the dakotas. we're going to see powerful thunderstorms pick up today. and that big heat is
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>> all that weather was brought to you by amazon kindle. they are gorgeous. george? >> they are gorgeous. thank you, sam. now, from the people who brought you "inconvenient truth," a new film hoping to lead a grassroots mission to rid the world of nuclear weapons. they feel it's a catastrophe failing to stop the spread and they also want to eliminate all weapons. among our guests her majesty queen noor. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> all through your adult life, you've been involved in public policy issues. but why this? why now? >> well, there are probably so many people in the world today who forget what the post-cold war period was like.
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and have maybe never seen the images of hiroshima and nagasaki. today, we have 23,000 nuclear weapons in nine countries in the world. a situation far less stable than what the cold war period in which two states had very tightly guarded nuclear arsenals. you now have many nuclear weapons and many nuclear materials unstable countries, not well secured, that threaten all of us today. >> and we could be seeing that right now. >> and the proliferation is increasing. >> absolutely. neighboring jordan and iran, most intelligence agencies believe they're moving out towards a nuclear weapon. you're talking about getting rid of nuclear weapons at a time when a lot of states want to have more of them? >> that is the trend today. we have two choices. one of which is we simply allow increasing proliferation of weapons because there is no
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international consensus about eliminating them. but there is now. we're at an historic moment where presidents obama and medvedev met last spring and made a commitment to eliminate all nuclear weapons and the security council meeting that endorsed the subject of zero. and you have countries around the world that have eliminated their stockpiles of nuclear weapons over the last several decades. so you have precedence. you have an impression that nuclear terrorism is the greatest threat. that's because nuclear weapons are proriver rating. >> that's what i want to get to. president medvedev of russia agreeing this is the number one thread. let's take a look at some of this film. >> smuggling highly enriched uranium into the united states
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is pretty straightforward. the pipe will shield the atu. the detector would have to be within a few inches to pick up any radiation. and then hide it. >> it's so terrifying because, as you point out, when you're talking about russia and the united states, these are not actors who are going to be rationale. they're willing to blow themselves up, they're willing to blow up the city. >> and they pose a threat to all of us. no one is exempt from this threat. no nationality, no one. the only way we believe in global zero, we're comprised of former heads of state, security, defense ministers, military commanders in the states comprise the movement of global zero. that is because they believe this risk of nuclear terrorism is the greatest threat that we face today. and the only way to stem it is to lock downing all nuclear
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materials in the world and eliminate all nuclear stockpiles. and if the united states and russia take the lead, which they have done, and move even further, to sign the s.t.a.r.t. treaty, ratify is here in the united states, move to the next step, the rest of the nuclear states, if they come on board and begin a multilateral process that we have actually detailed and the action plan. it is possible, within decades, to actually achieve zero. and to put such pressure on other states like north korea or iran or burma, perhaps, we hear that they may be looking to acquire a nuclear weapon. put enough pressure on states that are looking for nuclear technology. >> when i first read about this, i thought back to when i was in college, this was a huge international movement then. >> this is the biggest movement since. the biggest public awareness
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campaign and probably the most historic since the 1980s. and really the most historic opportunity we've had since the end of world war ii. i'm a mother. i don't want my children and their children to face this threat. we actually face it every time. the possibility of a times square nuclear bomb going off, if we do not diminish the odds of that by securing materials and working to eliminate nuclear weapons, the odds are that we will face that danger. and we could face it at anytime. >> we're lucky it hasn't happened yet. >> that is why we need to diminish the odds of that happening and we believe we can through global zero. >> "countdown to zero" opening july 30th. >> you can find out more ongogoq
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you loved them together in
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"anchorman" and also "the 40-year-old virgin." now, steve carell and paul ruud are reunited. they're starring in a new movie "dinner for schmucks." enough never been called a schmuck, you have? >> but you're invited to dinner? >> never quite like this. bullet i have been invited to a dinner in life. >> your mind was trying to -- >> came up with nothing really. >> nothing good. >> nothing is something in the end. how do you keep from not cracking each other up? i watched the film last night. and i'm looking, and i was seeing moments where i'm like, oh, they're about to lose it. how do you not do that? >> we just edit it out when we laugh. we were cracking each other up the whole time. there are a lot of good people in the movie.
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zach and jimae, and people who unvariable make you laugh. >> he had you cracking up? >> oh, my, all the time. he always has. steve really makes me laugh. >> it's true? >> yeah. yeah. >> just do. >> you do have that -- >> he'll change it up. he'll change it up, you don't know what he's really going to say, it's hard. >> i think both of you provide so much. you know each other. you know that's part of it. you look up there and you can tell you guys like each other. have a great deal of respect for one another but like each other and can take chances when that's the case? >> yeah, it's fun. you have a science of trust. we're very close with each other. >> you're very close right now. >> we don't invade each other's personal space which i think is a good thing. >> when were we working together, what was it that you did when you were -- >> oh, that -- >> there you go.
