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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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all the people of muhammad, we are in our return , in the return of the people of muhammad , friday , and the occupation . allah akbar
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al-amut umayya al-amut to israel , i will continue today with some more news from palestine, the new crime of the zionists in rafah, with dozens of martyrs and wounded in the air attack of the zionist regime on a house in the east of rafah, in the south of the gaza strip, 8 people martyrs and many were injured. israeli warplanes also targeted a house near al-aqsa martyrs hospital in deir al-balah . a number of palestinians were martyred or wounded in this attack. the publication of images of the crime committed by the zionist regime last month and the pursuit of the targeting of four palestinian youths in khan younis with a single-pod revealed other dimensions of the genocide in gaza. while these people had no weapons
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, they were searching for their houses among the ruins, when the zionist drone targeted them in several stages . shahab news agency also has pictures of the moment of the goal the deployment of civilians in the gaza strip by the occupation army of the zionist regime spread. a member of the political bureau of the hamas movement said that the intentional killing of palestinian civilians in gaza with american weapons is a clear example of a war crime that should be added to the case of the occupation regime's trial at the international court of justice in the hague. on the anniversary of the martyrdom of sheikh ahmed yassin , the founder of this movement, the hamas movement announced that it will continue the way of sheikh yassin of resistance until the full realization of palestinian rights. sheikh ahmed yassin
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was assassinated by the zionist regime 20 years ago. dastani ahmed ahmed was born in the south of gaza. they came to gaza . ahmed was paralyzed by an accident at the age of 21, but this accident did not keep him away from social and academic activities. ahmad entered azhar university to continue his studies. after the return of sheikh ahmed yassin , he became the most important preacher of al-abbas mosque in gaza. at first, he realized that the zionist regime is seeking to divert the thoughts of the palestinian youth. he focused all his attention on communicating with the youth. ahmed yassin witnessed the wars between the arabs and the zionist regime, the camp david treaty, the oslo treaty and the entifase. he believed that the resistance forces should reach a stage where the work of the zionist regime completely slow the palestinian nation will regain its strength . other resistance forces are begging for peace with the zionist regime.
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the zionist was arrested and tried in a military court and sentenced to prison. he was released in 1376 in an agreement between jordan and the zionist regime and with two mossad spies who were arrested during the failed assassination of khalid meshaal, a member of the hamas movement. he founded the islamic resistance movement in gaza together with a group of palestinian youths in 1365. sheikh ahmed yassin in may 1377 with the leader of the revolution.
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at the forefront of the war between islam and disbelief and the war between truth and falsehood. sheikh ahmed yassin on march 22, 2004 after morning prayer while leaving the mosque , he was martyred by a missile fired from the helicopter of the zionist regime. let's go to the second case of the world today. isaac brik, the
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retired zionist general , declared in an article in hearts newspaper: israel is on the path of certain destruction. just like the ship. the titanic sank in 1912 due to hitting an iceberg. i am talking about this with mr. nasser torabi, an expert on west asian materials who is a guest of today's world . mr. torabi, welcome. i am asking my question . we hear expressions from the zionists, what now? former officials and current officials who may have a low record it was mentioned that isaac brik pointed out that israel is on the path of destruction. we also had a news about bergman, the military analyst of yediod aharot newspaper , who said that this regime is liberating gaza, the interpretations we are hearing, in your opinion , why is it being discussed now, why is it being said that gaza is liberating, yes in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings, courtesy
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and respect and i would like to congratulate you, your esteemed colleagues and all dear viewers . considering the issue of eid and the discussion of the month of ramadan , we should not forget the issue of gaza, and it is truly a place of appreciation and thanks contrary to what is happening in the atmosphere of our society, the priority of gaza has gone down there , there is still violence, there is killing, and before i came , the images i saw are really heartbreaking. it was really heartbreaking . i thank those who are following up on this issue, but regarding the answer to your question, i have to say a few things. look at this incident, the statements that are being made by influential people, decision makers, now one or two of you. you mentioned one person, for example, i will add mr. mark warner, the president
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if i want to know the synonym of senate intelligence committee, in our own system, he will be the head of the national security commission of the parliament and a person who is good in your heart. senah intelligence or, for example, 18 security agencies have formed an institution in the united states. a few years ago, the black man was responsible for this matter. now, a group has formed. 18 american security agencies came together to give a report that did not get a very strong reaction. mr. warner, for example. he said in an interview that it is unbelievable for us that 140 days have passed since the war and only 35. the percentage of tunnels could be discovered. now these statistics that they say are statistics that hamas says that 80 to 90% of it is on the head, because you know that they have three layers of tunnels , the first layer is for weapons, the second layer is for people , the third layer is for trucks, and 2 trucks
