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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 6:00am-6:30am IRST

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dozens killed and injured in the terrorist attack in moscow in one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent years in russia, dozens of people were killed and injured. the federal security service of russia announced that at least 67 people were killed and more than 100 people were injured in the terrorist attack on the krokas city complex in moscow , of which 60 people were reported to be seriously injured. isis has claimed responsibility for the attack in moscow. has taken.
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it is said that there were 5 terrorists. after entering a concert hall of this complex , they opened fire on the crowd. reports of the explosion have also been published. published images show it shows that the attackers with automatic weapons are shooting at the audience who had to run away from the scene to save their lives. russian sources have arrested one of the perpetrators of the terrorist attack on the center. krokati hall business in moscow reported. following this attack, the president of russia immediately called for a meeting of the national security council. vladimir putin ordered all security services and responsible institutions to take necessary measures in relation to this terrorist attack. the mayor of moscow, sergey suobyan, described this attack as a great tragedy and called for the closure of all sports, cultural and other activities in
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moscow, the capital of russia , announced by early next week. kartopulov, the head of the defense committee of the russian duma , also emphasized that all perpetrators of this terrorist attack will be arrested soon. to explain the dimensions of this terrorist incident, we are talking to mr. madbar, the expert director of russian issues. hello mr. modbar. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respectful . at your service, respected colleagues , i am at your service all the time. well, mr. madbar, what do you think about this terrorist issue that happened in moscow , what is the shooting that happened in crook city hall, and what new things can you add to it? yes. i was checking the latest situation in moscow until just a few minutes ago with the warning statements from the federal security service of russia. he had told the people
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not to be present in the area of ​​the incident so that the security forces and services could deal with the crisis completely . today, a special meeting of the russian security council will be held, but the important point is that there are interviews among the russian officials who are currently talking, that's all. they create confusion that this issue is the work of isis and they are announcing that it is a terrorist operation and that statement. the fake name of isis is completely the beginning of this problem in the american media because the party the american should remove the finger of accusation from himself because the united states had officially announced on march 8th that extremist groups were going to carry out terrorist operations in moscow . .
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until now, russians believe that the documents and evidence show that this was done by the american side , besides the fact that the russians believe that this is because of the issues that the american side could not come to a conclusion in the ukraine crisis. entering the territory of russia itself the city of moscow itself should put pressure on the russian side in the discussion of the war in ukraine. well, it is an important scenario. based on this scenario, the russian security council will hold a meeting today, and of course, the special representative of the russian federation in the united nations security council has also prepared a case in this regard and believes that the american side is involved in this matter . this is a point. second, a few minutes ago i also saw that the question of the role of england was being raised . why was the question of england raised because you know that in the coming weeks the new russian government
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will be introduced by the president and there will be changes in the cabinet. exists one of the reasons that some analysts believe is that the american and british sides are extremely worried that putin was able to gain power by winning more than 90% of the votes, and they are trying to create an atmosphere of dissatisfaction and a crisis. in russia , to cause this disturbance in the introduction of the new cabinet. well, this was an important issue that was near the morning . to disrupt the russian elections and all kinds of things, you know that we at the same time as the elections were held , there were several attempts to insecurity in the ballot boxes, but they did not succeed, and the new cabinet that is to
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be introduced is obviously a different cabinet from the current one, and these can be effective because the atmosphere of the society is especially aimless and they do it to civilians and to a significant population, as you rightly pointed out, more than 60 of the 115 people who are hospitalized now. this blind attack also shows that the security services
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that were behind the case, which is the same service that the us was aware of anyway, once again decided to look into this terrorist incident. crocast complex is located in the third ring outside hael city of moscow and in moscow province , it is outside the city limits, that is to say, they could not take action inside the main ring and three main rings of the city and in those main security centers, that's why it is in hael city. finding entry and that, well, anyway, there are several points that exactly less than 12 hours after the operation
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condemned the city of moscow and, while expressing sympathy with the government and people of russia, called on countries to fight terrorism, syria, the element of god movement, yemen , the hamas movement, the world forum islamic egypt, jordan, saudi arabia , pakistan, france, central african republic, attack
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they also condemned the terrorist in moscow . russia demanded an explanation from the united states about the terrorist attack near moscow . previously, white house spokesman john kirby said: ukraine was not involved in the terrorist attack. the russian foreign ministry stated that if america has information about this terrorist attack, it should provide it to moscow. a few days ago, the american statement about the possibility of a terrorist attack in... moscow the subject of the white house spokesman's question at tonight's press conference was changed. the american embassy in moscow had previously warned american citizens to avoid attending public gatherings, including concert venues, within the next 48 hours.
