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tv   [untitled]    March 26, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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i will remind you, but capital is discussed for various reasons now, i don't want to defend it, i will come with the lowest tax rate on labor force and they will make it work flatly, including the taxes on capital income, this is the verse of capital, for example with a flat rate of 10% , consider that we are now in an economy where we have been saying corporate tax for so many years. the most important source of our income is that the effective rate is below 10%, the effective rate we have is taxed from them. then, once you come, tell a system , i want to come and get 45 from somewhere. 45 or less in that pike, for example, let's go and get 80. well , in order to control it, i am against this because if it was possible, then we could discuss whether it is good or not. i say, basically , there is no such possibility available to us. then see, regarding
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the secondary market of your property, you say that i will limit that secondary market, but i will include it in the construction, i will exempt it, and this is very good, but the problem is that these are not separate islands, if you are in a market of this width, pay attention to me. please let me come to a market, one of our major markets , such as gold and silver, which has a clear responsibility for cars the main issue is property. in the main market of our property, let's say sir, it's the secondary market , i'll deal with it in a way that i think it's expected from the world and i'll tax it 35 45 50. go up and i won't care about my shares. it is not news at all that you are completely connected to each other , which is actually twisted. you travel, the whole system
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is collapsing. so my point is that even if at some point we will say, sir, this rate should be this much. first, bring the necessary infrastructure for the simplified implementation of the tax for a capital let's create once the platform was created , it was much easier to increase and decrease these screws. the tax collection infrastructure is another type of capital that we recognize, how do we include it, how do we guarantee its implementation, and now this is the next part of my speech , which should be detailed in these two minutes of your time. in the current situation, if we want to take for capital, how much would be better than the current 35 in your opinion. i don't agree that the party buys today
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and sells tomorrow, well, it is clear that he has, but who for example, he buys a house, then he keeps it for 2 years, he keeps it for 3 years, he keeps it for 5 years. for now , look, pay attention to where we are from, where we are going, we are going from here, and we do not charge any tax from this base for now. no one is currently eligible for this. if you do the same with the rest of the bases , it has a general regulatory effect. i say, sir , let us get here. then you say that yes, for example , this was not enough, i saw the good effect of this, come. we cut how much do you think the first year will be? now it is very forbidden to comment. the price is high. the price is high. now let me tell you that you are short.
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it's different with the property. the currency is different with the property. i don't know. the car is the same with the property. it's short-term, long -term. you can't make it a piece of paper. and this is what i'll say. if i take my time, dear mr. collect in the source. let's take the tax, well, this makes it very easy for you to come and collect it, then make a promise, and then tell me, yes , now with the advancements of artificial intelligence , you are now collecting the income, which means that the capital id is also treated with the total logic, except instead of this let's do the work, make it complicated, simplify it at the source now, in the next part, i will tell you what i suggest to get something simplified in the source. let's finish the job. thank you, dear sir. yes
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, thank you very much. i just want to say one thing. the bomb that you said that we can put under the economy, that bomb has exploded, that means us now, me and you, i think. after the second world war, when these activities started , it happened very fast and very fast. now we don't expect that, not those rates, not actually a collision, not even a ban. look , there are two things, two disadvantages. in my opinion, the low rate means that i care about them. i understand that they are actually helping. they do it according to the plan below , but according to my opinion, there are two concerns, one of them is that if the rate is low
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, it will lose its regulatory properties, not only will it not be exhausted, but the burden will be transferred, that is, you, if a small tax in fact, make a sale. they can easily transfer this to the consumers, but at high rates, the risk is almost according to those experiences, and this is much less . i don't agree with the year or for example a few days and a short time a discount should be given, in my opinion, in the real estate market, it takes more time because of the peaks that we have in our history . let's give some time, for example, 6 months, a year, this can easily expand the normal documents, that is , for a year, now let's sign something together
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, then next year, for example, let's make it official . back to that bomb, a good time, which in my opinion, of course, took a lot of time, but it was left because the plan that was approved says that, sir, from the time the sub-construction is provided, for example, three years later, for example, this will start, which means that there is no locked-in space , there is actually no room for shock entry into the market. in my opinion, it is settled with this , that is, the culture that we finally have and we want to correct it, it will not be corrected quickly. the last order of my doctor is that we should actually deal with the tax at the same time and not enter into these professional discussions. i completely agree with in my opinion, of course, if the side had not reached here, their plan the original version that was in the previous parliament was like this , but most of the friends who plan to influence it, and this is their mind, yes, their mind
