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tv   Eyewitness News Weekend Edition  CW  September 26, 2010 9:00pm-9:30pm PST

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. you're watching cbs5 eyewitness news. >> another hot day for parts of the bay area and it'll be hotter tomorrow. just how hot? we will tell you coming up. >> nice having people that are putting their money where their it mouth is. >> the tea party bringing it's politics to the bay area. what they see as the priority. >> it's a beautiful day to march the golden gate bridge coast to coast with new york. >> marching for equality. the effort to etched the ban on same sex marriage. >> something you expect to get out the back of a bus? >> no. especially not a school bus. >> gourmet dining on the road. enjoy fine food and a new approach to meals on wheels. good evening. a hot weekend and it's not over yet. temperatures pushed well into the 90's in the east bay and we can expect them to go higher on
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monday. the prolonged heat wave has prompt aid third spare the air day in a row but no free ride on mass transit as we start the workweek. let's get the latest on how the heat will hit us. >> just not used to this heat. we never saw it during the summer. now hear we are. 99 degrees for a high in livermore. 97 santa rosa, 95 degrees in san rafael. you get the idea. very hot temperatures. as we look toward tomorrow it'll be hotter in spots. you could get to 100 degrees in livermore. the century mark in more began hill. santa rosa close to that and san francisco interesting there but we are pushing up into the 08's again. there will likely be the peak of the heat. when will we cooldown? we will talk about that. >> the heat didn't stop firefighter's efforts in sonoma. they contained that fire that started just after noon
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yesterday. nearly 100 acres burned. the highway was closed overnight but it has since been reopened. one firefighter was hurt fighting the flames and is in the hospital. hundreds of tea party supporters rallied in the heart of the bay area. what's attracting millions to the movement. >> reporter: music and traditional themes familiar but gathering in mill valley they don't want to be identitied mainline political parties, not republicans or democrats. as they filled the community center speakers pounded on common themes, immigration, welfare, taxes. the a berkeley law professor spoke. . >> the president thinks that the regular methods of law will protect us from future attacks. >> reporter: many in the audience are small business owner who feel they have been
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carrying a large share of the burden of government. the fervor putting them in front has republicans looking for a counter strategy. a former advisor to the president told the times that the tea party has tapped in to frustration and anger but doesn't represent millions of americans in the middle. the new york mayor has promised to use his power and money to promote moderate republicans and democrats this fall. back here in marin jason is explaning what attracts him to the party. >> mainly a fiscal responsibility issue but also an energy about it and when you are like me and you want it be involved active, it's just nice having people that are putting their money where their mouths. >> reporter: scott green said the tea party republicans his family's tradition of freedom and military service. >> american first, i'm black and one of 9 things i'm proud about is that i have a lot of family members who have served
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in military. we believe in individual freedom and i never have been able to find it but i have found it here. >> reporter: the organization called no labels has formed a counter rhetoric. the times said it'll try to get republicans and democrats to reach across the aisle because the two sides aren't even talking. >> clearly nationwide this has traction. how do they think they can affect the local elections? >> they are hopeful but they acknowledge they are just an island of conversatives but they are so angry and think people will tap there to that. >> thank you. all right. legal pot in california is looking less and less like a pipe dream. a new poll shows voters are leaning toward legalizing it. 49% of likely voters favor proposition 19. it would legalize pot. 42% oppose it. support is up slightly since the last poll in july. if it passes california would about the first state to legal
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lies pot. with just weeks left until election day one in the race for governor is pull ahead according to a new poll. the los angeles times poll shows jerry brown holds a 49 to 44% lead over meg whittman among likely voters. that lead is with in the margin of error. barbara boxer has widens her margin or her opponent for the senate seat. the same poll shows her leading 51 to 43% among likely voter was. it was a coast to coast call to action. about one hundred people marched to show support for same sex marriage. a demonstration that was mirrored on the east coast. >> we are doing great. it's a beautiful day to march the golden gate bridge coast to
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coast with new york city. >> reporter: and with that the chapter of marriage equality usa set off across the golden gate while at the same time the new york chapter took off across the brooklyn bridge. >> bridging the gap for equality. >> reporter: while on both coasts they are marching in celebration of the judge's decision to overturn the proposition 8 ban there are people at ten states in between that are standing up against it. as the court prepares to rule on the decision these states have come together to file a brief with that court opposing gay marriage. in the 39 page brief filed friday they say states, not the court should get the final say on banning gay marriage. they also say the constitution doesn't require marriage to include same sex couples. >> we have a equal protection clause that says no citizen or
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class of citizen will be granted any privilege not granted to all citizens on the same terms. >> reporter: the senator is a gay rights about visit. he compared their fight to that of the civil rights movement. >> these bans and amendments showed up against int er racial marriage. >> reporter: not everybody agrees that the two fights comparable. >> represent the facts. how many white gay men sat on the back of the bus? it never was a civil rights issue. martin luther king said marriage is between a man and woman. >> reporter: with views on both sides the debate is one that's sure to play out in the courts for years to come. the organizers of many event say they are confident they will eventually bridge that
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gap. in san francisco, julie watts. >> the inmate scheduled for execution wednesday has taken his case to the court of appeals. edward brown was convicted of killing a 15-year-old. grid a judge cleared the way for his execution in the death chamber. the judge also ordered him to chose between a one drug injection or three drug. he has refused so far. his lawyers will go before a judge tomorrow in a separate appeal to stay the execution. a tenant has been shot and killed by police. just after 11:00 officers were called to the apartments about an argument. while investigating police say one of the residents pulled a gun and the officer fired. a neighbor said he heard the noise. >> i was watching the niner game. i heard several shots.
