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tv   ABC 7 News  ABC  July 18, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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a witness records the shootout as he hunkers down in his home. >> when the gunfire stopped, two chp officers were hurt, and the suspect shot at least four times. police say the man was armed with three guns and wearing a bulletproof vest. this all began around midnight when officers saw a car swerving in and out of traffic on 580 in oakland. the suspect's car stopped here west of grand avenue. the freeway was shut down most of the day while police gathered evidence. the suspect's name is byron williams. tonight he is in serious condition at highland hospital in oakland. lilian kim is live there tonight for us. >> that's right. he is in serious, but stable condition. he was shot in the arm, side, leg and foot after what was
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described as a lengthy shootout with the chp. you could hear the gunshots from this morning's shootout on westbound 580 from home video on you tube. it happened shortly after midnight which left the pick up truck riddled with bullets and the windows of three chp vehicles shattered. >> it sounded like an allout gunfire war. it was back and forth and you could hear it. >> byron williams is under arrest for shooting at chp officers. both of whom suffered minor injuries from flying glass. but williams wearing a bulletproof vest was transported to the emergency room for multiple gunshot wounds. it began when officers pulled williams over for swerving in and out of traffic. >> he sees the suspect reaching for something in the car, and then he hears himself being fired upon. >> the officers fired back. the shootout lasted 15
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minutes. >> back up, back up. >> residents along 580 thought they were hearing firecrackers and realized it was gunfire when officers started swarming the neighborhood. >> they knocked on my door asking if i had access to my roof, which i did not have. i stayed low. it was nonstop 15 minutes, just fire round after round after round after round. >> fire in the hole. >> after the officers shot and arrested williams, bomb squad and crime scene investigators were brought in to blowup anything that looked suspicious from his you can from. they found a handgun, rifle and shotgun. they also found a homemade notebook on california. >> there is no doubt in our mind based on the body armor, the amount of ammunition, the type of weapons in his possession that he was on his way to do a very serious crime to either someone or a group of people. >> williams is expected to recover from his injuries.
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the chp says in all ten officers opened fire in the shootout. live in oakland, lilian kim, abc7 news. >> thank you, lilian. we still don't know where exactly byron williams was headed with all of that fire power. we do know where he came from. abc7 found out he was living with his mother mother in grove land, california not far from the north gate of yosemite national, pa. abc7 traced this white bullet-riddled truck to janice williams in grove land, california. by phone she confirmed that byron christopher williams is her son who lived with her. >> i found out when the sheriffs told me he was there. i never met him and didn't know who he was or nothing like that. >> mrs. williams says her son was released two years ago of a serving time in washington state on a bank robbery conviction. the chp says williams had two strikes against him. records from the washington state patrol also show he had multiple arrests in seattle for a suspended license,
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assault, property destruction, dui, hit and run and theft. mrs. williams who says her son is a carpenter by trade couldn't get a job because of his prison record. he felt ostracized at church and upset with the political climate, going on rants against liberals while watching the news. he's been upset with the direction the country is going. that's what williams' mother said. he feels the people of our country are being raped by our government and politicians. after the shootout, police found this binder that said "california" on it in the truck. authorities at the scene would only hipt it contains a lot of disturbing material. the chp had not notified mrs. williams about her son prior to us contacting her today. in fact, she only realized her truck was missing after we mentioned it, and then she confirmed that guns were missing from her home. >> that shootout came less than a day after oakland and bart police officers shot and killed a man near the fruit
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veil bart station. officers tried to use a taser on 48-year-old fred collins of oakland, but when he charged at them with knives, they opened fire. both bart and oakland police departments are promising thorough investigations, something that could take weeks to complete. the bart civilian review panel that was just signed into law does not go into affect until january. the first known rally in support of former bart over -- officer mezzerly is scheduled to take place tomorrow. it calls the shooting of oscar grant a tragic mistake. as of tonight the event has 147 confirmed guests in walnut creek tomorrow. police there say they will monitor the rally closely including any possible counter demonstrations. it is set for tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. at the walnut creek courthouse. a baseball umpire is recuffing from an injury -- recovering from an injury on the field. he didn't get hit by a ball or bat.