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is actually on the topic of directing it towards the collection of income tax, which i myself do not really agree with this. in my opinion, this can be in its place in the next few years. in fact, it should be consolidated, thank you . we also discuss this inflation adjustment a lot. you agree that this should happen. no, i am completely against it. in my opinion, inflation should not be deducted at all, even because in the plan , half of it will be adjusted. now, because the supreme council unfortunately, in my opinion, the supervision was flawed as a matter of tax justice. in fact, the adjustment is apparently set to be completely adjusted, but i am completely against it, even if it was not actually with the mentality of the politician that this plan has finally arrived here after many years. in my opinion, if it was not approved, maybe it would have been better than adjusting the picture. thank you, mr. nasiri aghadam. first of all, talk about inflation adjustment. see, the tax on capital
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is a tax on capital, so it is better not to talk about wealth. it means tax on capital. capital principle. it is in its place if we don't adjust for inflation, that means we are taxing the original capital , then we have to change the name of this plan to say gross tax. well, you tell other countries to see other countries. it seems that you may make a judgment, but the problem is that, firstly, in the years when inflation was high , inflationary adjustment was common in the world . we
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leave 50% of the base as a tax we get it, but we don't make inflation adjustment for that 3 percent anymore. another thing that has been done in the world is to reduce the rates one step at a time. i disagree with this, but i reduced it for one main reason and that is the third thing. the third or fourth thing that has been done is to create a double tax system , which means saying that we will tax the capital through inflationary supports, which we do not adjust, and so-and-so will be taxed at the bottom of the rates of other sources of income. and there is a criticism that, sir, why don't you do this openly, articles. there is considerable to show when you don't think about inflation
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, what kind of damage do they cause , so i don't suggest how much inflation in our country now. in the last 6 years, you had an average of 41 and a half percent inflation. think about it, suppose that 6 years have passed and you say that there should be no inflation adjustment at all, and 6 years. what you bought has become 41 tomans. now, with inflation, the general level of prices has now become, for example, 300 tomans. the other party sells it for 350 tomans. you say that 350 minus 100 becomes 250 at the rate of 45 , for example, subject to tax, then this 250 is 45%. for example, it can be 120 tomans, then it says 100, sir, i made a profit of 50 tomans, and you are telling me to pay 12 to 20 tomans. well, you are taking the principal of my investment, which means that i can't buy a new house with this thing that i sell. well, the deed
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has a few points, let me see , first of all, no, please, because they said that it is possible to enter, i got permission to see, first of all, the discussion this is that the example you gave, well, i will say again that it is not really one property or two properties and so on. people can judge if someone has bought, for example, 20 residential units, for example, it is luxury , that is, i am like this. let me give you an example . did he actually buy or arrange a sale or not? he didn't do it, that means not the unfortunate employee from whom we tax the tower, not the factory that we have without inflation adjustment , we tax him even if he makes a loss, and all that, but here's the point. which means that i want to say that after all, yes, there is discrimination against them, but there should be discrimination
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let's say that sir, the number is high. yes, the number is high . he can decide not to do this from now on , because we are talking about the future , we are not talking about the past . well, usually, the friends who are more against it are an old woman, for example, 20 years old, she bought a place, and this, well, she is looking to the future, which means she can decide not to do this for the next few years, to enter another field, but one thing. here, in other countries, mr. doctor, i think that the country with lower inflation, by the way the ratio of housing price increase to inflation there is actually a more meaningful ratio, that is, the ratio of inflation to housing price increase, for example, in the united states, which actually has an average price increase of 6 , for example, 4 inflation, which means that more inflation adjustment is needed, which means that it will be more oppressive now. if we say it's wrong, you yourself are accused. mr. trump, who tried to make this adjustment for four years , an economist himself
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, is actually very rigid in the field of taxation, saying that his benefits only reach the rich, and in fact, he has no benefit in the discussion that was actually intended for the discussion of production and in my opinion, every place has its own proportion, but the opposite is true, that is, the rule that they adjust everywhere, they actually adjust in certain places, not the other way around, you know. and in those places that you actually said , they make a part and reduce, and these are mostly because of that discussion , in fact, the loss or accounting at all , to consider that this person renovated his house, and these are usually considered a small part of ram, especially now. in the newer laws that i looked at, in my opinion, this discussion is based on our own special requirements. i assume that it should be with the requirements of our country in this situation. he decided, i say, by the way, with these conditions, he should actually look at it this way. now , maybe in the next few years, we will reach a certain point. the market
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was adjusted. we said that we should adjust the inflation. mr. nasil was not convinced. now, we will not reach there, but he said that someone he said that our inflation has increased from 20% to 25% and the american inflation has reached 4 %. the american inflation has grown more than iran's inflation there. it has grown by 50%. well, i actually heard something like this . you have an average housing price. you have an average inflation and you take this for the benefit of the country that reaches it. if we do not take into account the logical considerations of the work and design the system aggressively, this system will not work. suppose i agree with you at all that there should be an inflation adjustment, but i am not saying.
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let's assume that you go right now with the same example that i gave, they will blow up this whole plan with this simple example. consider that there is a very heavy basic exemption, both individually and as a unit, which is completely exempt from every person, so you are saying that it is included.
