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tv   [untitled]    March 23, 2024 12:00am-12:30am IRST

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40 dead, more than 100 injured after a shooting in a commercial complex in moscow, about half of the country's reservoirs are full due to the recent rains, the spokesman of the country's water industry , we are still facing an 8% decrease compared to last year, and a new wave of rains will arrive from sunday. and issuing an orange warning for 16 provinces. from sunday , we have to wait for the systematic arrival of rain, which
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will intensify on monday . we will also face the risk of flooding in the southwestern provinces of the country for monday. the zionist regime's use of 70,000 tons of explosives in 6 months of encroachment on the gaza strip. the security council's opposition to the proposed resolution america about gaza. representative of russia. america's proposal opens israel's hand to continue incendiary attacks and attacks on rafah, and the arabs in the red sea and the arabs, operational news, operational news, millions of yemenis marching in sana'a and saada in support of palestine, buyers and
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americans lining up to buy the chinese social network tik tok from the former minister of the treasury to the microsoft company and the owner of tesla, the ceo of tik tok, american users should not be silent, make your voice heard . satellite, change of use and constructions in the cemetery and gardens, warning of the commander of the field affairs unit. in addition to destroying buildings, violators will be dealt with legally. 31 provinces are being monitored intelligently. these red points that you see are all the points of unauthorized changes of use that have been detected. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god
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bless muhammad and his family and hasten their fate , dear viewers. greetings. shooting in a shopping center in moscow , the capital of russia, after a shooting in a shopping center in moscow, the capital of russia, at least 40 people have been killed and more than 100 others have been injured. ruyanovsti news agency reported three masked people in the celebration hall. commercial listening to the people of tire launched also, throwing a fire bomb grenade caused a fire in this hall. russian news sources reported sending more than 50 ambulances to the scene of the accident. a group has not yet claimed responsibility for the shooting and explosion in this commercial center in moscow. to know more details about this incident, we have contacted our dear colleague. mr. darabi, journalist of sada and vasima in moscow
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, mr. darabi , greetings in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. krokas , where there are very large shopping malls, there are also various shops , and there are also exhibition centers, in central kalar , there was a terrorist incident early tonight, in which four people and some sources say 5 people with automatic weapons, as well as grenades and firecrackers. an instrument for a concert.
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several helicopters, which you and dear viewers can probably hear , are taking water from a nearby lake so that they can control the fire anyway . the fire is still going on. more than 20 ambulances are here right next door highway that's me now i stopped at a distance of maybe 300-400 meters . ambulances are ready to transport the injured
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. there are many ambulances and firefighting equipment here. moscow city around the airports. five international airports are inspected one by one, some flights are delayed, the movement of some steps is stopped in metro stations , people are being physically inspected one by one, and heavy security has been imposed by the russian authorities one after the other. because, anyway, america announced two weeks ago that a security incident is coming and did not provide this information to russia. well, they are very angry and point the finger of accusation towards america and say that if you had information, why didn't you provide it to russia so that innocent lives are not endangered and many people are not killed and injured? this is a very important issue
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for russia. the federation council said that americans should be held accountable for this crime and what they are facing. a partner in this crime, the spokesman of the russian foreign ministry announced that the international community should do this to condemn the incident and anyway , as we are going forward, russian authorities are also commenting, and some international authorities are also commenting. we are a few meters away to be able to closely investigate this incident, but
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one of those people has been arrested and efforts to arrest the others have continued. we will be here and you will tell us about the latest news and the latest for you and dear viewers . we are at your service. my colleague ali daravi from moscow . we are talking to mr. safarnjad, an expert on russian affairs , mr. safarnjad. hello, i wish you a happy new year. i wish you and dear viewers a happy new year. mr. safarnejad , what are your comments on this matter? well, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to ask you to see the type of incident that happened. well, you are intoxicated . about 22 years ago, in 2002, we