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instead he was pufned in the face by one of the coaches. amy hollyfield has a story that shocked players and parents in vallejo. >> vallejo had just taken the lead against sonoma in the babe ruth league state tournament. confidence among the 15-year-old players was high. >> we were winning, and we had one more inning left. >> but the game came to an abrupt and unpredictable ending. >> i thought it was funny at first. i never had seen anything like that. >> the first base umpire made a tough call, and the call was against vallejo. that's when it got ugly. >> the coach for the other team came out and argued with the umpire and didn't like what he heard and reached his arm back as far as he could and cold cocked him. >> they say the umpire was unconscious for 20 minutes. the league's commissioner decided to end the game and give sonoma the win. >> the kids didn't get to finish the game. i feel bad for the vallejo kids. they were winning at the time, and then of course they had to forfeit the game. >> i feel ashamed.
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very disappointed on the fact that it happened. and now we are getting disqualified. >> the commissioner of the babe ruth baseball league says the umpire was taken to the hospital, and that the coach left the field, but later went to the police department and turned himself in. >> you never want to see your colleagues go down or see any of them assaulted or anything else. >> this fellow umpire says he is disappointed this happened, but not surprised. angry parents and coaches yell at him all the time, and he frequently has to kick people out of the stands. >> back in the day it us used to be winning is not everything. now today they have chose to say winning is the only thing. what kind of message is that giving? >> the message will likely be discussed in the bleaches for the rest of the tournament which is where the vallejo players will be watching from because today's loss means their season is now over. in vallejo, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. >> and staying in vallejo, two
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fire stations will be shut down there tomorrow morning as the city continues to struggle with budget problems. the two stations service north vallejo and glen cove. also lally staffing levels are being cut from 18 firefighters to 15. last july the mayor island fire station was shut down. the fire department says response times will be longer because of the increased travel time. vaw -- vallejo will rely on neighboring districts for back up. a conservative radio talk show host has been i can cked out over a racially insensitive blog posting. mark williams of the tea party express wrote a fictional letter from, quote, colored people to president abraham lincoln. it provoked outrage from the naacp. he says it was written in response to the naacp that they cracked down on racist elements in the group. vice president joe biden said he and president obama don't think the tea party as a whole is racist.
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>> the truth is elements involved in some of the tea party folks expressed racist views. we saw that in television. but i wouldn't characterize the tea party as racist. the vice president predicted that the democrats will hold on to majorities in both the house and the senate in the november election. oakland could become the first city in the nation to allow and regulate wholesale medicinal pot farms. on tuesday the city council will consider licensing four large scale medical marijuana warehouses. last week the council's public safety committee approved the plan which also included an undetermined number of medium-sized farms to supply the three tons of pot sold legally in the city ef year. the city says licensing the farms will generate millions in city fees and taxes. small growers complain they are being cut out. well, up next, the capped gulf well has sprung a tiny leak. but de despite the news, they are seeing some encouraging signs. >> and it is the end of the
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free ride on the golden gate bridge. we will tell you what is in store for tomorrow. >> and if you are traveling over the golden gate bridge, maybe some low cloudiness and fog. the rest of the bay area should remain clear. clear skies out there right now. temperatures a bit cooler this workweek. we'll look at my accu-weather
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>> closed captioning brought to >> closed captioning brought to a devastating crash on the rails in india. at least 56 people died after a speeding express train collided with a passenger train at a station north of calcutta. the force of the crash was so intense. you can see the roof of one car flew into the air and landed on the overpass above the tracks. at least 125 others were injured and workers are using
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heavy equipment to cut through the metal officials believe the crash could be a case of sabotage. two months ago the rebels were blamed for a derailment that killed 14 5 people. tonight engineers are detecting small levels of methane gas from the cap that stopped the oil leak in the gulf of mexico. they are monitoring it closely, but now washington is considering piping it to the surface. it would ease pressure on the fragile well, but it would require up to three more days of oil spilling into the gulf. abc's john handron reports from the louisiana coast. >> the associated press is reporting all clean up officials are concerned the capped well may be leaking methane gas. de despite that -- despite that, they see encouraging signs to the on going -- so the on going well integrity test will continue with increments. bp extended the testing of the