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then, in fact, you have given all these points , then there will be someone who is with you. in fact, the increase in assets is very effective on the market and effective on the market , that is, someone who has finally come has overshadowed this market. now, whether in the short term or in the long term, whether it is sustainable, these must be different. now we should say that we have to consider an expedient, even though we know that they exist and in fact we want to do this. actually, let's implement the plan somehow. in my opinion, the person who means those who wrote the plan and laid the foundation for the exemption, instead of adjusting it, i think it is better to consider the expediency. let's go back, i am going to tell you the clear economic logic , sir, this is a tax on capital id, that
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is, the principal of your capital , that is, it is enough in all countries, it is also in all countries, what is the name of the other countries? they deal with this so that they can have that effect they talk about two or three percent inflation, you say no , two or three percent inflation is important out of our 40 inflation . it is definitely more important where i will say it again because it actually changes. look at what i said , where the 6% increase in housing prices happens. the average inflation is 4 years, which means inflation is two-thirds . in fact, if you adjust it, it is much less than it is, but you actually have, for example , suppose you have inflation of, say, 40%, and an increase in housing prices, for example, of 60%, which is really strange now. which one does the most damage, that is, if we do not adjust, the one that is there will definitely have it it's not like that, it's because my income increases in the same ratio, my purchasing power is in the same ratio, it's not that he has 4, his annual income
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is 46, what's the difference ? to whom do we deal with the government, not now, the law will be passed now , let him decide what kind of behavior he wants in the next few years, if he wants to do the same behavior, he should pay taxes , in the opinion of the person who made the law, this behavior is actually unhelpful. he says for the economy, sir , if you want to do this behavior, pay the tax
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if you don't want to do it, because from the point of view of that legislation, it is not useful, we should discuss why it has reached such a point that it thinks that trading is not useful, and more importantly, i think it is a mistake to think that it is product inflation. these are the people who, for example, buy property and keep it for a while. well, it is not like that at all , that is, the analysis of inflation in iran. it is not like that at all, because the demand for liquidity does not increase in your opinion . for example, look at it from this point of view. liquidity in iran is now a separate issue that needs to be detailed. let's talk about it, liquidity in iran is affected by inflation. cause of inflation it has been going on for a long time. this debate is actually a dynamic system, which means no , it is not like that. i think it would have been resolved for a long time . if it had been resolved, we would not have fought so much with
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monetary economists. now, when you exempt an important part of the market, which is actually the sellers, with a high exemption, when you want to buy, you have the power to choose between a seller who is actually exempt and a seller who is actually included, which means that this is very likely and the amount in fact, it reduces the transfer of the load in fact, if there is more thread, these two together
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create a mechanism that reduces this probability. after all, the probability is not zero. we all know that there is tension in the economy. hey, we are actually reducing this. when you get a check , be sure that the transfer will be a check. let's discuss, he says that after 4 years, i will give you the opportunity to withdraw my help, and this is actually not a shock at all. in fact
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, how will it not come? after 4 years, you say that no, these 4 years you have time to make a decision , we want you to make a decision, and in fact, the prerequisites that need to be provided, it will be provided, and that person will decide if it is really cost-effective to do it, which we all decided that we are going to deal with it. for example, if he does something to a part, he will encourage and punish , and this is all for giving direction. well , mr. azizi
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, there has been a lot of discussion about housing. why do you think this is the case ? let's talk about infrastructure let me tell you, mr. azizi, there is no problem . now let's assume that we have all these differences , mr. azizi , the main one was about the rate of inflation , these two were the main ones, and we did n't have a difference about the base. now in the plan, he says, look, i am coming to a series of people i have in the economy, for example. registering offices like i don't know, police force like real estate registration, gold dealers, i tell them that sir if someone comes to you
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to make a transaction , you issue an invoice. you issued this invoice on their behalf, but we go to their name and record it as income and expenses . what is the second step? what is the second point? what is the second point? this is the deal of people who only. it is not that the party , for example, i may have given a loan to mr. azizi , i may have given a mortgage , my money may have been given as a dowry, it may have been given as a dowry. issue an invoice, then i will pay for all this i will understand how much has been credited to your account based on how much has not been received, then i will go and compare these with the bank transactions from the intersection of these, each of which has a code, from the intersection of these, they will understand that you are right
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did you declare it or not, and if it was not declared correctly, i will take it as incidental income tax . well, it means that we are in order to be able to. now, i don't know where this number came from, but they say, for example, one percent is a pain and we want to include it . we don't have anything to do with the rest because we came to trap him, we involved a lot of people and systems this should be connected to the maadian system, which system itself, then we will connect such a system to such a strange system and look at all the bank transactions. fraudsters are recognized. well , here i think that this system is very
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big. you may say yes , saman mahdian's system is coming smoothly , it will come to fruition in 5 years, i will let it come to fruition. the higher program that you have accompanied us until this moment, may god protect you or god , wherever we are today.
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2:00 am
2 o'clock: the head of iranian customs said: 29 tons and 969 kilograms of gold bars. worth one billion and 936 million dollars in 1402 from the country's genrokat and entered the country. according to mr. rizvani, more than 74% of the weight of gold bars imported through imam khomeini airport customs, 16% from bashmagh customs and 7% from tabriz customs entered the country. head of gambark


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