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pass through this tunnel side by side. it's not new, i mean, those of you who have been doing this since the days of the war, maybe, for example, the second month , the second, the third, have heard this story, now it is being expressed a lot, it is also expressed by people who are influential , why is this happening, what is happening is because it is actually in the field of israel. there is no achievement. see, you stated a series of goals netanyahu listed the four main goals that he himself spoke about two weeks ago or 10 days ago and said, sir, ceasefire, acceptance of the ceasefire. this means that our failure means that we have reached our goals . look, i ask the viewers to pay attention to this statement . it says that if we accept the ceasefire and if we do not achieve our goals, then it means failure. israel's failure means what it means that it did not achieve its goals. four . he stated the goal very prominently, then
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he retreated little by little, first he said, sir, we are coming , we will destroy kalmas, we are coming there, then he said, sir , we will kill all these heads, yahya sanwar, mohammad zaif, then saying that we will liberate rome in the evening. and we will also destroy the tunnels and tunnels in gaza. well, look, for the past 140 days, the head of the senate intelligence committee says that we should find 35%, sir. well, look at what i said in the first days. israel 's land entry into gaza means suicide, because one side is the classic army that must win, that's your word hunting, the other side is a guerrilla force that just needs to survive and is taking casualties now , the message that is being expressed in israel is a clear message that mr. netanyahu there is no plan, you see, i have many examples of this, a colonel. israel army he spoke a few days ago, and i was reprimanded for saying, "sir , we don't have a road map, what do we want
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to do, one day we will attack , we will attack the north, then we will retreat from the north, we will go, khan yunus, then we will say the solution, now they are raising a very serious question that sir, if the heads of hamas are not in rafah , what is your solution for the day after the war ? what is your solution? what do you think? what i am saying is that the words of self -interpretation are israelis. mr. netanyahu presented imaginary illusions. he is still fighting and has shown that he has been in the field for 6 months therefore, this confusion and confusion of the military forces is helping the politicians to realize that netanyahu must change, and there are whispers both within the regime and in the united states and european countries that a change must be made in this field, so to speak. both the crisis in the political and domestic authorities , as well as the military and the war facilities that
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both have reached a point where perhaps the term "food" is being used about it, we had in the news yesterday that canada he has announced that he wants to send weapons to the zionist regime now, of course, whether this is a declared policy or he actually does it is debatable, but in any case, he announced in front of the media that he wants to stop. in this situation where the supporters of the zionist regime are decreasing bit by bit, what vision do you see for the future, how far can the zionist regime continue with these losses? look at how many things i have to say about this once again, how many things are putting pressure on israel. it is an economic issue . the last news we had was 300 million dollars per day
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. these costs are only for supporting the damage you can see what the public opinion is about, whether inside the regime or through the outside, the regime and the third issue of the ships that are in the field , there is a lot of censorship there, and the fourth is the internal differences . use three. i feel that, for example, this story of rafah, as i said before, i don't think anything special will happen until eid al-fitr, but now some of us are asking , sir, why did it become ramadan, and in the holy month, we used to see every cell in quds. there was a conflict, why not this time, why is it calmer, first of all, there are conflicts that is, today, for example, a martyrdom operation by one of the elite forces in the united states in jordan by the united states. he was trained by the bodyguards of abu moazem, but why is it so slow because the israelis are retreating? well, the israelis
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are retreating from the prayers of some 10,000 people and a few hundreds of thousands. i counted up to 90,000, and even mr. limiting one's hand completely. now, in this situation that is happening, israel is being severely pressured by these four issues that i mentioned, and the closer we get to november, that is, to november and the american elections, the pressure will increase. america america is sending some military weapons , it is not working like before, it is sending less , that is, even america has a total of those losses , because you see, in america, there are pressure from two sides , because of their own internal pressures, it is a question of democratic elections, because the muslims of michigan voted. america needs muslims. when the time comes, i am talking about muslims. some people ask that, sir, does this mean that they want to vote for trump , not that they will not vote for trump, they probably will not vote