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had an almost similar incident in moscow. it took about two and a half to three days and... with the intervention of russian special forces this hostage -taking ended with about 200 people killed, but the type of operation that was carried out today , in my opinion, according to the records of this matter , is the work of the wahhabis of the north caucasus, see these at the beginning after the collapse of the former soviet union and the independence of the 15 former soviet republics so to speak , they had separatist nanny for about a decade in northern qafbaz. these are wahhabi and salafi takfiri groups that are supported by america, england, france and awan and their ansar. well, you are aware that about two weeks ago, the american embassy in moscow announced
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that something like this is going to happen. terrorist incidents. well, you know that isis itself was created by the americans, the americans and the british, and they have actually been involved with the russian side for 2 years and about a month now in the ukrainian scene, and in fact, there is a preemptive action in the name of isis and the group. takfiris, the same takfiri salafis who have been in ukraine for 2 years now from syria in the form of azov people's forces , are fighting with russian forces and eastern ukrainian forces. part of them coming to carry out this terrorist operation in the so-called moscow is an operation that they are unaware of. it was catchy and the security forces in russia completely being surprised, well, you know, about 50 people have been killed so far. and over 130 people are injured , considering that there are still a number of hostages
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, the number of casualties will definitely be higher . there is still no correct estimate of the number of operating forces, but the image broadcast from the cctv cameras shows that there are 3 attackers, but it is said that you can see that a number of attackers are also present in the scene and in the field in the form of support, a fully designed operation is definitely behind this type. there is a force and organization , in my opinion, it is definitely the work of the americans the british, france and europeans are the ones who support the sovereignty of ukraine in the recent two-year war against russia, and you know why they are doing this incident at this point. the western forces of ukraine will be attacked by the eastern forces of ukraine and this will help them to be able to. to manage the public space for the benefit of western forces in ukraine and to secure the so-called space of the issue
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and take it inside russia. russia has tried very hard in the last two decades to be able to confront the salafist , takwari and wahhabi forces outside the borders. are you aware that russia has been accompanying the resistance front in syria for 13 years now, and this is because one of the reasons for its main goals is to fight with these takfili and wahhabi forces instead of within itself in the north caucasus region, which is part of the south of russia. enter into conflict and battle , he has taken the battle scene out of his own land and inside syria, he is entering into battle with them, but anyway, in the last two years, the battle between russia and the west in the scene of ukraine is a story of the soldiers who are in the floor of the street and the squares are confronting the eastern and russian forces, the same thing. salafist takfiri era is under the command of america and england, or more correctly, nato, which
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came to the scene of ukraine two years ago with the field agency of turkey . today, takfiri and wahhabi salafist forces are deployed. organizations call these groups different names about who is the so-called founder of this. terrorist operations give an announcement , usually they mention the name of isis, and you must be sure that in the next hour, an announcement will be published in the name of isis by the americans and the british, and again, the so-called arrowhead of this issue. they will focus on isis. in my opinion, isis has no conceptual meaning at all. isis means america, england, france, germany, and that is what they have from the flow of terrorism in the world in recent years and decades. you see, in a place like gaza, when terrorist operations
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are carried out, the zionist regime has the control, but they are the main supporters. in other places , the proxy actors are salafist takwiri and wahhabi takwiri groups, which i specifically named isis after. they usually call it bold, but you have something, anyway, this terrorist operation it will cause a challenge between russia and the west, a challenge between russia and america and england. in different scenes, in the regional and international scene , well, you know, we had the so-called presidential election in russia 6 days ago . again, the ruling team in russia for the next 6 years will keep the affairs under their control. this is definitely pleasing to the parties. it wasn't western or american and they didn't mind eating this sweet with this terrorist incident which will definitely lead to more casualties. let me tell you one more thing. definitely, in my opinion, according to the trend of the past 32 years, i say that since the collapse
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of the former soviet union and the independence of the republic of the russian federation , this terrorist incident will definitely not be limited to this commercial center in moscow, and we will definitely see similar operations in other regions of russia, whether isis or a group in the name of isis, they were able to carry out operations in the heart of moscow . it is much easier for them to do these things in other areas, such as the republics of northern dafghaz, so you see, this is something that we must pay attention to. not finished, just started, and the american parties westerners don't mind bringing the battle scene from outside the territory of russia into the territory of russia, and this is the same red line that the leaders are very afraid of . this has been their excuse for entering the scene of ukraine for days, considering that it has been 30 years now. 32