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capped well into a fourth day. >> as long as it is holding, the pressure bolding inside of it, that's a very, very good sign. >> the government may still ask bp to open the valves to begin capturing the oil and siphoning it up to ships on the surface, netting one important piece of information. the amount of oil that's been leaking all along. >> once and for all they can get a good number on what the flow rate was. >> one of two relief wells, the ultimate solution to killing the oil field is less than five feet away from the target. but it could take two more weeks to close the distance. abc news, louisiana. the u.s. treasury is facing new criticism it didn't consider hundreds of thousands of job losses on the economy when it pushed for gm and chrysler to close hundreds of car dealerships laster yew. the closures were a condition of the $81 billion bailout of gm and chrysler. the move was designed to make the two companies more profitable. but a report to be released tomorrow by the inspector general says the treasury
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neglected to protect the broader economy when it said they would gradually close had dealerships. the obama administration says the plan has saved 1 million jobs and paved the way for both companies to thrive. tomorrow morning carpool commuters on the the -- on the golden gate bridge will need a fast track account to get the discounted $3 toll. those with cash will be charged the full $6. carpool commuters will still have to drive through an attendant lane so the toll taker can verify the amount of people. those with fast track will still be charged $5. >> it looks like it will be a murky, overcast ride on the bridge. >> that's right. we are seeing clear skies, but a little fuzzy sky over san francisco. the low clouds and fog are starting to move in. a nice shot from the sutro cam and looking down toward the avenues there. you can see just a little bit of low cloudiness starting to come into san francisco and
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heading toward the bay. i do want to show you the current readings because antioch today, you had a high of 100 degrees. you have a current reading of 82. a very warm evening. it cooled off for concord. 67, but still quite mild. as you head ready too oakland, 59. 56 for san francisco. half moon bay with a little patchy fog there now. 55 degrees. we'll keep the fog right near the coast. maybe venture into the bay a little bit. it would be very shallow overnight tonight. a cooler day for us inland and even cooler as we head through the middle part of our work week. here is a look at our lows as the fog starts to move inland a bit. san francisco 55. we will go 57 for oakland. in the north bay, 54 and antioch, i know you are 82 and we will drop you down to 62 by early tomorrow morning. there is a look at the fog cast and you can see that while most locations clear
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that will move back in, and it will start to burn back to just near the coast by tomorrow afternoon. we should get stronger onshore wind components, so late in the day get ready for the low clouds and fog to race in come in during the day. it has been hot inland thanks to high pressure bringing the bubble of hot air toward the central valley and the east bay locations. tomorrow things are going to reverse. all of this will push off toward the east, and it will allow stronger onshore wind components to move in. that will be more low clouds and fog overnight on monday night in through tuesday. and of course that will translate to cooler temperatures for us. inland tomorrow, slightly cooler and you are really going to in the a cool down as we get into tuesday and wednesday. here is a look at the highs for monday. not too bad. los gatos, 85. 82 for san jose. we'll look for the strong onshore winds. half moon bay tomorrow afternoon. 53 will be your high. 79 for palo alto. san francisco, mid60s for
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your monday afternoon. a mixture of sunshine and also some low cloudiness there. petaluma 79. napa valley 82. 71 for oakland. hayward tomorrow, 72. inland locations, interior east bay, you will notice the temperatures coming down a few degrees. a better cool down for you as you head into tuesday. 91 for concord. we will look for 70 for santa cruz and gilroy tomorrow 92. my accu-weather seven-day forecast includes the cooling trend tuesday, wednesday and thursday. inland temperatures will drop into the 80s. 70s around the bay. 60s at the coast and we will look for more low clouds and fog. by the way, today we want to thank everyone that came out. tens of thousands of people were in the golden gate park this morning for the 24th annual aids walk san francisco. check out everyone there. the san francisco aids foundation estimated about 25,000 people turned out. they raised more than $3 million. abc7 was there to get everyone
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motivated and out there to walk for a great cause. >> i don't know what he did. he got them out walking. we raised a lot of money.xd coming up next, the newest flea market for people who like to collect antiques. >> and safe or out? the play that made the difference between a win and a loss for the giants today. and me please. thanks.