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and the democrats will not vote, the same is the case with aipac and the lobby of the zionist regime, anything close to the election. more this power will increase, the lobby will decrease, the power of this will increase with the elections. well, they say , sir, russia and the story of ukraine is a priority for us. we must prioritize here. the pressure of the public opinion of the people of north america and europe is also increasing. he can't stand these pictures. what result do we want to achieve? i think it's possible. i will follow up on this topic that now a few minutes ago, abri kan channel brought up a news that sir, we gave anthony millikin a plan to remove and remove citizens from places where this is unacceptable, america also said, sir. it's strange for us, i want to tell you that tide fat , a very special event, i will know later, if
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these are there, you should know that these are the papers that netanyahu is using in the process negotiations. there is a high probability that there will be white smoke in the negotiations. this is one issue. if internal pressure prevails, put netanyahu aside. one scenario is that it is very likely that benny gans will come to the election earlier than the due date. the process will be a little different. he opens netanyahu or attacks lebanon because netanyahu needs the continuation of the war. the problem and i feel that the pressure from the americans will become more serious so that netanyahu can cope with these pressures. netanyahu, you know , has the highest number of cabinet members in israel, and so to speak , he has seen the wolf in the rain . he will not cope with these pressures. ishaq brik's report that we mentioned at
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the beginning of this discussion said that the destruction of the zionist regime is inevitable, we will see it again. we are coming back from the rain of bombs from the field of cannon fire in the last 150 days and nights, in this time, there is no place left without a line. hands full of blood and empty of victory.
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prepared in advance to harm the officers and the chief of staff of the armed forces to make them responsible for the failure. in the battlefield, as this area was destroyed, no traces of the prisoners were seen, and now it has become the biggest challenge for their families. everyone knows that the war has reached its peak.
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israel is currently in the weakest position. 134 people were kidnapped. tens or hundreds of thousands of people. have been evacuated from their homes. the government and the people are in a hopeless and depressed state. the all -out attack on gaza has also destroyed the way back . now that there is talk of negotiations with hamas the wall street journal, quoting a former zionist negotiator, wrote that the zionists realized that they had failed when they entered the negotiations, and harafagi means a victory for hamas. for this reason, experts believe. whether they destroy or sit at the negotiating table, they are caught in the gaza swamp. amina sadat zabihpour, radio and television news agency. i will continue the conversation with mr. nasser torabi, an expert on west asian issues in today's world. mr. turabi, you made a statement before the report. one is that there is a possibility that the zionist regime
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will attack lebanon and open the rafah front. this the issue of attacking rafah has been discussed for several days and maybe several weeks , and they highlight its threat in their media, why are they hesitant and why is it not carried out? their media only mentions, yes, let me first tell you what the strengths of the israelis are in this field. well, i told them the weaknesses. what i mentioned is psychological pressure or international pressure that is happening, internal problems, economic problems , and the issue of the 3 strengths of netanyahu, or the second issue of the evacuation of northern gaza.
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and the third issue, which is very important, that is, very strategically important, is the creation of a port, which the americans are doing , now three plus one, maybe it is the massacre they are having, the genocide they are having there, finally , there is a pressure because there are many people there. there is also a martyred mission, but you should see the solution . why is it important to see? the israelis first entered the north of gaza . well, they said, sir, we entered here. they killed many people. the first massacre was there, then they retreated, then they went into the gaza strip , and then they entered. they attacked khanyounes , and now the process is detailed in this dam, and it will take a few days let's explain in detail what happened in this pressure. it happened to people in a dense area called rifa, which is next to a crossing called philadelphia, which is very close to egypt, that is, from
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there, the rifa crossing, which we hear is the exit and entrance of aid, is this area, and you should know that it is a part of three the part of the people there is supposed to be a part of those who live there, and a part of those who accept guests means that those people came a lot like during our own war. tens of them are war-torn and their families go home. a large part of them live in tents, which means it is dense. the most accurate point is that there are tents after tents of people. the situation is a little better than in the north of gaza, because there the problem is not like that, because the israelis closed a border between the north and the south of a street and are creating a separation there . now if a bomb the rocket happened there. it is equivalent to maybe a few tens of bombs that hit in another area , well, it will greatly increase the pressure of public opinion. now, why do the israelis want to attack here?