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may your day be happy and full of goodness and blessings. germany helped israel to transfer orphaned children from gaza, but why this action? it may be considered a war crime. according to artes and spiegel on march 11, 2024, germany, in cooperation with israeli authorities, conducted a secret operation to evacuate 68 palestinian children from an orphanage in gaza to the west bank. he ran a garden. with the help of the german embassy, ​​the children, employees and their families were transferred to baitullah with the efforts of sos international institute. the words of the israeli and german media about the transfer of these children as a humanitarian act
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angered the extreme right-wing in israel. but the german expert in international law says: this action may be a war crime. taking every child out of these terrible conditions in gaza might be a good thing.
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he participated with the israelis about the transfer of these children based on the request of the sos institute, which is financed by germany. speiger said: this diplomatic mission was sensitive. from the point of view of the palestinians, this action could be considered as the beginning of the process of evacuating or expelling people from gaza , and the zionists could also say: america's focus is more than on the fate of the israeli hostages. the fate of the palestinian children is to determine whether the transfer of these children was against international law. first question: where and where were these children transferred from? according to the convention on the prohibition of genocide, the forced transfer of children from one group to another is considered a form of genocide. according to the material. 49 treaties geneva
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it is forbidden to transfer people collectively or individually or to deport them from the occupied territories to the occupying country or the territory of any other country. if you say that israel is an occupying power and if you say that the west bank is a different land from gaza, then it can be said that the transfer of these children was not legal because based on the end of the war operation will return to the previous area. german embassy in israel stated that the orphans
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were a temporary measure to save them from severe danger and not an attempt to permanently relocate them. any type of transfer of people is legal only if it is temporary. now the question is whether these 68 children in if they wish, they can return to the case. i doubt that these children will ever return to gaza because zirs. transporting children during wars only for reasons related to health and 9.
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my father used to plant wheat and we continued the same method. now our agriculture is wheat , we are thinking about the people's table, our hands should not be too long in front of the people, our country is no longer wheat, when they import wheat , our farmers will be taken
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away. this year, their production has more than doubled. god has blessed us. i am happy to help the production of my country this year. it got better every year, thanks to god, alhamdulillah the most important reasons for this increase in production can be pointed to the short balanced consumption of chemicals, the management of pests and diseases, and the implementation of the jaish plan for the production of drylands, the development of mechanized cultivation, and the use of modified crops. some provinces were leaders in wheat production. to have a thousand tons of wheat purchase, which is one of the very good records of khuzestan province during the last two decades, despite the good year conditions and the decrease of 21 in rainfall , we have the first record in the country and the highest amount of guaranteed wheat purchase
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among the provinces of the country. khuzestan province is allocated to itself. we could comply in fact planting date and use of new methods, in fact , to minimize water consumption, so far more than 1450 tons of wheat has been purchased from our dear farmers, which compared to the same period of the previous year , we have approximately 52-53% increase in the delivery of wheat from dear farmers. the guarantee of wheat, which grew twice as compared to last year , the guarantee statistics also indicate an increase in production , the guaranteed purchase of wheat in 1401 increased by 41 in 1402 compared to 1401, and in 1402 compared to 1400, the guaranteed purchase of wheat from
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dear farmers, we increased last year about 84 thousand billion. the payment for the guaranteed price of wheat in 1400 was about 22 hemats and this year it was 156 hemats worth of money paid. experts say that in addition to the timely provision of institutions needed by farmers, the revision of the guaranteed purchase price of wheat was not ineffective in increasing production. the increase led to the promotion of the farmers to continue the production, the government emphasized on the payment of the demands of the farmers in addition to the price correction. the duty of the government to pay the wheat farmers is very necessary. the organization of the budget program and those departments related to the bank centrally, i emphasize that, god willing
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, they will cooperate with the ministry of jihad. claims that were completely settled according to article 33 layers. the seventh plan emphasizes 90% self-sufficiency in basic agricultural products, including wheat, barley, corn, oilseeds and sugar plants. 10 million and 35 thousand tons of wheat were purchased, and alhamdulillah, with this figure , we were able to supply bread to 100 countries this year . more importantly, therefore, policy making and planning the officials should be in such a way that they help maintain production and increase it. the plans of the ministry of agricultural jihad are aimed at continuing to increase production in the future. according to the good follow-up and the measures that have been taken at the country level, including the explanation