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more than a revolver holds. came outside and there were police in the hall and said get back in my room. >> police haven't identitied the person shot. they say nobody else was hurt. a day lodge stand off in san francisco ended this evening. police arrested a 43-year-old after forcing him out of an apartment on franklin street with tear gas. police say he lived in another unit in the building. it's not clear why he barricaded himself inside a neighbor's apartment. there were people inside the apartment at the time but everybody got out okay. a pair of high end shoplifters had a field day today in san francisco. they hit the prada store in union square about 4:30. a man and woman in their 30s walked out with several thousand dollars worth of things. the store won't confirm that. with in an hour the store was back open and it was business as usual. drivers still reaching for cell phones with tragic results. why a group is pushing for a
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total ban on talking or texting behind the wheel. >> i love that idea. >> a new meaning of meals on wheels. how you can experience fine dining while being driven about the bay. caught in the act. . brown and oakland's schools. what were the facts? fact: march 7, 2000. brown asks voters for new mayoral power to appoint school board members. he gets it, and promises better schools. but the drop out rate increases 50%. the school budget goes into a 100 million dollar deficit. the schools become so bad the state has to take them over. it was "largely a bust," he admitted. jerry brown. failure as governor. failure as mayor. failure we can't afford now. until two years ago, when my dad transferred to istanbul.
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they settled in quickly. found their local deli. a few shortcuts. and a neighborhood hangout. but there's one thing they miss. their beloved hometown team. so i asked citi -- how many thankyou points it would take to give them something special. their old seats, 5 and 6, row c. [ male announcer ] citi thankyou points can be used for almost anything you choose. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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the . a new push to go beyond just limiting cell phones behind the while. a proposal would ban all cell phone use by drivers. they said alarming stats from a survey found distracted driving deaths caused by cell phone use and texting increased 28% from 2005 to 2008. >> think there is a sense that this is dangerous, this shouldn't be done, but folks admit 70% that they have used a cell phone while driving 24% have said they have texted while driving. there is a disconnect. >> california has already banned texting holding your phone while driving. aa wants to go further and is asking people to turn off their phones and put them in their trunk while they drive. you have heard of meals on wheels but probably not like this. in a city that's turned taco trucks in to gourmet eating san
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francisco is home to a new trend in fine dining. you can now board a bus and fill your belly. >> tour around and stop at different points and have an appear tieser. the concept of touring through san francisco and eating,. >> reporter: he is just one of many jumping on the bus drawn band wagon or bus wagon as the case may be. >> got meat ball. >> reporter: its feinstein dining on four wheels but don't call it a roach coach. >> pepper cheese? >> reporter: the owner call itself a broach coach. >> a new thing, luxury experience and have the indoor seating interaction with the chef. >> reporter: it's not just the mood that sets it apart. you won't find typical truck food. him requires more calories to burn than its has in it. >> reporter: is it something you expect out of the back a
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bus? >> no. >> reporter: they bought the truck for about 3,000 but put at 100,000 into. up next a table that seats parties up to 12 and if you want a bigger party they can serve up to 2,000 from the outside. they will eventually offer beer and wine pairings outside number clubs but the permit process is in the way. enter a supervisor. >> sponsoring legislation that the board to make it easier for us to have mobile food vendors in san francisco. >> reporter: not everybody is jumping on board. the golden gate restaurant association is worried that meals on the bus will hurt their brick and mortar business. the supervisor said the board is now working on a compromise. >> have you to be fair. you can't have an indian restaurant and then put a truck right in front of it.
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>> reporter: they after all they are all fellow foodies. >> i say not look at it as competition. we don't see them as competition. >> reporter: to find out where the bus stops you can check it out on facebook or go to news website. cbs5 helps you. >> it was a sound that could bring a tear to tiny tim's eye. ♪ [ music ] hundreds of players showed up at castro play tore try to set a new record. britain has the newest record at 851. no official count yet but even if the record wasn't broken hundreds of fans had a great time. talking about that heat. >> yeah. very hot temperature around the bay area, tonight, are you
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seeing mostly clear skies. tower looking good. clear in the interior but starting to see patchy fog. here say nice moon shot. looking good in to the evening. as you head toward midnight. more fog toward the coastline. sunny and hot inland. triple digits. 80s and 90s toward the bay. going to see more sun in to the afternoon. just a couple patches of fog. marine layer at the surface. temperatures labbing like this outside right now. 77 degrees in concord. 75 livermore. 76 vallejo at this hour. tomorrow probably the peak of the east setting it's up and down below you have the off shore wind blowing. breaking down at the surface. that means some of that fog toward the coastline. anywhere away from the beaches it'll be hot. 100 degrees in livermore. 100 fairfield. 98 concord. 93 san jose. a nice cool 69 pacifica. the next couple days.