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got it. ["dueling banjos" up and under] hold this. getting cash back on your debit card changes everything. got it. introducing the chase realcash debit card. got it. up to 3% cash back on things you buy every day, automatically. got it! [cell phone rings] excuse me. got it. the new chase realcash debit card. this isn't over. chase what matters.
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city of san francisco, an antique flea market. the antiques and the collectibles fair took place in the parking lot of candlestick point. the organizers have a contract with the city to run the market now the third sunday of every month with an option to extend the lease. all items sold must be at least 20 years old or older. colin is here with sport now. the giants and the call you do not agree with. >> giants fans, if you were there, you must be irate. this was a win for them. it was almost one of those wins, you look back at the end of the season saying that was the catalyst.
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the series stolen away by a bad call at homeplate. no splash downs today. pick this game up bottom of the 9th and giants trailing it 3-1. a pinch to center and two runs score and the game is tied. two batters later and he is at third and a dribbler. a throw to home and he slides in under the tag. look at the replay. clearly safe. giants robbed. so it goes to extra innings. ike davis all over the hanging breaking ball. bay scores and the met get a continue verse sool 4-3 win and giants head to l.a. to take on the dodgers tomorrow. sheets in a good mood. figures he will never be younger than he is today. happy 32nd to him. a's and royals, and kc in the throw back unis. 7th homer of the year to give oakland a 2-run lead. a's are tied in last in the american league for home runs.
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kouzmanoff with his 8th homerun taking the lead in the fifth. five strikeouts and goes 7 and 2/3. 9-6 the final. a's sweep the set and have won five straight games. hope you had your earplugs on out there, folks. he edges beck man in the funny car final, his first win of the year. make it eight wins in 15y events -- in 15 events for dixon. well, still to come, how the sun of a sheep rm farmer became the british open champion. he was one of the most dominating performances in major golf history. that's next. oprah: dr oz is back with an emergency wake-up call. it really is the fastest-growing disease in history. what to eat, what to do to stop america's silent killer -- >> kaboom.
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can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try. i heard eating wle grain oats can help lower my cholesterol. it's gonna be tough. my wife and i want to lowe our cholesterol, but finding healthy food that tastes good is torturous. your father is suffering. [ male announc ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol.
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on nelson mandela's birthday, he reins supreme in scotland. the man whose name no one can pronounce won a tournament no one thought he could. it is the final round and tiger woods a pair of double
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bogeys on the front 9. he finished the tournament at three under. 13 shots back for a guy spotting a red dot on his glove. it reminds him to keep his cool, stay in the moment, and he did it with an eagle putt on 9 to move to 16 under par. there is no doubt after playing partner paul casey pulled the tee shot into the 12 he would take a triple bogey 7. the same hole and drops the birdie putt. that's a four-shot swing. the lead is incur mountable at that point. he walked up 18 with a 7-stroke -- with a seven-stroke lead. >> he has become a household name. the 2010 champion. >> there you go. his nickname is shrek because of the gap in his teeth. no joking. his love affair with saint andrew's is complete. he had the fourth lowest open
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score in history. he lead the final 48 holes. the 27-year-old, 200 to 1 odds coming in. >> i said it before in the week, to win the open championship is special, but to do it here is something you dream about. >> cinderella story. to tahoe and the american century championship. nap time. look at this, charles barkley. lady, wake up! that's terrible. jerry rice needed more of these. the long birdie putt on 13, but for a guy who wants to play the nationwide tour, 25th place. the former average quarterback is above average golferment tournament record 84 points for his third championship. stage 14 in the tour de france. he takes the 114-mile stage in just under five hours. he finishes fourth to remain the -- to retain the yellow jersey. he leads it by 31 seconds. lance armstrong news, he is in 38th place.
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his manager said today he is -- he has deliberately lost time to the leaders to conserve energy in hopes he can win a stage in the coming days. as we know, it has been a rough one for lance. crashes and is like -- well he is 39 minutes off the pace. so he is just thinking, maybe i can get a stage win and go out with something. >> do you think that's possible? >> well, with him, sure. why not? >> thanks. all right, that's it for abc7 news. good night, everyone. >> good night.
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