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years ago, it was 30 years ago, 30 years have passed since the independence of the republic of the russian federation. during these 30 years, thinkers and theorists of international relations and international security announced that the 21st century is the century we are in now, the century of the collapse of the republic of the russian federation. yes, it means that russia will become 80 countries new well, the russians are also announcing that in order not to collapse from within , they are taking a preemptive action, they are entering a scene that today is being led by nato, and today, in fact , the battle is between russia and nato. and it is the uk that is doing the main leadership of nato, you see, anyway , the terrorist conclusion we get from this is that this battle between russia and the west is a very serious battle, and the americans have changed their tactics and instead of fighting this battle outside the territory of russia now enter a new phase in the form of managing
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i am proxy actors under their command from isis or other groups. who have been active in the north caucasus for 32 years since the collapse until today and are supported by the americans, england, france, awan and their ansar and other countries that are supporting the wahhabi and salafist takwiri currents . see, these are actually the so-called there are western and american actors who are introduced to the world and public opinion in the form of isis or similar , as you can see 2 weeks before the american embassy in russia. miad gives a statement and warns that we will see two days before in their interviews, the french officials announce that the war in ukraine will enter a new phase , that the europeans will gather and hold a meeting 45 days ago and declare that we must fight russia in the ukrainian scene for the future, even without
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the presence of the united states. if trump wins , we should have a plan and at least between 2027 and 2003 , they will design a road map, approve it, allocate funds for it, and even publicly unveil the fund to help him, and they will help with strange figures. this shows that the discussion is quite serious and now one more thing is on my mind let me mention it here as a last point. well , you are aware that in the last one month, in the discourse of the russian officials and the opposite parties , there has been much higher literature than this. in the area of ​​threat and conflict , we have seen that it is very good, mr. safarnejad , to condemn the use of nuclear weapons . thank you very much for your time
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, mr. safarnejad, an analyst of russia issues. about one and three billion cubic meters of the volume of surface reservoirs that ended with rains in some cities. a lot of rain it is good that the greenery of the abu region has not rained for a long time, and that is the reason why the people were happy. in the new year, rain became a guest of nowruz in some cities of the country. the heavy rains of the previous dam have overflowed and the water is coming, we are very happy. it rained very well, the land was watered , the sari is gone, the water is overflowing, i am very happy, how is the water now, i am very well, i am giving water, we are very relieved, we are sure that there is water, we are sure that the water will not be lost, where does the water of this land come from ? the recent events led to an improvement of about two percent in the
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filling of the country's reservoirs, which is about 160 million. and the karun chain is also filled with about 55 to 56 percent of this useful volume. nixar city has finally overflowed the khairabad dam with a water volume of 12 million cubic meters before and 15 million cubic meters of water that has been drained now. the capacity of the khairabad dam is 27 million cubic meters. last year at this time , we had 300,000 cubic meters of water. although the recent rains and floods in some provinces of the country ended the water stress, the level of filling is still high . some of the country 's levels have not reached half last year, we still have an 8% decrease in the storage volume of hundreds of reservoirs, the zayandeh dam
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has 24 fulls, the five dams, which mainly provide drinking water for the city of tehran and alborz province , have about 13 fulls, and the hundred karkhehs have about 26 fulls, which is more than the previous year. 26 is growing, according to the officials of the ministry of energy , the rains of march last year. it only partially compensated for the lack of rainfall in the fall, but in some provinces there is a long distance from the ideal point in the field of water storage for the next year . so far , rain has been reported from many cities located in the western regions of the country, from kermanshah and ilam to ahvaz and yaaz. suj and shiraz or goshre have reports of rain, but for tomorrow , it is expected to rain in the western areas, such as
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kermanshah, hamedan, zanjan province, and the western areas of alborz, while on the other hand , it will also rain in the northeastern areas of north khorasan and razavi khorasan. in alborz , there will be spring-type rain until sunday. we have to wait for the arrival of a new rain system in the country , which will start in the western provinces on sunday it will cover the north-west to the south-west areas, and for the next day, monday , as we can see, the red-orange color will spread and become stronger . it happens in provinces such as kolestan or kermanshah of ilam in khuzestan province of fars and bushe is severe. four mohal bakhtiari, i don't forget that it is severe for