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is there a solution for netanyahu ? there is a solution left for netanyahu. let's go somewhere some of the games that are being played now are saying, "where are our evenings? we have to go and release them in this way, and you should know that our people should also know that many people, who cannot be said to be citizens of israel's military, by the way, agree that about 35 to 40%, i remember exactly now. there is no poll that has been conducted, sir, the intensity of the action was low . where did they go in the sinai desert, the history of the palestinians? it shows those who go to camp somewhere. whether they are placed in syria, jordan, lebanon or egypt, they are not in a good situation. they are displaced people , they do not have birth certificates. they have been living there for years in camps where they have no problem with food
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. they say that it is better for us to be in the same situation of war in the palestinian region than to become refugees and seek refuge in the neighboring countries. yes, therefore , egypt cannot accept this either. there are 1 million to 2 million people in the sine desert. give to these but again, billion dollars, but again, not accepting because of the cost of coming, even making the wall there more difficult, then, sir, threatening to say that we will kill whoever comes, officially announcing the deployment of military weapons there, what is happening now, netanyahu is saying, i'll take it here, that's it. by the way, the question they ask themselves in the diet says if they took it there. nothing happened, what happens is that they say , sir, the pressure of the crowd will be difficult if this happens, so i will make a prediction now that if this happens, it will be in the bracket.
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i would like to repeat my previous sentence, the case of lebanon is no longer connected to the case of gaza, that is , the israelis are working on the case of lebanon separately , and the probability of an attack is very high, even after the ceasefire, even a year after the ceasefire, this is a separate discussion for now. . or in this situation , they say, sir, they are using this paper, one for negotiations, two, well, netanyahu wants to use this process to last longer , so that now there is a chance for trump to come. if the muslims don't vote for the democrats, he can come and ask may he remain in another power, in a sense, for the time being , due to the heavy consequences that an attack on rifa can have, they prefer to speak his words in the media. they should take practical action. yes, one thing is that they are afraid of the reaction of the resistance front, whether in lebanon, in yemen, or in other places like other circles like iraq, syria, and if this is a
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special case. if that port and the evacuation of the north take place , my prediction is that the resistance front will not sit quietly and will definitely make an appropriate reaction. thank you very much mr. torabi for accepting our invitation and coming to the world today. well, before seeing the package news we are in contact with mr. daravi, the reporter of radio and television news agency in moscow . we are going to discuss the details of the shooting in a shopping center in moscow. mr. darabi , hello again, we hear the new news that you have received from a few minutes ago , in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. it is a bit far from the center of the city. we started from here. let's go there. there
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is a very heavy security atmosphere over the entire city of moscow. i have been in burma now in front of one of the the metro stations that i was passing by are physically checking all the people one by one . intercity trains are stopped. airports are very secure. security warnings have been issued. all cultural events have been suspended for saturday and sunday. it has just been announced that there was supposed to be a ceremony tonight in pedolz, but that ceremony was immediately canceled and the number of injured people is increasing . we will arrive in 40 minutes according to the distance is about 40 kilometers, although the surrounding area is completely closed, and i hope that we can
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enter that area with the special work of a journalist to see what the situation is . the injured have reached about 120 people , the spokesperson of the emergency department has announced that this number will definitely increase and the number of dead and injured will increase. at first, but now apparently it has been said that these people 5 for the time being, one of them has been arrested and the efforts to arrest the rest of the unknown armed persons are continuing
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. there is shopping there, there are concert and music halls there, and it is a very busy place. at the moment, the finger is pointing towards america , because about two weeks ago , america gave warnings . having information on why in not putting us under the control of russia, god willing , we will contact you again as soon as we arrive. we will have and we will report to our dear viewers from the closest place to the place where the accident happened. at your service , ms. shubayri, thank you for your cooperation. god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, after the terrorist attack. so far , 40 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in the krokas city hall in moscow. the gunmen started a massive fire and firefighters are trying to control it. a helicopter was used to extinguish the fire. the upper floors of the hall building of this commercial complex were almost completely burnt and the fire spread to the lower floors has done. russia's top investigative agency said:
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"the team is being investigated."


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