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tv   Bay Area Focus With Susan Sikora  CW  July 22, 2012 8:00am-8:30am PDT

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what's the future of california state parks and updates and as the vatican's current as the work of nuns there's an exhibit in sacramento telling the story in america. we to local fashion " that turned to a passion for style into a daily block with the following.
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woke up a two day area focus the california budget cuts of made state parks your uncertain future. the '70s the parts were about to close on july 1st. the dish a private donors and nonprofits and a few other sources there's been a temporary reprieve. the question is for how long and
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what's needed to keep this beautiful natural landmarks open. here with an update jury the director of communications for the california state parks and foundation. i was surprised to think of as driving somewhere somewhere when i heard this and everybody thought it can't be serious digit are rethinking what happened? is the series of threats over the years climb back to the governors schwarzenegger when he proposed the close of 200. but this time round because of the economic situation and the budget situation in the state was very serious and i took it serious the per days was to try to keep the state parks open because the coast park is a dangerous thing in the tracks fanned alyssum elective knee and it costs more to open because you kept going and fix things first shut down and then go fix things that happen in the
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reopened at tel . if it stays open one what are the biggest expenses? personnel in the and basically but you mentioned that i like the fact used to turn group term reprieve because we did dodge a bullet to couple of weeks ago the governor signed a budget that little bit of money back in the state parks this a little bit for a statewide nonprofit to regain out over 27 grants to about 29 parks to the tune of zero hundred and $50,000 to other non profits in the field trying to enter into operating agreements with in the state. but all sounds fantastic but it is very temporary. bust ever grants are for about a year and even then some of the parks will be kept open only a couple of days and weeks but were facing another round of closures and a year and less to find a long-term solution. greta that come under said the
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idea he was going to save $22 million a year. and yet a red parks generate $6 billion yearly. everything going into and around a park the state this study that found people spend an average $43 per visit which does it sound like a lot until you realize his return 50 and 60 million visits a year the state parks are a huge economic generator. hawk and 6 billion does seem sex and was doing different math? you should go to sacramento. you figure it out. whip it would seem to me that your cutting off an influx greta that is true with the political reality is that everyone in sacramento have to take a hit and that to to linda as over two years and the only with the
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department of parks and recreation could figure out to see that money was to close the state parks they put mullis there were going to close july 1st and most of them have reprieved now up to 69 if the a reality there's been less than 40 deals penned with a lot of work to do. we should just refer people to the web site california there's a map and there's pictures of the parks and three things green circles for temporary reprieve in your love for reprieve pending and and there's a little red x for kosher. what parks are in the most imminent danger with the red x. the state recreation area which is california's first urban park was on the closure list and it is been taken off somehow magically and yet there's no deal that we know that spending to help keep open.
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that small influx of money to the budget the governor signs of allowing some of the parks to be open for to a couple of months and i think it's kind of the road soon few months and we will start to see some of the partial and full closures again. is the second and paschal in on to meet the governor is not anti park it seems a little weird. he's doing this and you're saying go to sacramento so what i'm saying is where is the dialogue? legislation pending in sacramento that the bills that will help generate revenue in state parks and also senator from down the peninsula to just a 40 million the influx into the budget in the governor took 10 million of it. there are people trying to find solutions and you could find out
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more about what's gone on in about our awareness campaign to close in state parks is bad for business campaign by visiting our web site. a whole list of businesses bed-and-breakfast some places like that. we still believe firmly believe the long term solution for state parks as the public funding source but in this economic and political landscape it's hard to visualize the right now. we're doing planning and we will see it happens in the fallen to as the waters the striking together with their partners for longer-term planning. in the meantime we have to do the things. and steve were it's condescending said the the sacramento say if you could talk run to find a way to keep an open greta that is a concern allow the small nonprofits out there it's really not their
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primary role to manage a park they do things like interpretive programs and man the visitor center there really stretching themselves of small organizations and the could only do it for so long. your web site people can go to it and if you want to contribute as little as any thing greta 0 when it people can volunteer parks and letters to the representatives of our web site automatically different ways to be engaged. he'd always have to go get out the checkbook with the ball went to volunteer at a park or visit a park and educate themselves they can do that on a website. i'm sure someone will come to a media fund-raiser. were not deep into hollywood yet but we are trying. and the thank-you and were going up the parks stay open because
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they're beautiful treasure. stay with us.