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dushanbe, so we will have the possibility of flood risk for dushanbe in these provinces , as we see for the southern slopes. we also have rain in alborz, and gradually this system will be extended to the eastern parts of the country. for sunday and monday, it will be the most visible situation. that the wind is relatively strong in the southwestern part of the country and also in the center of the country, and for tomorrow in tehran, the temperature is expected to reach 21 degrees above zero . starting the work of the projects in the flooded areas, all flood-damaged schools will be restored until april 13. the recent heavy rains in the south of sistan baluchistan caused a lot of damage entered schools. however, with the start of the shahid ajmian project
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, all damaged schools will be renovated, painted and refreshed until april 13. he came here to do embroidery and painting. we cleaned this class here. the presence of teachers and professors along with students and jihadi forces will have a lasting color of service . we have been working on this project since 8:00 in the morning . we came to collect these after the flood. it will be implemented so that the school will be ready for after the nowruz holidays and the students, god willing, will be happy get ready for the classroom in the recent flood in southern sistan baluchistan. 368 schools have been damaged, in all the schools of sistan baluchistan, we have 55 school quotas
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in janyan, this is a big event in the shadow of sar , it is a mujahideen solidarity. in this year, 50 teams in different specialties will provide services until the last damaged school , sheikhzadeh news agency. sada vasima nobandian dashtiari , minister of health , said that the policy of the ministry of health is to support these medical centers. mr. ainullah added from march 25 and the beginning nowruz health plan, until april 2nd, one and a half million people visited orshans centers, of which 270,000 people were hospitalized. emergency medical centers in holy shrine. we offer almost all clinical and specialized services to pilgrims and travelers on a weekly basis. now the minister
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of health has come to mashhad to see the process of accepting patients and thank the medical staff of these centers. completion of medical equipment in imam reza shrine bases was the promise of the minister of health, and part of it has been fulfilled so far. this is the health policy that he can support darushafa , considering that darushafa is actually doing the work of the ministry of health and the large number of patients who come here, these are patients who should go to the ministry of health, and well, our loved ones are doing this here. what is done here is the emergency room of imam hasan mojtabas from all the bases of the shrine. if muizi is in a bad mood, breastfeeding is done here , here in harshi. inside the shrine around the shrine of the company since the visit of the minister of health reached the streets around the shrine, three bases are currently established.
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at the end and on the sidelines of this visit, the minister of health is also aware of the pharmaceutical situation in the country . there are about 960 types of drugs in the country. but all together. alhamdulillah, the condition of our medicine is very good. good news for special patients. inshaallah , this year we are looking for more attention to be paid to the drug courier, and especially for our special patients , we will be able to send the medicine to their loved ones' homes. in the base in the emergency treatment of astan quds-razavi, outpatient and primary procedures are performed, and if necessary , the patient will be transferred to equipped medical centers.
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in the holy shrine of 11 bases perform relief and emergency activities. with the cooperation of the ministry of health, these activities will be carried out more than before. seyed sajjad rasouli, sed and sima news agency, mashhad , holy. 1252 operations and service of the red crescent society in the last 9 days. the head of the red crescent society said: more than 134,000 people are providing services to passengers in nowruz this year, and more than 70% of them were injured. they are boxes. how long have we been here? i have been here since the 25th are you a volunteer ? yes, a volunteer
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. who is your child the car was reserved and my best operation is an operation in which nothing happens. where did you come from bojnord, where are you going from northern bojnord ? i do n't know what happened to the isfahan service . i don't know. 130,000 people are volunteering in these days of nowruz. he is an engineer, a doctor , a nurse, a teacher, and there are people from all walks of life who are helping in a jihadi way . don't hurt your hand , thank you, we are in tehran, we are going to malaer, god willing , we are there, you are too, you will fine me if
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they go too fast, how will you get money from them? wait until you get tired and then , god willing, 4,258 nejad aid stations across the country are ready to serve nowruz travelers this year. puria suleimanzadeh of the sda news agency , according to the notification of the ministry of health, there are no hospitals during nowruz eid. it should be free of specialists and the presence of specialist doctors in shifts and in all specialties is mandatory. our reporter has closely followed this issue by referring to the emergency rooms of hospitals. in these days of eid , we went to different government hospitals to see if there are doctors specializing in hospitals these days presence.


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