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the temperatures coming down slowly in the interior. more inn side the bay and the coastline. more low clouds and fog and then all see a major cooldown in toward next weekend. >> call and complain to you again. >> right. >> thank you. the much anticipated vote on tax cuts will have to wait. what congress has decided to do or not do. scary landing at jfk. what passenger has to deal with last night. ,,,,,,,,
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people! look at you! texting...blogging... all this technology, but you're still banking like pilgrims! it's time for new school banking, bubbie. interest plus savings at why earn bupkis, when your savings can earn three times the national average!! three times the national average!!! new school banking at capital one bank. with interest plus savings, go to!!!!! what's in your wallet? somebody help me down. two reknowned economists --including u-c berkeley's robert reich-- say the gap
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. a quieting a says for the current state of the economy. two economists say the gap between rich and poor is growing. it may make it harder to recover from the recession. a study shows in 2007 the top 1% of americans controlled 24% of the nation's wealth. the least time it was that high was 1928 just before the great depression. they said the middle class accounts for 78% of economic activity have lot of the buying power to end the recession. another pocket book issue -- a vote on extending tax cuts is postponed until after november. white andrews on how its being used as ammunition. >> reporter: with taxes now a key campaign issue democrats admit the house will not vote on tax cuts before the election. the house will more likely adjourn and go home blaming
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republicans for the dead lock. >> we weren't able to get it through because republicans. >> reporter: republicans say its needed now as a signal to business it's time to hire more workers. delaying the vote they say is indefensible. >> it'll be the most irresponsible thing thing i have seen since i have been in washington dc. >> reporter: here is why the rhetoric is intense. during the bush administration most americans got income tax reductions but under laws that expire at end of the year. republicans would make all of those breaks permanent and they are campaigning on the argument this is what the economy needs. >> now is the wrong time to raise taxes. we are trying to get out of the recession. >> reporter: democrats would make most of the cuts permanent but for couples earning more than 2$50,000 a year. that cost three trillon dollars
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and that's 700 billion-dollar difference is what the fight is about. democrats say republicans are carrying water for the rich. >> they will have to explain why they are holding up tax cuts for the middle class. >> reporter: tax cuts may be good politics but their financial impact is questionable. many say in this economy tax cuts do not equal jobs. >> the decision to hire a worker isn't based on do i have a tax cut, it's do i need another worker. >> reporter: before or after the election both sides believe some kind of tax cut deal will happen this year because nobody wants the blame if they all expire. >> the home video that is viral is being acknowledged investigated by the navy. a tourist captured pictures of
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two navy choppers low over emerald bay. one of the pilots appears unable to maintain altitude and briefly dips in to the water. the entire flight is now under investigation. the pilots have been grounded and the 33 million-dollar state- of-the-art choppers repaired. the navy won't say how much those repairs cost but it was between 50 and $500,000. >> stay down. heads down s stay down. >> that's the sound of passengers being talked to during a emergency landing. the flight experienced problems with its landing gear. one of the passengers on board videotaped the landing inside the cabin. witnesses say sparks flew as one of the wings dragged but the plane landed safely. nobody was hurt . >> coming up on game day, the
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raiders -- actually -- we will do sports before game day. the minute is coming up. the niners bad news for them and the raiders.
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with the giants, fr . baseball, football and a championship. a busy day. here is the minute. start with the giants. sanchez putting them out in front with his two run shot in the first. plenty for matt cain who took a no hitter into the 8th. giants win. padres took one on the chin to the reds. cincinnati knocked the padres around for a 12-2 win. the giants lead by a half game. in the desert, little over
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a minute left in the game, raiders down one, bruce leading his team down field. hit the hp on a critical 4th down play setting up the game winning field goal. problem is he miss from 32- yards and the raiders loose 24- 23. this morning the niners were still asleep. they were blown out for the second time on the road this season. this time at the hands of kansas city. that -- 49ers now 0-3. they lost 31-10. the bay area with a championship to celebrate. the gold pride win their first wps championship. putting in the back of the net closing seconds, 4-0 is the final. we have a busy night on game day tonight. >> good. >> on our sister station. the niners loss, raider is have won, the ninerses were horrible. >> and -- he will get the game back. >> yeah. he is to good not to but it's
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frustrating. he missed three field goals. >> goodnight. ma'am, can you identify the other airline that charged you bag fees? that's it. that one...right there. exactly how much did the other airlines make off with? ♪ it was like $25. was that one-way? or roundtrip? roundtrip. $50? did you have a second bag? yes. mm! it was $35. that's $120 roundtrip. [ gasps ] oh! ah! ♪
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