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of the modified presence of the implementation of the production jump plan in the development rainlands, which god and sima bande, by studying the opinions of experts on this issue, i come to the conclusion that it is a key to solving economic problems. the country is
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the issue of domestic production, national production, that is why we have relied on our production in the past few years. production with the participation of people, popularization of production in the sector housing is a policy that should be paid attention to in the 13th government using past experiences in housing construction. the housing that people build themselves in deshde yekoni. at one time, we see mehri housing today. now after 10 years
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, we will come and deliver the house, and it is very expensive. mehri housing, which we have now brought rial, has no applicants. my side says that 10 years ago, for example, 40 million tomans, 30 million tomans, now the height is more, less. the money is given and the project is not finished . it has been delayed for any reason. i have nothing to do with the past. you see, in the end, reason dictates that you should take forward actions by taking advantage of past successful experiences or , god forbid, not repeating past unsuccessful experiences . reason should decide this , let's just see and... we did not act rationally and did not make a decision. experts in housing economics believe that the popularization of production
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in the housing sector both increases the speed of housing construction projects and reduces costs. the experiences that are being built now, in this national housing movement, shows the experiences that are being done. let's start, zahedan. i'm sorry, the people came to build by themselves. they gave me a lot of money. the one that was built by mass, for example, 20% of the one that they built by themselves has been completed. in the last 6 months , i had about 20 trips. do you know why their issues were good because you noticed the problem of taking money from people, not giving money, actually paying the contractor in advance with that money, buying and putting it in the workshop, which means that money was leveraged. the government believes that the popularization of production in the housing sector will increase the quality of construction it is also possible that the quality of our construction is an ideal model
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of the islamic iranian model, which should be in front of and on the materials for the construction operation. naturally, the people themselves who are involved must be of better quality and in accordance with the more desirable iranian islamic model of construction operations and carrying out the pathology of a housing construction plan. especially in mehr housing, it shows that the construction of housing with the participation of people has had better results. our pathology is one of the reasons for this. well, if we are in a process like normal projects where the people themselves do the construction, they will be the contractors of the people and please forgive me, they will be the employers of the people and from the capacity to use local contractors means that wherever the government has come, it has become an employer , but it has more problems by signing contracts directly with contractors. we can use the capacity of popularization , as long as the people are centered in this center and are employers themselves and use the capacity of local contractors, which we have now
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done in the national housing project with attention to pathology, we have gone in this direction with the supervision of the engineering system with regulation. the ministry of roads and urban development supervises the cities , the hiring process is done by the people themselves, the construction management is done by the people, and the capacity of local contractors is used. up to the projects ahead let it go forward, according to the housing economics experts , the government's trust in the people, housing improvements and land supply is the solution to the housing problems in the country , an issue that can be achieved by popularizing the production in the housing sector.
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or the last hours of the old year and the three children who are trying to survive in the streets of tehran during the month of eid. in the month of may, a film by the late composia partooi bach, what are we doing? the white balloon of jafar panahi is the narrator of the excitement of fear and hope, this time with less than three heroes. the year of elegance that the viewer means we don't have 100 tomans is very strange.
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this was the only new year that i did not want to end. i only had half a day. please stop you are asking me to do something that is impossible. the narration of the story of glass agency by ebrahim hatmiki kia begins when there is only one day left for nowruz eid. a contrasting sense of the mood of eid, fear of death in the heroes of the story that leads to flight.
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on wednesday, the city is filled with the smell of nowruz , stektri finds out about her son's incurable illness , and follows him on the way to the desert, somewhere very far , very close, where nowruz is the threshold of the transformation of the hero of the story. a work by seyyed reza mirkarimi.
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dad, give me your hand. a family is sitting at the eid table in an old house, waiting for the delivery of the year. the roof of the house collapses and it rains all at once. it takes the house by surprise, a story for those who spend eid in tehran and maybe want to get to know tehran better. in the movie "tehran" by the late dariush mehrjooi , we arrived at azadi square. the newness and development that family is the first word of all of them.


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