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>> yeah. it was so crazy. >> he's growing the beard now, that extends a little more space. >> george wanted to know what was up with the beard. >> i'm starring in the -- i'm working right now and i have to have this beard which is really fun in 100-degree weather. >> i'm sure. let's talk about this film. i want to set it up here. your character is among up-and-comer in the company. your boss -- he's a shmuck -- >> not in real life. >> in the character? >> yeah, yeah. i think he is kind of a jerky guy. has this dinner. it's a secret dinner, in which the top brass of the company find foolish people and invite them to the dinner to make fun of them. >> and you literally ran into each other? >> yeah, we ran into by
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accident. there's a literal accident that brings us together. i'm the guy that's invited to the dinner. >> how did we know of the two of you that you would be the one invited to the dinner? >> well, just based on appearance alone that's probably an indication. >> let's play a clip. you're trying to bring in some business. and steve's character -- well, he's a character as we'll see here. >> where are you from? >> we are from switzerland. >> you know what we're going to focus on business right now. >> switzerland? i love switzerland. it is one of my favorite countries. i love your arm knives with the toothpicks and the cheese. does the cheese come out of the cow with the holes? our countries are not enemies. they are friends. we are friends. >> you've been to switzerland? >> no, but i have a friend who drives a volvo. and i speak a little of your
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language [ speaking foreign language ] >> that's pretty much -- the reaction from people, when you're going on one of those rifts and you just kind of -- >> that, to me, is the funniest part of the movie. the characters reacting to the absurddy around them. like the "40-year-old virgin" i thought the funniest part of that is paul watching that take place. the reaction, it's reflected in their face. >> you've got a great face, paul. i'm making a segue here have you seen "gq." i want to show the pictures. show the pictures. ooh. what are you going for here, paul? just curious. >> this could be anything with curlers. >> there you go.
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yeah. they had a big table of props. you know, zach and tracy i think is also in the shoot. so there's like this whole table of stuff. and we just grabbed different things. >> you went for it, i have to say. you have to say this, steve, you're breaking our hearts leaving "the office." i know, did you hear that? >> that was so prompted, they weren't going to do that, you egged them on. >> i did not. you want to spend more time with the family? >> yeah, that's really the reason for moving on. i wanted to fulfill my contract. i have such good friends there. we're going to have a great season coming up. >> well, you have been such great fun. a great ensemble cast much like the movie. we're thinking about remakes. as we go to break, we show you one that we're thinking about, maybe if they remake "et" that
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you could work on. >> why am i "et"? why do i get to drive the bike? >> i can see you surrounded by a bunch of stuffed animals. >> see there, you play the part. you guys are great. i know this is going to be a great hit. "dinner for schmucks" opens in theaters a week from friday. coming@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j@j
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we're so pleased to have best-selling author ken follett here to talk about his epic novel "the pillars of the earth." more than 14 million copies have been sold worldwide and published in 30 languages. now it's transformed into a
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dramatic minut miniseries on st. the book is on the best-selling list. continued to have what you call a cult following until oprah picked up as a book club pick. what do you think it's being billed? >> that's a good question. when i was talking about writing it back in the mid'80s, a lot of people said, ken, are you sure this is going to appeal to people, the building of a church? it's about people who build this church. they fall in love, they get married in that they go to war. it's about all their personal destinies. so people get drawn into this medieval town. >> what's is like watching this imaginary town come to life? >> well, it's a big thrill for an author to see really good actors playing the parts of actors i made up in my head. >> you play a cameo.
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>> i was told your hair style is dubbed too modern, is that right? >> that's right. i had to make it look like a medieval morning with fringe. >> with a little mullet on the side. very dashing. >> and those colors don't really fly. donald sutherland plays a nobleman who surrenders. let's take a look at a clip. >> hold! >> where are my people? >> steve knows you covered my title. he may, therefore, dodge my guilt. if you spare my people, i will confess guilt to his face. >> donald has such authority, doesn't he? you can believe he's an earl or a king or something? >> a nobleman, for sure. donald sutherland. the actors, clearly in your
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view, did a great job. >> i was so thrilled. >> so you look forward to this mini series. clearly, you have other tricks up your sleeve. what are you working on? >> i have a new book coming out on the 20th of september called "call of giants." it's the first of a trilogy seen through the eyes of five families. it's really our story. it speaks the story of grandparents and parents and yours. >> i look forward to reading it. ken follett. it's a delight to have you
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great way to start the week. >> sure was. see you tomorrow. take care. >> happy monday.
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rally in support of johannes mehserle is expected to take place today in walnut creek. 2:00 p.m. event is being promoted through a facebook page. it calls the shooting a tragic mistake. the rally has drawn 147
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confirmed gets. unidentified rally organizer says the event is meant to be a peaceful event for law enforcement. forecast now, here is lisa argen. >> good morning everyone. sea breeze and deeper marine layer brings our temperatures down all week. 63 in mountain view. we're going to have warmth inland but the fog is at the shore line and in san francisco right now. winds 10-20 miles an hour. look for 65 in downtown. 71 in oakland, low 80s in san jose and still low to mid 90s inland. >> fortunately things at the bay bridge toll plaza -- unfortunately they are backed up and you will find slow traffic northbound 101. because of an earlier accident and there is an injury


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