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welcome back. when inspirit the catholic sisters and american exhibit this done to bring the nation since now at its final stop of
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the california museum in sacramento scott took a leadership contra conference called women religious showcases 300 years of none history in the united states. retells we welcome the sister o'connor of the sisters the holy family. we have a sister and a protestant catholic school. first of all the co-sponsor the cincinnati museum and the smithsonian had a finger to. and your crew does every none belonged there are two organizations in the united states that represent the women religious congregations that belong to them and it's one of them and that happens to be the one a my congregation belongs to prepare were using and sisters
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interchangeably the benefit of those and and catholic. a sister was tobin and then to the ones in the orders that a quiet all day. the question was they came here three and appears to go on thinking and listed in a huge thing to put together but their teachers and they take good notes and was it easy to get all of that together? i was part of the california exhibit that is an addendum to the national accident. it was put together concerned with all 50 states and territories in the history since 1727 the first sisters put their toes on the ground in new orleans. when it was coming here it's been traveling for three years and around the country that was coming to sacramento and many of the religious communities said there should be california portion to this so we can zero
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in a what's been done in the state. house and the committee that put together the california section. and the continuance first which i would of thought new york first when the first came when they come there was a lot of coming because of the immigrant populations because the sisters very often were from the same country of the immigrant population two system and the came to this. and what i found is that most of the communities back east there's a lot of ethnically based committees who came to service the hispanics to the french for the italian and whenever group. so there were many they came for that reason. and people tend to think that the ships and the sisters places
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the they don't the bishops watch over their own diocese been active permission to come in and the consent to out. they of staff permission to come in to the bishop that was here in california and sisters began to come when he inherited california as a diocese there was nothing here because the russians had been wiped out into there were a lot of catholics but no institutions this we would run are instilling any money that would come to the new place and work so many came. they're now running hospitals that they've opened and they're all so they do anything sprayed give me two
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different things they do. most of the work sent done because of a marginalized group that has been overlooked or perhaps not noticed before. her gun sister started working with the mentally retarded in the 1950's this today care in 1878 because there is no wind carrying 4 children and infants left behind in their homes and single parents returned go to work. greta does the exhibit cover any mistakes made. for instance the teaching methods for different views ago when i was a little. the point is have you covered
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also the errors? a does cover that unfortunately the national epic civic portion of the accident has been closed out. as the california portion that remains. if we head has a national exhibit it does a lot of things that would apply to that. " of course the car to sisters where is much different these days and you mentioned about the bishops that have been sent them here but the bishops can send them out. it's sort of brings up as a look at the pictures of the wonderful history of these women and it contributed so much was going on right now with the convocation of the doctrine of faith the former sentences capricious. and i happen to cut an interview
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with terry gross and sister pat had appointed elsie w r. basically sing and to not being vocal enough against was the actuality for control of abortion and the radical feminists all of the hot spots. the question came about that can be catholic and have a question in mind? and my question to you in this could u.s. and then express questions can be can have a question the mind and express your questions to the men who run our church. yes for a definitely. even though it's not my area of expertise in august in l c w are as having a national meeting and is at that time the sisters are going to address some of the questions and make statements. i think until that time i have great confidence and trust and our leadership and they have
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proceeded respectfully and thoughtfully through this whole activity and i think that that we can expect from them in the future. especially in august in the come up with with the what to say. i'm not as hopeful of a little more suspicious of the catholic but why did you become a nun? i think because when i was a kid, when i was in san mateo and a very wrote perish at that time it was pretty much to open fields and nine sisters of the holy family would come down on the streetcar which ran and then came down to san mateo and walked about 20 blocks in those big happy habits carrying books and candy in board for those who didn't have it and extra
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clothing. and also the sisters to come and visit our homes and come and visit. and in good a catholic school in the public school somewhere to catechism of the church and the sisters impressed me so much because it was obvious that they loved the children and that they cared for them and that there were interested in their homes and families as a high-school student i thought i needed to make my mind upon where another have been and then 54 years and i love it had a wonderful ride. when we became sisters that was one way a woman could be anything she wanted to be the caprice surgeons are heads of colleges and so forth which wasn't so open to other women at the time.
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in the offices have a sense of, and up to strips because an up and oppose this. what is spirit catholic sisters in america at the california museum in sacramento. california museum web site where you can get more information. thank you for joining us.
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welcome back. meet the women wove together love of writing and passion for fashion design a blog called girl was curbed center daily shopping and salad vice is a net everyday women to translation not such as the zero who to put themselves to death with their and within budget. she said she's on a mission for change three wellcome and its a- team it sounds great book of love as we're still talking about a society the looks of fashion runways and looking at people that weren't that is designed for size 0. in our i don't we know is this is the for myself and attacking the current up a love fashion and looking at magazines and runways and went to fashion week last week and even i felt a
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little uncomfortable because i felt like the kennedys women you cannot relate to them and not a size 0 of always been a larger girl a career girl and most women are most women don't look like that. and i think it's sad how the media has this unattainable of view of beauty that a note to savor the win because i think all women are reopened just women who are celebrities and art in the spot light most of us don't look like that. you look beautiful. i just don't know how are going to change it because we still have a lot of girls particularly galling to the speeding disorders and starving horse stories an anorexic web sites and things like that so how do you make the dance.
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you still see these waves the people that have is in perfect skeletal bodies. " i know designers what to use the five foot seven size 0 or to models because this is what the close to shown on a hangar which to me it is ridiculous because women aren't hangers. the delicate magazines and see things on women that are says zero or two a say how is that going to look on me i think it's ridiculous to be honest that they're not showing bigger models but as far as making a dent it could start with just one person. pictures from europe's it. pictures from the block. off like is the think it starts with one person one person can make a change and that's for them trying to do. tried to show woman with a defined clothing and also the prices.
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it's affordable for hugh. i am all about affordable and they're so many stories that are really great at that the driver 21 and h and n. all stories that to their interpretation of high- fashion for an affordable price. you had a block there's nothing brand new their and you got the attention of marine clear and glamour magazine how did that happen? it was sort of organic and the blog itself in a kind of started as an accident but has been sutter was watching-and tv and so obsessed with magazines water to start a block at the time i didn't even know what i would read about so encourage it to share my love of shopping and that talks started a position to put pictures of of my cellphone
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closing a lot of people started to say i love that you're curving in your giving me confidence sellout and taught organically developed. were going to let you know that her block is called girl with curves that chicken at she has shopping tips and pictures of all kinds of things leaving it with the brazilian headliner the performance in san francisco july 30th first. thanks for watching. ♪
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